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Agricultural-Use Bioplastic Seedling Bag Made from Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Starch
and Deacetylated Chitosan Extracted from Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) Shells
Abstract: The introduction of plastic to industries had made many reliant on using it, especially
in agriculture, which uses seedling bags at the cost of the environment. In Lucena City, were
both agriculture and aquaculture thrive, waste management becomes difficult. Testing
degradation occurred by burying experimental and control films underneath for three weeks with
results tallied after each week for 21 days. Growth stimulation was tested using bioplastic and
commercial seedling bags on mung beans with the same period and data collection as
degradation test. Economic value was compared to commercial product as well. Based on the
results, set-up with more cassava starch degraded at an average of 14%, faster than other
experimental set-ups, on average, with commercial bioplastics not having degraded at all. For
growth stimulation, experimental group with the most chitosan, set-up C, made mung beans to
grow faster than other set-ups with an average height of 16.46cm. Set-up A had the lowest
growth stimulating effect on the post-hoc analysis, while set-up E, without fertilizer lags behind.
Thus, bioplastic seedling bag made from cassava starch and chitosan is more effective than
commercial seedling bags in both degrading to mitigate solid waste problems and growth
stimulation, but the cost of the experimental product is less than that of commercially available
plastics. On the other hand, these conventional products do not offer the ecological benefits the
study’s product have, which is more pressing now especially since the world faces numerous
environmental issues.
Keywords: Chitosan, Cassava Starch, Bioplastic, Agricultural Seedling Bag, Black Tiger
1. Introduction
the year 2030. One of these goals, the 12 th
When the first commercially available goal, is to ensure sustainable consumption
plastic was made, many industries and production patterns, in which this study
immediately had an impression on its ease is contributing towards in many aspects like
of use and versatility. Along with this, lessening waste in industries and producing
people began to realize that this material materials that benefits producers without the
takes a long time to degrade, most of which expense of the environment.
takes over one hundred years to decay, and One of the industries that have an evident
some even reaches upwards of a thousand impact was agriculture. Farmers needed a
years (LeBlanc, 2019). Today, its effects can quick and easy solution to what could have
be seen in the daily lives of all living things. been strenuous work and impossible.
Because of the numerous problems society Overall, agriculture alone contributes $5.87
faces nowadays, the United Nations (2015) billion USD annually according to the
set 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Transparency Market Research cited on a
which is projected to be accomplished for
Tan 2
report by Grossman (2015) on their use of from April to June 2019, cassava (Manihot
plastic. esculenta) production dropped by 7.2
The Philippines alone contributes 2.7 percent, from 809.88 thousand metric tons
million tons of plastic waste every year during the same quarter of 2018 to 751.46
according to the Ocean Conservancy Charity thousand metric tons this quarter. Though it
and the McKinsey Centre for Business and seems like the industry is looking to be
Environment (2015). Moreover, since declining now, the sector is still large
agriculture accounts for 10% of the enough that it can still be a viable
country’s economy (Brown, Ebora, and component on this study, especially because
Decena 2018), which means the amount of it has plenty of well-established use cases
plastic waste this industry produces is for making plastics like many of the studies
extensive, and can affect lives. the researcher based this process on. Since it
Alongside the issue of excessive waste on is starch, and plastics are primarily made of
this industry, it also currently lacks support polymers, the chemical structure of this
in forms like that of government aid and material provides great versatility.
newer technology. Fertilizing the plants is a The growing environmental issues of our
way of local farmers to increase the yield, society and the lack of investment in local
but to do this, they have to buy more sectors motivated this study. As mentioned
chemicals. Worse yet, these fertilizers can earlier, the study also aims to contribute to
have adverse effects on the plant and pollute the Sustainable Development Goals of the
the air, water and soil as studied by UN. The researcher decided to create a
Chandini, Kumar, and Prakash (2013). product that not only lessens waste across
Because of these environmental and industries while presenting benefits for its
economic factors, the researcher looked into usage and preventing adverse effects
emerging technologies and found that towards our environment.
