Reili Therapy

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A dissertation submitted to


CHENNAI - 600 032

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


APRIL 2016

This is to certify that this dissertation titled ³A study to assess the
effectiveness of Reiki therapy to reduce the level of depression among
depressive clients at Institute of Mental Health, Chennai is a bonafide work
done by Ms.L.Jayalakshmi, II year MSc. (N) student, College of Nursing,
Madras Medical College, Chennai-03, submitted to the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R
Medical University, Chennai, in partial fulfillment of the university rules and
regulations towards the award of degree of master of science in nursing, branch-
v, mental health nursing, under our guidance and supervision during the
academic period from 2014-2016.

Dr.V.Kumari, MSc.(N), PhD., Dr.R.Vimala, MD.,

Principal, Dean,
College of Nursing, Madras Medical College,
Madras Medical College, Chennai-03.

³$ VWXG\ WR assess the effectiveness of Reiki therapy to reduce the
level of depression among depressive clients at Institute of Mental Health,

Approved by the Ethics Committee on: 03.11.2014.


Dr.V. Kumari, MSc. (N), PhD., _____________
College of Nursing,
Madras Medical College,


Mr.M. Nithyanantham, MSc. (N), _____________
Department of Mental Health Nursing,
College of Nursing,
Madras Medical College,

Prof. Dr.Venkatesh Madhan Kumar, MD., _____________
Professor of Psychiatry,
Institute of Mental Health,

A dissertation submitted to
CHENNAI-600 032.
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
April 2016


Behind this success there is lot of personalities who gave their hands to
lift me up. Most achievements are the results of land sprouting many little
things. My heart goes in gratitude to all those who have been the guiding forces
behind all my efforts.
First of all, I thank God for enabling me to do the dissertation
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. R. Vimala, Dean,
Madras Medical College, and Chennai 3 for providing necessary facilities and
extending support to conduct the study.

I express my thanks to our Prof. Dr. Jayaprakash, M.D.,DPM,.

Director, Institute of Mental Health, Chennai-10, for granting permission and
extending support to conduct the study.

My heartfelt gratitude to my esteemed teacher Dr. Lakshmi M.Sc. (N),

Ph.D., Additional Director of Medical Education (Nursing), Directorate of
medical Education, Chennai-10 for her valuable and expert guidance and
motivation for successful completion of my dissertation.
I extend my immense thanks and gratitude to Mrs.V.Kumari, MSc.
(N), PhD., Principal, College of Nursing, Madras Medical College for her
support and encouragement and reassurance which enhanced my ability to
accomplish this study successfully.
I extent my thanks to our class coordinator Mrs. J. Elizabeth
kalavathy, MSc. (N), for her prayer and supports in completing my
I extend my deep sense of sincere gratitude to my teacher and Guide
Mr.Nithyanantham, MSc.(N), Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing, College of
Nursing, Madras Medical College for his sincere efforts towards the study and
also for his guidance, suggestion, timely help and encouragement in helping me
to complete this study.

,W¶VP\ duty to convey thanks to all the experts, Dr. Venkatesh Mathan
Kumar Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Mr.Sudhakaran, Clinical
Psychologist and Mrs.K. Vijayalakshmi, Professor of Mental Health Nursing,
Apollo College of Nursing, Mrs. Catherine Baby Suhasini, lecturer, Madha
College of Nursing who validated the research tool and guided me with
valuable suggestions and corrections.
I am immensely grateful to Mr.A.Vengatesan who has guided me in
data analysis and statistical scoring that helped in computing the effectiveness
of the research study.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to Dr.Mikao Usui who is the introducer as
well as the master of Reiki Therapy and also to Dr. Sikkender Kumar Jain
B.P.T., M.D(Acu).,Reiki.,crystal grand master who offered training and
certificate to me and also who validated the tool and guided me for this study.
I express my thanks to all the Faculty Members of the College of
Nursing, Madras Medical College, Chennai for their support and guidance in
completing this study.
It is my hearty wish to thank our Librarian Mr.Ravi M.A.M.L for his
support in my research study. I express my hearty gratitude to the staff nurses of
Institute of Mental Health for their co-operation during the study.
I wish to extent my special and sincere thanks to our parents and my
family members for their strong support and prayer.
I am deeply obliged to the Participants (clients) for providing their
valuable time and extending their kind cooperation in the collection of data and
subject to Reiki therapy practices.
I thank MSM Xerox Centre and DTP centers for their effort and patience
in completing the dissertation work in a successful manner.
Once again I thank Almighty for His blessings, wisdom and direction.
My sincere and heartiest thanks to all the supporters who have helped me
directly and indirectly to complete this study.


