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Diploma in Civil Engineering 2020-21 C20

Government of Karnataka
Department of Collegiate and Technical Education
Board of Technical Examinations, Bangalore

Course Code 20EE01P Semester I/II

Course Title ELECTRICAL & Course Group Core
No. of Credits 4 Type of Course Lecture & Practice
6Hrs Per Week
Course Category PC Total Contact Hours
78Hrs Per Semester
Prerequisites Basic Science Teaching Scheme (L:T:P)= 1:0:2
CIE Marks 60 SEE Marks 40

Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is essential for all streams of diploma
engineering to work in any industry as it covers basic electrical safety,troubleshooting and repairing
of simple electrical systems. Basic knowledge of electrical wiring circuits, protective devices,
electrical machines and basic electronics devices is required to work in any engineering field.


The aim of the course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified competency
through various teaching –learning experiences
1. Perform and test domestic wiring
2. Can operate electrical machine
3. Test different electronics devices

1. Expose to different learning tools used in respective labs, Operational safety and Procedure
to be followed in the laboratory.
2. Instructor should give examples from daily routine as well as, engineering/technology
applications on various concepts and principles in each topic so that students are able to
understand and grasp these concepts and principles. In all contents, SI units should be
3. Activity- Theory - Demonstrate/practice approach may be followed throughout the course so
that learning may be skill and employability based.


On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Comply with the safety procedures
CO2 Apply the fundamentals of electricity.
CO3 Install and test electrical wiring system.

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CO4 Identify and Operate electrical machines, Batteries and UPS.

CO5 Identify and test the different electronic devices.

Unit Unit Name Hours
1 Electrical Safety 6

2 Electrical Fundamentals 15

3 Protective Devices and Wiring circuits 15

4 Electric Machines and Batteries and UPS 15

5 Introduction to Electronic Devices and Digital 27

Total 78Hr

The following topics/sub topics is to be taught and assessed in order to develop Unit Skill sets for achieving CO to
attain identified skill sets
Unit skill set
Sl (In cognitive domain) Hours
No On successful completion of Topics/Sub topics Practical L-T-P
the class, the students will
be able to
Electrical Safety
1 Comply with the Electrical 1. Electrical Symbols 1. Electrical symbols 02-00-
safety 2. Electrical safety related to electrical 04
• Identify Various types of safety signs engineering.
and what they mean 2. Electrical safety
• Demonstrate and practice use of PPE 3. Electrical earthing
• Demonstrate how to free a person
from electrocution
• Administer appropriate first aid to
victims, bandaging, heart attack,
CPR, etc.
• Fire safety, causes and precautionar
y activities.
• Use of appropriate fire extinguishers
on different types of fires.
• Demonstrate rescue techniques
applied during fire hazard, correct
method to move injured people
during emergency
• Inform relevant authority about any
abnormal situation
• Earthing: Types

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Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/sy
Ø http://bouteloup.pierre.free.fr

Electrical Fundamentals
2 1. Identify and select the 1. Describe the sources of electrical 1:0:2
different measuring energy. 1. Connect voltmeter
devices. 2. Electrical current, voltage, emf,
2. Identify different potential difference, resistance with
and ammeter in a
electrical supply systems their SI units. simple circuit.
3. Identify open circuit, 3. Mention the meters used to (Practicing of
close circuit and short measure different electrical identification and
circuit conditions. quantities. connection of
Identification Measuring devices
different meters)
• Ammeter
• Voltmeter
• Wattmeter
• Ohmmeter
• Digital Multimeter
• Megger
• Tong tester

4. Explain supply systems like AC, DC.

Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/units.ht
3 Calculate basic electrical • Relationship between V, I and 1. Measure current, 1:0:2
quantities R. (Ohms law) voltage and analyze
• Behavior of V, I in Series and effective resistance in
Parallel DC circuits.
• Describe open circuit, close cir
cuit and short circuit 2. Demonstrate effects
of shorts and opens in
a circuit
• http://nreeder.com/Flash/oh
4 Connect resistances in 1. Equation to find the effective 1. Determine the 1:0:2
different combination Resistances connected in series equivalent Resistance
2. Equation to find effective Resistances of parallel connected
connected in parallel resistances.
3. Resistances connected series and
parallel combinations
4. Simple problems.
5 Calculate and Ac sinewave: Sinusoidal voltage, Generate and 1:0:2
measurement of different current, amplitude, time-period, demonstrate the
parameters of an AC cycle, frequency, phase, phase measurement of
quantity. difference, and their units. frequency, time period
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/freqP
and phase difference of
AC quantity using CRO
Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/oscill
and function generator.
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6 1. Calculate and measure 1. Electrical work, power and power • Measure the voltage, 1:0:2
electric power and factor current, powerusing
energy • SI units relevant measuring
2. Identify and differentiate • Mention the meters used to instruments in a Single-
Single phase and Three measure them phase load.
phase supply Øhttp://nreeder.com/Flash/powerL

7. 1. Electrical energy 1. Measure single phase

• SI units energy using relevant
• Mention the meters used to measuring instruments
measure them in a Single-phase load.
2. Single phase and Three phase 2. Measure the voltages
supply. in Three phase supply.

