GC Cam Design and Analysis PDF
GC Cam Design and Analysis PDF
GC Cam Design and Analysis PDF
In Globoidal cam mechanism, index motion is
smooth and they are specially designed to
minimise vibrations. A globoidal cam with
cylindrical rollers radially mounted at its turret is
one of the mechanisms employed for angular
indexing motion control. As operating speed is
high, there should be finite and low value of
jerk. Present paper focuses the different motion
curves. After studying the two different cases
regarding the same input values of input
parameters, peak output torque and jerk are
determined. The results were discussed after
comparing with the graphs obtained from the
centesimal scales. Finally appropriate motion Fig. 1 Cam Indexer for intermittent action
curves are suggested for the given applications.
inertial moments of work pieces with its table
Keywords - Cam Indexer, Globoidal Cam,
loaded at the output shaft must first be specified.
Modified Constant Velocity Curve, Modified
Then, the required total output torque containing
Sine Curve, Modified Trapezoid curve, Surface
the inertia torque, the friction torque, and the
based modelling
work torque can be calculated. To meet the total
required output torque, the cam shaft torque at
1. INTRODUCTION the demanded rotational speed should be
Compare to other cam-follower mechanisms, the estimated based on the number of dwells of a
structure of globoidal cam follower mechanisms complete circle at the output shaft, index period,
are relatively compact. These mechanisms also dimensional parameters, and the selected or
have some special features such as: high loading synthesized turret motion. In addition, to ensure
capacity, low noise, low vibration, and high a proper design for such a cam-turret
reliability. Hence globoidal cams have widely mechanism, the cam profile has to be
been used in various automatic equipments in determined so that its pressure angles, surface
industry. Typical usages of globoidal cam curvatures, contact stresses, and load–life can be
mechanisms are in machine tools, automatic characterized. As a result, a motor and its
assembly lines, paper processing machines, reducer with an appropriate rotational speed and
packing machines, and many other automated torque can be decided to satisfy the total
manufacturing devices. In selecting a globoidal required output torque of a globoidal cam-turret
cam-turret device for a specific application, device. For driving the output shaft and
generally the parameters for its index time and satisfying the required output torque, the needed
globoidal cam shaft torque is transmitted to its
turret through the direct contact between the cam
IJSRET @ 2013
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue3 pp 163-168 June2013 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 – 0882
and its engaged cylindrical rollers. During an of the cam and the follower and some other
indexing period, it is clear that the cylindrical geometrical parameters of the globoidal cam
rollers mounted at the turret must bear the input mechanism. Tuong et al. (2009) proposed some
torque and the contact stress with the cam. Fig. 1 important tasks which are necessary in the
shows schematic diagram of Cam Indexer for modeling procedure of globoidal cams. These
intermittent action. tasks are modeling and virtual animation of the
globoidal cam mechanism for checking
Ching Huan Tseng et al. (1999) investigated interference between components of the system.
new concept of introducing pairs of rollers The correlation between the dynamic response
instead of single roller in adjacent cam ribs. of a globoidal cam (GC) system and the motor
They claimed increased accuracy and stability, driving speed is investigated numerically and
reduced contact stresses and improvement in experimentally investigated J H Kuang et al.
preload. In their patent they claimed improved (2010).
arrangement and geometry design of globoidal
cam index mechanism. Fu Yang Ming et al.