TITLE: A study to assess the effectiveness of Reiki therapy to reduce the level
of depression among depressive clients at institute of mental health, Chennai.
ability and destroys the quality of life. It is treated with anti-depressants and
psychotherapy. An alternative therapy can be used to reduce the depression and
to improve over all wellbeing. Reiki therapy has countless benefits physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually which ensures effective care without any
undue restrictions.
Need for study:
Depression is the second leading contributor to the global burden of
disease. Reiki therapy is the healing art which provides care physically,
mentally, spiritually and socially to the client with countless benefits and which
is cost effective.
x To identify the socio demographic variables of the depressive
clients at IMH.
x To assess the existing level of depression among depressive
clients at IMH.
x To evaluate the post- test level of depression among depressive
clients at IMH.
x To determine the effectiveness of Reiki therapy in reducing
depressive features among depressive clients by comparing pre
and posttest depression scores.
x To find out association between post-test depression score with
selected demographic variables.

x Research approach: Evaluative approach
x Study design: Pre- experimental one group pre-test and post-test
x Sampling technique: convenient sampling
x Study population: All the depressive clients who met the inclusion
x Study setting: Acute male and female wards at Institute of Mental Health.
x Tool: Beck depression inventory-II
x Data collection procedure: The samples (n=60) were assessed for the
pre-existing level of depression among the depressive clients by using
BDI-II scale, Reiki therapy was given to depressive clients for 30
minutes once a day for 7 consecutive days , on 8th day post-test was done
by using BDI-II.
Data analysis:
Demographic variables and clinical variables were analyzed by using
descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and correlated the levels
depression score with demographic variable by using inferential (chi-square
Study results:
The overall pre-test depression score among depressive clients were 57%
whereas in post-test it was 29.9%. Depression reduction score is 27.1%. The
study result revealed that Reiki therapy was effective. There was a statistical
difference between pre-test and post-test levels of depression score. (P= 0.001)
Discussion: Depression is one of the major disorders among psychiatric illness.
It can be treated with anti-depressants and alternative complementary therapy
(Reiki is an emerging ancillary therapy). Through this study, Reiki therapy is
effective in reducing the depression level among depressive clients.
Conclusion: Reiki therapy was effective in reducing level of depression among
depressive clients. Since it is cost effective and self- healing procedure it can be
applied in all settings.
Key words: Depressive clients, depression, Reiki therapy.

Chapter Content Page No
1.1Need for the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Operational definition
1.5 Assumption
1.6 Hypothesis
1.7 Delimitations
2.1 Review related to study
2.2 Conceptual framework
3.1 Research approach
3.2 Study design
3.3 Study setting
3.4 Data collection period
3.5 Study population
3.6 Sample size
3.7. Sampling criterion
3.8 Sampling technique
3.9 Research variables
3.10. Development and description of the tool
3.11. Ethical consideration
3.12. Content validity
3.13. Pilot study
3.14 reliability of the tool
3.15. Data collection procedure
3.16. Data entry and analysis

Chapter Content Page No
7.1 Implications
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Recommendations for further study

Table no. Title
3.1 Schematic Outline of Research Design
3.2 Description of scoring interpretation
4.1 Distribution of socio-demographic profile of depressive
4.2 Pre-test level of depression score of depressive clients
by BDS ±II
4.3 Assessment of pre-test level of depression

4.4 Post-test level of depression score among depressive

clients by BDS-II.

4.5 Assessment of post-test level of depression

4.6 Comparison of pre-test and post-test mean depression

4.7 Comparison of overall mean depression score

4.8 Comparison of pre-test and post-test level of depression

4.9 Percentage of depression reduction score after Reiki
4.10 Effectiveness of Reiki therapy

4.11 Association between pre-test level of depression and

demographic variables.

Figure No Title
2.1 Modified conceptual framework based on l Betty
3.1 Schematic representation of the study
4.1 Age wise distribution of depressive clients
4.2 Gender wise distribution of depressive clients
4.3 Education wise distribution of depressive clients
4.4 Religion wise distribution of depressive clients
4.5 Marital status of depressive clients
4.6 Distribution of depressive clients by type of family
4.7 Distribution of depressive clients by number of
4.8 Occupation wise distribution of depressive clients
4.9 Place of residence wise distribution of depressive
4.10 Monthly income of depressive clients
4.11 Family history of psychiatric illness among
depressive clients
4.12 Distribution of depressive clients by number of
times hospitalization
4.13 Distribution of depressive clients (relatives) by
source of information
4.14 Relaxation methods used by depressive clients
4.15 Pre-test level of depression score
4.16 Post-test level of depression score
4.17 Comparison of pre-test and post-test mean
depression score

Figure No Title
4.18 Comparison of pre-test and post-test depression
score in different level

4.19 Over all pre-test and post-test depression score

among depressive clients

4.20 Association between age and level of depression

reduction on depressive clients

4.21 Association between educational status and level of

depression reduction of depressive clients
4.22 Association between level of depression reduction
and place of residents of the depressive clients

4.23 Association between level of depression reduction

and monthly income of the depressive clients.