Protective Devices and Wiring circuits
8. 1. Identify and select • Necessity of Protective 1. Wire up and test PVC 1:0:2
Protective Devices for Devices Conduit wiring to
given current and voltage • Various Protective devices control one lamp from
rating and their functions two different places
2. Identify and select the •fuse wire, using suitable
various electrician tools •Glass cartridge fuse protective devices.
• HRC fuse
• Kit-kat fuse
• Relay
• Different types of electrician
tools and their function.
• Describe various wiring tools.
• State procedure of care and
maintenance of wiring tools.

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9 1. Identify and select 1. Describe different types of wiring 1. Wire up and test PVC 2:0:4
Wiring systems for a systems. Conduit wiring to
given applications • Surface conduit control of 2 sockets and
2. Identify and select the • concealed conduit 2 lamps.
cables used for different • PVC casing capping
current and voltage 2. Wiring systems and their
ratings. applications.
3. Draw the wiring diagram 3. Describe the types of wires, cables
used for different current and voltage

10 Estimate and plan Explain Plan and estimate the cost of Prepare the estimation 1:0:2
electrical wiring electrical wiring for one 3m × 3m room and plan
consisting of 2 lamps, 1ceiling fan, 2
three pin sockets.

Electrical Machines and Batteries and UPS
11 1. Identify the types of Transformer Connect the Single- phase 1:0:2
transformer. • working principle transformer as Step-Up,
2. verify the transformation • Transformation ratio Step-Down transformer
ratio. • Types and applications with and verify the
their ratings transformation ratio.

12 1. Start and run the 1. Induction motor 1. Construct a suitable 2:0:4

induction motor. • Single phase and three phase circuit to start and
2. Troubleshoot DOL/Star- Induction motor. reverse the direction of
delta starter and • Necessity of starters. three phase induction
induction motor • Describe DOL AND STAR-DELTA motor using DOL/ Star-
starters. delta starter.
2. What are different causes and
remedies for a failure of starter and 2. Troubleshoot the DOL/
induction motor. Star-delta starter and
induction motor
13 Select and test the battery Battery Testing Condition of 1:0:2
for a given application • Types of batteries (Lead acid charging and discharging
battery, lithium, sealed of a Lead-acid battery
maintenance free (SMF) battery,
Modular battery).
• Selection criteria of batteries for
different applications.
• Ampere-Hour Capacity.
• Efficiency
14 Select the size of the UPS UPS Sizing of UPS 1:0:2
for a given application • List the types and applications
• Selection criteria of UPS
• Sizing of UPS

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Introduction to Electronic Devices and Digital Electronics
15 Identify and differentiate 1.Compare Conductors, insulators and Determine the value of 1:0:2
Conductors, insulators and semiconductors with examples. resistance by color code
semiconductors. 2. Identification of types and values of and compare it with
resistors-color codes. multimeter readings.

Ø http://nreeder.com/Flash/resisto
16 Identify and test PN PN junction diode Identify the terminals of a 1:0:2
junction Diode • Symbol Diode and test the diode
• Characteristics for its condition.
• Diode as switch.
• Types of diodes and ratings
• Applications
17 Build and test bridge Rectifier Construct and test bridge 1:0:2
rectifier circuit • Need for AC to DC conversion rectifiers using semi-
• Bridge rectifier with and conductor diode and
without C filter, rectifier IC.
• Rectifier IC. Compare the waveforms
using CRO.
18 1. Identify and test Transistor (BJT) 1. Identification of 1:0:2
Transistor • Symbol transistor terminals
2. Build and test • Structure and test.
transistor as an • Working principle 2. Construct and test the
electronic switch transistor as an
electronic switch
19. 1. Identify and test • Comparison of analog and digital • Test a Digital IC. 2:0:4
different digital IC signal • Identification and
1. • Digital systems, examples. selection of suitable
• Binary numbers, Boolean ICs for basic gates.
identities and laws. 1. Verify NOT, AND, OR,
• Digital system building blocks: NOR, EXOR and NAND
Basic logic gates, symbols and gate operations (two
truth tables. inputs).
IC-Definition and advantages.
20 Identify and test various 1.Sensors 2. Connect and test an IR 2:0:4
Sensors and actuators. • Concept proximity sensor to a
• Types: Temperature, Pressure, Digital circuit.
Water, Light, Sound, Smoke, • Connect and test a
proximity Sensors, Flow, relay
humidity, voltage, vibration, IR circuit using an Opto-
(Principle/working, ratings/ coupler. (Photo Diode
specifications, cost, and & Transistor)
applications) Refer note
• Concept
• Types and applications.
• Relay as an actuator.

