YDS-YÖKdil Paragraf
YDS-YÖKdil Paragraf
YDS-YÖKdil Paragraf
Weeds are plants out of place, either as the wrong plant in cultivated ground, or as any
plant where none should be. They can cause considerable financial loss through the cost of
their control and the damage they do to crops. Plants which become really troublesome as
weeds are those which persist despite man's efforts to control them. Such persistency is
due to several factors of which perhaps the most important are prolific seed production, coupled
with the often remarkably long periods of dormancy of the seed, and the ability of vegetative parts
of some plants to survive mechanical damage and adverse conditions and to set up new plants.
Weeds may be controlled by hand, by cultivation and other mechanical means, by
biological means and by chemical weedkillers. Chemical weedkillers are widely used, either to
give a total kill and suppress all vegetation or to control weeds selectively in crops.
1. The writer points out that weeds lead to considerable financial loss ………… .
A) because they appear where they are not wanted
B) because very little effort is made to control them
C) as all weedkillers destroy the crops as well as the weeds
D) as they are all aggressive and able to resist man's efforts to control them
E) as the control of them is expensive and if they are left uncontrolled they harm crops
2. We understand from the passage that one reason why some weeds can be particularly
troublesome is ………… .
A) because they produce large quantities of seeds several times a year
B) that they develop a resistance to chemical weedkillers
C) because new plants can grow out of the damaged parts of a plant
D) that they can become dormant when weedkillers are applied
E) because it is impossible to kill them
3. It is clear from the passage that some chemical weed killers have been specially
designed ………… .
A) to rid the soil of all unwanted seed
B) to prevent weeds from producing seeds
C) to destroy a weed's capacity to produce seeds that can lie dormant over long periods of time
D) to destroy only unwanted vegetation
E) to sterilize the earth and prevent all forms of vegetation from appearing
Otlar, ya işlenmiş alanda istenmeyen bitki olarak çıkan ya da hiçbir şey olmaması gereken
bir yerde çıkan yersiz bitkilerdir. Otların kontrol altına alınma masrafı ve ekinlere verdiği zarar
epey büyük ekonomik kayba neden olur. Otlarla birlikte bir problem hal alan bitkiler insanların
onları kontrol etme çabalarına rağmen hayatlarına devam ederler. Bu devamlılık, belki de en
önemlileri tohumun oldukça uzun süren dinlenme haliyle bağlantılı olan verimli tohum üretimi ve
bazı bitkilerin istem dışı çıkan bölümlerinin mekanik zarar ve olumsuz şartlar karşısında hayatta
kalma ve yeni bitkiler oluşturma yeteneği olan birçok faktörden kaynaklanır. Otlar el ile, toprağı
işleme ve diğer mekanik yollar ile, biyolojik yollarla ve kimyasal ot kıranlarla kontrol altına
alınabilir. Kimyasal ot kıranlar ya bitkileri tümüyle yok etmek ya da mahsullerin arasından seçerek
otları kontrol etmek için, yaygın bir biçimde kullanılır.
2. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki bazı otların oldukça zor olmasının bir sebebi …. .
A) bir yılda birkaç kere büyük miktarlarda tohum vermesidir
B) kimyasal ot kıranlara karşı direnç geliştirmesidir
C) yeni bitkiler bitkinin zarar gören bölümlerinden çıkmasıdır
D) ot kıranlar kullanıldığında onların hareketsiz hale gelmeleridir
E) onları öldürmenin imkansız olmasıdır
A typical explosives factory is divided into two parts: the "non-danger" and "danger"
areas. The main business of the non-danger area lies in the manufacture of nitric and sulphuric
acids for the nitration processes, including the recovery of these acids from the waste products of
nitration. Other raw materials are also prepared in the non-danger area. The actual
manufacture of explosives and their mixing and packing are carried out in the danger area, subject
to rigorous safety measures. The main danger in manufacture is ignition by spark, friction
or impact, the latter two being especially hazardous if the explosive is allowed to
become contaminated with gritty material. Naked lights, steel tools or anything which might
produce spark or flame are therefore excluded from the danger buildings. Each building has a
"clean" floor which may be approached only in specially cleaned shoes, while the
workers are provided with factory clothing to ensure that grit is not carried into the
1. We learn from the passage that, in the non-danger zone of a typical explosive factory
………… .
A) the main waste products are the nitric and sulphuric acids
B) the workers are provided with heavy factory clothing
C) the explosives are packaged and stored
D) nothing that might produce a spark or a flame is permitted
E) nitric and sulphuric acids are produced and various other raw materials are got ready
2. We learn from the passage that the danger of ignition by friction or impact is greatly
increased ………… .
A) while the waste products of nitration are being extracted
B) if the explosive is contaminated with nitric acid
C) after the explosives have been packaged
D) if the manufacturing process is carried out in artificial light
E) if grit is present
3. It is pointed out in the passage that one of the safety measures taken in an explosive
factory is ………… .
A) the regular washing of the, factory floors to keep them sterile
B) the education of the workers in fire-fighting procedures
C) the provision of special factory clothing for the workers in the danger area
D) to keep the manufacturing processes separate from the packaging and storing processes
E) the immediate removal of the explosives after packaging
Tipik bir patlayıcı madde fabrikası iki bölüme ayrılır: tehlikesiz ve tehlikeli bölgeler.
Tehlikesiz bölgenin temel işi nitratlama işlemi için nitrik ve sülfirik asitlerin üretimidir, ki buna bu
asitlerin nitrasyon atıklarından temizlenmesi de dahildir. Diğer ham maddeler de tehlikesiz
bölgelerde hazırlanır. Asıl patlayıcı madde üretimi ve onların karıştırılıp paketlenmesi sıkı güvenlik
önlemlerine tabi tutulan tehlikeli bölgede yapılır. Üretimdeki temel tehlike kıvılcım ile ateşleme,
sürtünme ya da çarpmadır ki son ikisi patlayıcı madde kumlu maddelere bulaşırsa oldukça
tehlikeli olur. Bu yüzden çıplak ışık, çelik malzemeler ya da kıvılcım ve alev oluşturabilecek
herhangi bir madde tehlikeli binalardan uzak tutulur. Çalışanlara fabrika tarafından binalara
kum girmemesini sağlayan giysiler verilirken her binada sadece özel olarak temizlenmiş
ayakkabılarla yaklaşıla bilinecek temiz bir kat vardır.
The culmination of the classic age of the machine tool was the work of Joseph
Whitworth. His pre-eminence lay not so much in any far-reaching innovations as in the quality
and accuracy of the workmanship he was able to obtain. It was Whitworth who introduced the
standard screw thread which was used in British engineering until 1948, and it was he
who revolutionized standards of measurement. Indeed, the many measuring machines of the
second half of the 19th century, though increasing the facility, did not greatly increase the
accuracy. Whitworth had attained. At the Great Exhibition of 1851 his planning, slotting,
shaping, drilling, punching and shearing machines made him the most outstanding
machine-tool maker of the age.
2. The author points out that the machine tools Joseph Whitworth produced ………… .
A) were soon replaced by new and better designs
B) were all unnecessarily complicated
C) were remarkable for their quality and precision
D) went unappreciated
E) have received more attention than they deserve
Klasik dönem imalat makinasının en üst noktası Joseph Whitworth’ün eserleriydi. Onun
üstünlüğü elde ettiği işçiliğin kalitesi ve doğruluğu kadar kapsamlı bir yenilik olmasında yatmıyordu.
İngiltere mühendisliğinde 1948’e kadar kullanılan standart vida dişini bulan ve ölçüm
standartlarında köklü değişiklikler yapan Whitworth idi. Aslında, 19.yy’ın ikinci yarısındaki
birçok ölçme makinesi, kolaylığı artırsa da Whitworth’ün elde ettiği doğrulukta önemli bir ilerleme
gerçekleştirmedi. 1851’deki büyük sergide planya makinesi, dik planya tezgahı, freze
makinesi, delme makinesi, zımbalama makinesi ve makas tezgahı Whitworth’ü dönemin
en göze çarpan makine tezgahı yapımcısı yaptı.
Just as railway bridges were the great structural symbols of the 19th century, highway
bridges became the engineering emblems of the 20th century. The invention of the
automobile created an irresistible demand for paved roads and vehicular bridges throughout the
developed world. The type of bridge needed for cars and trucks, however, is fundamentally
different from that needed for locomotives. Most highway bridges carry lighter loads than
railway bridges do, and their roadways can be sharply curved or steeply sloping. To meet these
needs, many turn-of-the-century bridge designers began working with a new building
material: reinforced concrete, which has steel bars embedded in it. And the master of this
new material was Swiss structural engineer Robert Maillart, who designed some of the most
original and influential bridges of the modern era.
1. According to the passage, one important way in which highway bridges differ from
railway bridges is that they ………… .
A) are in constant use
B) can have quite a sharp incline
C) have to carry heavier loads
D) must be quite straight
E) are comparatively short
2. We understand from the passage that, around the beginning of the 20th century,
bridge designers ………… .
A) were equally involved in the building of roads
B) followed Robert Maillarfs lead and concentrated on highway bridges
C) made highway bridges on the same design as railway bridges
D) made some of the most spectacular bridges of the modem era
E) began to use a new building material, known as reinforced concrete
3. We understand from the passage that there was a great demand for highway bridges
in the 20th century ………… .
A) as more and more cars came into use
B) so many railway bridges were turned into highway bridges
C) even though the designing and building of them was uninteresting work
D) but railway bridges continued to attract the best designers
E) and structural engineers found they could not produce enough bridges
Demiryolu köprülerinin 19.yy’ın muhteşem yapı sembolleri olması gibi, karayolu köprüleri
de 20.yy’ın teknik simgeleri olmuştur. Otomobilin icadı gelişmiş coğrafyalarda kaplanmış yol ve
araç köprüsüne karşı konulmaz bir ihtiyaç ortaya çıkarmıştır. Fakat arabalar ve kamyonlar için
gereken köprü türü aslında lokomotifler için gerekenden farklıdır. Çoğu karayolu köprüsü
demiryolu köprüsünden daha hafif yük taşır ve köprünün taşıt yolu keskin kavisli ya da çok eğimli
olabilir. Bu ihtiyaçları karşılamak için devrin birçok köprü tasarımcısı yeni yapı malzemeleri
ile çalışmaya başladı: içine çelik çubuklar yerleştirilen kuvvetlendirilmiş beton. Ve bu yeni
malzemenin ustası modern çağın en orijinal ve etkileyici köprülerinden bazılarını tasarlayan İsviçreli
yapı mühendisi Robert Maillart’tı.
1. Paragrafa göre karayolu köprülerini demiryolu köprülerinden ayıran önemli bir husus
onların …. .
A) sürekli kullanılmasıdır
B) oldukça keskin eğimlerinin olmasıdır
C) daha ağır yükler taşımak zorunda olmasıdır
D) daha düz olmasıdır
E) oldukça kısa olmasıdır
Aspirin used to be regarded as a safe cure for numerous ills, and was widely used both in
its soluble and insoluble form. Now, however, it is not so well thought of. It is useful for the
relief of headache or other pains and it will reduce a fever for 2 or 3 hours and so make a
patient feel more comfortable, but except in very rare cases it will cure nothing.
Moreover, there have been some very serious cases of poisoning as a result of taking aspirin. This
is why children's aspirins are not recommended, for they are often nicely flavoured, so
the children are tempted to eat them like sweets. For small children, suitably small quantities
of ordinary adult soluble aspirin should be used after having checked the dose with the doctor.
Asprin birçok hastalık için güvenli bir tedavi olarak kabul edilirdi ve yaygın olarak hem
çözünebilen hem de çözünemeyen şekilleri kullanılırdı. Ama şimdilerde bu şekilde
düşünülmüyor. Baş ağrısını ya da diğer ağrıları hafifletmek için faydalıdır ve ateşi iki-üç
saatliğine düşürür ki böylece hastaya kendini daha rahat hissettirir ama çok nadir
durumlar haricinde aspirin hiçbir şeyi tedavi etmez. Dahası, aspirin alma sonucu oluşan ciddi
birçok zehirlenme durumu vardır. Çocuk aspirinleri genelde tatlandırıldığı, bu sebeple de
çocukların onları şeker gibi yemek istemesine yol açtığı için tavsiye edilmez. Küçük çocuklar
için, normal çözünebilen yetişkin aspirini doktor tarafından kontrol edildikten sonra uygun miktarda
Some underweight people enjoy an active, healthy life, but others are underweight
because of smoking habits or poor health. An underweight person, especially an older adult,
may be unable to preserve lean tissue during the fight against a wasting disease such as cancer or
a digestive disorder, especially when accompanied by malnutrition. Without adequate nutrient
and energy reserves, an underweight person will have a particularly tough battle against
such medical stresses. In fact, many people with cancer die, not from the cancer itself, but from
malnutrition. Underweight women may become infertile. Exactly how infertility develops is
unclear, but contributing factors include not only body weight, but also restricted energy and fat
intake and depleted body fat stores.
3. We learn from the passage that underweight coupled with malnutrition ………… .
A) is rarely found among old people
B) has a fatal effect among heavy smokers
C) means that the body finds it difficult to resist a wasting disease
D) is best treated with a generous intake of fat
E) has no damaging effect on the body's energy reserves
Bazı zayıf insanlar aktif, sağlıklı bir yaşamın tadını çıkarır ama bazıları sigara
alışkanlıklarından ya da sağlıksız olmalarından dolayı zayıftır. Zayıf bir insan, özellikle yaşı
fazla bir yetişkin, kanser gibi yiyip bitirici bir hastalığa ya da sindirim bozukluğuna karşı savaşta,
hele ki kötü beslenme de ona eşlik ederse, yağsız dokularını koruyamayabilir. Zayıf bir insan
yeterli beslenme ve enerji kaynakları olmadan, bu türden tıbbı sorunlar ile oldukça zorlu
bir mücadele verecektir. Aslında, kanser olan birçok insan kanserden dolayı değil, kötü
beslenmeden ölür. Zayıf kadınlar kısır olabilir. Kısırlığın tam olarak nasıl geliştiği bilinmiyor, ama
bunu destekleyen etkenler arasında sadece vücut ağırlığı değil, aynı zamanda sınırlı enerji ve yağ
alımı ve vücudun yağ depolarının tükenmesi de vardır.
Strictly speaking the term "avalanche" should be restricted to falls of snow and ice in
mountainous regions but popular usage has extended its meaning to cover rock falls and
landslips in all environments. The period of greatest danger from avalanches proper is during a
thaw, when melt-water makes a good lubricant for the snow and ice banked steeply against rock
faces. The rising cloud of white dust, the vertical grooves and patches of bare rock
formed by the scouring action, and the dull roar of the avalanche are all common
features of mountains above the permanent snow line. Rock fragments may also be carried
down, for the recurrent freezing and thawing of water lodged in joints and crevices of the rock
forms a powerful agent of disintegration. The action is the same as that which leads to burst
pipes. Freezing causes expansion of the water in the spaces of a joint and produces a pressure
sufficient to break the rock.
3. The writer points out that the constant freezing and thawing of water in rock crevice
………… .
A) is what causes an avalanche
B) is an unimportant detail
C) produces a smooth rock surface
D) causes a build-up of snow
E) will cause the rock to break up
Aslında çığ terimi dağlık bölgelerde karın ve buzun düşmesi ile sınırlandırılmalı ama
yaygın kullanımı çığın anlamını bütün çevrelerdeki kaya düşmesini ve toprak kaymasını
kaplayacak kadar genişletir. Çığdan en büyük tehlikenin oluştuğu periyod eriyen suyun sarp
kayalıklara yığılan kar ve buz için güzel bir kaydırıcı yer oluşturduğu erime zamanıdır. Yükselen
beyaz toz bulutu, oyma hareketi ile oluşan çıplak kayanın dikey oyukları ve parçaları, ve
çığın ağır gürültüsü kalıcı kar sınırı üstünde kalan dağların genel özellikleridir. Kaya
parçaları da taşınabilir çünkü kayanın ek yerlerine ve çatlaklarına dolan suyun tekrar tekrar donması
ve çözülmesi güçlü bir parçalanma etkeni oluşturur. Boruların patlamasına sebep olan hareket
de aynı harekettir. Donma suyun ek yerlerdeki boşluklara ilerlemesine neden olur ve kayayı
kırmaya yeterli baskı oluşturur.
Biologists value marine organisms because their primitive systems are good models for
more complex organisms, such as humans. Despite being genetically further from us than
more common research mammals, we share a surprising number of evolutionary links with these
basic animals. By understanding their life processes and the way their systems react when
things go wrong, scientists hope to continue making important discoveries that could
help increase the chances of finding cures for serious diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
As research continues, understanding increases about how our bodies and minds work, but there is
still a lot to learn. Obviously, it takes a long time to work out all the mechanisms, and
there are still many new bioactive compounds to be found in marine organisms. But by
using sea creatures to better understand human characteristics and disorders, progress is being
1. It is pointed out in the passage that it seems likely that remedies for certain human
diseases ………… .
A) can be learned from a closer study of the evolutionary processes of mammals
B) can be obtained from their bioactive compounds
C) will be suggested by other mammals, not by marine organisms
D) may result from a close study of marine organisms
E) cannot be discovered except with the aid of marine organisms
2. We learn from the passage that, even though human beings and marine organisms
are genetically very different from each other, ………… .
A) both groups are equally likely to develop cancer
B) they share the same bioactive compounds
C) there are, from an evolutionary point of view, considerable connections
D) their systems, in adverse circumstances, function in similar ways
E) their life processes are of equal complexity
Biyologlar deniz organizmalarına değer verir çünkü onların ilkel sistemleri insan gibi daha
karmaşık organizmalar için iyi modellerdir. Bilinen memelilerinden bize göre genetik olarak
daha ileri olmalarına rağmen, bu basit hayvanlarla şaşırtıcı olacak kadar çok gelişimsel bağlantı
paylaşırız. Onların yaşama süreçlerini ve işler yolunda gitmediğinde sistemlerinin nasıl
tepki verdiğini anlayarak bilim adamları kanser ve AIDS gibi ciddi hastalıklara çare bulma
şansını arttırmaya yardım edecek önemli buluşlar yapmaya devam etmeyi ümit ediyorlar.
Araştırmalar devam ederken vücudumuzun ve beynimizin nasıl çalıştığını daha iyi anlıyoruz ama
daha öğrenilecek çok şey var. Açıkçası bütün mekanizmaları incelemek uzun zaman alacak
ve hala deniz organizmalarında bulunan birçok yeni bioaktif bileşimler var. Ama deniz
canlılarını kullanarak insan özelliklerini ve hastalıklarını daha iyi anlamak için süreç devam ediyor.
The main advantage of electric traction on railways is that it is both pleasant and
efficient. It brings the removal of a smoke nuisance from tunnels and from the vicinity of larger
cities. Further, owing to high acceleration, it is possible to provide a more frequent and
faster service on densely populated suburban lines. The track capacity is improved by
electrification on mountainous lines because of increase of speed, both up and down the gradient,
generally using electric forms of braking in the latter case. Some of the major electrification
schemes of the world, for instance, those in Switzerland and Sweden, have been largely
dictated by the desire to operate the railway system without dependence upon imported
1. As is pointed out in the passage, the benefits of electric railway traction ………… .
A) include a cleaner environment and an improved performance
B) can best be seen in Sweden and Switzerland
C) do not outweigh the problems involved
D) have only recently become apparent
E) are confined to mountainous conditions
2. The author points out that on mountainous lines the track capacity is improved by
electrification ………… .
A) but the safety aspect is causing much concern
B) but upkeep expenses are high
C) because it enables trains to go faster both up and down the line
D) though this is not the case in other locations
E) unless electric forms of braking are applied
3. Sweden and Switzerland, we are told, have some of the world's major electrified
railway systems ………… .
A) since they have small populations and the electrified system seemed adequate
B) as they were determined to keep their mountain air unpolluted
C) as other railway systems were not practical in high altitudes
D) because they wanted to develop a railway system that did not rely on imported fuel
E) because the only safe braking system on a steep gradient is an electric one
Demiryollarındaki elektrikli çekmenin temel avantajı hem hoş hem de etkili olmasıdır.
Elektrikli çekme dumanın tünellerden ve daha büyük şehirlerin çevresinden çıkmasını sağlar. Dahası
yüksek hız sayesinde yoğun nüfuslu banliyö hatlarında daha sık ve daha hızlı hizmet
sağlamak mümkündür. Yük taşıma kapasitesi inme durumunda genelde elektrikli frenleme
türünün kullanıldığı yokuşlarda inme ve çıkma ile hızın artmasından dolayı dağlık hatlardaki
elektriklenme ile geliştirilir. Dünyadaki bazı başlıca elektrikleme planları, mesela İsviçre ve
İsveç’tekiler, genel olarak demiryolu sistemini ithal yakıta bağımlı yapmadan çalıştırma
isteği üzerine belirlenmiştir.
2. Yazar şunu belirtmiştir ki dağlık hatlarda yük taşıma kapasitesi elektriklenme ile
geliştirilir …. .
A) ama güvenlik yönü endişeye sebep olur
B) ama bakım masrafı çoktur
C) çünkü bu trenin hem aşağı hem de yukarı daha hızlı gitmesini sağlar
D) ama bu diğer yerlerde böyle değildir
E) elektrikli fren türleri uygulanmazsa
Botanic gardens may be regarded as having a threefold function: to please and educate
the public; to carry out investigations regarding the economic value of native and
foreign plant products and acclimatization of plants; and to act as centres of information
and scientific investigation in various fields of botany, such as anatomy, morphology and
physiology, for which museums, libraries and laboratories are also needed. The search for
drugs and spices particularly has tempted men from early times to explore all parts of the world
and this has promoted a close link between exploration and botanic gardens. One well- known
botanic garden is the Royal Botanic Garden at Edinburgh which was founded in 1670 by
Robert Sibbald for the cultivation of medical plants. Since that date it has been removed to
several different sites. It is now one of the major botanic gardens in Britain with an area of
over 60 acres.
1. We learn from the passage that one of the main functions of a botanic garden is to
………… .
A) send out explorers in search of new spices
B) provide scientists with the means for carrying out investigations into botanical subjects
C) make more and more land suitable for cultivation
D) encourage the production of natural medicines to replace chemical ones which sometimes have
serious side-effects
E) be economically self-supporting and encourage young people to take an interest in gardens
2. The author points out that there is a close link between exploration and botanical
gardens ………… .
A) as few native British plants are of use medicinally and many people now prefer natural
medicines to chemical ones
B) as many people are curious about the medicinal properties of various plants
C) because the desire to find new drugs and spices has long been a reason behind many
exploratory expeditions
D) since plants from foreign parts will only grow in the special conditions they are used to
E) though this is still a very new development
2. Yazar şunu belirtmiştir ki keşif ve botanik bahçeler arasında yakın bir ilişki vardır …. .
A) çünkü çok az yerli İngiltere bitkisi tıbbi olarak kullanılır ve birçok insan şimdilerde doğal ilaçları
kimyasal ilaçlara tercih eder
B) çünkü pek çok insan farklı bitkilerin tıbbi özelliklerini merak eder
C) çünkü yeni ilaç ve baharat bulma isteği uzun zamandır birçok keşif gezisinin arkasındaki
D) çünkü yabancı yerlerden gelen bitkiler sadece alışık oldukları özel koşullarda yetişir
E) ama bu hala oldukça yeni bir gelişmedir
For many years whooping cough has been regarded merely as a bother to the patient
and a nuisance to others; as, in fact, a trivial disease. Unfortunately; this is not so: because
statistics show that it has caused more deaths than polio, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and measles
put together. Whooping cough begins in a child as an ordinary cold with cough and slight
fever, and this stage lasts for a week or ten days. Then begins a series of coughs following in
rapid succession, during which time, the patient is unable to breathe. The "whoop" is caused by
the noisy in drawing of breath when the fit stops. The face may become blue and congested.
Bronchitis is usually present, and bronchopneumonia may result as a complication, so
inoculation of all children before the disease has a chance to strike them is most
2. We understand from the passage that the main immediate problem caused by
whooping cough in a patient is ………… .
A) the lasting damage it causes in the lungs
B) a dangerously high temperature
C) the inevitable development of bronchopneumonia
D) its adverse effect on breathing
E) that it results in physical weakness which exposes the patient to other diseases
3. The important point made by the writer in this passage is that ………… .
A) the cause of whooping cough has only recently been fully understood
B) inoculation is vital for the prevention of whooping cough
C) such diseases as polio and measles always used to cause more deaths than whooping cough
D) bronchitis can also be controlled through inoculation
E) basically healthy children rarely catch infectious diseases
Yıllar boyunca, boğmaca yalnızca hasta için rahatsızlık ve etrafındakiler için sıkıntı olarak,
yani aslında önemsiz bir hastalık olarak düşünüldü. Maalesef durum bu şekilde değil: çünkü
istatistikler bu hastalığın çocuk felci, difteri, kızıl hastalığı ve kızamığın hepsinden daha fazla ölüme
sebep olduğunu gösterir. Boğmaca bir çocukta sıradan bir soğuk algınlığı gibi öksürük ve az
bir ateş şeklinde başlar ve bu aşama bir hafta ya da on gün kadar devam eder. Daha sonra
hastanın nefes almasını engelleyen sürekli ve hızlı bir öksürük zinciri başlar. “Boğmaca” kriz
bittiğinde nefes alırken çıkan gürültülü sesten dolayı oluşur. Yüz mavi renk olabilir ve şişebilir.
Bronşit genellikle mevcuttur ve bronkopnömoni bir komplikasyon olarak ortaya çıkabilir,
bu yüzden çocukların hastalığa yakalanmadan aşı olması en önemli olandır.
2. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki bir hastada boğmacanın sebep olduğu ilk esas problem ….
A) ciğerlerde sebep olduğu kalıcı zarardır
B) tehlikeli yüksek ateştir
C) kaçınılmaz bir bronşit başlangıcıdır
D) nefes alma üzerindeki olumsuz etkisidir
E) fiziksel zayıflıktır ki bu hastanın başka hastalıklara yakalanmasına sebep olur
Thalidomide was unique. In every animal test used in the late 1950s, it had a clean bill of
health. It was chemically related to other drugs which had been in use for a long time.
Over-dosage with thalidomide was unlikely to prove fatal. It was marketed in Europe and in
Britain as a "safe sedative". The tragic results that followed its use by women in the early
weeks of pregnancy are how well known. Babies were born with severe deformities of limbs,
internal organs or both. That effect could not have been foretold from any animal tests in use at
that time. Since that date new drugs have been subjected to strict testing in various
animal species to check the effect on foetal development, along with the older tests for
toxicity which had always been undertaken by well-known drug companies.
1. We understand from the passage that when thalidomide was first developed in the
late 1950s it looked safe ………… .
A) so there was no need for extensive animal testing
B) even though the testing results were controversial
C) so long as it was used in reasonable quantities
D) except in the case of pregnant women
E) because chemically it was very similar to drugs already long in use
2. We understand from the passage that the tragic thalidomide experience ………… .
A) has forced drug companies to make drug testing even more rigorous
B) has turned people against drug testing on animals
C) was solely confined to Britain
D) actually affected very few people indeed
E) put many well-known drug companies out of business
Talidomit eşsizdi. 1950’lerin sonunda kullanılan bütün hayvan testlerinde, Talidomit’in temiz bir
sağlık raporu vardı. Bu ilaç kimyasal olarak uzun zamanlardan beri kullanılan diğer ilaçlarla
bağlantılıydı. Talidomitin aşırı dozda kullanımının ölümcül olduğunun kanıtlanması mümkün değildi.
Avrupa ve İngiltere’de güvenli bir sakinleştirici olarak piyasaya sürüldü. Hamileliğinin ilk
haftalarındaki kadınlar tarafından kullanılmasıyla ortaya çıkan trajik sonuçlar bu ilacın adını duyurdu.