S. No Title

I Certificate of approval by Ethics Committee

II Certificates of Content Validity

Letter seeking permission for conducting the study


Study tool

IV x Socio demographic variables.

x Beck Depression Inventory-11

V Certificate of Reiki training

VI Reiki therapy

VII Reiki awareness brochure

VIII Informed consent

IX Coding sheet

X English content validity

BDS Beck Depression Inventory scale.

WHO World Health Organization

NICCAM National center for complementary and alternative

NIH National Institute of Health

NCRB National Crime Records Bureau

NIMHANS National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science

MDD Major Depressive Disorder

SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder

X2 Chi square test

CI Confidence interval

SD Standard deviation

EPDS Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale

NCS-A National Comorbidity Survey±Adolescent Supplement

GIQ General Information Questionnaire

FACT-F Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Fatigue

CES-D. Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale

ASSOCHAM The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of

STAIC 6SLHOEHUJHU¶V$Q[LHW\6WDWH-Trait Inventory for Children


ʊLaurell K. Hamilton, Mistral's Kiss
Health is a positive state of wellbeing; mental health is a sense of
wellbeing, an individual experience. People who can carry out their roles in
society and whose behaviour is appropriate and adaptive are viewed as mentally
healthy. Mentally health is determined by hereditary, environmental
opportunities, good working conditions, fair support system effective
communication, autonomy and independence of an individual. Maladaptive
responses to stressors form internal and external environment. There are many
psychiatric disorders among them depression is the common cold of psychiatric
The world is moving fast and so hectic; Human beings do not have time
to relax. Feelings of ill luck, sadness and disappointments are part of human life
and are experienced by everyone in the world. These feelings are associated
with academic failures, problems with-in relationship, financial problems,
failure in love, and loss of loved one which may lead to changes in normal
sleep, appetite and disinterest in daily activities. Many of the people get success
with their strong coping mechanisms while some people do not know the
correct way to resolve their problems. People get depression when this happens
on a continuous basis.
WHO (2013) concludes 350,000,000 (5% of world population) people
globally are affected by some form of depression. Adolescents who have a
depressive disorder by the age of 18 are 11%. And 70% by which women are
more likely than men to experience depression in their lifetime. 14% of women
from a 2013 postpartum depression study had the disorder four to six weeks
after giving birth. 30%of College students reported feeling depressed2.
Depression is the common cold of psychiatric disorder. Many persons
get affected by depression either directly or indirectly. Depression is a state of

low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts,
behaviour, feelings and total sense of well-being. Depressed people feel sad,
anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, alone, irritable,
hurt, or restless DQGWKH\GRQ¶WVKRZLQWHUHVWRQdaily activities3.
Depression presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure,
decreased energy, feeling of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite,
and poor concentration .Moreover, depression often comes with symptoms of
anxiety. Depression drives the client to feel hopeless and helpless. This leads to
suicide. Almost 1 million lives are lost every year due to suicide, which
translates to 3000 suicides every day4.
A large majority of patients with depression present to physicians with
complaints of medically unexplained somatic symptoms, or masked
Depression is classified under mood disorders. These include major
depressive disorder (MDD) where the person has at least two weeks of
depressed mood, loss of interest in pleasure from all activities. Dysthymia is a
state of chronic depressed mood symptom that does not meet the severity of
major depression. Bipolar disorder consists of one or more episodes of
elevated mood and one or more episodes of depressive mood. Seasonal
affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is related to changes in
seasons ² SAD begins and ends at about the same time every year. Symptoms
start in the fall and continue into the winter months; sapping energy and making
one feel moody. SAD causes depression in the spring or early summer. Pre-
menstrual disorder occurs during the week prior to menses improving shortly
after the menstruation6.
Complementary and alternative therapies are used more than
conventional therapies by people with self-defined anxiety attacks and severe
depression to improve sense of wellbeing complementary and alternative
therapies for the treatment of anxiety attacks and severe depression is
considerably higher than reported chronic physical conditions7.

Reiki for depression speeds up recovery in unimaginable ways. Reiki is
a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It is
being followed by several teachers of diverse traditions. It uses a technique
commonly called palm healing or hands-on-healing as a form of alternative
medicine. Rei- ZKLFK PHDQV *RG¶V Zisdom, divine, high power and higher
soul. Ki which is life force energy or vital energy. Reiki is spiritually guided life
force energy8. (Mark Stallabrass (2015  ³$ 0 DQQXDO RI ILUVW GHJUHH 5HLNL
and self)
Reiki is a hand on healing technique that transmits universal energy from
the Reiki practitioner to the person receiving the treatment. The practitioner
applies hand positions on the body which passes the energy to the Reiki client.
The energy enters the body and goes wherever it is needed. Reiki healers
believe that Reiki opens the blocks which are present in the energy field or
chakras. Reiki treats the whole body, emotions, mind and spirit. It involves
physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and gives relaxation and
feelings of peace and wellbeing9.
Reiki is a spiritual healing practice that enhances wellness by gently
encouraging balance throughout the entire system: body, mind, and spirit
commonly facilitated by light touch10.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-
improvement that everyone can use. It also works in conjunction with all other
medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote
Regular Reiki self-healing can make anyone totally free from feelings of
helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness and make life positive again.
These negative thoughts, emotions and feelings disturb the flow of life force
energy and Reiki produces a good effect by dissolving the barrier in the flow of
life force energy. (Priybrata kalikinkar ojha, 2013)
It is a universally accepted fact that positive thoughts represent good
health whereas; negative thoughts are likely to produce disease and discomfort.

