Bioplastic Synthesis Using Banana Peels and Potato Starch and Characterization

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Bioplastic Synthesis Using Banana Peels And Potato Starch And Characterization

Article  in  International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research · January 2020

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1 author:

Deepika Thangaraj
Apollo Arts and Science College


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Bioplastic Synthesis Using Banana Peels And

Potato Starch And Characterization
Rizwana Beevi. K, Sameera Fathima. A.R, Thahira Fathima. A.I, Thameemunisa. N, Noorjahan, C.M, Deepika. T.

Abstract: Environmental pollution was due to industries, dumping of wastes etc. The plastics are the main threat to environment as they are non-bio-
degradable. Based upon the above view, there is a need of sustainable material at the same time biodegradable. Such kind of materials are
called ―Bio plastics‖. Hence an investigation has been carried out to synthesize bioplastic using banana peels and potato starch and also to study its
characterization using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) analysis, Solubility and Swelling tests. The result of synthesis of bioplastic film
from banana peel showed that it was brown and that of potato starch was white in colour. Characterization was carried out by FTIR analysis, The FTIR
spectrum was obtained at the wavelength in the range of 400-4000cm . The results of Solubility test of synthesized bioplastic from banana peel and
potato starch revealed that it was completely soluble in sulphuric acid, acetone, ethyl alcohol, acetic acid, partially soluble in ammonia and insoluble in
water. The results of swelling test for both bioplastics synthesized showed that there was not much change when soaked in chloroform and methanol.
Slight increase in weight was observed when treated with water medium. Hence the synthesized bioplastic material has the substantial properties like
little or zero engorgement and insolubility in water makes it worth for commercial viability and use of renewable resource (banana and potato) will be the
best raw material for bioplastics synthesis.

keywords : Bioplastic, Banana Peel, Potato starch, FTIR, Solubility Test, Swelling Test.
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Environmental pollution is one of the serious problems Banana peels and potato starch were used for synthesis of
faced on humanity and other life forms on our planet today. bioplastics because they are very rich in starch, which
Environmental pollution is a global problem and is common consist of two different types of polymer chains called
to both developed and developing countries. Plastic amylose and amylopectin, made up of adjoined glucose
industry is considered as one of the most molecules that are bonded together to form
important industries which manufactures polymer materials- bioplastic. Banana fruits and potato were purchased from
commonly called as plastic and used to a range of local market at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
industries including packaging, building etc(1). One of the
important classification of plastics are thermoplast and 2.1 Preparation of banana peels from banana
thermosetting polymers. Bioplastics are plastics derived Preparation of banana peels from banana (plate 1) for
from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats banana paste formation was carried out by following the
andoils, corn starch, straw, wood chips, food waste, procedure of(3). Banana peels obtained from 5-6 bananas
agricultural by-products, also from used plastic bottles and were boiled in water for about 30 minutes taken in a beaker.
other containers using microorganisms. Bioplastic is Water was decanted from the beaker and the peels were
transparent, flexibile, durable, a great barrier and also a left to dry on filter paper for 30 minutes. The peels were
heat resistant. There are three types of bioplastics: 1.Starch completely dried and squashed using mortar and pestle
based bioplastics, 2. Cellulose based bioplastics and 3. until an uniform paste was obtained.
Protein based bioplastics(2). Bioplastics are used for
disposable items, such as packaging, crockery, cutlery, 2.2 Preparation of starch from potato
pots, bowls and straws. Beyond structural materials, Extraction of starch from potato involves crushing of 4-5
electroactive bioplastics are being developed that are used potatoes into a paste and then soaked in a bowl with water.
to carry electric current. The mixture was squeezed properly and the paste was
Biopolymers are available for coating paper rather than the crushed at an interval of 30 minutes for 3 to 4 times. Then
more common petrochemical coatings. Low energy costs to the paste was sieved and cloudy water was collected in
manufacture bioplastics. Based upon the above views, an separate bowl. Water was vaporized to obtain the juice from
attempt has been made to synthesize biodegradable plastic potato paste.
material using banana peels and potato starch, to
characterize the synthesized bioplastic material using FTIR 2.3 Production of biofilm from banana paste and potato
analysis, solubility test and swelling test. starch
___________________________________ Production of polymer from banana paste and potato starch
was carried out by following the procedure of(3). 25 grams of
 Corresponding Author: C.M. Noorjahan, Assistant Professor, P.G. & banana paste and potato starch were taken separately in a
Research Department of Zoology, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College beaker and 3 ml of (0.1N) hydrochloric acid was added to
for Women, Teynampet, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,
these mixture, stirred using glass rod followed by the
[email protected].
• Co-Authors: Rizwana Beevi. K, Sameera Fathima. A.R, Thahira Fathima. addition of 2 ml of glycerol and again stirred. 3ml of 0.1N
A.I, Thameemunisa. N. currently pursuing Master degree in P.G. & sodium hydroxide was added in order to neutralize the pH
Research Department of Zoology, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College upto 7. The mixture was poured on a glass petriplate which
for Women, Teynampet, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. was placed in an oven at 130°C and was baked for drying.
• T. Deepika is currently pursuing Ph. D in P.G. & Research Department of Later, petriplate was cooled and the plastic film formed was
Zoology, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women, Teynampet,
University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, [email protected]. scraped off from the petriplate as the bioplastic film.

