Applied Chemistry I Lab: Points Score 2 1 0 Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

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Applied Chemistry I Lab

2 1 0 Score
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Lab Report (Notebook) (10)
Introduction & Introduction provides all necessary Introduction is nearly complete, Some introductory data, but still
Experimental background principles for the missing some minor points & missing some major points &
procedure experiment & Experimental Experimental procedure is written in Experimental procedure is written in
procedure is well-written in bullets bullets format, important experimental bullets format, still missing some
format step by step, all experimental details are covered, some minor details important experimental details.
details are covered. missing.
Data One component of Two components of Data is brief and missing significant
data is incomplete: data is incomplete: pieces of information.
1. Tables 1. Tables
2. Graphs 2. Graphs
3. Results 3. Results
Error Analysis Experimental errors, their possible Experimental errors and their possible Experimental errors are mentioned.
effects, and ways to reduce errors are effects are discussed.
Calculations All calculations are shown, and the Some calculations are shown, and the Some calculations are shown, and the
results are correct and labeled results are correct and labeled results labeled appropriately.
appropriately. appropriately.
Conclusion Conclusions includes findings, Conclusions includes what was learned No conclusions were included in report
possible source of error, and what from experiment. or shows little effort.
was learned from experiment.
Lab Work (10)
Attendance 95 % 80 % 75 %

Pre-experiment 1. Standardization of equipment. Only proper Cleaning and washing of Some cleaning and washing of
Activities 2. Cleaning and apparatus. apparatus.
washing of apparatus.
3. Clear practical understanding.
Participation & Used time well in lab and focused Did the lab but did not appear very Participation was minimal, OR student
Recording attention on the experiment & Makes interested. Focus was lost on several was hostile about participating
rich observations and Records occasions & Makes many & Makes few observations and
relevant data in an organized and observations, but they may be Records little data
skillful way insufficient to generate data and
Records data, but organization is
Post Experiment 1. Appropriate cleaning/ washing Appropriate cleaning/ washing of Some Appropriate cleaning / washing
Activities of items. items. of items.
2. Protection of items
and accessories.
3. Proper shutdown.
Safety Lab is carried out with full attention Lab is carried out with some attention Safety procedure were ignored, and/or
to relevant safety procedures. The to relevant safety procedures. The some aspect of the experiment posed a
set-up, experiment, and tear-down setup, experiment, and tear-down threat to the safety of the student or
posed no safety threat to any posed no safety threat to any others
individual. individual, but several safety
procedures need to be reviewed.

Lab Engineer: ----------------------------- Lab Incharge: -------------------------------

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