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21 Know the application of • Microcontroller as a • Identify different 1:0:2

Microcontroller and PLC programmable device, and list application
of real-world applications. microcontroller.
• PLC and Their applications. • Identify commercially
(Activity based learning) available PLC
and their
TOTAL 26-0-


Sl. Practical Out Comes/Practical exercises Unit PO CO L: T:P
No. No. Hrs.
1 • Identify Various types of safety signs and what 1 1,4 1 0:0:2
they meanDemonstrate and practice use of PPE
• Demonstrate how to free a person from
electrocution appropriate first aid to victims,
bandaging, heart attack, CPR, etc.
• Fire safety, causes and precautionary activities.
• Use of appropriate fire extinguishers on different
types of fires.
• Demonstrate rescue techniques applied during fire
• Inform relevant authority about any abnormal
situation during fire hazard.

2 • Demonstrate different types of earthing/using 1 1,4 1 0:0:2

• Prepare a Report on types of Earthing
3 Connect voltmeter and ammeter in a simple 2 1,4 2 0:0:2
circuit. (Practicing of identification and
connection of different meters)
4 1.Determine the equivalent Resistance of series 2 1,4 2 0:0:2
connected resistances.
2.Demonstrate effects of shorts and opens in a

5 Determine the equivalent Resistance of parallel 2 1,4 2 0:0:2

connected resistances.
6 Generate and demonstrate the measurement of 2 1,4 2 0:0:2
frequency, time period and phase difference of AC
quantity using CRO and function generator.
7 Measure the voltage, current, power using 2 1,4 2 0:0:2
relevant measuring instruments in a Single-
phase load.
8. 1.Measure single phase energy using relevant
measuring instruments in a Single-phase load.
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2. Measure the voltages in Three phase supply.

9. Wire up and test PVC Conduit wiring to control one 3 1,4 3 0:0:2
lamp from two different places using suitable
protective devices.
10 2. Wire up and test PVC Conduit wiring to control of 2 3 1,4 3 0:0:2
sockets and 2 lamps.
11 Wire up and test PVC Conduit wiring to control one 3 1,4 3 0:0:2
lamp from two different places.
12 Plan and estimate the cost of electrical wiring for one 3 1,4 3 0:0:2
3mx3m room consisting of 2 CFL 1ceiling fan, 2 three
pin sockets.
13 Connect the Single- phase transformer as Step-Up, 4 1,4 4 0:0:2
Step-Down transformer and verify the
transformation ratio.
14 Construct a suitable circuit to start and reverse the 4 1,4 4 0:0:2
direction of three phase induction motor using
DOL/star-delta starter.
15 Troubleshoot the DOL/Star-delta starter and 4 1,4 4 0:0:2
induction motor
16 Testing Condition of charging and discharging of a 4 1,4 4 0:0:2
Lead-acid battery.
17 Estimate the UPS rating for a computer lab with 50 4 1,4 4 0:0:2
18 Determine the value of resistance by color code and 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
compare it with multimeter readings
19 Identify the terminals of a Diode and test the diode 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
for its condition.
20 Construct and test bridge rectifiers using 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
semiconductor diode and rectifier IC. Compare the
waveforms using CRO.
21 Identification of transistor terminals and test. 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
Construct and test the transistor as an electronic
22 Test an IC. Verify the truth-table AND, OR, NOT logic
23 Verify the truth-table NAND, NOR, EX-OR, EX-NOR 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
logic gates.
24 Connect and test anIR proximity sensor to a Digital
circuit. NOTE:Any sensor listed in the theory may be
used for condition appropriately.
25 Connect and test a relay circuit using an Optocoupler. 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
(Photo Diode & Transistor)
26 1.Identify MCS-51 variants 5 1,4 5 0:0:2
2.Identify commercially available PLC and their

