Appendix 4 - Supplier Quality Questionnaire

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Appendix 4 : SUPPLIER QUALITY QUESTIONNAIRE – Instructions for Completion


 This questionnaire should be completed by a representative of the company's Quality Assurance (or equivalent)
Department from the site of manufacture/supply only. It is not to be completed by a representative from the Marketing
facility or General Headquarters.
 Please take the time to fill out this questionnaire with as much detail as possible. The information will facilitate the
evaluation and potential approval/qualification of your company as a supplier to.
 Please answer all questions (if a question is not applicable please mark as N/A).
 If additional space is needed to fully complete any section of this evaluation, please attach additional information, as
applicable and list in the reference list.
 Please ensure that the last page of section A is signed by company representatives indicating agreement with all
 If you answer yes to questions 2.3 and 2.4 of Section A please ensure that you fill out Section C & D for further
 Please send the completed form to the contact detailed below.
 If you are an agent, distributing product manufactured by another company, please supply the details of the
manufacturing companies for each of the products listed below and return to the contact specified below.

Applicable Sections (as indicated by checked box(s)):

(Please complete the following Applicable Sections based on the type and origin of the supplied material)
Sections A – General Company Information and Quality Management Questionnaire
Sections B – BSE/BSE Risk Analysis Survey
Sections C – GMO – Vegetable Origin
Sections D – Allergen
Sections E – Extended Quality Questionnaire for Critical Material
Sections F – Packaging Material

Area/Products of interest:      
Specify when applicable
 Material Brand Name(s)
 Chemical Name
 Material Code
 Product Code

Company Contact: Reviewer Name

Position/Title: Reviewer Position/Title
Company Site/Location: Reviewer Site
Address: Reviewer Mailing Address
Telephone number: Reviewer Telephone
Fax number: Reviewer Fax
Email address: Reviewer E-Mail

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