bioplastic made from waste materials can be
possible, with added benefits as well. In the 1.2 Objectives of the Study
coastal city of Lucena, a thriving agriculture The study generally aims to create a
and aquaculture industry has brought about bioplastic seedling bag made for agricultural
economic activity. Crustaceans from the purposes.
area is a popular delicacy. Black Tiger Specifically, the study wanted to assess:
Shrimp (Penaeus monodon), as stated by 1.2.1 To determine the degradation of
Vila (2017) in a report, is the most cultured experimental product and control
shrimp in the country. This is further commercial bioplastic with varying
magnified by the numerous polyculture concentrations of chitosan and cassava
farms locally, having both shrimp and fish. starch.
Aquaculture operators that are involved in 1.2.2 To find out if the product made
this industry accommodates up to 232 with different amounts of chitosan and
hectares in 131 of the farms with Penaeus cassava starch has growt h stimulating
m. Chitosan, which can be extracted from effects for the plant it is used on
this, is also a natural plant defense activator compared to commercial products.
and it can be utilized as a growth stimulator, 1.2.3 To ascertain the differences in the
based on testing by Sabreen, Ibraheim and set-ups and trials made between time
Mohsen (2015). intervals.
On the other hand, the Philippine 1.2.4 To compare its economic value to
Statistics Authority (2019) reported that available agricultural-use seedling bag.
Tan 3
Starch/water/glycerol mixture were added the corresponding ratio on the table. To see
directly into Chitosan/PVA solution and the plant growth characteristics, a random
stirred for magnetically stirred for 3 hours. sample of the plants from each plot were
The mixtures were casted into petri dishes taken after 7, 14 and 28 days after sowing to
and glass plates, depending on the size investigate the plant height (cm) with each
needed and put in a dry oven at 60 ˚C until set-up having three replicates. This was akin
peelable. to the testing done by Sabreen, Ibraheim and
For degradation, a 15cm x 15cm x 1mm Mohsen (2015). Plant was watered and
experimental film was required, weighing at given sunlight everyday similarly across the
4g each, while the control group used trials.
commercial bioplastic that weighed the
same. A 5cm x 5cm x 1mm and 9cm high 2.4.3 Economic Value
bag was required for assessing growth Cost of production and estimated retail
stimulation. Positive control group using price was calculated using traditional
commercial fertilizer was used and a formulas. Commercial seedling bag value
negative control group with no fertilizer. was compared to seedling bag tested in
growth stimulating effects of the product.
2.4 Bioplastic Assessment Only main materials were accounted for in
calculating the cost of production with and
2.4.1 Degradation retail price had a 25% profit margin.
For testing degradation, each
experimental and commercial bioplastic film 2.5 Data Analysis
was buried underneath soil in their This research study aimed to test the
respective trials and set-ups. Burial lasted degradation and growth stimulation using
for three weeks, then the bioplastic was pre-post test design. The tallied results went
checked for any signs of reduction at the end through a stati3tical treatment using
of each week. The weight was tallied every Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for
end of the week and each result at the end of assessing degradation, and growth
the week was statistically analyzed. Testing stimulation in order to analyze the variance
was parallel to the process of Adamcová, between the results. For this analysis, the
and Vaverková (2014). tallied results at the end of each week were
used and interpreted. After that, Tukey HSD
2.4.2 Growth Stimulation Post-hoc analysis was employed for tests
To assess the growth stimulation effect, with ANOVA in order to see where the
bioplastic and control groups was used on significant difference lies between each set-
mung beans. For control groups, a positive up. Treatment was conducted using IBM
control group received commercial nitrogen Statistical Package for Societal Services 25
fertilizer, and a negative control group (SPSS version 25).