Bebekler ciddi iç ve dış organ bozukluklarıyla doğdular. Bu etki o zamanda yapılan herhangi
bir hayvan testi sonucunda önceden bildirilemezdi. O zamandan beri yeni ilaçlar, cenin
gelişimindeki etkilerini kontrol etmek için her zaman bilinen ilaç şirketleri tarafından
üstlenilen eski zehirlilik testiyle beraber çeşitli hayvan türleri üzerinde katı testlere tabi
1. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki 1950lerin sonunda talimodit ilk ortaya çıktığında, güvenilir
görünüyordu …. .
A) bu yüzden geniş çaplı hayvan testlerine ihtiyacı yoktu
B) test sonuçları çelişkili olmasına rağmen
C) mantıklı miktarlarda kullanıldığı sürece
D) hamile kadınların kullanımları dışında
E) çünkü kimyasal olarak zaten kullanılmakta olan ilaçlara oldukça benzerdi
On 31 October 1994, a turboprop airliner heading for Chicago, Illinois, crashed into a
soybean field at Roselawn in Indiana. All 68 people aboard died. Although the weather was
cold and damp that day, no one could believe it when investigators revealed that the
crash was caused by a buildup of ice on the wings. Not only did this modern plane have a
fully functional deicing system, but according to US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
standards, the French built ATR72 should have had no problems flying in the cold, damp
conditions. The pilots even knew their craft was icing up and attempted to clear it,
following deicing procedures exactly.
1. The crash described in the passage was found by investigators to have been caused
by a buildup of ice on the wings, ………… .
A) later, however, it became apparent that this was not the case
B) but everyone regarded this finding as incredible
C) which ATR72 craft were not designed to withstand
D) as the weather that day had been particularly wet and icy-cold
E) which the deicing system could not be expected to cope with
2. According to the passage, when the pilots realized the craft had encountered icing
………… .
A) they were nevertheless confident that their turboprop airliner was not in danger
B) they decided to make an emergency landing
C) it was already too late for them to do anything about it
D) they also realized that their deicing system was not fully functional
E) they immediately carried out the instructions for deicing with great precision
3. We understand from the passage that, on the day of the crash, the weather was cold
and damp, ………… .
A) but a craft of this type should have been able to handle such conditions
B) and so a dangerous buildup of ice on the wings was to be expected
C) and so no turboprop airliner should have been allowed to fly
D) and the pilots were uneasy about making the flight
E) so the deicing system was carefully checked before takeoff
31 Ekim 1994’te Chicago, Illinois’e giden turbo pervaneli yolcu uçağı, Indiana
Roselawn’daki bir soya fasulyesi tarlasına düştü. Uçakta olan 68 kişinin hepsi öldü. O gün
hava soğuk ve nemli olmasına rağmen araştırmacılar çarpmanın kanatlarda buz
oluşmasından dolayı olduğunu ortaya çıkarınca kimse inanamadı. Bu modern uçak sadece
tam işlevsel bir buz çözme sistemine sahip değildi, aynı zamanda Amerikan Federal Havacılık İdaresi
standartlarına göre Fransız yapımı ATR72 de soğuk, nemli koşullarda uçarken problem
yaşamamalıydı. Pilotlar buz çözme prosedürlerini tam olarak uyguladıktan sonra bile
uçaklarının buz tutacağını ve onu temizleme çabasına gireceğini bilirdi.
2. Paragrafa göre pilotlar uçağın buzlanmayla karşı karşıya olduğu fark ettiklerinde, …. .
A) yine de turbo pervanelerinin tehlike altında olmadığından emindiler
B) acil iniş yapmaya karar verdiler
C) herhangi bir şey yapmak için çok geçti
D) aynı zamanda buz çözme sistemlerinin tam olarak çalışmadığını fark ettiler
E) hemen buzlanmayı çözmek için dikkatli bir şekilde talimatları uyguladılar
The first flight by a power driven manned aeroplane took place in 1903 and its
subsequent development as a military weapon was so rapid that all the belligerents
entered World War I totally unprepared to defend themselves against it. The first bombing
raids, however, compelled the consideration of anti- aircraft measures, and Britain, in particular,
attacked by Zeppelin airships and Gotha aircraft was forced to develop a range of specialized anti-
aircraft equipment, which came to include guns, searchlights, sound-locators and predictors, giving
it a qualitative ascendancy in this field retained until the end of World War II. Indeed, the first
night attack on London caused such public consternation that its gun defences had to be
doubled within forty-eight hours and, though they hit few planes, their presence was of
great psychological value.
1. We understand from the passage that the development of aircraft as a weapon of war
was so rapid that at the start of World War I ………… .
A) most cities had already been equipped with searchlights
B) anti-aircraft procedures had already been formulated
C) no country had prepared itself to combat an air attack
D) Britain had enough specialized anti-aircraft equipment to see her through to the end of the war
E) it was only in Germany that measures had been taken to combat air attacks
2. It's clear from the passage that one reason why Britain grew so competent in anti-
aircraft tactics was ………… .
A) the fact that, prior to the war, she already had the ascendancy in this field
B) the absolute necessity of defending herself from bombing raids
C) because scientists realized that they had to keep ahead in this field or the country's
moral would drop
D) that a great deal of research into predictors had already been carried out
E) that the noise made by the German Zeppelins was easy to recognize and locate
3. The passage emphasizes that, after the first night attack on London, ………… .
A) enemy aircraft were continually being shot down
B) the moral of the people there remained high
C) the value of manned aircraft in time of war was finally admitted
D) the city's defence system was increased twofold within a couple of days
E) it became increasingly difficult for enemy bombers to reach their targets
Güç ile çalıştırılan insanlı uçağın ilk uçuşu 1903’te gerçekleşti ve bunun askeri silah olarak
kullanılmasını takip eden gelişme o kadar hızlı oldu ki 1.Dünya Savaşına giren bütün
devletler bu silaha karşı savunmasız olarak savaşa girdiler. Fakat ilk hava akını, uçaksavar
tedbirini düşünmeye zorladı ve özellikle zeplin ve gotha uçakları tarafından saldırıya uğrayan
İngiltere, silahların, projektörlerin, dinleme cihazlarının, prediktörlerin de dahil olduğu bir dizi özel
uçaksavar alet geliştirmek zorunda kaldı, ki bu da ona bu alanda İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonuna kadar
süren niteliksel bir üstünlük sağladı. Aslında, Londra’ya yapılan ilk gece saldırısı halkta öyle
bir korkuya sebep oldu ki savunma silahlarını 48 saat içinde iki katına çıkarmak zorunda
kaldılar ve çok az uçak vurmalarına rağmen, bu silahların varlığı psikolojik olarak büyük
bir değerdi.
1. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki uçağın savaş silahı haline gelmesi o kadar hızlı olmuştur ki
I. Dünya Savaşının başlangıcında …. .
A) çoğu şehir zaten projektörlerle donatılmıştı
B) uçaksavar prosedürleri belirtilmişti
C) hiçbir ülke kendini hava saldırısına karşı savaşmaya hazırlamamıştı
D) İngiltere kendini savaşın sonuna kadar götürecek yeterli özel uçaksavar aletlerine sahipti
E) hava saldırılarına karşılık verecek tedbirler alan tek ülke Almanya idi
Scientists can now speed up the process of genetic change through biotechnology.
Farmers need no longer wait patiently for breeding to yield improved crops and animals, nor must
they even respect natural lines of reproduction among species. Laboratory scientists can now
select desirable traits from any of a number of species and insert those traits into the
genetic material of crops and animals. Among the new products of biotechnology are
tomatoes that stay fresh much longer than the usual ones and so promise less waste and higher
profits. Normally, tomatoes produce a protein that softens them after they have been
picked. Scientists introduce into a tomato plant a gene that is a mirror image of the one that
codes for the "softening" enzyme. This gene fastens itself to the RNA of the native gene and
blocks its action. A vine-ripe tomato with this special gene rots more slowly than a normal
tomato, allowing growers to harvest at the most flavourful and nutritious red stage. The
tomatoes will still last much longer during shipping and marketing than regular
tomatoes harvested when green.
1. As the passage points out, genetic change is not a new phenomenon, but .... .
A) formerly it was only achieved by careful breeding and was a long, slow process
B) it has only recently been applied to plants
C) farmers have only just started to take an interest in it
D) but its advantages have only just become obvious to farmers
E) but the success-rate of inserting a desired trait is not very high
2. We understand from the passage that biotechnology has produced a tomato that stays
fresh and firm much longer than the normal tomato, .... .
A) and can be left on the vine almost indefinitely
B) but is far more expensive to produce
C) because the "softening" enzyme of the normal tomato has been removed by genetic
D) especially if it is harvested when it is green
E) by introducing a special gene that prevents the "softening" enzyme from functioning
Bilim adamları bugün genetik değişim sürecini biyoteknoloji ile hızlandırabilirler. Çiftçilerin
yetişen mahsul ve hayvanlardan kazanç sağlamak için onların büyümesine artık ihtiyacı yoktur, hatta
onların türler arasındaki doğal çoğalma sırasına bile saygı göstermeleri gerekmez. Laboratuvar
bilim adamları artık birçok türden herhangi birindeki istenilen özellikleri seçebilir ve bu
özellikleri mahsullerin ve hayvanların genetik materyallerinin içine yerleştirebilir.
Biyoteknolojinin yeni ürünleri arasında sıradan olanlardan daha uzun süre taze kalan domatesler
vardır ve böylece daha az israf ve daha fazla kar elde edilir. Normalde domatesler toplandıktan
sonra onları yumuşatan bir protein üretirler. Bilim adamları domatesin içine yumuşama
enziminin aynısını kodlayan bir gen yerleştirir. Bu gen kendini asıl genin RNA’sına bağlar ve
onun hareketini engeller. Bu özel gene sahip salkım domates, çiftçilere en tatlı ve lezzetli kırmızı
safhada hasat sağlayarak normal domatesten daha yavaş çürür. Bu domatesler nakliye ve
pazarlama sırasında da yeşilken hasat edilen sıradan domateslerden daha uzun süre
1. Paragrafta belirtildiği gibi, genetik değişim yeni bir olay değildir ama ………… .
A) eskiden bu olay sadece dikkatli yetiştirme ile ve uzun süreli yavaş bir süreçte olurdu
B) sadece son zamanlarda bitkiler üzerinde uygulanmaktadır
C) çiftçiler bununla ilgilenmeye yeni yeni başlamışlardır
D) bunun avantajlarını çiftçiler daha yeni görmüşlerdir
E) istenilen özelliğin başarılı yerleştirilme oranı yüksek değildir
2. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki biyoteknoloji normal domatesten daha uzun taze ve sert
kalan bir domates üretti ………… .
A) ve bu domates salkımda neredeyse süresiz kalabilir
B) ama üretimi oldukça pahalı
C) çünkü normal domatesteki yumuşama enzimi genetik mühendislik ile kaldırıldı
D) özellikle yeşilken hasat edilirse
E) yumuşama enziminin çalışmasına engel olan özel bir gen yerleştirerek
To obtain power from the sun's rays is to use nuclear power developed at no expense in
a laboratory 93 million miles away. The radiant energy of the sun is maintained by nuclear
transformation of chemical elements occurring in the sun's interior at temperatures of many million
degrees, and at pressures of many million atmospheres. The resources of solar power are
enormous. If 100 per cent efficiency could be secured in the transformation of radiant solar
energy into mechanical work, a horsepower per square yard of ground surface would be available
under cloudless skies. The expense of collecting solar energy still prevents its competition
with the usual power sources. Yet, unless the vague promise of safe thermonuclear power from
oceans becomes realized, solar power must supply the enormous and growing requirements of
posterity within two centuries. Because the ground sources (coal, oil and uranium) as they
near exhaustion will become more costly than solar power.
2. According to the passage, solar energy is not presently used on a large scale ………… .
A) since it could constitute a threat to the environment
B) as even on cloudless days it cannot be made to yield a great deal of power
C) even though it can be harnessed with 100 per cent efficiency
D) since the harnessing of thermonuclear power from the oceans is felt to be more profitable
E) because the expense of harnessing it is not economically viable
Güneş ışınlarından enerji elde etmek 93 milyon mil uzaktaki bir laboratuvarda hiç masraf
yapmadan geliştirilen nükleer enerjiyi kullanmak demektir. Güneşin radyan enerjisi,
milyonlarca derecelik sıcaklıkta ve atmosfer basıncında güneşin iç kısmında meydana gelen kimyasal
elementlerin nükleer dönüşümü ile korunmaktadır. Güneş enerjisinin kaynakları çok büyüktür.
Şayet radyan güneş enerjisinin mekanik işlere dönüşümünde %100 verim elde edilirse, bulutsuz
havalarda taş yüzeyde metrekare başına beygirgücü elde edilir. Güneş enerjisinin toplama
masrafı onun sıradan enerji kaynaklarıyla rekabet içinde olmasına engel olur. Fakat
okyanuslardan gelen güvenilir termonükleer enerjinin geleceğinin belirsiz olduğu fark edilmedikçe,
güneş enerjisi iki yüzyıl içinde gelecek nesillerin büyük ve artan ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak. Çünkü
yer üstü kaynakları (kömür, petrol ve uranyum) tükenmek üzere olduğu için güneş
enerjisinden daha pahalı olacak.
Worms are intestinal parasites, but the only common types found in Britain are
threadworms, the tiny thread-like worms which cause irritability and itching in the skin
of children, less often in adults. Then there are round-worms, somewhat resembling the
ordinary garden earthworm, which seldom lead to symptoms. Finally, the third group is the
tapeworms which may reach a length of 3 or even 6 m. Many parasitic worms lead a double
life, they spend part of their life in the human intestine and the other part in the muscles of
another animal. The tapeworm, for example, while in the human intestine, lays eggs which
pass out of the body in the excreta, and are then swallowed by various animals,
especially in those parts of the world where human excreta are used as manure in the
2. We learn from the passage that the eggs of the tapeworm ………… .
A) are laid in the muscles of various animals
B) are the cause of itching in children
C) lead a double life in the human intestine
D) leave the human body by way of the excreta
E) quickly develop into 6 m worms
3. The author explains that of the three main kinds of parasitic worms Britain, the
round-worm ………… .
A) usually goes undetected in the body
B) is often found in gardens
C) grows in human excreta when it is used as manure
D) is more commonly found in adults than in children
E) is the one that most often causes irritability in the body
Kurtçuklar bağırsak parazitleridir fakat İngiltere’de bulunan tek yaygın tür ince ipe
benzeyip, yetişkinlerde daha az olmakla beraber genelde çocuklarda deri kaşınmasına ve
asabiyete yol açan kıl kurdudur. Ayrıca sıradan bahçe yer solucanına oldukça benzeyen nadiren
belli semptomlara sebep olan yuvarlak kurtlar vardır. Son olarak da üçüncü grup 3 hatta 6 metre
uzunluğuna ulaşabilen tenyalardır. Birçok parazit kurdu ikili bir hayat sürer, hayatların bir
kısmını insan bağırsağında, diğer kısmını başka hayvanların kaslarında geçirirler. Mesela, tenya,
insan bağırsağındayken vücuttan dışkı yoluyla çıkan ve daha sonra özellikle dünya
üzerinde insan dışkısının tarlalarda gübre olarak kullanıldığı yerlerde çeşitli hayvanlar
tarafından yutulan yumurtalar bırakır.
Typhus used to be known as "jail fever" because it was frequent in prisons; but
overcrowding, poverty, and bad hygienic surroundings anywhere are suitable conditions
for epidemics of typhus. Improved conditions in industrialised countries have made it unusual,
since typhus is carried from one person to another by infected body lice. Typhus comes on
suddenly with a rise in temperature to about 39 °C, but within four days it may be as
high as 42 °C. There may, or may not, be a rash at this time, and in the second week, when the
temperature is at its highest, there is delirium, physical weakness, and a weak pulse.
2. The author points out that once typhus has started, ………… .
A) it is very difficult to avoid an epidemic
B) the body is immediately covered in a rash
C) the non-hygienic conditions of prisons receive the blame
D) it develops very fast
E) the working conditions in factories have to be improved immediately
3. As is pointed out in the passage, when the fever reaches a peak, ………… .
A) the weight of the patient has to be carefully watched
B) one of the effects is that the patient's pulse becomes very slow.
C) the patient will usually be confused and his speech disordered
D) the danger of the illness being passed on decreases
E) the rash on the patient's body usually begins to disappear.
Tifüs hapishane humması olarak bilinirdi çünkü hapishanelerde sıklıkla görülürdü; ama
aşırı kalabalıklaşmanın, fakirliğin ve hijyen şartlarının kötü olduğu herhangi bir çevre tifüs
salgını için uygun koşullara sahiptir. Endüstriyel ülkelerin gelişmiş koşulları bu salgını olağan
dışı hale getirir çünkü tifüs bir insandan diğerine iltihaplı bitler ile geçer. Tifüs bir anda ateşin
39°C’ye yükselmesiyle ortaya çıkar, fakat dört gün içinde 42°C’ye kadar yükselebilir. Bu
zaman diliminde ciltte kızarıklık olabilir ya da olmayabilir ve ateşin en yüksek olduğu ikinci haftada
bilinç kaybı, fiziksel zayıflık ve nabzın zayıflaması durumları oluşur.
Basic sanitary facilities are absent in many parts of the tropics, particularly in rural
areas, and this state of affairs is responsible for the prevalence of preventable diseases
such as hookworm infection, dysentery and cholera. The solution lies in the provision of toilet
facilities which are suitable for the local conditions, and the villagers must be educated to use them
and to appreciate their value to the community. In view of the need to improve the fertility of
the soil, local authorities are becoming increasingly interested in simple methods of
composting village waste, in this way invigorating the soil with valuable humus without
the risks of infection involved in the old practices of direct application.
1. We understand from the passage that such diseases as dysentery and cholera are
common in many parts of the tropics ………… .
A) though the villagers have been taught how to deal with epidemics
B) as these are examples of diseases that cannot be prevented
C) even though excellent sanitary facilities have been supplied
D) but more in the towns than in rural areas
E) because of the lack of basic sanitary conditions
2. The author emphasises the fact that the provision of adequate toilet facilities will not
prevent cholera, ………… .
A) unless the villagers can be made to understand how valuable they are to the community
B) unless the general health of the community improves
C) while the children, in particular, remain undernourished
D) as the real problem is inadequate supplies of safe water
E) as this is not one of the diseases that can be prevented
3. As it is pointed out in the passage, if village waste could be composted before being
added to the soil ………… .
A) the risks of infection would be halved
B) this would improve the composition of the soil but would provide a health hazard
C) the risk of infecting water supplies would hardly be lessened
D) this would increase the soil's fertility in a safe manner
E) this would be beneficial, but the process is a long and complicated one
Tropikal bölgenin çoğu yerinde, özellikle kırsal kesimde temel sağlık tesisleri yoktur ve bu
durum aslında önlenebilir olan ankilostomyazis, dizanteri ve kolera gibi hastalıkların
yayılmasına sebep olan durumdur. Bu gidişatın çözümü yerel koşullara uygun tuvalet
imkânlarının sağlanması ile gerçekleştirilir ve köylüler bu imkanları kullanmak ve topluma bunların
değerini aktarmak için eğitilmelidir. Toprağın verimini arttırma ihtiyacından dolayı, yerel
yöneticiler köydeki atıkları gübreleme metoduyla giderek ilgilenmeye, bu yolla da eski
yöntemlerdeki direk uygulama ile ortaya çıkan enfeksiyon riski olmadan toprağı verimli
humusla güçlendirmeye başladı.
3. Paragrafta belirtildiği gibi, eğer köydeki atıklar toprağa eklenmeden önce gübre haline
getirilirse, …. .
A) enfeksiyon riski yarıya iner
B) bu durum toprağın yapısını iyileştirir fakat sağlık için tehlike oluşturur
C) enfeksiyona neden olan su kaynakları neredeyse hiç azaltılamaz
D) toprağın verimi güvenli bir biçimde artırılır
E) faydalı olur ama bu süreç uzun ve karmaşıktır
The design of ships is governed by scientific principles and economic considerations but
in practice it has many of the qualities of an art. The designer may be supplied with the
precise and detailed requirements of an owner or he may receive only the barest outline of
requirements such as the weight of cargo to be carried and the speed. The dimensions chosen
and the main characteristics of the ship are governed by the trade in which the vessel is
to compete. High- density cargoes such as iron ore require little cubic capacity; low-density
cargoes such as bananas require vast cubic capacity. The ports which the vessel must enter
may impose restrictions on length and draught. Passage through canals may restrict both
draught and breadth. The nature of the cargo may determine the size of cargo holds and of
the hatchways through which the cargo is loaded and unloaded. Available facilities at the
ports to be entered affect the loading and unloading apparatus to be installed in the vessel.
1. It is clear from the passage that, when a ship is being ordered, the designer is often
given a lot of freedom in the type of design, but he will expect to be told ………… .
A) something about what it is to carry and how fast it is to travel
B) the type of loading and unloading apparatus to install
C) something about the route it will normally follow
D) the exact dimensions that are required
E) exactly how big the cargo holds should be
3. According to the passage, a great many factors have to be considered in the design of
a ship ………… .
A) of which economic matters are the least important
B) and no designer is prepared to accept just a simple outline of requirements
C) but one of the least important is the cubic capacity needed for the cargo
D) including regulations and conditions in the ports it will call in at
E) in particular the relationship between length and breadth
Gemilerin tasarımı bilimsel ilkeler ve ekonomik faktörler ile yönlendirilir fakat pratikte
bunun birçok sanat niteliği vardır. Tasarımcıya mal sahibinin tam ve detaylı ihtiyaçları
belirtilmelidir ya da o sadece taşınacak yük ağırlığı ve hız gibi en açık gereksinim taslağını almalıdır.
Geminin özellikleri ve seçilen boyutlar geminin rekabet edeceği ticarete göre belirlenir.
Demir madeni gibi yüksek yoğunluktaki yükler küçük silindir hacmi gerektirir; muz gibi düşük
yoğunluktaki yükler ise geniş silindir hacmine ihtiyaç duyar. Gemilerin girmesi gereken limanlar
uzunluk ve ağırlık ile ilgili sınırlamalar uygulayabilir. Kanallardan geçişler hem ağırlığı hem
genişliği sınırlandırabilir. Yükün türü yük ambarının ve yükün yüklenip indirileceği ambar
ağzının boyutunu belirler. Girilecek limanlarda var olan imkânlar gemiye kurulacak indirme ve
yükleme araçlarını etkiler.
1. Paragrafta şu açıktır ki bir gemi sipariş edildiğinde, tasarımcı genelde tasarım türünde
özgürdür ama o …. söylenmesini bekler.
A) neyin taşınacağı ve geminin ne kadar hızla gideceğinin
B) ne tür yükleme ve indirme araçlarının kurulacağının
C) geminin hangi rotayı izleyeceği hakkında bir şeyler
D) gereken tam boyutların
E) yük ambarının tam olarak ne kadar büyük olması gerektiğinin
Europe faces "a serious risk of an uncontrollable resurgence of malaria", warns the WHO
in a new report. Drainage, drugs and insecticides had eradicated malaria from the whole of
Europe by the 1960s. Now civil disorder and irrigation threaten to bring it back unless
controls are stepped up, the report says. It seems that more European travelers are bringing
malaria back from countries where it is endemic, and the big fear is that local mosquitoes could
acquire the parasite from such travelers and re-establish a local chain of transmission. Three
recent cases in Luxembourg and two in New York have fueled concern over air travel as
a means of reintroduction. The cases in Luxembourg all occurred within a few kilometers of the
country's international airport, and were probably caused by mosquitoes stowing away on aircraft
coming in from the tropics.
2. It is pointed out in the passage that malaria could spread again in Europe
………… .
A) as mosquitoes have built up an immunity to the insecticides
B) because European travelers are returning from their travels out of Europe with malaria
C) unless a stronger form of insecticide is introduced
D) but the danger of it reappearing in the States is negligible
E) and so people should be discouraged from travelling to the tropics
3. We learn from the passage that several recent cases of malaria in the West have
aroused much concern ………… .
A) because Western doctors were unfamiliar with the disease and, not surprisingly, failed to
recognize it
B) as there is absolutely no way of explaining how they have occurred
C) largely because the patients responded very slowly to the drugs prescribed for them
D) since they have occurred near international airports which suggests that infected mosquitoes
have been brought over in aircraft
E) and could result in stricter controls being put on people who have been in the tropics, even
though a lot of people will object to such measures
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü yeni bir raporunda, Avrupa’nın “kontrolsüz yeniden başlayan ciddi
bir sıtma riski ile yüz yüze olduğunu haber verdi. Suların tahliyesi, ilaçlar ve böcek ilaçları
sıtmayı 1960lara kadar bütün Avrupa’dan yok etmişti. Rapor, kontrollere başlanmazsa,
toplumsal kargaşa ve sulamanın sıtmayı geri getirme tehdidi olduğunu söylüyor. Daha fazla
Avrupalı gezgin sıtmanın yaygın olarak görüldüğü ülkelerden, bu hastalığı geri getiriyor gibi
görünüyor ve yerli sivrisineklerin bu gezginlerden paraziti alması ve tekrardan yerel bir bulaştırma
zinciri kurmaları büyük bir korku. Lüksemburg’daki son üç ve New York’taki son iki olay
sıtmanın hava yolculuğu ile geldiği üzerindeki endişeleri arttırdı. Lüksemburg’daki olayların
hepsi ülkenin uluslararası havalimanının birkaç kilometre ötesinde meydana geldi ve bunlara
muhtemelen tropikal bölgeden gelen uçaklarda kaçak yolculuk yapan sivrisinekler sebep oldu.
3. Paragraftan şunu öğreniriz ki batıdaki son birkaç sıtma vakası endişeleri arttırdı …. .
A) çünkü batılı doktorlar hastalığa yabancılar ve doğal olarak tanımakta başarısız oluyorlar
B) çünkü bu olayların tam olarak nasıl ortaya çıktığını açıklayan hiçbir şey yok
C) çünkü hastalar verilen ilaçlara yavaş bir şekilde cevap veriyor
D) çünkü bu olaylar havaalanlarına yakın yerlerde oluyor ve bu hastalıklı sivrisineklerin uçaklarla
geldiğini gösteriyor
E) ve birçok insan karşı çıkacak olsa da bu olaylar tropikal bölgeye giden insanlar üzerinde daha
kati kontroller yapılmasını sağlayacak
Headache, like backache, is one of the commonest types of pain with which mankind is
afflicted. It may arise under a diversity of circumstances. A blow to the head causes pain, and
after a severe head injury with concussion, headaches may continue for weeks or months.
The coverings of the brain, or meninges, are sensitive structures and, when inflamed, as in cases of
meningitis, or irritated (as with meningeal haemorrhage), headache may be a prominent feature.
The arteries of the brain are also sensitive, and many kinds of headache are referable to
arterial disease, more especially to influences which distend the lumen of the arteries, or
which distend and then contract the arterial walls. But the brain itself is insensitive and
lacerations or gun-shot wounds of the cerebral substance may produce headache only in so far as the
bony skull and the meninges are at the same time damaged. Tumours of the brain produce
headache, not because the brain tissue is involved, but because the raised intracranial
tension alters the diameter of the intracranial arteries.
