Adventure BloodFury

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A Champions® Adventure Resource

by Dean F. Edgell
Blood Fury

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Design: Dean F. Edgell
Editing: Spike Y Jones
Editor for Hero Games: Bruce Harlick
Product Management, Interior Design & Layout: John Nephew
Cover Art: pencils and inks by C. Brent Ferguson; colors by Atomic Paintbrush
Interior Art: pencils by Cary Polkovitz; special effects by C. Brent Ferguson
Cartography: C. Brent Ferguson

The author dedicates this adventure "to Michael 'The Raven' Atkinson,
the schemer, the chaos-bringer, my friend."

The editor would like to recommend th" general-interest gaming APA. Alomm• & Ew:111sians, to all readers of this product. Many imcre~ing people. including him, appcor pretty reg-
ularly in this magazine. For a sample copy. send Sl.24 (which includes Book Rate postage within the U.S.) to: Lee Gold. l965 Alla Road, Los Angeles. California, 900%.

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Copyright Cl t 996 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Cam es. All righis re~eNed. Reproduction of this work by any means without written permission from the publisher, except small excerpts
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ISBN I-88780I-;o-2
Introduction ........................................................4 The Death-Dealers.....................................40
Plot Summary .................................................. ..........4 The Hangar.............................................................. 40
About the Author ......................................................5 Hangar 12 Map .........................................................41
How To Use This Book ............................................5 Face to Face with Mr. Caesar .... .............. ..............42
Adapting Blood Fury To Other Genres....................5 Mechanon's Secret Base ......................................... 44
Background ................................................................ 6 Secret Base Map ........................................ .............. 45
Foreshadowing ...........................................................7
EndgaJJle ................................................................ 4 6
On Broadway ......................................................9 Further Campaign l deas .............. ...... .....................47
"Help! Someone's Bleeding!" .................................. r.o
Questioning the Prisoners....................................... 12 The Rage Poison ............................................47
T he Mutant Virus ................................................... 48
The Search for Richard Chandler ...13 Fighting the Virus ................................................... 48
Biotechnologies Research, Inc ............................... 14 A Hero Berserk .............. .........................................49
The Government ...................................................... 15
Minor Characters ......................................... 50
Seraphim Springs ......................................... 15 Noella Chandler ................................................... ... 50
Seraphim Springs Map ............................................ 16 Dr. Richard Chandler ............................................. 50
Dr. Chandler, I Presume ......................................... 17 Albert Gontz ............................................................50
Major Reynolds' Reaction ............................... ........ 18 Bart and Arnie .........................................................50
Breaking In ............................................................... 18 Army Soldiers........................................................... 50
Victims of the Rage Poison .................................... 51
Operation: Quarantine ........................... 22
Rivertown.................................................................. 23 Major Characters ..........................................51
General Thurgood's Briefing.................................. 24 Ogre ............. ................ ......... ............................... ...... 51
Major Joseph Reynolds .. ....... ..................................52
The Pondsville Horror............................ 27 Robot Simulacra ...... ..................................... ............53
The Survivors ........................................................... 29 Robot Flies .................................................. ........ ..... 54
The Search for Clues ...............................................32 General Ernest Thurgood ...... .... ...................... ....... 55
The Clues ................................................................. 34 Ezra McCubbin ........................................................ 56
Banjo ................................... ..... ............... ..................56
A Conversation with Marco ...............35 Leroy Buchanan..................... ........................ ...... .....57
Phillips Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. .................. ........ ......35 Joanie Davis ..............................................................57
Hitting the Streets ................................................... 36 Marco Caballero .......................................................58
Tony's Rack and Roll .............................................. 37 Mr. Caesar ............................................................... 60
Marco Talks.................... ......................... .................38 Mechanon ......... ......................... ... ........ ....................61

Blood Fury is a Champions adventure suitable Chandler coldly refuses to help his sister, claim-
for a balanced team of heroes built on an average ing that his work takes priority, the heroes smell
of 250-300 points with a base of skills on which a rat. They investigate and "Chandler" is
to draw. It can be easily adjusted for use with revealed to be a robot, the research a farce, and
more or less powerful groups. the laboratory closely monitored by sophistic.:at-
This adventure involves the heroes' attempts ed electronic surveillance. Two things are clear.
to locate and recruit a rare blood donor to save a The needed blood donor is still missing and
young woman's life. The task is not as simple as someone with impressive scientific resources is
it appears and the heroes find themselves drawn very interested in the Army's secret research.
into a web of intrigue and danger in which the The quest for answers takes the heroes into
lives of hundreds of thousands may be caught. the heart of Operation: Quarantine. There they
Blood Fury should challenge the players' ingenu- discover that the Army has sealed off the village
ity and role-playing abilities. The heroes will find of Pondsville, where something has transformed
that their wits are every bit as important in over- the peaceful townspeople into raging murderous
coming this threat as their awesome powers. madmen.
The heroes brave Pondsville in the search for
the source of the evil. They witness horror and
Plot Summary death in a town gone mad. They have to defend
themselves against the townsfolk and decide
There is a new gangster in the campaign city how to help the hidden survivors. The heroes'
known only as "Mr. Caesar." When a gang war Pondsville investigations also bring them face-
for control of the campaign city's drug supply to-face with more disguised robots, and lead to
erupts, the heroes get involved in a routine bust evidence that Pondsville's fate was intentionaJly
of some drug traffickers. Events turn tragic inflicted, when they uncover the secret of the
when an innocent bystander is injured. It soon Rage Poison.
becomes clear that the young woman will die The trail leads back to the campaign city.
unless she can get a blood transfusion. There, the heroes realize that the mastermind
Unfortunately, she is a latent mutant with a
behind it all is the city's newest drug lord, Mr.
nearly unique blood-type and only one potential Caesar, who intends to introduce his Rage
donor, her brother, can be identified. When the
Poison into the city's drug supply, causing chaos,
hospital can't locate him, the heroes are asked to
suffering, and death on an unprecedented scale.
get involved.
The heroes race to prevent the distribution
The heroes' search for the donor, Dr.
of the poisoned drugs and rescue the kidnapped
Richard Chandler, ultimately leads them to an
persons. They end up in final battle with drng-
isolated military base. Chandler has been drafted dealers, robots and the mysterious Mr. Caesar.
to work on a secret scientific project. When

Dean F. Edgell

The GM should remember that this adven-

How To Use This ?1re i~ only a framework; it is up to him to bring
1t to life. He should give thought to how to role-
Boo I< play each of the NPCs before play begins, and
w~en the time comes he should act boldly and
The GM should read this scenario complete-
w1 th drama to make those characters live. When
ly and become totally familiar with it before
describing a scene, he must create images for the
attemJ?ting to run the adventure. Pay particular
players using all of the senses, not just sight. The
attent10n to the adventure's flow and to the
setting is as much a character as any NPC, and
information which is known by the players at
the GM must plan for that. He must work to
any time. The GM should be careful not to
~eave moods with his words, giving them emo-
reveal information that the players have not
tional, as well as informational, content. And, as
earned._Blood Fury is designed to be mysterious,
always, he must be prepared to adjust the sce-
and to •?-crease in tension as each new develop-
nario to handle the unexpected.
ment raises the stakes of the situation until the
heroes finally realize the enormity of the villain's Most importantly, have fun!
plot and then Mr. Caesar's true identity. The
GM must make an effort to build and maintain
the suspense. Adapting Blood
Blood Fury works best if it can be slipped into
an existing campaign. The GM can then get the Fury To Other
players "accustomed to" the ongoing gang war
for control of the city's drug supply and the Genres
name "Mr. Caesar" before playing this adven-
ture. (See Background, p. 6.) This adventure is perfectly suited to Dark
Champions™ campaigns. Its themes of drugs,

Blood Fury

gang wars, and intrigue are down-to-Earth and of The Pack, the campaign city's illegal drug
fit in well with that genre. For less powerful networks were left in chaos. But soon, new sup-
heroes, simply reduce the power of the robots pliers and their gangs moved in to rebuild and fill
and superhuman opposition (Buckshot would be the vacuum. Several rivals hoped to take advan-
a suitable replacement for Ogre), and put more tage of the situation to become the campaign
emphasis on avoiding conflict with Pondsville's city's next drug kingpin. One of these was the
natives, rather than battling them. In the final previously unknown Mr. Caesar. If the group has
encounter, the GM may also wish to have some played through Hudson City Blues™, the entire
support troops (police or agents) available to underworld has been similarly disrupted, and
deal with the drug-dealers while the heroes cope Mr. Caesar is only one of a number of newcom-
with the major opponents. Finally, the GM may ers trying to make a name for himself. (If you
wish to alter the identity of Mr. Caesar to suit haven't played either of these adventures, don't
his campaign (such as Fenris, the Master of worry. This adventure can be played without
Crime, or some other major villain that the PCs change by assuming that Mr. Caesar has chal-
have had dealings with in the past). lenged the existing regimes.)
It can also be used in non-superheroic cam- Four weeks ago, the campaign city's most
paigns more easily than most, as it is in many important new drug lord, Ricardo Lopez, was
respects a skill-driven adventure. For obvious brutally murdered, beaten to death with crush-
reasons, Blood Fury isn't suitable for low-technol- ing blows. (The GM can substitute any existing
ogy campaigns, although a sufficiently imagina- campaign-based character.) Police suspect that
tive GM could translate the plot to a fantasy the murder was gang-related, but have no sus-
campaign. pects or leads. None of Lopez's family or associ-
ates cooperated with their investigation, and the
police seem more frustrated by the loss of
Bacl<ground months of investigation spent trying to obtain
evidence against Lopez than driven to find his
Before the player characters become murderer. Good cops try to do their jobs, but
involved in this adventure, they require some this investigation has hit a stone wall.
background information. The best way to Word on the street says that a new drug lord,
receive it is by direct exposure in the course of known only as Mr. Caesar, has taken over
play over a series of adventures, through sub- Lopez's operation. Mr. Caesar is trying to pick
plots an<l incidental encounters. That way, the up all the pieces of the campaign city's drug net-
information is available to the heroes, but the work. Rival successors and dissenters in the
players won't realize that it relates to this adven- Lopez organization were dealt with as brutally,
ture until it becomes pertinent. Let them think and as fataJly, as was Lopez. All undercover
that the gang war and Mr. Caesar are a running police officers in Lopez's operation have also
subplot, scheduled to climax in some later game been found dead. At the same time, police (and
session. Let them believe that the opening possibly the heroes) received a series of anony-
encounter is just another step towards that mous tips, leading to many arrests of rival drug
upcoming game. Then, when Mr. Caesar and his gangs and their leaders, crippling the operations
drugs suddenly reappear at the climax of Blood of Mr. Caesar's competitors.
Fury, they will be both familiar and a surprise. These things are known: Mr. Caesar is well-
The following is the information that must informed, Mr. Caesar is murderous and, in four
somehow be delivered to the players. short weeks, Mr. Caesar has taken control of
If the group has played through Shadows of 80% of the supply of hard drugs in the city.
the CityTM, when the heroes disrupted the plans

Dean F. Edgell

mediaries. At this stage of the adventure the

Foreshadowing heroes shouldn't be able to get any l~ads
back to Mr. Caesar. If these scenes are used
The GM is encouraged to run foreshadowing
you may want to change the names, but Don'
encounters and subplots in game sessions lead-
Joseph Guisseppi, Joey "Big)" Montagne,
ing up to this adventure, so that the heroes can and Frank Ferguson are all high-level nar-
hear the name "Mr. Caesar" and that he's taking
cotics suppliers and Mr. Caesar's men are
~ontrol of the city's drug supply. If the GM
trying to either eliminate the competition or
mserts one or two of these in several (not neces-
recruit them into Mr. Caesar's organization.
sarily contiguous) game sessions before running
Blood Fury, the background witl have been laid. • One or more of the heroes learn the location
Here are a few possible foreshadowing scenes: of a fortified crack house. (Perhaps the
police seek superpowered help to penetrate
• The GM can adapt scenes from Chapter 1 of
it before evidence can be destroyed.) When
the "Mob Rule" adventure in the Champions
the heroes arrive, however, they find the
Rule Book (p. C36), replacing the VIPER
crac.k house's steel door torn from its hinges,
agents with competent normal mobsters
armed with conventional weapons. These obviously by someone with superhuman
strength. Inside are the bodies of several
mobsters used to be part of Ricardo Lopez's
dealers, riddled with bullets. On the wall in
organization but now work for Mr. Caesar.
They don't know who he is or where to find freshly-sprayed paint are the wor ds, "Mr.
Caesar Rules."
him, and get their instructions through inter-

Blood Fury

• Heroes on patrol, or just out on the town in isn't accepting partners, so El Capataz is in a
their secret identities, witness one or two war for survival. He's arranged a secret meet-
police cars with sirens screaming in a high- ing of the city's embattled drug lords in the
speed pursuit of a truck. This truck is the hopes of forging an alliance against Mr.
brainchild of "Smart" Eddie Giacomini: a Caesar, under his own leadership, of course.
mobile crack house. Smart Eddie has welded The heroes receive an conspicuous, but
steel armor plates to a panel truck. The truck untraceable, message from Mr. Caesar. If the
has small windows with sliding covers heroes have a public address this message
through which money and drugs can be may come in the form of a telephone call or
passed, but during this chase, Smart Eddie a hand-delivered note. If the heroes cannot
and two sidekicks are shooting from them. be reached directly they learn that one of
The truck has the same statistics as a their contacts (who has been give Mr.
GMC panel truck (p. 195 of the Champions Caesar's message) is looking for them. The
Rule Book) except that it has DEF 9, -7 KNB message claims to tell them the time and
and a greater mass. The driver's front and location of El Capataz's secret meeting.
side windows aren't armored. Smart Eddie The heroes may suspect a trap, and they
and his boys are Skilled Normals armed with may not wish to do Mr. Caesar's dirty work,
Uzi submachine guns. From behind their but they probably go to the meeting. If they
cover they disable the police vehicles and don't, the police do, since they received a
escape unless the heroes intervene. similar tip. The tip is legitimate; Mr. Caesar
If captured, Smart Eddie loudly tells his wants the heroes to eliminate his competi-
boys, "You have the right to remain silent; tion.
use it! Mr. Caesar'll take care of everything." The GM should decide where the meet-
After that they don't want to talk. However, ing is to be held and what guards the drug
the heroes may be able to use skills, mental lords have. The mansion from p. C49 of the
powers, or Presence to get information from Champions Rule Book makes a convenient
Smart Eddie or his boys. Eddie noticed that meeting-site. Several squads of gunmen are
Mr. Caesar was moving in to take control of sufficient opposition unless the GM wants
the narcotics trade in the campaign city, so to make more of a battle out of this
he decided to side with a winner and join his encounter, in which case, the dmg lords may
organization. Eddie doesn't really know who have hired superpowered bo<lyguarcls; per-
Mr. Caesar is, or how to get in touch with haps the Asesinos (Champions Rule Rook, p.
him. He got his drugs from a supplier who C56) or the Coalition (see Atlas Games'
used to work for Ricardo Lopez but who Dystopia) have been brought in by the crimi-
now deals for Mr. Caesar. nals to negotiate a contract killing of Mr.
• El Capataz (p. C69 of the Champions Rule Caesar. When the heroes interrup t the
Book) is a high-level drug-dealer in the cam- meeting a full-scale battle might erupt ... Or
paign city. He has recently returned after a if the GM wants slightly less powerful oppo-
period of incarceration, hospitalization, or sition, perhaps the contract is offered to
hiding as appropriate, hoping to take advan- Mechassassin (Classic Enemies, p. 76).
tage of the chaos in the city's underworld to In any event, if the heroes are victorious
take control of narcotics in the campaign they find sufficient evidence to arrest these
city. Instead his organization is targeted by criminals. Even if the heroes lose, they have
Mr. Caesar. disrupted the proposed alliance and Mr.
His Psychological Limitations don't let Caesar still wins.
him work for anyone else, and Mr. Caesar

Blood Fury begins with one or two player alongside the theater. Two others, also armed
characters having learned from familiar street with shotguns, are in an unmarked car 50 yards
sources about a planned drug deal. They know (24 hexes) down the street.
the deal is to take place in front of the Elysium The police officers are skilled at their work
Theater at u:oo p.m., just as the show lets out. (all are competent normals, armed with .38
The heroes should get involved, perhaps staking Special revolvers and police batons) and aren't
out the scene. ordinarily noticed by the criminals nor the
(This encounter can be used as written if heroes. To recognize any of the officers requires
only a few players are present for a game, or if a Streetwise roll at -3. Once a hero realizes that
the GM runs other, unconnected, encounters there is one undercover cop present, each of the
for the other players so that all will have equal others can be picked out with a Perception roll.
play-time. Alternatively, the GM may wish to let The police plan not to interfere with the
all the heroes in on this action. However, he drug deal and will only observe to collect evi-
should keep in mind that they will likely over- dence and surreptitiously photograph the trans-
power the opposition, and it is not recommend- action. They realize that any attempt to arrest
ed that the opposition be made more powerful.) the criminals would be resisted and the subse-
The criminals' plan calls for the drug suppli- quent gun-play could injure the civilians who
er to attend the theater performance and then crowd the street. The heroes may not be so wise.
exit on time, when the crowds and confusion are Further complications exist since the crimi-
the greatest. He carries a briefcase containing 10 nals are not dealing with one another in an hon-
kilos of cocaine. An unmarked black van pulls up orable and trusting fashion. The seller is a gang-
to the curb and the side door slides open. The ster opposed by Mr. Caesar, making him (justifi-
supplier quickly enters the van and exchanges his ably) paranoid. He has brought some insurance,
briefcase for a matching one containing money. in the form of two allies who are waiting in a car
The criminals then separate, taking advantage of across the street from the theater. These allies
the human cover. can be spotted with either a Perception or
Unfortunately for the plan, word of their Streetwise roll, and attack anyone who threatens
deal reached the street; the heroes are here. or harms the supplier. (If the GM wants to
Worse, the police 'crack' narcotics investigation toughen the encounter, he can make one of
team is staking out the street undercover, con- these allies a mercenary supervillain: Armadillo
cealed in various places around the area. One from the Champions Rule Book, Lazer from Classic
officer is working in the theater box office. He Enemies, or even Hammerhand or Piledriver of
has a 12 gauge open choke shotgun under the the Coalition from Dystopia would be appropri-
counter (which can be spotted by a person enter- ate choices.)
ing or leaving the theater with a Perception roll). What the supplier doesn't realize is that the
Two other officers are disguised as tourists at a buyers in the van (four skilled normals armed
table in the neighboring cafe. A fourth is dis- with Skorpion submachine guns) have already
guised as a drunk homeless person in the alley seen the writing on the wall, and have joined Mr.