received no fertilizer, only receiving water
like the rest of the groups. Experimental
groups used bioplastic seedling bags with
Tan 5
3. Results
Table 1. Degradation in Mass Loss of the Bioplastic Film after Three Weeks in grams (g)
Pre- Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Percent
Set-ups Difference Difference
test Trial Trial Trial Trial Trial Trial Trial Trial Trial
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
A (2:3 3.79 3.82 3.83 3.57 3.64 3.68 3.36 3.45 3.51
Chitosan- -0.56 14%
Cassava) 3.813333333 3.63 3.44*
B (1:1 3.89 3.92 3.89 3.74 3.83 3.8 3.59 3.74 3.68
Chitosan- -0.33 8.25%
Cassava) 3.9 3.79 3.67*
C (3:2 3.95 3.93 3.93 3.88 3.85 3.87 3.84 3.79 3.81
Chitosan- -0.19 4.75%
Cassava) 3.936667 3.866667 3.813333*
D 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
(Commercial 0 0%
Bioplastic ) 4 4 4*
* The data used for calculating difference.
Table 2. Height of Mung Bean Plant with Bioplastic and Control Groups over Three Weeks in centimeters
Set-ups Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
A (2:3 4.25 4.32 4.3 8.4 8.55 8.34 13.43 13.47 13.31
Cassava) 4.29 8.57 13.40333333
B (1:1 5.67 5.59 5.78 9.38 9.08 9.22 14.91 15.15 14.87
Cassava) 5.68 9.226666667 14.97666667
C (3:2 6.63 7.12 6.39 10.84 11.11 10.78 16.19 16.87 16.32
Chitosan- 0
Cassava) 6.713333333 10.91 16.46
D 5.48 5.39 6.1 8.94 8.76 9 14.22 14.63 14.55
5.656666667 8.9 14.46666667
E (No 3.24 2.83 3.27 7.47 7.13 7.56 12.39 12.3 12.56
Fertilizer) 3.113333333 7.386666667 12.41666667
Table 3. Cost of Production between Experimental and Commercial Seedling Bag in Philippine Pesos
Commercial Bioplastic
Experimental Bioplastic
Allied Botanical Corporation (2019)
(Est.) Cost of
Php 580.00 Php 10.00
Production 10 10
Tan 6
(Est.) Retail Price Php 700.00 (Php 70.00 each) Php 32.00 (Php 1.6 each)
Return of
25% 540%
Table 4. One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference in the Degradation between Experimental
Bioplastic and Control Films after One Week
Std. Decision
N Mean F-Calculated F-Tabulated Conclusion
Deviation (=0.05)
A (2:3
Chitosan- 3 .1900 .02000
B (1:1
Chitosan- 3 .1133 .02082
Cassava) There is a significant
C (3:2 difference in the
Chitosan- 3 .0633 .01155 80.046 4.07 Reject H0 degradation rate as affected
Cassava) by the chitosan-to- cassava
ratio after one week.
(Commercial 3 .0000 .00000
Table 5. Tukey HSD Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Level of Significance between the
Degradation of Experimental Bioplastic and Control Films after One Week
Table 6. One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference in the Degradation between Experimental
Bioplastic and Control Films after Two Weeks
N Mean Std. Deviation F-Calculated F-Tabulated Conclusion
A (2:3
Chitosan- 3 .3700 .05568
B (1:1
Chitosan- 3 .2167 .05686
Cassava) There is a significant
C (3:2 difference in the
Chitosan- 3 .1233 .01528 44.486 4.07 Reject H0 degradation rate as affected
Cassava) by the chitosan-to- cassava
D ratio after two weeks.
(Commercial 3 .0000 .00000
Table 7. Tukey HSD Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Level of Significance between the
Degradation of Experimental Bioplastic and Control Films after Two Weeks
Table 8. One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference in the Degradation between Experimental
Bioplastic and Control Films after Three Weeks
N Mean Std. Deviation F-Calculated F-Tabulated Conclusion
A (2:3
Chitosan- 3 .5600 .07550
B (1:1
Chitosan- 3 .3300 .07550
Cassava) There is a significant
C (3:2 difference in the
Chitosan- 3 .1867 .02517 55.693 4.07 Reject H0 degradation rate as affected
Cassava) by the chitosan-to- cassava
D ratio after three weeks.