3. It is stressed in the passage that the headache caused by a brain tumour ………… .
A) is by far the worst type of headache known to man
B) is a sign that the skull has also been affected
C) arises from lacerations of the brain tissue
D) bears no relation to any change in the diameter of the inter cranial arteries
E) proceeds from the brain itself
Bel ağrısı gibi baş ağrısı da insanoğluna acı çektiren en yaygın hastalıklardan biridir. Baş
ağrısı çeşitli durumlardan kaynaklanabilir. Bir rüzgar esintisi kafada ağrıya sebep olur ve
şiddetli bir sarsıntıyla oluşan kafa yaralanmasından sonra baş ağrısı haftalarca hatta
aylarca devam edebilir. Beyin zarları hassas yapıdadır ve menenjitte olduğu gibi iltihaplandığında
ya da menejeal kanama ile zarar gördüğünde baş ağrısı önde gelen bir sonuç olabilir. Beyin
atardamarları da hassastır ve birçok baş ağrısı çeşidi, özellikle atardamar lümenlerinin
gerilmesi ya da gerilip atardamar duvarlarına yayılması ile oluşan hususlar atardamar
hastalıkları ile ilgilidir. Fakat beynin kendisi hassas değildir ve beyinde oluşan yırtılma ya da silah
yaralanmaları sadece kafatasının ve beyin zarlarının aynı anda zarar görmesiyle baş ağrısı
oluşturabilir. Beyindeki tümörler, beyin dokusunda olduğu için değil, artan kafa içi tansiyon,
kafa içi arterlerin çapını değiştirdiği için baş ağrısı yapar.
People infected with tuberculosis are difficult to treat because the bacteria can lie
dormant in the body. In this state, they are unaffected by antibiotics and do not spark an
immune response. But they can reactivate and cause disease when the body's immune
system is compromised. Some people believe that proteins that deliver a wake-up call to
dormant bacteria could be used to fight tuberculosis.
There are two ways wake-up proteins might be used therapeutically. One is to trick the
bacteria out of dormancy so that they can be zapped with antibiotics. The other is to use the
proteins as vaccines. An injection of wake-up proteins might prime the body to notice a
subsequent infection earlier than would otherwise be the case and attack the bacteria as they
1. It is pointed out in the passage that, so long as the bacteria that cause tuberculosis
are dormant, ………… .
A) there is no point in administering antibiotics
B) it is unwise to try to do anything about them
C) there is no need to worry about them as they almost never activate again
D) the body's immune system will function well
E) a tuberculosis vaccine can be effective
3. We understand from the passage that it may be possible to use wake-up proteins as
tuberculosis vaccines ………… .
A) while antibiotics are attacking the bacteria
B) once the bacteria are no longer in a state of dormancy
C) as they would stimulate the body to attack the bacteria as soon as they start to become active
D) even more effectively when the body's immune system has been compromised
E) though a lot of people are opposed to this because they think it might be dangerous
Tüberküloz hastalığı geçiren insanları tedavi etmek zordur çünkü bakteriler vücudun
içinde uykuda bekleyebilir. Bu durumda, bakteriler antibiyotiklerden etkilenmezler ve bağışıklık
tepkisi vermezler. Ama onlar tekrar harekete geçebilir ve vücudun bağışıklık sistemi tehlikeye
girdiğinde hastalığa sebep olabilirler. Bazı insanlar uykudaki bakterilere uyarı götüren
proteinlerin tüberküloz ile mücadele edebileceğine inanır. Uyarıcı proteinlerin tedavi edici bir
şekilde kullanılabilmesinin iki yolu vardır. Biri, bakteriyi uykudan çıkarmak için onu kandırmak,
böylece antibiyotikler ile onları öldürmektir. Diğeri ise proteinleri aşı olarak kullanmaktır.
Uyarıcı bir protein enjeksiyonu vücudu bakteri tekrar aktifleşmeden önce gelebilecek bir
enfeksiyona karşı hazırlayabilir.
1. Paragrafta belirtildiği gibi, tüberküloza sebep olan bakteriler uyku halinde olduğu
sürece, … .
A) antibiyotik kullanmanın hiçbir anlamı yoktur
B) onlar için bir şeyler yapmak akıllıca değildir
C) endişelenmeye gerek yoktur çünkü onlar hemen hemen hiçbir zaman tekrar aktifleşemez
D) vücudun bağışıklık sistemi çok iyi çalışacaktır
E) tüberküloz aşısı etkili olabilir
Erosion is regarded not merely as the physical removal of soil by water and wind, but
rather as the deterioration of all the component parts of the habitat in which man and
his crops and livestock have to exist. Since there is no conclusive evidence for any major
climatic change in historic times to explain this deterioration, we must conclude that the eroding of
the total environment has been due primarily to thoughtless destruction of the vegetative cover.
This has led to deterioration of the microclimate above and below the surface, generally
in the direction of a general drying out of the soil which has exposed it to erosive action
of wind and rainfall of high intensity or frequency, and to the loss of organic matter in
the soil, thus reducing its capacity to resist erosion by conserving the water that falls on
the surface. If everything possible is done within the total environment to conserve the naturally
planted or cultivated vegetation, this will also ensure optimal conservation of soil and water.
1. It is argued in the passage that the impoverishment of the world's habitat ………… .
A) became inevitable as soon as agricultural and animal husbandry developed
B) is largely due to gradual changes in climate over long years
C) is first and foremost due to man's irresponsible abuse of the vegetable cover of the earth
D) cannot be remedied
E) has been needlessly exaggerated
3. It is pointed out in the passage that the loss of organic matter in the soil ………… .
A) has made the soil more susceptible to erosion
B) is a direct result of insufficient rain
C) is an irreversible process
D) led to the destruction of the world's vegetative cover
E) came about through overplanting which robbed the soil of nutrients
Erozyon toprağın sadece su ve rüzgarla fiziksel olarak taşınması değil aksine insan ve
insan mahsullerinin ve hayvanların yaşadığı ortamın bütün tamamlayıcı parçalarının
bozulması demektir. Tarihi süreçte bu bozulmayı açıklayacak herhangi bir büyük iklimsel değişiklik
adına kesin bir kanıt olmadığından, biz çevrenin aşınmasının esasında bitki örtüsünün düşüncesizce
yok edilmesinden kaynaklandığı sonucuna varırız. Bu, yüksek yoğunlukta ve sıklıkta rüzgar ve
yağışın aşındırıcı hareketlerine maruz kalan ve topraktaki organik maddeleri kaybeden ki
böylelikle yüzeye düşen suyu koruyarak erozyona karşı direnme kapasitesi azalan
toprağın genelde kuruduğu yönden yüzeyin altında ve üstündeki mikro iklimin
bozulmasına yol açar. Eğer çevrede doğal olarak ekili ve işlenmiş bitki örtüsünü korumak için
gerekli mümkün olan her şey yapılırsa, bu da toprağın ve suyun en iyi şekilde korunmasını sağlar.
The world's nuclear plants have accumulated vast stocks of highly radioactive waste.
Worldwide, high-level waste is currently stored above ground, and no government has a clear
policy on its eventual disposal. While most experts believe that burying the waste is the
safest bet in the long term, the problem is finding sites that everyone can agree are
geologically stable. Decaying radioactive isotopes release heat. As a result, high-level waste
must be constantly cooled, otherwise, it becomes dangerously hot. This is why many
experts want to store waste above ground until it has decayed and is cool enough to be stored
safely in sealed repositories several hundreds of metres below ground. According to one recent
theory, however, waste should be lowered down boreholes drilled to 4 kilometres. The
trick is to exploit heat generated by the waste to fuse the surrounding rock and contain any
leaking radioactivity.
1. It is clear from the passage that the safe disposal of radioactive waste ………… .
A) has been satisfactorily dealt with by scientists in conjunction with governments
B) is a problem that each government must decide on for its own country
C) remains a global problem of great magnitude
D) is a problem that has not attracted enough attention
E) will in all likelihood soon be resolved, and a clear policy agreed on by concerned governments
2. As it is pointed out in the passage, many experts are of the opinion that radioactive
waste ………… .
A) should never be stored underground as it can not then be monitored
B) should not be stored underground while the radioactive isotopes continue to let off substantial
amounts of heat
C) does not require to be cooled when stored above ground
D) cannot be safely disposed of anywhere and the problem of what to do with it intensifies as
the amount increases
E) can be safely left to cool down underground in sealed repositories
3. The passage describes a new method, still only a theoretical one, for the disposal of
radioactive waste, ………… .
A) which uses bore holes so that all sites are suitable
B) at a depth considerably less than that normally recommended but the chosen site must meet
certain geological requirements
C) which, unfortunately, increases the time needed for cooling the waste before final disposal
D) in which the radioactive isotopes are prevented from releasing heat
E) whereby the heat produced by that waste will serve to seal it safely into the rock under which it
has been buried
3. Paragraf radyoaktif atığın atılması ile ilgili hala yalnızca teorik olan …. yeni bir metodu
A) sondaj deliğini kullanan ki böylece bütün alanların uygun olduğu
B) normalde tavsiye edilen derinlikten oldukça daha az derinlikte ama seçilen alanın belli coğrafi
ihtiyaçları karşılayacağı
C) maalesef son atıştan önce atığı soğutmak için gereken zamanı arttıran
D) radyoizoptopların ısı çıkarmasını engelleyen
E) atık tarafından üretilen ısı vasıtasıyla atığı altında yanacağı kayanın içine güvenli bir şekilde
3. It is explained in the passage that only a very small percentage of the sound waves
………… .
A) can pass through a wall made of firm and resistant material
B) does actually travel back towards its source at each impact
C) can be accurately measured for acoustic purposes
D) has a damaging effect upon the acoustics of a room
E) can last longer than the actual tone-production itself
Kesintisiz titreşim tonuyla oluşan sesler havaya basınç dalgaları gibi yayılır. Odanın duvarı
gibi katı sınırların olduğu yerde, ses dalgaları yansıtılır ki böylece odanın içindeki ses açık havada
olduğundan fazla sürer. Bir insanın ya da müzik aletinin çıkardığı sesler gerçek ton oluşumu
bittikten sonra odadan yankılanır. Ses dalgaları duvarlara çarptığında ses enerjisinin bir kısmı
dolaşır veya maddenin içine çekilir ya da diğer tarafa girer; fakat çoğu binanın yapıldığı sert, çetin
normal duvarlarla ses enerjisinin %90’ından fazlası her çarpmada odaya tekrar yansır, böylece hepsi
harcanana kadar biraz zaman geçer. Bu, 20.yy öncesi birçok binadaki hatalı akustiğin ana
sebebi olan yankılanmadır.
The brain, like all of the body's organs, responds to both inherited and environmental
factors that can enhance or diminish its amazing capacities. One of the challenges
researchers face when studying the human brain is to distinguish among normal age-related
physiological changes, changes caused by diseases, and changes that result from cumulative,
extrinsic factors such as diet. The brain normally changes in some characteristic ways as it
ages. For one thing, its blood supply decreases. For another, the number of neurons, the
brain cells that specialize in transmitting information, diminishes as people age. When the
number of nerve cells in one part of the cerebral cortex diminishes, hearing and speech are
affected. Losses of neurons in other parts of the cortex can impair memory and cognitive
function. When the number of neurons in the hindbrain diminishes, balance and posture are
affected. Losses of neurons in other parts of the brain affect still other functions.
1. It is stressed in the passage that the brain may undergo change ………… .
A) only after old age has set in and not even then in quite a large proportion of the population
B) even though its capacities are always on the increase
C) since the nerve cells are easily impaired by an unbalanced diet and irregular eating habits
D) because it has been affected by the build-up of adverse outside influences over the years
E) especially when there is an obstruction of the blood supply
2. We understand from the passage that the way a person stands, walks and sits …………
A) is not age-related
B) deteriorates as the nerve cells in the cerebral cortex become fewer
C) is adversely affected by a loss of neurons in the hindbrain
D) is largely a matter of habit
E) is dependent on many factors, but is unrelated to balance
3. According to the passage, the processing of received data in the brain is .... .
A) completed in the hindbrain
B) the function of a special group of brain cells
C) not in any way affected by inherited or environmental factors
D) one of the functions of the brain that is least understood
E) unaffected by any loss of neurons
In America, Britain and several other countries, the years after World War II were
notable for increased interest in, and research on, methods of teaching retarded
children. Today no educational procedure is generally accepted, but there is agreement that
teaching should so far as possible be individually orientated. Obviously, special material must
be used, suitable to the child's chronological age and general interests, and a variety of
ways have been suggested to stimulate the apathetic and remedy loss of confidence.
Since inability to analyze spontaneously and make deductions tends to characterize the
intellectually dull, care must be taken at all stages of teaching to break down material and
demonstrate each step clearly.
1. It is clear from the passage that, following World War II, the education of retarded
children ………… .
A) in special schools was far from satisfactory
B) became a matter of concern for the first time
C) was solely considered to be a social issue, not an academic one
D) received considerably more attention than it had previously done
E) took place in certain designated centers
2. We understand from the passage that the teaching of a retarded child ………… .
A) does not require specially selected materials
B) has for many decades been a major burden on society
C) is best carried out on a one-to-one basis
D) ignores, as far as possible, the child's apathy
E) has to follow a certain specific method
3. According to the passage, one of the most striking drawbacks a retarded child faces is
………… .
A) the increasing apathy he experiences as he grows older
B) the pressure put on him to cope with a wide range of material
C) the sense of alienation related to his chronological age
D) that he finds it painfully difficult to build up his confidence
E) his failure to grasp meaning readily and draw conclusions
Amerika, İngiltere ve diğer birkaç ülkede İkinci Dünya Savaşından sonraki yıllar zekâsında
gerilik olan çocuklar için öğretim metotlarına giderek merak salınan ve araştırma yapılan
önemli yıllardı. Bugün genel olarak hiçbir eğitsel yöntem kabul edilmez, ama öğretimin
olabildiğince bireysel yönlendirme şeklinde olması konusunda bir uzlaşma vardır. Açıkçası çocuğun
kronolojik yaşına ve genel ilgi alanlarına uygun özel gereçler kullanılmalıdır ve ilgi
uyandırmak ve güven eksikliğini tedavi etmek için çeşitli yöntemler öne sürülmüştür.
Anında analiz yapma ve çıkarım yapma yeteneğinin eksik olması, zeka geriliğini belirlediği için,
öğretimin bütün aşamalarında materyalleri analiz etmek ve her adımı açıkça göstermek için tedbir
1. Paragrafta şu açıktır ki İkinci Dünya Savaşından sonra zeka geriliği olan çocukların
eğitimi …. .
A) özel okullarda yetersizdi
B) ilk defa endişe konusu oldu
C) akademik değil, sadece sosyal bir mesele olarak düşünüldü
D) öncekinden daha fazla dikkat gördü
E) belirlenen özel merkezlerde ortaya çıktı
3. Paragrafa göre zeka geriliği olan bir çocuğun karşılaştığı en önemli sorunlardan biri ….
A) büyüdükçe artan ilgisizliğidir
B) çeşitli materyaller ile uğraşması için yapılan baskıdır
C) kronolojik yaşına bağlı olarak yaşadığı yabancılaşma hissidir
D) şudur ki güvenini inşa etmeyi çok zor bulur
E) kolay kavrama ve sonuca varmadaki başarısızlığıdır
The Rhine-Ruhr area became the greatest industrial region of Germany, because it had at
its heart the great coalfield of the Ruhr. Mining is now almost entirely northeast and
westwards across the Rhine. The region contains the greater part of the German iron, steel
and heavy engineering industries. The great integrated iron and steel plants mostly cluster on
the Rhine waterway. Specialized steel plants and engineering works are more widespread.
With a decline in coal mining and the dismantling after World War II of certain steel plants, some of
the older Ruhr towns have diversified their industries considerably: vehicles, electrical goods and
clothing are now being produced.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that, following World War II, ………… .
A) the increase in coal production gave a new impetus to the steel industry in the towns of the
Ruhr area
B) new types of industry, such as textiles and car manufacturing, replaced the former steel
industry in certain parts of the Ruhr area
C) the electrical industry throughout the Ruhr area of Germany became economically as important
as the steel industry itself
D) the towns in the Ruhr area rapidly achieved a high level of prosperity through improvements in
the steel industry
E) all the steel plants in the Ruhr area had to be closed down to avoid the pollution of the towns
2. It is clear from the passage that the immense coal deposits of the Ruhr ………… .
A) have had adverse effects upon the older towns of the area
B) have been almost completely used up by the iron and steel industry
C) turned the Rhine-Ruhr into Germany's major industrial area
D) were once regarded as inexhaustible even in the face of such intense mining
E) have no equal anywhere else in Europe
3. The writer of the passage makes the point that the major part of the iron and steel
industry of Germany ………… .
A) has basically remained unchanged during the last hundred years
B) has come into being since World War II
C) is the major source of the country's prosperity
D) no longer depends on coal as its main source of power
E) is located on either side of the Rhine
Ren-Ruhr bölgesi Almanya’nın en büyük sanayi bölgesi haline geldi çünkü bu bölge
Ruhr’un en büyük kömür yatağının merkezindedir. Madencilik şimdi neredeyse tamamen
Ren’in kuzeydoğusunda veya batıya doğru. Bölge, Alman demirinin, çeliğinin ve ağır
mühendislik sanayinin büyük kısmını içine alır. Büyük entegre demir çelik fabrikalarını
çoğunlukla Ren su yolunda toplanmıştır. Özelleşmiş çelik fabrikaları ve mühendislik işleri
daha yaygındır. Kömür madenciliğindeki azalma ve II. Dünya Savaşından sonra belli çelik
fabrikalarındaki dağılma ile eski bazı Ruhr kasabaları sanayilerini oldukça çeşitlendirmişlerdir:
taşıtlar, elektrikli aletler ve kıyafetler şimdilerde üretiliyor.
3. Paragrafın yazarı şunu ifade eder ki Almanya’daki demir ve çelik sanayinin büyük
bölümü …. .
A) temelde son yüzyıllarda değişmemiştir
B) II. Dünya Savaşından beri var olmaya başlamıştır
C) ülkenin temel zenginlik kaynağıdır
D) ana güç kaynağı olarak artık kömüre bağlı değildir
E) Ren’in her iki tarafında bulunur
The most common view among scientists is that mathematics and physics are quite
different. Physics describes the universe and depends on experiment and observation. The
particular laws that govern our universe, such as Newton’s laws of motion, must be
determined empirically and then asserted like axioms that cannot be logically proved,
merely verified. Mathematics, on the other hand, is somehow independent of the universe.
Results and theorems, such as the properties of the integers and real numbers, do not
depend in any way on the particular nature of reality in which we find ourselves.
Mathematical truths would be true in any universe.
3. As pointed out in the passage, the idea that mathematics and physics differ from each
other ………… .
A) has often been queried and debated since Newton
B) is accepted by most scientists
C) has only recently been accepted by the scientific community
D) is evidence of a prevailing prejudice among mathematicians and physicists
E) was originally put forward by Newton after he formulated his laws of motion
Bilim adamları arasındaki en yaygın görüş matematik ve fiziğin oldukça farklı olduğudur.
Fizik kainatı tanımlar ve deney ve gözleme dayanır. Newton’un hareket kanunu gibi kainatı
kontrol eden özel kurallara deneysel olarak karar verilmelidir ve daha sonra mantıksal
olarak kanıtlanan değil sadece doğrulanan önermeler gibi öne sürülmelidir. Diğer taraftan
matematik evrende bağımsızdır. Tam sayıların ve gerçek sayıların özellikleri gibi sonuçlar ve
teoremler bizim kendimizi bulduğumuz hiçbir özel gerçeklik yapısına dayanmaz.
Matematiksel doğrular herhangi bir evrende doğru olabilir.
3. We understand from the passage that the collars are fitted to the deer ………… .
A) while their heads are firmly held in a V-shaped trough
B) as fast as possible because the deer dislike the process
C) while they feed and the process only lasts seconds
D) with a mechanism that has to be man-operated
E) before they are allowed near the food
Geyiklere ilaç emdirilmiş halkayı otomatik olarak sokan bir mekanizma genelde geyikler
üzerinde yaşayan kenelerden insanlara yayılan laym hastalığı tehdidiyle başa çıkmaya
yardım ediyor. Bu hastalık şimdilerde Amerika’da en hızlı yayılan bulaşıcı hastalıklardan biridir ve
ölümcül olabilir. Ormanda her geyiği yakalamak ve ilaçla tedavi etmek kolay değildir, bu
yüzden bunu yapması için bir makine tasarlanmıştır. Hayvanlar yiyecek almak için kafalarını
V şeklindeki yem kaplarına yerleştirmek zorunda kalacakları yiyecek tepsilerine doğru çekilirler.
Makine hazırda geyiğin boynunu koyacağı yem kabının yanında sarkan açık bir ilaçlı halka
tutar. Hayvan yiyeceği alınca, boynu yaylı bir kolu harekete geçiren bir düğmeye basar. Bu, boynun
üzerindeki açık halkanın bir ucunu diğer ucuyla buluşacak tarafa iter. İki uç cırt-cırt
kullanarak birleşir böylece hayvanın gelişinden saniyeler sonra halka tamamlanır.
1. It is clear from the passage that transport requirements in the industrial countries .... .
A) are increasing faster than ever before
B) account for a large proportion of the energy consumed
C) will be easier to meet as vehicle efficiency improves
D) are being reviewed with the aim of meeting them with greater efficiency
E) will continue to rise at roughly the same rate
2. It is pointed out in the passage that energy consumption in industrial countries would
be reduced .... .
A) to the level of that in the developing countries if the number of cars per household were
B) if alternative energy sources could be found for buses and cars
C) if the governments took appropriate action
D) if more people were to make use of public transport
E) significantly, if certain simple measures were put into effect
3. The writer of the passage feels that one hopeful sign relating to the energy
consumption factor is .... .
A) the growing concern about the pollution caused by car emissions
B) that the technical improvements introduced by the car industry have led to cleaner emissions
C) the unexpected drop in car sales
D) the trend to send goods by train not by lorry
E) that the number of cars per household is not increasing as fast as formerly
3. Paragrafın yazarı enerji tüketim faktörüyle ilgili umut verici bir işaretin …. olduğunu
A) araba egzozlarının sebep olduğu kirlilikle ilgili artan endişe
B) araba sanayi tarafından tanıtılan teknik gelişmelerin daha temiz bir emisyon sağlaması
C) araba satışlarındaki beklenmedik düşüş
D) eşyaları kamyonla değil trenle götürme trendi
E) her ailedeki araba sayısının eskisi kadar hızlı artmaması
For years, it has been assumed that obesity is the result of "too much food and too little
exercise". While this maxim is largely correct, the etiology of obesity can be much more
complex. There is a well-documented familial tendency, but whether this is of
environmental or genetic origin is unclear. Studies of twins separated at birth and living
apart provide strong evidence for a substantial genetic influence. Children of overweight
parents, when adopted by "lean" families, have a greater tendency to become obese
than do adoptees from non-obese natural parents. "Energy efficiency" may contribute to
obesity; with reserves of fat deposits readily available to metabolize in the obese, a given amount
of activity requires a smaller expenditure of energy. This theory has been invoked by those
who complain that they "gain weight whether they eat or not", and indeed there is
evidence of differences in energy efficiency among individuals. Similarly, obesity has been
attributed to abnormally low basal metabolic rates (BMRs) since obese individuals do show lower
BMRs. However, this fact is due to an artifact of BMR measurement; a larger proportion
of the total fat mass of an obese person is inert, low-metabolizing fat, a fact that makes
BMR calculations lower.
2. According to the passage, the theory that obesity has a strong genetic basis ………… .
A) seems more likely than the one concerning the BMRs
B) is slowly falling into disfavor and being replaced by one that puts the emphasis on energy
C) has not so far been well researched, but as it is the most likely theory, it deserves to be
D) is supported by some studies of twins that have been brought up separately
E) is soon likely to be fully substantiated
3. The passage suggests that the theory that obesity is due to a low BMR ………… .
A) has never had any serious recognition
B) needs to be reconsidered as the manner of calculating this rate in the obese is inaccurate
C) has been invented by the obese who claim that the amount they eat makes no difference to
their weight
D) will probably turn out to be the correct theory
E) has been thoroughly researched in several cases of twins
Yıllarca, obezitenin “çok fazla yemek, çok az hareket” sonucu ortaya çıktığı zannedildi. Bu
söylem büyük oranda doğru olsa da obezitenin sebebi biraz daha karmaşık olabilir. Bunlar arasında
belgelenmiş ailevi yatkınlık var, ama bunun çevresel mi yoksa genetik mi olduğu belirsiz.
Doğumda ayrılmış ve ayrı yaşamış ikizler üzerindeki çalışmalar genetik etkinin önemi hakkında güçlü
bir delil oluşturur. Şişman insanların çocukları, zayıf aileler tarafından evlat edinildiğinde,
bu çocukların obez olmayan aileler tarafında evlatlık alınanlardan daha çok obeziteye
yatkın oldukları görülür. Enerji verimliliği obeziteye katkı sağlayabilir; obez insanda yağ depoları
stok olarak kolayca kullanılabildiği için, yapılan aktivite daha az enerji harcamayı gerektirir. Bu teori
yeseler de yemeseler de kilo almaktan şikayet edenler tarafından ortaya çıkarılmıştır ve
aslında bireyler arasındaki enerji verimliliğinin farklı olduğunun delilleri vardır. Benzer
şekilde, obezite anormal düşük bazal metabolik hıza (BMR) da bağlanır çünkü obez bireyler daha
düşük bazal metabolik hız gösterirler. Fakat bu olay BMR ölçümlerindeki yapaylıktan
kaynaklanır; obez bir insandaki toplam yağ kütlesinin büyük oranı etkisizdir, bu da BMR
hesaplarını daha düşük yapar.
The site of a hospital needs careful consideration. More and more people now agree that a
hospital should, wherever possible, be part of the community it serves. This makes for the
convenience of patients, particularly outpatients, and eases staff recruitment. Whilst it
may be necessary to serve small communities by peripheral separate outpatient departments, in
general, in-patient and outpatient buildings should be on the same site. It is not, however,
always practicable to build extensively in a town or city, and it is difficult to make
provision for expansion. The actual design of a hospital is also of great importance. Medicine is
ever changing, and it is difficult to forecast changes that lie ahead. Doctors invariably call
for flexibility in planning, which is really only practicable if hospital construction is on ground-floor
level and if the wards and the special investigatory departments are so designed that they can be
readily extended.
1. Clearly, the writer of the passage believes that, ideally, a hospital should ………… .
A) be designed carefully so that no changes will be needed in the future
B) have a series of separate, peripheral out-patient departments
C) concentrate either on out-patient departments or on in-patient ones, but not both
D) be small and serve quite a small community
E) be situated within easy distance of the who come to it for treatment
2. We understand from the passage that one problem of building a hospital within a town
is that ………… .
A) there are likely to be constant changes in the staff
B) it will very likely be impossible to make any additions to it at a later date
C) there will be more patients than the doctors will be able to cope with
D) the size necessary to treat so many patients makes administration extremely complex
E) it is usually impossible to have an out-patient department
3. It is pointed out in the passage that the flexibility that the medical profession looks
for in a hospital building ………… .
A) has to be planned in accordance with the changes that are forecast for the future
B) is an unnecessary luxury
C) can be provided easily and inexpensively
D) is really only feasible in single-storey constructions
E) largely concerns the size of the wards that are favored.
Hastane sahasının dikkatli bir şekilde düşünülmesi gerekir. Şimdilerde daha çok insan bir
hastanenin mümkün olan her yerde hizmet ettiği toplumun bir parçası olması gerektiği fikrine katılır.
Bu hastaların özellikle ayakta tedavi olan hastaların rahatı için yapılır ve personel işe
alımlarını kolaylaştırır. Küçük toplumlara ayrı ayakta tedavi bölümleriyle hizmet etmek
gerekirken, genelde yatılı hastaların ve ayakta tedavi gören hastaların binaları aynı sahada olur.