Therefore, a mental disease can be regarded as depression, depressive
psychosis. With Reiki coping with depression, it is easier as compared to drugs
and medicines. Reiki combats depression as a negative energy. (Shubhaangi-
Grandmaster 2011)
1.1Need for study
x According to the World Health Organization (2014) depression is
projected to become the second leading contributor to the global burden
of disease by 2020. Depression is recognized as the risk factor of
coronary artery disease (CAD). (National Institute of Health) People
with depression are 4 times as likely to develop a heart attack as those
without the illness.
x Recently conducted world mental health surveys indicate that major
depression is experienced by 10-15% people in their lifetime and about
5% suffer from major depression in any given year12.
x If current trends continue, it will become the leading cause of disease
burden by the year 203013.
x According to Global burden of disease (2010) estimates the point of
prevalence of unipolar depressive episodes to be 1.9% for men and 3.2%
for women. It estimates the burden of depression will increase to 5.7% of
the total burden of disease and it would be the second leading cause of
the disability14.
x India has among the highest rates of depression in the world. for every
100,000 Indians between 15 and 29 years old, 36 commit suicide
annually²the highest rate among the youth in the world.( Akshat rathi
April 2015)
x Statistics related to depression in India: Out of every 10 Indian
professionals surveyed across the metropolitan cities, 4 suffered from
general anxiety disorder or depression. In the list of all top diseases that
affect corporate executives, depression (42%) ranks at the top, followed
by obesity (23%), high blood pressure (9%) and diabetes (8%). The top 3

cities where professionals were the most prone to depression were Delhi,
Bangalore and Mumbai, in that order. (ASSOCHAM 2015)
x U.S adults (16 million 6.9%) had at-least one major depressive episode
in the year 2012. the average age of depression among Indians is at the
age of 31years (NIMHANS 2009). In India 9% of people get affected by
depression. Major depressive episode is high among Indians (35.9%).
(Thiruvanandhapuram, 2011)NCRB states that 135,445 people
committed suicide in the country last year. Tamil Nadu tops the list with
16,927 suicides. (National Crime Records Bureau 2013)
x A recent large population-based study from South India, which screened
more than 24,000 subjects in Chennai, reported overall prevalence of
depression to be 15.1% (poongothai 2009). Study conducted in Chennai
with 309 VXEMHFWV¶ of working and non-working women concludes that
working women have 2.95% of depression and non-working women
have 2.3% of depression15.
x (NCCAM (2006) Reiki decrease stress pathways or reduces
physiological responses to stressful situations. It could be a useful
adjunct to traditional medicine with significant health and economic
x Reiki is a preventive and curative medicine (Eastern medical philosophy)
x Autonomic nervous system changes during Reiki treatment... (Nicola
Mackay, M.Sc.2001)
x Reiki promotes health
x Reiki can never cause harm as it is guided by the God-consciousness;
x Energy is Never Depleted because it is a channelled healing; Reiki
consciousness considers both practitioner and client receive treatment16.
When I was collecting history from psychiatric clients at IMH, came to
know that the core reason for mentally ill was depression which is developed
and worsen by stressors. I heard about Reiki through television show (simple
and cost effective and also gentle without any rules and regulations) which is

more applicable to the depressive clients. So the investigator selected the Reiki
therapy to apply on depressive clients to reduce their depressive level.
1.2. Statement of the problem
A study to assess the effectiveness of Reiki therapy to reduce the level of
depression among depressive clients at Institute of Mental Health, Chennai
1.3. Objectives
x To identify the socio demographic variables of the depressive
clients at IMH.
x To assess the existing level of depression among depressive
clients at IMH.
x To evaluate the post- test level of depression among depressive
clients at IMH.
x To determine the effectiveness of Reiki therapy in reducing
depressive features among depressive clients by comparing pre
and posttest depression scores.
x To find a significant association between post-test depression
score with selected demographic variables of depressive clients.