(Commercial 3 .0000 .00000
Table 9. Tukey HSD Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Level of Significance between the
Degradation of Experimental Bioplastic and Control Films after Three Weeks
Table 10. One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference in the Height of Mung Bean Plant
between Experimental Bioplastic and Control Groups after One Week
Std. Decision
N Mean F-Calculated F-Tabulated Conclusion
Deviation (=0.05)
A (2:3 Chitosan-
3 4.2900 .03606
B (1:1 Chitosan-
3 5.6800 .09539
Cassava) There is a significant
C (3:2 Chitosan- difference in the growth
3 6.7133 .37207
Cassava) 82.084 3.48 Reject H0 stimulation as affected by
D (Commercial the chitosan-to-cassava ratio
3 5.6567 .38657
Fertilizer) after one week.
E (No Fertilizer,
3 3.1133 .24583
Water only)
Total 12 5.0907 1.31671
Table 11. Tukey HSD Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Level of Significance between the
Height of Mung Bean Plant Tested with Experimental Bioplastic and Control Groups after One
A 1.39000 .001 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
(1:1 C -1.03333 .006 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Cassava D .02333 1.000 Accept H0 There is no significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 2.56667 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A 2.42333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
(3:2 B 1.03333 .006 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Cassava D 1.05667 .005 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 3.60000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A 1.36667 .001 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
D B -.02333 1.000 Accept H0 There is no significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Fertilizer) C -1.05667 .005 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 2.54333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A -1.17667 .002 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E (No B -2.56667 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Water only) C -3.60000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
D -2.54333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Tan 10
Table 12. One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference in the Height of Mung Bean Plant
between Experimental Bioplastic and Control Groups after Two Weeks
Std. Decision
N Mean F-Calculated F-Tabulated Conclusion
Deviation (=0.05)
A (2:3 Chitosan-
3 8.4300 .10817
B (1:1 Chitosan-
3 9.2267 .15011
Cassava) There is a significant
C (3:2 Chitosan- difference in the growth
3 10.9100 .17578
Cassava) 188.198 3.48 Reject H0 stimulation as affected by
D (Commercial the chitosan-to-cassava ratio
3 8.9000 .12490
Fertilizer) after two weeks.
E (No Fertilizer,
3 7.3867 .22679
Water only)
Total 12 8.9707 1.20009
Table 13. Tukey HSD Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Level of Significance between the
Height of Mung Bean Plant Tested with Experimental Bioplastic and Control Groups after Two
A .79667 .001 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
(1:1 C -1.68333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Cassava D .32667 .176 Accept H0 There is no significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 1.84000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A 2.48000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
(3:2 B 1.68333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Cassava D 2.01000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 3.52333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A .47000 .034 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
D B -.32667 .176 Accept H0 There is no significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Fertilizer) C -2.01000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 1.51333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A -1.04333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E (No
Fertilizer, B -1.84000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Water only)
C -3.52333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Tan 11
D -1.51333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level
Table 14. One-way ANOVA of the Significant Difference in the Height of Mung Bean Plant
between Experimental Bioplastic and Control Groups after Three Weeks
Std. Decision
N Mean F-Calculated F-Tabulated Conclusion
Deviation (=0.05)
A (2:3 Chitosan-
3 13.4033 .08327
B (1:1 Chitosan-
3 14.7400 .49790
Cassava) There is a significant
C (3:2 Chitosan- difference in the growth
3 16.4600 .36097
Cassava) 157.157 3.48 Reject H0 stimulation as affected by
D (Commercial the chitosan-to-cassava ratio
3 14.4667 .21733
Fertilizer) after three weeks.
