Design Calculation of Axle Shaft (Landcruiser) : Abstract
Design Calculation of Axle Shaft (Landcruiser) : Abstract
Design Calculation of Axle Shaft (Landcruiser) : Abstract
Maung Aung Ko Oo
four joints, two propeller shafts, front axles and rear axles
Abstract— This paper describes the design of axle shaft of the with differentials and drive wheels.
drive line in Landcruiser. It is four wheel drive and the functions of
front and rear axles are the same. The engine speed is 3600 rpm at II. THE DRIVE TRAIN OF FWD VEHICLE
163 hp. The axles in this paper are semi-floating axles. The
purpose of this paper is how to consider and calculate the
The drive train of a FWD vehicle is the group which
dimensions of axles using known data such as, the length and transmits torque from the engine to the drive wheels. A
diameter of front short axle. In this research, the diameters of the FWD vehicle power train consists of clutch, transmission
front and rear axles are calculated. The diameters of axle shafts are (gear box), transfer case, universal joints, two propeller
approximately equal to each other. The diameters of the front short shafts, differentials and axles. The drive train of a FWD car
and long axles are 30 mm and 32 mm. And the diameters of the is as shown in Figure 2.1.
rear long and short axles are 32 mm and 30 mm. Key design and
bearing selection are also calculated. Splines are designed for key
In FWD vehicles, either all the wheels of a passenger car
and the groove ball bearing is selected. The rotational critical or commercial vehicle are continuously-in other words
speeds for the axles are calculated. The comparison of the critical permanently-driven, or one of the two axles is always linked
speed and operating speed is also described. The axles are to the engine and the other can be selected manually or
designed to have the strength to withstand the heavy weight of automatically. This is made possible by what is known as
Landcruiser. the “centredifferential lock”. If a middle differential is used
to distribute the driving torque between the front and rear
Keywords— Axles, Bearing, Critical speed, Splines.
axles, the torque distribution can be established on the basis
of the axle-load ratios, the design philosophy of the vehicle
and the desired handling characteristics.
For rotating shaft and load suddenly applied, Kb = 2 Axial bending moment for axles,
Kt = 1.5 d mG
M a = Fa × = 9 9 .6 4 N .m
M4 = M 12 +M 32
B. Calculation of Bending Moment for Axles
= 267.16 N .m
a b c M 5 = M 2 = 589.7949 N.m
M5 > M4
The value of M 5 should be taken for maximum bending
R2 moment acting on the shaft.
Wbevel +Wpinion +
2 Vertical load M b1 = M 52 + M a2
R4 WF = 5 9 8 .1 5 N .m
Fr R1
2 Horizontal load
M2 Therefore the bending moment for other axles can also be
R3 determined by using the procedure of the front short axle.
Vertical moment For front long axle, M b2 = 759.93 N.m
M1 For rear long axle, M b3 = 760.19 N.m
Horizontal moment
M3 For rear short axle, M b4 = 582 N.m
Combined moment
C. Calculation of Diameters for Four Axles
For front short axle,
Figure.3. Bending Moment Diagram of Front Short
Axle d 13 = (K b M b1 ) 2 + (K t M t ) 2
πs s
The front axles withstand the front weight of the car. The d1 = 29.30 mm (Choose 30 mm)
front weight of the car does not exceed the half of gross
For front long axle,
weight of the car. To secure the design, the front weight of
the car can be calculated from the weight of the car. d 32 = (k b M b2 ) 2 +(k t M t ) 2
Gross weight 2630
Front weight of car, WF = = = 1315 kg d 2 = 31.07 mm (Choose 32 mm)
2 2
= 12900.15 N For rear long axle,
a = 5 .7 5 in d 33 = (k b M b3 ) 2 +(k t M t ) 2
= 0 .1 4 6 m
b = 0 .5 1 1 8 m d 3 = 31.37 mm (Choose 32 mm)
c = 0 .0 9 1 4 4 m For rear long axle,
W rin g 16
(W b e v e l + W p in io n + ) a+
(b + c ) = R 2 × b
d 34 = (k b M b4 ) 2 +(k t M t ) 2
2 2 πss
9.81×(9+6+ )×0.146+
(0.5118+0.09144) = R 2 ×0.5118
d 4 = 29.08 mm (Choose 30 mm)
2 2
D. Calculation for the Dimensions of the Splines of the
R 2 = 8 0 3 3 .7 4 N Shafts
R = mean radius of splines (mm) Table 3. Results of Splines for Four Axles
E. Design Calculation of Bearing D h R A W P
Minimum bearing life for automobile, L10 = 1500 hr mm mm mm mm2 mm MPa
As the inner race of bearing rotates, V = 1.0
Design data: Acceleration due to gravity (g)= 9.81 m/s2 Front short axle
2000-3600 3116-3600
Modulus of elasticity for steel (E) = 1.96 × 1011
Density of carbon steel (ρ) = 7860 kg/m3 Front long axle
2000-3600 3116-3600
The critical rotation speed of the shafts can be determined
by using the following equation, Rear long axle 2000-3600 3116-3600
60 π 2 EI
Nc = (rpm)
2π L2 ρA Rear short axle 2000-3600 3116-3600
π 4 π
I= d (m 4 ) , A = d 2 (m 2 )
64 4
Generally, axle is to use in the machine which
consists of bearings and it needs to lift the rotating parts and
IV. RESULT TABLES the weight of the machine. In a vehicle, axles are the parts
of power train which drives the vehicle. Nowadays the
construction of the power train in an automobile is more
complex than that in the past. But the shapes and functions
of axles will never change. In this paper, the design
diameters of the shafts are almost equal to the existing
design values. The existing diameters for four axles are 30
mm. From the design results, the diameters for front and
rear short axles are 30mm and that of front and rear long
axles are 32 mm. Due to the locations of bearings, the
bending moments are different for each shaft and the
diameters of shafts are also different. Critical speed is also
considered to secure the design for high speed rotation. The
critical rotation speeds for front and rear short axles are
6287 rpm and that for front and rear short axles are 4265
rpm. The operating speed of the shafts is 3116 rpm. So the
critical speeds are larger than the operating speed and the
design is satisfied. In this thesis, the carbon alloy steel is
used for the shafts. The splines and groove ball bearing are
designed. The permissible stress acting on the splines must
be less than 7 MPa. So the design for splines is satisfied for
the axles. The bearing design is made depending upon the
dynamic load. The result data of dynamic load is less than
the dynamic load of bearing selected. For the shafts, carbon
alloy steel (9255) is selected.
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