(2000) designed the contour surface of the 2. METHODOLOGY AND
globoidal cam with the aid of computer. He DEVELOPMENT
wrote a program in Visual BASIC Language. There are applications in which the motion of a
The program adopts the form of person- mechanism is dictated by a special function it
computer dialogue. He also prepared optimum has to perform or by the motion of an associated
mathematical model of the cam with minimum mechanism. If cam is used to move a drill
volume. He also discussed the problem of forward at a constant feed rate the shape of the
pressure angle of the globoidal cam mechanism cam must be designed with the regard to
in detail and put forward a new concept of geometry of the follower and transmission to
equivalent pressure angle. Jie Shing Lo et al. provide a constant velocity. Those sections of
(2001) studied bearing contact of roller gear such cam which are governed purely by dynamic
cams which is useful to understand contact considerations (accelerations and deceleration)
nature, and contact stresses of the roller gear require the selection of suitable law. There are
cam, which are considered as design indices for applications which are the majority requiring
performance consideration and especially for simply moving a mass of mechanism from one
lubrication of cam. Vu-Thinh Nguyen et al. position to another in a certain time. If the speed
(2007) described synthesis method of designing of operation is very slow it matters little which
flexible cam profiles by using smoothing spline motion law is chosen. However, for high speeds
curves. He presented a very flexible cam profile efficient performance is essential to select a
synthesis method that uses smoothing spline dynamically suitable cam motion law.
curves. The proposed method can control the 2.1 Motion Laws (Motion Curves)
displacement, velocity and acceleration of a cam
The output motion is a normalized function of
profile simultaneously. Inherent characteristics
the input rotation. Mathematical expressions to
of the smoothing spline curve guarantee the
produce suitable follower motions are known as
smoothness of the designed cam profile. The
cam laws. There are well-known laws used for
numerical results for the simulated dynamic
cam motions, all of which has virtues and vices.
response histograms of the high speed operating
The problem is to decide which law is best
GC system are in good agreement with the
suited for a particular application, or which law
experimentally measured by Huang et al. (2007).
can be used as a standard for a wide variety of
Tuong et al. (2008) described a computer-aided
applications in different machines without
design for design of the concave globoidal cam
departing vary from ideal. In the design of a
with cylindrical rollers and swinging follower.
globoidal cam-turret mechanism, the desired
Four models with different modeling methods
turret motion of its roller-follower must be well
were made from the same input data. The input
defined. Motion curves for index drives provide
data was angular input and output displacements
IJSRET @ 2013
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue3 pp 163-168 June2013 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 – 0882
Modified Sine Curve (MSC) forces represent a significant part of the load on
The modified sine curve is a combination of the cam, this sudden release of energy may be
quarter sine wave curves. In terms of its detrimental to the cam-follower system
torsional action, the change from positive to performance and limit the operating speeds.
negative torque occurs in over 40 percent of the Much better torque characteristics can be
travel time. This attribute makes this curve obtained with the modified sine curve.
attractive as a choice in moving large masses
such as indexing intermittent turrets. Its lower With indexing motion, unlike constant speed
torque and power demand make the modified motion, the moving parts have to be accelerated
sine curve one of the best choices of curves. from rest to a maximum velocity and decelerated
to rest again once every indexing cycle. To
Modified Trapezoid Curve (MTC) accelerate the mass a torque is exerted by the
A trapezoidal acceleration curve is composed of mechanism to overcome the inertia of the load.
a parabolic motion combined with the cycloidal This torque is the function of the indexing speed,
curve. This combination reduces the maximum the cam motion law and the mass and size of the
acceleration at the expense of somewhat higher indexed parts. Inertia torque is as determined for
jerk values. The modified trapezoidal curve is the given input parameters. For comparison
popular in industry. However, it has one applications where cam index period and
objectionable characteristic: the torque goes number of stations are same are selected. Table I
from positive maximum to negative maximum shows the values of input parameters for Case I
in 20 percent of the travel time. If dynamic and Case II.
IJSRET @ 2013
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue3 pp 163-168 June2013 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 – 0882
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION output torque and jerk are minimum for MT
Globoidal cam indexing mechanism produces curve for both applications. Time period 1 is
controlled output acceleration /deceleration assumed for both the data in which index angle
because its output shaft is at all times tightly is 270 degree for input motion and 90 degree for
connected to its input shaft, making the output output motion. From the centesimal scales
rotation a strict function of the input rotation, prepared for Modified Sine, Modified
determined by the shape of the cam profile. The Trapezoid, Modified Constant Velocity motion
cams are designed to have the required index curves graph of cam angle and jerk values are
time, dwell time and number of stations, and to obtained. The graphs obtained are shown in
meet the requirements of static and dynamic Fig 2.
loading, rigidity and accuracy. As part of
dynamic loading the torque imposed on the
output shaft during the index period and the jerk
developed during start-stop indexing are selected
as the performance parameters. The results for
three motion curves for two different
applications are presented in Table II.
