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1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 6.

Writing 'objectively' means that personal

uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. feelings are not ---- the writing.

A) worked up
1. To the peoples of the ancient world, the
B) called off
characteristic ---- of civilization such as
C) put out
government, literature, science, and art
D) brought into
were necessarily products of city life.
E) taken over
A) remains
7. Since the early 1990s, people ---- to
B) influences
professionals called 'life coaches' for help in
C) declarations
managing major changes in their lives in the
D) commodities
general belief that they ---- solutions.
E) manifestations
A) had turned / might have provided
2. The transmission of black-and-white
B) turned / are providing
television images became technically ---- in
C) have turned / could have provided
the UK at the end of the 1920s.
D) are turning / had provided
E) have been turning / provide
A) representative
B) corrupt
8. To help secure the Union’s frontiers against
C) reluctant
illegal immigrants, the European Union ----
D) feasible
ideas for a 21st century integrated border
E) instrumental
management system that ---- heavily on
advanced technology.
3. When the euro was ---- on 1 January 1999, it
was the first time since the Roman Empire
A) considered / has been relying
that Europe had a single currency.
B) is considering / will rely
C) had considered / relies
A) ensured
D) would consider / had relied
B) discovered
E) will be considering / relied
C) stamped
D) accelerated
9. Contrary to the prevailing economic view,
E) launched
some experts ---- that more free trade ---- the
global crisis.
4. The rise of lay education during the
medieval intellectual revival was an ----
A) have said / would not have eased
important development in the history of
B) said / is not going to ease
Western Europe.
C) are saying / had not eased
D) say / will not ease
A) anxiously
E) were saying / has not eased
B) enormously
C) independently
10. If you ---- long hours on the job, most
D) evenly
probably your stress level ----, leaving you
E) abnormally
more vulnerable to cravings for unhealthy
5. The world ---- more than 2 billion tons of
garbage every year, and trash heaps are
A) have worked / had risen
rapidly growing in crowded countries like
B) are working / will rise
China and India.
C) worked / is rising
D) had worked / will have risen
A) breaks down
E) work / rose
B) throws away
C) winds up
D) puts off
E) drives into

11. A Marine Protected Area is an area of the 14. An increasing number of young adults in
ocean that is protected ---- law in order to India wish to have more choice in the
preserve areas ---- high biological selection of their future wives or husbands -
importance. --- they still let their parents arrange their
A) over / for
B) with / in A) because
C) to / at B) although
D) by / of C) unless
E) within / off D) until
E) as if
12. On entering a traditional Japanese home,
you should take ---- your slippers and leave 15. ---- an individual grows to maturity, he
them ---- the door. acquires a personal structure conditioned
by the position he occupies in the social
A) away / before system.
B) out / at
C) up / through A) Unless
D) over / by B) Although
E) off / in front of C) Before
D) Whether
13. It is becoming increasingly evident that the E) As
disposition and the behaviour of the
individual are shaped by the cultural groups 16. Soon after the end of World War I, pioneers
---- he belongs. began to show that, ---- popular opinion,
long distance flights across oceans could
A) as be made in safety.
B) to which
C) in case A) due to
D) of whom B) owing to
E) as if C) in order to
D) contrary to
E) as regards

17. - 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 22. - 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

It is believed that the subject of economics first (I) --- Water recycling is reusing wastewater to save both
- in early Greek times. The reason (II) ---- this belief energy and the environment. Landscape irrigation,
is that the first writings on this subject were by Plato cooling processes in oil refineries and dust control
and Aristotle. However, there is no data showing the are (I) ---- the most common non-potable (not for
economic system during these times. The first drinking) purposes. Recycled water can meet most
known economic system emerged in the Middle water demands (II) ---- it is adequately treated to
Ages (III) ---- feudalism was the dominant social ensure water quality. In situations where people are
system. There was an aristocratic class of (IV) ---- overly (III) ---- to recycled water, they are more likely
who were the holders of vast lands in which the to contract diseases. However, no documented
peasants or serfs worked (V) ---- the protection of cases of human health problems (IV) ---- contact
their lords. with recycled water have been reported. As such,
demand for recycled water is increasing very
17. I rapidly, and with no doubt, it (V) ---- many recycling
A) found projects across the world in following decades.
B) increased
C) used 22. I
D) appeared A) upon
E) rejected B) over
C) with
18. II D) about
A) of E) among
B) for
C) about 23. II
D) in A) so that
E) to B) as long as
C) even though
19. III D) as if
A) as soon as E) whereas
B) prior to
C) when 24. III
D) during A) exposed
E) before B) objected
C) devoted
20. IV D) sentenced
A) villagers E) entitled
B) economists
C) labourers 25. IV
D) nobles A) as well as
E) immigrants B) rather than
C) as opposed to
21. V D) instead of
A) in exchange for E) due to
B) in addition to
C) with regard to 26. V
D) in view of A) has been prompting
E) in spite of B) is prompting
C) will be prompting
D) was prompting
E) had been prompting