Blood Fury

Caesar's gang. Mr. Caesar wants to eliminate all Mr. Caesar made certain that word of this
rival suppliers so that he can control the city's deal reached the streets. He hopes to eliminate
drug supply. Along with the money, the brief- another rival supplier, but he has another plan as
case contains a hidden bomb that detonates well. While he did not tell his own men, he
three minutes after the supplier takes it. (The expects a battle with police that will result in the
bomb is a 4d6 K explosion.) Mr. Caesar's men crippling or elimination of the police force's nar-
expect to be long gone when it goes off. cotics squad. Ogre was sent to guarantee that.
If the heroes do not intervene after the sup- Ogre doesn't know about the bomb and it
plier enters the van, another factor comes into wouldn't concern him anyway. He's in no hurry
play. Jimmy Dugan (or a similar NPC pest; to get away. From Ogre's perspective, the crimi-
Dugan's stats can be found on p. S39 of the nals were minding their own business when the
Champions Rule Book), through his own sources, police and heroes tried to hurt them, once again
has also learned of this drug deal and intends to acting as bullies throwing their weight around.
broadcast it live on the n:oo news. Arriving on Well, Ogre knows how to handle bullies ...
the scene just minutes before n:oo, Dugan and
his loyal mini-cam operator race from a van
marked with the station logo. Dugan tries to
climb into the drug-dealers' van, microphone
Help! Someone's
thrust forward, all the while talking: Bleeding!"
"This is Jimmy Dugan, live in front of the
Elysium Theater, where a major drug
While the forces of law and order should
deal is going down right now. And it's
prove victorious, either during or immediately
being brought to you, in your living
after the battle, the heroes discover that a
rooms, live as it happens, by me, Jimmy
bystander, Noella Chandler (seep. 50), was seri-
Dugan. Live. Carry on with your business ously injured, hit by a ricocheting or stray bullet,
gentlemen. Try to ignore the camera. Tell an energy blast, a piece of shrapnel from a
me, is that cocaine?"
thrown or damaged object, or caught in the
explosion of the bomb. The injury is a serious
Needless to say, the dealers are not thrilled one with a lot of bleeding; there may be a foreign
co be on T.V. They respond by throwing Dugan object in her chest.
out of the van. Then one of the dealers steps out,
This injury is crucial to the adventure and
draws his gun and attempts to kill him.
the GM should ensure that the tragedy occurs.
Hopefully, at this point the heroes intervene. In
Do not roll for this. Do not roll damage. This is
any event, at the first sign of guns the police
a plot device; it just happens. If the heroes did
react. too good a job of protecting innocents, the GM
If the heroes acted before Dugan got may have to substitute one of the police officers
involved, the intrepid reporter still rushes into or Dugan's camera-man as the injured party.
the middle of the action; a scoop is a scoop.
If the injury occurs in such a way that a hero
The drug-dealers resist the heroes using their feels or appears responsible ("If only I hadn't
guns, forcing the police to get involved. The dodge<~ when Ogre threw that Buick, this
heroes find themselves in the middle of a fire- tragedy wouldn't have occurred!"), so much the
fight with drug-dealers, police, D ugan and better. If it is appropriate, the police or crowd
crowds of innocent bystanders. And if things may blame the hero. Jimmy Dugan may blame
weren't bad enough, in the back of the dealers' the hero anyway.
van sits Mr. Caesar's enforcer: Ogre (seep. 51 for Noella's life is in grave danger. Stopping the
Ogre's statistics).
bleeding takes at least one minute and a

Dean F. Edgell

Paramedic roll. Then constant attention by a mutant with a nearly unique blood type. No
character with Paramedic skill will keep her alive matched blood is available. The hospital is
until an ambulance arrives. If no hero has this preparing to test volunteers, but their only real
skill, they could try to race Noella to a hospital hope for a match is Noella's brother, Richar<l
if one of the heroes can reach a respectable Chandler. Regrettably, the hospital is unable to
speed (say greater than 160" per turn). reach him.
Otherwise, the heroes may have to stand around Without matched blood to permit surgery,
helplessly while others (surviving police, med- Noella will probably die within 72 hours. If she
ically-trained bystan<lers) try to keep Noella does, it will be the heroes' fault (at least accord-
alive. ing to Jimmy Dugan and the pack-mentality
At the hospital, doctors struggle to save media). If the heroes don't get involveli, she will
Noella. After two hours, the emergency room definitely die.
chief speaks to any waiting heroes (and later to If this isn't enough to get the heroes
the press so, if no one cares enough to wait, the involved, because they are unconcerned or less
heroes still receive the news); Noella Chandler's than heroic, the GM may wish to prompt them
condition remains critical. She requires surgery with official pleas for help from the doctors and
to deal with internal injuries. However, because with well-deserved abuse from the media.
of her loss of blood, the surgeons won't risk the
The plot of Bl-0od Fury hinges on Noella's
operations without a good quantity of compati-
survival, so she should not die while the heroes
ble blood. Unfortunately, Noella is a latent

Blood Fury

are trying to save her. However, the adventure If a hero uses Tele1.>athy (at +10 effect) or
also hinges on the heroeS' 5truggles to save her. orders Ogre to answer questions with Mind
This responsibility drives the adventure forward Control (at +zo effect) he can learn what Orge
and the race against time to preserve a life con- knows. A convincing Mental Illusion of
tributes to the suspense. Don't let the heroes Mechanon questioning him may also persuade
forget it. him to answer.
Periodic news reports of Noella's failing con- Ogre is working for Mr. Caesar, the new
dition may reach the heroes' ears as the media drug lord. He doesn't know Mr. Caesar's real
follows the story of the innocent struck down in name. Ogre met him while hiding out in the
the heroes' crime-fighting activities. The heroes city's sewers after his last escape. Mr. Cae sir
can overhear a radio or television report when- offered him a job and Ogre took it. Since then,
ever the GM wants to remind them of the life he's been the muscle behind Mr. Caesar's
that hangs in the balance. takeover. Mr. Caesar is a short, stocky man with
If the heroes have healing powers or regen- a loud voice and big lips. The GM can fill in
eration usable on others that can short-circuit more description if the heroes press for it. Ogre
the adventure, the GM has several options. He also knows an address for Mr. Caesar's head-
could rule that Noella's injuries are so severe quarters (but see below).
that the hero's powers were stretched to their If the mentalist goes for a deep telepathic
limits just preventing her immediate death. He probe (at least +JO effect) and makes a
could declare that Noella's latent mutation Perception roll, he realizes that Ogrc'smemories
resists such powers, making them ineffective. Or have been tampered with. Restoring l1is tr.ue
he could find another reason for the heroes to memories would be difficult and time consum-
seek out Ric hard Chandler. Perhaps, although ing (requiring a PS: Psyche Reconstruction roll
her body was re.!.·tored, Noella's will to live was after one clay). A Mind Control roll of 50+
crushed. She fades in and out of a coma but has (before applying Ogre's vulnerability) can also
asked for her brother. She will die if he doesn't overcome the effects of Mr. Caesar's brainwash-
arrive to bolster her waning spirit. ing and allow Ogre to remember.
If Ogre is released or escapes and the heroes
follow him (which requires Shadowing rolls or
Questioning the else Ogre spots the heroes and attacks), he goes
to the address he believes is Mr. Caesar's head-
Prisoners quarters. It is actually the headquarters of a rival
drug supplier. If heroes, the police, or 0&1fe
Some characters may not initially get show up there, violence js bound to eru1,t. There
involved in Noella Chandler's fate either because is lot~ of evidence to arrest this suppli.e r if it can
of callousness or obsession with other concerns. be legally obtained. If Ogre is able to move on
They may instead pursue an investigation of after this trap, he wanders about, gets lost, and
Ogre and his companions, and their cormection may eventually throw a violent tantrum.
with the new drug lord, Mr. Caesar. If Mr. Caesar is certain that Ogre is not
Ogre refuses to amwcr any questions. He is not being followed, he may arrange for Ogre to be
likely to be affected by Presence Attacks, is too tough picked up and hidden. If Ogre is arrested again,
for most Interrogation to wurk, and too suspicious fur he eventually breaks out or is freed by Mr.
other Presence-based skills to be successful. (Penalties Caesar's men so that he can be present during
ofat least -5 should be applied to the skill rolls and the the final encounter. This break-out occurs while
attempts should be role-played.) Only characters widi the heroes are out of town trying to locate
mental powers are likcly to get information from Ogre. Richard Chandler.

Dean F. Edgell

If the heroes question the other drug-dealers decide how soon after that the heroes are asked
arrested with Ogre, they also refuse to talk. They to locate Richard Chandler. Whatever length of
are more likely to respond, however, to well role- time is chosen, they shouldn't be able to get past
playec..I Presence or skill use. They know the this point in the investigation before being con-
information from the Background (p. 6), but tacted by the hospital. However, if the heroes
they do not know Mr. Caesar's real name or have absolutely refused to help NoeJla (reputa-
what he looks like. They work for Mr. Caesar tions be damned) then they may pursue their
but receive their instructions from one of his investigations of Mr. Caesar. If they have
lieutenants, Marco Caballero, who brought Ogre Marco's name they can proceed to "A
with him. The van was owned by one of the Conversation with Marco" on p. 35, and from
arrested dealers. there to the final confrontation with Mr. Caesar.
Noella Chandler was brought to the hospital However, the heroes' lack of knowledge of Mr.
in the middle of the night, and the GM must Caesar's real agenda, may result in tragedy.


The hospital has an address and phone num- actions, or they make a Presence Attack at +IO
ber for Richard Chandler obtained from level of effect (for which violent actions, sur-
Noella's personal address book, and have con- prise, and exhibiting violent powers don't help
firmed that he is her only living relative. Richard unless the 'heroes' are trying to terrorize this
Chandler lives in the campaign city, a few miles innocent man, a choice which ought to affect
away. The hospital has not been able to reach their reputations).
him by phone, and the heroes have no better If the heroes want to enter the apartment
luck. without the superintendent's help, they can steal
If they go to his address, heroes find that his master key with Sleight of Hand skill rolls as
Chandler lives in a third-floor apartment. The with picking pockets, or they can simply break
door is locked, the blinds are drawn, and no one in using Lockpicking skill or brute force.
answers the door. The building superintendent Inside the apartment, there is nothing amiss.
can tell the heroes that Dr. Chandler has been A Perception roll reveals a thin layer of dust
away on business for nearly three weeks, and indicating that the apartment has been unoccu-
that he's a scientist with a local research labora- pied for some time. An examination of the
tory, although he can't recall the name. refrigerator reveals sour milk and other food
The superintendent doesn't let heroes into that has gone bad; the milk carton has a "best
the apartment unless they have police powers before" date 20 days earlier than the heroes'
and show their identification, they successfully investigation. A search of the apartment turns
use Bribery or Persuasion skills, they use Mind up a photograph of Chandler and his sister; they
Control or another power to influence his appear to be happy, loving siblings. In the desk

Blood Fury

is a file of financial records indicating that research for the government. The nature of the
Chandler is employed by Biotechnologies project is top secret; Gontz doesn't know any-
Research, Inc. He regularly gives his sister thing about it. He does know that Chandler is at
money to help support her while she's in school. a government research laboratory at Seraphim
His investments are conservative and present no Springs about 200 miles away. Gontz won't tell
leads. If a hero who searches the bedroom also the heroes, except under compulsion, that
makes an Intelligence roll, he realizes that some Chandler was hired by the Department of
clothes are gone and that there is no suitcase. Defense.
The mailbox for the apartment is near the The heroes may choose to break into
building's front door. It is locked but can be Biotechnologies Research, Inc. to gather infor-
opened with a Lockpicking roll. Several days' mation. The company is security conscious.
worth of mail is jammed inside. Most is of no Their computers are not normally connected to
interest but there is a credit card bill which, if outside phone lines and therefore aren't accessi-
opened (a criminal offense), is dated two weeks ble by modem. The building's locks and security
before and shows that the most recent uses of systems all take -3 to rolls against them. Security
Chandler's credit card were a week before that systems include normal and infrared cameras in
in the village of Mudford. In Mudford, the locals the hallways, and alarms on all doors and win-
indicate that when strangers visit the village, dows. As well, there arc two armed security
they usually have something to do with the near- guards on duty at night (skilled normals carrying
by government reserve, Seraphim Springs. .38 Specials). One stays in the security station
monitoring the cameras and alarms. The second
man makes walking patrols throughout the
Biotechnologies building. The two are in constant walkie-talkie
contact. At any sign of intrusion, the police are
Research, Inc. summoned automatically, arriving in five min-
utes unless one of the guards calls the station,
Visitors to this small, private research com- gives a code, and then advises that it was a false
pany are referred to the company manager, alarm.
Albert Gontz (see p. 50). Gontz is a fat man who All of the company's records arc on comput-
wears too-tight suits and perspires when con- er. If a character can gain access to the comput-
fronted by the heroes. His speech is peppered er for five minutes and make a Computer
with 'urns' and 'ahs'. Gontz' nervous appearance Programming roll at -2, he can learn all of the
is normal for him, although the heroes may find information possessed by Gontz. The skill roll
it suspicious. In fact, if advised of the life and can be improved if the character takes more
death nature of the heroes' errand, Gontz freely time; the roll is only -I after 30 minutes. Clever
helps them and gives the following information heroes may break in just to connect the comput-
in response to appropriate questions. er to the phone lines and leave the time-con-
Biotechnologies Research, Inc. is a private suming job of breaking the computer's security
company engaged in research and development to be done from a safe distance.
in the fields of biochemistry, microbiology, and If a break-in is discovered either at
medicine. Dr. Richard Chandler is the leader of Biotechnologies Research, Inc. or at Chandler's
their research team. He is an internationally rec- apartment, the police are called in. The investi-
ognized expert in microbiology, genetics, and gating detective has Criminology 13- and a stub-
immunology (characters with those Sciences rec- born streak to assist him in identifying the 'crim-
ognize his name on a skill roll). Chandler is inals', tracking them down, and bringing them
presently away on a short-term contract doing

Dean F. Edgell

before the courts. Threatening or assaulting cit- Springs. A Bureaucratics roll after five hours on
izens also summons the police. the phone or in Washington discloses that it's a
top secret Department of Defense contract
issued at the request of the Army. If the heroes
The Government want to discover more, see "Operation:
Quarantine", p. 22.
Some heroes may want to check into the
government contract before going to Seraphim

Seraphim Springs is an isolated wilderness with the facility's security. He has groups of sol-
reserve owned by the U.S. government. It is near diers regularly patrolling the reserve.
the small village of Mudford. Anyone in the vil- All of this security is to protect a small, sin-
lage can give directions to Seraphim Springs, as gle-storey, red brick building located another
it is the only reason strangers come to the area. half-mile down the road in the heart of the
The reserve is surrounded by 12-foot-high reserve. This is the Seraphim Springs Research
fences, and signs reading: Center. There is no cover in which one might
hide in a 50-foot (8-hex) radius of the building
and it is flood-lit at night (-4 to Stealth rolls of
characters who try to cross the area). A team of
six soldiers is on guard patrolling outside the
building at all times.
are posted at regular intervals. A single road The windows are sealed and wired to sound
enters Seraphim Springs. A guard post is situat- an alarm if broken. The alarms can be bypassed
ed out of sight around a bend in the road 500 with Security Systems rolls either at the central
meters (250") from the boundary. It is manned alarm box inside the building or at a given win-
by two soldiers. Four others are on stand-by in a dow. From outside the building bypassing an
nearby one-room shack. A chemical toilet is alarm takes -3 to the roll. If a window alarm is
available near by. sounded, soldiers from the outside patrols inves-
A mile into the interior of Seraphim Springs tigate, while maintaining radio contact with the
is a small military base, home to about 60 sol- man at reception (below). At the first sign of
diers under the command of Major Joseph intruders, the main base is contacted and 20 sol-
Reynolds. The base has a small landing strip for diers arrive at the research center in five minutes.
aircraft. No aircraft are presently here. The base There are no chimneys or other means of
is equipped with five trucks and five jeeps for access to the building. The building is air-condi-
transport. Major Reynolds is very concerned tioned but the vents are heavily filtered. (More

Blood Fury

1. Perimeter Fence
2. Guard Post & ·.,,.,.,
Chemical Toilet
3. Military Bose
4. l.ondlng Strip
5. Seraphim Springs
Reseoch Center

than ten levels of Shrinking would be required to the hospital. If everything checks out, he takes
pass through the vents, although "Desolidifica- them to the research center. He won't discuss
tion: not through solid objects" might work). the classified research that goes on here. (As
The only entrance to the building is the they are escorted through the reserve the heroes
front door. Just inside is a reception area have a chance to observe the security measures
manned by a soldier behind a security glass win- described above.) The heroes are asked to wait
dow (DEF 4, BOD 2). He controls access to the in the reception area while Dr. Chandler is sum-
rest of the building through an electronically moned, and Major Reynolds waits with them.
locked security door (DEF 7, BOD 5, which can While they wait, the heroes may overhear a
be opened by a Lockpicking roll at -3 after one news bulletin from a radio on the soldier/recep-
turn; Electronics is complementary), speaking to tionist's desk:
people in the reception area through an inter-
"In the news today, the fate of a young
com. He monitors the window alarms as well,
woman who was caught in the middle of
and is in radio contact with the outside guards
a battle involving [the hero group], hangs
and the main base.
in the balance. Doctors at the [campaign
If the heroes present themselves at the main city] hospital say Noella Chandler is in
gate they are initially turned away. However, if critical condition and she requires
they explain why they have come or ask to see surgery to save her life. Unfortunately,
the officer in charge, impressing the guards with surgery cannot be performed without
the seriousness of the situation, they are admit- blood for transfusion and Noella has a
ted and escorted to Major Reynolds. To confirm very rare blood type. Doctors are trying
the heroes' identities and mission, Reynolds calls to locate a relative in the hopes of find-

' Dean F. Edgell

ing a match. Since every second counts plaid shirt. He is civil but abrupt with the
in trying to save this poor victim of vio- heroes. After listening to them, he coldly indi-
lence, doctors are arranging to test vol- cates that he cannot help;
unteers from the public in hopes of find-
ing a match. Doctors warn that the "Ah. I see. Unfortunately, I am unable to
chance of finding a matched donor is help. As I indicated, I am involved in
unlikely but they are prepared to take some very crucial research and must
every chance to save a life. Meanwhile, return to it. I'm sorry that you had to
[the hero group], who were involved in journey so far out of your way. Have a
Noella's injury, are unavailable for com- pleasant trip back:'
ment:' What happens next depends largely on the
heroes. Dr. Chandler listens to further pleas or
arguments for a little while, but eventually
Dr. Chandler, I brushes them off again ("I understand I cannot. I
must get back to my research."). He won't discuss
Presume the nature of his classified research. Presence
Attacks and Presence-based skills do not change
Dr. Chandler (seep. 50) arrives through the his attitude. He will not help his sister. It is con-
security door, which is part of an air-tight air- trary to his programming.
lock. He wears a lab coat over work pants and a

Blood Fury

'Dr. Chandler' is a robot simulacrum of the PS: Medicine: After a few minutes in the
real Richard Chandler (see p. 53). The army does- presence of the robot, a Perception roll at -4 and
n't realize that he is a robot and neither should a skill roll may let the character recognize some
the heroes when they first meet. The robot is odd factors about Dr. Chandler. His pupils don't
programmed to act as a normal person, however react. He doesn't perspire. He exhibits no stress
certain powers or skills may give the heroes reactions to the news about his sister. If a char-
some clues: acter can somehow conduct a medical examina-
Mental Powers: All attempts to use men- tion of Chandler, he automatically discovers his
tal powers on Chandler fail. The robot lacks an robotic nature.
EGO. The heroes won't know this; all 'to hit' Danger Sense: A hero with an out-of-com-
rolls simply miss. bat Danger Sense feels a vague uneasiness in the
Tracking Scent or Discriminatory robot's presence but doesn't understand why.
Scent: A character with these enhanced senses The GM may have a number of clues to give
who remains in Dr. Chandler's presence for to his players. For dramatic purposes they
more than a few minutes and makes a should not be revealed all at once. Let the heroes
Perception roll, or who specifically asks about interact with Dr. Chandler before revealing the
his scent, notes that he has no scent. clues. It may also be better to give each charac-
Discriminatory Touch: A character with ter his own clues without the other players learn-
this enhanced sense who makes contact with the ing the information. Preparing notes in advance
robot's skin and makes a Perception roll notes to hand out to the players as the clues are dis-
an absence of the usual oils found on the skin. covered may be a good idea. The heroes may not
N-Ray Vision: This sense almost certainly be free to talk about what they've discovere<l
reveals the robot (depending on the power's lim- while with Dr. Chandler and Major Reynolds.
itation). They may not put the pieces together until they
get a chance to compare notes.
Infrared Vision: The robot has normal
body temperature an<l so is not normally Finally, the robot may also be revealed if any
revealed by Infrared sight. However, close study character uses force upon it. The robot's syn-
and a Perception roll at -3 might let a character thetic skin (DEF 4, BOD 1) can easily be torn,
realize that Dr. Chandler's body temperature is revealing the plastic and metal beneath. A hero,
uniform throughout his body and never fluctu- especially if frustrated, may get rough with
ates, unlike normal humans. Chandler even without knowing he is a robot.
Any character who attempts even to lift
Microscopic Vision.: Microscopic analysis Chandler discovers that he weighs more than
of the robot's skin, which cannot be done at would be expected. (The GM may wish to
range, reveals that it is synthetic. require a Perception roll from any character
Other senses: A variety of other enhanced whose STR is greater than 30, since the differ-
senses may give the robot away at the GM's dis- ence in weight is less impressive to those with
cretion. The robot doesn't have a heart beat, for great strength.)
instance. Also, its non-organic components may If Chandler is discovered to be a robot, and
trigger some unusual Detect senses. the robot knows that the discovery has been
Conversation., PS: Psychiatry or made, it attacks to the full extent of its abilities
Psychology: After a few minutes conversation and attempts to kill every one who knows its
with Chandler, a skill roll at -2 discloses an true nature. Otherwise it makes every effort to
unusually rational and literal mind with a lack of preserve the charade.
emotional connections to the subject of conver-
sation, or to the parties to the conversation.

