Electrical Engineering Technology - National Diploma (ND)
Electrical Engineering Technology - National Diploma (ND)
Electrical Engineering Technology - National Diploma (ND)
Electric Power I
Course: ELECTRICAL POWER I Course Code: EEC 122 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Lecture; 30hrs Practicals
Course Specification: Theoretical content and Practical (Industrial visit)
General Objective 1.0: The principles of generation of electrical energy
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
1.1 Describe with the aid of lay out • Instructor should use photographs • Chalk, board,
diagrams the operation of; extensively in describing some textbooks, industrial
a. Steam plant installations. visits, samples of the
b. Diesel plant • A site visit would also help in getting available equipment and
c. Gas plant a realistic impression of the materials
1-3 d. Solar and generators/alternator set.
wind plant.
1.2 Be able to draw a general
layout for generation transmission
and distribution of electrical power
1.3 Differentiate between • A plan of the Nigerian Grid would
transmission and distribution. be useful to provide the students with
1.4 State the various voltage levels an idea how power reaches their
between the generating station and homes.
the consumer • Atypical house load diagram over
1.5 Distinguish between short and 24hrs period should be compared with
medium transmission lines. a load diagram from a small industrial
1.6 Understand the principles of unit.
protection system.
1.7 State types of conductors and
Course: ELECTRICAL POWER I Course Code: EEC 122 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Lecture; 30hrs Practicals
Course Specification: Theoretical content and Practical (Industrial visit)
General Objective 1.0: The principles of generation of electrical energy
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
1.8 Describe the construction of
underground cables.
1.9 Solve problems involving simple
short transmission lines.
General Objective 2.0 Understand the basic principles of distribution systems
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
2.1 Explain the difference between • Give the students the problem of
distributors and feeders estimating the power Consumption of
2.2 Solve problems involving your local town.
7 - 9 voltage drops in simple distribution • Try to identify what protection
systems. devices exist in your home town.
• Arrange a visit to your local
distribution station.
General Objective: 3.0 Understand the basic principles of protection in power systems.
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
3.1 Describe the component parts of • Get students to write short reports
a fuse on such visit.
3.2 Explain the purpose of a fuse • Show samples of different insulators
3.3 Define fusing currents, current obtained from your local electricity
rating and fusing factor. workshop.
10 - 3.4 Describe the moulded case of a
13 circuit breaker
3.5 Define the interruption capacity
of a circuit breaker
3.6 Define an isolator
3.7 Explain the difference between
a circuit breaker and an isolator
General Objective: 4.0 Understand different types of insulators and supports.
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
4.1 Describe with the aid of - do - - do -
14 - diagrams, different types of
15 insulators such as (i) past cap type
(ii) pin type (iii) shackle ring
Course: ELECTRICAL POWER I Course Code: EEC 122 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Lecture; 30hrs Practicals
Course Specification: Theoretical content and Practical (Industrial visit)
General Objective: 4.0 Understand different types of insulators and supports.
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
4.2 State the applications of
the insulators in 4.1
14 -
4.3 Describe different types of
insulating materials and their
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous assessments,
test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the end of the
semester examination score
Electric Power II
Course Specification ELECTRICAL POWER II Course Code: EEC 232 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Theoretical Content and Practical (Industrial lecture 30hrs practicals
General Objective: Understand the transmission lines and cable with their performances
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Describe with the aid of diagrams the • A site visit will be required • Chalk, board, textbooks,
following: to understand layout diagram industrial visits, samples of
a. hydro electricity of power system available equipment and
generation • A plan of the Nigerian Grid materials
b. Nuclear generation would assist the students to
c. MHD generation comprehend the national grid
1.2 Explain factors affecting the system
choice of site for items in 1.1 • Give the students the
1.3 Explain the advantages and problem of estimating the load
disadvantages of power plant in 1.1 factor, peak and load demand
1.4 Draw a typical layout diagram for a
1 - 5 power system.
1.5 Identify major items in a power
system layout.
1.6 Describe the National Electric Power
Grid system as applicable to National
Electricity Power Authority (NEPA).
1.7 Identify the types of generators that
are commonly used for peak and base
1.8 Solve problems on load factor, peak
and base load costs per unit.
1.9 Draw typical load curves
2.1 Describe various types of poles, pole • Teachers should describe the -do-
6 - 10 supports towers and state their uses. poles, towers, conductors,
2.2 Explain the line surveying and route underground cables
Course Specification ELECTRICAL POWER II Course Code: EEC 232 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Theoretical Content and Practical (Industrial lecture 30hrs practicals
General Objective: Understand the transmission lines and cable with their performances
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
profile • Solve problems involving
2.3 Derive expressions for resistance, short and medium
inductance and capacitance for a single- transmission lines
phase transmission lines.
