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Design Calculation of Stability For Automobile (Landcruiser)

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Design Calculation of Stability for Automobile

Maung Zaw Min

Abstract—This paper describes the design calculations of II. THE FUNCTION OF THE AUTOMOBILE STABILITY
stability control used in weighing method of landcruiser. The
The functions of the automobile stability are the following;
landcruiser is four wheel drives and weighing method is used. The
1. If the car is to be operated on grades the center of gravity
engine power is 162 hp at 3600 rpm. The stability of car can be
calculated three methods. There are suspension method, balancing
C should be as low as possible with respect to the soil
method and weighing method. In this system, the weighing method is surface and still maintain the desired clearance between
also important to get the car center of gravity on the ground. the car frame and the soil.
The purpose of this paper is how to consider and calculate the 2. From the standpoint of stability drive wheels should have
stability control system by using known data such as 2210 kg of the as small a moment of inertia as possible and still
car weight (mt), 2850 mm of the car wheel base (L), 1900 mm of car maintain the required strength, durability and dimensions.
width(Lo), 1900 mm of car height and 760mm of the diameter of the 3. The stability of a car, the drive wheels of which have
car wheel(r). In this paper, the vehicle moment of inertia (3852 started to dig in, may be dangerously disturbed by placing
2 2 a timber or other object positive traction under the points
kgm ) is larger than the body moment inertia (2499 kgm ). For the
lateral stability, the maximum cross grade is 60˚50´. The maximum of the lugs. The danger is increased, if the car is on an
turning car speed is 23 mph. upgrade, the clutch should be engaged carefully and
slowly, and if the situation is very critical the car should
Keywords— stability, weighing method, center of gravity, be back out.
moment of inertia, cross grade angle 4. From the standpoint of maximum stability and tractive
ability the wheelbase should be as long as possible and
still permit a satisfactory turning radius and ability to
I. INTRODUCTION cross checks.
EHICLES such as cars, trains, ships and airplanes are

V intended to move people and goods from place to place

in an efficient and safe manner. In this paper certain
A. Suspension method
aspects of the motion of vehicles usually described using the If a hoist and overhead structure of sufficient capacity to
terms ‘‘stability and control”. The stability of a car is support the car being studied are available, the suspension
important for at least two fundamental reasons; first the method is easily applied. The car is suspended from any
danger to life and equipment if the car becomes unstable and convenient part strong enough to carry its weight such as the
turns over backward and second the varying ratio between the front or rear axle. The center of gravity will be in the vertical
supporting soil reactions at the front and the rear wheels. plane through the point of suspension. In carrying through this
The danger of overturning may be eliminated by one procedure the center line of the rear axle should be kept
or more of the following means; proper location of the center horizontal.
of gravity and the car; device to shut off the power when the
car rises in front; careful operation. The advantage of a four B. Balancing method
wheel drive system is that longitudinal tire traction forces are The balancing method can be readily applied to make an
generated at all four wheels to help the forward motion of the approximate location of the center of gravity of a car. If the
car is maneuvered so that the lug point positions of the two
vehicle. This is very helpful in situations where loss of
cars match and is then driven slowly onto the timber it can be
traction is a problem, for example in snow, off-road terrain
balanced over two lug points. The center of gravity will be in
and in climbing slippery hills. Four wheel drive systems
the vertical plane through the lug points. By backing the car
provide no advantage, however, in stopping on a slippery
onto the timber another plane may be located.
C. Weighing method
The weighing method is easily applied of either a crane or
platform scale large enough to weigh the front end of the car
Zaw Min is with the Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay,
Myanmar. Contact Phone: 095-2-88704(Mechanical Engineering
is available. A vertical plane containing the height center of
Department), Fax: 095-2-88702(Office, MTU), e-mail: gravity (hV) can be determined by the following equation in
[email protected] . automotive chassis:


