Nursing Theory: Roy Adaptation Model
Nursing Theory: Roy Adaptation Model
Nursing Theory: Roy Adaptation Model
Sister Callista Roy began her nursing career in 1963 after receiving her BS
The model contains five essential elements. Patience (the person receiving Nursing
2. Systems coping mechanisms, and adaptive models are used to address these
II Systems:
A. General Information:
5. Have boundaries that are flexible and open to permit interaction with
other system.
B. Input:
Contextual (all other stimuli that are presented) or residual (non specific
C. Throughput:
adaptive system.
3. Effectors refer to the physiologic function, self concept and role function
involved in adaptation.
D. Output:
A. General Information:
Behaviour patterns that a persons uses for self – control. It can be inherited
or learned.
a. The regulator
b. The cognator
B. Regulator:
1. The regulator system consists of input, internal processes and output. The
input stimuli can come from the external environment or from within the
C. Cognator:
judgment and emotion. For example a client with diabetes who decides to
IV Adaptive Modes:
function, self – concept, role function and interdependence, the regulator and the
Physiologic Function:
It involves the body’s basic needs and ways to adapt. It includes a person’s
Self concept:
It refers to beliefs and feelings about oneself. It comprises the physical – self
includes sensation and body image, personal self includes self – consistency and
self – ideal and moral and ethical self includes self observation and self evaluation.
Role function:
a person interacts with others in a given situation. This can be classified as primary
from work. It meets a personal need for love, nurturing and affection.
Roy model and the four concepts of the nursing meta paradigm:
A. Person:
B. Environment:
Environment is all conditions, circumstances and influences and affecting
C. Health:
being death and the other end wellness, health and illness were considered
D. Nursing:
A person who expends more energy on coping, leaving less energy available