1.4. Operational definitions

It refers to the process of collecting data and documenting the level of
depression among the depressive clients.
It refers to the significant difference between pre and post interventional
scores on depression level among the depressive clients at IMH after the Reiki
therapy intervention.
Reiki Therapy
It refers to gentle non- invasive, non- pharmacological methods of hands
on healing that provides balance to physical, emotional, spiritual and mental
issues in life. Reiki therapy is given for 30 minutes at once in a day for 7 days
in the head, face, throat, chest, abdomen and legs, of clients.
It refers to the level by which depressive symptoms are reduced such as
feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, guilt and lethargy.
It refers to an emotional state of mind characterised by a feeling of
inadequacy, withdrawal, hopelessness, worthlessness and helplessness.
Depressive clients
Depressive client refers to those who are diagnosed with depression
including features feeling of guilt, loss of interest and pleasure.
1.5. Assumptions
x Depressive clients and relatives have inadequate knowledge regarding
Reiki therapy.
x Reiki therapy reduces the level of depression among depressive clients.
1.6. Hypotheses
HI-There will be a significant difference between pre and post-test level of
depression among depressive clients.
H2-There will be a significant association between post- test level of depression
with selected demographic variables of depressive clients.
1.7. Delimitations:
x Data collection period is restricted to four weeks
x The study is limited to selected wards at Institute of Mental Health,
x The study is limited to depressive clients who can understand and speak
Tamil or Englis

Review of Literature

The literature reviewed for this study, is organized and presented under
the following headings.
2.1.1. Literature related to prevalence of depression.
2.1.2. Literature related to effectiveness of Reiki therapy.
2.1.3. Literature related to effectiveness of Reiki therapy on depression
2.1.1. Studies related to prevalence of depression
6DQMD 0XVLü 0LODQRYLü  conducted a study on prevalence of
depression symptoms and associated socio-demographic factors in primary
health care physicians in the Health Centre Zagreb - Zapad (769) instrument
used is Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale. Among the 25.5% of participants
whose Zung score was outside the normal range, 19.38% were mildly, 4.64%
moderately, and 0.91% severely depressed17.
Jayanthi.P (2014). A cross-sectional study was conducted at higher
secondary schools in Tamil Nadu. 1120 adolescents were included in the study
after screening by MINI-kid tool. Modified Educational Stress Scale for
Adolescents was administered to all children. Adolescents who had academic
stress were prone to higher risk of depression than adolescents without
academic stress18.
Rajendran.K (2014) conducted a sociological study on the Prevalence
of Depression among Elderly persons to determine the prevalence of
depression. A study group of 100 elderly aged 60 years and above were selected
randomly from the rural areas of Udupi district with across sectional survey
approach and GDS as instrument used and socio demographic variables. The
study findings revealed that 31.2% of the samples were found to have severe
Shelli Avenevoli (2014). Study was conducted regarding 12-month
prevalence of depression to examine socio demographic correlates and
comorbidity. Data are from the National Comorbidity Survey±Adolescent
Supplement (NCS-A), 10,123 adolescents aged 13 to 18. Lifetime and 12-

month prevalence of MDD were 11.0% and 7.5%, respectively. The
corresponding rates of severe MDD were 3.0% and 2.3%. The prevalence of
MDD increased significantly across adolescence, with markedly greater
increases among females than among males20.
Alize Ferrari et al., (2013) The authors analysed the burden of
depressive disorders by country, region, age, sex, and year, as well as burden of
depressive disorders as a risk factor for suicide and ischemic heart disease.
Burden was calculated for major depressive disorders (MDD) and dysthymia. A
systematic review of epidemiological data was conducted. The data were
pooled using a Bayesian meta-regression from population survey data. MDD
accounted for 8.2% (5.9%±10.8%) of global YLDs and dysthymia for 1.4%
(0.9%±2.0%). Depressive disorders were a leading cause of DALYs21.
Ganesh kumar (2012) conducted a cross sectional study among medical
students institution in Mangalore (Karnataka) aimed to assess the prevalence of
depression A stratified random sample of 400 students was assessed using Beck
Depression Inventory by investigators. The overall prevalence of depression
was found to be 71.25%. Among those with depression, a majority (80%) had
mild and moderate degree of depression. The study showed that 45.7% (183) of
the depressed were females and 54.3% (217) were males.
Bromet et al., (2011) the problem was evaluated in face-to-face
interviews using the CIDI. Data from 18 countries (n=89,037). All countries
surveyed representative samples of adults. The average lifetime and 12-month
prevalence estimates were 14.6% and 5.5% in the ten high-income and 11.1%
and 5.9%. Female: male ratio was about 2:1. In high-income countries, younger
age was associated with higher 12-month prevalence22.
Mohanraj.R. et al., (2010): Cross-sectional study to find the prevalence
of depression among adolescents (964) in schools at Chennai urban setting.
Data were collected through BDI, 378 adolescents (39.2%) were found to be
non-depressed, 358 (37.1%) were mildly depressed, 187 (19.4%) were
moderately depressed and 41 (4.3%) severely depressed Individual symptoms
of depression and depressed mood are common in adolescents23.

