Handout 9 IV2
Handout 9 IV2
Handout 9 IV2
Yichong Zhang1
1 School of Economics
Policy debate over the health risks from smoking often revolves
around government intervention.
One policy option is to tax cigarettes heavily, so that smoking will be
But how big a tax hike is needed to make a dent in cigarette
The answer depends on the elasticity of demand for cigarettes
How much (by what %) will consumption decrease if price increases by
ln Qi = β 0 + β 1 ln Pi + ui
d Pi = 4.62 + 0.031 SalesTaxi
(0.03) (0.005)
Qi = 9.72 − 1.08ln
lnd d Pi
Econ 107 Handout 9 (SMU) Introduction to Econometrics 6 / 18
Empirical Example: Demand for Cigarettes (Cont’d)
We can estimate the two stages together (and get the correct HR
standard errors) by using the TSLS command in EViews.
Notice that you need to tell EViews which variable(s) are endogenous
and what you will be using for the instrument(s).
Qi = 9.72 − 1.08 ln Pi
(1.53) (0.32)
Since cigarettes are addictive, this seems like a very high elasticity (an
increase in the price of 1% reduces consumption by 1.08%), but
exogeneity might be a problem...
We should also worry about omitted variables.
We probably need to include more variables (some W ’s).
d Pi = 3.59 + 0.389 ln Inci + 0.027 SalesTaxi
(0.173) (0.065) (0.004)
.027 2
Our first stage F = t 2 =
.004 = 44.7 > 10, which looks good.
We still can’t test it (we’re still exactly identified).
However, another candidate instrument is available: cigarette specific
taxes (CigTax).
Let’s see what happens when we use both.
d Pi = 4.10 + 0.108 ln Inci + 0.011 SalesTaxi + 0.009 CigTaxi
(0.088) (0.040) (0.002) (0.001)
Our first stage F -stat ≈ 210 > 10, which looks very good.
Angrist and Krueger (1991) used data from the US Census (with
n = 329, 000) and instrumented for education using birth quarter
(interacted with many other variables) in the wage regression
Even though n = 329, 000 (a huge sample!), the F -stat from the first
stage was less than 2, implying that their instruments were very weak.
In fact, if you replace birth quarter with a randomly generated birth
quarter (definitely irrelevant), you get nearly the same results.
This was scary to labor economists since the 2SLS SEs computed
using the real data suggested that the effect of education was
precisely estimated, but so did the SEs from the fake data!
The Angrist and Krueger paper generated a long - and still evolving -
literature on weak instruments
The main lesson is that you should always check the significance of
the instruments in the first stage
You should also avoid the temptation to add lots of marginally
significant instruments.