IJSRET @ 2013
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue3 pp 163-168 June2013 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 – 0882
suitable for high-speed applications. The MS has required. In such situations MS curve should be
a reasonable and also, the lowest preferred. From the result Table 2 it is clear that
provides the advantage of the Results for MT and MS curve are closer, it is
clear that there is a choice between these curves.
lowest input shaft rotational irregularity. This The MCV is suitable for very low speed and
curve is estimated as the best compromise, and heavy load applications and where operation
70% of cams for index mechanisms utilize this demands uniform velocity.
curve. Though the MCV has the lowest and
is known to be suitable for low speed and heavy 4. CONCLUSION
load applications, it is also often used for Considering the problems faced by the
applications requiring the constant velocity manufacturers of indexing mechanism in
period. deciding the appropriate cam motion laws, three
motion curves MS, MT and MCV are selected
Generally the higher increases the pressure for the study. The input data is from real life
angle of cam, and the cam size should be applications. From the result and analysis of
increased to obtain the desired torque. The motion curves, it is observed that for high loads
higher reduces the curvature radius of the and high speeds modified trapezoid is suitable,
cam and might cause an undercut. The for low load and high speed modified sine is the
best choice and for high load conditions and low
represents the input shaft torque and
speeds modified constant velocity is preferable.
the lower figure of this allows a drive motor For other combinations modified sine gives
with a smaller rated output. Considering all better results. From the numerical analysis
these factors, the most suitable motion curve values of torque and jerk are minimum and input
should be selected. This is a real example but its power required is also low, for the applications
modeling procedures can be applied for other chosen for the study the modified trapezoid
situations when the angular input/output are motion curve seems to be suitable. As values are
known. For the two different inputs from the so closer modified sine curve is better choice for
customers the values obtained from calculations both the applications.
of various components are analyzed. The result
of this study is very useful in terms of modeling ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and manufacturing globoidal cam.
The authors are grateful to Orbital Systems Pvt.
Ltd., Nashik (MS), India for providing the
With the modified trapezoid curve the torque
experimental facility. Also thankful to the
goes from positive maximum to negative
support of Prof. D. R. Nandanwar, Principal of
maximum in 20 % of travel time, the sudden
Government Polytechnic Nashik (MS), India.
release of energy is detrimental to the cam
follower system performance. This limits the
operating speed for MT curve.
Comparatively MS curve exhibits better [1] Ching-Huan Tseng and Wei-Han Wang,
performance for different combinations of “Indexing Mechanisms Using Pairs of
application parameters. For the same input radially Disposed Rollers Engaged between
power requirement and output torque may be Adjacent Cam Ribs”, U.S. Patent,
little bit higher (the same electric motor may be No.5960668, 1999.
required) but performance and life of the system [2] FU Yan Ming, “Analysis and Design of the
is better. For the Application I studied input Globoidal Indexing Cam Mechanism”,
power required is 0.235 hp with MS curve and Journal of Shanghai University, Vol. 4, No.
0.208 hp with MT curve and for Application II 1 Mar. 2000, pp 54-59.
input power 0.488 hp and 0.432 hp respectively [3] Jie-Shing Lo, Ching-Haun Tseng, Chung-
which indicates that the motor of 0.5 hp is Biau Tsay, “A Study on the bearing contact
IJSRET @ 2013
International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET)
Volume 2 Issue3 pp 163-168 June2013 www.ijsret.org ISSN 2278 – 0882
IJSRET @ 2013