Fakat bir kasabada ya da şehirde geniş kapsamlı bina inşa etmek her zaman elverişli
olmaz ve genişleme için hazırlık yapmak zordur. Bir hastanenin gerçek tasarımı da büyük önem
taşır. Tıp durmadan değişiyor ve önünde duran değişimleri tahmin etmek zor. Doktorlar,
yalnızca, hastane inşaatı zemin kattaysa ve yapı alanı ve özel araştırma bölümleri kolayca
genişletilmeye uygun yapıldıysa elverişli olan planlamada esneklik isterler.
2. Paragraftan anlarız ki bir kasabadaki hastane binasıyla ilgili bir sorun şudur …. .
A) personelde sürekli bir değişim olma ihtimali vardır
B) ona ileriki bir tarihte ekleme yapmak muhtemelen imkansızdır
C) doktorların ilgilenebileceğinden daha fazla hasta olacaktır
D) çok hastayı tedavi etmek için gereken alan yönetimi aşırı karmaşık hale getirir
E) ayakta tedavi bölümü olması genelde imkansızdır
The government of Britain is again looking at fluoridation of the public water supply as a
possible means of achieving nationwide improvements in dental hygiene. To the casual
observer, given the highly erroneous impression that the presence of fluoride in toothpaste is
beneficial in the prevention of dental caries, such a measure may understandably appear desirable
and worthy of public support. However, many water authorities across the country have
long understood the risks associated with fluoridation; but the government and the
various official organizations that support such a measure continually deny these risks.
It should be realized that there are two forms of fluoride. One of these is calcium fluoride,
which is a natural substance occurring in water at very low levels of 0.01-1 parts per
million and a substance which the various organizations involved in promoting
fluoridation constantly draw attention to when attempting to justify their case. The other
form of fluoride is sodium fluoride, which occurs alongside various related substances such as
fluosilicic acid and is an extremely dangerous industrial by-product produced by such industries as
aluminum, ceramics, phosphate fertilizers and nuclear power. This form of fluoride is an
accumulative poison even more toxic than lead and only slightly less toxic than arsenic.
1. The writer of the passage informs us that, contrary to the facts, a great many people
believe that ………… .
A) the public water supply is slowly being polluted by fluoride from industrial waste
B) both types of fluoride are extremely dangerous
C) fluoride helps to keep teeth strong and healthy
D) the water supply could be fluoridated at little expense
E) no risks would be entailed if the water supplies were fluoridated
3. The writer of the passage puts great emphasis on the fact that one type of flüoride
………… .
A) is an industrial by-product and highly toxic
B) certainly helps to prevent tooth decay
C) leads to lead poisoning
D) is being factory produced so that the water supplies can be fluoridated
E) only occurs naturally in such small amounts that ways of supplementing it must be found
İngiltere hükümeti, ülke çapında diş sağlığını geliştirmenin yolu olarak şehir suyu
kaynaklarında florlamaya tekrar gidiyor. Diş macununun içindeki florürün diş çürüklerini
engellemede faydalı olduğu yanlış fikrine inandırılan sıradan gözlemciler için böyle bir önlem yavaş
yavaş çekici olur ve halk desteğini almaya layık olur. Ne var ki, ülkedeki birçok su işleri
müdürlüğü florlama ile alakalı riskleri uzun zamandır bilmektedir; fakat hükümet ve böyle
bir önlemi sürekli destekleyen çeşitli resmi organizasyonlar bu riskleri reddeder. Şunun
farkına varılmalıdır ki iki tür florür vardır. Bunlardan biri suyun oldukça alçak seviyesinde 0.01-
1 milyonda bir bölümünde oluşan doğal bir madde olan ve devamlı florlamayı destekleyen
çeşitli organizasyonların fikirlerini savunurken dikkat çektikleri kalsiyum florürdür. Diğer
florür türü ise, florosilik asit gibi kendiyle alakalı maddelerin yanında oluşan ve aliminyum, seramik,
fosfat gübresi ve nükleer enerji gibi sanayilerde oluşan oldukça tehlikeli endüstriyel bir yan ürün olan
sodyum florürdür. Bu tür florür kurşundan bile daha zehirli ve sadece arsenikten daha az
zehirli birikintili bir zehirdir.
Britain has a target to deliver 10 per cent of its electrical power from renewable
resources by 2030. And despite what one might hear from some quarters, superb natural and
technical resources already exist that could make this possible. All that is lacking is the political
will; but at present, the government seems reluctant to take any positive action. At
present, "new" renewables, such as landfill gas, wind, solar, wave power and small-scale
hydropower contribute around one per cent to the UK's electrical generating capacity. Generating
power from landfill gas is already fully economic, but has limited scope for growth as the
country moves away from land filling waste. Energy recovery from waste is highly
controversial and also limited in capacity. So, if Britain is to meet her interim target of five
per cent by 2025 and 10 per cent by 2030, she must look to other renewables for
2. It's clear from the passage that the scheme to produce more electrical power from
renewable resources ………… .
A) has aroused very little interest among scientists and economists
B) gives priority to the use of landfill gas rather than to any of the natural elements
C) is regarded, by the British public as technically and economically unsuitable
D) will probably never even reach its interim target on account of the expenses involved
E) needs government support if it is to be implemented
3. We understand from the passage that at present, almost all of Britain's electricity
………… .
A) is generated from non-renewable resources
B) is targeted to be produced from various renewable resources
C) could be provided through natural renewable resources
D) is being economically produced from landfill gas
E) is being produced uneconomical, and this has aroused the concern of the government
Glaciers originate in areas that lie above the limit of permanent snow. Thus in tropical
climates glaciers are only to be found at very great heights, whereas in polar regions they flow into
the sea. The largest glaciers are found in regions receiving the heaviest snowfall. The
great glaciers of the Himalayas lie in the path of the monsoon, which deposits on them the full
measure of its vast water vapour content. The largest glacierized areas after Antarctica are
in Greenland, North America and in central and south central Asia. It has been estimated
that the volume of the world's glaciers and ice sheets exceeds 11,000,000 cubic miles which, if
returned to the oceans, would raise the sea-level by some 200 ft, submerging all existing seaports
and much land besides.
3. From the figures given in the last part of the passage we can infer that ………… .
A) the glaciers around the world are rapidly melting
B) all towns close to the sea are under immediate threat
C) the amount of water held by the glaciers really is enormous
D) the oceans around the world have been rising steadily for some time
E) it will be impossible to prevent flooding if the glaciers continue to melt at this rate
Buzullar kalıcı kar sınırının üzerinde bulunan alanlarda oluşurlar. Yani kutup bölgelerinde
buzullar denize akarken, tropik iklimlerde yalnızca çok yüksek alanlarda bulunurlar. En büyük
buzullar en yoğun kar yağışı alan bölgelerde bulunur. Himalayaların büyük buzulları üstlerine
bütün su buharı içeriğini bırakan muson yolu üzerinde uzanırlar. Antartika’dan sonra en büyük
buzul alanı Grönland, Kuzey Amerika ve merkez Asya ve merkezi güney Asya’dır. Dünya
buzul ve buz tabakası seviyesinin 11.000.000 mili aştığı tahmin edilmektedir ki şayet okyanuslara
karışırsa bütün var olan limanları ve bunun yanında karaları batırarak deniz seviyesini 200 fite kadar
The report, Dams and Development, which has been recently published, provides stark
evidence that the world's 45,000 large dams which block over half of the world's rivers,
have been failed experiments. They have failed to produce as much electricity and water, or
control as much flood damage, as their backers claim. They regularly suffer huge cost-
overruns and time delays. They have made up to 80 million people homeless, and their benefits
have largely gone to the urban well-off not the rural poor they displace. Moreover, their effects
on ecosystems have been disastrous.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that the large dams of the world today ………… .
A) have not given the benefits expected of them
B) were primarily built to prevent flooding
C) have proved more cost-effective than originally anticipated
D) have contributed greatly to environmental improvement
E) play a major part in the economic success of individual countries
2. According to the passage, the construction of the world's large dams ………… .
A) has been indirectly responsible for the pollution of rivers
B) has led to a huge increase in electrical production
C) has been to the advantage of rural communities rather than urban ones
D) has forced millions of people to abandon their homes
E) has often caused fierce controversy between the backers and opponents
3. It is clear that the facts given in this passage about dams ………… .
A) relate to only a small proportion of the world's dams
B) give a balanced picture of their success and failures
C) make no reference at all to their impact upon the environment
D) overlook the huge expense that was entailed in constructing them
E) are derived from a recent report on the subject
1. According to the passage, it is only within the last ten years or so that ………… .
A) the studies made of the Axial volcano have given rise to a great deal of controversy
B) scientists have realized how important under ocean volcanic activity is
C) it has been possible to monitor volcanic eruptions under the sea
D) the effusion rate of the Axial volcano has increased noticeably
E) the geological causes of volcanic activity under the sea have been a major scientific concern
2. According to the passage, with the aid of instruments placed on the ocean floor,
………… .
A) a great deal of information concerning the eruption of the Axial volcano was obtained
B) a lot of data have been collected concerning oceanic eruptions throughout the world
C) it is now possible to anticipate when volcanic eruptions are going to take place
D) scientists can now watch the volcanic activities at an eruption site while they are actually
E) we have come to understand the part played by bottom pressure during a volcanic
3. We can conclude from the passage that the study of submarine volcanic activity
………… .
A) is concerned more with the duration of an eruption than with its other aspects
B) has so far made very likely progress
C) has focused primarily upon the Axial volcano ever since 1998
D) has been greatly improved by early detection of such activity
E) is frequently made more difficult due to the sudden uncontrolled flow of lava
Bizim denizaltı yanardağ patlaması anlayışımız son on yılda böyle olayları uzaktan
belirleme ve olaylara kısa araştırmalarla ve patlama alanından örneklerle hızlıca cevap
verme yeteneğinden dolayı ciddi olarak değişti. Fakat bu bilgiler ister istemez olay sonrası
gözlemlerle sınırlı. Aksine, 1998’de Juan de Fuca tepesindeki Axial yanardağının patlaması
deniz tabanı aletleriyle yerinde görüntülendi. Taban basıncını ölçen bu aletlerden biri aşırı
kullanılmış ve 1998 lav akıntısına yakalanmıştı. Tesisat kurtuldu ve daha sonra keşfedildi. Bu
alet tarafından kaydedilen bilgiler orta okyanus çizgisindeki patlamanın süresini, özelliğini ve akma
oranını gösterir.
William Willcocks was born 150 years ago in a tent beside a canal in northern India,
where his father worked for the colonial government. He learnt his engineering in India
before heading for Egypt in 1883. There he rose to become director-general of reservoirs,
and a legend on the banks of the Nile. He built the first Aswan dam, then the largest in the
world, went on to revive the ancient irrigation systems of Mesopotamia, and watered deserts from
South Africa to India. But he was deeply troubled by the discovery that much of what his
fellow water engineers did in their colonial playgrounds was worse than useless.
2. It is clear from the passage that William Willcocks was upset ………… .
A) to find out that the ancient irrigation systems of Mesopotamia were inadequate
B) because the first Aswan dam was needlessly large and costly
C) when he realized the work of his fellow water engineers in the colonies was utterly
D) to discover that the water resources of South Africa were not sufficient to irrigate the
E) because the whole responsibility for the construction of the Aswan dam was on his shoulders
William Willcocks 150 yıl önce babasının sömürge hükümeti için çalıştığı kuzey
Hindistan’da bir kanalın yanındaki çadırda doğdu. O, mühendisliğini 1883’te Mısır’a gitmeden
önce Hindistan’da öğrendi. Orada Willcocks su depolarının genel müdürü oldu ve Nil
kıyılarında bir efsane oldu. İlk, Aswan barajını daha sonra da dünyadaki en büyük işi yaptı, eski
Mezopotamya sulama sistemlerini canlandırdı ve Güney Afrika’dan Hindistan’a kadar çölleri suladı.
Ama su mühendisi arkadaşlarının kendi sömürge alanlarında yaptığı çoğu şeyin
yararsızdan daha kötü olduğunu keşfetmesi onu derinden üzdü.
By far the most common sleep complaint is insomnia. About a third of Americans have
trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, problems that result in listlessness and loss of alertness
during the day. Most of the time the distress is temporary, brought on by anxiety about a
problem at work or a sudden family crisis. But sometimes sleep difficulties can extend for
months and years. Faced with a chronic situation, insomniacs frequently medicate
themselves with alcohol or drugs. Doctors warn that in most cases sleeping pills should not be
taken for longer than two or three weeks. Such drugs can lose their effectiveness with time,
and it takes higher and higher dosages to work. People run the risk of becoming dependent
on the pills.
En yaygın olan uyku şikayeti insomniadır. Amerikalıların yaklaşık üçte biri gün içinde halsizlik
ve uyanık olamama gibi problemlerle sonuçlanan uyuyakalma ya da uyanamama sıkıntıları çekerler.
Çoğu zaman sıkıntı, işteki bir sorunla ilgili bir endişe ya da ani bir aile meselesinden
kaynaklanan geçici bir sıkıntıdır. Fakat bazen uyku sorunları aylar hatta yıllarca devam eder.
Kronik bir durumla karşılaşan uykusuzluk hastaları kendilerini sık sık alkol ve ilaçlar ile
tedavi ederler. Doktorlar birçok durumda uyku haplarının iki ya da üç haftadan daha fazla
alınmaması için uyarıda bulunurlar. Bu tür ilaçların etkisi zamanla azalır ve işe yaraması için
çok daha fazla dozda alınır. İnsanlar haplara bağımlı yaşama riskini göze alır.
2. It is clear from the passage that, when an asthmatic patient contacts bronchitis,
………… .
A) attacks of breathlessness may last as long as an hour
B) he may start to expectorate a small amount of viscid mucus.
C) he will find inspiration more difficult than expiration
D) the expiratory muscles will be weakened
E) the attacks are likely to be of long duration.
Astım, küçük bronş ve bronşçukların daralması ile oluşan nöbetlerden dolayı nefessizlik
atakları yaşanan bir hastalık olarak tanımlanabilir. Astım her yaşta başlayabilir ama yaygın
olarak çocuklukta başlar. Tipik nöbetler aniden nefessiz kalma ve hırıltılı solunum ile başlar,
özellikle nefes vermede zorluk yaşanır. Nöbetin sonuna doğru genelde az miktarda balgam
çıkarılır. Nöbetler herhangi bir zamanda ortaya çıkabilir ama özellikle gece ya da sabah
erken saatlerde çıkar. Nöbetin süresi değişkendir, bazıları bir saatte ya da buna yakın bir sürede
biter, bazıları da, özellikle bronşitle birleşmişse, günlerce devam eder. Nöbetlerin sıklığı yılda bir
veya ikiden günde birkaç kereye değişkenlik gösterir. Nöbet sırasında, nefes verirken
solunuma nefes almadan daha çok engel olduğu için ve harekete geçen basınçlı nefes alma kasları
nefes verme kaslarından daha güçlü olduğu için akciğerler aşırı hava ile şişer.
An antibiotic that removes metals from the brain is emerging as a prime candidate for
treating Alzheimer's. This boosts a controversial theory that blames the accumulation of metals,
rather than the formation of insoluble plaques, for the disease's characteristic mental deterioration.
The antibiotic, clioquinol, binds to copper and zinc and is small enough to get into the
brain. It is no longer manufactured but was last used in the 1970s to treat intestinal infections.
Now, in various medical schools, efforts are being made to resurrect the drug to treat
1. According to the passage, the reason for the characteristic decline in mental capacity
occurring in those with Alzheimer's ………… .
A) has so far aroused little interest
B) is definitely due to the formation of insoluble plaques
C) has at last been agreed on
D) is still under debate
E) can be safely ignored
2. According to the passage, if it is the accumulation of metals in the brain that gives rise
to mental deterioration in Alzheimer's, ………… .
A) and not the formation of insoluble plaques, then there seems, at present, to be no cure for the
B) then the antibiotic clioquinol has a good chance of proving effective in the treatment of this
C) then there are several ways by which a cure can be affected
D) rather than the formation of insoluble plaques, then the next step is to ascertain which metals
E) then the management of the condition should be radically changed
Maddeleri beyinden çıkaran bir antibiyotik Alzheimer tedavisi için başlıca aday olarak
ortaya çıkıyor. Bu, hastalığın tipik mental bozulmasında çözülemez plakların oluşumundan ziyade
madde birikmesini suçlayan tartışmalı bir teori ortaya çıkarır. Kliokinol antibiyotik bakır ve
çinkoyu birleştirir ve beyne girebilecek kadar küçüktür. Bu antibiyotik artık üretilmiyor ama
son olarak 1970lerde bağırsak enfeksiyonlarını tedavi etmek için kullanılmıştı. Şimdi, birkaç tıp
okulunda bu ilacı Alzheimer tedavisinde kullanmak üzere tekrar ortaya çıkarmak için
çabalar devam ediyor.
2. Paragrafa göre Alzheimer hatalığında akli bozulmaya sebep olan beyindeki madde
birikintisiyse , …. .
A) yani çözülemeyen plakların oluşumu değilse, şu an için bu sorun için bir tedavi yok gibi
B) o zaman bu hastalığın tedavisinde kliokinol antibiyotiğin etkili olma şansı var
C) tedaviyi etkileyebilecek birkaç yol var
D) çözülemeyen plakların oluşumu ile alakalı değilse, diğer adım maddeleri belirlemektir
E) durumun idaresi tamamen değişmelidir
Fossils are the remains of organisms which have endured for fantastic periods of time.
Fossils can be bones or teeth or even plant or animal imprints preserved in rock since prehistoric
times. The appearance of fossils in rock has been a source of wonder and fascination to
man for centuries. The fossil of an ancient sea animal was even found among the possessions of
a prehistoric man. Many people have tried to explain fossils. Aristotle believed they were the
remains of living creatures, but thought the creatures grew in the rocks. Some people believed
that fossils were placed in rocks by evil spirits. Other explanations were remarkably modern.
For example, Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, observed fossil seashells in the
Libyan desert in 450 B.C. and guessed that the Mediterranean Sea had once reached
much farther south than it does today.
2. According to the passage, Herodotus speculated that the Libyan desert ………… .
A) which was rich in the remains of various organisms, had been the original home of prehistoric
B) which was vast and dry, had been flooded on several occasions in the past by the
Mediterranean Sea
C) through which he often travelled, had in the past made up a major part of the Mediterranean
D) where he saw fossil seashells, had once been covered by the Mediterranean Sea
E) where there were plant and animal imprints in rocks, had no connection whatsoever with the
Mediterranean Sea
Fosiller olağanüstü zaman dilimleri boyunca var olan organizma kalıntılarıdır. Fosiller
kemikler ya da dişler ya da tarih öncesi zamanlarda kayaların üzerinde duran bitki ve hayvan izleri
bile olabilir. Kayalardaki fosiller yüzyıllardır insanlar için merak ve etkilenme kaynağıdır.
Eski bir deniz hayvanının fosili tarih öncesi bir insanın eşyaları arasında bile bulunurdu. Birçok insan
fosilleri açıklamaya çalışmıştır. Aristotle onların yaşayan yaratıkların kalıntıları olduğuna inanırdı
ama onların kayalıklar içinde yetişen canlılar olduğunu düşünürdü. Bazı insanlar fosillerin
kayalara kötü ruhlar tarafından yerleştirildiğine inanırdı. Diğer açıklamalar oldukça
moderndir. Mesela eski Yunan tarihçi Herodotus M.Ö. 450’de Libya çölünde deniz kabuğu
fosillerini gözlemlemiştir ve Akdeniz’in bir zamanlar bugün olduğundan daha güneye
ulaşabildiğini düşünmüştür.
3. Paragrafta belirtilmiştir ki …. .
A) Aristotle özellikle kayalıklarda bulunan fosillerle ilgilenirdi
B) birçok çeşit fosil vardır
C) ilk zaman fosilleri deniz bitkilerinin ve deniz kabuklarının fosilleriydi
D) Herodotus ve Aristotle fosil araştırmasının ilk öncüleriydi
E) fosillerin ilk keşfi Libya çölünde olmuştu
Aviation is about to go back to its roots. Nearly 100 years after the Wright brothers' first
heavier-than-air powered flight, the US Air Force is testing an experimental plane that uses "wing
warping", which is the steering and control technique that kept Orville Wright aloft in 1903. But
this time round, it will be at supersonic speeds. Unlike conventional aircraft wings, which use
movable surfaces like flaps on the wings and the tail, wing warping bends the entire wing. The
USAF calls it "active aero elastic wing" technology, and is investing $ 41 million in the
project in the hope that it will lead to lighter, more maneuverable supersonic planes.
1. We understand from the passage that the reason why the USAF is giving so much
importance to the "wing warping" technique is ………… .
A) because they believe it may help them to produce supersonic planes that are easier to
control and less heavy
B) because it will improve the performance of conventional aircraft by increasing their weight
C) because it will help them to cut down on production costs of supersonic aircraft
D) to enable combat aircraft to develop a more effective defense system
E) to ensure that the wings can withstand supersonic speeds over long periods of time
2. As it is clear from the passage, the "wing warping" technique that is presently being
tested ………… .
A) is a brand new technique especially developed for supersonic aviation
B) in fact dates back to the early history of aviation
C) is being sharply contested by the USAF
D) is unlikely to prove effective in supersonic aircraft
E) will probably have no noticeable effect on an aircraft's performance
3. The phrase "kept Orville Wright aloft" in lines 7-8 means ………… .
A) gave Orville Wright an easy control
B) helped Orville Wright to fly faster
C) enabled Orville Wright to stay in the air
D) lifted Orville Wright into the air
E) made Orville Wright fly more safely
Havacılık köklerine dönmek üzeredir. Wright kardeşlerin ilk havadan ağır gazlı uçuşundan
yaklaşık 100 yıl sonra Amerika Hava Kuvvetleri Orville Wright’ı 1903’te havada tutan kontrol tekniği
ve dümen ile olan kanat eğmeyi kullanan deneysel bir uçak test ediyor. Ama bu sefer o sesten
hızlı olacak. Kanatlar ve kuyruk üzerinde kapakçıklar gibi hareket edebilen yüzeyler kullanan
geleneksel uçak kanatlarının aksine, kanat eğme bütün kanadı büker. USAF bunu “aktif uçan
esnek kanat” teknolojisi diye adlandırır ve bunun daha hafif, daha hareketli sesten hızlı
uçakların yapımını sağlayacağını umarak projeye 41 milyon dolar yatırmıştır.
1. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki USAF’ın kanat eğme projesine çok önem vermesinin sebebi
…. .
A) bunun kontrol etmesi daha kolay ve daha az ağır hızlı uçak üretimine yardım edeceğine
B) bunun ağırlıklarını arttırarak geleneksel uçakların performansını artıracak olmasıdır
C) bunun hızlı uçakların üretim maliyetlerini azaltmaya yardımcı olacak olmasıdır
D) daha etkili bir savunma sistemi geliştirmek için savaş uçağı elde etmektir
E) kanatların uzun süre süpersonik hızlara dayanabileceğinden emin olmaktır
2. Paragrafta açık olduğu üzere şimdilerde test edilen kanat eğme yöntemi …. .
A) sesten daha hızlı uçuşlar için özel geliştirilmiş çok yeni bir tekniktir
B) aslında uçuş tarihinin başına dayanır
C) USAF tarafından ağır bir şekilde itiraza maruz kalmıştır
D) sesten hızlı uçakta muhtemelen verim sağlayamayacak
E) muhtemelen uçak performansı üzerinde kayda değer bir etki sağlamayacak
Like so many American waterways, the Chesapeake Bay, an enormous, semi- saline body
of water that is treasured for its aquatic life, became badly polluted during the 20th
century. But it has regained much of its biological vitality since the early 1970s, thanks to
concerted ecological stewardship. In this effort, the Conowingo dam has provided valuable
assistance. Environmentalists are not often fond of dams, which have a habit of trapping
migratory fish and disrupting sensitive water ecosystems - not to mention looking ugly. But the
Conowingo dam on the Susquehanna river in eastern Maryland is an exception. Since its
construction in 1928, the Conowingo dam has not only generated electricity but also trapped vast
amounts of sediment behind its imposing walls. This was not a function the builders had
planned for, but in recent years its value has become clear. The water flowing past the
Conowingo dam is much cleaner than it would otherwise be. Even America's once-endangered
national symbol, the bald eagle, can be seen perching near the dam, waiting to swoop
down and seize a meal of fish by its talons.
1. As it is pointed out in the passage, dams are not usually popular among
environmentalists ………… .
A) but the Conowingo dam has their approval
B) unless they disrupt sensitive water ecosystems
C) and especially all those on the Susquehanna river
D) but the Conowingo dam, because of its imposing appearance, is generally admired
E) although they acknowledge that most are environmentally friendly
2. According to the passage, the Conowingo dam holds back large quantities of sediment
………… .
A) so the water going into the bay is lacking in nutrients
B) which means that the water flowing into the Chesapeake Bay is almost salt free
C) and has to be constantly cleaned
D) though this was not thought of when the dam was designed
E) as well as a great many migratory fish
3. We learn from the passage that one gratifying sign that the Chesapeake Bay is no
longer seriously polluted is the fact that ………… .
A) the bald eagle is now no longer an endangered species
B) America has made the bald eagle her national symbol
C) the bald eagle that feeds on fish has returned to the region
D) its biological variety has remained unchanged
E) the water is so clear one can see the aquatic life there
Diğer birçok Amerikan su yolu gibi, yarı tuzlu su kaynağının değeri deniz alemi ile bilinen
büyük Chesapeake Körfezi 20.yy’da çok kötü bir şekilde kirlendi. Fakat körfez biyolojik
canlılığının çoğunu güçlü ekolojik idare sayesinde 1970lerin başından beri geri kazanmaktadır. Bu
başarıda, Conowingo barajı önemli bir destek sağlamıştır. Çevreciler genelde göçebe balıkları
yakalayan ve hassas su ekosistemini bozan- çirkin görünmelerinden bahsetmezler bile- barajları
sevmezler. Ama doğu Maryland’deki Susquehanna nehri üzerindeki Conowingo barajı bir
istisnadır. 1928’deki inşaatından beri, Conowingo barajı sadece elektrik üretmemiş aynı zamanda
görkemli duvarlarının arkasındaki çok miktarda tortuyu da yakalamıştır. Bu inşaatçıların
planladığı bir fonksiyon değildi ama son zamanlarda bunun değeri açığa çıkmıştır.
Conowingo barajını geçip akan su, baraj diğer şekilde olduğunda akacağından daha temizdir.
Amerika’nın bir zamanlar tehlike altında olan milli sembolü kel kartalın bile yere inip
pençeleriyle balık yakalamak için barajın yanına konduğu görülebilir.
More than half of astronauts suffer from space sickness, also known as Space Adaptation
Syndrome. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, vomiting and poor concentration. The main
cause of space sickness is disorientation caused by exposure to zero gravity conditions.
The human body is used to a much stronger gravitational field on Earth, and organs in the inner
ear, along with canals that sense motion, tell the brain about the location of the limbs relative to
the ground. In other words, they're responsible for balance. Unfortunately, the signals from
these organs in the inner ear go wrong in zero gravity, leading to space sickness. Over time
though, the brain learns to ignore them and relies instead on visual clues, such as the
position of the feet, to determine balance. Astronauts quickly re- adapt to Earth's gravity
within a few days and there are probably no long-term effects from this strange affliction.
3. We learn from the passage that within the Earth's gravitational field ………… .
A) the space adaptation syndrome of astronauts immediately disappears
B) we maintain our balance through the organs of the inner ear
C) the symptoms of space sickness continue to increase noticeably
D) symptoms similar to those of space sickness are quite unknown
E) astronauts who have experienced zero gravity never again feel quite comfortable
Why do transformers hum? This is one of those questions which seems easy but has surprising
hidden depths. The simple explanation is that electric currents create magnetic fields, and
the alternating current of mains electricity used by transformers creates a magnetic field
that changes at 50 cycles a second. This in turn triggers a regular motion of the metal
molecules inside the transformer, known as magnetostriction. It's this motion that makes the
surrounding air vibrate, creating the hum. But why does the metal respond in this way? The
answer lies in a property of the electrons in the metal known as 'spin' - a property,
which can only be explained by reference to Einstein's theory of relativity, which is
beyond the understanding of most of us.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that the sound produced by a transformer ………… .
