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File6976304814563890812 PDF
File6976304814563890812 PDF
The aim of this study is to develop bioplastic film from a combination of two biopolymers of same
Received: 7th Mar 2017
Received in revised form: 20th May 2017
source, namely banana peel and corn starch. Five banana peel films (BP film) were prepared with
Accepted: 6th of June 2017 different concentrations of corn starch (1% up to 5%) as co-biopolymer and film without corn
starch acted as a control. The films were carried out with several durability tests and
characterization analyses. Based on the results obtained, the BP film with 4% corn starch gave the
bioplastic film highest tensile strength 34.72 N/m2 compared to other samples. The water absorption test showed
banana peel
corn starch
that BP films with 3% corn starch were resistant to water uptake by absorbing water up to 60.65%.
FTIR In terms of characterization, spectra of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) obtained
for BP control film and BP film with 4% corn starch were comparable with most of the peaks were
present. The thermal analysis by differential screening calorimetric (DSC) detected the melting
temperature for both BP control film and BP film with 4% corn respectively at Tonset of 54.41°C
and 67.83°C. Overall, combination of starches from two different sources can be used as an
alternative in producing bioplastics.
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BSTR, 2017, Vol 5, No 1, 12-17
Banana peels consists high sources of starch, which is about Weight Load (N)
18.5% [7]. As banana peels ripen, the glucose level increases. Tensile Strength =
Area of cross section of biofilm (m2 )
However, if the peels are too ripe, the starch will be converted
into glucose while the least ripened peels, becomes too firm Water Absorption Test
although high in starch molecules [8]. Therefore, banana peels A small piece of the sample was cut into 1 cm × 2 cm size. The
can be suggested as a suitable source for the manufacturing of initial weight of the sample was recorded. The sample was then
bioplastics. Meanwhile, corn is a well-known source for starch placed into a beaker containing 60 mL of water at room
and has become one of human’s main sources of food. But, some temperature for 24 hours. The sample was then taken out from
parts are still being discarded as waste. In fact, studies on using the water and wiped off. The final weight was recorded. The
corn as potential biopolymer for bioplastics have been widely amount of water uptake was calculated by using the following
explored. Hence, in this paper, a new approach was developed by formula:
adding corn as co-biopolymer with banana peels acting as the
main biopolymer. Previous studies also only focused on the Final weight (g)-initial weight (g)
potential of banana peels in forming starch based plastic film. WA (%) = × 100
initial weight (g)
Even though several studies have been done using cellulose as
natural reinforced filler in starch based films [9], yet in this study Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
a new derivative was prepared by combining starches from two Characterization
different sources. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the A small piece was cut from the bioplastic film and placed onto
tensile properties of banana peel/corn starch films, to determine the germanium plate. The spectra were taken in 256 scans
the maximum water uptake and to characterize the films in term between 4000 and 400 cm-1 using Spectrum 100 Perkin Elmer
of functional group and thermal properties. The study also FTIR.
intended to show the bioplastic film from combination of organic
waste has potential to become alternative resources in plastic Differential Screening Calorimetric (DSC) Analysis
making industries, to reduce the amount of discarded organic The DSC analysis was performed using DSC Mettler Toledo
wastes and to contribute to waste-to-wealth industry 822e at -10 ⁰C to 250 ⁰C at a heating rate of 10 ⁰C/min under
development in Malaysia. nitrogen atmosphere.
Materials Banana Peel/Corn Starch Bioplastic Films
Bananas were purchased from the local market in Jalan Pudu and Fig. 1 shows the BP films with different percentage of corn
commercial corn starch was purchased from the local grocery starch. It is probable that the development of brownish color was
shop. Analytical grade hydrochloric acid (HCl; 36 % v/v) and due to the caramelization of the sugar in the ingredients.
glycerol (99.5 % v/v) were purchased from Accot Lab Supplies
(Balakong, Selangor). Analytical grade sodium hydroxide was
purchased from RND I-TECH (Petaling Jaya, Selangor).