2.4 Solve problems involving short and
medium transmission lines with their
2.5 Describe with the aid of diagrams,
the construction of various conductors
and their sizes.
2.6 Describe with the aid of diagrams the
construction of various types of under
6 - 10 ground cables.
a. Two core cable
b. Three core cable
2.7 State the advantage of 2.6
2.8 Explain dielectric stress and
ionization in cables.
2.9 Derive expression for the
capacitance dielectric stress and
insulation resistance of a single core
2.10 State expression for the thermal
resistance for single and three-core
Course Specification ELECTRICAL POWER II Course Code: EEC 232 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Theoretical Content and Practical (Industrial lecture 30hrs practicals
General Objective: Understand the transmission lines and cable with their performances
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
receiving end of the line.
3.6 Draw phasor diagram for short
transmission line.
3.7 Solve problems in short transmission
for voltage drop, voltage regulation,
11 - transmission efficiency and copper used
15 3.8 Draw the approximate equivalent
diagrams for nominal Π (Pi) and nominal
(T) net works.
3.9 Evaluate ABCD parameters for 3 - 7
3.10 Draw phasor diagrams for nominal
Π (Pi) or nominal T net work systems.
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous
assessments, test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the
end of the
semester examination score
Electric Power III
General Objectives
Course ELECTRICAL POWER III Course Course Code: EEC 242 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Specification: Theoretical Content lecture
General Objective: Understand the performance of load flow and fault analysis of interconnected
power systems
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
1.1 Discuss interconnected power • The teacher should indicate the • Chalk, board, digital
systems essence of load flow analysis to computer, samples of
1.2 State the advantages and power systems application software on
disadvantages of interconnected power • Ask the students to solve load flow analysis
systems problems on load flow analysis
1.3 Construct the power circle diagram. • Show how digital computer can
1.4 Describe the techniques for reducing be applied to this analysis
interconnected systems to simple • Give written computer program
equivalent diagrams. to perform load flow analysis
1.5 Solve problems involving 1 - 4 above
1.6 Explain the need for load flow
1.7 Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of load flow studies.
1.8 Formulate the nodal admittance
matrices for various net work.
1.9 State the various variables (P, Q, S,
V and ) affecting the load flow in power
system next work.
1.10 Classify the variables in 1.8 into
control independent and dependent
Course ELECTRICAL POWER III Course Course Code: EEC 242 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Specification: Theoretical Content lecture
General Objective: Understand the performance of load flow and fault analysis of interconnected
power systems
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
1.11 Derive the general form of the load
flow equation in
a. Rectangular form
b. Polar form
1.12 Know one method of load
flow solution (Gaus Seidel)
1.13 Solve problems on load flow
1 - 4 analysis for interconnected system.
1.14 Explain the application of
digital computers to load flow
1.15 Write a computer programme to
perform load flow analysis of a simple
power network.
1.16 Execute item 1.16 using a
2.1 Describe various types of faults that • The teacher should be able to • Chalk,, board and
can occur on generators transformers describe different types of faults Textbooks
and transmission lines. on generators, transformers and
2.2 Explain short circuit, open circuit and transmission lines
earth faults on transmission lines. • Help the students to determine
2.3 Define transient and sub-transient fault levels on typical power
reactances. systems
2.4 Explain sub-transient and transient
reactances using the appropriate wave
form of a faulted generator.
2.5 Draw typical wave forms of short
circuit currents in power systems.
2.6 Explain a symmetrical fault.
2.7 Solve symmetrical fault problems
using one line diagram and the per unit
system method.
2.8 Derive expressions for the
symmetrical components for positive,
negative and zero sequence in terms of
the line values.
Course ELECTRICAL POWER III Course Course Code: EEC 242 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Specification: Theoretical Content lecture
General Objective: Understand the performance of load flow and fault analysis of interconnected
power systems
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
2.9 State the expression for power in
symmetrical component.
2.10 Define unsymmetrical
(asymmetrical) faults for
a. Single-line to ground
b. Double-line to ground
c. Line - to - line.
2.11 Explain unsymmetrical fault
problems using the symmetrical
component networks.
2.12 Identify the sequence impedances
of power system components.
2.13 Determine the sequence network
for a given power system.
2.14 Solve unsymmetrical fault problems
using the principles of symmetrical
2.15 Determine the MVA fault level
on typical power systems.
2.16 Describe methods of selecting
circuit breakers, switch gears bus-bars,
fuses for typical fault levels.