A) is actually the vibration of the air caused by the movement of the metal molecules within the
B) is only noticeable when it occurs in an enclosed space
C) varies according to the type of magnetic field created
D) can easily be eliminated
E) varies according to the size of the magnetic field in which it occurs
2. We understand from the passage that the question "why do transformers hum?"
………… .
A) has never been adequately answered
B) appears straightforward but the answer is extremely complicated
C) has been under discussion from the time transformers were first made
D) has raised doubts concerning the safety of mains electricity
E) has opened the way to the manufacture of quieter transformers
3. In the passage, the question "why does the metal respond in this way?" ………… .
A) bears no relationship with the phenomenon known as "magnetostriction"
B) refers to the creation of magnetic fields by mains electricity
C) can be fully answered without reference to the theory of relativity
D) can be answered far more easily than can the opening question
E) is not answered in a clear and detailed manner
Trafolar neden cızırdarlar? Bu kolay gibi görünene sorulardan biridir ama şaşırtıcı gizli derinlikleri
vardır. Basit açıklama elektrik akımının manyetik alan oluşturması ve trafolar tarafından
kullanılan şebeke elektriğinin alternatif akımının bir saniyede 50 devir dönen manyetik
alan oluşturmasıdır. Bu aslında, trafo içindeki metal moleküllerin düzenli hareketini tetikler, ki bu
da mıknatısal büzülme olarak bilinir. Cızırdamayı oluşturan hava titreşimini yapan şey budur.
Fakat neden metal bu şekilde tepki verir? Cevap metalde “devir” olarak bilinen elektronların
özelliği altında yatar- bu özellik yalnızca çoğumuzun anlayışının ötesinde olan Einstein'ın
izafiyet teorisine atıfta bulunarak anlaşılabilir.
Time travel has been a favorite science fiction theme ever since it was first used in H.G.
Wells's trailblazing novel The Time Machine. But not everything it describes is science fiction:
traveling forward in time, for example, is a proven fact. Einstein's theory of relativity predicts
that an observer moving relative to Earth can leap into Earth's future, and the effect has
been confirmed using atomic clocks. Dramatic time warps require speeds close to that of light,
which is possible in principle but would take a major feat of engineering, not to mention a lot of
money. Going back in time is far more problematic. Relativity does not rule out an observer
being able to make a journey through space-time and return to their past. But all scenarios so
far discussed require exotic circumstances.
2. It is pointed out in the passage that The Time Machine by H.G. Wells ………… .
A) was to a large extent inspired by Einstein's theory of relativity
B) was the first novel to deal with the idea of time travel
C) is the only early work of science fiction that still remains popular
D) is still regarded as a standard reference for time travel studies
E) focuses on travel into the past rather than into the future
3. The passage makes the point that it is possible to travel into Earth's future ………… .
A) but technically and financially it is still not possible
B) though this has not been verified by atomic clocks
C) if Einstein's theory of relativity is found to be true
D) at reasonably attainable speeds
E) and indeed this has already been achieved
Zamanda yolculuk ilk H.G Well’in çığır açan romanı Zaman Makinesinde kullanıldığından
beri favori bilim kurgu teması olmuştur. Fakat anlattığı her şey bilim kurgu değildir: mesela
zamanda ileri gitmek kanıtlanan bir gerçektir. Einstein'ın izafiyet teorisi dünyaya göre hareket
eden bir gözlemcinin dünyanın geleceğine atlayabileceğini tahmin eder ve bu etki atom
saatleri kullanılarak onaylanmıştır. Hareketli saat sapmaları ışık hızına yakın hız gerektirir ki bu
prensipte mümkündür ama çok mühendislik becerisi gerektirir, çok fazla para gerektirdiğinden
bahsetmeye gerek bile yok. Zamanda geriye gitme ise daha problemlidir. İzafiyet bir gözlemciyi
uzay zamanında seyahat etmek ve geçmişine dönmek üzere çıkarmaz. Ama bu zaman kadar
tartışılan bütün senaryolar egzotik olaylara ihtiyaç duyar.
In a biography of Bardeen, recently published, he does not fit the popular stereotype of
scientific genius, for he is surprisingly sane and ordinary. As far as character goes, he had
several assets. To start with he was a notable team builder. Tenacious when it came to
attacking problems, he had the gift of breaking a large problem down into smaller, more soluble
parts and then reassembling the whole. As a teacher, his habit of stopping to think allowed
his students to do so too. Government and industry valued his advice - according to one
commentator, he helped Xerox to build one of the finest industrial laboratories in the world in the
fields of organic and disordered solids during the late 1970s. But, perhaps, the most telling
aspect of Bardeen's character was his willingness to share the credit with others. For
example, he deliberately stayed away from the meeting of the American Physical Society in March
1957 at which his theory of superconductivity was first presented, so that the contribution of his
young co-researchers would be recognized.
3. It is clear from the passage that, unlike many really great scientists, Bardeen had the
gift of ………… .
A) working effectively with other people and sharing his ideas with them
B) persuading governments to support his research projects
C) choosing the right problems to work on, that is the ones that could be solved
D) writing biographical works as well as scientific ones
E) getting the utmost benefit out of his co-researchers' work
3. Paragrafta açıktır ki birçok büyük bilim adamının aksine Bardeen’ın …. yeteneği vardı.
A) diğer insanlarla verimli şekilde çalışma ve onlarla fikirlerini paylaşma
B) hükümetleri araştırma projelerini desteklemek için ikna etme
C) üzerinde çalışacak, yani çözülebilecek doğru problemler seçme
D) bilimsel eserlerin yanında biyografik eserler yazma
E) araştırmacılarının çalışmalarından en yüksek faydayı sağlama
Some 54 million Americans have disabilities and that number has been increasing. It
includes more than 10 million children with developmental disabilities - a number accentuated by
the fact that 50 per cent of children with disabilities are not identified until school age. Early
identification of developmental disabilities is crucial, as it has been shown to improve
outcomes. A good example of this is autism, where early identification and treatment can lead a
child to impressive gains in communication, social skills and learning. It's also clear that having
a developmental disability puts one at risk for secondary conditions. The lack of
recreational opportunities, for example, can lead to the development of obesity as well as
withdrawal, depression and isolation. Again, early identification can help prevent these
3. The passage makes the point that one developmental disability ………… .
A) is often cancelled out by some special skill or talent
B) that is especially difficult to treat is autism
C) is often likely to give rise to one or more other disabilities
D) seems to characterize a great many families
E) can sometimes be more difficult to treat than two
Artificial sweeteners permit people to keep their sugar and energy intakes down, yet
still enjoy the delicious sweet tastes of their favourite foods and beverages. The Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of four artificial sweeteners -saccharin,
aspartame, acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-K) and sucralose. Two others have petitioned
the FDA and are awaiting approval - alitame and cyclamate. Saccharin, acesulfame-K and
sucralose are not metabolised in the body; they pass through the kidneys unchanged. In
contrast, the body digests aspartame as a protein. In fact, aspartame is technically classified
as a nutritive sweetener because it yields energy, but for all practical purposes, that energy is
negligible. Some consumers have challenged the safety of using artificial sweeteners.
Considering that all compounds are toxic at some dose, it is hardly surprising that large doses of
artificial sweeteners (or their components or metabolic by-products) have toxic effects. The
question to ask is whether their ingestion is safe for human beings in quantities people
normally use (and potentially abuse). The answer is yes, except in the case of aspartame,
which may present a problem for certain people and so carries a warning on its label.
1. One difference between saccharin and aspartame that is pointed out in the passage, is
that the former ………… .
A) is not metabolised in the body whereas the latter is
B) has been approved by the FDA but the latter hasn't
C) is digested in the body, the latter is not
D) is more often taken in large quantities than the latter is
E) carries a warning label, but the latter does not
3. It is clear from the passage that the production and sale of artificial sweeteners
………… .
A) actually induces people to eat far more than they should
B) is rapidly increasing
C) is frequently regarded as a threat to the health of us all
D) should be discouraged
E) is carefully controlled
Yapay tatlandırıcılar insanların şeker ve enerji alımlarını düşük tutmalarını sağlar, ama
bunun yanında sevdikleri yiyecek ve içeceklerin tadının keyfini çıkarırlar. Gıda ve İlaç
Kurumu (FDA) dört tatlandırıcının kullanımına onay vermiştir- sakarin, aspartam, asesülfam
potasyum ve sukraloz. İki tanesi daha FDA’na başvurdu ve onay bekliyor - alitame ve
siklamat. Sakarin, asesülfam-K ve sukraloz vücutta metabolize edilmez; böbreklerden değişmeden
geçerler. Bunun aksine, vücut, aspartamı protein gibi sindirir. Aslında, aspartam teknik olarak
besleyici bir tatlandırıcıdır çünkü enerji ortaya çıkarır fakat uygulamada bu enerji kayda değer
değildir. Bazı tüketiciler yapay tatlandırıcıların kullanımının güvenliğini sorgulamıştır.
Bütün bileşenlerinin bir miktar zehirli olduğu düşünülürse, yüksek dozda yapay tatlandırıcıların (ya
da onların bileşenlerinin veya metabolik ürünlerin) zehirli etkilere sahip olması şaşırtıcı olmaz.
Sorulacak soru bu maddelerin sindiriminin normal kullanım dozlarında (ve kötüye
kullanılma imkanı dahilinde) güvenli olup olmadığıdır. Cevap, bazı insanlarda problem
oluşturan ve etiketinde uyarı taşıyan aspartam hariç, evettir.
When it was formed many million years ago the earth was a liquid. It is still cooling and
many miles below the hard crust is still hot. However, in some places the heat is closer to the
surface. These places are associated with volcanic activity or hot sulphur springs. By drilling
deep into the earth’s crust we can reach rocks that are much warmer than those at the
surface. Pumping water down into contact with these rocks and extracting the steam so produced
is a source of energy that can be used to produce electricity. It is called geothermal energy.
1. It is explained in the passage that under the hard surface of the earth there ………… .
A) exists a hot core which can be used as a source of energy
B) seems to be a great deal of volcanic activity which threatens life
C) is a hot liquid layer which has never been drilled
D) could be a number of hot sulphur springs, the main cause of volcanic activity
E) has never been sufficient heat to melt rocks
3. We can infer from the passage that the earth’s crust ………… .
A) has completely stopped the process of cooling underneath
B) is a constant source of geothermal energy
C) is not suitable for any kind of drilling
D) is constantly warming and cooling due to volcanic activity
E) varies in thickness from place to place
Dünya milyonlarca yıl önce oluştuğunda sıvıydı. Hala soğuyor ve sert kabuğun millerce altında
hala sıcak. Fakat bazı yerlerde ısı yüzeye daha yakın. Bu yerler volkanik aktiflik ya da sıcak
sülfür kaynaklarıyla ilişkilidir. Dünyanın kabuğunda derin bir delik açarak yüzeydeki taşlardan
daha ılık taşlara ulaşabiliriz. Bu taşlara teması olan suyu pompalama ve bu şekilde üretilen buharı
çıkarma elektrik üretmek için kullanılan bir enerji kaynağıdır. Buna jeotermal enerji denir.
The exact number of people who died in the cyclone that struck Bangladesh last year will
probably never be known. Winds reaching 145 miles per hour hammered the country’s low-lying
south-eastern coast for nine hours, at one point driving a wall of water roughly 20 feet high across
the area – one of the most densely populated places in the world. It was the strongest storm
ever recorded in the region. The official news agency reported that 125.000 victims had been
confirmed dead, but it was believed that the toll was actually much higher.
1. One can infer from the passage that one reason why so many lives were lost in the
cyclone was because ………… .
A) most of the population had no decent housing
B) the Bangladesh government had failed to foresee such a disaster
C) the country had still not recovered from the previous similar cyclone
D) it struck only a very narrow stretch of land
E) the area struck was one of the most overcrowded in the world
2. We can understand from the passage that the official figures given regarding the
death toll ………… .
A) didn’t reflect the actual extent of the tragedy
B) overestimated the number of victims
C) were much higher than the authorities expected
D) included only those drowned
E) exceeded the number of those who survived the disaster
Bangladeş’i geçen yıl vuran kasırgada ölen insanların tam sayısı muhtemelen asla
bilinmeyecek. Saatte 145 mile ulaşan rüzgar, bir noktada bir duvar suyu yaklaşık 20 fit
yükseklikteki alana çeken-dünyadaki en yoğun nüfuslu yerlerden birisi- ülkenin deniz seviyesindeki
güneydoğu kıyılarını 9 saat boyunca vurdu. Bu bölgede kaydedilen en şiddetli fırtınaydı. Resmi
haber ajansları 125.000 mağdurun öldüğünün onaylandığını rapor etti ama aslında sayının daha
yüksek olduğuna inanılmaktadır.
2. Paragraftan şunu anlayabiliriz ki ölü sayısı ile ilgili verilen resmi rakamlar …. .
A) trajedinin gerçek boyutunu yansıtmıyordu
B) mağdur sayısını olduğundan fazla göstermişti
C) yetkililerin beklediğinden daha fazlaydı
D) sadece boğulanları kapsıyordu
E) felakette hayatta kalanların sayısını aşmıştı
Computers should never have acquired the exalted status they now have. Fascinating and
invaluable as they are, even the most advanced have less brain power than a three-year-old. They
do, however, score on single-mindedness. The three- year-old uses his brain not only to think
but also to do tasks like seeing, hearing and running about, which need incredibly rapid and
sophisticated electro-mechanical interactions - we too run on electricity. But the computer just
sits there and sends spacecraft to the moon or re-organises the world banking system,
which is very much easier. That's why man’s dream of robot servants is still a long way off.
1. The main point made by the passage is that the human brain ………… .
A) is much inferior to any known computer
B) is infinitely more complex and powerful than any computer
C) reaches its maximum efficiency at the age of three
D) is not as complicated and mysterious as has usually been thought
E) has been entirely reproduced in computer form
Bilgisayarlar hiçbir zaman bugün sahip oldukları yüksek statüyü elde etmemeliydi.
Büyüleyici ve paha biçilmez oldukları kadar, en gelişmiş olanlar bile üç yaşındaki birinden daha az
beyin gücüne sahiptir. Fakat onlar hesaplamayı tek bir şey düşünme ile yaparlar. Üç yaşındaki
beynini sadece düşünmek için değil aynı zamanda inanılmaz derecede hızlı ve karmaşık
elektromekanik etkileşimlere ihtiyaç duyan- biz de elektrikle ilerleriz -görme, duyma ve koşuşturma
gibi işleri yapmak için kullanır. Ama bilgisayar sadece oturur ve aya uzay gemisi yollar ya da
çok daha kolay olarak dünya banka sistemlerini tekrar organize eder. Bu yüzden insanın
robot hizmetçi hayali hala çok uzaktır.
Many substances, whether man-made or natural, can cause harm to man or the
environment. Some of these reach the environment in waste streams; however, emission limits
and environmental quality standards can, in some instances, reduce the amounts released. But
some other substances cannot be controlled in this way because they are released, not
in industrial waste streams, but through the use or disposal of products which contain
them. In many cases these substances pose little or no threat if the product containing them is
used and disposed of properly. The right way to deal with them is usually through controls
over their supply, use and disposal.
1. According to the passage, the threat of certain substances to the environment …………
A) is far less than that to man
B) could be reduced by enforcing emission limits and environmental controls
C) has been unnecessarily overemphasised
D) has to date been completely ignored
E) can be eliminated by the use of industrial waste streams
2. The author points out that the danger posed to man by many substances ………… .
A) is unrelated to environmental pollution
B) is even greater than generally admitted
C) continues to grow despite constant control of disposal systems
D) is solely due to the use of industrial waste streams
E) arises from their misuse and wrong disposal
Pek çok madde ister doğal ister insan yapımı olsun, insana ya da çevreye zarar verebilir.
Bunlardan bazıları çevreye atık yığınları halinde ulaşır; ama bazı durumlarda emisyon sınırı ve
çevresel kalite standartları açığa çıkan miktarı azaltabilir. Fakat diğer bazı maddeler bu yolla
kontrol edilemez çünkü onlar endüstriyel atık yığınlarıyla değil onların içinde bulunduğu
ürünlerin kullanılması ya da yok edilmesi ile açığa çıkar. Çoğu durumda bunların bulunduğu
ürünler doğru bir şekilde kullanılsa ve tamamen yok edilse çok az tehlike ortaya çıkar ya da hiç
çıkmaz. Bunlarla baş etmenin doğru yolu genelde bunları temin etmeyi, kullanmayı ve yok
etmeyi kontrol etme ile olur.
The practical advantages of prefabrication are two-fold: It is quicker and it does away
with uncertainty. Speed in building is important in these days because of the high cost of land:
the time during which such an expensive commodity is out of use must be reduced to a minimum.
And, partly or wholly prefabricated methods of construction save time on the job
because parts are prepared in the factory beforehand. Prefabrication does away with
uncertainty because it means that the whole building is made of standard parts the behaviour of
which is known and has been tested.
3. When a building is constructed from standard parts that have been well tested …………
A) there is no scope for originality
B) the costs will naturally be excessively high
C) new methods of construction are overlooked
D) one knows in advance that the result will be satisfactory
E) one is still not sure how they will behave in a particular situation
Computers can store vast amounts of information in a very small space and are used by
the banks to keep accounts, print out statements and control transactions. They are also
used by the police to keep personal records, fingerprints and other details. In the rapidly
developing field of robotics computers are now being used to control manual operations
done by mechanics. These, too, are taking over work, previously done by people in the
manufacture of cars, in weaving and in other industries. Computers play an important role in
controlling artificial satellites, decoding information and communications generally. They
are used to predict the weather with increasing accuracy.
Bilgisayarlar küçük bir alana çok fazla bilgi depolayabilirler ve bankalar tarafından hesap
tutmak için, hesap özeti çıkarmak için ve işlemleri kontrol etmek için kullanılırlar. Ayrıca
polisler tarafından kişisel kayıtları, parmak izlerini ve diğer detayları tutmak için kullanılırlar. Hızla
gelişen robotik alanında bilgisayarlar şimdilerde teknisyenler tarafından yapılan manuel
işleri kontrol etmek için kullanılıyor. Bunlar da önceden araba üretiminde, dokumada ve diğer
sanayilerde insanlar tarafında yapılan işleri devralıyor. Bilgisayarlar genelde bilgilerin ve
iletişimin kodunu çözerek yapay uyduları kontrol etmede önemli bir rol oynarlar. Ayrıca
artan doğruluk ile hava durumu tahmini yapmak için kullanılmaktadırlar.
Looking ahead from the present position where food production has kept ahead of
population growth globally, but has fallen per capita in 55 (mainly African) countries, it
would seem that these trends will continue. About 30 countries - most of them African - can
expect serious problems unless they reduce population growth and give higher priority to
agriculture and conservation. Though a warmer, wetter earth with high CO2 levels is likely
to be capable of producing more food, the amounts will still be inadequate for many
poorer countries. In many cases, the population projections are greater than the entire local land
resources can support.
Küresel olarak yiyecek üretiminin nüfus artışının önünde olduğu, fakat (genelde Afrika)
55 ülkede kişi başına düştüğü, şimdiki durumdan ileriye bakınca bu eğilimin devam
edeceği görülür. Çoğu Afrikalı olan yaklaşık 30 ülke eğer nüfus artışlarını azaltamaz ve tarıma ve
korumaya öncelik vermezse ciddi problemlerle karşılaşabilir. Yüksek CO2 seviyeli daha ılık daha
nemli bir dünya daha fazla yiyecek üretebilme kabiliyetine sahip olmasına rağmen, miktar
yine bazı fakir ülkeler için yetersiz olacaktır. Çoğu durumda nüfus projeksiyonu bütün yerli
arazi kaynaklarının destekleyebileceğinden daha fazladır.
2. Paragrafta şu belirtilmiştir ki …. .
A) dünya iklimindeki değişimler yiyecek üretim problemlerini arttırmaktadır
B) Afrika ülkeleri dışında küresel yiyecek üretimi genel olarak yeterlidir ve muhtemelen böyle
devam eder
C) tarımsal ilerleme yakında küresel yiyecek sıkıntısını durduracaktır
D) arazi kaynakların korunması en az önemli olandır
E) CO2 seviyesinin artmasını engellemek için çaba sarf edilmelidir
There are twelve and a half acres of land for each man, woman, and child in the world
today. However, only three and a half acres of this land can be cultivated. If the population of
the world reaches six billion by the year 2000, there will be only one and a half acres for
each person. Man just increases his production of food. One scientist has said that the world
could support ten billion people if better agricultural methods were used everywhere.
The supply of food can also be increased by the control of plant diseases, and by the irrigation of
desert lands. By using these ways and others, man can feed himself and his fellow men.
1. The passage emphasises that the growth of the world population ………… .
A) makes food production a vital question
B) must not be allowed to continue at the present rate
C) is no longer a cause for international concern
D) has now made it necessary to cultivate all the desert lands in the world
E) has jeopardised the farmlands in the world.
2. The writer suggests that, by the end of the century, the amount of the arable land
available ………… .
A) will be doubled in size through the irrigation of desert lands
B) per person will drop to three and a half acres from twelve and a half
C) will be fully adequate for the support of a ten billion world population
D) per person will fall from three and a half acres to one and a half
E) will continue to diminish and, hence, famine will be inevitable
3. According to the passage, the world food problem can be solved ………… .
A) by a fair and even distribution of available arable land throughout the world
B) only if new ways of overcoming plant diseases can be discovered
C) simply by cultivating desert lands in an efficient way
D) so long as the population does not exceed ten billion at the most
E) if various effective measures are taken, such as the improvement of farming
Bugün dünyada her kadın, erkek ve çocuk için 12,5 akre alan vardır. Ne var ki, bunun sadece
3,5 akresi ekilip biçilebilir. Şayet dünya nüfusu 2000’e kadar 6 milyara ulaşırsa, her kişi için
yalnızca 1,5 akre yer olacak. İnsan sadece yiyecek üretimini arttırır. Bir bilim adamı her yerde
daha iyi tarım metotları kullanılırsa dünyanın 10 milyar insanı kaldırabileceğini
söylemiştir. Yiyecek temini bitki hastalıklarını kontrol altına alarak ve çöl arazilerini sulayarak da
arttırılabilir. Bu ve başka yöntemleri kullanarak insan kendini ve diğer insanları besleyebilir.
2. Yazar şunu belirtir ki yüzyılın sonuna kadar var olan ekilebilir arazi sayısı …. .
A) çöl arazilerinin sulanması ile iki katına çıkacak
B) 12,5’tan kişi başına 3,5 akreye düşer
C) 10 milyar dünya nüfusuna yeterli olacaktır
D) her insana 3,5 akreden 1,5’a düşecek
E) azalmaya devam edecek ve kıtlık kaçınılmaz olacak
For nearly a decade now, the manufacturing of automobiles has been undergoing radical
changes. The principle cause is the introduction of new production and management techniques,
originally engineered by Toyota and subsequently applied by other Japanese car manufacturers.
This is called “lean” production. It implies no less a revolution in the process of car
manufacturing than the mass production Henry Ford introduced at the beginning of the century. In
fact, lean production combines the advantages of craft and mass production. A vital
feature of this production technique is that it achieves its highest efficiency, quality and flexibility
when all activities - form design to assembly - occur in the same area.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that; in the car industry, the traditional mass
production techniques ………… .
A) introduced by Ford were soon outdated
B) are popular only in Japan
C) have contributed significantly to Japanese success in this area
D) are beginning to fall out of favour
E) in fact require a higher degree of management efficiency.
Yaklaşık on yıldan beri, otomobil üretimi radikal değişiklikler geçirmiştir. Temel sebep
orijinal olarak Toyota tarafından düzenlenen ve sonra diğer Japon araba üreticileri tarafından
uygulanan yeni üretme ve yönetim tekniklerinin çıkışıdır. Bu, yalın üretim olarak adlandırılır. Bu
üretim, araba üretim sürecinde Henry Ford’un yüzyılın başında getirdiği toplu üretimden daha küçük
bir devrim değildir. Aslında yalın üretim emek yoğun üretim ve toplu üretim avantajlarını
birleştirir. Bu üretim tekniğinin önemli bir özelliği tasarımdan montaja bütün aktiviteler aynı alanda
olurken bunun en yüksek verim, kalite ve esneklikte olmasıdır.
Since early times it has been assumed that the actions of animals are unconscious.
Behaviour, in this view, stems almost exclusively from instinct. If animals behave in ways that
seem pretty clever, they do so without thinking about it. Animals may know things, the
argument goes, but they don't know that they know. Or do they know? Recent research reports
suggest a startling depth of intelligence among animals. Although no one can yet 'prove' the
existence of animal consciousness, the data offered make a compelling case for at least
considering it.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that traditionally, animals are believed to ………… .
A) behave not instinctively but logical
B) have an intelligence comparable with man’s
C) imitate man in many ways
D) act on instinct
E) know exactly what they are doing
2. It is pointed out in the passage that modern research forces one to consider ………… .
A) why animals behave differently under different circumstances
B) the possibility of intelligence in animals
C) the means by which animal behaviour can be improved
D) how animals can be made to acquire new skills
E) animals to be the equal of man in intelligence
3. The passage makes it quite clear that, in the light of modern research, our traditional
assumptions about animal behaviour ………… .
A) have been totally disproved
B) have been confirmed
C) have to be reconsidered
D) were indeed based on scientific fact
E) should never have been questioned
Of all the environmental problems facing us today, global warming is likely to have the
most devastating effects. In order to combat these, the emission of harmful gases must be
reduced; for this purpose, the rainforests, which absorb carbon dioxide in vast quantities must be
protected. Global warming will place a premium on energy efficiency, for controlling
global warming inescapably means reducing the burning of fossil fuels. The two industries
that are most obviously going to be affected are the power suppliers and the vehicle
manufacturers, but since energy is consumed by almost everything we manufacture, design or do,
the effects will be felt everywhere.
2. The author explains that unless the burning of fossil fuels is radically reduced …………
A) global warming cannot possibly be held in check
B) they will soon be used up
C) traditional power supplies will not be adequate
D) energy efficiency cannot be achieved
E) the effects will be far reaching and beyond our control
Bugün karşılaştığımız bütün çevresel sorunlar içinde küresel ısınma muhtemelen en yıkıcı
etkileri olandır. Bu etkilerle mücadele etmek için zararlı gaz yayımı azaltılmalıdır; bu amaçla büyük
oranda karbondioksiti çeken yağmur ormanları korunmalıdır. Küresel ısınma enerji yeterliliğine
değer verecektir çünkü küresel ısınmayı kontrol altına almak kaçınılmaz olarak fosil yakıt
kullanımı azaltmak anlamına gelir. Açıkça en çok etkilenecek iki sanayi enerji ve taşıt
üreticileridir, ama enerji ürettiğimiz tasarladığımız ya da yaptığımız neredeyse her şeyde tüketildiği
için, etkileri her yerde hissedilecektir.
The effects of sleep loss are subject to a number of popular misconceptions. The belief
that everyone must sleep 8 hours a night is a myth. According to the results of a recent
survey on the subject, adults average about 7 to 7 1 / 2 hours of sleep per night, and
many individuals function effectively with 5 to 6 hours of sleep. In fact, 20 percent of the
population (slightly more in men) sleep less than 6 hours per night. Another significant fact is
that sleep time decreases with age.