Specifications of vehicle are;
L Gross vehicle weight: m = 2550 Kg
l Maximum speed: v = 180 km/hr
Overall length: Lt = 4820 mm
Lf Overall width: Lo = 1900 mm
α Wheel base: L = 2850 mm
Tire diameter: d = 760 mm
rdyn V
Lr Turning radius: r =6m
h mV,t = 2210 kg For empty passenger
mV,t - ∆m mV,t = 2370 kg For 2 passengers
∆Lr Display mv,t = 2550 kg For 5 passengers
in kg ∆m = 52, 59 and 67 when tanα = 0.5, from Table 3 for
empty, 2 and 5 passengers.
hV = LΔm + rdyn
m v,t tanα
mV,r + ∆m
= 1.29 × 52 + 380
Figure 1. Application of the Weighing Method in Locating = 514 mm For empty passengers
Center of Gravity hV = 1.21× 59 + 380
Where as, 0 .5
V = center of gravity = 522 mm For 2 passengers
hV = center of gravity height (mm) hV = 1.12× 67 + 380
L = wheel base (mm) 0.5
Lr = distance center of gravity to rear axle (mm) = 530 mm For 5 passengers
Lf = distance center of gravity to front axle (mm)
mV,t = total vehicle weight (kg) The maximum height of center of gravity of car is 530 mm.
The minimum height of center of gravity of car is 514 mm.
mV,f = the weight front axle load (kg)
mV,r = the weight rear axle load (kg) A. Calculation of Body Weight and High of Body Centre of
rdyn = dynamic rolling radius (mm) Gravity (hBo)
Uf = wheel center point, front The height hBo of the body centre of gravity Bo is easy to
Ur = wheel center point, rear calculate by observing the vehicle when it is tipped forwards
Δm = increase or decrease mass of car using an equation of moments.

hV = hV′ + rdyn (1)

hV′ = Δ Lr/tan α (2)
mV,t ( Lf + Δ Lr ) cosα = ( mV,r + Δ m ) L cosα (3)
Eliminating cosα
(m v,r + Δm)L (4)
ΔL r = − Lf
m v,t
Where as, mBo
Lf = m V,t × L (5)
m V,t
Lr = L - Lf (6) hBo
Therefore, mU,r + mU,f Uf or Ur hV
Δm (7) rdyn
ΔL r = ×L
m v,t
h V′ = LΔm (8)
m v,t tanα
hV = LΔm + rdyn (9)
m v,t tanα Figure 2. Body Centre of Gravity


hBo = high of body center of gravity (mm) If the only lateral force is the lateral component of the car’s
Bo = body center of gravity weight and moments are taken about Figure 2 at point C,
mBo = vehicle body weight (kg) 2R1L1 + Wsinβ hV – WcosβL1 = 0
mBo,f = part of body mass on front (kg)
sin β = L 1
mBo,r = part of body mass on rear (kg)
cos β hV
mU,f = unsprung axle mass, front (kg)
mU,r = unsprung axle mass, rear (kg) tanβ = L 1
−1 0 . 95
i m,f m v,f
m U,f = = 0.12 × 1280 = 137 kg β = tan
1 + 0.12 . 530
1 + i m,f
β = 60.84 = 60˚ 50'
mU,r = i m,r m v,r = 0.14 × 1270 =156 kg The maximum cross grade angle is 60˚ 50'.
1 + i m,r 1 + 0.14
mBo,f = mV,f - mU,f
= 1280 – 124 = 1156 kg
mBo,r = mV,r - mU,r
= 1270 − 129 = 1141 kg Wsinβ
mBo = 2550 − ( 124 + 129 ) = 2297 kg
m h − (m U,f + m U,r )rdyn Wcosβ
hBo = V,t V
m Bo
= 2550 × 530 − (137 + 156)380 = 540 mm
Depending on the loading condition and the weight of the L1 C
unsprung mass, the body centre of gravity hBo is 10–26 mm R1 R3
R2 β
higher than that of the vehicle as a whole hV. The car center of Horizontal
gravity height and the body center of gravity height are very
important for car stability. Figure 3. Forces and Reactions Due to Cross Grade Affect
If hV < hBo, the car will be stable. Lateral Stability
If hV > hBo, the car will be unstable. Where as,
The vehicle height of center of gravity is 530 mm. W = weight of entire car (kg)
And the body height of center of gravity is 540 mm. L1 = half of width (mm)
As clearly hV < hBo , the car design is satisfied. hV = height of centre of gravity (mm)
R1 = soil reaction against rear left wheel (N)
R2 = soil reaction against rear right wheel (N)
V. MASS MOMENTS OF INERTIA β = angle of cross grade (degree)
From the theory of mechanic is known that when a
A. Short Turns at High Speed
body is accelerated in a straight line the inertia Fc is given by
Centrifugal force F, resulting from turning, acts through the
Fc = m ax = mass × acceleration (N)
center of gravity,
IV = 0.1269 mV,t Lt L (kgm )
Wv 2
= 0.1269×2550×4.82×2.85
2 gr
= 4445 kgm (Vehicle moment of inertia)
Taking moments about Figure 3 points C,
IY,Bo = mBoi²Y,Bo
2 2
F × hV – W × L1/2 = 0
= 2297 × 1.13 = 2933 kgm (Body moment of inertia W × L0/2 = F × hV
y- axis)
Wv 2 h V
IX,Bo = mBoi²XBo W × L0/2 =
2 2 gr
= 2297 × 0.56 = 720 kgm (Body moment of inertia x-
axis) And dividing by W
It is desirable that the vehicle moment of inertia (IV) 2v 2 h V
L0 =
must be as large as the body moment of inertia (IBo). It might gr
be the deciding factor in preventing the car from overturning.
As clearly, IV > IY,Bo and also IV > IX,Bo, so the car stability is v² = L 0 × g × r
satisfied. hV × 2