27. - 38. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 31. Though all observed differences in the
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. behaviour of men and women were long
assumed to be due to biological factors, ----.
27. Unless the name of a new product is
A) such effects are small and often different
constantly repeated in advertisements, ----.
for male and female individuals
B) it seems increasingly likely that many
A) people could hardly appreciate the value
typical masculine and feminine
of nutritious elements
characteristics are in fact acquired
B) advertising employs a vast range of
C) social psychologists were not totally sure
devices to get its messages across
of how self-confidence could be
C) there will be opportunities to use highly
figurative expressions
D) children are rewarded for engaging in
D) there is a risk that customers will fail to
gender appropriate behaviour
recall it in the marketplace
E) recent studies provide much evidence
E) consumers have become acutely aware of
concerning widely-held stereotypes
the rise in prices
32. Even though there was economic
28. Whereas many nations take pains to exclude
dislocation as well as demographic
foreign words from their lexicons, ----.
collapse, ----.
A) the French have always been keen on
A) it may sound as if the situation was
keeping their language pure
improving in developing countries
B) not all the new items will be widely
B) many international companies have
adopted austere policies
C) in most languages, new words are made
C) the later Middle Ages was one of the most
out of old ones
creative and inventive periods in the
D) the cosmopolitan nature of American life
history of western Europe
had its effects on local dialects
D) the growth of the global economy had
E) the English seem to have welcomed them
made millions of workers redundant
E) some economists assert that technology
29. Despite the advent of the labour-saving
must be responsible for this problem
agricultural devices in the Middle Ages, ----.
33. Most people assume that beauty can be
A) the obligations of the land workers to their
defined universally, ----.
lords were fixed by custom
B) it was the lords who took the greatest
A) when they remained objective and neutral
benefits from it
B) no matter how much people care for the
C) the western European economy rested on
views of others
C) but in fact it is purely subjective
D) the landlords took all the produce for their
D) since relationships largely depend on
own use
E) most of the work of raising crops
E) so that various women writers may have
continued to be done using hand tools
written about it
30. As soon as books became available and
34. In the second millennium B.C., the ancient
literacy increased in the 15th century, ----.
Near East was transformed by the arrival of
new population groups ----.
A) the economic situation continued to
deteriorate at an alarming rate
A) who built up land-based empires through
B) markets for overseas trade would collapse
systematic military conquest
C) the invention of the printing press had
B) which had been wiped out by the
already become useless
invasions of the savage tribes
D) regional dialects were often diverse and
C) because the ages that followed intensified
diplomacy and trade
E) people came to see the world as operating
D) as urban civilization took shape first in
according to its own laws
southern and central Mesopotamia
E) unless they could impose themselves and
their language on the other people

35. Jet-lag, which appears as an adaptation 39. - 46. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
problem of the human body in long-distance anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
flights, is seen less in children than in cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
adults ----. bulunuz.

A) even though the problem is more apparent 39. It was only at the beginning of the 18th
when the flight is from West to East century that Johann Friedrich Böttger
B) because of the fact that their body is more discovered kaolin and made it possible to
prone to change produce in Europe a porcelain as hard as
C) so that children’s perception of time and that which had been imported from China.
space can alter
D) when the conditions are suitable enough A) Johann Friedrich Böttger’in, Avrupa’da
for them to travel by air Çin’den ithal edilen porselen kadar
E) once they have grown accustomed to kuvvetli bir porselen imal edebilmesi,
flying by day ancak 18. yüzyılın başında kaolini
keşfetmesi ile mümkün olabilmiştir.
36. Illegal aliens in America have been a B) 18. yüzyılın başında, Johann Friedrich
problem ----. Böttger kaolini keşfetmiş ve Avrupa’da,
Çin’den ithal edilmiş porselen kadar
A) when the early regulations encouraged kuvvetli bir porselen imal etmeyi
immigration başarmıştır.
B) ever since the first immigration restriction C) Johann Friedrich Böttger’in kaolini
was imposed keşfederek Çin’den ithal edilmiş porselen
C) if necessary precautions are not taken kadar kuvvetli bir porselen imalatını
D) because it was virtually impossible to sağlaması, Avrupa’da ancak 18. yüzyılın
maintain control over them all başında mümkün olmuştur.
E) although the use of false IDs increases at D) Johann Friedrich Böttger’in kaolini
an alarming rate keşfetmesi ve Avrupa’da Çin’den ithal
edilmiş porselen kadar kuvvetli bir
37. More than half of the world’s coffee is grown porselen imal etmeyi sağlaması, ancak
on small family farms in developing 18. yüzyılın başında olmuştur.
countries ----. E) Avrupa’da Çin’den ithal edilmiş porselen
kadar kuvvetli bir porselen imal edilmesi,
A) that large areas of forest have been cut 18. yüzyılın başında ancak Johann
down to make this possible Friedrich Böttger’in kaolini keşfetmesi ile
B) where coffee exports make up a sağlanmıştır.
significant portion of the local economy
C) since it is the middlemen who get a large
percent of the profits
D) while for most people the quality of coffee
is important
E) as long as weather conditions can be