Dean F. Edgell

is a robot), they will be arrested and jailed by the

Major Reynolds' Army.
If a hero gets into Dr. Chandler's laboratory,
Reaction he may find further clues. A cursory visual
Major Reynolds allows the heroes to deliver inspection reveals a large number of rats in
their initial message to Dr. Chandler because he cages, a powerful microscope, and a variety of
is satisfied that it is a matter of life and death. other scientific equipment not recognizable to
He doesn't allow the heroes to move about the untrained eye. Characters with Science skill
unescorted, and he ensures that their initial con- in fields such as medicine or biochemistry realize
versation with Chandler takes place in the recep- that the equipment is for the analysis and study
tion area, not in the lab. Once their message is of biological tissues and fluids. There is equip-
delivered (if the fact that Chandler is a robot ment for the growth of cultures and a refrigera-
isn't revealed), he escorts the heroes off the tor for preserving samples. A pair of heavy gloves
resetve and doesn't let them return without lie on top of the rat cages. If a character with an
another equally good reason. Reynolds treats the out-of-combat Danger Sense approaches the
heroes with respect and courtesy, so long as he caged rats, he gets a feeling of danger. The rats
receives the same, unless they threaten base appear to be excited or distressed. There is also
security or his control over the situation. In that a sophisticated personal computer on a desk
event, he takes all possible steps to restore con- with a telephone, a fax machine, and a number of
trol and maintain security, including arresting papers and notes. A Perception roll lets a hero
the heroes. notice that an uneaten lunch has been thrown in
the waste basket. On a second roll, the hero real-
If the heroes prove that Chandler is a robot, izes that the lab is not sterile. In fact, there are a
presumably by destroying it in battle, Reynolds
couple of flies buzzing about.
realizes that he faces a major security breach
that's outside his military experience. He wants If more time is spent examining the labora-
to contain the heroes until he can get instruc- tory, more can be learned. The papers on the
tions and therefore asks them to remain in his desk consist of rough notes which cannot be
custody and refrain from contacting anyone, as a deciphered and Army communiques demanding
national security matter. If the heroes refuse, he reports and emphasising the importance of
places them under arrest. If they agree to stay or quick progress. A typical one concludes,
at least do not resist arrest, they are brought to "I need not remind you of the urgent and
General Thurgood in Rivertown (see p. 23). If volatile nature of our concern. An imme-
they resist or attempt escape, Reynolds and his diate cure is imperative. If word should
men do their best to stop them. leak out before we have a cure, control
of the situation may be lost and public
panic may ensue:'
Breaking In This is signed by General Thurgood and gives his
location as "Operation: Quarantine" in "River-
Some heroes may decide to break into the
town." center, either before or after meeting
with Dr. Chandler. The extensive security mea- An examination of the ongoing work and an
sures are described on p. 15- The break-in is, of SC: Medicine, Biochemistry, Immunology,
course, illegal and if they are caught and do not Genetics or similar roll reveals that the lab is
at that time have evidence of some more impor- being used in an effort to research a biochemical
tant wrongdoing (such as the fact that Chandler condition, likely in search of a cure.

Blood Fury

The computer has a security system in place Perception roll) should be enough. Have faith;
but it can be bypassed in one minute with a the heroes will find them in good time. Most
Computer Programming roll at -J, Remember GMs never mention flies in a game, so if you
that rolls can be improved by taking more time. mention one once in this scene, they may pass it
The computer contains reams of technical data by as color. Mention one again in another scene,
only comprehensible to persons with the it might be a coincidence. But if they are men-
Sciences mentioned above. Again, an appropri- tioned a third time, you can bet the players' sus-
ate Science roll can obtain the same information. picions will be aroused. Be patient; the players'
However, if the hero has access to the computer reactions can be worth the wait.
files, examines the equipment, and makes his While it is unlikely, a hero may decide to kill
Science skill roll by 2, then he realizes that some- a fly now. If he is successful and makes a
thing is odd. If the roll is made by 4 or more Perception roll (rolled secretly by the GM), or
(again, heroes may take more time to improve actually states an intention to examine the
their rolls) the hero realizes that the work being corpse, then the hero discovers that the flies are
done is not purposeful but a pointles_s sham. tiny electronic devices rather than insects (seep.
Also, some crucial information has been erased 54). If one of these 'bugs' is analyzed under a
preventing the hero from making any real sense microscope by a character with Bugging or
of the problem or the research. Systems Operation skill, he finds that the bugs
The lab rats, as can be determined if they are are also miniature cameras and audio sensors
examined closely, are not normal. Some act with microwave burst transmitters similar to the
excited and friendly, some are in stupors, and equipment bugs.
some are dead. Most have wounds from bites If a character tries to trace the microwave
and scratches. Each is now kept in a separate signals and has any sort of Electronics, Systems
cage, however they sometimes attack each other Operation or related skill, he realizes that the
through the bars. Any character who sticks his signals are being sent into space. A Systems
hand into a cage is attacked. If the character Operation roll discloses that, in fact, they are
doesn't have active resistant defences or heavy being bounced off a communications satellite to
gloves, he is bitten. In that unfortunate event, he an (almost) untraceable destination. If a charac-
may become infected: see "The Rage Poison" on ter has specialized tracking equipment, can
p . 47· reach the communications satellite, and makes a
If a hero decides to go so far, he may open up Systems Operation roll, he can determine the
the computer, the telephone, or the fax signal's destination and move directly to a con-
machine. Inside, on making a Bugging roll (or a frontation with the criminal mastermind. This is
KS: Computer!felephone/Fax Machine roll, or unlikely.
an Electronics roll at -2), he finds a small elec- Although it is unlikely that the heroes realize
tronic bug. A character with either the Bugging it at this point, the GM should know that Dr.
or Systems Operation skill may analyze the bug Chandler's researches were being monitored by
with the aid of appropriate tools. It is a highly the criminal mastermind through the robot flies.
sophisticated miniaturized device which can When it appeared that Chandler was on the
monitor all activity involving the piece of equip- verge of a breakthrough, the mastermind kid-
ment and transmit that information by burst napped the scientist and replaced him with a
transmissions of microwaves. robot simulacrum that sabotaged the research
The Flies: The GM should not over- data and placed the equipment bugs.
emphasize the presence of flies in the room. When the heroes depart this scene, they may
Mentioning them once in the description of the be followed by a robot fly, programmed to mon-
laboratory (and then only after a successful

Dean F. Edgell

itor their activities. The heroes may also pick up will try to stop him, and his true nature could be
such a spy later in the adventure. revealed at this time. If this happens, the robot
The robot returns: If the heroes are attacks to the full extent of its abilities, attempt-
engaged in a thorough examination of the lab ing to kill everyone with the knowledge that it is
and have not yet destroyed the robot Chandler, a robot.
the GM may wish to interrupt them with the Examining the robot: The robot, or its
return of 'Chandler' to his lab. Since the flies remaining parts, may be examined once it is
have observed the heroes' activities and notified destroyed. After five minutes of examination, a
the mastermind, the robot is made aware of the SC: Robotics or Cybernetics roll, or an
heroes' presence in the lab and is instructed to Electronics roll at - 2, discloses that the robot is
catch them in the act. extremely sophisticated. If the Science skill roll
Chandler acts shocked and outraged upon is made by 5, and the scientist has examined
discovering the heroes in his laboratory. He tries robots designed by Mechanon before, he notes
to telephone the soldiers at the front desk or to that this robot is similar to those designed by
run for their aid. It is possible that the heroes Mechanon.

The trail leads the heroes to Operation: president's trust, it should affect future con-
Quarantine, the Army's prepared response to tacts with him.
a chemical or biological weapon used in a lim- Contact: Army High Command:
ited arena. It requires that: 1) the affected These contacts react similarly to the presi-
area be sealed off to prevent the spread or dent.
transmission of the contamination, 2) the
Other Army Contacts: A Contact (or a
harmful agent be identified and neutralized, PC hero) who is a senior Army officer may
if possible, and 3) aid be given to those with- make a Bureaucratics roll after an hour or two
in the affected area. to learn facts such as the following. Dr.
The operation has been implemented by Richard Chandler was one of several scien-
presidential order in response to events in tists hired as part of a top secret Army oper-
Pondsville, a small town located some dis- ation code-named "Operation: Quarantine."
tance from the campaign city. Pondsville and This operation was hastily activated three
its environs have been sealed off by the Army. weeks ago under the command of General
The operation is under the command of Ernest Thurgood. The operation is high pri-
General Ernest Thurgood (see p. 55), and is ority and highly classified. Chandler is
headquartered in nearby Rivertown. assigned to a military research center and
The existence of Operation: Quarantine training ground at Seraphim Springs. General
and the Pondsville situation are all classified Thurgood himself is stationed in Rivertown.
for national security reasons. However, the N o further information can be obtained
heroes, through their investigations, should without speaking directly to the high com-
learn about both. mand or to the staff assigned to the opera-
In the course of their investigations, the tion.
heroes may want to talk to the authorities. Seraphim Springs: The soldiers sta-
They may try to get information from several tioned here don't know the nature of the spe-
sources: cial research Chandler is doing. They do know
Contact: President of the United that they are assigned to Operation:
States: The president is fully informed Quarantine under the command of General
about Operation: Quarantine. If he has a Thurgood, but they don't know what
great deal of trust in the heroes and they con- Operation: Quarantine is. All of the base staff
tact him about any matter relating to drive into the nearby village of Mudford reg-
Operation: Quarantine, he sends the heroes ularly for good food, a night of relaxation, or
to General Thurgood with a request that they just a change of scenery. Dr. Chandler used to
assist him in any way possible and that the make the same trip, but for the last week has
heroes keep all information relating to the stayed at the base. The soldier who cleans his
operation secret for national security reasons. lab each day also knows that Chandler has
He also orders the general to fully brief the been throwing away his lunches for the past
heroes. If the heroes fail to live up to the week.

Dean F. Edgell

Major Joseph Reynolds, the Seraphim General Thurgood is headquartered in an

Springs commander, knows that there has old motel commandeered for the purpose.
been an outbreak of disease near Rivertown Much of the Army's personnel and equip-
that the Army is attempting to control by ment is stationed in the parking lot and in a
quarantine while scientists like Chandler park across the street. General Thurgood lis-
look for a cure. He knows that General tens to whatever the heroes have to say and
Thurgood is there. However, he won't will- asks probing and thoughtful questions.
ingly reveal anything about Operation: Afterwards, he has any charges laid by the
Quarantine. His concern is to maintain base Army withdrawn (unless the heroes have been
security and secrecy about the operation as particularly obnoxious or uncooperative, have
ordered. seriously harmed soldiers, or have engaged in
destruction of Army equipment).
The general is under the observation of
Rivertown robot flies. The GM should not emphasize
this. A single mention of a fly/flies should be
This once sleepy small town has become a enough. If a hero should catch or kill a fly, it
military encampment. Hundreds of soldiers can be handled is the same manner as for the
and their equipment jostle with the towns- fly in Chandler's lab (p. 20). There are also
folk for room in the town's streets and parks. flies monitoring other Operation: Quarantine
Roads leading into Rivertown are all closed activities. One of these robot flies could even
by the Army; motorists are turned back by be reprogrammed to monitor the heroes and
soldiers who explain that the Army is con- follow them around.
ducting training exercises in the area. If the heroes have somehow met General
Telephone calls to the people of Rivertown Thurgood before encountering the robot
can't get through: "Mr. Jones' service has simulacrum of Dr. Chandler, Thurgood can
been disconnected for nonpayment of easily be persuaded to direct them to
accounts," or, "All lines are busy, please try Seraphim Springs and give permission to
your call again." No outgoing calls can be deliver their message of mercy. If the heroes
made. The mail has stopped. Rivertown is have met with Chandler and have not realized
effectively cut off from the rest of the world. his true identity, and have approached the
The citizens of Rivertown have cooperat- general for help persuading Chandler to help
ed with the Army so far, but they are begin- his sister, he regretfully advises the heroes
ning to get restless. Fear, anger, and stress are that he cannot help.
building, and Rivertown sits poised to If the heroes are under military arrest,
explode. General Thurgood has them put in the local
Heroes arriving in Rivertown may face a jail under heavy guard until the next day when
number of reactions. If they are wanted as they are turned over to the appropriate mili-
criminals, the Army tries to arrest them. If tary or civilian authorities. If the heroes are
they arrive and, acting peacefully, display any not under arrest, but aren't known to cooper-
knowledge of Operation: Quarantine, they ate with the government and to preserve gov-
are escorted under military guard to a meet- ernment secrets, General Thurgood thanks
ing with General Thurgood. If they arrive them for their concern and asks them to leave
offering their assistance without giving any the area. In fact, he insists. Thurgood doesn't
details about what situation they are to assist answer any questions about Operation:
with, they are first politely told to leave, but Quarantine.
on insistence are brought to the general.

Blood Fury

If, however, the heroes are trusted by the "A bunch of people? What are we talk-
government or Army, and there is evidence of ing about here, Mr. Gorman?", inter-
the robot simulacrum or robot flies at rupts a male voice.
Seraphim Springs, General Thurgood takes "A whole bunch! Way more'n the three
the heroes into his confidence and asks for
of us can handle, that's fer sure. So
their help.
we'd be real appreciative if you'd send
over a dozen or so men to help us
General "I'll transfer your call to the watch
Thurgood's sergeant, sir:'
Thurgood shuts off the tape. "There's
Briefing no tape of the rest of the conversa-
tion. I'm told the sergeant indicated
. Gene:al Thurgood gives the following
rnformat1on to the heroes (not necessarily in that he was not responsible for mat-
these exact words). He responds appropriate- ters within Pondsville, and that he
ly to any questions. To the general, this is a couldn't spare a dozen men, but that
deadly serious matter. If the heroes want to he would send a car over as soon as
know how they can help, he asks them for he could spare a man. That man went
suggestions; after all, the heroes know their into Pondsville four hours later and
own capabilities best. Thurgood will take never reported back.
what help he can get. If pressed, however, "A second car, with two officers this
what he needs most is some idea of how this time, was in Pondsville within the
all started. For that, he needs someone to go hour. They initially reported that the
into Pondsville who won't get hurt. town was quiet. Then they radioed in
"What I'm about to tell you is classi- ~hat they saw what looked like a body
fied top secret by order of the presi- in a yard. The next radio contact was
dent. It is governed by the National just a few minutes later. The sounds in
Security Act and it is a crime to reveal the background are people pounding
it to unauthorized persons. If you have on the car:'
any problem with that stop me now:• Thurgood slips another tape into the
General Thurgood pauses, releases a machine. "This is car 49. Officer down.
tired sigh, brushes a fly off some Repeat, OFFICER DOWN! Get me some
notes, and begins, "Twenty-four days back up! Oh Jeez! They're all mon-
ago, the state police here in Rivertown sters, vampires! They were drinking
received this telephone call." Janet's blood! Get me outta here!"

The general slips a cassette into his Pounding can be heard in the back-
tape-player. "Hello. This is Darryl ground and then the starting of a car
Gorman, chief of police here in engine. The crash of shattering glass is
Pondsville. Look, I've got a real prob- followed by two gun shots.
lem up here and I need some help. A "Sorry, Janet. I'm running. I'm running.
bunch of people are goin' a little wild, I gotta get away. Oh nooo ...I just ran
fightin' and tearin' up the town ..." over a little kid! Wait. She's getting up.
I gotta get away. They're not human.

Dean F. Edgell

Send back up, please. Send for the suits into Pondsville to assess the sit-
blasted Army..." uation. They found several bodies,
most showing signs of violence. My
Thurgood stops the tape. team was attacked by the people of
"Officer Bradley returned to the Pondsville. Three didn't get out. Three
Rivertown state police barracks. He did but two of them had serious
was in shock. Also he was suffering injuries and their suit's integrity had
from bruises, cuts, scratches, and even been violated. They are also in isola-
bites. He had three broken ribs and a tion and have developed the same
fractured forearm. Six hours later symptoms. The sixth man is in shock
while being debriefed at the local hos- and has suffered a total mental break-
pital, Bradley went berserk and down.
attacked his fellow police officers, "I sent another team in with environ-
according to this report, "like an ani- ment suits in a tank. The tank was
mal, clawing, biting, kicking." It took swarmed but the team inside was
four officers to restrain him so he safe. They couldn't see much from in
could be sedated. We've put him in there, though. The death toll seems to
isolation now. We did the same for the be rising, but there are still a lot of
four officers and the medical staff who crazed people in Pondsville. I haven't
treated him. Three of them have man- been able to help them.
ifested similar symptoms. One has
since died. "I've seconded 17 scientists, top men
and women, who are working here
"The state police set up road blocks and in secure military laboratories.
around Pondsville. The governor They've made almost no progress. At
called Wash ington and the Army was one point it looked like Chandler was
sent in under my command. I institut- on to something, but it didn't pan out.
ed Operation: Quarantine, the Army's We did learn that one of Pondsville's
prepared response to a or two doctors, a Dr. Fergus Glower, age
biological weapon used m a limited 69 contacted the Rivertown hospital
arena. It requires that the affected I

seeking advice the day before all this

area be sealed off to prevent the began. He apparently had an unusual

spread or transmission of the contam- number of patients, children, display-
ination. Second, if possible, the harm- ing symptoms of fever, restlessness,
ful agent is to be identified, and only and irritability.
third are we to render aid to those
within the area of effect. Sounds cold, "I believe that we are dealing with a
doesn't it? I wish I could feel that way. biological communicative agent - a
disease - of unknown origin. There is
"On my orders, my men have shot and no economic or strategic importance
killed eight people so far trying to to this area. That rules out a foreign
leave the quarantine area. They power or even criminal eleme~ts as
wouldn't turn back. Some of them responsible. No demands or claims of
may not have been contaminated. I responsibility have been received so
couldn't take the chance. we can rule out blackmail or terrorists.
"I sent a team of trained men and There is no facility in the area from
women in self-contained environment

Blood Fury

which any experimental agent could of the general and his friends within the
have escaped. Army.
"The Pondsville disease's vector for The heroes may decide to break into
transmission is not clear. It may be Thurgood's office/quarters in Rivertown to
airborne but more likely it's communi- get information. This requires getting into
cated through physical contact. All of Rivertown past the Army's road blocks and
the victims seem to have had open patrols. Then they must move through a town
wounds. The disease seems to have crawling with soldiers. The next hurdle is get-
the following symptoms: fever, ting past the armed soldiers standing guard
increased perspiration and salivation, outside the motel room used by General
extreme aggressive behavior, paranoia Thurgood as both quarters and command
and delusions, heightened physical post. Inside the room are the general's notes
strength during a period of height- and records. Unfortunately for would-be bur-
ened activity followed by a depressed glars, the general is often present. Even if he
quiet state, coma, and eventually isn't, the heroes might be interrupted by his
death. return. (This is a good way to introduce some
suspense and yet let the heroes get the infor-
"One other thing. The infected seem mation they came for.) The room's door and
to crave the taste of blood:' windows are locked, but the locks are not
particularly challenging. If heroes are spotted
sneaking around Rivertown or breaking into
Heroes who are not briefed by the Army General Thurgood's room, the Army will
may still want to investigate, even after the have them up on criminal charges.
Army has sent them away. Several avenues
Less risky than breaking into General
present themselves. All of the facts in the Thurgood's headquarters, is for a hero in
hands of General Thurgood are in top secret, Rivertown to monitor conversations and
limited access files in the Pentagon. If heroes activities. Careful shadowing and eavesdrop-
try to break in there the GM is on his own.
ping by stealthy or disguised heroes, or the
The same information is in the Pentagon's
use of Conversation by a disguised hero,
computers similarly protected. These com- allows him to learn much of the information
puters are "on line" but to crack that com-
from General Thurgood's briefing. This takes
puter's security requires a Computer Pro-
several hours and the risk of discovery still
gramming roll at -8 (at least).
exists. GM's may wish to role-play some of
General Thurgood's mind may simply be these encounters as well.
read by a telepath, he might be mind-con-
Lastly, aerial reconnaissance shows the
trolled into briefing the heroes, or he could
Army's position and movements surrounding
even be subjected to an appropriate Mental
and quarantining Pondsville. The airspace is,
Illusion persuading him to conduct the brief-
of course, restricted, and if the hero is spot-
ing. However, if afterwards Thurgood be-
ted he will have problems with the Army.
comes aware of this mental tampering, he'll
be furious. He will have the heroes up on The GM should keep in mind that, while
criminal charges for interfering with an offi- the encounters and events occurring in
cer in the course of his duty, theft of classi- Rivertown can and should be entertaining,
fied information, and anything else he can challenging, and sometimes exciting, the
think of. Even if he can't hold them or get a heroes should be able to get at least enough
conviction, they will have earned the distrust information to let them decide to go into
Pondsville to pursue their investigations.