1.9 × 9.81× 6 TABLE II

0.530 × 2
v = 10.3 m/s
v = 10.3 m/s × 3600s 70
v = 23 mph 60 Readings
4 passengers
The maximum turning car velocity is 23 mph. 50
2 passengers
According to this equation, if the turning car velocity is 40
larger than the 23 mph, the car is unstable. So the turning car

Δm kg
speed should be less than 23 mph. 30



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

hV W o = Raised rear axle × = Raised front axle

C Turning center VII. RESULTS

In four wheel drive passenger car, if the height of the center
R12 Lo of gravity of body must be greater than the height of center of
Figure 4. Forces Resulting When the Car is Turning gravity of vehicle for two or five passengers laden, the car will
Where as, be stable. In this paper, hBo is 540 mm and hV is 530 mm. As
F = Centrifugal force (N) the height of center of gravity of body is higher, the car design
W = weight of the car (kg) is satisfied. The vehicle moment of inertia is 4445 kgm². The
G = acceleration of gravity (ms-2) body moment of inertia y-axis is 2933 kgm² and 720 kgm² x-
v = velocity of the center of gravity (ms-1) axis. The turning radius is 6 m. The maximum cross grade
r = turning radius of the center of gravity (m) angle is 60˚and maximum turning speed is 23 mph.
L0 = rare wheel tread (L0/2=L1) (m)
V = center of gravity
L = wheel base (m) VIII. CONCLUSIONS
R12 = soil reaction (N)
The calculating of stability is one of the most important
factors in car design. In this paper, the weighing method is
only calculated because the method is easy to calculate. The
TABLE I long wheelbase is supported to the car stable. To calculate the
stability, the data must be known such as the height of center
KNOWN DATA OF PASSENGERS CAR of gravity of vehicle, the height of center of gravity of body,
Condition of Passengers in Passengers in rear the maximum turning car speed, cross grade angle and inertia
load on body front of vehicle and body. Weighing method is used to calculate the
height of center of gravity of vehicle and body for compare.
Empty Weight( Size Weight Size The height of center of gravity is considering for five
kg) (cm) (kg) (cm) passengers. The change of center of gravity of vehicle and
body has calculated by spring travel. If the height of center of
2 passengers 72 183 60 170
gravity of body is larger than the height of center of gravity of
vehicle, the car is said to be stable. If so, the car used in this
5 passengers 68 180 71 178 paper is said to be stable and has good safety for passengers.
Total weight of 140 kg 201 kg
passengers The author is deeply grateful to his parents. And the author
would like to express his heart felt gratitude to all his teachers
who taught him everything from childhood till now.

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