Bansal. V. (2009) Conducted a Cross-sectional one-time observational
study using simple screening instruments for detecting early symptoms of
depression in adolescents by using GHQ-12 and BDI. School-going adolescents
(15.2%) were found to be having evidence of distress, 18.4% were depressed
Economic difficulty, physical punishment at school, teasing at school and
parental fights were significantly associated with higher BDI scores, indicating
Bayati. A. et al., (2009) conducted an analytical cross sectional study
among 304 undergraduate medical and basic students to determine the
prevalence and risk factors of depression in students of Arak, Iran University.
This study shows that female sex, uncertain future and positive family history
are important risk factors of depression. The prevalence of depression was
higher in females than in male student25.
Bugdayci. R et al (2009) conducted a study to determine the prevalence
of depression. In-home questionnaires were given to non- pregnant married
women aged between 15-44 years from primary healthcare centres identified
through stratified sampling method with the tool of EPDS. Data were available
on 1447 women. PPD prevalence was 29.0% at 0-2 months, 36.6% at 3-6
months, 36.0% at 7-12 months, and 42.7% >or= 13 months postpartum26.
Mansour (2009): conducted a cross sectional study was to investigate
the prevalence of depression among university students, at Osmangazi in
western Tukey with 822 students through BDI, and the Medical Outcomes
Study Short Form-36 (SF-36). Result shows 377 (45.9%) were males and 445
(54.1%) females. Overall, the prevalence of depression was 21.8%
Mark Tomlinson (2009): A nationally representative household survey
was conducted between 2002 and 2004 CIDI to establish a diagnosis for
depression. The dataset analysed included 4351 adult South Africans of all
racial groups. The prevalence of major depression was 9.7% for lifetime and
4.9% for the 12 months prior to the interview. The prevalence of depression

was significantly higher among females than among males. The prevalence was
also higher among those with a low level of education27.
Subramani Poongothai et al., (2008) conducted a study to determine
the prevalence of depression in an Urban South Indian population;
25455subjects were randomly selected from Chennai city. Depression was
assessed by using a self-reporting health questionnaire. This study revealed the
prevalence of depression as higher among females, lower socio-economic status
and higher among divorced and widowed in Urban South Indian population.
Overall prevalence rate is 15.1%28.
Kristina sundquist et al., (2007) conducted a study to examine whether
a high level of urbanization is associated with increased depression. They
selected 150 subjects aged 25-64 years with respect to first Hospital admission
for depression. This study revealed that a higher level of urbanization is
associated with risk of psychosis and depression for both men and women29.
Jennifer.S. (2007) Conducted a study using Medline on PubMed; a
systematic literature search was carried out for studies of depression in
3DUNLQVRQ¶V GLVHDVH WKH prevalence of major depressive disorder was 17% of
PD patients, minor depression 22% and dysthymia 13%. Clinically significant
depressive symptoms were present in 35%. The reported prevalence of major
depressive disorder was 19%30.
Patten.B. (2006) conducted descriptive epidemiology study to
understand the prevalence of a major depression in Canada with CIDI. The
lifetime prevalence of major depressive episode was 12.2%. Past-year episodes
were reported by 4.8% of the sample; 1.8% reported an episode in the past 30
days. As expected, major depression was more common in women than in men.
The peak annual prevalence occurred in the group aged 15 to 25 years31.
2.1.2. Studies related to effectiveness of Reiki therapy:
Rhodes et al., (2015) A randomized, single-blind study examined to
determine the efficacy of Reiki treatments in reducing state anxiety among
working adults (20) with stress and anxiety at Capella University on the DASS.
The STAI was used to compile pre-test and post-test state anxiety data from

participants. The findings indicated the Reiki treatment group were statistically
significant with large effect sizes, compared to the paired and independent
samples t-test for the rest period control group. Study concluded that receiving a
30 minute Reiki treatment may reduce state anxiety and stress among adults32.
Rosado et al., (2015) a quantitative study utilized a cross-over design to
ascertain if 30-minutes of healing touch could reduce burnout in community
mental health clinicians and to explore the efficacy of Reiki versus sham-Reiki.
The results suggest that hands-on interventions are beneficial in reducing stress
and that Reiki has a positive effect greater than relaxing touch alone. The
finding shows that Reiki reducing burnout in community mental health
Susan Thrane et., (2014): A randomized clinical trials study was
reviewed to calculate the effect of Reiki therapy for pain and anxiety in adults.
Effect sizes for within group differences ranged from d = 0.24 for decrease in
anxiety in women undergoing breast biopsy to d = 2.08 for decreased pain in
community dwelling adults. The gap between group differences ranged from d
= 0.32 for decrease of pain in a Reiki versus rest intervention for cancer patients
to d = 4.5 for decrease in pain. This study is evidence to suggest that Reiki
therapy may be effective for pain and anxiety34.
Tulay Sagkal Midilli et al., (2012): A randomized, controlled clinical
trial (n=90) was conducted to investigate the effect of Reiki on pain, anxiety,
and hemodynamic parameters on postoperative days 1 and 2 in patients who
had undergone caesarean delivery. Treatment applied to both groups in the first
24 and 48 hours after delivery for 30 minutes. Statistically significant
differences in pain, anxiety and breathing rate (p = .000) Results showed that
Reiki application reduced the intensity of pain, the value of anxiety, and the
breathing rate, as well as the need for and number of analgesics35.
Catlin .A. (2011) Double-blind, randomized clinical controlled trial was
conducted to determine whether provision of Reiki therapy during outpatient
chemotherapy is associated with increased comfort and well-being with 189
participants, were randomized to actual Reiki, sham Reiki placebo, or standard