E (No Fertilizer,
3 12.4167 .13204
Water only)
Total 12 14.2973 1.42962
Table 15. Tukey HSD Post-hoc Multiple Comparison Test on the Level of Significance between the
Height of Mung Bean Plant Tested with Experimental Bioplastic and Control Groups after Three
A 1.57667 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
(1:1 C -1.48000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Cassava D .51333 .084 Accept H0 There is no significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 2.56333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A 3.05667 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
(3:2 B 1.48000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Cassava D 1.99333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 4.04333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A 1.06333 .001 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
D B -.51333 .084 Accept H0 There is no significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Fertilizer) C -1.99333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E 2.05000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
A -.98667 .001 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
E (No B -2.56333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Water only) C -4.04333 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
D -2.05000 .000 Reject H0 There is a significant difference in the growth stimulation between these set-ups.
Tan 12
500 0.4
300 0.1
200 -8.32667268468867E-17
a b c d
Week 3 Set-up
Bioplastic Seedling Bag
Cost of Production Estimated Retal Price Figure 6. Means Plot Difference of the
Degradation of the Bioplastic and
Commercial Films after Three Weeks
Tan 13
4. Discussion
16 In the degradation assessment, the most
12 effective set-up was revealed to be
10 experimental set-up A, which had a
6 chitosan-to-cassava ratio of 2:3, had an
4 average degradation of 0.56g, 14% of its
total mass initially. In contrast, the third
A B C D E experimental set-up, which had a 3:2
Week 1 Set-up chitosan-to-cassava ratio, yielded the least
degradation among the experimental groups,
Figure 7. Means Plot Difference of the Height
of Mung Bean Plant with Bioplastic and with an average of 4.75% after the testing.
Control Groups after One Week Meanwhile, set-up B lies between the results
of set-ups A and C. This was the group with
18 equal portions of chitosan and cassava starch
Mean of Growth (cm)
other experimental groups. Additionally, fertilizer. Despite the fact that mung bean
Ginting, Lubis, Sidabutar, and Sirait (2018) produces its own nitrogen, the chitosan in
studied that the adding of chitosan to a the experimental bioplastic in this study,
starch bioplastic solution resulted in stimulated the growth as evident in the
chitosan acting as the bioplastic thickener. results. Theoretically, this can have
It was also discovered that experimental applications that are more practical
set-up A, though having the fastest especially on plants that requires a good
degradation rate, did not have the most amount of nitrogen fertilizer without
growth stimulating effect on the plant it was polluting the cost of the environment.
tested on. In fact, the highest growth in a Additionally, the study conducted by
plant that was tallied was in set-up C, which Changwei, Qiang, Qing, Xirong and Yide
had more chitosan in the bioplastic solution (2005), where chitosan and chitosan
it was tested on. It grew up at an average of derivatives were used for mung bean plants
16.46cm, about 1.8cm more than the as well, results indicated that all chitosan
following highest growth, which was set-up and chitosan derivatives increased yield and
B. For positive control group D for growth quality of mung bean sprouts, which
stimulation, which used no seedling bag but validates the results of this study even more.
with commercial nitrogen fertilizer, very After accounting for the value of the
similar results on the growth stimulation test experimental bioplastic, even after using
of set-up B was observed across all of the waste material, it still falls behind the
three weeks. Set-up A grew 13.23cm on commercial plastic in terms production cost,
average after three weeks, not as much as retail price and . This is understandable
the other experimental groups, but still more considering the fact that commercial plastic
than the negative control group E, the set- production has become cheaper, especially
up, which used water only, had an average since it is mass-produced and has had
of 12.42cm. The result of set-up B lies in decades of time to develop. As shown in
between that of A and C, with this group Table 3 and Figure 3, the profit and
having an average height of 14.74cm after production cost cannot be matched in terms
three weeks. Also analogous to the of percentages. Even if the experimental
degradation test was that the data collected bioplastic rakes in Php 140.00, more than
in each trial for the set-ups in assessing the Php. 27.00 of commercial plastics, the
growth stimulating effects followed a production cost pulls back the experimental
common trend. The results for are tallied in product. The return of investment is 540%
Table 2 along with Figure 2 where it shows for the seedling bags available for
a clear illustration of how the growth of each purchasing, while it is only 25% for the
trial went. product of this study. Though the
As observed by Ismail, Malik, Mondal, commercial product offers more profit at the
and Puteh (2013), when chitosan is used as a end of the day, this does come at the cost of
bio-fertilizer, it showed that shrimp waste is the environment, and in the end, it had
rich in nitrogen, which is commonly used in detrimental effects to lives. Today’s
agricultural fertilizers. The composition of challenges are affecting how businesses
its waste is characterized by its high tackle their markets, how they make
nitrogen content, which plants can use in products and how they should be held
growing. However, according to Kirchhoff accountable in the growing environmental
(2019), mung beans fix their own nitrogen, issues of our time. This is why corporations
so they normally do not need nitrogen are now accounting for environmental costs.
