Vendor Questionnaire - Sildenafil Citrate 1
Vendor Questionnaire - Sildenafil Citrate 1
Vendor Questionnaire - Sildenafil Citrate 1
Ref. Doc. No.: SOP/IP/QA/011
Name of the Material(s): Sildenafil Citrate
Telephone Number: +91 2676 220912 Fax Number: +91 265 2226023
Is contract manufacturing is performed for manufacturing of full/part of process of the material/s? Yes √ No If
yes, please provide the name of the manufacturer, manufacturing site address and activities performed:
Note: Both manufacturer and contract manufacturer will fill this questionnaire individually.
List of Materials which are Manufactured in the Same Site (please add attachment, if required):
Product list is enclosed
List of All Materials the Company have (please add attachment, if required):