Course ELECTRICAL POWER III Course Course Code: EEC 242 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Specification: Theoretical Content lecture
General Objective: Understand the performance of load flow and fault analysis of interconnected
power systems
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
3.1 Describe corona effect and the • Ask the students to identify • Chalk, boards,
factors affecting it. the causes of over-voltage in textbooks
3.2 Derive an expression for the power systems
disruptive critical voltages for an • Derive expressions for the
overhead line. characteristics of transmission
3.3 Explain the causes of over voltage in line
power systems.
3.4 Draw a typical surge wave-form.
3.5 State the possible effects of a
travelling wave on transmission line.
3.6 Derive an equation for surge velocity
in a uniform transmission line.
3.7 Use the expression in 3.6 to solve
involving surge velocity in a
a. Single phase line
6-9 b. Three phase line
c. Single - phase
concentric cable.
3.8 Derive an expression for surge
impedance (Zo)
3.9 Explain different types of
3.10 Derive an expression for reflected
surge voltage and current.
3.11 Define
a. Reflecting factor
coefficient (p)
b. Transmission factor
coefficient (t)
3.12 Solve problems involving 3.8, 3.10
and 3.11.
Course ELECTRICAL POWER III Course Course Code: EEC 242 Contact Hours: 15hrs
Specification: Theoretical Content lecture
General Objective: Understand the performance of load flow and fault analysis of interconnected
power systems
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous assessments,
test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the end of the
semester examination score
Course: ELECTRICAL POWER III Course Code: EEC 242 Contact Hours: 30hrs Practicals
Course Specification: Practical Tasks
General Objective : Analysis and Troubleshoot of faults on a typical power system
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher's Activities Resources
1.1 Determine the sending and • Ask students to carryout • Transmission line model,
receiving end voltage of the line the practical as ammeter, voltmeter and
1.2 Determine the voltage regulation demonstrated wattmeter
and transmission efficiency
2.1 Write computer program to -do- • Computer systems and C++
5-8 perform load flow analysis of a simple software package
power network
3.1 Identify the faults on faulted -do- • Wattmeter, voltmeter, ammeter,
generators, transformers and T-line phase sequence meter,
9 - 12 3.2 Determine the symmetrical and stroboscope
unsymmetrical faults in a power
4.1 Demonstrate methods of testing -do- • Megger, voltmeter and
insulators ammeter
13 -
4.2 Perform experiment to determine
voltage distribution and string
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous
assessments, test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the
end of the semester examination score
Electric Machines I
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINE I Course Code: EEC 123 Contact Hours: 15 hrs
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective : Understand the construction and principle of operation of d.c, a.c machines and
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1. Describe, with the aid of a labelled • The teacher should give the • Chalk, board,
diagram, the construction of a dc motor. detail construction of d.c machines textbooks, d.c machines
1.2 State materials used in the • Ask the students to solve
Construction of various parts dc problems on d.c machines
machines. • Explain the conditions for parallel
1.3 State the functions of operation of d.c machines
armature windings and field
1.4 Show the student a typical lap
& wave winding of a dc machine
1-5 1.5 Differentiate between lap and wave
1.6 Draw diagrams of Lap and wave
1.7 Derive emf equation of dc machine
1.8 Solve problems involving 1.4 and 1.6
1.9 State factors that affect the
emf equations
1.10 Derive the equation V=E+Ia Ra (for
a motor) Or E = V + IR (for a generator)
1.11 Explain, with the aid of developed
diagram, armature reaction and methods
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINE I Course Code: EEC 123 Contact Hours: 15 hrs
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective : Understand the construction and principle of operation of d.c, a.c machines and
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
of minimising it.
1.12 Stop circuit representations of dc
machines and calculate current and
voltage drop.
1.13 Explain Concept of back emf.
1.14 Explain the need for Starters for
a dc motor.
1-5 1.15 Describe different Starters for dc
1.16 Derive the condition for maximum
efficiency of dc machine.
1.17 State conditions for parallel
operation of dc machines.
1.18 Solve problems involving 1.15 to
2.1 Describe with Labelled diagrams the • The teacher should ensure that • Chalk, board,
construction and principles of operation the construction and operation of textbooks, single and
of Single phase transformer transformer is illustrated with three phase
2.2 List different types of cores used in diagrams transformers
transformer construction • Ask the students to solve
2.3 Explain with the aid of phasor problems associated with single
diagrams the action of a transformer phase and three phase
on load and on no-load transformers
2.4 Derive transformation equations of a
6 - 10 transformer.
2.5 Draw an equivalent circuit for a
2.6 Describe with the aid of
an equivalent circuit, a
practical transformer.