1. According to the passage, the popular assumption that eight hours of sleep per night
is essential ………… .
A) is only true for the elderly
B) has been supported by scientific evidence
C) is actually a fallacy
D) is only true for 20 percent of the population
E) is very rarely disputed
2. The survey referred to in the passage indicates that as people get older and older
………… .
A) they sleep less and less
B) they require more sleep than formerly
C) their sleep time varies between 7 and 8 hours
D) they rarely sleep less than 7 hours
E) sleep loss ceases to be a problem
3. It is pointed out in the passage that a sleep time under 8 hours ………… .
A) is not recommended in the survey
B) invariably leads to noticeable inefficiency
C) does not necessarily reduce a person's efficiency
D) causes a number of complications in old people
E) is common among women but not among men
Uykusuzluğun etkileri, popüler birçok yanlış anlaşılma ile karşı karşıya kalır. Herkesin bir
gecede 8 saat uyuması gerektiği düşüncesi efsanedir. Bu konudaki son araştırmaların
sonuçlarına göre, yetişkinler ortalama her gece 7-7,5 saat uyur ve çoğu kişi 5-6 saatlik
uyku ile etkili bir şekilde çalışır. Aslında, nüfusun %20’si (erkeklerde biraz daha çok) her gece
6 saatten daha az uyur. Bir diğer önemli gerçek ise, uyku saati yaş ile birlikte azalır.
Built by the disconsolate Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, the Taj Mahal
mausoleum has survived the rise and fall of many empires and it attracted looters, too;
over the years they carried away the silver doors from its gates, the precious stones
from its marble wall: and the gold from its graves. But those were small threats compared
with the modern danger of pollution. Emissions from the coal-fired steel foundries thermal
power stations, cars and an oil refinery in the industrial belt around Agra are corroding
and yellowing the Taj Mahal's white marble.
2. At present, the main threat to the survival of the Taj Mahal is ………… .
A) the lack of interest in the building
B) small scale robbery
C) on-going looting
D) industrial pollution
E) damaging effects of the climate in Agra
Kederli imparator Şah Cihan tarafından karısının anısına yaptırılan anıtmezar Taç Mahal
birçok imparatorluğun kuruluş ve batışını yaşamıştır ve de yağmacıları kendine çekmiştir;
yıllar boyunca yağmacılar geçitlerden gümüş kapıları, mermer duvarlardan değerli taşları
ve mezarlardan altınları alıp götürmüşlerdir. Ne var ki bunlar modern kirlilik tehlikesiyle
kıyaslayınca küçük tehlikelerdi. Kömür yakan çelik dökümevlerindeki termik santrallerden
çıkan emisyonlar, arabalar ve Agra sanayi bölgesi civarındaki petrol rafinerisi Taç Mahal’in
beyaz mermerlerini paslandırmakta ve sarartmaktadır.
Certain features of the motorway undoubtedly ease the strain of driving. Gradients and
bends are so controlled as to obviate the necessity of sharp braking and the absence of traffic
approaching from the other direction removes one of the commonest sources of accidents. Many
dangers made more terrible by the high speeds of vehicles remain, however. A collision at
seventy miles an hour is almost inevitably in its results. A mechanical defect in the car or a
puncture can lead to loss of control and catastrophe. The car should be completely
roadworthy and tyre pressures and treads need to be checked at regular intervals.
2. As is pointed out in the passage, the design of motorways is such that ………… .
A) it should not be necessary to brake suddenly
B) catastrophes can always be averted so long as the car has no mechanical defect
C) a collision at seventy miles an hour is rarely fatal
D) the dangers of driving are minimised but not the strain
E) it is difficult to estimate whether a vehicle really is roadworthy
3. One can understand from the passage that the majority of motorway accidents are
catastrophic ………… .
A) as they involve head on collisions
B) because they occur at high speeds
C) as brake defects are the cause
D) since they occur on gradients or bends
E) since the motorways themselves are not adequately policed and controlled
1. Paragraf …. vurgular.
A) lastik basıncı ve zayıf dişler kazaların ana sebebi olduğunu
B) otoyollardaki hız sinirinin gözden geçirilmesi gerektiğini
C) diğer yollarla kıyaslandığında otoyollardaki kaza vakalarının çok olduğunu
D) otoyolların hem avantajı hem dezavantajı olduğunu
E) aslında otoyolların diğer yollardan çok farklı olmadığını sadece daha geniş olduğunu
Since health care accounts for nearly one seventh of the American national economy,
any attempt to reform it enters a minefield of explosive issues.
President Clinton's health-care plan, many experts say, might shake up the health- insurance
industry so violently that it could shrink from about 500 to as few as to 10 companies; costing
thousands of jobs. Businesses complain that new health- coverage contributions would be
disastrous; there is even talk that up to a million jobs will be lost as a consequence.
Though the American Medical Association has so far sent signals that it would endorse the plan,
the physicians themselves and the taxpayers are extremely worried about it.
1. The writer argues that President Clinton's health-care reform policy ………… .
A) is being favourably received by private doctors and taxpayers
B) has been completely rejected by the American Medical Association
C) is bound to cause a great deal of unrest and discussion
D) will boost the insurance sector
E) will create many new jobs for the unemployed
3. According to the passage, one of the major problems likely to result from the new
health-care plan is that ………… .
A) a few physicians will find themselves without work
B) businesses will be badly affected by the health-care fees demanded of them
C) there will be a fierce competition among insurance companies for coverage of the unemployed
D) the taxpayers will not be able to receive adequate medical care
E) president Clinton's popularity will decline sharply
Sağlık hizmetleri Amerikan Milli ekonomisinin yaklaşık yedide birine tekabül ettiği için,
onu düzenlemek için yapılan herhangi bir girişim patlayıcı bir mayın tarlasına girmektir.
Uzmanların dediğine göre Başkan Clinton’ın sağlık hizmetleri planı sağlık sigortası sektörünü o kadar
şiddetli sarsacaktı ki binlerce işe mal olarak yaklaşık 500 şirketten 10 şirkete kadar düşebilirdi.
İşletmeler yeni sağlık sigorta katkılarının korkunç olacağından yakınırlar; hatta bunun
sonucu olarak bir milyona kadar işin biteceğine dair konuşmalar var. Amerikan Tıp Derneği
şimdiye kadar bu planı destekleyeceğine dair işaretler vermesine rağmen, doktorlar ve vergi ödeyen
insanlar bu konuda oldukça endişelidir.
1. Yazar şunu ifade etmiştir ki Başkan Clinton’ın sağlık hizmetleri reform planı …. .
A) doktorlar ve vergi ödeyenler tarafından uygun görülmüştür
B) Amerikan Tip Derneği tarafından tamamen reddedilmiştir
C) kesinlikle büyük bir huzursuzluk ve tartışmaya sebep olur
D) sigorta sektörünü canlandırır
E) işsizlere birçok yeni iş sunar
3. Paragrafa göre, yeni sağlık hizmetleri planından kaynaklı muhtemel en büyük sorun ….
A) birkaç doktorun kendini işsiz bulacak olmasıdır
B) işletmelerin kendilerinden istenen sağlık ücretlerinden kötü etkilenecek olmalarıdır
C) sigorta şirketleri arasında işsizlerin sigorta miktarından dolayı şiddetli bir rekabet olacak
D) vergi ödeyenlerin yeterli sağlık yardımı alamayacak olmasıdır
E) başkan Clinton’ın popülerliğinin keskin bir şekilde azalmasıdır
The unfavourable effects of cigarette smoking on the heart have frequently been
described, but the exact basis for these effects has not been clarified. Some investigators
believe nicotine to be culprit and there has been some experimental work in animals indicating that
large doses of nicotine in conjunction with cholesterol feeding and vitamin D could produce a disease
of the arteries resembling that seen in humans. An alternative explanation has been offered
by other scientists who have pointed to the possible role of carbon monoxide being inhaled
with the cigarette smoking.
2. According to the passage, studies into the adverse effects of smoking ………… .
A) have ruled out any relationship between smoking and cholesterol levels in humans
B) have not been able to establish for certain whether or not carbon monoxide could be a factor
C) have so far not raised any controversial opinions
D) have shown that vitamin D reduces nicotine in the body
E) indicate that nicotine and carbon monoxide may be only minor factors
Sigara içmenin kalp üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri sık sık anlatılır ama bu etkilerin tam
kaynağı açıklanmamıştır. Bazı araştırmacılar nikotinin suçlu olduğunu düşünür ve hayvanlar
üzerinde yapılan çok miktarda nikotinin kolestrollü besinler ve D vitamini ile birlikte insanlardakine
benzeyen atardamar hastalığına sebep olduğunu gösteren deneysel çalışmalar vardır. Alternatif bir
açıklama da sigara içerken içe çekilen karbon monoksitin olası etkisine dikkat çeken diğer
bilim adamları tarafından ortaya atılmıştır.
Scientists have long sought ways to define and measure human intelligence. And while
theories of intelligence have grown more sophisticated since the 1800s when some believed mental
abilities were determined by the size of a person’s head, researchers still do not agree about
certain fundamental principles of human thought. They, therefore, continue to debate such
basic questions as whether heredity or the environment is more important in forming
1. As we learn from the passage, the age-old controversy about whether intelligence
depends upon heredity or the environment ………… .
A) is now being ignored as it is seen to be fruitless
B) was finally received in the 1800s
C) has only recently become a subject for serious research
D) does not seem to have ceased yet
E) was more sophisticated in the 19th century than it is today
2. According to the passage, in the early nineteenth century, some people held the view
that a person’s mental capacity ………… .
A) could never be changed
B) depended upon the head size
C) was purely heredity
D) was completely shaped by the environment
E) was fundamental to his character
3. One may conclude from the passage that a full understanding of the nature and the
capacity of human intelligence ………… .
A) can only be achieved by exceptionally sophisticated
B) has finally been achieved by modern scientists
C) is sure to be realised within the next few years
D) is not likely to be achieved in the near future
E) will emerge through theoretical rather than experimental studies
Bilim adamları uzun zamandır insan zekâsını açıklamak ve ölçmek için yollar aramaktadır.
1800lerde bazılarının zihinsel yeteneklerin kişinin kafasının büyüklüğüne göre oluştuğuna
inanmasından beri zeka teorileri daha karmaşık hale gelirken, araştırmacılar hala insan düşüncesinin
bazı temel prensiplerine katılmazlar. Bu yüzden, onlar, zekanın oluşumunda çevrenin mi yoksa
kalıtımın mı daha önemli olduğu gibi temel soruları tartışmaya devam ederler.
1. Paragraftan anladığımıza göre, zekanın kalıtıma mi çevreye mi bağlı olduğu ile ilgili
eski tartışma …. .
A) faydasız olarak görüldüğü için şimdilerde göz ardı ediliyor
B) nihayetinde 1800lerde kabul edilmiştir
C) yalnızca son zamanlarda önemli araştırmaların konusu olmuştur
D) hala bitmiş gibi görünmüyor
E) 19.yy’da şimdi olduğundan daha karmaşıktı
2. Paragrafa göre, 19.yy. başlarında, bazı insanlar bir kişinin zihinsel kapasitesinin ….
görüşüne katildi.
A) asla değişemeyeceği
B) kafa büyüklüğüne bağlı olduğu
C) sadece kalıtım ile ilgili olduğu
D) tamamen çevre ile şekillendiği
E) karaktere temel olduğu
Agriculture remains the most crucial area for development, here it seems that the most
intractable problems of resistance to change exist. One may argue that scientific training in
agriculture by itself is unlikely to have any marked impact on agricultural output. Any attempt at
vocational training in agriculture presupposes that a meaningful structure of incentive
exists for the individual farmer to increase his output, improve his techniques, and
expand his range of activities. Without such incentives and opportunities, agricultural education
can have little impact.
1. The author is of the opinion that improvements in the field of agriculture ………… .
A) cannot have much effect but for the incentives and opportunities
B) can easily be realised
C) have already led to good results
D) are not really important at all
E) have largely been confined to technology
2. We can understand from the passage that the agriculture community ………… .
A) tends to disregard the problems of the individual farmer
B) is eager for more vocational training
C) is fully aware of the long-term benefits of scientific training
D) has already begun to benefit from the improved techniques
E) is not the one that welcomes change
Tarım, gelişim için en önemli alan olmaya devam eder, burada değişmeye direnmenin en
zorlu problemleri ortaya çıkar. Bir kişi tarımda bilimsel eğitimin büyük olasılıkla tarım veriminde
herhangi bir dikkat çekici etkisinin olmayacağını belirtebilir. Tarımda mesleki eğitime girişim
mantıken, bireysel bir çiftçinin üretimini artırması, tekniklerini geliştirmesi ve etkinlik
çeşidini genişletmesi için anlamlı bir teşvik yapısının oluşmasını gerektirir. Böyle teşvikler
ve fırsatlar olmadan tarımsal eğitimin etkisi az olur.
Tigers grow to lengths of ten feet or more and can be bigger than the largest lion. They
have immense strength. They clutch their prey to them, holding on with their claws, and
depend on the crushing bite of their powerful jaws to end the struggle. They swim very
well and can often be seen splashing about in water on very hot days, since they apparently suffer
from heat. When the air is chilly, however, they avoid wet or damp vegetation. They can
climb, but do not approach the leopard’s ability in this. They can negotiate treacherous rocky
areas but generally prefer to stay on level ground. They are not as well equipped with senses
as one might expect. They apparently depend on their hearing while hunting. Their eyesight
is not particularly good, they seem unable to spot prey until it moves.
3. From the passage we learn that, contrary to what is generally thought ………… .
A) once a prey starts to move a tiger can rarely catch it
B) hearing is the least developed sense of the tiger
C) the leopard’s hunting ability is far behind that of the tiger
D) rocky areas are invariably avoided by all wild animals
E) the tiger’s senses are not particularly well developed
Kaplanlar on fit ya da daha fazla uzunlukta boya ulaşabilirler ve en büyük aslandan daha
büyük olabilirler. Onların muazzam güçleri vardır. Avlarını pençeleriyle tutarak yakalarlar ve
mücadeleyi bitirmek için güçlü ağızlarının parçalayıcı ısırığına bakarlar. Çok iyi yüzerler ve
çok sıcak günlerde sıcaklıktan rahatsız oldukları için genelde suyun içinde görülebilirler. Fakat hava
serin olduğunda ıslak ya da nemli bitki örtüsünden uzak dururlar. Tırmanabilirler ama bu
konuda leoparların yeteneğine yaklaşamazlar. Tehlikeli kayalık alanları aşabilirler ama genelde
yer seviyesinde kalmayı tercih ederler. Bir kişinin tahmin ettiği kadar iyi duyular ile donatılmış
değillerdir. Avlanırken işitme duyularına bağlı olurlar. Görme duyuları özellikle iyi değildir,
avlarını hareket edene kadar ayırt edemezler.
Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine are psychoactive drugs that are freely available in our
society. Their widespread use shows that they provide a common solution to the problems of vast
numbers of individuals. The extent and the nature of their use is not, however, uniform but
varies with the particular sub-culture involved. To take alcohol, for example, there are wide
differences between the drinking habits and rituals of merchant, seamen and businessmen,
between Italians and Jews. Each sub-group in society will have a conception of what the
permissible and desirable effects of alcohol are, how much it is necessary to drink to
achieve this desired state; what is normal and what is deviant drinking behaviour.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, nicotine and
caffeine are widely used because ………… .
A) sub-groups in society identify themselves with them.
B) people with problems find them helpful
C) their effects have been proved to be harmless
D) they are much cheaper than many other drugs and legally obtainable
E) society at large regards them as harmful
3. The writer points out that there is little agreement among sub-groups ………… .
A) about the extent to which psychoactive drugs should be produced
B) about the benefits of psychoactive drugs
C) as regards why businessman drink so much
D) as to why Italians and Jews have different drinking habits
E) as to how much alcohol can be properly consumed
3. Yazar şunu vurgular ki alt gruplar arasında …. ile ilgili anlaşma çok azdır.
A) psikoaktif ilaçların ne ölçüde üretilmesi
B) psikoaktif ilaçların faydaları
C) iş adamlarının neden çok içtiği
D) İtalyanların ve Yahudilerin neden farklı içki alışkanlıkları olduğu
E) tam olarak ne kadar alkol tüketilebileceği
All of us are born, all of us will die; but there is infinite variety in the nature and
circumstances of these two events themselves and in what happens to our bodies and
our minds in between. Some individuals, for example, are born without difficulty and grow
uninterruptedly during childhood and adolescence, suffering at worst only minor infectious diseases
and accidents. As adults, they reproduce their kind. They age gradually until, in extreme old
age, they die peacefully without pain or discomfort. This is an idealised picture of how we
would like things to be, rather than the reality that most people experience. Death comes
to many of us, not when we are old, but during or before birth, in infancy, in adolescence, in early
adulthood or in middle age.
1. One point made by the author in this passage is that we, as human beings, ………… .
A) must face the fact that accidents in old age are inevitable
B) have all similar opportunities but use them differently
C) all enjoy a happy childhood and a healthy adolescence
D) ought to take certain measures to avoid infections diseases in childhood
E) have widely differing experiences of birth, life and death
2. The writer points out that, though most people expect life to be free of care and death
easy, ………… .
A) this is not likely to happen either in adolescence or in adulthood
B) they have to strive hard to attain this idealised condition
C) this is, in fact, very rarely the case
D) for many people a worthwhile life has more to it than this
E) this is seldom the case except in old age
3. In this passage the writer points out the disparity between ………… .
A) the basically fortunate lives of the majority and the tragic experience of a small minority
B) what everyone expects of life and what he actually achieves in life
C) the early happy years of our lives, and the later tragic ones
D) the near ideal life experience of the few and the actual life experience of the majority
E) the happier middle years of a person’s life and the more trying later years
Hepimiz doğarız, hepimiz öleceğiz; fakat bu iki olayın doğası ve şartları içinde ve ikisi
arasında bedenimize ve aklımıza ne olduğu ile ilgili sayısız farklılıklar vardır. Mesela bazı
kişiler, zorluk yaşamadan doğarlar ve çocukluklarında ve ergenliklerinde en kötü olarak yalnızca ufak
bulaşıcı hastalıklar ve kazalar geçirerek büyümelerine ara vermeden devam ederler. Yetişkin
olunca, nesillerini devam ettirirler. Acı ve rahatsızlık çekmeden huzur içinde ölünceye kadar
adım adım yaşlanırlar. Bu, çoğu insanın yaşadığı gerçekten ziyade bizim olmasını istediğimiz
ideal resimdir. Ölüm çoğumuza yaşlandığımızda değil, doğumda ya da doğumdan önce, bebeklikte,
ergenlikte, yetişkinliğin başlarında ya da orta yaşlarda gelir.
1. Paragrafta yazar tarafından vurgulanan bir durum şudur ki insanoğlu olarak biz …. .
A) yaşlanınca kazaların kaçınılmaz olduğu gerçeği ile yüzleşmeliyiz
B) benzer fırsatlara sahibiz ama onları farklı kullanırız
C) hepimiz mutlu bir çocukluk ve sağlıklı bir ergenlik geçiririz
D) çocuklukta bulaşıcı hastalıklara yakalanmamak için belli tedbirler almalıyız
E) genel olarak farklı doğum, hayat ve ölüm tecrübeleri yaşarız
2. Yazar şunu ifade eder ki, çoğu insan dertsiz bir hayat ve kolay bir ölüm beklerken, …. .
A) bu ya ergenlikte ya da yetişkinlikte olmayabilir
B) bu ideal durumu elde etmek için çok çabalamak zorundadır
C) aslında çok nadir bir durumdur
D) çoğu insan için değerli hayat bundan daha fazlasıdır
E) bu durum yaşlılık haricinde çok nadir bir durumdur
Oceanography is the scientific study of the world’s oceans which cover over 70 percent
of the earth’s surface. The beginnings of modern oceanography go back to the 1870s when, for
the first time, wide ranging scientific observations and studies of the oceans were undertaken by
British. Since then, oceanography has developed into a highly technical and
interdisciplinary science which is now divided into several fields of study. These are
biological oceanography, which deals with the study of the marine organisms and marine ecology,
chemical oceanography, which is concerned with the composition of sea water, and physical
oceanography, which studies ocean currents, tides, waves, and the role played by the oceans in
climate and weather. Geological oceanography is also another branch of oceanography and
is mainly concerned with the formation, composition and evaluation of the ocean basins.
Oceanographic knowledge is essential to allow exploitation of the enormous food, mineral and
energy resources of the oceans.
2. It is clear from the passage that, due to the complexity and variety of its research
activities, oceanography ………… .
A) cooperates with some of the other sciences
B) focuses only on the discovery of the new energy resources in the oceans
C) benefits extensively from the findings of biology.
D) is rarely concerned with the problems of the ocean environment.
E) has developed into a separate and independent discipline with no relationship with other
3. We understood from the passage that over the last hundred years or so ………… .
A) many wide-ranging studies have been made of ocean currents and their effects on climate.
B) the oceans have been extensively exploited for food and mineral deposits.
C) British scientists have carried out extensive studies of the ocean basis.
D) scientists have been much concerned with the pollution of the ocean environment.
E) much progress has been made in the development of oceanography as a science.
Paper has been known in one form or another from very early times. The papyrus reeds of
the Nile swamps served the ancient Egyptians for sheets upon which to inscribe their records. The
Chinese and Japanese, centuries later, were using something more akin to modern paper
in substance, an Asiatic paper- mulberry, yielding a smooth fibrous material, being
utilised. With the spread of learning in Western Europe the necessity of a readier medium made
itself felt, and paper began to be manufactured from pulped rags and other substances. Other
papermaking staples were later introduced, such as linen cotton and wood- pulp. The
chief raw material in the world paper industry now is wood-pulp, the main exporters being the
timber-growing countries of Canada, Sweden and Finland.
1. We can understand from the passage that, throughout history, paper ………… .
A) has played a vital role in the advancement of learning
B) has been a major export item for Asian countries, and for China in particular
C) has been produced from a wide range of materials
D) has been valued as a means of communication more in the West than in the East
E) has largely been used for documentation rather than for learning
2. It is obvious from the passage that today the wood-pulp needed for the manufacture
of paper ………… .
A) is largely provided by the countries which produce a great deal of timber
B) is produced from a variety of substances other than timber
C) can only be produced economically with the aid of sophisticated technology
D) is normally made from raw materials locally available
E) can most readily be prepared from timber with a high fibrous content
Kağıt o veya bu şekilde ilk zamanlardan beri bilinmektedir. Nil’in papirüs kamışları eski
Mısırlılara kayıtlarını üzerine yazacakları levhalar olarak hizmet etmiştir. Yüzyıllar sonra Çinliler
ve Japonlar modern kağıt yapısına daha yakın kullanılarak düz lifli bir madde haline gelen
Asyalı kağıt dutu gibi bir şeyler kullanmıştır. Batı Avrupa’da öğrenmenin yayılmasıyla daha
kolay araçlara duyulan ihtiyaç kendini hissettirdi ve kağıt selülozdan ve diğer maddelerden
yapılmaya başlandı. Pamuklu keten ve kağıt hamuru gibi kağıt yapımında kullanılan diğer
hammaddeler daha sonra tanıtıldı. Bugün dünya kağıt sanayindeki ana hammadde ana ihracatçı
ülkelerin kereste üreten Kanada, İsveç ve Finlandiya olduğu kağıt hamurudur.
The great expansion in energy demand over recent years has been met to a large extent
by petroleum oil. The total world reserves of petroleum oil are still uncertain since large parts of
the world are still not fully prospected. The cutback in oil production and the rise in the price
of Middle Eastern oil following the 1973 Arab-Israeli war unleashed a worldwide energy
crisis which affected the economies of consumer countries. One result of this crisis has been
that Britain has increased its North Sea oil production and become the fifth largest oil producing
country in the world.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that, to meet its increasing energy needs, the world
………… .
A) will have to develop new sources of energy in addition to petroleum oil
B) has had to face a recurrent energy crisis
C) has, in recent years, relied heavily on petroleum oil
D) has had to rely more and more on British oil
E) is learning to depend upon a larger variety of energy sources
2. One can understand from the passage that further oil explorations ………… .
A) would inevitably result in a drop in oil prices
B) are unlikely to produce any positive results
C) should be carried out both in the Middle East and in the North Sea
D) may cause new tensions in the Middle East
E) could lead to the discovery of rich reserves of petroleum as yet untapped
3. According to the passage, one result of the oil crisis caused by the Arab-Israeli war
has been that ………… .
A) the world has learned to reduce its energy consumption
B) Britain has become one of the leading oil producers
C) many new oil fields throughout the world have been prospected and brought into production
D) Britain has emerged as the largest exporter of petroleum oil in the world
E) consumer countries have had to redefine their economic priorities
Son yıllarda enerji talebindeki fazla artış büyük oranda gaz yağı ile karşılandı. Dünyadaki
toplam gaz yağı stokları hala belirsizdir çünkü hala dünyanın büyük bir bölümü tam olarak
incelenmemiştir. 1973 Arap-İsrail savaşının ardından petrol üretimindeki kesinti ve
Ortadoğu petrolünün fiyatındaki artış tüketici ülkelerin ekonomisini etkileyen dünya
çapında bir enerji krizi çıkarmıştır. Bu krizin sonuçlarından biri şudur ki İngiltere Kuzey
denizindeki petrol üretimini arttırmıştır ve dünyadaki en büyük beşinci petrol üreten ülke haline
3. Paragrafa göre Arap-İsrail savaşının sebep olduğu petrol krizinin sonuçlarından biri ….
A) dünyanın enerji tüketimini azaltması gerektiğini öğrenmesidir
B) İngiltere’nin önde gelen petrol üreticilerinden biri haline gelmesidir
C) dünya çevresinde birçok yeni petrol alanlarının incelenmesi ve üretim ortaya çıkarmasıdır
D) İngiltere’nin dünyadaki en büyük gaz yağı ihracatçısı olmasıdır
E) tüketici ülkelerin ekonomik önceliklerini tekrar tanımlamak zorunda kalmalarıdır
Water of doubtful purity for drinking can be rendered safe by boiling and then can be
cooled in water bags or in earthenware containers, which must be protected from dust
and flies. When boiling is not possible, drinking water can in many areas be adequately sterilized
by chlorination; one tablet of Halazone is added to one liter of water and allowed to stand for 30
minutes. Water containing suspended matter should be filtered first. There is, however, the
danger of a particularly serious infectious disease in many regions of Africa, the Middle and Far
East, and South America. In these regions the water of rivers, lakes and canals may be
infected, and the disease is acquired when the water comes in contact with the skin.
2. We understand from the passage that, when sterilization of water is to be carried out
by means of chlorination, ………… .
A) it is important to make sure that the water is not infected
B) it must be preceded by filtration
C) great care must be taken that no dust be allowed to get into the water
D) the best containers for the job are earthenware ones
E) the process should be followed by the boiling of the water
3. We learn from the passage that, in certain regions of the world, such as parts of Africa
and Asia, ………… .
A) filtration is vital for the removal of suspended matter from the water
B) river water may be so infected that boiling cannot purify it
C) people are cautioned not to use canal water because it is always infected
D) Halazone tablets are frequently used to sterilize infected water
E) skin contact with infected water can cause the development of a highly infectious disease
Saflığında şüphe olan içme suyu, kaynatılarak ve sonrasında suyun toz ve sineklerden
korunacağı su torbalarında veya toprak kaplarda soğutularak güvenli hale getirilebilir.
Kaynatma mümkün olmadığında, birçok yerde içme suyu klorlama ile yeteri kadar arındırılabilir; bir
litre suya bir tablet halazon eklenir ve 30 dakika bekletilir. İlk önce içinde asılı maddeler olan su
süzülmelidir. Fakat Afrika’nın, Orta ve Uzak Doğu’nun ve Güney Amerika’nın birçok yerinde özellikle
ciddi bulaşıcı hastalık tehlikesi vardır. Bu yerlerde nehirlerin, göllerin ve kanalların suyu
hastalıklı olabilir ve su ciltle temas ettiği zaman hastalık kapılır.