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BSTR, 2017, Vol 5, No 1, 12-17
strength values correspond to the value obtained by Mohapatra bioplastics sheets with 39.48% which is lower than the result
et. al [12] which is in the range of 164.750 to 343.511 kN/m2 in obtained. The films were determined to have a water uptake
neutral medium. This shows banana peel film provides a small percentage more than 50% because biopolymers are hydrophilic
value of strength compared to other starch based sources. in nature. Besides, the water molecules interact with hydroxyl
group in starch structure, the plasticization of biopolymer with
glycerol is also an important factor in this study. As glycerol is a
hydrophilic low molecular carbohydrates, it has the tendency to
adsorb water depend on the number of hydroxyl group present
and molecular weight of it structure [15]. Glycerol has three
carbons attached to their backbone with one hydroxyl group
attached to each carbon which causes the molecules to bind to the
highest amount of water corresponding to the weight portion.
Increasing sizes of hydroxyl groups concentration centre in
0 1 2 3 4 5 biocomposite matrix increases the water absorption of the film.
FTIR Characterization
Fig.2. Tensile behavior of BP films with different compositions of corn FTIR analysis has been carried out to compare the spectra of both
starch. The error bars depicts the standard error of the average tensile control and bp film with 4% corn starch. Based on the spectra in
Fig.3, the peaks obtained for both BP film are similar to each
other with the film containing 4% corn starch showing slight shift
As starches from different sources are present in the BP
to the right. This is due to the presence of -OH group in the starch
film, the value of tensile strength might also be affected by the
structure that is involved in the hydrogen bond formation. Four
concentration of plasticizer. The plasticizer used in this study was
major peaks have been discovered to be present in both the
glycerol. It was reported that glycerol has a small molecular size
spectra. The major peak determined from both the spectra of
which allows it to incorporate easily with the polymer chains. As
control BP film and BP film with 4% corn starch, is the C-O
glycerol is added, the starch networks combine with glycerol
peaks which were found at 1026.41 cm-1 and 1013.86 cm-1
molecules and reduce starch-starch interactions. Thus, at addition
respectively. According to Jumaidin et al. [16] peaks obtained
of starch of more than 4%, the presence of starch-starch chains is
approximately at 1089 cm-1 and 1020 cm-1 were due to the
greater which causes the glycerol molecules the inability to fit in
characteristics of anhydro-glucose ring of the C-O stretch. This
as the polymer chain is saturated. According to Leerahawong et.
bond is commonly found in the structure of carbohydrates due to
al [13], glycerol has the ability to decrease tensile strength and
the stretching of C-O-H groups. The peaks observed between
elongation at break of films when the same plasticizer
3100 to 3700 cm-1 in both spectra corresponds to the hydrogen
concentration is used. As glycerol is added, it disrupts the starch
bonded hydroxyl group (O-H) due to the complex vibrational
chains causing reduction in rigidity and increase chain mobility.
stretching that naturally occurs in the carbohydrate structure.
However, the band is shifted to lower wavenumber in the
Water Absorption Test presence of 4% corn starch which was assigned to increase
Water resistance is an important characteristic in determining a intermolecular hydrogen bonding [16].
suitable source for bioplastic. The water absorption of the
plasticized starch BP film was carried out at room temperature Besides, according to Muscat et al [17], the O-H stretching
for 24 hours to obtain the maximum water uptake data. Based on peak decreases from 3324 to 3317 cm-1 upon the addition of 15%
Table 1, the highest water uptake is by BP film with 1% corn glycerol to low amylose starch which indicates a more stable
starch which is 108.98%. hydrogen bond was formed between the glycerol and the starch
molecules. The sharp peaks obtained at wavenumber 2850 to
Table 1. Data for tensile property and water absorption of BP films with 3000 cm-1 indicates the C-H bond stretching of CH2 groups in the
the standard error for the average load applied.
starch structure [18]. The peaks discovered at wavenumber 1580
to 1700 cm-1 in both spectra assigned to the OH group deflection
Sample Tensile property Water absorption
of water which was specifically due to hydroxyl groups bending
Average maximum load (n) Water uptake (%)
mode in water molecules. According to Kizil et al. [19], the band
at 1637 cm-1 is a result of water adsorbed in the amorphous region
0% corn starch 1.60 ± 0.0288 63.95
(control film)
of starch. Based on the spectra, the band at this region is
1% corn starch 1.47 ± 0.0440 108.98 discovered to be wider for BP control film compared to BP film
2% corn starch 1.07 ± 0.0666 73.76 with 4% corn starch. This might be due to the difference in
3% corn starch 3.00 ± 0.2886 60.65 crystallinity of starches present in both films. As each type of
4% corn starch 4.17 ± 0.3333 63.87 starch has different crystallinity values, this band has the
5% corn starch 3.50 ± 0.2886 65.50 potential to be affected due to crystallinity variations.