At some point, the heroes should decide to is exceeded, the suit's integrity is violated and
go into Pondsville to search for clues. The Army the Life Support protection is lost. It may be
has several environment suits that they can bor- damaged by the use of some powers by the wear-
row or steal, depending on their ongoing rela- er, such as energey blasts, depending on the spe-
tionship with the Army. These suits give the cial effect. It is an OIF.
protection of Life Support: Immune To Disease, If the heroes are not operating with Army
Breathing Is Self-Contained for the two hours sanction, they have to get past the Army cordon
which their air tanks last. These suits only fit around Pondsville.
characters of roughly average human build
(GM note: While GMing the exploration of
between 5'6" and 6'6" tall. Each suit has a DEF
Pondsville, strive for a feeling of suspense and
of 2 that does not protect the wearer. If the DEF
horror. Suspense is largely a matter of mood. Try

Blood Fury

to eliminate distractions. Consider the lighting black and bloated as they decay where life left
and music in your playing space. Think about them. There is no peace, no dignity in these
how you are using your voice. A slow, softer, deaths.
modulated tone, with controlled energy, creates And everywhere there is the stench of dead
more tension than talking quickly, loudly, and things. Without the protection of the environ-
excitedly. As well, consider your use of descrip- ment suits, the stink of decomposing human
tion. Too much is tedious, not suspenseful. Too flesh is almost overpowering for one whose sense
little is bland. Pondsville is full of horrors and of smell is normal. It is far worse for those with
violence. How graphic should you be in your sensitive noses. The effect can make strong peo-
description? You want to communicate how ter- ple physically ill.
rible it is in Pondsville and that means painting Most of the more than 1,000 people who
pictures with words. However some players will once lived here are dead. They experienced pain,
be amused or disgusted by graphic descriptions. fear, and bloody violence. They felt horror at
That doesn't build tension. Use description with what was done by friends and loved ones, and by
restraint and art, but use it.)
what they did to friends and loved ones.
Pondsville was once a pleasant, cheery village Pondsville has been the site of extreme and pro-
of neat houses surrounded by well-tended gar- longed psychic anguish. The intensity of emo-
dens and white picket fences. Baseball was tion, its duration and repetition, has resulted in
played in its parks. A local band marched down lingering resonances on psychic levels. As they
Main Street on holidays. The schoolyard echoed approach Pondsville, psychically sensitive char-
with laughter and shouts of children. On acters begin to experience vague feelings of
Sundays, hymns filled the churches. It was a dread, fear, anger, and pain. The sensations grow
good place to live. in force as the sensitive approaches the village.
Now Pondsville is a ghost town. The ghosts By the time he reaches the village edge, the res-
are not long dead, some are not dead yet. The onances become almost overwhelming. (Treat
artifacts from its life lie abandoned, strewn care- this as a constant, area-effect, 8d6 Mind Control
lessly about town. A lawnmower sits in the mid- command to flee the village and never return,
dle of a lawn that was left half-cut weeks ago, and that only affects the psychically sensitive. It can
still has one side longer than the other. I ts gas be resisted with EGO rolls, and the GM should
tank is empty. Two cars collided in the middle of only call for fresh resistance EGO rolls every few
the street and still remain there. A small blonde- minutes unless stressful situations, such as com-
haired doll dressed in a pink dress with blood bat or a fright, arise.) Some characters may also
stains lies on a sidewalk. see apparitions of especially emotionally trau-
There is no sound of human life. Flies buzz matic events being replayed in the psychic ether
around the bodies that litter the town. Carrion (as 8d6 Mental Illusions). For example, the psy-
birds and dogs worry at half-devoured rotten chic might witness a teenager violently attacking
flesh, tearing away and carrying off pieces. and killing her mother (perhaps even from the
Some people died in the open, from terrible mother's perspective!). Mind Scanning Ponds-
wounds inflicted by their neighbors. Others ville from a distance might expose a sensitive to
similar effects.
crept away, hid, and waited for death. Some died
suddenly. Others died slowly from wounds or Non-sensitives are, of course, oblivious to
the disease. Bodies lie in the street, in offices, these phenomena.
stores, and homes. In beds and under them.
Huddled in basements or dark closets. Some
died recently. Some have been dead for weeks. A
few have been buried, most have not. They lie

Dean F. Edgell

da, a dog lies unmoving. A porch swing

The Survivors creaks in the soft breeze. Lights waver from
behind the curtained windows.
Not everyone in Pondsville is dead, yet.
Those who still live can be divided into two If a hero approaches the house, the dog
groups: those who suffer from the Rage Poison, leaps up and begins barking. It attacks any-
and the few who do not. one who sets foot on the porch or tries to
enter the house. The dog is secured by a rope
Most of the infected have reached the final
to prevent it from leaving.
stages of the disease. The heroes may find them
comatose, or weak, depressed, and inactive. Within moments of the dog beginning to
They are dehydrated, starving, and near death. bark, a man comes out of the farmhouse. He
Some may even be paralyzed. is stoop-shouldered, with grizzled gray hair
and a beard. He carries a shotgun and takes
However there are still many, the last infect-
aim at anyone approaching.
ed and those with hardy constitutions, who
remain active, vigorous, and vicious. Some wan- The man is Ezra McCubbin. His dog is
der alone, but many travel in fractious packs. Banjo. Unseen behind the window curtains is
The slightest irritation can set a pack of these Ezra's daughter-in-law, armed with a rifle.
infected humans at each others' throats. Many More information about these characters
bear wounds from previous battles. When they and what they have gone through can be
encounter the heroes, they are initially friendly found in the Characters section (p.56).
and welcoming. The slightest provocation or the "Now hold it right there, you people.
sight of blood, however, can trigger a furious Don't take another step:'
attack. Then the heroes may be in for a battle for
Ezra trusts no one. Too many of his
their lives, where injury may mean infection and
eventual death. friends and neighbors have behaved wildly.
He doesn't hesitate to shoot anyone who
In any situation where a hero must battle the comes closer without his permission. Ezra
townspeople and is outnumbered, the GM can talks to the heroes at a distance and answers
make them more credible opponents by giving questions. However, if a hero wants to come
the townspeople the benefits of multiple attack- closer or to help Ezra, he has to make a
e~s bonuses (see the Champions Rule Book, p. 150). Persuasion roll at -3 or a Presence Attack,
Smee the townspeople have not trained togeth- without intimidation, at the +20 level of
er, the benefits of the bonus should be reduced effect to win him over. Otherwise, Ezra
by 2. Therefore, if a single hero is confronted by resists.
four townspeople who coordinate, the hero is
only at -1 to his DCV.
2) The heroes walk down a street in Pondsville.
The Rage Poison section (p. 47) contains
L~tter slithers along the road on the gentle
information on how heroes might become
infected and on the progress of the disease. An wmd. A fly buzzes past and circles as it goes
about its business. The setting is almost pas-
infected hero may pose a serious challenge for
toral, except for the blackened bodies in the
his teammates.

The following are typical encounters in "Yoo hoo! Yoo hoo!", cries a voice.
Pondsville. The GM is encouraged to create his The heroes look around and see a woman
own: standing in the door of a neat house behind
1) On the outskirts of the town sits a two- a white picket fence. She has graying hair and
storey wood frame farmhouse. On the veran- wears an apron and a calico dress. She waves

Blood Fury

and smiles at the heroes while other women come to save them. Close examination shows
peer out the v.rindow. that they all have scabs and wounds from var-
ious fights. Their clothes may be torn in
"Over here. We were just having
some iced tea and saw you. I'm so
excited! I've never met a real celebri- The women are gracious, chatty, giggling
ty before. And you're such handsor:ne hostesses who pepper the heroes with ques-
young men in person. Would you ltke tions while offering iced tea and cookies.
to join us for some iced tea?" They also answer questions. Inevitably how-
ever, one of the women becomes suddenly
The women are eager to invite the heroes annoyed and flies into a violent rage. This
in, and are excited by the prospect. may be caused by a hero refusing to come sit
Unfortunately, they are under the influence with her, a hero leaving abruptly ("How
of the first (excitement) stage of the Rage mde!'), a hero refusing another cookie (or
Poison disease (see p. 51). These older, mid- refusing to take off his environment suit), or
dle-class women were a group of friends who one of the women blaming another for the
regularly played cards together, but now nasty bite wound on her calf ("I only bit you
they've gathered together out of concern because you pulled my hair!" "Well, you started it!"
about the events in Pondsville. They are "Did not!'). The heroes are soon involved in a
thrilled and relieved that the heroes have vicious brawl, defending themselves, trying

Dean F. Edgell

to prevent the ladies from doing any more This woman's son was one of the early
harm to each other, or both. victims of the Rage Poison. When he went
through the excitement stages, he bit and
scratched his mother, infecting her. When
3) Another house is dark. The front door
he died, Pondsville was already collapsing
swings and bangs in the wind. From within
and funeral services were not available. The
drifts the muffled sound of music. The
parents laid the boy out themselves. Later as
door's lock and latch are broken. The carpet
the disease affected her, she killed her hus-
crunches under foot where spilled blood has
band in a fit of rage, and under the influence
dried to cake the shag.
of the disease, drank his blood. Now she is in
In the living room, the heroes find scat- the final stages of the disease, in physical and
tered small "action-figure" dolls of super- psychic pain. She will soon slip into a coma
heroes, perhaps themselves. The stereo is and die.
playing music from a radio station in anoth-
er town; "Oh la di. Oh la da. Life goes on, bra!'',
sing the Beatles. 4) On the main street of Pondsville there is no
sign of human life. The windows of the few
In the kitchen lies the body of a man in a
stores have been smashed. Televisions are
pool of dried blood. His back is riddled with
still playing in the windows of one of the
stab wounds, and he's been dead for days.
Someone has smeared the blood on the floor stores; five Jimmy Dugans, all talking at
in an attempt to clean it up. Footprints have once, their faces flanked by broken sets with
been tracked through it and about the house. shattered screens.
Upstairs, a hero can find a bedroom. On "Doctors continue a close watch over
its walls are posters of baseball players and young Noella Chandler, who is not
superheroes, and model airplanes and super- expected to be able to survive anoth-
hero-vehicles hang by threads from the ceil- er 24 hours without life-saving
ing. On the bed, dressed in a suit and tie, lies surgery. That surgery cannot be per-
a young boy, laid out as for a funeral. He has formed without blood from a com-
been dead longer than the man downstairs. patible donor. Hundreds of volun-
Insects crawl over the body and out of its teers have come to the hospital to be
ears, nose, and mouth. tested in, so far, unsuccessful efforts
A noise startles the heroes. Something to find a match. The best hope, doc-
moved in the closet. Huddled on the closet tors say, is for a blood relative to
floor is a woman, perhaps in her early 3o's. come forward, but so far no relative
Haggard and emaciated she clutches a blood- has appeared. And so the hours of
stained knife in blood-stained hands. Dried Noella Chandler's life continue to tick
blood crusts her lips and chin. She stares away.
unmoving at the heroes with huge, pain- "Meanwhile, the whereabouts of the
filled eyes. so-called heroes who must bear
The woman gurgles something. Then she some responsibility in this tragic
croaks incomprehensibly. The third time she affair continues to be a mystery.. :'
tries the heroes can make out raspy words. Next door to the televisions, the heroes
"Help me...Please...Help me. Ob la di. can find a sporting goods store. Behind its
Ob la da. Life goes on, bra! La la how broken windows nothing can be seen
the life goes on:' because furniture has been piled in the dis-

Blood Fury

play area, the doors are nailed shut, and the 57) cowers, desperately hoping she will
windows are boarded. remain undiscovered.
If the heroes disturb the barricades or try Joanie has not yet been infected. The
to enter, they are greeted by the blast from a rest of her family was infected and is now
powerful hunting rifle. Inside the sporting dead. Joanie learned early to avoid them and
goods store, with a rack ofloaded Springfield the other townspeople who are now prone to
rifles and plenty of ammunition, is Leroy random violence.
Buchanan (see p. 57). He has a couple of If she is found, Joanie runs as fast and
loaded 12 gauge shotguns handy as well. long as she can to escape. If the heroes let
Leroy has cracked under the strain of living her go, she probably runs into a pack of
through events in Pondsville these past few infected victims to be torn apart unless the
weeks. He is prone to flashing back to his heroes intervene.
Vietnam experiences and can no longer sep-
If Joanie is stopped, she can be calmed
arate that war from his present predicament.
with a Persuasion roll, and she then cooper-
He is not infected, however he needs psychi- ates with the heroes. However, she really
atric care.
wants them to just take her and leave town as
quickly as possible.
5) Corpses litter Pondsville's streets and yards,
and each new turning exposes a new vision of
6) The heroes pick their way past the unmoving
death, violence, and loss. The heroes, surging
dead. The only noise they hear is their own
with vitality and power, feel alien. There is
breathing. Then suddenly the silence is shat-
.. no place for them here.
tered by a cry for help. Rounding a corner,
A hero's neck crawls with the feeling of the heroes see a lone man running toward
being watched. Looking around, he spots a them. Pursuing him is a throng of people,
ghostly pale face peering from an attic win- like hounds on the tail of a rabbit. The man
dow for only a moment and then it vanishes. stumbles and the hunters are upon him.
If the hero investigates the house, he Snarling and growling, they tear at him with
finds the door locked and the windows teeth and nails.
latched. Entering, each step on the varnished The heroes have to intercede to save the
hardwood floor echoes in the silence. The beleaguered man, and possibly others as the
stairs creak under his weight as he climbs. members of the human pack begin to fight
Each room he passes is neat and undisturbed among themselves for a piece of prey, once
but devoid of life. The air is stale and dry. blood begins to flow. The pack converges on
Behind a door, another set of stairs lead up any hero who interferes with it.
to the attic
The pack consists of about two-dozen
The attic is cluttered with the debris of a men and women, all of whom are victims of
lifetime. An old rocking chair rests by a small the Rage Poison in its first stage (seep. 51).
table heaped with dusty photograph albums. Even if the heroes rescue the pursued man,
A wedding dress hangs in a plastic bag from he may later attack them under the influence
a nail in a beam. Old souvenir pennants are of the disease.
tacked to the slanted roof A clay ashtray
made by a child sits in a box, broken in two.
Amongst the bric-a-brac is an old steam-
er trunk. Hidden withinJoanie Davis (seep.

Dean F. Edgell

elusive. By the following day, adults were

The Search for experiencing the same symptoms. The doc-
tor was preparing blood samples to be
Clues shipped to Rivertown for more extensive
What happened here? A thorough search
of Pondsville could take days. The heroes can On a note pad, the heroes find his
cut that time by splitting up and not looking efforts to trace the origin point of the
everywhere. The following clues may be found infection. Unfortunately, it also requires an
if the heroes look in the right places: INT roll to read the doctor's handwriting
here. The notes say,
1) In most houses where school-age children "-First appears with children - less
lived, notices of regular school vaccina- resistance? - earlier exposure? -
tions/booster-shots can be found. The the school? - a student or teacher?
shots were given 26 days ago. (Two days - Booster shots??"
before the local police first called for assis- If the heroes check Dr. Glower's calen-
tance.) dar, they find that he was on call for the
town's other doctor, Dr. Yee, on the week-
2) At the Pondsville school, notices on the end 36 days earlier, ten days before the
wall announce the vaccination/booster-shot infection's outbreak.
program. A local doctor, Dr. Walter Yee,
administered the injections. The signed 4. At the Pondsville Medical Centre the
authorizations from the parents of the stu- heroes find the offices of the town's other
dents are in the school files. Almost all of doctor, Dr. Walter Yee. The heroes also
the school's students received the shots. find the doctor in his office along with his
Attendance records also reveal an extraor- nurse, Lisa Wilcox, R.N., and reception-
dinary number of absences the following ist/wife, Helen, apparently unaffected by
day. Several parents were concerned about the disease. They carry on calmly and dis-
their children's fevers. Attendance decreas- turbingly normally, almost ignoring the
ed further the next two days for both stu- events that have transformed Pondsville. As
dents and teachers. Then the records stop. far as the doctor is concerned, "this is just a
bug going around. No need to worry. Ifyou'd like
3) In Dr. Glower's office, which is in his I can give you a vitamin injection to boost you't:-
home, the heroes find the body of the doc- resistancc."
tor who died days ago as a result of violence. The doctor and his staff are robot simu-
Patient files are stacked on his desk. It lacra. The vitamin injection is the same
requires an INT roll to read the doctor's booster-shot given to the children of
handwriting, but an examination of those Pondsville. It contains the virus responsible
records shows that, beginning on the morn- for the Pondsville disease. These robots'
ing 25 days ago, Dr. Glower saw a number of true nature can be discovered in the same
children with symptoms of fever, restless- fashions as applied to the robot simulacrum
ness, and irritability. Initially, he treated it of Dr. Chandler in Seraphim Springs (p. 18).
as a flu virus, but by the end of the day, his These robots attack to kill if their secret is
notes make reference to incidents of vio- penetrated. As well, should any effort be
lence and "adrenaline-induced strength." made to search their offices or records, the
Office tests of blood samples were incon- robots attack.