Total 0:0:52

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Cognitive Lecture TOTAL

Course Outcome PO Level &
CO Mapped R/U/A Practical
in Hrs

CO1 Comply with the safety PO1, 1-2 A 6
procedures PO4
CO2 Apply the fundamentals of PO1, 3-7 A 15
electricity. PO4
CO3 Install and test electrical wiring PO1, 8-12 A 15
system and protective devices. PO4
CO4 Identify and Operate electrical PO1, 13-17 A 15
machines, Batteries and UPS. PO4
CO5 Identify and test the different PO1, 18-26 A 27
electronic devices. PO4

Course CO’s Programme Outcomes (PO’s)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fundamentals of Electrical CO1 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
and Electronics CO2 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
Engineering CO3 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
CO4 3 0 0 3 0 0 0
Level 3- Highly Mapped, Level 2-Moderately Mapped, Level 1-Low Mapped, Level 0-
Not Mapped


Reference Books:
1. ABC of Electrical Engineering by B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, S Chand Publishers, New Delhi,
2014 Edition.
2. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering by S. K. Bhattacharya, Pearson Education India,
2012 Edition.
3. Electronic Devices and Circuits by I. J. Nagrath, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2007 Edition.
4. Basic Electrical Engineering byV. Mittle and ArvindMittle, McGrawHill Companies, 2005
5. The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded systemsusinkbnnnjbbh bb vvvvg assembly and C
(2ndEdition)–M.A.Mazidi , J.C. Mazidi&R.D.McKinlay ISBN: 81-317-1026-2
6. Programmable Logic controllers, W BOLTON
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc979OhitAg&list=PLWv9VM947MKi 7yJ0 FCfzTBXpQU-
3. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformer
2. www.animations.physics.unsw.edu.au//jw/AC.html
3. www.alpharubicon.com/altenergy/understandingAC.htm
4. www.electronics-tutorials

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5. learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/transistors
6. www.pitt.edu/~qiw4/Academic/ME2082/Transistor%20Basics.pdf
7. www.technologystudent.com/elec1/transis1.htm
8. www.learningaboutelectronics.com
9. www.electrical4u.com
10.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLW 7TPf310
11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTNjw-hQIM


Note: the following activities or similar activities for assessing CIE (IA) (Any one)
Each student should conduct different activity and no repeating should occur
1 Using suitable meters/ instruments give the practical working circuits to measure
2 Resistance, Current, Voltage, Power and Energy in DC and AC (Single phase) Circuits.
3 List out the different types of wiring systems used in your laboratories or house with
their representation.
4 Mini-Projects: Like preparing extension box, switch box and wiring models,
5 List out the different protective devices used in your laboratories or house with their
6 Applications of Electro Magnetic Induction, statically induced and dynamically induced
emf, self and mutual induced emfs.
7 Prepare a report on types of starters and enclosures used for various industrial
applications of AC motors.
8 Types of Cells and Battery maintenance
9 Visit nearby Battery charging shop or show room and prepare a report of the visit.
10 Prepare a report on various types of diodes used for various industrial applications.
11 Prepare a report on various types of sensors and actuators used for various industrial
12 Mini-Projects: Connect and test a sensor (domain application) to a Digital circuit


Sl.No Assessment Duration Max Conversion

1. CIE Assessment 1 (Written Test -1-theory) 60 20 Average of

- At the end of 3rd week minutes two written
2. CIE Assessment 2 (Written Test -2-theory) 60 20 20
- At the end of 13th week minutes
3. CIE Assessment 3 (Skill test) 3 Hours 100 Average
- At the end of 5th week of three
4 CIE Assessment 4 (Skill test) 3 Hours 100 20 skill
- At the end of 7th week tests
5 CIE Assessment 5 (Skill test) 3 Hours 100 20
- At the end of 9th week
6 CIE Assessment 6 (Student activity) - 20 20
- At the end of 11th week

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7. Total Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Assessment 60

8. Semester End Examination (SEE) Assessment 3 Hours 100 40

(Practical Test)
Total Marks

1. CIE written test is conducted for 20 marks (Two sections). Each section shall have two
full questions of same CL, CO. Student shall answer one full question (10 marks) from
each section.
2. CIE Skill test is conducted for 100 marks (3 Hours duration) as per scheme of evaluation
and the obtained marks are scaled down to 20 marks



Sl. Particulars Marks

1. Identification of meters/ equipment/wires/tools etc. 10
2. Writing Circuit/writing diagram and Procedure* 25
3. Conduction 35
4. Results 10
5 Viva-voce 20
Total 100


Faculty need to develop appropriate rubrics for respective activity
Dimension Beginning Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary Student
1 2 3 4 5 Score
Collection Does not collect Collects very Collect much Collects Collects a
of data any limited information; some basic great deal of
information information; but very information; information;
relating to the some relate limited most refer all refer to
topic to the topic relate to the to the topic the topic
Fulfil Does not Performs Performs Performs Performs all
team’s perform any very little very little nearly all duties of
roles & duties assigned duties but duties duties assigned
duties to the team role unreliable. team roles

