Design Calculation of Driven and Driving System of Clutch (Landcruiser)

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Maung Ngin Kap Thang

There are many types of clutches. They are classified

Abstract— A clutch is a mechanism designed to connect or
into three types, positive, friction and hydraulic clutch by
disconnect the transmission of power from one working part
engagement. And in the friction types, plate, cone and
to another. It is located between the engine and gearbox of the
centrifugal clutches are divided by the friction surface.
vehicles.This thesis expresses types of clutches and classifies
Moreover, plate clutches are distinguished into single plate
them. It describes the design of the single plate clutch with
and multi plate clutches by the number of plates.
diaphragm spring of landcruiser. The parts of the clutch are
In the production of the landcruiser, clutches are used for
presented in this thesis with the needed figures to show the
the transmission system and the producers of our country are
composition of them. Operation of the clutch is explained the
using the clutches from the foreign countries. Thus, the
required figures for the easiness to understand. Function of
Myanmar engineers have a duty to design out of the good
the flywheel, clutch disc, pressure plate, springs, pressure
design of the clutch for the industrial zones that produce the
plate housing or cover and the linkage necessary to operate
landcruiser for the public. In this thesis, the transmission
the clutch are included with the figures. In this thesis, the
system of a car, operation and design calculation of single
results data of dimensions for the clutch is approximately
plate clutch used in the landcruiser is presented.
equal to the exciting design data. The diameter of spring is 50
mm and it is almost equal to the exciting diameter 48m. II. CLUTCH SYSTEM
The clutch is to disconnect the engine from the remaining
parts of the power transmission system at the will of the driver
Keywords— clutch, pressure plate, springs, slave cylinder by operation of a foot pedal, thus permitting the engine to run
I. INTRODUCTIONU8 without driving the car. It is also defined as a form of coupling

A clutch is used to transmit engine power to transmission in

a manner that will allow the car to start out in a smooth
placed between the engine and the transmission that permit the
drive to couple or uncouple the engine and the transmission.
fashion. The clutch is used to facilitate the shifting of Clutches are useful in devices with two rotating
transmission gear. It also can be used to allow the engine to shafts. The main shaft is typically driven by an engine. The
operate, when the car is stopped, without placing the clutch connects the two shafts so that they can either be
transmission in neutral (out of gear). A clutch is a mechanism locked together and spin at the same speed, or be decoupled
designed to connect or disconnect the transmission of power and spin at different speeds. . When the foot of a driver is off
from one working part to another. the pedal, the springs push the pressure plate against the
clutch disc, which in turn presses against the flywheel.

NIGN KAP THANG was with the Mandalay Technological University, III. COMPONENT OF CLUTCH
Mandalay, Myanmar. He is now with the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Technological University (Thanlian), Yangon Division,
Clutch is basically consists of eight major parts. They are
Myanmar (corresponding author to provide e-mail: 1. Flywheel ,
[email protected]).
2. Pressure plate , = 6755.68 N
3. Clutch disc ,
4. Clutch Release Lever Operating Mechanism , Fa
The average pressure, Pavg =
5. Clutch Housing and Input Shaft (Clutch Shaft), (
π r c − o − r 2 c −i
6. Clutch Spring, = 164.7 kN / m2
7. Diaphragm Spring, and The maximum pressure of clutch plate is 200 kN / m2
8. Clutch Damper. .Therefore, design is satisfied.

Area of the pressure plate, A =

π 2
D 0 - D2i )
= π (0.32 2 − 0.224 2 )
Tc 4
The clutch torque is, SF = = 0.041 m2
Where,SF = service factor(1.5 for high speed diesel engine) Thickness of the pressure plate,

Tc = torque of clutch, Nm (362.85 form engine − 3p

ss = ×
( )
4mt 2 pp r 2 o − r 2 i
⎡ 4 ⎤
Te,max = maximum torque of engine, Nm ⎢r o (3m + 1) + r 4 o (m − 1) − 4mr 2 o r 2 i − 4(m + 1)r 2 o r 2 i log e ro ⎥
⎣ ri ⎦
Te,max = 544.275 Nm
Axial force, Fa = Pmax × rc-i × 2 π (rc-o-rc-i )
Fa = 263 893 . 78 r2c-o N m= ( For cast iron A47-77 )
Where, Pmax = maximum unit pressure(200 × 103 N / m2 γ = 0.28 (For cast iron )
Pressed abestos on cast iron or steel) 1
rc-o = outside radius of friction surface, m 0.28
rc-i = inside radius of friction surface, m =3.57

The usual ratio of inside to outside radius of clutch disc P = 200 kN/m2
ro = 0.16 m
are 0.6 ~ 0.8.
Friction torque, Tc = Fa μ Rf n ri = 0.112 m
Where, Fa = axial force, N
Rf = mean frictional radius of clutch, m Allowable stress , ss =
n = number of friction surfaces Yield stress of the pressure plate,
μ = coefficient of friction Sy =221 MN/m2 ( Table II )
=0.3 (Pressed asbestos on cast iron or steel) Safety factor, N =3
ss =
Tc = 263 893 . 78 × r2c-o × 0.3 × 0.85 rc-o × 2 3
rc-o = 0.16 m = 73.67 MN/m2

rc-I = 0.112 m
Width of the friction surface, Wc = (rc-o– rc-i )
= 0.05 m
Axial force, Fa = 263 893 . 78 × r2c-o
- 3 × 2 × 10 5 544.275
t 2 pp = × Fs =
4 × 3.57 × 73.67 × 10 6 r 2 o - r 2 i ) (4 × 0.0676 )
⎡ r o (3m + 1 ) + r 0 (m - 1 ) - 4mr
4 4 2
o r2i - ⎤ = 2012.1 N
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 4 (m + 1 )r 2 o r 2 i log r o ⎥ Fs exerts on the damper spring. Thus,
⎢⎣ e
ri ⎥⎦ To calculate the design of the damper spring,
tpp =0.02 m 8kFs C
ss =
Thickness of the pressure plate, tpp =0.02 m πd 2
The practical data of pressure plate thickness is 0.023 m. For this design calculation, steel (A514) is used for
So, design is satisfied. damper spring. Its allowable stress can be known as the
following considering.
Yield stress of carbon steel, sy = 700 MN/m2
Tdamper = Tc = 544.275 Nm sy
Allowable stress, s s =
⎡ r − R hub ⎤ N
R s = R hub + ⎢ c − i ⎥
⎣ 2 ⎦ Safety factor, N = 1.5