38. Movements of the hands and head are often

used in order to emphasize certain points
that are being made, ----.

A) because they have a tremendous impact

on the way we live now
B) although people use their body effectively
and efficiently
C) since the speaker wants to convey
particular nuances of meaning
D) as the best method of communication is
obviously the written work
E) just as social relationships take a long
time to develop

40. The accumulation of financial capital, and 42. Foreign students in such fields as
its intelligent outlay for the acquisition of engineering and computer science find it
new goods and services, are the major much easier to learn the English equivalents
features of the modern merchantile system of the terms they have learned.
in which we live.
A) Mühendislik ve bilgisayar bilimi gibi
A) Mali sermayenin birikimi ve bunun yeni alanlardaki yabancı öğrenciler, daha önce
mal ve hizmetler edinmek için akıllı öğrendikleri terimlerin İngilizce
biçimde harcanması, içinde yaşadığımız karşılıklarını öğrenmeyi çok daha kolay
modern ticari sistemin başlıca buluyorlar.
özellikleridir. B) Yabancı öğrenciler, eğer mühendislik ve
B) İçinde bulunduğumuz ticari sistem, mali bilgisayar bilimi gibi alanlardaysalar, daha
sermayenin birikimini ve bunun yeni mal önce öğrendikleri terimlerin İngilizce
ve hizmetler edinmek için akıllı biçimde karşılıklarını çok daha kolay öğreniyorlar
harcanmasını öngören başlıca özelliklere C) Önceden öğrenilen bazı terimlerin
sahiptir İngilizce karşılıklarının öğrenilmesi,
C) Mali sermayeyi biriktirerek bunu yeni mal mühendislik ve bilgisayar bilimi
ve hizmetlerin alımı için akıllıca kullanmak, alanlarındaki yabancı öğrenciler
günümüz modern ticaret sisteminin temel tarafından çok daha kolay bulunuyor.
özelliğidir. D) Mühendislik ve bilgisayar bilimi gibi
D) Yeni mal ve hizmetlerin alımını, mali alanlardaki yabancı öğrenciler,
sermaye birikiminin akıllı biçimde öğrendikleri terimlerin İngilizce
harcanması olarak gören modern ticari karşılıklarını öğrenmeyi de oldukça kolay
sistem, yaşadığımız çağın başlıca buluyorlar.
özelliğidir. E) Yabancı öğrenciler, eğer mühendislik ve
E) Yaşadığımız modern çağın ticari sistemi, bilgisayar bilimi gibi alanlardaysalar,
mali birikimi ve bunun yeni mal ve önceden öğrenilen terimlerin İngilizce
hizmetler edinmek için akıllı biçimde karşılıklarını öğrenmeyi çok daha kolay
harcanmasını başlıca özellik olarak öne buluyorlar.
43. Bakmadan ya da dokunmadan kol ve
41. Caricature is a mature form of expression bacaklarımızın nerede olduğunu ve üzerinde
that arose when art became capable of durduğumuz zeminde nasıl hareket
social introspection and comment. edebildiğimizi biliyoruz.