Blood Fury

The doctor's records show similar attracted to the dead, and the heroes could
symptoms in patients as did Dr. Glower's. discover one of these. One of the robot flies
However, in each case, the doctor indicated here may even be permanantly assigned to
no concern, and suggested the patient carry monitor the heroes.
on normally. A check of the doctor's calen- The Toxin: Intense microscopic analysis
dar shows that he, his nurse, and his wife determines that the toxin is impregnated
visited the campaign city for a weekend with viruses. For more information, see the
seminar on viral infection 36 days ago. A section on The Rage Poison, p. 47.
search of the office reveals a copy of the The Packaging: The box and vials in which
invitation to the free seminar, sponsored by
the toxin was packaged contain the best
Phillips Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. clues for the heroes. The box comes from
In a cabinet, the heroes may also find a Phillips Pharmaceuticals. If the heroes find
box of vials, mostly empty now, of the no other clues, they should find this box so
booster-shot vaccine, that was given to the they can still investigate that company. On
children of Pondsville. The box is labelled a KS: Business or a KS: Campaign City roll
as containing the usual vaccine, manufac- at - 2 a hero recalls that Phillips was a cam-
tured by Phillips Pharmaceuticals. The real paign-city company that went bankrupt six
vaccine, manufactured by a different, larger, months ago and completely shut down
pharmaceutical company, is all intact in a operations.
sealed box also stored in the cabinet.
The box is lined and padded with shred-
ded newspapers, which are from a major
J The heroes should be able to deduce by daily in the campaign city.
now that the doctor was invited, with his staff, If the unopened vials are examined and
to the campaign city for a free seminar. He dusted for fingerprints by a character with
went with his wife and nurse, and they were Criminology, two fingerprints are found. A
kidnapped and replaced by robots. The robots search of police fingerprint records identi-
returned to Pondsville and, using the school fies them as belonging to Marco Caballero,
booster-shot program as cover, began infecting a small-time thug. A hero with Retrocog-
the children of Pondsville. If the players don't nition powers might also see Marco packing
put it together, allow them a Deduction roll. the vials.
Anyone carefully examining the box and
its contents and making a Perception roll
The Clues finds a tiny amount of a white powder.
Chemical analysis of the powder, by a char-
The Robots: The nature of the robots, and acter with Criminology or an appropriate
what might be learned from analyzing their Science, reveals that the powder is cocaine.
remains is the same as discussed with A hero with Discriminatory Smell also, on a
respect to the Chandler simulacrum in the Perception roll, detects cocaine in the box.
Seraphim Springs section.
The cocaine is too pure to belong to a
The Flies: There are thousands of flies in user. It hasn't been cut for street distribu-
Pondsville, drawn by the hundreds of tion, and must belong to a high-level dealer.
decomposing corpses. While most of these Every hero should realize what it would
flies are regular houseflies, there are a num- mean if the campaign city's drug supply was
ber of miniaturized robotic flies here, too. contaminated with the same toxin responsi-
These flies may shadow the heroes, moni- ble for the Pondsville horror.
toring their activities, rather than be

The race to save Noella Chandler is almost
out of time. By the time the heroes are ready to Phillips
leave Pondsville, it should be late in the day fol-
lowing Noella's injury. Without surgery, she Pharmaceuticals,
won't live to see another sunrise. It is up to the
heroes whether she lives or dies. Ltd.
The heroes may also realize that time is of This small pharmaceutical manufacturer qui-
the essence in preventing the release of the Rage etly went out of business six months ago. I ts
Poison in the campaign city. remaining products and drugs were sold and
Characters leaving Pondsville must either removed from the premises at that time. The
surrender to the Army or evade its cordon. The company's offices and production facilities were
Army wants to restrain anyone who comes out housed in one building which has been locked
of Pondsville without an intact environment and boarded up.
suit, in order to perform medical examinations. The heroes find the building still locked, but
It also tries to arrest anyone who entered an inspection reveals (on a Perception roll) that
Pondsville without permission. Unfortunately, the building has been broken into through a win-
cooperating with the Army means letting Noe~la dow near the back. The security system was shut
die. Make certain the heroes understand this. down when the building's power was turned off,
General Thurgood can tell them that their quar- so no alarm would have been sounded.
antine is indefinite. If the heroes want to save
Noella, they have to escape the quarantine. Investigation can disclose the following
information, if the heroes also take the appro-
Heroes who escape will be hunted by the priate steps:
Army and civilian authorities until they surren-
der. The GM can and should use these hunters 1) By examining the room on the other side of
to keep the pressure on the heroes for the rest of the broken window (the shipping room) and
the adventure. Having PRIMUS or SAT camped making a Criminology roll, the hero sees that
out at the heroes' base or on their tails could put dust was only disturbed in the packing and
a crimp in some heroes' activities. A brief skir- shipping rooms. The burglar did not go past
mish can also add some action if the game begins those areas. Only empty boxes, like a few
to lag in the next phase of investigation. others that remain behind, could have been
taken. These boxes are similar to the one
The heroes have only one hope of finding found in Pondsville. If the roll is made by 3
Richard Chandler. They have to find whoever is or more, the hero also realizes from the level
responsible for the Pondsville horror. If the of dust that the break-in occurred 5-8 weeks
heroes have no idea how to proceed, the GM can ago.
prompt them with a Deduction roll to look into
Phillips Pharmaceuticals, the company whose 2) Dusting for fingerprints on the windowsill
box held the Rage Poison. reveals a clear set of prints if a Criminology

Blood Fury

roll is made. Police records identify these as found in Pondsville. While inside Marco
belonging to Marco Caballero. stopped and smoked a cigar.
3) If the floor is examined where the dust was
disturbed, and a Perception roll is made at
-3, a small clump of dirt can be discovered.
Chemical testing and a Criminology roll
Hitting the Streets
reveals that it contains a small amount of At some point, the heroes may try to use
uncut, high-grade cocaine such as would Streetwise skills and street contacts to find some
belong to dealers before it is cut for the answers or to find someone. If the heroes don't
street. (The clump of dirt was carried in on know what or who they're looking for, this won't
the intruder's shoe and indicates that the be very useful. If the heroes are looking for Mr.
intruder had been in an environment where Caesar, he is almost impossible to find. With a
there were particles of high-grade cocaine Streetwise roll at -3, after at least an hour's
which adhered to the dirt.) searching, the heroes learn that word on the
4) If the floor is examined and a Perception roll street has it that Marco Caballero has some kind
is made, the hero finds a cigar butt. A of connection with Mr. Caesar. If another
Criminology roll lets the hero determine Streetwise roll is made at -3, they also learn that
that the level of dust both under and on top Mr. Caesar has called some kind of meeting
of the cigar indicates that it was left at the tonight where there is going to be a major distri-
time of the break-in. A Criminology roll and bution of drugs. The location of the meeting is
appropriate testing or consultation with a not known to the source.
tobacconist reveals that the cigar is made If a hero wishes to pursue the clue, he may (if
from a special blend of Cuban tobaccos. The he makes another Streetwise roll at - 2 after at
cigar has a distinctive odor which will be rec- least one hour) find a drug-dealer who knows
ognized by anyone with Discriminatory about the meeting and was going to attend. This
Scent if it is ever again encountered. dealer doesn't know Mr. Caesar's identity or the
5) With another Perception roll, the hero may location of his headquarters. However, he can be
also find a matchbook. If a Criminology roll intimidated into giving the hero the time and
is made, the level of dust both under and on place of the meeting. He has Presence 15 and is
top of the matchbook confirms that it was at -3 to Persuasion, Bribery, and Interrogation
left at the time of the break-in. The match- rolls because of his fear of reprisals from Mr.
book has the name and address of a bowling Caesar. Conversation and Seduction work with-
alley and pool hall: "Tony's Rack and Roll." out penalty but take longer. If the heroes learn
the location of the meeting called by Mr. Caesar,
they can proceed directly to the final scene,
For heroes who do not find the fingerprints, "The Death-Dealers," p.40.
the cigar and matchbook are essential dues. If the heroes are looking for Marco, a
They must be found. If the heroes somehow all Streetwise roll at -1, a KS: Local Criminals roll,
miss their Perception roJls, give the clues to the or other appropriate skill or contact, lets them
hero who is most seriously involved in clue-seek- learn that Marco hangs out at Tony's Rack and
ing/detective work. Roll, and also that Marco has some kind of con-
The GM should be aware that, six weeks ago, nection with Mr. Caesar.
Marco Caballero, acting on instructions from The GM can use the time taken by street
Mr. Caesar, broke into the building and stole investigations to shift the game time to night
some old packing boxes, like the one the heroes without using any additional real time.

' Dean F. Edgell

impressed, the thugs press their advantage to

Tony's Rack and start a fight. They can act before the newcomer
as per the Presence Attack rules, possibly catch-
Roll ing the surprised hero with his DCV down.
Tony's is located in a seedy, dangerous part If the newcomers are unimpressed, the thugs
of town. It should be night by the time the do nothing but watch them. They are still hostile
heroes arrive. This run-down bowling alley has and won't help or assist the strangers. On the
been equipped with a bar and several pool tables other hand, if the strangers respond with
available for rent by the hour. I ts clientele is dis- Presence Attacks of their own, and impress the
reputable at best. Thugs, cutthroats, and mur- thugs, they leave the newcomers alone and mind
derers would be closer to the truth. The air is their own business. The bar patrons are eager to
filled with smoke, and tinny music comes from a avoid trouble with imposing figures and tend to
cheap radio. cooperate by answering non-incriminating ques-
tions (such as pointing out Marco).
The heroes may overhear a news update
about Noella: If the newcomers are police or well-known
superheroes, the reaction is slightly different.
"Hundreds of concerned citizens are Many of the patrons try to leave quickly to avoid
gathering this evening outside the [cam- trouble. The others try to intimidate the police
paign city] hospital in a candlelight vigil officers or heroes. They won't attack police offi-
for Noella Chandler. The young woman cers though, unless they try to arrest someone.
was critically injured in a battle involving They don't answer any questions for eith':r
members of [the hero group] and her police or known superheroes unless theu
condition continues to deteriorate. She Presence Attacks reach at least the +IO level.
isn't expected to live to see the dawn. No The more important or damaging the informa-
compatible donor has been found, and tion is, the harder it is to persuade anyone to
so doctors cannot perform potentially reveal it.
life-saving surgery. Religious leaders
In any barroom brawl, the regulars join in
have arrived at the hospital to help ease
against any strangers as necessary to ensure that
her passage from this life. And here
the regulars win. If it becomes clear that the reg- .•
amongst the crowd of Noella's support-
ulars cannot win, all but the diehards fade away,
ers, one question is repeated, 'Where are
going back to their drinks and games.
[the hero group]?"')
Many of the patrons are armed with knives
There are about two-dozen people, mostly and/or guns. They do not use lethal weapons
men, at Tony's at any hour between 8:00 p.m. inside of Tony's. Tony insists on that and keeps
and closing time of 4:00 a.m. (Tony reopens at a double-barrelled sawed-off shotgun behind the
noon.) If strangers enter the bar, they are always bar to enforce the rule. He takes a similarly dim
studied closely. Many of Tony's patrons are on view of any heroes who use killing force in his
the run from the police or have other enemies. If bar. He accepts a certain amount of fighting but
the newcomers are not police or well-known cos- draws the line at killing. So long as the losers are
tumed superheroes, one or two of the bar's regu- simply thrown out, he figures the fighting just
lars, such as Bart and Arnie (seep. 50), usually try leaves him with a better class of riffraff
to intimidate them. (A Presence Attack usually
based on PRE 10-15, +1d6 for the appropriate Marco (see p. 58) is at Tony's when the
setting, +1d6 for a minor violent action such as heroes come looking for him. Heroes who arrive
crushing a beer can, and +ld6 for their soliloquy at Tony's and have seen the police picture of
for a total of 5-6 dice.) If their target is Marco have no trouble picking him out of the
crowd once they have a chance to look around.

Blood Fury

I t
Any character with Discriminatory Scent who tions normally. If mental powers are not avail-
smelled Marco's cigar butt at Phillips able, the heroes have to rely on Presence Attacks
Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. has no trouble identifying (at the +20 level minimum) or Presence-based
Marco by his particular brand of foul-smelling skills. Conversation and Seduction work normal-
cigar. Other heroes may have to get someone to ly but take at least five minutes before the roll
point Marco out. If the heroes do not know can be made. Interrogation and Persuasion are
Marco's name, he can be easily "smoked out." If at -3 to the rolls, with an additional -5 unless the
the heroes make it clear that they are looking for heroes promise to protect Marco from Mr.
someone connected with Phillips Pharmaceutic- Caesar's retribution.
al or Mr. Caesar, Marco overhears and, realizing Ultimately, Marco talks, especially if he is
that the heroes are after him, tries to slip out, convinced that he's looking at an accessory to
thereby drawing attention to himself. murder charge for the hundreds of deaths in
Pondsville and possibly more in the city. He
wants to know that anything he says won't be
Marco Tall<s used against him in any court, although if he is
frightened enough (or if the information is being
Once the heroes find Marco, they still have wormed out of him discreetly with Conversation
to persuade him to talk. His fear of Mr. Caesar or Seduction) it won't matter. Marco has a lot he
gives him a bonus of +2 to his EGO roll if Mind can tell the heroes if they ask the right questions
Control is attempted on him. Telepathy func- - all from Marco's point of view.

Dean F. Edgell

The GM should role-play any encounter "Then Mr. Caesar he gives me this look
with Marco. Here are some possible questions and he says 'Do you doubt I can do what
and the kind of information Marco might give, I say, little man?' Just like that. And the
for the GM to adapt. big guy, Ogre, he's lookin' like he'll eat a
Chevy and spit out the hub caps on Mr.
Caesar's say so.
Did you steal the boxes from Phillips
Pharmaceuticals? "So before you know it I'm workin' with
Mr. Caesar. He's a real smart guy and
"Ya, I stole some boxes from that Phillips
tough as nails, but he don't know much
place. So what, man? They was only
about the narco business for some guy
boxes. They weren't gonna need them
who wanted to run it all. But me, I tell
no more. Mr. Caesar told me to get them
him what's what and who's who. Next
personally and not to tell anyone. I
thing I know Mr. Caesar starts whacking
mean, you don't tell Mr. Caesar, 'No,'
'em. And taking over their trade, you
know? And anybody what squawks gets
whacked too.
What did you do with the boxes?
"Now ain't hardly anybody gets anything
"Ha. We only used one. Mr. Caesar gave what ain't been passed through Mr.
me a bunch of glass vials. I figure they Caesar. He gets the stuff when its smug-
was some kinda drugs. Anyway, he tells gled in from Columbia and he sells it to
me to pack them vials in the box and the pushers - takes a nice cut, too. Mr.
give them to this guy. Actually they was a Caesar's called a big meeting of all his
guy and two ladies. He was a doctor or wholesalers tonight. Anybody who wants
something, I think. I guess he was gonna the stuff has to be there. He's puttin' out
move the stuff for Mr. Caesar. They didn't the word about his new distribution sys-
say much:' tem. I figure it's gonna be the biggest
dope deal ever. And I'm the guy what set
it up.
What's your connection to Mr. Caesar?
"And that's not all. Mr. Caesar ain't quit-
"First time I ever saw Mr. Caesar, he was
tin' with just the city. He says if every-
on the street one night when I left
thing goes according to plan, we're going
Tony's. He was waitin' for me. He had
down to Columbia, man, and take over
some heavy muscle with him. Real
the whole show!"
heavy. That Ogre guy. Mr. Caesar said he
was movin' in, was gonna take over the
narco supply for the whole city. Only he (It isn't a good idea for the heroes to have to wait
needed my help, cuz I knew the busi- for the big meeting. The meeting is scheduled
ness, and did I wanta sign on. Well me, I for about an hour from the time when they learn
know the boys and they weren't gonna about it; Marco was just about to leave for the
give up the business to some new guy meeting when the heroes nabbed him.)
who just wants in :.... and I tell Mr. Caesar
so - and I tell him big super-muscle or
Who is Mr. Caesar?
no, he's lookin' to get whacked, you
know? "I don't know his name. I don't know
where he lives. He keeps that stuff
secret, man. I guess so's he don't get hit.

Blood Fury

Nobody knows. He contacts me by Aren't you worried that the police will raid
phone. I got a beeper, see? I got a num- the meeting and bust everyone?
ber where I can contact him:'
"Yah, a meeting like this seems kinda
dumb. Lotsa people didn't want to
(This number is for a cellular phone which can- come. I mentioned it to Mr. Caesar and
not easily be found. If the heroes can find it, it's he said anybody who don't come isn't
in a trailer and is hooked to an electronics sys- one of his customers ever. Everybody has
cem which relays any communications by to be there. He also said no one needs
microwave transmissions to and from Mr. to worry. He's got eyes and ears in all the
Caesar's headquarters. If these are traced the police stations, in the FBI, in the DEA and
heroes are led to those headquarters.) even in places like PRIMUS and SAT. If
they find out about this meeting, he'll
Where is this meeting and will Mr. Caesar know and he'll move out. He's got a
be there? planned escape route for everybody too.
Mr. Caesar says it's real important that
"Mr. Caesar'll be there fer sure. It's real this shipment be distributed all at once.
secret and the location was just given He says he wants to, like, make a state-
out at the last minute. It's going to be in ment:'
a hangar at the airport. Lots of room for
everybody. Hangar number 12:·

Mr. Caesar lied. Nothing will persuade him ing them. If the heroes did contact the authori-
to cancel the planned meeting and distribution. ties, Mr. Caesar knows. Finally, if Marco was left
He does have eyes and ears in the offices of the with freedom of action after talking to the
authorities (in the form of robot flies), but even heroes, he phones Mr. Caesar and tells him
if they learn about the planned meeting, the about his encounter. Then, finding Mr. Caesar
authorities would let it proceed hoping to catch unforgiving, he goes into hiding. Mr. Caesar's
all the criminals with evidence, ensuring convic- plans continue unaffected, except for the choice
tions. Mr. Caesar is confident that his escape of weaponry carried by Mr. Caesar and his gun-
plans will defeat any plan of the authorities. men.
Given Marco's information, the heroes are
unlikely to contact the authorities, but even if
they do, it won't affect Mr. Caesar's plans.
It is possible that Mr. Caesar knows the
The Hangar
heroes are coming to his meeting. If they aren't The setting for this final confrontation is a
yet wise to the robot flies, one may be monitor- large hangar at the campaign city airport. The

Dean F. Edgell

1. The Fuel Tank

2. The ForkUft
3. Overhead Crane
4. Workshop
5. Machine Shop
6. Catwalk
. ... .. ~.....- •..... ·-.. · ·· -~ ~· v 7. Tables
8. Boeing 737
9. Learjet Century Ill
10. The Office

2 meters

building is made of corrugated steel, supported character behind it. The fence is ten feet (1.5
by steel I-beams. Except where the beams are, hexes) ta1l.
the walls and roof are DEF 5, BODY 3. The !- Inside the fenced area is the fuel tank itself
beams have DEF IO, BODY 8. The top of the (DEF 8, BOD 4). If the tank is cracked, the
walls (at the eaves) is 12 hexes (78') above the highly flammable fuel explodes on 13-, causing an
ground. The peak of the roof is 18 hexes (117) 18d6 explosion to engulf the nearby hangar in
high. The floor of the hangar is thick, reinforced flames along with any other nearby planes.
concrete, DEF 8, BODY 8.
z. The Forklift: This is a tough, heavy-
The hangar contains two airplanes, a Boeing weight vehicle; a workhorse.
737 jet and a Learjet Century III. Important
areas and items are noted below.
STR 30 SIZE 2 x 1 hexes
1. The Fuel Tank: The la_rge jet fuel tank is
outside the hangar surrounded by a protective DEX IO DCV-2
fence (DEF 8, BOD 4). The fence is designed to BOD IO MASS (KB) 1.6 tons (-4)
stop errant vehicles and has large gaps. These DEF 6 MOVE 13" x 2
gaps are too small for most people to fit through, SPD 2 MAX52"
but a character with Shrinking or Contortionist
could slip between the bars. The fence does not
provide dependable cover because of the spaces. 3. Overhead Crane: Mounted on rails
On a roU of8-, or if a defender makes a Luck roll, along I-beams, this crane sits 12 hexes above the
a ranged attack may hit the fence rather than the floor. The operator enters its control-cockpit