This may be due to the initial presence of water molecules Other peaks identified in both spectra were between the
in the film during film casting. Upon drying, some water range of 1400 to 1450 cm-1 corresponding to O-H bending [16],
molecules may have remained in the film as water can also act as peaks at 1350 to1480 assigned to the CH2 bending vibrations in
a plasticizer. Amorphous materials plasticized with water results the biofilm, peaks at the range of 1240 cm-1 which attributes to
in lower stability and increase mobility [14]. BP film with 3% C-O stretching and peaks at the range of 1720 to1740 cm-1 due to
corn starch concentration showed lower percentage of water C=O stretching in the film. The peaks obtained at the region
uptake of 60.65% followed by 4% with uptake of 63.87% below 800 cm-1 attributed to the pyranose ring skeletal vibrations
respectively. Comparing the result with the study conducted by in the glucose unit of starches [19]. The peaks at the wavenumber
Sujuthi et al. [11] the bioplastic sheet from corn starch had the of 1534.45 cm-1 and 839.57 cm-1 were only identified in BP film
water absorption percentage of 22.69%, followed by potato- with 4% corn starch concentration. This peaks might be due to
based bioplastic sheets with 32.35% and cassava-based C=C stretching and =C-H bending respectively, that might have
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BSTR, 2017, Vol 5, No 1, 12-17
of water)
Fig.3. The FTIR spectra a) BP control film b) BP film with 4% corn starch.
shifted to a lower wavenumber due to presence of different types Stronger interaction of molecular hydrogen bonding
of starch in the film. According to Zuraida et al. [20], miscible between BP starch, corn starch and glycerol attributes to higher
polymers can cause a distinct interaction of hydrogen bonding melting temperature. The trend of heat flow was determined to
which causes the FTIR spectrum to change in band shifting and be increasing after the melting in BP control film with another
broadening. Thus, shifting to a lower wavenumber helps to easily melting peak discovered at Tonset of 206.42°C, which corresponds
identify and compare with reference spectrum. to the effect of glycerol plasticization. This peak is absent in BP
film with 4% corn starch concentration as the plasticization effect
DSC Analysis might be too little. According to Sorbal et al. [22] the temperature
DSC analysis is carried out to study the thermal behavior of the of melting (Tm) concerned namely with the degree of hydrolysis
bioplastic film. Based on the thermograms in Fig.4, a broad peak and plasticizer concentration. There is no glass transition
corresponding to melting was discovered at Tonset 54.41°C for BP temperature (Tg) identified in the thermal analysis as glass
control film and 67.83°C for BP film with 4% corn starch. transition provides a similar behavior of Tm [16]. The role of
According to Sagnelli et al. [21] the main endothermic peak was plasticizer that interrupts the polymer chains intermolecular
identified at onset temperature range of 80 to 105°C which forces might attribute to the Tg value.
represents the melting of amylose-only starch crystallites. This
shows the BP films melts faster compared to amylose-only film. CONCLUSION
The peaks reach maximum temperature for melting at 106.42°C
and 112.88°C respectively for both films. The bioplastic films from the composite of banana peel and
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BSTR, 2017, Vol 5, No 1, 12-17
1. 0
0. 8
0. 6
In te gra l -38 .8 8 mJ
no rma l ize d -8 .8 8 Jg^-1
Onse t 20 6. 42 °C
Pea k 21 7. 32 °C
0. 4
0. 2
0. 0
In te gra l -15 05 .8 3 mJ
no rma l ize d -3 44 .0 3 Jg^-1
Onse t 5 4 .41 °C
Pea k 1 0 6.4 2 °C
W g^-1 Sa m p le : F ATIMAH E NV - BNN 4 %, 5. 61 2 0 mg
-0 .2
-0 .4
-0 .6
-0 .8
-1 .0
In te gra l -2 0 27 .8 8 mJ
-1 .2
n o rma l ize d -36 1 .3 5 Jg ^-1
On se t 6 7. 83 °C
Pe a k 1 12 .8 8 °C
-1 .4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
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