700 × 10 6
Torsional ss =
= 466.66 MN/m2

R Stiffness of the spring,

4C − 1 0.615
k= +
4C − 4 C
Fig. 1. Damper Spring
For round wire,
For Rs , radius of the hub is needed to know. So,
Spring index, C = 5
Dshaft = 0.030m (for partical measuring)
(4 × 5) − 1 + 0.615
Dhub = 1.55Dshaft
(4 × 5) − 4 5
= 1.55 × 0.030
= 1.31
= 0.0465 m
Diameter of the wire , s = 8KFs C
Rhub = 0.02325 m s 2
⎡ 0.112 - 0.02325 ⎤ 8kFs C
R s = 0.02325 + ⎢ ⎥⎦ d=
⎣ 2 πs s
Rs = 0.067625 m
8 × 1.31 × 2012.1 × 5
π × 466.66 × 10 6
In the clutch, damper spring operates to remove the = 0.01 m
turning of clutch plate with the flying together while the
Diameter of spring , C = D s
disengagement condition. The force of the damper spring can d
be calculated by using the following Equation. D s = Cd
Tdamper = Fs × n s × R s = 5 ×0.01= 0.05 m
Number of damper spring, ns = 4 Number of coil, nc = 5 (For Toyota Type)
Rs = 0.067625 m Modulus of rigidity for steels used in springs = 80×109 N/m2
Tdamper = 544.275 Nm (For cast iron )
The deflection of the damper spring, y = 8n c Fs C
In this thesis, the design of single plate clutch for
= 0. 0125 m landcruiser is calculated. It states that overview of motor
Stiffness of the damper spring, k = Fs = 2012.11 vehicles, classification of the clutch, components of the single
y 0.01
plate clutch and the design calculation of clutch plate, pressure
= 201.211 kN/m plate, and deflection of diaphragm spring, master cylinder,
slave cylinder, clutch pedal and bearing selection.
VI. DESIGN RESULTS The outside and inside diameters of the clutch plate

The table shows the results of the single plate design for are calculated 0.32 m and 0.224 m. The actual diameters are
landcruiser. According to engine used in the landcruiser made 0.31 m and 0.20 m. So, the design is satisfied.
by TOYOTA Company, its maximum engine torque is 362.8
Nm. Torque of the clutch is obtained from the calculation by
service factor and engine torque. And then, these values are The author would like to acknowledge particular thanks
used in calculation of the mean friction radius. Outside and to his gratitude to his family, for their kindness and complete
inside diameters of the pressure plate are depending on the supports. The author wishes to express the deepest gratitude to
mean friction radius. In according with the clutch force, the his supervisor Dr. Myat Myat Soe, Associate Professor,
lengths of clutch pedal and clutch fork, master cylinder and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mandalay
slave cylinder, the force acting on the diaphragm spring vary.
Technological University, for her kindly help and invaluable
RESULTS OF SINGLE PLATE CLUTCH permission. The author is particularly indebted to his Co-
supervisor Dr. Htay Htay Win, Associate Professor,
Sr. Specification Result Data Calcu Actu Uni
Mechanical Engineering Department, Mandalay
No lated al t
Technological University, for her help.
1 Maximum torque of engine 362.8 - Nm
2 Torque of Clutch 544.2 - Nm
3 Mean friction radius of the 0.136 - m REFERENCES
[1] Alex. Vallance, 1938. Design of Machine Members,
4 Outside diameter of the clutch 0.32 0.31 m L.ERLIKH, Machine Elements, (1969)
[3] MartinW.Stocket,1974.AutoMechanics Fundamentals,SouthHolland.
[4] V.A.W.Hillier T.Eng.(CEI), Motor Vehicle Basic Principles, Crodon
5 Inside diameter of the clutch 0.224 0.20 m College of Design and Technology, Hutchinso, London.(1981)
[5] Allen S.Hall,JR., M.S., Ph.D. Theory and Problems of Machine Design,
plate *Metric, McGraw-Hill Book Company. (1992)
6 Width of the friction surface 0.05 0.05 m [6] Ball and Roller Bearing Catalog, 1995. NTN Bearing Corporation
[7] R.S.Khurmi, J.K.GUPTA,1997.A Textbook of Machine Design,
7 Outside diameter of the 0.32 0.31 m
pressure plate
8 Inside diameter of the 0.224 0.20 m
pressure plate
9 Thickness of pressure plate 0.02 0.02 m
10 Number of damper springs 4 4
11 Diameter of spring wire 0.01 0.01 m
12 Diameter of spring coil 0.05 0.04 m


Material Ductility
Tensile Yield
Designation (percent
Strength Strength
(ASTM elongation
Number) in 2in)

414 310 18
Ductile iron 552 379 6
A536-77 690 483 3
827 621 2

Malleable iron 345 221 10

A47-77 365 241 18

414 276 10
448 310 6
A220-76 483 345 5
586 483 3
724 621 1

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