2.7 Determine the equivalent circuit of a
transformer with parameters referred to
the primary or secondary.
2.8 List standard terminal markings for a
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINE I Course Code: EEC 123 Contact Hours: 15 hrs
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective : Understand the construction and principle of operation of d.c, a.c machines and
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
single, 2-phase, and 3-phase
transformers as governed by BS171.
2.9 Define efficiency of transformers.
2.10 Calculate efficiency of a
2.11 Derive the expression for maximum
efficiency of a transformer (Single and 3-
6 - 10 2.12 Solve problems involving 2.3 to
2.13 Explain the principles of
operation of an auto transformer.
2.14 Describe the construction of a 3-
phase transformer
2.15 State transformer applications
2.16 State various cooling arrangements
used in practical 3- phase transformer.
3.1 Discuss how rotating field are • The teacher should discuss the • Chalk, board,
produced and how polyphase machines principles of operation of induction textbooks and a.c
are constructed (use diagrams and synchronous machine machines
3.2 Differentiate between synchronous • Give simple problems involving
and Induction machines. a.c machines
3.3 Describe the Component parts of a
3-phase Induction motor (Squirrel cage
and wound type)
11 -
3.4 Explain the principles of operation of
Induction machine.
3.5 Define Synchronous speed and slip.
3.6 Solve problems relating to 3.4
and 3.5
3.7 List the component parts of an
3.8 Derive the e.m.f equations of an
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINE I Course Code: EEC 123 Contact Hours: 15 hrs
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective : Understand the construction and principle of operation of d.c, a.c machines and
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
3.9 Explain the principle of operation of
a single phase Induction motor
3.10 Calculate efficiency of an Induction
3.11 Derive an expression for maximum
efficiency of an Induction motor
11 - 3.12 Explain various applications of an
15 Induction machine
3.13 Solve simple problems involving ac
3.14 Explain the various types of
enclosures and cooling arrangements of
electrical machines (dc motors and ac
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous
assessments, test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the
end of the
semester examination score
Electric Machines II
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINES II Course Code: ECC 233 Contact Hours: 15
Hrs Lectures
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 1.0: Understand the fundamental principles of electrical machines:
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 State the principles of induction, • Explain with diagrams the • Chalkboard,
interaction and alignment as applied to principle and operation of inductions Chalk, textbooks,
electrical machines. motors. electrical machines
1.2 Explain with the aid of sketches how • Take students to the machine
the principles are applied to electrical laboratory and show them the
machines. construction of an electrical motors.
General Objective 2.0: Understand the the principles of electro-mechanical energy conversion
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 State the major energy conversion • Explain to the students, the -do-
principles. principles of synchronous machines.
2.2 Derive the general energy balance • Indicate the types of synchronous
equation applicable to all situations. machines.
2.3 Represent by suitable block • Explain the basic difference between
diagrams the energy balance equation. motors and generator
2.4 Derive induced voltage and electrical • Take students to the machine
energy input in singly excited systems. laboratory to see practical generators.
2.5 Derive the energy in the magnetic • Demonstrate the difference between
field of a singly excited system. the types of generators by diagram.
3 - 8 2.6 Derive the mechanical force in the
system in 2.5 above.
2.7 Derive energy balance equation.
2.8 Develop the dynamic equation of
singly excited electro-mechanical
2.9 Solve problems involving 2.2 to 2.7
2.10 Perform an experiment to show the
conversion of energy in singly excited
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINES II Course Code: ECC 233 Contact Hours: 15
Hrs Lectures
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 3.0: Know the principles of operation and construction of transformers
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
3.1 Explain the working principle of • Explain to the student the working - do -
the franformers. principle, types and equivalent circuit
3.2 Develop the emf equation of a of transformers.
transformer. • Solve problems on transformer
3.3 Describe the different types of • Teachers should demonstrate
transformer cores and windings. possible arrangements of the
3.4 Explain resultant flux, magntizing transformer windings to provide single
inductance, leakage fluxes and leakage phase and poly-phase transformer.
inductances. • Give the detail of parallel operation of
3.5 Explain the phasor diagrams for three-phase transformer
transformer on no-load and on-load.
3.6 Explain the equivalent circuit of
a transformer.
3.7 Identify the limitations of the
equivalent circuit and the approximate
equivalent circuit.
3.8 Use the open-circuit test and the
9 - 10
short-circuit test to determine the
equivalent circuit parameters.
3.9 Describe methods of testing
transformers namely:
3.10 Connect three single phase
transformers for three phase operation
(i.e. Star/Star, Star/Delta)
3.11 Show with the aid of sketches the
possible arrangement of three
transformer windings.