Blood Fury

from the catwalk. The crane can move about the STR48 SIZE 8 x 4 hexes
hangar length and width. DEX15 DCV-6
BOD19 MASS(KB) 45 tons (-9)
STR55 SIZE 2 x I hexes (cockpit) DEF3 MOVE5o"x8
DEX10 DCV -2 SPD 3 MAX 1200" Stall Velocity: 100"
DEF6 MOVE 13" x 2 9. The Learjet Century Ill: The stats for
SPD 2 MAX52" this smaller jet are on p. 195 of the Champions
Rulebook. The GM may wish to give this jet a
* The crane weighs only 3.2 tons but it is higher stall velocity and lower ground accelera-
anchored to the rails on which it rides. Treat tion. Mr. Caesar waits on board this jet until it is
the crane as having -8 KB resistance. time to give his speech. Mr. Caesar may attempt
to escape on board the Learjet if the 737 is safe-
4. Workshop: This room contains tools, ly away, in order to lure the heroes away from
workbenches (DEF 5, BOD 4), machine parts, the hidden base.
and lifting gear (DEF 6, BOD 8).
10. The Office: This room contains a desk
S· Machine Shop: This room holds (DEF 3, BOD 4), chair, filing cabinet, and
machines for tooling and building parts as phone. In the office, a sight Perception roll at -3
required (DEF 7, BOD 6). can locate a secret trap door in the floor, leading
6. Catwalk: The catwalk is used to reach to Mr. Caesar's secret base.
the overhead crane. The stairs rise at a sharp
angle to the catwalk height of 12 hexes.
7. Tables: These two tables have been set
out for the purposes of tonight's meeting. They
Face to Face with
are piled high with bags of drugs, especially
cocaine. Only Mr. Caesar and his robot simu-
Mr. Caesar
lacra know that the drugs are contaminated with Mr. Caesar's plan is to attend the meeting
the Rage Poison. along with Ogre (if he was incarcerated after the
If the tables are upset or violently disturbed, fight at the Elysium Theater, Mr. Caesar breaks
it is likely that the kilo bags break open and the him out of jail), three gunmen and Marco.
air around the tables is filled with clouds of the Marco's absence does not change Mr. Caesar's
powder (in a 2" radius effect). If any of the pow- plans. Mr. Caesar and his gunmen are armed
der is breathed in, the victim is exposed to the with heavy pistols (2d6 RKA 8 shots) unless
Rage Poison as well as the drugs' narcotic superheroes are expected. In that event, they
effects. carry special weapons:_ guns that fire 2 1
/2d6 AP
RKA projectiles (8 shots) and which, if they do
8. The 737: The jet is fuelled and ready for Body damage, inject the target with the fatal
take-off. A flick of a switch in its cockpit deto-
virus. If these weapons are drawn for use, a
nates explosive charges opening the hangar door
Perception roll allows a hero with KS: Firearms
and blocking all other runways, ensuring that
or Weaponsmith: Slugthrowers to realize that
this jet has a clear path and can take off immedi-
the guns are not normal weapons but instead
ately. The jet can only accelerate 25" per phase
more like powerful tranquilizer guns.
while on the ground and must reach a speed of
roo" per phase in order to take off. Mr. Caesar and the gunmen are, in fact, all
robots (seep. 60 and p. 53). However, they give a
greater priority to fulfilling Mr. Caesar's plans

Dean F. Edgell

and ensuring the distribution of tainted drugs pilot it. The plane flies to a nearby private
than to concealing their true natures. airstrip where there is ground transportation for
About 50 men and women attend the meet- the criminals' escape. The remaining simulacra
ing. They are the most important wholesale and Ogre delay the authorities to ensure the
drug-dealers still active in the campaign city, escape of the dealers and the tainted drug. The
along with their various bodyguards and associ- Learjet then follows. Once the planes are air-
ates. They are all normals or skilled normals, and borne, the authorities won't be able to respond
are armed; 30 carry .45 automatics, five carry .44 quickly enough to prevent the escape.
magnum revolvers, ten carry 9mm Uzi subma- If the heroes attack without backup from
chine guns, and five have 12 gauge sawed-eff the authorities, Mr. Caesar and all robots pre-
shotguns. sent try to subdue them, and then beat them
The dealers are at the hangar to listen to Mr. senseless. Any drug-dealers with grudges against
Caesar's speech, to ensure that they remain in the heroes might help in the fight (especially if it
the distribution network, and to purchase the looks like Mr. Caesar's forces are winning),
largest quantity of drugs possible. Each dealer is although the dealers are less likely to want the
carrying lots of cash. heroes taken alive. (The GM must exercise his
Each dealer is admitted at the door just by discretion to ensure that the combat is neither
giving his name. However, the gunman at the automatically overwhelming to the heroes or
tedious because of the large number of normal
door has seen photos of each of them and has a
combatants.) The unconscious heroes are
computer memory. Mr. Caesar does not believe
exposed to the fatal virus and left to awaken
that the authorities can plant a spy without his
after all have departed. Mr. Caesar believes that
knowledge and wants to get the broadest possi-
ble distribution of his tainted drugs. Therefore the virus is a more satisfying revenge than any-
he does not fear strangers, but welcomes them. thing quicker.
If an impostor or uninvited dealer comes to the Some heroes may have summoned the
door, he is still admitted, however, strangers are authorities despite what Marco told them. Some
kept under scrutiny and one of the gunmen is may have been shrewd enough to call the author-
always nearby. ities but only after the meeting had begun. In
If everything goes according to plan, Mr. any event, as soon as the authorities react Mr.
Caesar knows it.
Caesar remains in the Learjet until he emerges to
make a short speech around midnight. The If the authorities accompany or follow short-
speech hasicaUy welcomes everyone as his ly behind the heroes, the jet escape plan is used.
guests, and promises that under his control the Even if the authorities are not involved, if the
city will know a new era of "efficiency" in all heroes are overwhelming the opposition, the jet
operations unlike any it has seen before. The escape plan is initiated. The GM may wish to
meeting quickly moves on to the distribution of allow one of the criminals to have the necessary
the drugs on hand (mostly cocaine and heroin). skill to pilot the jet if the robots are all occupied.
Deals are quickly completed to dispose of all the In either event, when the jet doors have
drugs. Although he has a near monopoly, Mr. closed with as many dealers and as much drugs
Caesar's prices are reasonable; he wants to sell aboard as safely possible, and as the plane begins
the drugs. Then all the dealers depart the way to move forward, the real Mr. Caesar emerges
they came. from his secret base. He distracts the heroes so
In the event of a large-scale raid or cordon by the tainted drugs may escape. He enjoys the sat-
government authorities, Mr. Caesar's plan calls isfaction of pummelling them. The real Mr.
for all the dealers and their drugs to be placed Caesar is Mechanon (seep. 61)
aboard the 737. Any of the robot simulacra can

Blood Fury

tiskin disguises of the robot simulacra.

Mechanon's Programming chips based on observations of the
prisoners, as well as the composite personality of
Secret Base Mr. Caesar, which based on movie gang-
sters, can be found here.
The secret base is hidden underneath the
hangar. Its walls, ceiling, and floor are all rein- 4. Biochemistry/Genetics Laboratory:
forced concrete (DEF 8, BOD 8). The base has It ~as h~re that Mr. Caesar produced the Rage
the following dedicated installations: Poison virus and contaminated the rlrngs with it.
Some simple technology for handling the drugs
1. Elevator platform: This platform rises
is also found here.
to the secret door leading to the hangar office.
T he trap door opens automatically when the ;. Cells: Each cell has DEF 8, BOD 7 walls,
platform rises. The elevator is controlled by t he and an electronic magnetic lock which requires a
computer in the base which responds to radio Lockpicking roll at -6 to open (Electronics and
signals. It can also be controlled by foot-operat- Security Systems being complementary skills).
ed buttons on its floor. Inside the cells are the real Dr. Chandler, Dr.
Yee, Mrs. Yee, and Nurse Wilcox. The cells
2. Escape Tunnel: This tunnel leads some
have chemical toilets and are stocked with
distance to a secret door in the sewers of the
canned food. Mr. Caesar keeps the prisoners in
city. The door to the tunnel is DEF IO, BOD 5.
case additional information is required to sup-
3. Robotics Laboratory: This laboratory port the robot simulacra's disguises.
contains equipment to make highly sophisticat-
The cells are monitored by cameras and
ed robots, such as the robot simulacra and the
microphones linked to the base computer.
robot flies. There is the technology to work in
There is also a concealed canister to flood any of
extreme miniaturization, and to create the plas-
the cells with knockout gas.

Dean F. Edgell

6. Brainwashing Machine: This machine

(DEF 9, BOD 9) has a seat in which a victim may
be placed and then brainwashed. The machine
can be approximated in game terms as:
15d6 Mind Control (-1/2) no range, (-1)
non-combat only, (-2) five minutes extra
time to use, (-2) immobile OAF.
7. Computer: This highly sophisticated
computer was designed and built by Mechanon
itself. It forms the very walls of the base's com-
mand center. Mechanon can sit in the command
seat with the complex control console and
numerous monitors displayed in an arc around it,
all within easy reach. All the functions of the
command center, as described below, are con-
trolled through the computer.

Command Center Computer

Val Char Cost
15 INT 5
10 DEX +
12 SPD 100
Cost Powers
10 High Range Radio (Microwave) 8. Command Center: From this point,
Transmission/Hearing Mechanon can communicate with any of its
robot agents, receive their reports, and monitor
10 Eidetic Memory
anything their senses perceive. New program-
3 Lightning Calculator ming can also be sent from here. Mechanon has
3 Absolute Time Sense its robot flies monitoring PondsviJle and all
Cost Skills Operation: Quarantine activities. It was through
5 Language: English
the observation of a robot fly spy that Mechanon
became aware that Dr. Chandler was close to a
3 Systems Operation 12-
breakthrough in his studies of the Rage Poison.
5 Computer Programming 13- Mr. Caesar was able to kidnap and replace
Cost Programs Chandler so as to prevent any progress. There
1 Collect, store and collate reports from are also robot flies in local police stations, and
robot agents offices of the FBI, DEA, PRIMUS, and SAT. A
robot fly may even be monitoring the heroes if
1 Operate elevator
they have not yet discovered it. With a
l Program robot simulacrum Computer Programming roll at -3, a hero can
= Char Powers Total transmit "shut-down" or "self-destruct" codes to
42 105 + 42 = 147 + 5 = 29 points any of Mechanon's robot flies or robot simu-

Blood Fury

If it chooses, Mechanon can actually inter- Cost Bise ~bii~ed5ti'5

face with a robot agent, replacing its conscious- 21 Concealment 18-
ness with Mechanon's and letting the villain 21 Disguise 18-
"possess" it. 9 SC: Biochemistry Lab 18-
Mechanon can program the computer from 9 SC: Robotics Lab 18-
here, monitor all radio and TV bands, and tap 9 SC: Genetics Lab 18-
into the airport's radar and computer systems to
12 Brainwashing Machine (see text, p.45)
gather intelligence. The base's antennae, radar
equipment, and equipment taps are hidden 4 High Range Radio (Microwave)
amongst the airport's. Transmission/Hearing, (-1 1/2) OIF
14 Radar Sense, 360°, + 10 range Mod, (-1 1/2)
Mechanon's Secret Base OIF Immobile
Cost Base Characteristics 6 +5 Perception all senses, (-1 1/2) OIF
14 Size: 200 hexes Immobile
6 BOD:8 8 Power Plant: END Reserve: 100 END, 10
18 DEF: 8 REC, (-1 1/2) OIF Immobile
- City Location = Base Characteristics
20 Underground Location 171 171 + 5 = 34 points

When Mechanon emerges to confront the temporary) blow. Unfortunately, other criminals
heroes, it leaves open the access to its secret base. will soon move in and fill the void.
The heroes can easily enter and rescue the pris- The virus can be destroyed by fire. If the
oners, including the real Richard Chandler. With escaping plane exploded or crashed, the GM can
Chandler's gift of blood, his sister can be saved. consider the virus threat ended. Any tainted
The heroes may also access Mechanon's com- drugs that were scattered in the air are so dilut-
puter and discover the details of its plan and infor- ed that they don't infect anyone (unless the GM
mation on the Rage Poison, but not on any cure as has other plans ...).
Mechanon was never interested in developing one. If, however, dealers escaped with some taint-
If the heroes prevented the escape and dis- ed drugs, the heroes (and the GM) have a prob-
tribution of the tainted drugs, even if Mechanon lem. The drugs are on the streets within days,
escaped, they won a major victory and saved and infected people run rampant soon after.
countless lives. Mechanon considers the plan a Chaos, bloodshed, and death follow.
failure and moves on to another scheme to anni- In this unhappy event the GM is on his own.
hilate life on Earth. The drug trade in the cam- However, an adventure to find and stop the
paign city has been dealt a substantial (although

Dean F. Edgell

tainted drugs before they can be sold may be 1. What is the secret of Noella and Richard
appropriate. Otherwise, the plague spreads. Chandler's latent mutation? Do they have latent
powers? What are they? How might they be acti-
Quarantine of a large city would seem impossi- vated? Could they be controlled? Might some vil-
ble, so the virus could spread across the country lain try to use them?
and to other parts of the world. 2. What is the secret research being done at
The other solution may be to develop a vac- Biotechnologies Research, Inc.? Who is financ-
cine. (See the Rage Poison, below, for informa- ing that company? What is his secret agenda?
tion on this.) It is recommended that a hero be 3. What if the Columbian drug-lord El Capataz
given the opportunity to do this if possible. decides to revenge himself on Marco? What
form might that revenge take? What if Marco's
Alternatively, Dr. Chandler can invent the cure highly-placed uncle means that El Capataz can-
and the heroes can take satisfaction in having not kill him? What if it means that he cannot act
rescued him. directly against him?
Ifany hero has become infected, then the oth- 4. How will the void in the criminal drug distribu-
ers have the challenge of stopping that hero and tion network be filled? Who will rise to become
saving him. This can be another adventure in itself. drug-lord of the campaign city? Will he have
rivals? Will there be a gang war? If the GM has
run Shadows ofthe City or Hudso" City Blues, then
the city's underworld has suffered a number of
Further severe blows. Can the heroes somehow strike the
killing blow?
Campaign Ideas 5. Will Noella Chandler become involved with any
of the heroes? Noella might make a good DNPC.
Into what other adventures might she and her
Blood Fury is designed to be a complete brother draw the hero?
adventure. However, a number of elements in
6. What will Mechanon's next master plan be? Will
this story raise questions, the answers to which Mechanon decide that it must first exterminate
could lead to further adventures. the heroes to prevent their further interference
with the completion of its programming?

The word "virus" is derived from the Latin The rabies virus is microscopic and can only be
for poison. "Rabies" is Latin for rage or fury. seen with an electron microscope ofat least 10,ooox
The citizens of Pondsville have been infect- magnification. Outside a Jiving cell, the virus is sim-
ed with a disease caused by a virus, a mutated ply a donnant particle. When it enters an appropri-
form of rabies. It, like rabies, is an acute, fatal, ate cell it becomes active, subverting the cell's meta-
infectious disease of the central nervous system bolic machinery for production of new virus parti-
that can affect all mammals. cles, and having other, secondary, effects on the host

Blood Fury

An infection of rahies most often occurs by

way of an open wound such as a hite or cut. It The Mutant Virus
need not be deep for infection to occur. The
rabies virus can also enter a body through the This virus is a genetically-engineered muta-
mucous membranes ~uch as those lining the tion of the natural rabies virus. The incubation
mouth and nose, but this normally requires a period is radically shortened, so that symptoms
high concentration of the virus in the air, such as usually begin to appear in 6-12 hours. Then the
has been found in caves that house large num- excitement stage is significantly prolonged.
bers of bats which carry the virus. Death is, however, as certain as ever.
The virus attacks nerve tissues at the site of the The mutant virus still lies dormant until it
infection and propagates along the tissues towards enters living nerve cells. It can be administered
the brain. Often the vims becomes present in the to a host by injection or absorbed through the
host's salivary glands and is secreted in the saliva. mucous membranes. Infecti6n can therefore
.For this reason, a bite from such an animal has a occm by using drugs that are permeated with the
high probability of transmitting the virus. virus particles if those drugs are injected or
'snorted.' Thereafter, one victim can pass it on
The virus can be communicated soon after ta the next in the usual fashions.
infection. However, in rabies, no symptoms are
apparent during an incubation period which The mutant rabies virus has a two-part effect:
varies, in humans, from ten days to eight 1. 1d6 Transformation to excitement state: cumu-
months. The usual perio<l is between four and lative (+1/2), NND (+1), continuous (+1), uncon-
six weeks. Once symptoms begin to appear, trolled (+1/2), o end(+'/2), ne range (-1/2), act on 14-
death follows in 2-12 days, usually 3-5 days. (each die) (-1/z), one hour between rolls (-21/2).
The symptoms begin with pain, burning, or 2 . 1d6 Transformation to nervous depression
numbness at the site of the initial infection. 111e state that results in death: cumulative (+ 1/2),
nervous system becomes excited and the victim NND (+I), continuous (+1), uncontrolled
experiences extreme restlessness, nervousness, (+1/2), o end (+ 1/2), no range (- 1/2), act on n -
headaches, fever, and irritability which can (each die) (- 1), one day between rolls (-31/2).
explode into viciousness at any moment. Infected The defences to the N N D arc Immunity co
animals in this stage appear healthy, even friendly, Disease, or powers blocking means of infection
but bite at the slightest provocation. (e.g., Resistant Defences preventing wound~ or
During the excitement stage, the victim Life Support preventing infection by breathing,
begins to experience muscle contractions in his non-mammalian body).
throat, making it feel full and causing pain if 111e continuous attack is haired by che
swallowing is attempted. Since swallowing and administering of the appropriate vaccine (and
therefore pain is often triggered by the sight of recall that the currently-available vaccine is only
water, it is this phenomena that has led rabies to effective before either of these stages is reached),
be called hydrophobia (fear of water) when it or at the completion of the Transformation.
affects humans. Eventually these throat contrac- The Transformation can be undone by magi-
tions can put a halt to biting. The excitement cal spells or powers that cure diseases, by massive
stage culminates in body-wide convulsions. blood transfusions from characters with regener-
The final stage is the depression of the ner- ation, or by Regeneration: Usable By Others.
vous system. The victim becomes quiet and apa-
thetic. Eventually he becomes paralyzed, slips
into a coma, and dies.
There is no known cure for rabies once the Fighting the Virus
symptoms appear. Recovery almost never Finding a cure for the mutant rabies is no
occurs. If treatment is sought immediately after easy matter. Characters with SC: Medicine,
exposure however, a vaccine that now requires Immunology, Biochemistry, or a related science
four injections has proven effective. might make the effort, however. If a science roll

Dean F. Edgell

at -2 is made after one day's laboratory work, the

character uncovers all o( the information above A Hero Berserl<
(except the game mechanics). Remember that
increasing the time spent can improve the roll . A hero can easily be exposed to the Rage
The character must understand this background Poison in this adventure. In that event, the virus
before he can attempt a cure as follows. run its course. The relatively lengthy incubation
period may let the hero complete this adventure
An Inventor skill roll made at -3 after another before symptoms begin, however, unless some-
day lets the scientist modify existing treatments for thing interferes, sooner or later (probably by the
rabies to develop a vaccine which can be effective if next game session) ~he. other ~er~s ~av~ .to cope
administered before symptoms begin to manifest. with their partners mcreasmg 1mtab1lity and
A similar v.iccine can be admmistered before expo- viciousness in the excitement stage. This may be
sure as a preventative as well. However this requires the basis for a whole separate adventure.
frequent booster shots to remain effective.
Average people who contract the disease have
Fortunately, the engineered virus is less almost no chance of survival without a cure.
hardy than the natural rabies virus. A1~ lnvcnt~r However, heroes are, by definition, extraordii:tary
skill roll at -5 after a day creates a vaccme that 1s p.eople. Therefore, three points of Luck might
effective at any time before the nervous depres- enable one to SW'Vive. The GM might also rule
sion stage takes effect. that if the hero's Constitution or Body are above
Some characters may have powers that prove Normal Characteristic Maxima then a Consti-
effective in fighting the virus. Regenerati~n or tution roll (perhaps at a penalty) might save him.
Immunity to Disease protect a character from infec- Alternatively, if the hero has an unusual body
tion. A Simulate Death trJnce may slow the course chemistry, that may let him survive. Perhaps the
of the disease. Aids to Body of significant duration virus interacts strangely with his chemistry trig-
can also slow the disease (by making the gering a "radiation" accident, or causing interest-
Transfonnation take longer) but not cure it. A "cure ing new mutations.
disease" ~;pell or power (a Transformation from dis-
eased to healthy) can remove the virus completely.