care. Outcomes were measured using 0.05 as the level of significance. This
study reveals that provision of Reiki therapy is increasing the comfort and
wellbeing of the clients who were on chemotherapy36.
Deborah Bowden (2010) conducted randomised controlled single-blind
trial of the effects of Reiki and well-being. Forty healthy psychology
Undergraduates were randomly selected. Ten 20-min intervention sessions over
12 weeks given. Self-report measures of illness symptoms, mood and sleep
were assessed pre±post-intervention. Pre-test level of DASS score for anxiety is
3.59 post-test is 2.41 and depression pre-test score is 6.06 and post-test is 4.35
and total score pre-test is 18.71 post-test is 12.41 and study reveals that Reiki is
effective on positive wellbeing37.
Kathy L. Tsang (2009) His study evaluated with cross over design
(Reiki and rest), the effects of Reiki, on fatigue, pain, anxiety, and overall
quality of life (n=13 participants) Reiki and rest applied 1 hour each day for 5
consecutive days. FACT-F and visual analog scale were used. Fatigue on the
FACT-F decreased within the Reiki condition (P=.05 pre-test-29.71and post-
test-35.65) over the course of all 7 treatments. In addition, participants in the
Reiki condition experienced significant improvements in quality of life38.
Vander Vaarts (2009): Studies were identified using an electronic
search of Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. Quality
of reporting was evaluated using modified CONSORT Criteria for Herbal
Interventions, while methodological quality was assessed using the Jadad
Quality score. Nine (9) of the 12 trials detected a significant therapeutic effect
of the Reiki intervention39.
Anne vitally. T. (2006) conducted a quasi-experimental study was to
compare reports of pain and anxiety in 2 groups of women after abdominal
hysterectomy. Reiki were performed preoperatively, 24 hours and 48 hours
test-31.96 SD 9.73) (post-test-26.17 SD 6.26) t = 2.46; P = .025). The results
indicated that the experimental group reported less pain and requested fewer

analgesics than the control group. Also, the experimental group reported less
state anxiety than the control group on discharge at 72 hours post operation40.
Barnett, Deborah A.(2005) A randomized, controlled design focused
on the results parents experienced by learning and practicing Reiki on
themselves and their children included 48 parent volunteers experiencing stress
at Institute of Transpersonal Psychology.Participants were assessed prior to the
intervention, 3 and weeks after the intervention,Data collected with PSS,
Friedman Well-Being Scale (FWBS), For 6 weeks following their Reiki class,
participants practiced Reiki or Limited (unattuned) Reiki on themselves and
their children and recorded their practice time. Results indicated that both Reiki
groups experienced a statistically significant decrease in stress and an increase
in well-being, family relationship quality, gratitude, and spirituality41.

Nicola Mackay (2004): Blind trail study was conducted on 45 persons to

determine if Reiki had a positive effect on the functioning of their autonomic
nervous system. One group received no treatment, another group received
Reiki, and the third group received a placebo Reiki. One group rested for 15
minutes, then received Reiki for 30 minutes and then rested for another 10
minutes. One group rested for 15 minutes, then received "fake" Reiki, and then
rested for another 10 minutes. One group rested the entire time. The study
results indicated that the heart rate and diastolic blood pressure decreased
significantly (p=<0.005) in the Reiki group compared to both placebo and
control groups42.

Whelan et al., (2003) study evaluates how nurses who gave Reiki
therapy perceived the benefit of this therapy on their clients and on themselves
concurrently as providers of the therapy. As an adjunct, the study's purpose was
to enhance the understanding and credibility of nurse/Reiki practitioners. the
result shows felt more peaceful (75%),felt good 50%, helped pain reduction
50%, less burnout9self care benefit and helps to get increased intuition and
insight. study revealed that most prevalent benefit to the client during the during
a nurse Reiki therapy43.