3.12 Group transformers into their vector
3.13 Explain the use of each group and
their advantages.
3.14 Explain the purpose of the
tertiary windings in three phase
3.15 Explain the parallel operation of
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINES II Course Code: ECC 233 Contact Hours: 15
Hrs Lectures
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 3.0: Know the principles of operation and construction of transformers
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
three phase transformers.
9 - 10 3.16 Derive expression for load sharing
of transformers connected in parallel.
3.17 Describe methods of testing • Teacher should operate and test a - do -
transformers namely: transformer
a. Specialised
investigation on
particular details of
design, performance and
operation after
b. Acceptance test
11 -
c. Routine test during life
span of the transformer
3.18 Differentiate between power and
distribution transformers.
3.19 Explain the effects of
temperature rise on transformers.
3.20 Describe methods of cooling
3.21 Explain the limitation of each
Course: ELECTRICAL MACHINES II Course Code: ECC 233 Contact Hours: 30 hrs - Practicals
Course Specification: Practicals tasks
General Objective : 1.0 Experiment the fundamental principles of electrical machines
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Perform experiment on open • Teacher should assist • Transformers (single and three
circuit characteristics of a single the students when phase), a.c machines, starters,
phase transformer carrying out experiment voltmeter, ammeter, tachometer, phase
1.2 Perform experiment on open sequence meter
circuit characteristics of three
phase transformer
1.3 Carryout experiment on close
1 - 19 circuit characteristics of a single
phase transformer
1.4 Perform experiment on close
circuit characteristics of three
phase transformer
1.5 Perform experiment on
identifying polarity of a 3-phase
2.1 Perform experiments on open • Teacher should assist -do-
and close circuit characteristics of the students when
a single induction motor carrying out experiments
2.2 Carryout experiments on open
10 -
and close circuit characteristics of
a three phase induction motion
2.3 Carryout experiment on open
circuit characteristics of an
alternator/a.c generator
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous assessment,
tests and quizzes will be 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the end of the
semester score
Electrical Engineering Science I
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Course Code: EEC 115 Contact Hours:
SCIENCE I 15 Hrs Lecture
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 2.0: Understand simple dc circuits
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
2.6 Solve problems using Ohm's law • Give some circuit with resistive
2.7 Define resistivity and conductivity of a components.
conductor. • Verify Ohms laws.
2.8 State the relationship between • Explain how to obtain resistivity and
resistance of a conductor, its resistivity, conductivity from the formula R
length and area. =ρ1/a
2.9 Differentiate between series and
parallel circuits.
2.10 Solve problems involving resistivity
and conductivity
2.11 Deduce the equivalent resistance of
series and parallel circuits.
2.12 Explain Kirchoff's laws. • Explain how to obtain resistivity from
2.13 Verify by experiment the the formula R =ρ1/a
Kirchoff's laws. • Draw the circuit diagrams for series and
2.14 Explain the Superposition Principles parallel connections.
2.15 Solve problems involving series and • Explain the differences between the
parallel circuits using Kirchoff's laws and Kirchoff's laws and superposition
superposition principles. principles. Give examples.
2.16 Define temperature coefficient of • Explain the relationship between the
7 - 9 resistance temperature and resistance of a wire.
2.17 Use the expression for resistance at • Show how to calculate a change in
temperature T°k and to calculate change resistance when the temp changes.
in resistance. Explain why there is a temperature
2.18 See from 2.18 the change in change when the current flows through a
resistance due to change in temperature wire.
2.20 Solve problems involving effect of • Show a typical graph of resistance
temperature on resistance against temperature
Solve problems
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Course Code: EEC 115 Contact Hours:
SCIENCE I 15 Hrs Lecture
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 3.0: Understand various types of energy and their inter-relationships
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
3.1 Explain various types of energy Explain the sources of various energy
3.2 Explain the relationship between generations.
electrical, mechanical and thermal • Show how they are related to electrical
10 - energy. energy
12 3.3 State 5.1 units of various types of • Explain their units.
energy in 3.2 • Solve problems
3.4 State Joule's law
3.5 Solve problems involving Joule's law
General Objective 4.0: Understand the concept of electrostatics, electric charge and capacitance of
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
4.1 Explain electric charge • Explain sources of electric charges and
4.2 State its unit electrostatic charges
4.3 State Coulomb's law • Explain the mathematical formula for
4.4 Solve problems involving coulomb's the electric charge, electrostatic charges.
law • Treat energy store in Capacitor.
4.5 Define electric field strength, electric
flux density, permitivity, relative
13 - permitivity, field intensity, potential and
14 electric flux.