A) Karikatür, olgun bir ifade biçimi olarak, A) By looking or touching, we know where
toplumsal bir içgözlem ve yorum our arms and legs are and how we can
yapabilme gücünü kazanmıştır. learn walking on the ground that we stand
B) Olgun bir ifade biçimi olan karikatür, on.
sanatın toplumsal bir içgözlem ve yorum B) Without looking or touching, we know
sağlamasıyla ortaya çıkmıştır. where our arms and legs are and how we
C) Sanatın toplumsal bir içgözlem ve yorum can move on the ground that we stand on.
sağlamasıyla gelişen karikatür, olgun bir C) We do not need to look at or touch our
ifade biçimidir. bodies to understand where we are and
D) Toplumsal bir içgözlemi ve yorumu how we can move on the ground that we
başaran sanatın ortaya çıkmasıyla, stand on.
karikatür de olgun bir ifade biçimi hâline D) Only by looking and touching do we know
gelmiştir. where our arms and legs are and how we
E) Karikatür, sanatın toplumsal bir içgözlem can walk on the ground that we stand on.
ve yorum sağlayabildiği zaman ortaya E) Although we don’t look at or touch
çıkmış olgun bir ifade biçimidir. anything, we know where our arms and
legs are and how we can move on the
ground on which we stand

44. Çiklet, Kral Charles I’in hekimlerinden biri 46. İki keman, bir viyola ve bir çellodan oluşan
olan George Bates tarafından 1635’te icat yaylı çalgılar dörtlüsü çoğu kimse tarafından
edilmiştir. en doyurucu oda müziği biçimi olarak kabul
A) George Bates, who served King Charles I
as a physician, invented chewing gum in A) For many people, the most satisfying form
1635. of chamber music is the string quartet,
B) It was only in 1635 that chewing gum was which consists of two violins, one viola
invented by George Bates, who had been and one cello.
a physician to King Charles I. B) Consisting of two violins, one viola and
C) Chewing gum was invented in 1635 by one cello, the string quartet is the most
George Bates, who was one of the satisfying form of chamber music for many
physicians of King Charles I. people.
D) George Bates, who was one of the C) The string quartet, which consists of two
physicians of King Charles I in 1635, was violins, one viola and one cello, is
the inventor of chewing gum. considered by many to be the most
E) George Bates, who invented chewing gum satisfying form of chamber music.
in 1635, was one of the physicians of King D) The string quartet consists of two violins,
Charles I. one viola and one cello and it is
considered by many people to be the most
45. Olağanüstü bir yaratıcılığa sahip olan Paul satisfying form of chamber music.
Cézanne, çağının en yenilikçi ressamıydı. E) Because it consists of two violins, one
viola and one cello, the string quartet is
A) Paul Cézanne, who had extraordinary considered to be the most satisfying form
creativity, was the most revolutionary of chamber music for most people.
painter of his age.
B) A painter with extraordinary creativity,
Paul Cézanne was an extremely
revolutionary painter of his time.
C) Paul Cézanne had extraordinary creativity
which made him a revolutionary painter of
his age.
D) It was Paul Cézanne’s extraordinary
creativity that made him the most
revolutionary painter of his time.
E) As the most revolutionary painter of his
time, Paul Cézanne had extraordinary

47. - 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 49. We understand from the passage that mass
cevaplayınız. communication during prehistoric times ----.

A) required the presence of at least two

When prehistoric man returned home from a hunt,
people sharing the same space and time
he was almost certainly asked the question we
B) did not necessarily require a personal
would like to ask today: 'What happened?' Quite
relationship between the speaker and his
possibly, he replied in a factual manner, providing a
short report of the land covered, the number of
C) meant short reports of one’s daily life
animals spotted, and the results. His face-to-face
communication was limited only to those within the
D) provided vast opportunities to other
sight and sound of the speaker. Either because of
people to write back about their opinions
this or because he thought his communication
E) caused people to be more inquisitive than
should be recorded in more permanent form, the
caveman eventually began to draw his message,
the report of his latest adventurous hunt, on the wall
50. According to the passage, the caveman
of the cave. This opened up a whole range of
drew his messages on the cave walls,
possibilities: The wall was there twenty-four hours a
because ----.
day, seven days a week. The caveman could go
about his other business, whatever that may have
A) he wanted his messages to stay there for
been, and still know that his message was being
a long time
communicated, for the audience was
B) he was tired of telling his hunting stories to
communicating not with the caveman himself, but
with the wall. This was the beginning of mass
C) an impersonal form of communication did
communication – impersonal communication with a
not suit his needs
diverse audience that has a limited opportunity to
D) giving messages through drawing was
respond – and much was gained from it.
easier than speaking
E) it was an enjoyable way of passing the
47. It is indicated in the passage that as a result
of the caveman’s drawings on the walls ----.

A) personal relations with other people could

be stronger
B) the cavemen could forget all about his
other business
C) others could get his messages even when
he was not there
D) the idea of competition came into being
E) spoken interaction gradually lost its

48. According to the passage, the simplest form

of mass communication is ----.

A) the spoken messages given by the

B) a visual sign taking place on a permanent
C) the reports of a hunter who came back
from the hunt
D) the face-to-face interaction of a caveman
with his close friends
E) the prompt responses of the audience to
the drawings on the wall

51. - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 53. We can understand from the passage that ---
cevaplayınız. -.