plastics derived from renewable biomass sources such as

2.4 Characterization of synthesized biopastic vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, biodegradable
bioplastic can break down in either anaerobic or aerobic
2.4.1 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) environments. Microorganisms and algae are the agents
FTIR spectroscopy was used to investigate the interaction that mostly degraded organic waste to form bioplastic(4).
between different species and changes in chemical Hence an investigation has been carried out to obtain
composition of the mixtures. The FTIR spectra of biopastic bioplastic film from banana peels and
film from banana peels and potato starch were recorded in potato starch and also to study the characterization of
SHIMADZU-8400 spectrometer using KBR pellet method. synthesized bioplastic using FTIR analysis, solubility and
swelling tests.
2.4.2 Swelling test
Swelling test is generally conducted to check whether 3.1 Preparation of banana paste from banana peels
developed materials retains the original properties after The result of preparation of banana peels was presented in
formation by following the procedure of (3). A pre-weighed plate 1a and 1b. The result of the study showed that the
piece of sample was used to check the protuberance and banana paste obtained from banana peels was brown in
other morphological changes. The sample was immersed in colour.
various solvents such as water, chloroform and methanol
medium in different test tubes for about 2 hours and the 3.2 Preparation of potato starch from potato
results were recorded accordingly. The result of preparation of potato starch from potato was
depicted in plate 2a and 2b. The
2.4.3 Solubility test result of the study showed that the extracted potato starch
The bioplastic material prepared was studied for their was white in colour.
solubility. The solubility test was carried out to check
persistence of these bioplastic materials by following the 3.3 Preparation of bioplastic (film) from banana paste
procedure of(3). The sample was cut into small pieces and The result of formation of bioplastic film from banana peel
was inserted into different test tubes containing different was shown in plate 1c. The
solvents – ammonia, acetic acid, acetone, sulphuric acid result of the study revealed that the bioplastic formed was
and ethyl alcohol. The solvents were chosen in such a way brown in colour.
that the activity of material with parameters like high acidic
solvent, polar solvent, non-polar solvent and weak acid 3.4 Preparation of bioplastic (film) from potato starch
were determined. The result of formation of bioplastic film from potato starch
was depicted in plate 2c. The
2.5 Statistical analysis result of the study revealed that the bioplastic formed was
The data obtained from various experiments were whitish in colour.
statistically analysed and expressed in terms of Mean and
Standard Deviation. 3.5 Characterization of synthesized bioplastic
The synthesized bioplastic material was further
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION characterized by using FTIR analysis.
Environmental pollution has existed for centuries but
became significant following the developing industries in the 3.5.1 FTIR analysis of synthesized bioplastic from
19th century. Causes for pollution banana peel
includes industries, radioactive substances, dumping of FTIR spectroscopy was used to investigate the interactions
wastes in oceans and lands possess a serious threat to between different components and changes in chemical
environment and surroundings as it can be eliminated or compositions of the mixtures. FTIR measurements for
reused (3). Plastic is being produced from organic synthesized bioplastic film were carried out to identify the
compounds like crude oil, natural gas and so on. During the possible biomolecules present in the bioplastic.
production of plastics, some toxic chemicals such as The result of FTIR analysis of synthesized bioplastic was
acetone, methylene, chloride, styrene, benzene, shown in figure 1. The result of FTIR analysis of the sample
sulfuroxides, nitrogen oxides, methanol etc. and also some showed that FTIR spectrum of the sample was obtained at
volatile organic compounds are frequently released. These the wavelength in the range of 400-4000 cm-1. The result of
toxic acids cause serious environmental pollution(4). Plastic the study also showed that the peak 1402cm-1 was due to
are main threat to environment as they are non primary amine that produce 2 N-H stretching absorptions,
biodegradable. They are the main concern of every peak at 1631cm-1 was attributed to the alkane C-H bonds.
environmentalist and nature conservationist. As we are Stretching at 3386cm-1 was due to carboxylic O-H
dumping the plastics into ocean, it has turned out as a stretching. Peak at 3145cm-1 was attributed to C=O stretch.
disaster for organism which live in. The major component of
the plastic is a polymer (polypropylene/polystyrene) can 3.5.2 FTIR analysis of synthesized bioplastic from
leach into water and increase the toxicity in water. The potato starch
plastic materials that floats on the surface of water is The result of FTIR analysis of synthesized bioplastic from
mistaken as food by aquatic organisms and feed on it which potato starch was depicted in figure 2. The result of FTIR
eventually leads to death(5). Plastic is one of the major analysis of the sample showed that FTIR spectrum of the
pollutants of earth. Hence to replace synthetic plastic, sample was obtained at the wavelength in the range of
bioplastic is developed to decrease pollution. Bioplastic are (400-4000nm). The results of the study also showed that


the peak Plate 1b - Banana paste from banana peels

at 716cm-1 was due to primary amine that produce 2 N-H
stretch absorptions, peak at 857cm-1 was attributed to the
alkane C-H bonds, stretching at 2096 cm-1 was due to
carboxylic O-H stretch(3).