4.6 Solve problems involving the terms
in 4.5
4.7 Define capacitance
4.8 Derive an expression for the
capacitance of parallel plate capacitors in
terms of area, the distance between
plates and permitivity of the dielectric.
4.9 Derive an expression for the
capacitance of parallel plate capacitors in
15 terms of area, the distance between
plates and permitivity of the dielectric.
4.10 Derive an expression for the
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Course Code: EEC 115 Contact Hours:
SCIENCE I 15 Hrs Lecture
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 4.0: Understand the concept of electrostatics, electric charge and capacitance of
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teacher Activities Resources
capacitance of a capacitor with
composite dielectrics
4.11 Derive an expression for the voltage
distribution between series connected
4.12 Deduce an expression for the
equivalent capacitance for capacitors
connected in series and in parallel.
4.13 Derive an expression for the energy
stored in a capacitor
4.14 Solve problems involving 4.8 to
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous assessments,
test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the end of the
semester examination score
Course: ELECTRICAL Course Code: EEC 115 Contact Hours: 30 Hrs Practical
Course Specification: Practical tasks
General Objective 1.0: Perform experiments on d.c circuits to understand electrical quantities.
Week Special Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Perform experiment on a • Teachers should ensure • Resistors, capacitor, voltmeter,
single loop d.c circuit with necessary precautions are taken ammeter, ohmmeter, cable, emf
variable e.m.f during the experiment. sources, thermometer.
1.2 Verify Ohm's law
1.3 Carry out experiments on
series and parallel circuits.
1.4 Verify Kirchoff's law with
d.c circuits.
1.5 Verify superposition
2.1 Determine by experiment -do- -do-
the temperature coefficient of
8 - 11 resistance.
2.2. Verify by experiment the
heating effect .
3.1 Perform experiment to -do- -do-
determine the d.c power
12 - 3.2 Verify Joules' Law
15 3.3 Perform experiment on
charging and discharging of a
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous assessments,
test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the end of the
semester examination score
Electrical Engineering Science II
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE Course Code: EEC 125 Contact Hours: 15
II HRS Lecture
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective: 1.0 Understand the concept of magnetism and magnetic circuits.
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Define magnetic flux, magnetic flux • State the general concept of • Chalk Board,
density magnetic motive force, magnetic magnetism and electromagnetism textbooks, coil of
field strength, reluctance, permeability of • The teacher is to derive conductor, magnetic
free space (magnetic constants), relative formulae for field strength force materials, magnet.
permeability. etc.
1.2 State the symbols, units and • Show analogies between
relationships of terms in 1.1 electrical and magnetic circuits.
1.3 Draw the electrical equivalent of a • Solve problems in the class.
magnetic circuit, with or without air-gap.
1.4 State analogies between electrical and
magnetic circuits.
1.5 Solve simple magnetic circuit problems
1.6 Distinguish between soft and hard
magnetic materials.
General Objective: 2.0 Understand the concept of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Explain the magnetic affect of • The teacher to show right hand -do-
electric current rule and explain the concept of
2.2 Draw magnetic fields around straight electric field and electromagnetic
conductors, adjacent parallel conductors Induction.
and solenoids.
2.3 Explain the force on a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field.
2.4 State the direction of the force in 2.4
2.5 Derive the expression for the magnitude
of the force in 2.4 (i.e. F = BIL Newton)
2.6 Explain the concept of electromagnetic
2.7 State Faraday's Laws of electromagnetic
2.8 State Lenz's law of electromagnetic
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE Course Code: EEC 125 Contact Hours: 15
II HRS Lecture
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective: 2.0 Understand the concept of electromagnetism and electromagnetic induction
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
2.9 Derive the expressions for magnitude of
e.m.f induced in a conductor or a coil.
2.10 Solve problems involving 2.6 to 2.10
2.11 State the applications of
electromagnetic induction.
General Objective: 3.0 Understand the concept of inductance and its applications
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
3.1 Define self and mutual inductance • Explain mutual inductance and -do-
3.2 State the symbols and units of the terms how to calculate various
in 3.1 above parameters.
3.3 State the expression for the equivalent • Show with examples how
inductance of inductances connected in energy stored is.
series and in parallel
3.4 State the expression for the induced
voltage across an inductor
9 - 11 3.5 State the expression for inductance in
coupled coils connected in series aiding or
3.6 Derive an expression for energy stored
in an inductor
3.7 Solve problem involving 3.3 to 3.6
3.8 Describe using suitable diagram, the
operation of the induction coiled in a car
ignition system
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE Course Code: EEC 125 Contact Hours: 15
II HRS Lecture
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective: 4.0 Understand the fundamentals of a.c. theory
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
and peak values, period, and frequency of
an a.c. waveform.