A) it was World War II which gave rise to the

Although the United States and the Soviet Union
cold war between the United States and
became allies during World War II, there seemed to
Soviet Union
be little doubt that their opposing ideologies would
B) the main function of the Berlin Wall was to
ultimately produce a cold war. The cold war was a
protect Europe from the Soviet invasion
global phenomenon and was clearly conditioned by
C) both of the superpowers had strong
the political, economic, and social aspirations of the
desires to control the world
two super-powers. Between 1945 and 1989 Europe
D) when World War II came to an end, the
became a testing ground for the cold war itself. The
United States intended to give up her
Soviets were convinced that Eastern European
economic interests in Europe
buffer states had to be created to protect the Soviet
E) the Soviet strategies shaped the everyday
Union from future invasions. As for the United
life of all the peoples in Europe
States, the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and
NATO were all intended to keep Russian ideology
54. The passage indicates that ----.
with in its own borders. When the cold war came to
an end following the collapse of the Berlin Wall in
A) the strategies used by the Soviets in
November 1989, the Soviet ideology was
Eastern Europe proved to be successful in
considered a spent force in Eastern Europe.
the end
B) a crucial time for the cold war was the
51. According to the passage, the cold war ----.
year when the Berlin Wall collapsed
C) the most important motive behind the cold
A) caused the collapse of the economy in the
war was to create a free world
Eastern European states
D) the cold war eliminated the risk of
B) was the main reason which brought an
potential invasions in Europe
end to World War II
E) super-powers should represent
C) ended because the United States and the
themselves as the guardians of peace
Soviet Union both felt threatened by global
D) helped the Eastern European states to
become more powerful and secure
E) was not confined to the political relations
only between the United States and the
Soviet Union

52. It is indicated in the passage that ----.

A) a potential for a disagreement between

the two super powers was apparent even
during World War II
B) NATO made it possible for the Eastern
European countries to establish economic
relations with the United States
C) the Russian ideology became widespread
all around Europe
D) the Truman Doctrine was developed to
protect the Eastern European states from
the Soviet threat
E) the cold war continued for about two
decades and then ended

55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 57. The writer of the passage predicts that for
cevaplayınız. the next generation ----.

A) there will be great obstacles to space

For the present, NASA appears to be committed to
maintaining its human spaceflight program,
B) space exploration will be just part of
whatever the cost. However, in the next decade, it
popular fiction
may discover that it does not need human
C) exploring other planets will no longer be a
characters to tell compelling stories. Instead of
maintained practice
gazing at posters of astronauts, children are now
D) what seems to be part of fiction today will
playing with toy models of Mars rovers. The next
become part of reality
generation of space adventurers is growing up with
E) telling stories about space travel will be
the knowledge that one can visit another planet
even more compelling
without boarding a spacecraft. Decades from now,
when those children are grown-ups, some of them
58. In general, the passage implies that ----.
will lead the next great explorations of the solar
system. Sitting in quiet control rooms, they will send
A) human intelligence will make many of the
instructions to far-away probes already launched
technological dreams come true
and make the final adjustment that points us
B) physical presence of man in spacecraft
towards the stars.
will be indispensible
C) unmanned spacecraft can be
55. From the passage, one can expect that the
comparatively more cost-effective
future technology of space exploration will -
D) a human operator on earth can mislead
unmanned spacecrafts
E) astronauts are no longer celebrated by
A) have no need for earth-control centers
today’s children
B) bring an end to NASA’s mission
C) eliminate the risks put on the lives of
D) add exciting details to the toy models
children play with
E) save human beings from extinction

56. One can understand from the passage that -


A) the future will witness radical advances in

the techniques of space exploration
B) NASA’s expensive investments in human
spaceflight programs will pay back in the
C) children of the next generation will enjoy a
variety of developed space games
D) NASA has finally succeeded in making
man a redundant component of
spaceflight programs
E) today’s children are getting less interested
in space programs

59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 61. Upon reading the passage, one can say that
cevaplayınız. ----

