Em3 Eng-V3

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Experiment No: EM3

Experiment Name: Wheatstone Bridge

Purpose of Experiment:
1. To investigate what to the resistance of the conducting wire depends on.

2. Find the value of an unknown resistor with the help of the Wheatstone bridge circuit.

Keywords: Resistance, resistivity, current, ohm laws, Wheatstone Bridge

Theoretical Information
In the first part of this experiment, the resistance of a wire that current passing through it will be
examined. The resistance of a given piece of wire depends of three factors: the length (L) of the wire, the
cross-sectional area (A) of the wire, and the resistivity (ρ) of the material composing the wire. Resistance
unit is ohm (Ω). R=ρ.L/A

In the experiment, we measure resistance of the wires that 1 meter length but they are different cross-
sectional area. In addition, the resistance of wires made of different materials with the same cross-
sectional area and length will be examined. As a result of these measurements, the resistance of a wire
and its dependence will be reinforced.

In the second part of the experiment we make Wheatstone bridge experiment. The circuit known as a
Wheatstone bridge is most commonly used to determine the value of an unknown resistance to an
electrical current.

In a typical Wheatstone bridge, we have four resistors. Three of these resistors have known values, one
of which is variable, or adjustable. The value of the fourth resistor is not known. The unknown resistance
can be identified by studying and manipulating the path of the current take through the Wheatstone bridge

The current in Fig. 3.1 flows (as always) from positive to negative through the circuit; its direction is
depicted by the black arrows. When it reaches Point A in the diagram, it splits and travels through either
one of two Known Resistors, R1 or R2. After the diverging currents pass through their respective resistors
(R1 or R2), each reaches another fork in the road. At this point, if the bridge is not balanced , some or all
of the current from either the R1 or R2 path will diverge down this middle path that bisects the square
created by the circuit. The Ammeter positioned on this middle path measures the current flowing through

it. The direction of this current is determined by the value of the Variable Resistor (R3) and is reflected
in the position of the ammeter needle (to the right or the left of the zero value). The bridge is not balanced
because the ratio of resistance on the known leg (R1/R2) isn’t equal to the ratio on the unknown leg
(R3/R4). It can be adjusted until no current flows down the middle path. When that is achieved, the
ammeter reads zero and the bridge is balanced. Achieve this balanced state by adjusting the Variable
Resistor slider until the ammeter reads zero and no more current flows through the middle path.
By discovering the value of the variable resistor in the balanced bridge, you are able to determine what
the unknown resistance at R4 is, with a little math:

R1.R4 = R3.R2 or R4 = (R2 . R3) /R1

Figure 3.1. Wheatstone bridge circuit Figure 3.2. Wheatstone bridge circuit and
moving part
In our experiment, a variable resistance system is used as in Figure 3.2 in order to construct Wheatstone
bridge. In the circuit, there is an moving part on this 1 meter long wire that can move freely left and right.
In this circuit, an ammeter (or voltmeter) is connected between unknown and known resistors from this
moving part. By means of this moving part, the wire acts as two resistors; as the moving part moves, the
value of these two resistances changes proportionally to S1 and S2. In order to ensure the bridge balance
requirement, this moving part is moved to find the zero value of the current. The resistance of the wire
is directly proportional to its length;
R.S1 = Rx.S2
from this equation we can find unknown resistance.

For your report, please submit from the beginning of the following page by showing
calculations in reserved blank spaces and plotting graphics to the appropriate places.




DATE : ….. / ….. / ……….


DATE OF THE EXPERIMENT: ….. / ….. / ……….

EM3 1
Experimental Procedure
EM3I This experiment consists of 2 parts. In the first part; by applying tension on wires made of
different thickness and material, the resistivity of the wire will be calculated. However, it will be
determined what the resistance depends on. In Part 2, the objective is to use Wheatstone bridge and
to find other unknown resistance with the help of a known resistance.1 We will do this experiment
for 2 different unknown resistors.
Attention! Resistance and resistivity are different terms. Please do not confuse.

Part 1:
In this section, we have 5 different wires on our device. (You will see 6 wires, but two of them are
made of the same material, which is 0.7 mm thick. They are exactly the same.)