4.4 State relationship between
instantaneous, and peak valves of a
sinusoidal wave.
4.5 Solve problems involving 4.2. to 4.4
4.6 Solve problems graphically on a.c.
circuits with different combinations of
12 - resistance, inductance and capacitance.
15 4.7 Differentiate between series and parallel
4.8 Explain phase lag or phase lead as
applied to a.c. circuits.
4.9 Explain the difference between single-
phase and three-phase supply.
4.10 State advantages and disadvantages of
three phase supply over single phase
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous assessments,
test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for the end of the
semester examination score
Course: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Course Code: EEC 125 Contact Hours: 30 HRS
Course Specification: Practical Tasks
General Objective 1.0: Understand through experiments the a.c fundamentals and circuits
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 Determine by experiment the B-H • Ask students to perform • Magnet, inductors, voltmeter,
curve for magnetic material the experiments with ammeter, flux meter
(Hysterisis curve) minimum error
1.2 Perform experiment on a
magnetic energy loss in a magnetic
1.3 Verify by experiment faraday's law
of electromagnetic induction
1.4 Perform experiment on Lenz's law
of electromagnetic induction
2.1 Determine by experiment the -do- -do-
inductance of a coil
2.2 Perform experiment to determine
energy loss in an inductor
6 - 10
2.3 Determine by experiment energy
loss in an inductor
2.4 Perform experiment on serial and
parallel inductive circuit
3.1 Perform experiment to measure • Teacher should • Oscilloscope, signal generator,
the frequency, period and amplitude differentiate between d.c voltmeter, ammeter, resistor,
of sinusoidal signal circuit and a.c circuits inductors and capacitors
3.2 Carryout experiment to obtain
11 - serial and parallel resonance of a.c
15 circuit
3.3 Determine by experiment the Q-
factor of a series RLC circuit
3.4 Determine by experiment the Q-
factor of a parallel RLC circuit
Assessment: The practical class will be awarded 40% of the total score. The continuous
assessments, test and quizzes will take 10% of the total score, while the remaining 50% will be for
end of the semester examination score
Electric Circuit Theory I
1. Understand a.c theory and apply it to the solution of simple electrical circuits.
2. Understand mesh and nodal analysis and their applications in solving electrical circuits
3. Understand and apply network transformation and duality principles
4. Understand network theorems and their applications to d.c and a.c circuits
Course: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT THEORY I Course Code: EEC 239 Contact Hours:
1/0/2 HRS/WK
Course Specification Theoretical Content
General Objective: Understand a.c theory and apply it to the solution of simple electrical circuits
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
1.1 State different mathematical forms of • Teacher should explain the a.c • Chalk, board,
representing a.c signals eg. Trigonometry, polar theory with respect to serial and textbooks, charts,
and j-notation. parallel circuit calculator
1.2 Convert a.c signal in polar form to the • Solve many problems involving
j- notation. a.c theory and circuits
1.3 Subtract, add, multiply and divide phasor
using j-operator
1.4 Solve simple problems using j-notation
1.5 Draw to scale phasor diagrams for a.c
1 - 4 1.6 Show with the aid of phasor diagrams that
the current in a capacitor circuit leads voltage
and the current in the inductive circuit lags the
1.7 Distinguish between inductive and capacitive
1.8 Draw voltage and current wave forms on
same axis to show lagging and leading angles
1.9 Draw the phasor diagrams for series and
parallel a.c circuits
1.10 Calculate voltage, current, power and
Course: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT THEORY I Course Code: EEC 239 Contact Hours:
1/0/2 HRS/WK
Course Specification Theoretical Content
General Objective: Understand a.c theory and apply it to the solution of simple electrical circuits
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
power factor in series and parallel circuits
1.11 Explain series and parallel resonance
1.12 State conditions for series and parallel
1.13 Prove the relevant formulae for 2.12 above
e.g Q-factor, dynamic impedance, bandwidth
resonance frequency
1.14 Sketch I and Z against F for series
and parallel circuits where I = current, Z =
impedance. F = frequency.
1.15 Calculate the Q-factor for a coil; loss factor
for a capacitor.
1.16 Explain, with the aid of a
diagram bandwidth
1.17 Solve problems involving bandwidth and
circuit Q-factor.