Tan 15
In the case of this study, the results for the clearly apart showing its height in set-up A
experimental seedling bag boils down to and lowest in D, the control group.
Php. 0.00, since it not only leaves no lasting On the second week of testing
adverse effects on the environment, it degradation, the F-calculated value of 44.49
lessens it as well because of the waste is still statistically significant compared to
materials used while also helping the tabulated F-ratio of 4.07, therefore
agricultural production. In contrast, the rejecting the null hypothesis again. But, in
environmental cost is more substantial on the Post-hoc test, and as predicted, the
the control group, especially when the tons differences between set-ups B and C were
of plastic used in agriculture is accounted not statistically significant compared to
for. When this is considered, the others. Although C still degraded less based
environmental cost stacks up to about the on the raw data, statistically, their difference
same as the $5.87 billion USD (Grossman, was not significant like what happened in
2015) they spent in getting these plastic the first week. A means plot showing these
products. This further illustrates stacks up statistical results can be seen in Figure 5,
to about the how these industries need to and in Tables 6 and 7.
find a way in which they produce the For the third and final week, the F-
commodities everybody requires without calculated value of 55.69 is greater than the
trading it for the environment. F-tabulated value of 4.07 as shown in Table
Since the calculated F-ratio of 80.05 for 8, meaning the null hypothesis is rejected
week 1 is greater than the tabulated F-ratio again. Post-hoc analysis was done to ensure
of 4.07, the null hypothesis stating that the where the difference lies, and equivalently
chitosan-to-cassava ratio will have no to the second week, the difference between
significant effect on the degradation of the set-ups B and C were not significant as seen
bioplastic is rejected, as seen in Tables 4. in Table 9. Despite this, the difference this
Therefore, the ANOVA verifies that the time was not as big as the second week. The
chitosan-to-cassava ratio does indeed have means plot difference between groups B and
an effect on the degradation of the product. C were not that largely apart as shown in
In order to determine where the significant Figure 6, but differences elsewhere was
difference lies, a Tukey HSD post-hoc test significant.
was conducted as shown in Tables 5, where In assessing the growth stimulating
the mean difference is significant at 0.05 effects, similar to testing degradation, the
level. Based on the statistical treatment, the results were tallied and statistically analyzed
null hypothesis was rejected every single at the end of each week. For the first week,
time. The mean difference against the since the tabulated F-ratio of 3.48 is less
control group (set-up D) and every than the F-calculated value of 82.084 as
experimental group (set-ups A, B and C) shown in Table 10, the null hypothesis
yielded mean differences that are more than stating that the chitosan-to-cassava ratio will
that of the differences between experimental have no significant effect on the growth
groups. Despite this, the mean difference stimulating effects of the bioplastic is
between set-up B and C is less than that of rejected. Therefore, the ratio between the
the other experimental set-ups, which could used materials does indeed affect the growth
entail that as time goes by, these would not of the plant it is used on. To verify where
have a statistically significant difference. As the significance lies, a post-hoc test was
shown in Figure 4, the mean differences are conducted and the results were tallied in
Table 11. It shows that all the difference
Tan 16
between the set-ups were statistically post-hoc tests, which entails potentially
significant. Furthermore, the means plot different use cases for each of the set-ups
difference illustrated in Figure 7 show that when used in agriculture. Set-up A degraded
all of the set-ups are significantly different at a faster rate than the other set-ups, but
after assessing the growth for the first week. along with this, it provided the least amount
The results for the second week was of growth stimulation for the experimental
statistically analyzed and tabulated in Tables groups as well. This could be used when
12 and 13 for ANOVA and post-hoc farmers require a plastic that does not need
respectively. Since the F-calculated value of a whole lot of fertilizing, similar to mung
188.198 is greater than tabulated the F-ratio bean in this study which it does not require,
of 3.48, the null hypothesis is therefore but at the same time, provides the peace of
rejected once again. The post-hoc analysis is mind of not adversely affecting the
results were different from the week prior, environment the most. When growth-
there was no significant difference between stimulating effect is more important, using
set-ups B and D. Experimental group B had the solution in set-up C offers the most of
a 1:1 chitosan-to-cassava ratio, while D used this, while still having degradation,
commercial fertilizers. From this, it can be something the control commercially
inferred that using conventional fertilizer available seedling bag does not provide.