Figure 3.3 part1 experiment circuit

The materials in which they are made and the radii of the wires in mm are inscribed on them. We
have 2 formulas to use in this part of the experiment. The first one is the famous ohm's law formula
V=I.R 3.1
The other is the relationship between resistance and resistivity.
R = ρ.L/A 3.2
Here we can supply I current constant from the power supply. (We will use the side that is 15 V /
0.2 A.) The current here is 0.2 A and the maximum voltage we can measure is 15 V. All of the wires
are 1 m long.
A = π.r2 3.3

where r is the radius of the wire (it is recommended that you take the radius in m to avoid confusing
the units in the calculations). First, resistance is found by dividing the voltage V in the wire by current
I (Equation 3.1). Subsequently in 3.2, the single resistivity (ρ), the only unknown value, is calculated.

EM3 1
Let us record the voltage passing through the wires that we read from the multimeter (respectively
for each wire) in V in the table below. Then, using the required formulas, calculate the resistivity
value of each wire.

Example calculation:
Let the voltage through the wire of 0.6 mm diameter be 0.4 V. Let's find the resistance of this wire.
First, V/I = R from the formula R = 0.4 / 0.2 = 2 I..
The radius of this wire is 3x10-4 m
Cross-sectional area = A = π.r2 = π. (3x10-4 m)2 Equation (3.3) was used
Equation (3.2)
2 Ω = ρ. L / A = ρ. If 1m / (πr2) ρ = 2.π. (3x10-4 m) 2 = 5.655x10-7 Ω.m
Please note the units.

(I= 0.2 A L= 1m)

Table 3.1 Values obtained from the first part

Type of Thickness of wire Tension over Resistance Section Area Resistivity

wire (m) (V) (Ω) (m2) (Ω.m)

Using the cross-sectional area (A) and Resistance (R) values in the table above (for materials of the
same type), plot the A-R graph on millimeter paper. To do this, use the least squares method. There
are numerous sources around this method.

EM3 2
A (m2) Graphic 3.1

R (Ω)

EM3 3
1. Wire

2. Wire

3. Wire

4. Wire

5. Wire

EM3 4
Part 2
After creating the circuit in Figure 3.2, we will look for a balance and a balance point on the bridge
by moving the slider of the bridge in the required direction (in this section the slider needs to touch
the wire without pressing too much). The direction required is the direction in which the voltage is
zero. If the galvanometer is used, this is the value the pointer does not deviate. The multiplication of
the distance on the left side of the slider and the resistance on the right must be equal to the product
of the distance on the right side of the slider and the resistance on the left (cross). The bridge, which
is 1m long, will be considered as 1000mm for more accurate measurements. If we say S1 (in mm) to
the distance to the left of the slider, where it touches the wire, the distance to the right is 1000-S1 mm
(S2 value).
1. Unknown resistance:
R1 = Resistance on the left according to the figure: ………….. Ω
S1 = Point where the slider touches the wire: ……................... mm
Rx = Resistance on the right according to the figure:…. …….. Ω
S2 = Distance to the right of the slider: ……............................ mm
According to the data available at the moment, our only unknown is the unknown resistance value
which we call Rx.
R1. S1 = Rx. S2 3.4
Calculate the Rx value using the formula above.

Rx=……….. Ω

2. Unknown resistance: The same operations are repeated

R1 = Resistance on the left according to the figure: ………… .. Ω
S1 = Point where the slider touches the wire: ……………….. mm
Rx = Resistance on the right according to the figure: ……….....Ω
S2 = Distance to the right of the slider:………………………..mm
According to the data available at the moment, our only unknown is the unknown resistance value
which we call Rx. Calculate the Rx value using the equation [3.4].

Rx = ………. Ω

EM3 5
1. (Please refer to Fig. 3.2) We have two wires made of the same material with a cross-sectional area
of A and 2A, 1 cm in length. Wheatstone bridge is stabilized by using these wires in order Rx (R is
not changed). Compare the S1 in the first wire and the second wire equilibrium condition.

2. You have two wires as a resistance which are made same materials, same length but different cross-
sectional area. If I make a fork of two wires and send a current, how is the current divided in this

EM3 6

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