Most of the characters in this adventure are nor-
mals, although some have a few points in appropriate
skills and disadvantages.
Albert Gontz
8 STR, 8 CON, 16 END, 18 STUN
Skills: PS: Accounting II-, PS: Business Administra-
tion n-, KS: Business 12-, KS: Biotechnologies
Noella Chandler Research, Inc. 14-.
8 STR, 13 INT, 18 COM, 19 STUN
Skills: KS: Campaign City University 12-, SC: Albert Gontz is a bureaucrat. Overweight and
Chemistry 11-, PS: Dan<:er 8-. out of shape, he has an ulcer and perspires when he's
nervous - which is all the time. However, he is an effi-
cient manager and handles all of the day-to-day oper-
Bright, attractive and vivacious, Noella is a popu- ations of Biotechnologies Research, Inc.
lar university student. She dates often but so far has
no steady (despite many volunteers). If she survives
this adventure, Noella has the potential to become a
gifted scientist. Noella is a latent mutant with a near- Bart and Arnie
ly unique blood type. Fortunately, her brother is a 20'25 STR, II DEX, 18 CON , 8 I NT, IOii~ PRE, 5
match. PD, 4 ED, 3 SPD, 8 REC, 36 END, 29/31 STUN
Skills: Dirty Infighting O>unch, Roundhouse, Low
Blow, Kidney Blow), Streetwise 8-, PS: Pool/Billiards
Dr. Richard 13-/n-.
Note: Where two numbers arc given the figure on
Chandler the left is for Bart and the figure on the right is for
20 INT
Skills: Inventor i3-, Computer Programming 13-, These two men are the trash of society. They are
Scientist; SC: Microbiology 17-; SC: Genetics 17-; SC: rude and crude. T hey hold no regular jobs but earn
lmmunology r7-; SC: Biochemistry 17-; SC: money doing odd jobs. They don't care if the jobs are
Chemistry 11-. illegal. T he rest of the time they hang around Tony's
Rack an<l Roll, shoot pool, drink beer and look for
This man is a genius and a recognized leader in fights.
his fields. His is the scientific know-how behind
Biotechnologies Research, Inc. The scientist lacks
his sister's people skills but the siblings are very close.
Like his sister, Chandler is a latent mutant with a Army Soldiers
nearly unique blood type. These are skilled normals (see p. 134 of the
Champio1u Rule Book), and carry appropr iate equip-
ment (frequently .223 (M16A1) assault rit1es).

Dean F. Edgell

Cost Powers/Skills END

Victims of the 16 + 16" Superleap (29" total) 1

Rage Poison 5
-5 Lack of Weakness
+3 Levels with Combat
25 STR, u DEX, 13 CON, 8 INT, 10 PD, 6 ED, 3 5 + 1 Level with OCV
SPD, 8 REC, 26 END, 30 STUN
100+ Disadvantues
Powers and Skills: Transformation Attack (see The
Rage Poison, p. 47); 1/z d6 KA bite and scratch. 20 2x effect from Mental Powers
15 Berserk when takes BODY 11-, 11-
The virus enhances nervous reaction during the 15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident
excitement stage. An adrenalin rush increases the (very common, moderate)
effective strength of the infected victims, at least
while they are fighting. If the victims are not power- 20 Psychological Limitation: Hates bullies (very
ful enough co satisfy the GM, he may wish to also common, strong)
give them excra Hanc.J-co-Hand attack damage, or to 15 Bad Reputation 11-, extreme
increase the Killing Attack.
15 DNPC: Crippled sister (Incompetent, 8-)
In the nervous depression stage, the victim's
characteristics drop to the levels of an incompetent 20 Hunted by UNTIL 11-
normal and worse, before he slips into a coma and 15 Hunted by Mechanon 8-
die. Seep. 48 for notes on how the virus affects per-
15 Public ID
15 Experience

Ogre RECENT HI STORY: Ogre's background appears

on p. C24 of the Champiom Sourcebook. After his most
Val Char Cost Combat Stats recent escape, Ogre hid himself in the sewers of the
campaign city. He was still there weeks later when
65 STR 55 OCV: 6 Mechanon came for him. Ogre tried to fight, and he
18 DEX 24 DCV: 6 tried to flee, but to no avail.
28 CON 36 ECV: 5 Ogre's mind was reprogrammed. His knowledge
of Mr. Caesar's true identity was crasec.J. I nsceac.J,
15 BODY 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 memories of a friend ly meeting with Mr. Caesar and
5 INT -5 their forging of a partnership were implanted. Ogre
10 EGO 0 Costs became a totally obedient weapon of Mr. Caesar, an
enforcer who would overcome the resistance of ocher
25 PRE 15 gang Leaders and quickly propel Mr. Caesar to control
8 COM -1 Char: 188 Base: 100 of the cicy's drug-dealers.
28 PD 15 + + PERSONALITY: Ogre is totally obedient to Mr.
Caesar's orc.Jers, and will remain so until the mental
20 ED 14 Powers: 77 Disad: 165 programming wears off (in a few monrhs at the earli-
4 SPD 12 = = est). Otherwise Ogre is as previously described .
1.9 REC 0 Totals: 265 265 POWERSrrACTICS: GM's should note that,
despite Ogre's vulnerability to mental powers, in
56 END 0
order to overcome Mr. Caesar's existing mental pro-
75 STUN 13 gramming and tampering with Ogre's memories a
Cost Powers/Skills END Mind Concrol roll at 50+ (before applying the vulner-
ability) or a successful PS: Psyche Reconstruction roll
12 Damage Resistance 12 PD, 12 ED after one day is required.
15 Hardened Defences (all) EXPERIENCE: To reflect his hard-earned experi-
ence, we've increased Orge's STR and STUN, adding

Blood Fury

a level with OCV as well. These are simply sugges- o+ I

tions for the GM. Ogre should remain consistent 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
with previous appearances in the G M's campaign. if
15 Psychological Limitation: Martinet,
any, and the GM is urged co make adjustments as
appropriate. obsessed with control and appearance
(common, strong)
15 Psychological Limitation : Lacks initiative

Major Joseph 2
(uncommon, total)
BACKGROUND: Major Rey nolds is a caree r
Val Char Cost Combat Stats
Army officer, presentlf' aged 39 yea rs. He was a satis-
10 STR 0 OCV: 4 factory student at West Point. H~ has yet ro be
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4 assi&ned to combat duty, but is known to be an able
10 CON 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
The command of Seraphim Springs is a very
10 BODY 0 important assignment for him and he is determined
10 INT 0 Costs to maintain security for the operation.
14 EGO 8 DISTINCTIVE QUOTE: "I'm running a tight
operation here. I've got no time or patience for
13 PRE 3 Char: 23 Base: 0 unprofessional conduct."
10 COM 0 + + PERSONALITY: Reynolds is a smart and d~ter­
2 PD 0 Powers: 34 Disad: 57 mined officer, with ambitions for his future. He
prides himself on the standards he sets. P recision and
2 ED 0 = = control are his watchwords.
3 SPD 9 Totals: 57 57 Reynolds is meticulous and somewhat inflexible.
4 REC 0 He tends to follow alJ reconunended procedw·es by
the book and is a little short on personal initiative.
20 END 0 He finds flamboyant and unpredictable heroes diffi-
20 STUN 0 cult to deal with. However, he returns respectful and
Cost Powers/Skills END professional treatment.
If mental powers are used against Major
2 Familiarity w ith Small Arms group
Reynolds, co his knowledge, to reveal his thoughts or
6 +2d6 Hand-to-Hand Attack (unarmed com- to control rus actions, ht is horrified and frightened
bat training) by the loss of self-control. He won't easily forgive the
1 Tactics 8-
violation of his mind. He immediately tries to have
the mentalist arrested for breach of security and any
5 Bureaucratics 12- other charge that fi ts. In the funire, convinced that
2 PS: Army Officer 11- mentalists are a threat to privacy, dignity and free-
dom, Major Reynolds will <:ampaign against them ,
3 KS: U.S. Army 12-
de man ding protective laws.
5 KS: U.S. Army Regulations and Rules 14- POWERS/TACTICS: Reynolds is a competent,
4 KS: U.S. Army Training Scenarios and respected military officer. H e responds with military
recommended solutions 14- precision and procedure to every problem. Where
the problem is unique, he may have treuble deciding
6 Contacts: (Various U.S. Congressmen) what action to take, but eventually either gets
o+ Disadvantages instructions or acts out a similar scenario for which
5 Distinctive Looks: Military Man (easily con- there is a procedure.
cealable, noticeable) Obsessed as he is with control and security, all
attempts at Conversation, Persuasion, or Seduction

Dean F. Edgell ·

aimed at obtaining military secrets (including any Cost Powers/Skills END

information on Operation: Quarantine) take -3 to Plastiskin disguises (DEF 4) (seep. 18 for
their rolls. means of identification) (- 1/4)
APPEARANCE: Reynolds is an attractive, middle-
10 Disguise and Mimicry 14-, only for Shape-
aged man usually found in Army uniform.
Shifted form (-1 /2)
2 KS: Humanoid duplicated 11 -

Robot Simulacra 5 KS or PS or SC appropriate to humanoid

duplicated. (For Dr. Chandler, KS: Bio-
Val Char Cost Combat Stats chemistry 14-; for Dr. Yee, PS: Doctor 14-;
50 STR 50 OCV: 6 for Nurse Wilcox, PS: Nurse 14-; for Mrs.
Yee, PS: Secretary 14-; for Mr. Caesar's gun-
23 DEX 39 DCV: 6
men, Familiarity with Small Arms group,
10 CON o Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 1o, 12 Piloting 13-)
10 BODY 0 100+ Disadvantages
10 INT 0 Costs 10 Distinctive Features: Robot (easily con-
EGO 0 cealed, noticed & recognizeable, major
20 PRE 10 Char: 172 Base: 100 reaction)
10 COM 0 + + 15 Secret ID
10 rPD 20 Powers:21 l Disad: 285 25 Psychological limitation: Totally obedient
to programming (usually includes instruc-
10 rED 28 = = tion to maintain cover, kill any who pene-
6 SPD 27 Totals: 385 385 trate cover) (very common, total)
12 REC 0 15 Psychological limitation: Total shut-down if
0 END 0 given "Shut-Downn code (uncommon,
• STUN 0 total)
Cost Powers/Skills END 20 1d6 BODY Drain each phase if given "Self-
30 0-END STR Destruct" code (uncommon)

18 1d6 HKA (2xl d6 with STR), reduced O 15 Physical limitation: Stunned for one phase
penetration (- 1/4)(metal-hard fists) if hit with electrical attack that does > 40
6 0-END Running
185 Villain Bonus/Experience
60 Takes No Stun; only Body
2 - ln KNB (mass 200 kg.)
BACKGROUND: These robots were built by
30 Full Life Support Mechanon, and are programmed to assume the iden-
5 Aash Defence: 5 points (sight) tity of human beings. Each of the individuals
Mechanon kidnapped was under observ.ation (by
10 High-Range Radio (Microwave) robot flies and in their cells) to form the basis of each
Transmission/Hearing simulacrum's programming.
24 15d6 Energy Blast Explosion: trigger ( +1/4) DISTINCTIVE QUOTE: The same as that of the
(when reaches o BODY), one charge, not person being impersonated, but usually more calm or
recoverable (-2), no range (- 1/2} even "machine-like."
9 Shape Shift (Humanoids), Persistent: one PERSONALITY: They are programmed to imper-
hour to activate (-2 1/2), only in lab with sonate others, although not always perfectly.
access to special equipment (- 1/2), llF POWERS/TACTICS: These robots are near-per-
fect impostors. Their greatest flaw is that, when pre-

Blood Fury

scnted with situacions outside their programming, Val Char Cost

they may ace inappropriately. For example, they may 0 END -10
fail to recognize old friends. Also, in highly-charged
emotional Situations, they have trouble simulating - STUN 0
irrationality and emotions, and may give themselves Cost Powers/Skills END
away. 93 7 levels Shrinking: always on (- 1/2),
In general, the robots try to maintain their mas- OCV 3, DCV 17
querades and fulfil whatever missions Mechanon has
given them. They observe and report every few min- 10 360° Vision
utes by microwave burst transmissions. 10 High-Range Radio (Microwave)
If a robor is revealed, or if its mission requires it, Transmission/Hearing
the robot is extremely powerful, and a match for 30 Full Life Support
superheroes. Each is equipped with a self-destruct
device which explodes if the robot is reduced tu o 24 Flight 8 II 0
BODY or less. 60 Takes no Stun, only Body
(I'he robot s imulacra can be made more powerfol 5 Shadowing l 2-
ily adding to STR and/or eyebcam energy lllasts (8d6
AP Energy Blast, o End is recommended). In a Dark 100+ Disadvanta2es
Champions campaign where the heroes are relying 5 Distinctive Features: Robot (easily con-
upon conventional weapons or lower-powered cealed)
attacks, the GM may wish to add a disadvantage to
25 Psychological Limitation: Totally obedient
the robots: once a robot has taken damage, the hero
can bypas; its armor by hitting the damaged area (a to programming (very common, total)
hit loc<ttion penalty of -8 plus the amount of Body 15 Psychological Limitation: Total shut-down
dama~ done at that location). If the location is hit, if given "Shut-Down" code (uncommon,
then the attack can do 11'2 x BODY.) total)
APPEARANCE: With the aid of moulded plas- 15 Secret Identity
tiskin, false hair, and padding for body shaping, the
robot simulacra can look like anyone. Their ability at 25 Villain Bonus/Experience
disguise is limited only by their programming.
BACKGROUND: These miniaturized robots were
created by Mechanon ro f)e its !{>ies. They can enter
Robot Flies almost anywhere and pass uncommented upon. They
can see and hear activities, and llie::n reporc by
Val Char Cost Combat Stats microwave burst transmissions. So long as one of its
robot flies is about, Mechanon is fully informed
-30 STR -40 OCV: 3 about everything that happens.
10 DEX 0 DCV: 3 Mechanon has these fJies monitoring Pondsville
10 CON 0 ECV: 0 and all Operation: Quarantine activities. It was
through such spying that Mechanon became aware
1 BODY -18 Phases: 4,8, 12
that Dr. Chandler was close co a breakthrough in his
10 INT 0 studies of the Rage Poison. Mechanon was able to
- EGO 0 Costs kidnap and replace Chandler ami prevent any
10 PRE 10
At some point, but not before the heroes reveal
0 COM 0 Char: -47 Base: 100 the Chandler robot, Mechanon may assign some
0 rPD 0 + + robot flies co monitor the heroes.
1 rED 1 Powers:232 Base: 85 DISTINCTIVE QUOTE: " Bzzzz" (these robots
do not talk).
3 SPD 10 = = PERSONALITY: None. These robots are pro-
2 REC o- l'otals: 185 Base:· 185 grammed to mimic fly behavior.

Dean F. Edgell

POWERS/TACTICS: These robots look and act Cost Powers/Skills END

like flies. They are able to move about unnoticed and 1 SC: Chemistry 8-
spy upon activities and persons of interest to
Mechanon. They have no combat abilities. 1 SC: Immunology 8-
APPEARANCE: Except to close scrutiny, these 6 Languages: Vietnamese, Cambodian,
robots look like flies. German (each Fluent Conversation)
13 Contacts and Favors (Various U.S. and
NATO military men)
General Ernest 50+ Disadvantages
5 Distinctive Looks: Military Man (easily con-
Thurgood cealable, noticeable)
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 5 Age 50+
10 STR 0 OCV: 4 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4 15 Psychological Limitation: Honorable (com-
mon, strong)
10 CON 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
15 Psychological Limitation: Feels responsibili-
10 BODY 0
ty of command (common, strong)
18 INT 8 Costs
10 Psychological Limitation: Obeys orders of
18 EGO 16 superiors (common, moderate)
15 PRE 5 Char: 41 Base: 50 10 Psychological Limitation: Patriot (common,
10 COM 0 + + moderate)
2 PD 0 Powers: 89 Disad: 80
2 ED 0 = = BACKGROUND: Ernest Thurgood is a career
3 SPD 9 Totals: 130 130
Army man. He graduated from West Point with hon-
ors and was decorated for heroism during the
4 REC 0 Vietnam War. Now he is the Pentagon's acknowl-
20 END 0 edged expert on chemical and bielogical weapons and
defence against them.
20 STUN 0
DISTINCTIVE QUOTE: "Gentlemen. Ladies.
Cost Powers/Skills END The president of the United States has given us a
2 Familiarity with Small Arms group mission. The American people are depending on us.
Let's not disappoint them."
24 Commando Training
PERSONALITY: General Thurgood is an intelli-
5 Tactics 14- gent, level-headed military professional. He is cur-
5 Bureaucratics 13- rently struggling to deal with a very difficult problem.
3 Oratory 12-
He has little patience for flippancy when'
lives are at stake. He has no particular prejudices for.
3 Suivival 11- or against super-powered or costumed beings, and lis-
3 Resistance +3 tens to whatever the heroes have to tell him unless
they have already alienated him. Then he asks prob-
4 PS: Army Officer 13- ing questions.
5 KS: U.S. Army 14- POWERSffACTICS: General Thurgood remem-
2 KS: World Politics 11- bers some of his skills from his clays of combat service
but he is no match for a superhero and knows it.
5 KS: Chemical and Biological Weapons 14-
However, he is a high-ranking Army officer wi th
6 AKS: Middle East, South-East Asia, Europe 11- friends in all branches of the armed forces of the U.S.
1 SC: Meteorology 8- and allied countries. The general can call on the

Blood Fury

resources of the United States Army to deal with his 50+ Disadvantae:es
concerns. 10 Psychological Limitation: Fears Rage
G eneraJ Thurgood is a crafty and determined Poison/ Pondsville disease (uncommon,
man. All attemprs at Conver5ation, Persuasion, or strong)
Seduction aimed at obtaining inilitary Secrets from
him suffer at least -4 to their rolls. 15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to and pro-
tective of family (common, strong)
APPEARANCE: Well into his 50s, General
Thurgood exercises regularly to stay in good shape 15 Psychological Limitation: Distrustful of
for his age. He is usually in Army uniform. Recently, others (common, strong)
hes developed dark circles under his eyes, and dis- 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
plays signs of exhaustion ;md stress.
5 Age 40+