3. Paragraftan öğrendiğimize göre, Afrika ve Asya’nın bazı bölümleri gibi dünyanın belli
yerlerinde, …. .
A) süzme asili maddelerin sudan atılması için çok önemlidir
B) nehir suyu o kadar iltihaplıdır ki kaynatma bu suyu arındıramaz
C) insanlar kanal suyu kullanmamaları için uyarılır çünkü bu su her zaman iltihaplıdır
D) halazon tabletler sik sik iltihaplı suyu arındırmak için kullanılır
E) iltihaplı suyla cildin teması bulaşıcı hastalıkların oluşumuna sebep olabilir
Even though there have been truly significant advances in modern medicine, health
problems still abound and cause untold misery. Although heart disease and cancer were rare
at the beginning of the 20th century, today these two diseases strike with increasing frequency, in
spite of billions of dollars in research to combat them, and in spite of tremendous advances in
diagnostic and surgical techniques. In America, one person in three suffers from allergies,
one in ten has ulcers and one in five is mentally ill. Every year, a quarter of a million infants
are born with a birth defect and undergo expensive surgery, or are hidden away in institutions.
Other degenerative diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and chronic
fatigue afflict a significant majority of Americans. Further learning disabilities make life
miserable for seven million young people and their parents. These diseases were extremely
rare only a generation or two ago. Today, chronic illness afflicts nearly half of all Americans
and causes three out of four deaths in the United States.
1. One point that is stressed in the passage about the American people is that ………… .
A) they are less liable to degenerative diseases than most other people
B) the rate of infant mortality among them is rising rapidly
C) there is an alarming lack of communication between parents and their children
D) the incidence of cancer among them is slowly being reduced due to medical advances
E) in one way or another, a very large proportion of them have health problems
2. According to the passage, cancer and heart diseases are on the increase ………… .
A) and most of the cures have serious side-effects
B) due to problems of diagnosis which for the present seem insurmountable
C) since research so far carried out in these fields has been quite inadequate
D) even though a great deal of money is being spent on research into them
E) but very little is being done by the authorities to combat them
Modern tıpta gerçekten önemli ilerlemeler olmasına rağmen, sağlık problemleri hala
çoktur ve sayısız sıkıntıya sebep olur. Kalp hastalığı ve kanser 20.yüzyılın başlarında çok
nadirken, bugün bu iki hastalık, mücadele için araştırmalara harcanan milyar dolarlara ve teşhis
etmedeki ve cerrahi tekniklerdeki büyük gelişmelere rağmen, artan sıklıkla etkisini sürdürmektedir.
Amerika’da üç kişiden biri alerjiden muzdariptir, on kişiden biri ülserdir ve beş kişiden biri
akıl hastasıdır. Her yıl, bir milyon bebeğin dörtte biri doğuştan özürle doğar ve pahalı ameliyatlar
geçirirler ya da kurumlarda saklanırlar. Kireçlenme, çoklu skleroz, diyabet ve kronik yorgunluk
gibi diğer dejeneratif hastalıklar Amerikalıların önemli bir çoğunluğuna acı vermektedir.
Dahası, öğrenme güçlüğü yedi milyon genç ve onların aileleri için hayatı zehir etmektedir. Bu
hastalıklar yalnızca bir ya da iki nesil öncesinde çok nadirdi. Bugün, kronik hastalıklar
neredeyse Amerikalıların yarısını etkilemektedir ve Birleşik Devletlerde dörtte üç ölüme neden
1. Paragrafta Amerikalı insanlar ile ilgili vurgulanan bir konu şudur ki…. .
A) onlar dejeneratif hastalıklara diğer insanların çoğundan daha az maruz kalırlar
B) onlardaki bebek ölümlerinin oranı hızlı bir şekilde artmaktadır
C) aileler ve çocukları arasında endişe verici bir iletişim kopukluğu vardır
D) onlar arasındaki kanser vakaları tıbbi gelişmeler ile yavaş yavaş azalmaktadır
E) bir şekilde onların büyük bir kısmının sağlık problemleri vardır
Why are people prejudiced? Not surprisingly, theories of prejudice have tended to focus on the more
extreme forms of prejudice, in particular when there is aggression and violence. At the turn of the
last century, it was popular to consider prejudice to be an innate and instinctive reaction to
certain categories of person (e.g. certain races), much as animals would react in instinctive
ways to one another. This sort of approach is no longer popular, as it does not stand up well to
scientific scrutiny. However, there may be an innate component to prejudice. There is some
evidence that higher animals, including humans, have an inherent fear of the unfamiliar and unusual,
which might set the mould for negative attitudes towards groups that are considered different in certain
ways. There is also evidence for a mere exposure effect, in which people's attitudes towards
various stimuli (e. g. other people) improve as a direct function of repeated exposure or
familiarity with the stimulus, provided that initial reactions to the stimuli are not negative.
Another perspective rests on the belief that prejudices are learned. Indeed, it has been argued that
hatred and suspicion of certain groups are learned early in life, before the child even knows
anything about the target group, and that this provides an emotional framework that
colours all subsequent information about, and experience with, the group.
1. According to the passage, at the beginning of the 20th century, prejudice was
generally regarded ………… .
A) in very much the same way as it is now
B) as a natural and intuitive response
C) as something that had to be corrected
D) as inevitable and therefore acceptable
E) as an outcome of parental conditioning
3. One theory referred to in the passage, suggests that man's innate fear of what is
rarely encountered or little known ………… .
A) may play a role in creating prejudices
B) prevents him from developing his social possibilities
C) is an aspect of his character that relates him very closely to the rest of the animal world
D) is far less strong now than formerly
E) has helped to make society more uniform
İnsanlar neden önyargılıdır? Beklendiği üzere, önyargı teorileri özellikle saldırganlık ve şiddetin
olduğu aşırı önyargı türleri üzerine odaklanmaya meyillidir. Geçen yüzyılın sonunda, önyargıyı,
hayvanların birbirine içgüdüsel yollarla tepki vermesi gibi, belli insan gruplarına (mesela
belli ırklara) doğuştan ve içgüdüsel bir tepki olarak düşünmek popülerdi. Bu yaklaşım artık
popüler değil, çünkü bilimsel araştırma karşısında güçlü duramaz. Fakat önyargının doğuştan
gelen bir bölümü olabilir. İnsanlar dahil, gelişmiş hayvanların belli yollardan farklı düşünülen
gruplara karşı şekillenen olumsuz tavırlarını oluşturan bilinmeyene ve sıra dışı olana karşı doğasından
gelen bir korku olduğuna dair bazı kanıtlar vardır. Bunun yanında, insanların çeşitli uyarıcılara
(örneğin diğer insanlar) karşı tavırlarının, uyarıcıya karşı ilk tepkilerin olumsuz olmaması
şartıyla, uyarıcıya olan aşinalığın ya da tekrarlanmış maruz kalmanın direkt işlevi olarak
geliştiği, sadece bir maruz kalma etkisinin de kanıtı vardır. Diğer bakış açıları önyargıların
öğrenildiği inancına dayanır. Aslında, hayatın ilk yıllarında çocuğun hedef alınan grupla ilgili
bir şey bile bilmediği zamanlarda, belli gruplara nefret ve şüphenin öğretildiği ve bunun o
grupla ilgili sonradan gelecek bütün bilgilerin ve tecrübelerin rengini değiştirecek
duygusal bir çerçeve oluşturduğu iddia edilir.
3. Paragrafta atıfta bulunulan bir teori şunu ifade eder ki insanın çok az bilinen ve çok
nadir karşılaşılan doğuştan korkusu …. .
A) önyargı oluşmasında rol oynayabilir
B) onun sosyal imkanlarını geliştirmesine engel olur
C) onu geri kalan hayvan dünyasına yakından bağlayan karakterinin bir yönüdür
D) eskiye göre şimdi daha az güçlüdür
E) toplumun daha düzenli olmasına yardım eder
When there has been a serious disaster such as an earthquake or flooding, various relief
efforts are rapidly put into effect. However, experience has shown that it is usually impractical
to attempt mass immunisation immediately following a disaster and that, when attempted, it
detracts from the overall relief effort without producing a discernible benefit. Effective
immunisation requires prior planning good systems of communication and transport and
access to the population at risk. These requirements cannot be met in the immediate post-
disaster period. Efforts to achieve mass vaccination in the relief phase also drain whatever
limited manpower, communication facilities, and transportation exist.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that, as part of the relief work following a disaster,
………… .
A) the most difficult to organise is the fair distribution of supplies
B) mass immunisation is not usually to be recommended
C) communication facilities are among the most urgent measures to be taken
D) it is important to plan comprehensively the evacuation of the badly wounded
E) one of the priorities must be the resettlement of the displaced population
2. We can understand from the passage that, in the main, in the aftermath of a disaster,
………… .
A) it is not often possible to have access to adequate communication facilities
B) the transport of relief workers to the area should be carefully planned
C) untold benefits are to be derived from mass immunisation
D) the distribution of food and medicine is the main activity of the relief phase
E) conditions are not favourable for the implementation of an efficient immunisation programme
3. We can understand from the passage that, if transport and communication facilities
are inadequate, ………… .
A) then relief efforts will be adversely affected
B) the population at risk has to be removed to a safer place
C) the problems facing relief workers will not be so obvious
D) relief efforts have to be doubled to improve the situation
E) the amount of man power has to be increased by every means available
Deprem ya da sel gibi ciddi bir felaket olduğunda, çeşitli yardım çabaları hızlıca uygulanır.
Fakat tecrübeler göstermiştir ki bir felaketten hemen sonra toplu aşı çabaları mantıksızdır ve eğer
bu yapılırsa görülebilir bir fayda oluşturmadan bütün yardım çabalarının değerini düşürür. Etkili
aşılama önceden planlanmış iyi iletişim ve ulaşım sistemini ve risk altındaki insanlara
ulaşmayı gerektirir. Bu gereklilikler hemen felaket sonrası periyodda karşılanamayabilir. Yardım
aşamasında toplu aşıyı başarma çabaları da sınırlı insan gücünü, iletişim imkanlarını ve
ulaşımı bitirir.
Pollution is no respecter of national boundaries today. But environmental scientists can still
be surprised by the distances that large quantities of industrial pollutants can sometimes be carried
by winds. For instance, a group of chemists at the University of Washington in Seattle
have been involved in a case study of such pollutants which reached the West Coast of
America all the way from Asia. They are keen to understand how such an event could take
place and to what extent it could have been forecast. In fact, back in March 1997, pollutants
such as carbon-monoxide from Asia had been spotted as far across the Pacific Ocean as
Hawaii. Thus, it seems increasingly likely that the West Coast of America is particularly exposed to
pollution from Asia.
1. It is suggested in the passage that industrial pollution in our world today ………… .
A) is largely concentrated in the Pacific Ocean
B) is gradually being brought under full control
C) has been the main concern of scientists from the University of Washington
D) can be predicted and the necessary measures taken
E) can travel amazing distances
2. It is pointed out In the passage that one of the issues the chemists from the
University of Washington are seriously concerned with ………… .
A) is how to clean up the Pacific Ocean and save it from industrial pollutants
B) is whether it may be possible to foretell the movements of pollutants from Asia
C) is whether it might be possible to change the course of industrial pollutants along the West
D) has been the measurement of carbon monoxide levels around Hawaii
E) should be the prevention of the emission of pollutants along the West Coast of America
3. One can conclude from the passage that Asian industry appears to ………… .
A) be in desperate need of reconstruction and relocation
B) be doing all it can to prevent environmental pollution
C) be emitting more carbon-monoxide than any other industrial pollutant
D) pose a serious environmental threat to the West Coast of America
E) be a major competitor for the American industrial enterprises along the West Coast
Kirlilik bugün ülke sınırları arasında ayrım yapmıyor. Fakat çevre bilimciler büyük miktarda
endüstriyel atığın rüzgarlar tarafından taşındığı mesafelere hala şaşırırlar. Örneğin Seattle’daki
Washington Üniversitesindeki bir grup kimyager Asya’dan Amerika’nın batı kıyılarına
ulaşan bu tür atıklarla ilgili örnek olay incelenmesinde yer almıştır. Onlar böyle bir olayın
nasıl olduğunu ve ne ölçüde olacağının tahmin edildiğini öğrenmek için istekliler. Aslında 1997
martına bakıldığında karbon monoksit gibi kirleticiler Asya’dan Pasifik Okyanusunu
geçerek Hawai’yi kirletmiştir. Yani, artan olasılıklara göre Amerika’nın batı kıyıları özellikle
Asya’dan gelen kirliliğe maruz kalıyor.
Edison, one of the pioneers of modern technology, lacked formal education. His
understanding of literature, art, history and philosophy was superficial. Also, despite the fact
that he had invented the phonograph and founded a recording company, his musical
taste was abominable. He is, therefore, sometimes regarded with disdain by academic scientists,
who often forget that his ingenuity, inquiring spirit and tireless efforts contributed significantly to
the development of modern technology.
1. We can understand from the passage that some scientists in the universities ………… .
A) are oblivious of Edison's achievements and look down on him
B) argue that modern technology owes everything to Edison
C) have followed closely in Edison's footsteps and upgraded his inventions
D) possess the same inquiring spirit as Edison did
E) have no greater an appreciation of literature than did Edison
2. It is stressed in the passage that with his creative talent, Edison ………… .
A) became a favorite model for the scientists in the universities
B) achieved great success in many disciplines
C) was able to contribute enormously to the progress of modern technology
D) exercised a lasting influence in the music world
E) was able to put his formal education to pragmatic uses
Modern teknolojinin öncülerinden biri olan Edison formal eğitim almamıştır. Onun edebiyat,
sanat, tarih ve felsefe anlayışı yüzeyseldi. Dahası fonograf icat etmesine ve plak şirketi
kurmasına rağmen, müzik zevki berbattı. Bu yüzden Edison, onun modern teknolojinin
gelişmesinde önemli katkı sağlayan becerilerini, meraklı ruhunu ve bitmek tükenmek bilmeyen
çabalarını unutan akademik bilim adamları tarafından zaman zaman küçümsenir.
Atmosphere is the gaseous envelope of the earth, and consists of a mixture of gases and
water vapour. The variability of the latter is meteorologically of great importance. The ozone
layer, which absorbs solar ultra-violet radiation, especially lethal to plant life, lies
between 12 and 50 kilometres above the earth. The lower level of the atmosphere, up to a
height of about 12 kilometres, is known as the troposphere, and it is in this region that nearly all
weather phenomena occur. This is the region of most interest to the forecaster studying
temperature, humidity, wind-speed and the movement of air masses.
2. As we learn from the passage, it is the plants of the earth that ………… .
A) are most obviously affected by the meteorological changes in the atmosphere
B) benefit most from the water vapour in the atmosphere
C) help to reduce the effects of solar radiation
D) suffer most from the ultra-violet radiation of the sun
E) contribute to the elimination of toxic gases in the atmosphere
3. Paragraftan şunu anlarız ki troposfer …. hava durumu açısından hayati bir öneme
A) rüzgar hızı doğru olarak ölçülmese de
B) ozon tabakasını barındırdığı için
C) hava durumu çeşitliliği tahmin edilememesine rağmen
D) güneş ışınlarının dünyaya ulaşmasına engel olduğu için
E) bütün meteorolojik olaylar bu bölgede meydana geldiği için
Heat-waves, if the temperature is high enough, above 40°0 for instance, lead to wilting,
and even death in plant, because of structural damage to essential proteins. The problem
is that plants react by closing their pores when, due to a serious heat-wave, they are subjected to
water stress, so shutting down on transpiration and conserving water. Just as the body would
overheat dangerously if it shut its pores to prevent sweating, so, in a plant, the shutting
of the pores will cause permanent damage, if not death. Temperatures above -5°0 can
damage most plants if lasting for half an hour or more. High soil temperatures will also
damage roots and prevent nutrient uptake.
1. As we learn from the passage, a heat-wave can cause serious damage to plant life
………… .
A) even if the essential proteins remain unharmed
B) even when the temperature remains below 40°C
C) unless the soil temperature remains stable
D) through harming the plant's essential proteins
E) especially if the soil is fertile
2. It is pointed out in the passage that the death of a plant in a heat-wave is due to
………… .
A) a sudden loss of proteins which can occur within half an hour
B) excessive transpiration in an effort to keep its temperature down
C) overheating in the plant following the closing of the little holes in its surface
D) a structural deformation which cannot be detected easily
E) the plant's inability to conserve water in its cells
3. It is understood from the passage that, in extremely high temperatures, the roots of a
plant ………… .
A) fail to supply the plant with adequate nutrients
B) dry out well before the leaves begin to wilt
C) store an adequate amount of nutrients to prolong plant life
D) increase their nutrient intake in order to protect the plant
E) maintain their vitality so that they can function normally
Sıcak hava dalgası, sıcaklık oldukça yüksekse, mesela 40°C üzerindeyse gerekli
proteinlerin yapısına zarar verdiği için bitkilerde solmaya hatta ölüme yol açar. Problem
bitkilerin ciddi sıcak hava dalgasından dolayı su stresine maruz kaldıklarında gözeneklerini kapatarak
tepki vermeleridir ki bundan dolayı terlemeyi bırakırlar ve suyu muhafaza ederler. Vücut terlemeyi
engellemek için gözenekleri kapatırsa tehlikeli şekilde aşırı ısınacağı gibi, bitkide de
gözeneklerin kapatılması ölüme olmasa bile kalıcı hasara yol açar. -5°C üzerindeki sıcaklık
yarım saat ya da daha fazla devam ederse birçok bitkiye zarar verebilir. Yüksek toprak sıcaklığı
da köklere zarar verir ve besin alımını engeller.
1. Paragraftan öğrendiğimiz gibi …. sıcak bir hava dalgası bitki yaşamına ciddi zarar
A) gerekli proteinler zarar görmeden kalsa bile
B) sıcaklık 40°C altında kaldığında bile
C) toprak sıcaklığı sabit kalmazsa
D) bitkinin esas proteinlerine zarar vererek
E) özellikle toprak verimliyse
2. Paragrafta şu ifade edilmiştir ki sıcak hava dalgasında bir bitkinin ölümü …. dolayıdır.
A) yarım saatte meydana gelen ani protein kaybından
B) sıcaklığı düşük tutma çabasıyla aşırı terlemeden
C) bitkide aşırı ısınma bunu takiben de yüzeydeki küçük delikleri kapatmadan
D) kolayca tespit edilemeyen yapısal bir bozulmadan
E) bitkinin hücrelerinde suyu koruyamamasından
In its full force the Gulf Stream, which begins in the Gulf of Mexico, carries warm water
to a depth of up to 100 meters at rates of up to 8 kilometres an hour, and penetrates
right up into the Arctic Circle to the north of Scandinavia, bearing with it a climate that
makes life just about tolerable, even in the thick of the winter. The energy it carries in the
form of heat is equivalent to 100 times the entire use of energy in human societies across the
world or put another way, more than 27,000 times Britain's electricity generating capacity. In
terms of temperature the Gulf Stream heats the surface over a wide area by at least 5°C.
Were the-Gulf Stream to fail, temperatures over northern Europe would fall by more than 10
centigrade degree during the winter months. Northern Europe would have a climate
comparable to that of Siberia: just how it would support its current population is difficult
to imagine.
2. As we understood from the passage, one of the great benefits of the Gulf Stream is
that it ………… .
A) causes an average ten percent rise in temperature in Northern Europe throughout the winter
B) provides a huge amount of electricity for the Northern Europe countries
C) warms up the whole of Scandinavia and Siberia in winter
D) circles around Britain and then moves into the northern waters
E) carries warm waters nearly as far as the Arctic Circle
Meksika Körfezinde başlayan Körfez akıntısı tam gücüyle bir saatte 8 kilometreye kadar
100 metre derinliğe kadar sıcak su taşır ve yoğun kış mevsiminde bile hayatı katlanılabilir
hale getiren iklim taşıyarak İskandinavya'nın kuzeyindeki Kuzey kutup dairesinin içine
girer. İçinde taşıdığı ısı türündeki enerji dünya çapında insan toplumunun kullandığı tüm enerjinin
100 katına ya da başka bir deyişle İngiltere’nin elektrik üretim kapasitesinin 27.000 katından
fazlasına eşittir. Sıcaklık açısından Körfez Akıntısı geniş bir alanın yüzeyini en az 5°C’ye
kadar ısıtır. Körfez akıntısı başarısız olursa, kuzey Avrupa’daki sıcaklık kış aylarında 10°C’den daha
fazla düşecektir. Kuzey Avrupa’nın Sibirya ile karşılaştırılabilir bir iklimi olur: sadece şu anki
nüfusuna tam olarak nasıl yardım edeceği hayal etmesi zor bir şeydir.
3. Paragrafta şu açıktır ki …. .
A) Körfez akıntısından elde edilen enerji teorik olarak bütün dünyanın ihtiyacını zar zor karşılar
B) Körfez akıntısının etkileri kuzey kutup dairesinde Kuzey Avrupa kıyılarında daha fark edilebilirdir
C) Körfez akıntısı olmadan kuzey Avrupa’nın nüfusunu desteklemesi neredeyse imkansızdır
D) Körfez akıntısı kuzey Avrupa insanlarına avantajların yanında dezavantajlar da getirir
E) Sibirya’daki insanların yaşamaları için Körfez akıntısı vazgeçilmezdir
If a greater proportion of the food people eat were to be locally produced, this would be
of great benefit to the farmer. A mix of local, regional, national, and international production
would still be available; indeed, the goal wouldn’t be to put an end to the international trade in
food, but to avoid transporting food thousands of miles when it cooled instead be produced next
door. Such a shift would help revitalize rural economies ruined by the global economy.
Less money would go into the hands of corporate middlemen, and far more would remain in the
hands of farmers. This would especially be the case with the direct marketing of food via
farmers’ markets and farm stands and other forms of community supported agriculture.
If farmers were not impelled to specialize their production in a few global commodities, the-trend
towards ever larger and more highly mechanized farms would slow down. Moreover, since small
farms use a proportionally higher amount of human labor then mechanized inputs, a
return to smaller farms would help bring back some of the 700.000 farms jobs the UK
has lost during the last half-century of agricultural progress.
1. It is stressed in the passage that it would be to the advantage of the farmer and the
rural economy at large if ………… .
A) people were to eat locally produced food more often
B) the sale of farm products were in the hands of corporate middlemen
C) the advantages of global economy were better appreciated
D) the practice of direct marketing of food at farmers’ markets were forbidden
E) the marketing of all food products were at a national or international level
2. According to the author, farms are growing larger and more highly mechanized
………… .
A) as this is only sure way to make money out of farming
B) this is what the rural community wants
C) since no one is willing to work on the land
D) because imported foodstuffs are so much cheaper
E) as farmers feel obliged to concentrate on a very few products for global markets
3. The author is opposed to the trend towards larger and mere highly mechanized
………… .
A) as they result in unnecessarily high food prices
B) since the quality of food they produce is poor
C) because it has resulted in a great many farm laborers losing their jobs
D) although he admits the quality of food they produce is high
E) though this is what the owners of small farms have
Şayet insanların yediği yiyeceklerin büyük bir oranı yerel olarak üretilirse, bunun çiftçilere
büyük faydası olur. Hala yerel, bölgesel, ulusal ve uluslararası üretim karışımı var olur; aslında
amaç yiyecekteki uluslararası ticarete son vermek değil, sadece yiyeceğin yan tarafta üretilmek
yerine soğutulduğu binlerce mil taşımaktan kurtarmak. Böyle bir değişim küresel ekonomi
tarafından bozulan kırsal ekonomileri canlandırmaya yardımcı olur. Kurumsal aracıların eline
daha az para geçer ve daha çok para çiftçilerde kalır. Bu, özellikle yiyeceğin çiftçilerin pazarında
ve çiftlik tezgahında ya da tarımı destekleyen diğer topluluk türlerinde direk pazarlanması
ile gerçekleşir. Eğer çiftçiler ürünlerini birkaç küresel malda uzmanlaşmaya zorlanmazsa, daha
büyük ve daha makineleştirilmiş çiftlik trendi yavaşlayacak. Dahası küçük çiftlikler
makineleştirilmiş girişlerden nispeten daha çok insan gücü kullandığı için küçük çiftliklere
dönüş son yarım yüzyılda tarımsal süreçte İngiltere’nin kaybettiği 700.000 çiftlik işini geri
getirmeyi sağlayacak.
1. The writer makes clear that when a tunnel does not go deep underground, ………… .
A) one can learn about the type of ground it is to pass through by means of strategically placed
bore holes.
B) the type of strata it is to pass through is unimportant
C) it may prove unsuitable in urban areas
D) the geological nature of the terrain does not, in general, have to be taken into consideration
E) the techniques used to excavate it vary very little
2. We learn from the passage that before any tunnel is opened ………… .
A) an exact understanding of the nature of the rock strata around it must be gained
B) samples of the ground through which it is to pass must always be taken
C) it is desirable to get an idea of the nature of the ground that is being tunneled
D) the area surrounding it should be drained of any underground water
E) the suitability of the site has to be test-blasted
3. It is emphasized in the passage that the geological interpretations made of the strata
through which a tunnel is to go ………… .
A) are based on samples of the ground taken from bore holes
B) cannot detect underground waterways
C) are particularly relevant in urban areas
D) are not always reliable
E) are especially useful if underground water is suspected
The parachute was used for certain kinds of military operation in World War I, but it was
not until about 1925 that a conception of airborne forces, that is to say, large numbers
of troops moved about by aircraft and deposited at or near the field of battle, by glider,
parachute or aeroplane, came into being. Russia was the first to develop the idea on a large
scale, and in army manoeuvres in 1930 she conducted practical trials. The Italians were also
early in the field with the idea of parachute troops. The French had created an airborne
battalion, but it was disbanded before the war. Great Britain had done almost nothing to
develop airborne forces up to the outbreak of war in 1939.
3. It is obvious from the passage that one of the benefits of airborne forces is that
………… .
A) it gives army and air force the opportunity to compete with each other
B) they can be trained in a very short period of time
C) their main equipment is the parachute which is cheap and easy to supply
D) troops can be transported rapidly by air to a position close to the scene of battle
E) they can easily be mobilised and just as easily be disbanded
Paraşüt I. Dünya Savaşında bazı askeri operasyon türleri için kullanıldı ama hava indirme
kuvvetleri, yani uçaklarla çok sayıda birliğin taşınması ve planör, paraşüt ya da uçakla
savaş alanına ya da yakınına bırakılması 1925’e kadar oluşmadı. Bunu büyük ölçüde ilk
geliştiren Rusya idi ve Rusya 1930’daki askeri harekatta tatbiki denemeler yaptı. İtalyanlar da
paraşüt birlikleri fikri ile bu alana erken girdiler. Fransa hava taburu oluşturdu ama bu tabur
savaştan önce dağıldı. İngiltere 1939’daki savaşın çıkışına kadar hava indirme kuvveti
geliştirmek için neredeyse hiçbir şey yapmadı.