A) the discovery of the New World was

From the mid-fifteenth century on, most of Europe
generally greeted with dismay
had enjoyed steady economic growth, and the
B) an increase in the volume of money in
discovery of the New World seemed the basis of
circulation causes a rise in prices
greater prosperity to come. By the middle of the
C) the worst problem a country ever has to
sixteenth century, however, the situation changed.
face is a serious food shortage
Nothing like the upward price trend that affected
D) the discovery of the New World brought
Western Europe in the second half of the sixteenth
more problems to Europe than benefits
century had ever happened before. Since Europe’s
E) after the sixteenth century Europe was
population began to grow vastly and the food supply
never again faced with such a spiral of
remained constant, food prices were driven sharply
rising prices
higher by the increased demand. At the same time,
wages stagnated or even declined. On the other
62. One can infer from the passage that, in the
hand, the enormous influx of silver from Spanish-
second half of the sixteenth century, the
America into Europe, where much of it was minted
people of Europe realized that ----.
into coins, caused a dramatic increase in the
volume of money in circulation. This, of course,
A) their dreams of prosperity had no basis
fuelled the spiral of rising prices.
B) they could look forward to a more
prosperous future
59. The main aim of the passage is to present ---
C) the New World could offer them a better
D) they would have to fight for higher wages
A) the excitement that was caused by the
E) the lives of ordinary people varied very
arrival of large amounts of silver from
little from one century to the next
Spanish America
B) a picture of the steady economic growth of
Europe over the centuries
C) how an increase in the food supply in
Europe was achieved
D) the reasons for the rapid growth in the
population of Europe
E) the basic reasons for the economic
turbulence Europe had to face in the
sixteenth century

60. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) the political instability that Europe suffered

from in the mid-sixteenth century was
largely caused by the food shortage
B) the discovery of the New World brought
great welfare to Europe in the mid-
sixteenth century
C) Europeans were better off in the second
half of the fifteenth century
D) people benefited greatly from the influx of
silver into Europe
E) very little is known about the history of
Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth

63. - 66. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 65. As the passage indicates, it is now clear
cevaplayınız. that ----.

A) there is a wide gap between the public

The last decade has seen notable changes in
and legal views on disability
disability policy in Europe. Changed assumptions
B) the disabled everywhere in Europe have
about the concept of disability have been reflected
been granted extra rights and privileges
in the adoption of new national and pan-European
C) the disability groups are demanding even
legislation. As a consequence, the policy which has
more rights
sought to separate and segregate people with
D) the understanding of disability in Europe
disabilities in 'special schools', labour markets,
has undergone considerable change
residential accommodation and transport has, to
E) Europeans have recently adopted a rather
some degree, and in some countries, been
prejudiced attitude towards the rights of
reconsidered. Attempts have been made to develop
people with disabilities
an integrated approach, opening up jobs, services
and housing to all people irrespective of their ability
66. The passage emphasizes that ----.
or disability. A key element of this new approach
has been the recognition that segregation and
A) potential capabilities of the disabled
exclusion is not a necessary consequence of a
people had long been underestimated or
physical or intellectual impairment, but the result of
conscious policy choices based on false
B) future steps require consciously-
assumptions about the abilities of the people with
developed policies for the rehabilitation of
disabilities. The new approach recognizes the role
the disabled
which discrimination plays in disadvantaging people
C) people with disabilities deserve somewhat
with disabilities and, conversely, how legislation
more attention than those without
seeks to combat elements of disability
D) the new disability policy in Europe will be
discrimination and creates equality of opportunity for
people with disabilities.
E) a change in attitude towards the disabled
is the result of the new employment
63. According to the passage, people with
policies in Europe
disabilities ----.

A) have failed to appreciate the special care

services made available to them
B) have always been provided with
opportunities to make a good living
C) have long been prevented from enjoying
the same rights as the other members of
D) would never manage to lead a
comfortable life
E) have for centuries been regarded,
throughout Europe, as a burden to society

64. We understand from the passage that the

new approach to disability ----.

A) maintains the segregational policies

common everywhere in Europe
B) opposes the segregation of the disabled
from society
C) equates physical or intellectual impairment
with inferiority
D) has not sought a legal basis for its
E) aims to provide a therapeutic environment
for the disabled by placing them in special