equates to using this set-ups solution for Additionally, set-up B demonstrates the
creating bioplastic, but it does not offer the average experience in terms of degradation
ecological benefits this study presents. The and growth stimulation, which is nice to
means plot difference in Figure 8 shows this have when both of these are equally valued.
difference more and it the results peak at set- To determine other properties of the
up C once again for growth stimulating bioplastic, especially more on technical and
effects. physical terms, testing its tensile strength
Finally, in the last week of testing using standardized methods like that of
growth-stimulating effects, the one-way ASTM, along with using an SEM (Scanning
ANOVA test showed that the F-tabulated Electron Microscope) to better understand
value of 3.48 is less than the calculated F- its composition in a microscopic level. The
ratio of 157.157, tallied in Table 14. Which researcher recommends assessing multiple
means that there is a significant difference physical characteristics of the bioplastics,
across the results once more. Post-hoc like tensile strength, hardness, and water
analysis was done to see where the solubility among others, also recommends
difference lies. Set-up B and positive control using more materials in the study, like
group D showed no significant difference different plants to test the growth
between the results, similar to last week. stimulating effects on, or diversifying the
The means plit of this follows the same products used.
trend as last week, which is shown at Figure In this study, to prove the effectiveness of
9. the product, which is the bioplastic seedling
bag in terms of degradation, the researcher
5. Analysis based this on studies that assessed bioplastic
by entombing it underneath soil for a period
Based on the tallied results for of time (Adamcova and Vavercova, 2014).
degradation and growth stimulation, each For growth stimulation, the study by
group had significant variations from one Sabreen, Ibraheim and Mohsen (2015) was
another, based on both the ANOVA and the basis for testing and measuring the
Tan 17
height of the plant every end of the week. the bioplastic is more than that of
The results show that there are two main commercially available products, but the
differences between the control and environmental cost these commercial
experimental groups. First, the experimental products imply hindrances its value.
groups made a product that degrades unlike
any commercially available product. This 7. Acknowledgement
characteristic is important especially now
where pollution and solid waste problems The researcher would like to recognize
are happening all around the world, the efforts of the people who made this
eventually affecting climate change as well. study happen in this section. Their notable
The second differentiating factor is that the actions made all the difference in making
product has growth-stimulating effects on this entire endeavor possible. To his friends,
the growth of plants. This can reduce the peers and family, to Quezon National High
usage of fertilizers on seedling bags with School, Mrs. Rea Ethel Gatbonton, his
young plants, which can cause air, water and qualified scientist, Johanna Elyssa Ramos,
soil pollution when used excessively, his colleague that provided connections to
according to Chandini, et al., (2013). people and opportunities this study needed,
The post-hoc results after three weeks and most especially to his research adviser
showed that for degradation, the differences and motivator, Carla Marie V. Baldovino,
between B and C, the groups with the Ed. D.
average and most cassava starch in the set-
up respectively, is not significant. Similarly, 8. Bibliography
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