An insecticide is a substance employed to destroy insect. It is significant that the word dates
from the mid-19th century: only since then has any real progress been made in preventing the
attacks and subsequent damage of insects, formerly regarded as unavoidable. Most of the earlier
methods were based on the recommendations of such writers as the Roman author Pliny
or upon folklore. A few were soundly based on observation and experience, but most were
fanciful stories of doubtful logic. The evolution of modern insecticides owes much to
gradually improving methods of testing. In early times natural plant products and minerals
were used; later a great variety of industrial by products and synthetic substances became
Böcek ilacı böcek yok etmek için kullanılan bir maddedir. Bu kelimenin 19.yy. ortalarından
gelmesi önemlidir: önceden kaçınılmaz olarak görülen böceklerin saldırıları ve ardından gelen zararı
engellemek için bu tarihten itibaren ciddi bir ilerleme gerçekleşmiştir. Eski metotların çoğu Romalı
yazar Pliny gibi yazarların tavsiyelerine ya da halk bilgisine dayanırdı. Bazıları doğrudan
gözlem ve tecrübelere dayanır ama çoğu mantık belirsizlikleriyle gerçek dışı hikâyelerdir. Modern
böcek ilaçlarının gelişimi yavaş yavaş ilerleyen test metotlarına çok şey borçludur. İlk
zamanlar doğal bitkisel ürünler ve mineraller kullanılıyordu; daha sonra endüstriyel birçok yan ürün
ve sentetik maddeler ortaya çıktı.
Although the idea of the skyscraper is modern, the inclination to build upward is not. The
Great Pyramids, with their broad bases, reached heights unapproached for the next four millennia.
But even the great Gothic cathedrals, crafted of bulky stone into an aesthetic of lightness
and slenderness are dwarfed by the steel and reinforced concrete structures of the 20th
century. It was modern building materials that made the true skyscraper structurally possible, but
it was the mechanical device of the elevator that made the skyscraper truly practical. Ironically, it
is also the elevator that has had so much to do with limiting the height of most tall
buildings to about 70 or 80 stories. Above that, elevator shafts occupy more than 25 percent of
the volume of a tall building, and so the economics of renting out space argues against investing in
greater height.
2. We understand from the passage that the construction of skyscrapers only became
structurally feasible ………… .
A) after such new building materials as reinforced concrete came into use
B) once the technique of broad foundations had been perfected
C) after people had realized how much space could be gained by them
D) for heights of 70 or 80 floors
E) if aesthetic considerations were disregarded
Gökdelen fikri modern olmasına rağmen, yukarıya doğru inşaat yapma eğilimi modern
değildir. Büyük Piramitler geniş tabanlarıyla gelecek dört bin yıllık dönemde yaklaşılamayacak
yüksekliğe ulaştı. Fakat hafifliğin ve inceliğin estetiğiyle kocaman taşlara işlenen büyük
Gotik Katedrallar bile 20.yy’ın çelik ve güçlendirilmiş beton yapılarıyla gölgede kalmıştır.
Gerçek bir gökdeleni yapısal olarak mümkün kılan modern yapı malzemeleriydi ama gökdelenleri
aslında pratik yapan mekanik alet asansördü. Şu işe bakın ki çoğu uzun binanın yüksekliğini
70 ya da 80 katla sınırlandıran da asansördür. Bunun üzerine, asansör boşlukları uzun bir
binanın hacminin %25’indan fazlasını kaplar ve bundan dolayı alan kiralama ekonomisi daha yüksek
binalara yatırım yapmanın aleyhinde durur.
Land cleared of trees is exposed to erosion, which can be severe in deforested areas
having slopes greater than 15 to 17 percent. If land is not disturbed any further and new
growth becomes established, erosion may gradually subside. If, however, vegetation on the
cutover land is continually removed by man or livestock, erosion will intensify, and
environmental problems can be severe. When a forest is removed from a slope, the rate of
water runoff is increased two to tenfold or more, depending on the degree of clearing, slope, and
rainfall. All too often this leads to flooding of agricultural land in the lowlands. In Pakistan,
for example, almost 2 million hectares of standing crops on the lowlands were destroyed by
floodwater in 1973, and about 10,000 villages were wiped out. Since valuable soil is lost in
floods, the quantity of the arable lands decrease. Alluvial silt deposited elsewhere is rarely
usable enough to compensate for such losses.
2. We understand from the passage that once a forest has been removed from a slope,
the rate of water runoff ………… .
A) may be in itself enough to prevent the establishment of new growth there
B) will increase irrespective of the amount of rainfall
C) will steadily increase even after new vegetation starts to establish
D) will depend almost wholly on the gradient of the slope
E) will increase and this is likely to cause flooding
Ağaç olmayan arazi ağaçları yok edilmiş %15 ile 17’den daha fazla eğimi olan arazilerde
şiddetli olabilen erozyona maruz kalır. Arazi daha fazla rahatsız edilmezse ve arazide yeni
büyüme başlarsa erozyon yavaş yavaş bitebilir. Fakat ağaçları kesilmiş arazideki bitki örtüsü
insan ya da hayvanlar tarafından devamlı kesilirse, erozyon yoğunlaşır ve çevresel
problemler ciddi bir hale gelir. Bir eğimden orman kaldırılırsa su akış oranı temizleme, eğim ve
yağış seviyesine bağlı olarak iki katından on katına ya da daha fazlaya kadar çıkar. Beklenenden
çok daha fazla olan bu olay ovalardaki tarım yerlerinde sele neden olur. Mesela Pakistan’da
ovalardaki duran ürünlerden neredeyse 2 milyon hektarı 1973’te sel suyuyla yıkıldı ve yaklaşık
10.000 köy yok oldu. Selde değerli toprak yok olduğu için ekilebilir arazi sayısı düşer. Alüvyol
silt depolanan başka yerler böyle kayıpları telafi edecek kadar kullanışlı değildir.
2. Paragraftan anlarız ki bir orman eğim üzerinde yok olduğunda akan su oranı …. .
A) kendi kendine burada yeni yetiştirme olmasını engelleyebilir
B) yağış miktarına aldırmadan artar
C) yeni bitkiler büyümeye başladıktan sonra bile devamlı artar
D) neredeyse tamamen yokuşun eğimine bağlıdır
E) artar ve bu sele sebep olabilir
Some people believe that meat consumption contributes to famine and depletes the
Earth’s natural resources. Indeed, it is often argued that cows and sheep require pasturage that
could be better used to grow grain for starving millions in poor countries. Additionally, claims
are mad that raising livestock requires more water than raising plant foods. But both
these arguments are illogical. As for the pasturage argument, this ignores the fact that a
large portion of the Earth’s dry land is unsuited to cultivation. For instance, desert and
mountainous areas are not suitable for cultivation, but are suitable for animal grazing. However,
modern commercial farming methods prefer to raise animals in an enclosed space
feeding them on grains and soybeans. Unfortunately, the bulk of commercial livestock is not
range-fed but stall-fed. Stall-fed animals do not ingest grasses and shrubs (like they
should), but are fed an unnatural array of grains and soybeans – which could be eaten
by humans. The argument here, then, is not that eating meat depletes the Earth’s resources, but
that commercial farming methods do. Such methods subject livestock to deplorable living
conditions where infections, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones are common. These all
lead to an unhealthy animals and, by extension, to an unhealthy food product.
3. Contrary to what is often argued, the passage points out that ………… .
A) synthetic hormones can be used to improve the quality of meat
B) underdeveloped countries need to adopt modern farming methods in order to overcome famine
C) grazing for sheep and cows needs to be upgraded so as to increase meat production
D) the famine in the world is not directly related to the consumption of meat
E) a very extensive part of the earth’s surface is ideally suitable for the cultivation of crops
Scientists who study Earth’s moon have two big regrets about the six Apollo missions
that landed a dozen astronauts on the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972. The biggest
regret, of course, is that the missions ended so abruptly, with so much of the moon still
unexplored. But researchers also lament that the great triumph of Apollo led to a popular
misconception: because astronauts have visited the moon, there is no compelling reason
to go back. In the 1990s, however, two probes that orbited the moon raised new questions about
Earth’s airless satellite. One stunning discovery was strong evidence of water ice in the
perpetually shadowed areas near the moon’s poles. Because scientists believe that comets
deposited water and organic compounds on both Earth and its moon, well-preserved ice at the
lunar poles could yield clues to the origins of life.
2. As it is pointed out in the passage, one significant outcome of the lunar probes in the
1990s was ………… .
A) the staggering finding of evidence of water on the moon
B) the focusing of scientific attention on the comets
C) the resumption of lunar missions
D) the realization that life is possible on the moon
E) the realization that there were great similarities between earth and moon
3. According to the passage, even though there were six Apollo missions to the moon
roughly thirty years ago, ………… .
A) none of them could claim to be successful
B) man’s knowledge of the moon has not increased at all
C) a very large proportion of the lunar surface remains to date unexamined
D) it was only the lunar poles that were explored fully
E) the idea of sending astronauts back to the moon seems even more far - fetched than formerly
Dünyanın uydusunu inceleyen bilim adamlarının bir düzine astronotun 1969- 1972
arasında ay yüzeyine indiği altı Apollo göreviyle ilgili iki büyük pişmanlığı vardır. En büyük
pişmanlık, elbette görevlerin çok ani bitmesidir, ki bundan dolayı ayın büyük kısmı hala
keşfedilmemiştir. Ama araştırmacılar Apollo’nun büyük zaferinin popüler bir yanlış
anlamaya sebep olduğundan da yakınırlar: astronotlar ayı ziyaret ettikleri için geri
gitmenin zorunlu bir sebebi yoktur. Ancak 1990larda ayın yörüngesinde dönen uzay roketi
dünyanın havasız uydusu hakkında yeni sorular doğurdu. Çarpıcı bir keşif ayın kutuplarına yakın
sürekli gölge düşen alanlardaki su buzunun olduğunun güçlü kanıtıdır. Bilim adamları
kuyruklu yıldızın hem dünyada hem de uydusunda su ve organik bileşimler taşıdığına inandığı için
ayın kutuplarında iyi korunmuş haldeki buz yaşamın doğuşuna dair ipuçları verebilir.
3. Paragrafa göre yaklaşık 30 yıl önce ayda altı Apollo görevi yapılmasına rağmen …. .
A) bunlardan hiçbiri başarılı olmamıştır
B) insanın ay ile ilgili bilgisi hiç artmamıştır
C) ay yüzeyinin büyük bir bölümü incelenmemiştir
D) tam olarak incelenen sadece ayin kutuplarıdır
E) aya tekrar astronot gönderme fikri eskisinden daha ihtimal dişi görünür
The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will soon be testing a
controversial theory about the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. According to an
analysis by a loading fire-safety expert, had the fire-proofing insulation on the towers’ steel
structures been thicker, the towers would have survived longer and might even have remained
standing after they were hit by the hijacked planes. The work is being seized on by lawyers
representing victims’ families and insurance companies. If confirmed, it could also lead to
changes in building codes. NIST is responsible for drawing up the final report on the
towers’ collapses and recommending if any changes are needed. It is widely accepted that
the collapses were caused by the failure of the buildings’ steel structure as it was weakened by the
heat of the fires.
1. As it is pointed out in the passage, it is commonly recognized that the main cause for
the collapse of the twin towers ………… .
A) will only be understood after the release of a detailed report by NIST
B) can never be established beyond doubt
C) was the weakening of the steel structure due to the heat of the fire
D) was not so much due to the heat of the fires as to the force of the impact of the hijacked planes
E) is of special interest to insurance companies
2. Paragrafta şu açıktır ki …. .
A) kulelerin çelik yapısının gücü tasarım çizildiğinde sorgulanmıştı
B) NIST kulelerin yıkılmasıyla ilgili kapsamlı bir çalışma yapmıştır
C) ikiz binaların ani yıkımının sebebi hala tartışmalıdır
D) ikiz binaların yapısı birçok açıdan standartların altındaydı
E) kaçırılan uçaklar iki kulelerin en zayıf bölümlerini vurmuştu
The Sahara Desert takes up most of Egypt’s land, so overcrowding is a huge problem.
Sixty-two million people live squeezed together into the six million fertile acres along the Nile delta
and narrow river valley – just five per cent of the total area of Egypt. Between 12 and 15 million
live in Cairo alone. Until recently, it was impractical and dangerous to even consider moving into
the southern desert, where temperatures regularly rise above 50 ºC and water is scarce and can
only be reached using carefully placed irrigation wells. But in the last 20 years a “New Valley”
has slowly being taking shape. Towns with industrial centres, tourist areas and spacious
apartment blocks are being constructed, factories are springing up. The main development
making this possible is the construction of the vast Sheikh Zayed canal, also known as
the Toshka canal. Named for Sheikh Zayed al Nahya, president of the United Arab Emirates,
which is financially backing the Project, the canal is part of the irrigation scheme dreamed up by
the Egyptian government to make it possible for people to move away from the traffic, pollution
and bustle of Cairo. If a “second Nile” cuts through the desert and water is distributed to
surrounding land, people and crops can thrive there as they do around the existing Nile.
The area is becoming known as the New Valley.
1. We understand from the passage that the canal under construction ………… .
A) is designed to meet the water needs of Cairo and other cities
B) constitutes just a portion of a massive irrigation project
C) will bring fertility to the whole of the Sahara
D) will irrigate only 5 % of the total area of Egypt
E) passes through an overcrowded part of the country
2. As it is pointed out in the passage, one of the benefits of the New valley will be that
………… .
A) Egypt will change from an agricultural country into a fully industrial one
B) Egypt can at last start a tourist industry
C) the overcrowding in Cairo and the Nile delta area will be reduced
D) the hot, dry desert climate of Egypt will be rapidly modified
E) it will set an example for the developed world to invest in desert projects
3. We can conclude from the passage that the New Valley project, which has been
underway for roughly two decades, ………… .
A) was originally proposed by Sheikh Zayed al Nahya of the United Arab Emirates
B) has already started up to transform the economic potential of Egypt
C) is primarily an agricultural one, and industrial activity is not provided for
D) is very near to competition and large numbers of people have already moved in
E) is proving far more problematic than was originally foreseen
Sahra Çölü Mısır topraklarının büyük kısmını kaplar, bu yüzden aşırı kalabalıklaşma büyük
bir sorundur. 62 milyon insan birlikte verimli Nil deltasında ve dar nehir vadileri boyunca-Mısır’ın
toplam alanının sadece %5’lik kısmı- 6 milyon verimli akre üzerinde sıkışmış olarak yaşar. Sadece
12- 15 milyon Kahire’de yaşar. Son zamanlara kadar sıcaklığın sürekli 50 ºC üzerine çıktığı ve
suyun kıt olduğu ve sadece dikkatlice yerleştirilmiş sulama kuyularını kullanarak ulaşılabilecek güney
çölüne taşınmayı düşünmek bile tehlikeli ve mantıksızdı. Ama son 20 yılda “Yeni Vadi” yavaş
yavaş şekil aldı. Sanayi merkezli şehirler, turist alanları ve bol bol apartmanlar yapılıyor, fabrikalar
ortaya çıkıyor. Bunu mümkün yapan en önemli gelişme Toshka kanalı olarak da bilinen,
geniş Şeyh Zayed kanalının yapılmasıdır. Projeyi finansal olarak destekleyen Birleşik Arap
Emirlikleri kralı Şeyh Zayed al Nahya adıyla adlandırılan kanal Mısır hükümetinin insanları Kahire’nin
trafik, kirlilik ve hareketliliğinden uzaklaştırmayı mümkün kılmak için hayalini kurduğu sulama
projesinin bir parçasıdır. Eğer “ikinci Nil” çöl boyunca geçerse ve çevredeki alanlara su
dağıtılırsa, insanlar ve mahsuller burada Nil’de olduğu gibi yaşayabilir. Bu alan Yeni Vadi
olarak bilinmeye başlıyor.
3. Paragraftan şunu çıkarabiliriz ki yaklaşık 20 yıldır yapım aşamasında olan Yeni Vadi
projesi …. .
A) aslında Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri kralı Şeyh Zayed al Nahya tarafından tasarlanmıştır
B) Mısır’ın ekonomik potansiyelini değiştirmeye başlamıştır
C) öncelikle tarım üzerinedir ve sanayi faaliyetlerini desteklemez
D) bitmeye çok yakındır ve çok sayıda insan taşınmıştır
E) başlangıçta tahmin edilenden daha fazla problem oluşturuyor
The space shuttle and its rockets are huge – some 4, 5 million pounds at lift- off. About
85 per cent of that weight is fuel. Since it is designed to work in a vacuum, the shuttle must
carry not only fuel but the oxygen to burn it. Because this is an inefficient way to go, NASA
engineers have recently tested an engine that gets some of its oxygen on the run. This should
reduce takeoff weights by half. A spacecraft equipped with this engine would take off like a
rocket. But within minutes, incoming air would begin to supplement liquid oxygen. Once
the spacecraft reaches a speed of 1,500 miles per hour – twice the speed of sound- the liquid
oxygen would shut off completely and the engine would burn fuel mixed with air. Consequently,
the craft would accelerate to about ten times the speed of sound. When the air got too thin
for the engine to breathe, the ship would shift back to rocket mode to punch its way into space.
1. According to the passage, a new rocket engine is presently being developed to …………
A) reach previously unimagined speeds
B) make space travel more comfortable and feasible
C) halve the weight of a space shuttle at take off
D) enable NASA to remain in the forefront of space exploration
E) reduce the physical effects of the atmosphere on the shuttle
2. We learn from the passage that, in the usual space shuttle, the weight ………… .
A) makes high speeds impossible
B) consists very largely of fuel
C) does not pose any serious problem
D) of the liquid oxygen is enormous
E) of the rockets is insignificant
Uzay mekiği ve roketleri devasadır- kalkışta yaklaşık 4,5 milyon pound ağırlığındadır. Bu
ağırlığın yaklaşık %85’i yakıttır. Hava boşluğunda çalışmak üzere tasarlandığı için, mekik
sadece yakıt değil, onu yakmak için oksijen de taşımalıdır. Bu gitmek için verimsiz bir yol
olduğundan, NASA mühendisleri son zamanlarda çalışırken oksijen elde eden bir motor denediler.
Bu kalkış ağırlığını yarı yarıya azaltacak. Bu motorla donatılmış bir uzay gemisi roket gibi
kalkabilecek. Fakat birkaç dakika içinde, gelen hava sıvı oksijene eklenmeye başlayacak.
Uzay gemisi saatte 1.500 mil hıza ulaşınca – ses hızının iki katı- sıvı oksijen tamamen biter ve motor
hava ile karışan yakıtı yakar. Sonuç olarak, gemi ses hızının yaklaşık on katı hızlanır. Hava
motorun nefes alamayacağı kadar ince olduğunda, gemi uzayda yoluna devam etmek için roket
moduna döner.
For two decades after World War II, mass production reigned supreme. Mass- production
techniques pushed companies into standardized products, long product life cycles, and rigid
manufacturing, emphasizing efficiency and low cost over flexibility. Special orders cost more. But
today’s consumers are very choosy. They want quality, value and products specially tailored
to their needs, but always at the lowest possible price. For now, mass customization has come
to the fore. Mass customization uses information technology to produce and deliver
products and services designed to fit the specifications of individual customers. Companies
can customize products in quantities as small as one with the same speed and low cost as mass-
production methods. Mass-customization systems use information taken from the customer
to control the flow of goods.
2. We learn from the passage that one of the characteristics of mass production is
………… .
A) the need to please every customer
B) a disregard for flexibility
C) a disregard for cost-effectiveness
D) to take into consideration the specifications given by individual customers
E) the rescheduling of production as the need arises
II. Dünya Savaşından sonraki 20 yılda seri üretim hüküm sürdü. Seri üretim teknikleri
esneklikten çok verimliliği ve düşük maliyeti vurgulayarak şirketleri standart ürünler, uzun ürün ömrü
ve kalıplaşmış üretim yapmaya itti. Özel siparişler daha fazla maliyetliydi. Ama bugünün
tüketicileri çok seçici. Onlar kalite, değer ve özellikle ihtiyaçlarına uygun ürünler istiyor ama
her zaman olabilecek en düşük fiyatta. Şimdilik müşteriye göre üretim önde duruyor. Müşteriye
göre üretim bireysel müşterilerin tanımlamalarına uygun tasarlanan hizmetleri ve ürünleri
üretmek ve dağıtmak için bilişim teknolojisini kullanır. Şirketler seri üretim metotlarıyla aynı
hız ve düşük maliyette olan az miktarda ürünü müşteriye uyarlayabilir. Müşteriye göre üretim
sistemleri malların dolaşımını kontrol etmek için müşterilerden alınan bilgileri kullanır.
3. Paragrafta kullanıldığı gibi müşteriye göre üretim ifadesi ürünlerin …. anlamına gelir.
A) çok miktarda ve genel kullanım için olduğu
B) herkesi memnun edecek standart tanımları karşılayacağı
C) maliyete bakmaksızın yüksek hızda
D) uzun ömürlü olarak tasarlanmış olduğu
E) bireysel müşterilerin özel ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için tasarlanmış olduğu
Why does sea water taste salty? It is a question that has been asked by countless people down
the ages. And the answer seems straightforward: rain constantly erodes the surface of
the Earth, washing a mix of natural chemicals into rivers and thence into the sea. The
most water-soluble and abundant of these just happen to taste salty. All very simple. Or is it?
After all, erosion has been taking place for millions of years, dumping ever more of these
salty compounds into the sea, yet the concentration is still far below the saturation level.
So the real mystery is not why the sea tastes salty, but why it isn’t utterly packed with salt, and as
lifeless as the Dead Sea. Here is another curious thing about our planet. Its atmosphere has
existed for billions of years, and yet it still contains a mix of highly reactive gases like oxygen and
methane. Why haven’t they settled down into a boring unreactive atmosphere like that of
Mars or Venus?
1. According to the passage, the most important and fascinating question about salt and
the sea is: …………?
A) why do certain natural elements taste salty
B) how much salt is there in the sea
C) how does the salt get to the sea
D) when will the salt in the sea reach saturation level
E) why isn’t the sea more salty
2. One point made in the passage is that unanswered questions about the world and the
universe ………… .
A) will, at some point in the future, be answered in a satisfactory manner
B) are now very few in number
C) are unimportant and can be ignored
D) help to highlight the mysteries of the world
E) are only of interest to scientists
3. One aim of the writer in this passage is to make people realize that ………… .
A) it is dangerous to interfere with the balance of nature
B) everything in the universe has an explanation
C) many of the facts about various planets are exceedingly boring
D) all the seas in the world will eventually be like the Dead Sea
E) what may seem simple and straightforward may actually not be so
Deniz suyunun tadı niye tuzludur? Bu çağlardan beri sayısız insanın sorduğu bir sorudur. Ve
cevabı basittir: yağmur doğal kimyasal karışımlarını nehirlere ve oradan da denizlere
taşıyarak sürekli dünya yüzeyini aşındırır. Bunlardan en çok olanı ve suda en kolay çözüneni
tuzlu tat bırakır. Bu kadar basit. Yoksa değil mi? Sonuç olarak, erozyon bu tuzlu bileşenlerden
daha çoğunu denize boşaltarak milyonlarca yıldır oluyor, ama yoğunluk hala doyma
seviyesinin çok altında. Bu yüzden asıl merak konusu denizin neden tuzlu olduğu değil, ama neden
tamamen tuzla dolmadığı ve Ölü Deniz kadar cansız olduğu. Burada gezegenimiz ile ilgili başka
ilginç bir şey var. Dünyanın atmosferi milyarlarca yıldır var ve hala oksijen ve metan gibi tepkimeye
açık gazların karışımını içerir. Onlar neden Mars ya da Venüs gibi tepkimeye girmeyecekleri
atmosfere yerleşmedi?
1. Paragrafa göre deniz ve tuz ile ilgili en önemli ve etkileyici soru şudur …. ?
A) neden belli doğal elementler tuzludur
B) denizde ne kadar tuz vardır
C) tuz denize nasıl girer
D) denizdeki tuz ne zaman doyma seviyesine ulaşır
E) deniz neden daha tuzlu değil
By the early 19th century, the eminent French zoologist Georges Cuvier believed he had
found rock-solid evidence for the biblical great flood. While studying the geological strata
around Paris, Cuvier found that fossils of sea creatures in one ancient layer of chalk were overlaid
by those of land creatures. Then, just as abruptly, the layer above contained sea creatures
again, with the top layer showing evidence of a vast and rapid inundation around
present-day Paris. Cuvier regarded these sudden changes in the fossil record as evidence for
sudden catastrophes which devastated life of Earth, of which the great flood was just the most
recent example. Cuvier's discoveries, published in 1812, won support from a large number
of eminent scientists such as the geologist Sir James Hall. However, there were a few who
were deeply skeptical, pointing out that the evidence of a global flood was far from conclusive.
Most skeptical of all were the followers of the Scottish geologist James Hutton. In 1795,
he had published a two-volume text based on the view that the slow, steady processes that shape
our planet today, such as erosion, were also crucially important in the distant past.
2. It is pointed out in the passage that in the course of excavations near Paris, Cuvier
………… .
A) slowly came to recognize the geological significance of the biblical great flood
B) was particularly surprised that there were chalk formations in the area
C) was slow to recognize the geological importance of marine fossils
D) grew interested in the fossils of sea creatures only after he came across a second layer
E) discovered alternating layers of fossils relating to sea and land creatures
19.yy’ın başlarına kadar ünlü Fransız zoolog Georges Cuvier İncil’de geçen büyük tufanla
ilgili kaya gibi sağlam deliller bulduğuna inanırdı. Paris çevresinin jeolojik zeminini incelerken,
Cuvier eski bir kalker tabakasındaki deniz canlılarının fosillerinin kara canlılarınınkiyle kaplanmış
olduğunu fark etti. Daha sonra aniden, günümüz Paris'inde büyük ve ani bir su baskını
olduğunu gösteren en üst katmanla yukarıdaki katman yine deniz canlılarıyla kaplandı.
Cuvier fosil kalıntılarındaki bu ani değişimleri dünya hayatını tahrip eden, ki en son örneği büyük
tufan olan bir afetin kanıtı olarak gördü. 1812’de yayınlanan Cuvier’in bulguları jeolog Sir
James Hall gibi ünlü birçok bilim adamından destek aldı. Ne var ki geniş çaplı tufanın kesin
olmadığını ifade eden oldukça şüpheli olan birkaç kişi vardı. Kuşku edenlerin çoğu İskoç jeolog
James Hutton takipçileriydi. 1795’te o, bugünkü gezegenimizi şekillendiren erozyon gibi yavaş,
sabit süreçlerin de uzak geçmişte oldukça önemli olduğu görüşüne dayalı iki sayılık yazı yayımladı.
Aging involves multiple harmful biological events that accumulate in different tissues
over time and gradually reduce an organism’s state of maintenance and function.
Calendar time, however, serves as an imperfect measurement of the physiological processes
involved in aging. We all know individuals who are the same chronological age but appear
to be very different when it comes to physiological age. Rather than counting years — or
gray hairs, for that matter — modern gerontologists turn to biological markers, or biomarkers, of
aging. These physiological parameters indicate an individual’s functional level and some
biomarkers, such as insulin levels, correlate with mortality. The presence of such
biomarkers depends indirectly on patterns of gene expression, which are induced by a variety of
internal or external stimuli.
Yaşlanma, zamanla farklı dokularda toplanan ve yavaş yavaş bir organizmanın işlevini ve
korumasını azaltan çeşitli zarar verici biyolojik olayları içerir. Fakat takvim yılı yaşlanmada
yer alan psikolojik süreci yanlış ölçer. Hepimiz kronolojik olarak aynı yaşta olan ama psikolojik
yaşa gelince çok farklı görünen bireyleri biliyoruz. Yılları - ya da gri saçları - saymaktan ziyade,
bu konuda modern gerontologlar yaşlanmanın biyolojik işaretlerine ya da bioişaretlerine başvururlar.
Bu psikolojik parametreler bir bireyin işlevsel seviyesini gösterir ve insülin seviyesi gibi
bazı bioişaretler de ölüm ile ilişkiliyi gösterir. Bu gibi bioişaretlerin varlığı dolaylı yoldan çeşitli
iç ve dış uyarılmalarla oluşan gen ifadesi dizilimlerine bağlıdır.