67. - 70. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 69. According to the passage, the scholars who
cevaplayınız. carried out an investigation into new media
participation think that the present
phenomenon ----.
When Time magazine declared its 2006 person of
the year to be 'You', the magazine was pointing to
A) is a waste of time as there is no particular
an undeniable reality: anyone with an Internet
merit at all
connection can be a reporter, political commentator,
B) is the result of people’s competent use of
cultural critic, or media producer. Around the same
digital technologies
time, the media scholar H. Jenkins and his
C) should be regarded with suspicion
colleagues published a paper appreciating the
D) calls for parental guidance when young
'participatory cultures' of creation and sharing,
people are concerned
mentorship, and civic engagement that were
E) has created an aggressive young
emerging online, especially among young people.
Although Time did not explicitly frame participation
in the new media as a youth phenomenon, most of
70. It is explained in the passage that ----.
the fifteen 'citizens of digital democracy' who were
featured in its December 13 article were under the
A) there is rapid progress in the fields
age of thirty-five. Jenkins and his colleagues
investigating various effects of digital
strongly suggest that young people are especially
technologies on young people
well-poised to take full advantage of Web 2.0. On
B) digital media participation does irreparable
the other hand, ever since digital technologies were
harm to young people
made available, scholars, educators, policymakers,
C) parents are particularly concerned about
and parents have been debating their implications
their children’s social tolerance and
for young people’s literacy, attention spans, social
attention spans
tolerance, and tendency for aggression.
D) Time magazine offers valid solutions to
Considerable strides are now being made in
the problems experienced by youth
scholarship in many of these areas.
E) the digital practices of today’s young
people as reporters, political
67. The expression 'digital democracy' used in
commentators, cultural critics, or media
the passage means ----.
producers exceed in quality those of
earlier periods
A) taking full advantage of all the web
B) widespread use of Internet technology in
our age
C) the selection of fifteen young people by
Time magazine
D) equal rights given to teenagers to express
their opinions online
E) online media engagement opportunities
made available for everyone

68. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) media scholars criticize the young for their

online activities
B) 2006 was announced to be the year of the
C) Internet use among the elderly population
is limited
D) many young people are using the digital
media in impressive ways
E) Time magazine incorporates digital media
into its journalism

71. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 73. Like language, music is a uniquely human
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek activity. Although music is often spoken of
cümleyi bulunuz. as a kind of language, it is certainly not
within the same space of possibilities as
71. In recent years, many countries in Africa natural human languages. Music
have faced severe food shortages as a communicates something, perhaps
result of extended drought. The reduced emotional states. It is sometimes symbolic;
capacity for food production has been for instance, when the Wedding March is
catastrophic for a population of over 200 played to symbolize weddings. ----
million people, some of whom have died of Therefore, it seems appropriate to treat
starvation. ---- In order to rehabilitate these music as a form of communication, but not
victims, the international community brings as a language in the technical sense.
in emergency aid, both in the form of food
supplies and of technical assistance. A) That is why composers aim at aesthetic
However, the drought hazard in Africa is pleasure while they compose their music.
expected to continue, recurring at B) The right hemisphere of the brain is
unpredictable intervals. involved in musical perception and in
experienced musicians the left
A) It is especially the rural people in Africa hemisphere is also involved.
who need to be trained efficiently. C) Yet it shares few of the grammatical and
B) As regards the continent’s precious top- expressive possibilities found in all
soil, it is being lost at an incredible rate. standard languages.
C) The human population in Africa’s arid and D) In the opera, for instance, music and
semiarid areas has doubled in the past language combine.
three decades. E) This shows that musical ability is largely
D) Among the survivors, many will suffer based on auditory and rhythmic
impaired health for the rest of their lives. processing.
E) Unless serious measures are taken, the
economic situation could lead to political 74. Although it may not always be obvious, a
chaos. great deal of thinking lies behind every
advertisement we encounter, whether it be
72. Power has a bad name. In a society that on radio, or television or in the print media. -
cherishes equality and individuality, the --- Psychographics, for example, is used to
notion that some people wield power over divide people into lifestyle profiles that are
others is sometimes looked at with related to purchasing patterns. By using
disfavour. Yet many of our societal psychographics, professional advertisers
institutions would operate badly or not at all can analyze consumer’s values, needs,
if there were not at least some execution attitudes and motivation to purchase
and distribution of power. Not only large particular items.
organizations but also small institutions
would certainly break down if clear lines of A) Advertisements may seem pretty much
authority did not exist. ---- For instance, alike to us as they pass by in a blur.
power can be used for individual benefit, an B) The tougher the market, the more the
inflated sense of self-worth or the advertisers have to be careful about the
devaluation of others. methods they can use.
C) Even solid brands that have been
A) On the other hand, if abused, power can available for many years need advertising.
corrupt the power holder. D) In developing advertising for a product,
B) The economic power of a country can one must first understand the product
easily be undermined. itself.
C) Moreover, most institutions are not E) Several techniques are available that can
governed properly. help people resist persuasive messages.
D) Similarly, politicians could not govern
without the power given to them by
constitutions and legal systems.
E) Even so, a number of institutions need to
be upgraded.