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Shares Always relies Rarely does Usually does Normally Always does
work on others to do the assigned the assigned does the the assigned
equally the work work; often work; rarely assigned work
needs needs work without
reminding reminding having to be
Listen to Is always Usually does Talks good; Listens, but Listens and
other talking; never most of the but never sometimes speaks a fair
Team allows anyone talking; show talk too amount
mates else to speak rarely interest in much
allows listening
others to others
Average / Total Marks:

Lab Equipment Requirement

The following are the specification of the apparatus required for FEEE lab and number of apparatus
required for the batch of 20 students.

Sl. No. Name of Equipment and Specification Quantity

1 Dual Channel 30 V, 2 A continuously variable DC Regulated 05 Nos.
Power Supply with Current and Overload Protection
2 +/- 15 V, 2 A, fixed DC Regulated Power Supply 05 Nos.
3 Portable Moving Coil DC Voltmeters Each 05 Nos.
a) 0 - 1 V
b) 0 - 10 V
c) 0 - 30 V
4 Portable Moving Iron AC Voltmeters Each 05 Nos.
a) 0 - 300 V
b) 0 - 600 V
5 Portable Moving Coil DC Ammeters Each 05 Nos.
a) 0 - 100 mA
b) 0 - 1 A
c) 0 - 2 A
6 Portable Moving Iron AC Ammeters Each 05 Nos.
a) 0 - 2 A
b) 0 - 5 A
c) 0 - 10 A
7 Watt-meters Each 02 Nos.
a) 150/ 300V, 2 A, UPF
b) 300/ 600 V, 5/ 10 A, LPF
8 Rheostats – 25 Ohms, 50 Ohms, 150 Ohms, 220 Ohms (all rated Each 05 Nos.
at 3 A)
9 Rheostat Loads s – 1 KW, 230 V 02 Nos.

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10 Wire wound Resistors- 5 Ohms 2 Watts, 25 Ohms 5 Watts, 330 Each 05 Nos.
Ohms 2 Watts, 560 Ohms 2 Watts, etc.
11 Soldering Iron 60 W 05 Nos.
13 Single Phase Energy meter 10 A, 230 V, 50 Hz, Digital type 05 Nos.

14 Multi-meter Digital ¾” 06 Nos.

15 Duel Trace Oscilloscope – 30 MHz 02 Nos.
16 Three Phase Induction Motors :1 HP – 440 V 50 Hz,2 HP – 440 V Each 02 Nos.
50 Hz.
17 Three phase DOL, Star-Delta, Auto transformer starter Each 02 Nos.
18 UPS 1 KVA 01 Nos.
19 Battery Lead-Acid type, 140 A-hr and Hydrometers 02 Nos.

Sl. Name of Equipment and Specification Quantity

No. Required
20 I C Trainer kit 05 Nos

21 Digital IC’s 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7486 etc Each 10 Nos.

22 Wooden Wiring board (2x3) ft 10

23 Wiring accessories

2 a) PVC conduit - ¾” - 10 lengths Each 10 Nos.

b) Cap and casing - ¾” - 10 lengths
c) Switches Single Pole- 5A, 230 V
d) Switches two way – 5 A, 230 V
e) 3 Pin Sockets 5A, 230 V
f) Bulb Holders – 5 A, 230 V
g) 3 Pin Plug 5A, 230 V
h) 60 Watts Lamps
i) 100 Watts Lamps
j) 15 W CFL lamps
k) Copper Wires of sizes
1.5 mm2, 2.5 mm2, 4 mm2 – 1 coil each
l) Gang boxes (1+1, 2+1, 2+2)
m) Kit –Kat fuses 5A, 15 A
n) MCB 16 A & 32 A/ 230 V, Single and Double Pole
o) ELCB 16 A & 32 A/ 230 V, Double Pole
p) Neutral link- 16 A, 230 V
q) Screws of assorted sizes
r) Testers

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24 Electronic Components Each 10 Nos.

a) Diodes - BY 127 and IN 4001
b) Zener Diodes – 6.2 V, 5.6 V, 7.8 V
c) Relays – solid state Sugar cube type, SPST, Coil 6V,
Power circuit 230 V, 5 A.
d) Spring Boards
e) Bread Boards
f) Tag Boards.
25 Simple PANEL BOARD/ CUBICAL consisting of bus-bars, 1 No
CB/MCB/ELCB, meters, HRC fuses, magnetic contactors,
cables, earthing points.

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