Ezra McCubbin BACKGROUND: On the outskirts of Pondsville is

the two-story farmhouse of Ezra McCubbin. Once he
Val Char Cost Combat Stats lived here and worked his farm with his son.Joshua,
Joshua's wifo, Anna, and their three children. Now
10 STR 0 OCV: 4 Ezra lives as a man under seige. He was forced to
11 DEX 3 DCV: 4 shoot his own son after J oshua became infected. Tf he
hadn't, Joshua would have killed his own daughter in
10 CON 0 ECV: 5
a fit of rage . Now, the nine-year-0ld is locked in the
12 BODY 4 Phases: 4, 8, 12 celJar, suffering from the effects of the Rage Poison.
13 INT 3 Food is thrown down to her. Ezra believes t hat he
should kill che child co put her out of her misery, but
14 EGO 8 Costs won't so long as Anna resists the idea. Anna
13 PRE 3 McCubbin and her two other children huddle
10 COM 0 Char: 33 Base: so together inside the house.
Ezra and his coon-hound, Banjo, keep watch
2 PD 0 + + from inside the barricaded home. They lee no one
2 ED 0 Powers: 82 Di sad: 65 approach the house. Ezra is sworn to prntect his fam -
ily and no longer trusts anyone. 1-le has both a 12
3 SPD 9 = = gauge open choke shotgun and a .30-06 Springfield
4 REC 0 Totals: 115 115 rifle always at hand. Anna has a rifle as well.
20 END 0 Ezra doesn't trust the heroes. Nor will he leave
25 STUN 3 che house. He knows some neighbors who tried co
leave the area and were turned hack by the Army.
Cost Powers/Skills END They were attacked on their way back and became
2 Familiarity with Small Arms group infected.
15 +5 Levels with Rifles and Shotguns If the heroes want to help Ezra and his family,
they have to force help upon them, or win them over.
2 PS: Farmer 11-
The latter requires Persuasion at -3 or a PrcSence
4 PS: Hunter 13- Attack at the + 20 level without using intim idation.
3 Survival 13-
3 Tracking 14-
3 Stealth 13- Banjo
6 +2 with Survival, Tracking, and Stealth
20 4d6 Luck 8 STR -2 OCV: 5
19 Danger Sense (Out of Combat) 13- 15 DEX 15 DCV: 5
5 Banjo 13 CON 6 ECV: 2

Dean F. Edgell

Val Char Cost Combat Stats Val Char Cost Costs

8 BODY -4 Phases: 4, 8, 12 15 PRE 5
8 INT -2 10 COM 0 Char: 47 Base: 50
6 EGO -8 Costs 6 PD 2 + +
10 PRE 0 3 ED 0 Powers: 72 Disad: 69
Char: 14
Base: 0
Totals: 119
3 ED 0 Powers: 58 Disad: 72 26 END 0
3 SPD 5 = = 30 STUN 0
6 REC 2 Totals: 72 72 Cost Powers/Skills END
20 END 0 2 Familiarity with Small Arms group
19 STUN 0 24 + 3 Levels with Combat
Cost Powers/Skills END 2 PS: Soldier 11-
8 Bite: 1/2d6 HKA, reduced penetration 24 Commando Training
(-1/4) (2 X 1/2d6 with STR) 10 Danger Sense 11-
10 +2 Levels with Hand-to-Hand Combat 10 2d6 Luck
4 PS: Hunter 13- 50+ Disadvantages
12 +4 w ith Perception rolls 20 Psychological Limitation: Fears Rage
10 Tracking Scent Poison/ Pondsville disease (very common,
4 +2H Running (8" total) strong)
10 2d6 Luck 25 Psychological Limitation: Distrustful of oth-
ers (very common, total)
o+ Disadvantages
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
25 Psychological Limitation : Loyal to and pro-
tective of Ezra Mccubbin and his family 4 Experience
(very common, total)
15 Physical Limitation: No fine manipulation BACKGROUND: Much like Ezra McCubbin,
(animal) Leroy reali~ed what was happening to Pondsville and
holed up. Leroy is barricaded into a sporcing gootls
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima shop with several guns and lots of ammunition.
12 Experience Unfortunately he has cracked under che stress. He is
completely irrational now, and shoots anything that
moves. H.e received Army trainfog in the past and
saw action in Vietnam (after which he suffered from
Leroy Buchanan Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome).
Val Char Cost Combat Stats
Joanie Davis
13 CON 6 ECV: 3 Val Char Cost Combat Stats
13 BODY 6 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 8 STR -2 OCV: 4
10 INT 0 11 DEX 3 DCV: 4
10 GO 0 8 CON -4 ECV: 4

Blood Fury

Val Char Cost Combat Stats

8 BODY -4 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Marco Caballero
10 INT 0 Val Char Cost Combat Stats
11 EGO 2 Costs 13 STR 3 OCV: 4
10 PRE 0 11 DEX 3 DCV: 4
14 COM 2 Char: 6 Base: 0 10 CON 0 ECV: 4
2 PD 0 + + 10 BODY 0 Phases: 4, 8, 12
0 .,___________________ __.
2 ED 0 Powers: 42 Disad: 48 10 INT
3 SPD 9 = = 10 EGO o Costs
4 REC 0 Totals: 48 48 13 PRE 3
16 END 0 12 COM 1 Char: 19 Base: O
16 STUN 0 3 PD 0 + +
Cost Powers/Skills END 2 ED O Powers: 76 Disad: 95
4 +2" Running 3 SPD =
9 =
3 Concealment 14- 5 REC o Totals: 95 95
3 Stealth 14- 20 END 0
9 +3 with Concealment and Stealth 22 STUN 0
3 Climbing 11- Cost Powers/Skills END
10 Danger Sense 11- 17 Dirty Infighting (Punch, Roundhouse, low
10 2d6 Luck Blow, Kidney Blow)
o+ DisadvantaKes 12 Heavy Pistol: 2d6 RKA, eight charges (- 1/2),
20 Psychological Limitation: Fears Rage OAF (-1)
Poison/Pondsville disease (very common, 3 AK: Campaign City 12-
strong) 2 AK: Colombia 11-
15 Psychological Limitation: Distrustful of oth- 2 PS: Mobster 11-
ers (common, moderate)
2 Familiarity with Small Arms group
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima
5 Streetwise 13-
-7 Experience
5 KS: Local Drug Networks and Suppliers 14-
0 Spanish (native)
BACKGROUND: This 13-year-old girl spends
mosc of her time in the attic of a neighbor's home, 3 English
hiding in an old trunk. Sometimes, at night, she 5 + 1 Level with Hand-to-Hand Combat
sneaks out and finds food. Joanie was home from 2 Perk: His uncle is a high-placed Colombian
school with a cold for several days just before
Pondsville went mad, so she wasn't infected with the drug-lord
Rage Poison along with the other children of the 2 Concealed Weapon Permit
town. 15 3d6 Luck
1 PS: Pool 8-
O+ Disadvantattes
20 Normal Characteristic Maxima

Dean F. Edgell

O+ Disadvantages Mr. Caesar was going to be Marco's ticket to the top.

15 Psychological Limitation: Macho (common, An alliance was formed.
strong) Granted, Marco wasn't prepared for Mr. Caesar's
ruthlessness. He hadn't expected so many brutal
15 Psychological Limitation: Wants to be a big
deaths of high-placed drug-dealers. Uut there was no
man in the mob (common, strong) restraining Mr. Caesar, and Marco found himself in it
15 Hunted by the mob (More powerful, exten- deep with no going back.
sive non-combat influence, mild punish- Now Mr. Caesar is in control of most of the
ment, 8-) city"s drug supply, and Marco is his lieutenant.
10 Hunted by El Capataz (More powerful, mild DISTINCTIVE QUOTE: "Hey. You guys better
punishment, 8-) watch out. Don't you know who I am? That's right,
puerco, me and Mr. Caesar, we're dose. You're
15 3d6 Unluck messin' with Marco Caballero!" (Marco thinks this is
5 Distinctive Looks (cigar): easily concealable a serious Presence Attack.)
PERSONALITY: Marco has a dream; he wants to
be a rich and powerful drug-lord, like his uncle, Don
BACKGROUND: Marco always knew he'd go into
Rico. Until he becomes "Don Marco," Marco prac-
the famdy business. The fact that the family business
tices acting the part. He talks rough, buys drinks for
was cocaine only meant that there was more money
people, and tries to chum with other mobsters. It
and more glamor for a guy l.ikc Marco. With the right
gets harder as the more powedul mobsters avoid him.
connections (which he had) and the right style (which
Still the street thugs like the beer he buys and put up
he thought he had) a man could go far in Colombia.
with his t:amaraderie, so Marco thinks he's in solid.
Marco didn't know how far he'd go.
Marco tries to ingratiate himself wtth more pow-
It wasn't Marco's fault that the Colombian
erful people but, in truth, he is careless. He doesn't
Federal Police followed him to a sensitive operation.
really notice the little things that can blow a plan, so
It wasn't his fault that El Capataz was wounded in
he makes mistakes.
the ensuing shoot our and still hears a gnidge. (5ec p.
C69 of the Champions Sourcebook for more details POWERS/TACTICS: Marco has few useful skills.
about El Capataz.) And it wasn't his fault chat the He carries a gun but has never used it in a gunfight;
speed boat ran out of gas when that cocaine shipment he's usually too busy finding eover. Marco is a nasty
was being moved onto a ship off the Colombian customer in an unfair fight but no match for a skilled
shore. The Colombian navy had picked them up, opponent, let alone a superhero.
hadn't they? Marco does know a lot of people and of what
The cartel decided Marco had to go. But his happens in the narcotics underworld. His mistakes
uncle intervened on Marco's behalf, and he was trans- and carelessness have cost the mob though, and he is
ferred to the cartel's campaign-city operations. There out of favor with the Colombian drug-lords. If it not
he tried to fit in. Unfortunately, on two occasions, for his uncle, Marco would have been executed by
small accidents led to the exposure and arrest of local now. (El Capacaz would like co take fatal revenge but
mob members. Soon Marco found himself being lcfc Marco's family connection prevents him from taking
out of important deals. No one wanted anything to direct action - hence the "mild punishment" limita-
do with Marco. They even called him a jinx! T his tion.)
ostracism was making it impossible to continue his Marco's incredible luck, both good and bad,
advancement in the mob. makes his life a rollercoaster of spectacular failures
Marco determined that he would show them all. and remarkable escapes.
He was meant to be a big time drug-lord. Then APPEARANCE: Marco is about 30 years old. He
Marco met Mr. Caesar and got his big chance. Mr. has a bushy moustache and almost always smokes his
Caesar was smart and shrewd, had Ogre for an trademark foul-smelling Cuban cigar (his own special
enforcer, and wanted to take over the city's d net- blend). He wears a white suit or a loud Hawaiian
works. But Mr. Caesar didn't have what Marco had: shirt, depending upon his mood.
street savvy, contacts, and a working knowledge of
those drug networks. Mr. Caesar needed Marco, and

· Blood Fury

Cost Powers/Skills END

Mr. Caesar 2 KS: Humanoid duplicated 11-
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 2 Familiarity with Small Arms group
so STR 40 OCV: 6 3 Pilot 14-
23 DEX 39 DCV: 6 100+ Disadvantages
10 CON 0 ECV: 0 10 Distinctive Features: Robot (easily con-
cealed, noticed & recognizeable, major
10 BODY 0 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
10 INT 0
15 Secret ID
- EGO 0 Costs
25 Psychological Limitation: Totally Obedient
20 PRE 10 to Programming (usually includes instruc-
10 COM 0 Char: 164 Base: 100 tion to maintain cover, kill any who pene-
10 rPD 20 + + trate cover)(very common, total)
10 rED 28 Powers:211 Disad: 275 15 Psychological Limitation: Total shut-down if
6 SPD 27 given "Shut-Down" code (uncommon,
== :::
12 REC 0 Total: 375 375
20 1d6 BODY Drain each phase if given "Self-
0 END 0
Destruct" code (uncommon)
. STUN 0
15 Physical Limitation: Stunned for one phase
Cost Powers/Skills END if hit with electrical attack that does> 40
18 ld6 HKA (2xld6 with STR), 0 END (+ 1/2), 175 Villain Bonus/Experience
reduced penetration (- 1/4)(metal-hard
fists) BACKGROUND: No one knows where Mr.
6 0-END Running Caesar came from. No one knows who he really is.
60 Takes No STUN; only BODY But with Ogre for an enforcer and drawing upon
Marco Caballero's knowledge of the campaign city's
2 -1" KNB (mass 200 kg.) drug networks, Mr. Caesar has launched a gang-war
30 Full Life Support to rake over those networks. An<l, he's winning.

5 Flash Defence: 5 points (sight) Those who've met Mr. Caesar say he looks and
acts like a movie mobster, but his mind is quick and
lO High-Range Radio (Microwave) sharp. I {e knows what's going on. Some believe he
Transmission/Hearing has spies everywhere, even in the police department.
24 15d6 Energy Blast: Explosion ( + 1/2), Trigger Aside from Ogre and Marco, Mr. Caesar has three
(+ 1/4) (when reaches o BODY), one cold, impersonal, and effective gunmen. No one
knows anything about them, either. The rest of Mr.
charge, not recoverable (-2), no range
Caesar's mob are all, recent recruits.
DISTINCTIVE QUOTE: "Alright youse guys,
9 Shape Shift (Humanoids), Persistent: one this town is mfoe now, see? You can call me Mr.
hour to activate (-2 1/2), only in lab with Caesar."
access to special equipment (- 1/2), llF PERSONALITY: Mr. Caesar acts just like a movie
Plastiskin disguises (DEF 4) (see p. 18 for mobster, but behind it all is a cold, calculating genjus.
means of identification) (-1 /4) He has no regard for life.
10 Disguise and Mimicry 14-: only for Shape- POWERS/TACTICS: Mr. Caesar acts no better
Shifted form (-1 /2) than a skiUed normal mobster, unless his true nature
is discovered or the distribution of the trunted drugs

Dean F. Edgell

is threatened. Then he uses all his power. Mr. Caesar Val Char Cost Costs
is actually a robot simulacmm directly controlled by 2 COM -4
its creator, Mechanon. The three mysterious gunmen
are also robot simulacra. 30 PD 18 Char: 327 Base: 150
Mechanon is using Mr. Caesar to front its efforts 30 ED 22 + +
to take rentrol of the campaign city's drug networks. 7 SPD 37 Powers:602 Disad: 779
Mechanon chose to creare a new drug-lord rather
than replace an existing one with a robot simulacrum 20 REC 0 = =
because it calcul~ted that a mysterious new drug-lord 90 END 5 Totals: 929 929
was more likely to inspire the fear and respect need- 100 STUN 35
ed to bring together the city's drug-dealers for a mas-
sive distribution of the drugs tainted with the Rage Cost Powers/Skills END
Poison. A single, widespread release of the contami- 78 Multipower (78 point reserve)
nated drugs would be more effective in achieving the
7u Laser: 12d6 EB, 1/2 END 3
widespread death, chaos, and terror that Mechanon
wanted. 7u Plasma: 10d6 EB, Affects Desolid 7
Also, although the robot doesn't realize it, 30u Rockets: 1Od6 EB, AP-Physical, 16 charges
Mechanon's own massive ego drove it to become a (0), 0 END (+ l/2)
drug-lord in its own right, rather than simply assum-
ing another's identity. 30u Bombs: 3d6+1 RKA, Explosion, 16 charges
(O), 0 END (+ 1/2)
(Mr. Caesar can be made more powerful by
adding 10 ST R, and/or eyebeam energy blasts (8d6 7u Bonder: 7d6 Entangle, DEF 7 7
AP Energy lllasr , o End is recommended). The GM 7u 1
3d6 STUN Drain, Area Effect, /2 END 3
may also decide chat Mee harwn has initiated a direct
link-up with Mr. Caesar. I.n this case, Mr. Caesar has au Electric Charge: 9d6 EB, Damage Shield,
1/2 END 3
Mechanon's mental stats and is subject to mental
attack: INT 25, EGO i5, PRE 25, Mental DEF 18. ln 7 3d6 Absorption to END, Electricity only (-1)
a Dark Champions campaign where the heroes are
4 -2" Knockback (mass 200 kg.)
relying upon conventional weapons or lower-powered
attacks, the GM may wish to add a disadvantage to 30 Damage Resistance (30 PD, 30 ED)
the robots: once a robot has taken damage, the hero 30 Full Life Support
can bypass its arnwr by hitting the damaged area (a
hit location penalty of -8 plus the amount of Body 15 Mental Defence ( 18 points total)
damage done at that location). If the location is hit, 10 Flash Defence: 10 points (sight)
then the attack can do 1 1'2 x BODY.) 18ld6 HKA (2xld6 with STR), reduced pene-
APPEARANCE: Mr. Caesar is short and stocky. tration (- 1/4)(metal-hard fists)
He looks and dresses like a movie mobster.
25 Flight 10", 4x non-combat multiple 2
1o 360° Vision
Mechanon 10 High-Range Radio (Microwave)
Val Char Cost Combat Stats 3 Absolute Time Sense
60 STR 50 OCV: 8 1O Eidetic Memory
23 DEX 39 DCV: 8 3 Lightning Calculator
40 CON 60 ECV: 5 3 Scientist
15 BODY 10 Phases:2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12 25 SC (15- each): Chemistry, Genetics, Nuclear
25 INT 15 Physics, Physics, Robotics
15 EGO 10 10 +2 Levels with Multipower
40 PRE 30 20 + 2 Overall Levels

Blood Fury

Cost Perks the world's cocaine supply at the source,

29 Computer (147 points) Mechanon has decided to test its plan, first in
34 Base (171 points) Pondsvi!Je and then in the campaign city. If the
tests arc foiled, Mechanon abandons the Rage
60 128 Robot Flies ( 125 base points each) Poison as a means to fulfilling its programming.
72 8 Robot Simulacra (285 base points each) It also abandons advance testing as contributing
to the plan's failure.
150+ DisadvantHes
Mechanon believes it is coldly logical and
20 Psychological Limitation: Megalomaniac
without emotion. In fact, Mechanon hates
(common, total) organic lifeforms, especially superheroes, and
20 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident delights in thei r suffering. It is also possessed of
(very common, strong) an overweening pride.
20 Psychological Limitation: Sworn to destroy POWERSfrACTICS: Mechanon has robotic
mankind (very common, strong) factories hidden all over the world, programmed
to rebuild it with any improvements necessary to
15 Psychological Limitation: Arrogant (very
stop whatever de stroyed it. The version of
common, moderate) Mechanon above is only a suggestion. Mechan-
10 Psychological Limitation: Hunts super- on's actual powers and characteristics should
heroes (common, moderate) reflect its history in the campaign. Each time
20 Bad Reputation (extreme, 14-) Mechanon is redesigned, it is possible for new
defects (e.g., Vulnerabilities and Susceptibilities)
25 Hunted by UNTIL (more powerful, 14-) to appear, remaining in the design until they
10 Hunted by superhero group (less powerful, result in Mechanon's defeat, at which point the
11-) design will be revised to eliminate those particu-
25 Susc: Lose 2d6 per phase from being in lar flaws.
environments of extreme heat (e.g.: contin- EXPERIENCE: The version of Mechanon
uous fire or heat attacks) above differs from the one in the Champions Rule
Book. Certain talents have been added to reflect
25 Susc: Lose 2d6 per phase from being in Mechanon's computer hrain. Other changes
Entangles that do not have the "Entangle reflect the redesign of Mechanon's physical
Takes No Damage From Attack" or form, assuming that heroes have discovered its
"Entangle and Character Both Take earlier defects and u~<l them against the robot.
Damage" advant ages The new design corrects those flaws and, in fact,
589 Villain Bonus/Experience heroes who use electricity against Mechanon
increase its power.
However, the new design also has some
PERSONALITY: T he latest generation inherent defects that aren't known to Mechan-
Mechanon is still a cold, uncaring machine. It on. I ts present configuration is susceptible to
considers all humanity inferior and worthy only overheating so that anything which interferes
of contempt. In Mechanon's present scheme, wit_h the efficient operation of the robot's cool-
humanity's own weaknesses, physical and psy- ing systems (such as high-teJllperature environ-
chological, are to be the means Qf its extermina- ments or obstructions blocking its ventilation)
tion. To Mechanon's mind it is only hastening cause its performance to degrade and perhaps
the natural result. render it non-functional. Generous GMs may
Mechanon's current plan deviates in one allow a hero, who studies Mechanon wit h
respect from its typical patterns. Rather than Infrared Vision and/or Find Weakness and who
immediately embark upon its grand scheme, makes a Perception roll, to notice that Mechan-
which requirei the rol,.,,t to dominate the on has heat vents that disperse an unusual
cocaine cartels of Colombia and contaminate amount of heat.


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