75. In recent years, spam, that is, advertising 77. (I) Turkey first applied for associate
material sent by e-mail to people who have membership in the European Union (EU) – then
not asked for it, has congested the Internet, the European Economic Community (EEC) – in
threatened to overwhelm Internet service 1959. (II) The application resulted in an
providers, and caused sensitive Web association agreement in 1963, whereby
surfers to scamper back away from their Turkey and the EU would, in principal, gradually
computers in embarrassment. Spam is now create a customs union by 1995 at the latest.
approaching 60 per cent of all email, (III) After pursuing inward-oriented development
according to one research firm. It is said strategies throughout the 1960s and 1970s,
that the resulting productivity losses Turkey switched over to a more outward
amount to $9 billion annually. Current oriented policy position in 1980. (IV) It was a
approaches aren’t working, even though step towards full EU membership at an
home users and many companies started unspecified future date. (V) The EU unilaterally
filtering their e-mails. ---- In addition, most granted Turkey preferential tariffs and financial
individual lawsuits against spammers have assistance, but the process of mutual
been defeated, settled, or concluded with reductions in customs tariffs and nontariff
penalties unpaid. barriers was delayed because of the economic
and political conditions in Turkey.
A) Filtering and antivirus companies always
seem one step behind the rapidly evolving A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
methods of clever spammers.
B) The best way to solve the problem may be 78. (I) When the Turkish Republic was founded,
to alter our habits of using the Internet. Istanbul University was the only institution of
C) Using e-mail filtering tools helps higher education. (II) That is the reason why it
companies and individual users to block is the feeder of all the universities existing in
spam. Turkey today, and the academics educated
D) Reports from the front lines of the spam here have initiated the establishment of the
war suggest some promising solutions by other institutions. (III) Thus, Istanbul University
charging bulk e-mailers for each mail sent. has always been instrumental in the training of
E) The European Union has banned e-mail our country’s scientific cadres. (IV) The
marketing without prior consent and the university functions as a reflection of Turkey’s
US Congress has given its approval to the history of independence. (V) In addition to its
first federal law regulating spam. scientific impact, it has also been a leader in
the movement towards enlightenment and
76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla modernization by acting as a bridge between
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü science and life.
bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
76. (I) The common notion is that leadership
consists of certain qualities inherent in some 79. (I) A major issue in Australian social history has
individuals and that an individual who been the question of identity. (II) There has
possesses these qualities is a leader. (II) In any long been a tension between the preservation
situation s/he will be able to command the of British cultural values and the promotion of
confidence and respect of his/her fellows and to Australian independence. (III) In October 1992,
induce them to follow his/her policies and to Australia’s prime minister Paul Keating and
accept his/her plans and decisions. (III) Queen Elizabeth II formalized an agreement by
However, nowadays, it is conceived as a which Australian citizens would no longer be
functional role of a group member, played by an nominated for the receipt of UK honours. (IV)
individual at a particular time in a particular Many inhabitants have favoured the
group of people. (IV) Research on the nature of maintenance and development of cultural
leadership has helped to explode the notion of continuity with Britain. (V) Others, however,
individually distinct set of qualities, traits, or have come to reject this tradition, advocating
abilities. (V) In other words, leadership is being instead nationalism, or some kind of
exercised when a group member is helping the internationalism without a British focus.
group to define and to meet its needs.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80. (I) In most spheres, the Ottoman Empire was
more a part of Europe in the seventeenth
century than it had been in the sixteenth. (II)
This movement towards a more European norm
derived in part simply from a decline in fear. (III)
The Veneto-Ottoman war over Crete, even
more than the earlier Habsburg-Ottoman ones
over Hungary, made it clear that this empire no
longer posed a significant military threat to the
rising states of western Europe. (IV) Nor were
the gazes of these states any longer fixed
primarily upon the Mediterranean world, for
they had now become aware of the enormous
opportunities to exploit the worlds of eastern
Asia and the Americas. (V) As more and more
northern Europeans visited the Ottoman
domains, they also gained profound insight into
that world.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

1 E 11 D 21 A 31 B 41 E 51 E 61 B 71 D
2 D 12 E 22 E 32 C 42 A 52 A 62 A 72 A
3 E 13 B 23 B 33 C 43 B 53 C 63 C 73 C
4 B 14 B 24 A 34 A 44 C 54 B 64 B 74 B
5 B 15 E 25 E 35 B 45 A 55 C 65 D 75 A
6 D 16 D 26 C 36 B 46 C 56 A 66 A 76 D
7 E 17 D 27 D 37 B 47 C 57 D 67 E 77 C
8 B 18 B 28 E 38 C 48 B 58 A 68 D 78 D
9 D 19 C 29 E 39 D 49 B 59 E 69 B 79 C
10 B 20 D 30 E 40 A 50 A 60 C 70 A 80 E


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