3.5.3 Solubility test of synthesized bioplastic from

banana peel and potato starch
The results of solubility test of bioplastics (banana) were
shown in (plate 3 and table 1). The results of the study
revealed that the material was insoluble in water which
makes it more eligible to be a bioplastic material. It was
also insoluble in acetone (polar solvent), ethyl alcohol (non-
polar solvent), acetic acid (polar solvent) and partially
soluble in ammonia (polar solvent) and completely soluble
in sulphuric acid (strongly acidic solvent). Similar results
were recorded for biofilm of potato starch (plate 4 and table Plate 1c - Banana Biofilm
2). Solubility plays a major role in selecting a sustainable
biomaterial for bioplastic because if the material is soluble
in water and other solvents then it cannot be accounted as
bioplastic. Results from the solubility test showed that the
material is insoluble in water and other organic solvents
which makes it more efficient to produce bioplastic at low

3.5.4 Swelling test of synthesized bioplastic from

banana peels and potato starch
The results of the swelling test of bioplastic (banana) were
shown in (plate 5 and table 3 and 4). The results of the
study showed that there was not much change in sample
when it was soaked in chloroform and methanol, but slight
increase in weight was observed when it was kept in water
medium. Similar results were recorded for swelling test of
biofilm of potato starch (plate 6 and table 5 and 6). The
results from swelling test show that low amount of Plate 2a - Crushing of potato into paste
engorgement in water which is more desirable to be a
bioplastic material(8) (9).

3.6 Statistical analysis

The values obtained from the above experiment were
expressed in the form of mean and standard deviation.
Swelling test were found to be statistically significant at 5%

Plate 1a - Banana peel from banana fruit for synthesis of

bioplastic film
Plate 2b - Potato

Plate 2c - Potato starchBiofilm


Ammonia Acetic acid Acetone Sulphuric acid Ethanol

Fig 1 - FTIR analysis of Synthesized Bioplastic (Banana
Peel) Table 1 - Solubility test of synthesized banana bioplastic in
different solvents

S.No. Solubility Test
Partially Completely
soluble soluble
1. Ammonia - + -

2. Acetic acid + - -

3. Acetone + - -
4. - - +
5. + - -

+ Positive ; - Negative

Plate 4 - Solubility test of synthesized potato starch

Fig 2 - FTIR analysis of Synthesized Bioplastic (Potato bioplastic in different solvents

Ammonia Acetic acid Acetone Sulphuric acid

Plate 3 - Solubility test of synthesized banana bioplastic in

different solvents

Ethyl alcohol
Table 2 - Solubility test of synthesized potato starch
bioplastic in different solvents

Table 4 - Statistical analysis of swelling test of synthesized

banana peel bioplastic in different solvents
S.No. Solubility Test
used Solvent Difference
Partially Completely Medium (g)
soluble soluble
Chloroform 0.18 0.18±0.09
1. Ammonia - + -

2. Acetic acid + - - 0.4 0.4±0.2

Distilled water
3. Acetone + - -
Methanol 0.06±0.03
4. - - +
5. + - -
Plate 6 Swelling test of synthesized Potato starch bioplastic
+ - Positive ; - Negative in different solvents

Plate 5 – Swelling test of synthesized banana bioplastic in

different solvents

Distilled water Chloroform Methanol

Table -5 Swelling test of synthesized Potato starch

Distilled water Chloroform Methanol bioplastic in different solvents
Initial Differen
Quanti Weig
Table 3 - Swelling test of synthesized banana peel S.N Solvent Weig ce in
Sample ty ht
bioplastic in different solvents o. Medium ht weight
(ml) (gm)
(gm) (gm)
Initial Differen
Quanti Weig
S.N Solvent Weig ce in
Sample ty ht Distilled
o. Medium ht weight 1.000 1.200
(ml) (gm) 1 Water 5 0.2
(gm) (gm) 0 0

Distilled Synthesiz
1.000 1.400
1 Water 5 0.4 ed Chlorofor
0 0 1.000 1.400
2 Bioplastic m 5 0.4
0 0
ed Chlorofor
1.000 1.180 1.000
2 Bioplastic m 5 0.18 Methanol 1.300
0 0 3 5 0 0.3
film 0

Methanol 1.060
3 5 0 0.06 Table 6 - Statistical analysis of swelling test of synthesized
Potato starch bioplastic in different solvents
Solvent Difference
Mean± S.D
Medium (g)
Chloroform 0.18 0.18±0.2

Distilled 0.4 0.2±0.1



0.06 0.06±0.15

Thus the bioplastic synthesized using banana peels and
potato starch is one of the main challenges in synthesizing
bioplastic material. The current report has made an effort
towards the synthesis and characterization of these types of
natural polymeric material. Certainly, the research is a long
way to go for both economic and environmental friendly
products using bioplastic or bio polymer. But synthesis of
bioplastic using fruit waste is more reliable method as it is
economically convenient and using waste in effective
manner. But this study will be a centralized project that can
be applied on large scale to produce large quantity of
plastic that suffices the needs of any company.

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