2.1 Explain the following terms used in • Ask students to solve and -do-
electric network: analysis nodal/mesh network
a. ideal and practical circuits
independent current and voltage
b. branch
c. node
d. loop
e. Network
2.2 Explain the basic principle of mesh circuit
2.3 Solve problem on items listed in 3.2 above
2.4 Explain the basic principle of nodal analysis
2.5 Solve problem on 3.4
3.1 Reduce a complex network to its series or • Solve network problems with
parallel equivalent duality principle
8 - 11 3.2 Identify star and delta networks
3.3 Derive the formula for the transformation of
a delta to a star network and vice versa
Course: ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT THEORY I Course Code: EEC 239 Contact Hours:
1/0/2 HRS/WK
Course Specification Theoretical Content
General Objective: Understand a.c theory and apply it to the solution of simple electrical circuits
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
3.4 Solve problems on 3.3 above
3.5 Explain the meaning of Duality principle
3.6 Establish duality between resistance,
conductance inductance, capacitance, voltage-
8 - 11
3.7 Find the duality of a network
3.8 Solve network problems using duality
4.1 State Thevenin's Theorem • Explain the Thevenin's -do-
4.2 Explain the basic principle of Thevenin's and Norton's theorem to
theorem solve electric
4.3 Solve problems on sime network using circuits/networks problems
Thevenin's theorem • Solve network problems using
4.4 Solve problems involving repeated used of Millman's theorem and
Thevenin's theorem Reciprocity theorem
4.5 State Norton's theorem
4.6 Explain the basic principle of Norton's
4.7 Compare Norton's theorem with Thevenin's
12 -
4.8 Solve problems using Norton's theorem
4.9 State Millman's theorem
4.10 Explain the basic principle of
Millman's theorem
4.11 Solve network problems using Millman's
4.12 State Reciprocity theorem
4.13 Explain the basic principle of reciprocity
4.14 Solve network problems using Reciprocity
Assessment: The continuous assessment, quizzes and tests will be awarded 40% of the local score,
while the remaining 60% will be for the end of the semester examination
Electric Circuit Theory II
Course: ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY II Course Code: EEC 249 Contact Hours: 30
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective 2.0: Understand the basic principles involved in three-phase systems and their
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
2.1 Define polyphase system • Ask the students to identify single -do-
2.2 Explain the basic difference between phase, three-phase (star and delta)
single phase and three-phase systems. systems
2.3 Explain the phase sequence of a • Solve various problems on
three- phase system. polyphase system
2.4 State the advantages of 3-
phase circuits.
2.5 Explain how 3-phase emf's are
2.6 Distinguish between star and delta 3-
phase system.
2.7 Derive the relationship between line
and phase values of voltages and current
in a star and delta connected windings.
2.8 Derive an expression for power in a 3-
phase circuit (balanced and unbalanced).
2.9 Explain the 2-wattmeter and single-
wattmeter methods of measuring 3-phase
2.10 Solve problems on 2.5 to 2.9.
General Objective: 3.0 Understand and apply Time Domain analysis of RC, RL and RLC circuits.
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
3.1 Explain the meaning of transients • Teacher should illustrate domain -do-
3.2 Sketch the growth and decay curves in analysis of RC, RL, RLC circuit with
RC circuits appropriate diagrams and models
3.3 Derive formulae for current & voltage
growths and decay in RC circuits.
3.4 Define time constant
3.5 Explain time constant in RC
and circuits
3.6 Derive expressions for the growth and
Course: ELECTRIC CIRCUIT THEORY II Course Code: EEC 249 Contact Hours: 30
Course Specification: Theoretical Content
General Objective: 3.0 Understand and apply Time Domain analysis of RC, RL and RLC circuits.
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
decay of voltage and current in RL circuits.
3.7 Sketch curves for growth and decay of
current and voltage in RL circuits.
3.8 Explain the need for connecting
a resistor in parallel with an inductor
3.9 Derive expressions for growth and
decay of current in RLC circuits.
3.10 Derive expressions for the time
constant and natural frequency for RLC
3.11 Solve problems involving transients in
RC., RL and RLC circuits.
General Objective 4.0: Understand and apply magnetic coupling phenomena
Week Specific Learning Outcome: Teachers Activities Resources
4.1 Describe magnetic coupling • Ask the students to state -do-
4.2 Define mutual Inductance applications of magnetic couplings
4.3 Determine the polarity of coupled coils
4.4 Define coefficient of coupling
4.5 Define an equivalent circuit for
12 -
magnetically coupled coils
4.6 Define an ideal transformer
4.7 Use 4.5 to derive an equivalent circuit
of an ideal transformer
4.8 Explain with the aid of sketches, an
equivalent circuit of a practical transformer.
Assessment: The continuous assessment, quizzes and tests will be award 40% of the total score
while the remaining 60% will be for the end of semester examination score