Wardell D. (2001). Conducted a single-group repeated measures design
study to evaluate selected biological markers for the effects of Reiki on stress
reduction. A convenience sample of 23 healthy subjects, each participant
received 30-minute Reiki session. The t test results showed that state anxiety
mean scores were lower after the Reiki session (M = 26.17, SD = 6.26) than
before the Reiki treatment (M = 31.96, SD = 9.73)44.
John Astin et al. (2000): study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy
identified by an electronic search (23 trials involving 2774 patients). Of the
trials, 5 examined prayer as the distant healing intervention, 11 assessed non-
contacts Therapeutic Touch, and 7 examined other forms of distant healing
approximately 57% of trials showed a positive treatment effect, the evidence
thus far merits further study45.
Mansour (1999) conducted crossover experimental design Study to
find out the efficacy of standardization of Reiki (20 blinded subjects). The
belief in Reiki is that only practitioners who are initiated could give Reiki, thus
making it possible to have a placebo arm in efficacy studies. The findings of the
study indicate success for developed standardization procedures. It was
concluded that it is safe to go ahead and conduct the planned randomized 3-arm
Reiki efficacy clinical trial46.
Betty Hartwell et al. (1997) conducted a study was to identify the
therapeutic effects of Reiki treatments on clients with chronic illness using
electro-dermal screening. One-hour Reiki treatment sessions with using 4
different practitioners and one Reiki Master were performed over a ten-week
period. Initially, three consecutive treatments were given and then one treatment
per week for eight weeks. Each individual was measured for skin electrical
resistance at three acupuncture points on hands and feet. All the patients
reported increased relaxation after Reiki treatments, a reduction in pain and an
increase in mobility.

Dr.Grad (1995). Carried out experiment involving tap water and plants.
Sealed containers of water were given to a psychic healer to hold and others
were given to a severely depressed patient to hold. The plants watered with the
healer-held water had an increased growth rate and those watered with the water
held by the severely depressed patient had a decrease in growth rate compared
to controls. These experiments involving plants, in addition to confirming the
non-placebo nature of psychic healing, scientifically confirm the ancient
metaphysical understanding that healing energies can be stored for future.

2.1.3. Studies related to effectiveness of Reiki on depression

Punitha. S. et al., (2014): Their study was to assess the effect of Reiki
therapy on depression in a selected village in Thiruvallur district. Pre-
experimental one group pre-test and post-test design. The samples were elderly
people (n=30) There was a statistically significant decrease in the level of
depression among elderly people in the post-test with paired t test value of
17.47 at p < 0.001. This study concludes Reiki therapy enhances the positive
thoughts and strengthens the energy vibrations in elderly people with
WM.Yu (2013) made a study to review literatures on application of
Reiki on depression in nursing. Databases of CINAHL and MEDLINE between
2000 and 2012. Three studies were found relevant. An experimental study and
two randomized clinical trials with control groups performed in community also
found an improvement in depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and stress in
treatment, of which one of them had showed the continuity of Reiki effect
lasted for a year. Since evidences showed a positive impact of Reiki on
depressive clients, it is suggested to perform Reiki treatment by nurses as an
adjuvant therapy on depressive clients48.
Mansoureh Charkhandeh (2012) His study examined is to examine
the effectiveness of Reiki therapy in reducing level of adolescents in Tehran,
Iran. An instrument for data collection was CDI. The total number of samples is
(65).The age of the respondents was 12-17 years. There was significant

difference in pre-test = 30.62% and post-test=29.33% of Reiki (t=5.99, p<.05)
showing the effectiveness of Reiki therapy, which led to a reduction in the
depression score of participants in 6 week49.
Silpa dharan (2012) made an experimental study conducted to examine
the effectiveness of Reiki therapy on depressive clients at SIMHANS and
spandana rehabilitation and research centre, Bangalore. Samples (50) were
assessed by using BDS-II. Reiki therapy was administered for 30 minutes once
a day for 7 days continuously. Over all pre-test score is 50.6%, post-test score is
21.5% and the depression reduction score is 29.1% P value is <00.05. This
study reveals that significant decrease in depression level after Reiki therapy.
Vera Porter (2012) conducted a randomized, controlled study for
evaluation of the effects of Reiki on anxiety and depression. 76 individuals
were randomly divided into Group 1 and Group 2. All the participants
completed three weekly Reiki session, The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale showed there is reduction in State Anxiety
(p<.001), Trait Anxiety (p<.001) and Depression (p<.001). Study indicates
approximately 10% reduction in State Anxiety, Trait Anxiety and Depression
after completion of the three Reiki treatments.
Deborah Bowden et al. (2011) their study evaluates the effect of Reiki
at benefitting mood and well-being in 40 university students half with high
depression and anxiety and half with low depression and anxiety were randomly
assigned to receive Reiki or to a non-Reiki control group. Participants
experienced six 30-minute sessions over a period of 2 to 8 weeks. Study shows
reduction in tension, Increase in calmness, increase Energy, DASS score pre-
test-2.256, post-test F=3.497, p=.036 The participants with high anxiety and
depression who received Reiki showed a progressive improvement in overall
Nancy Richeson (2010) His experimental study was designed to
evaluate the effects of Reiki on pain, depression, and anxiety in community
dwelling older adults at a northern New England university within the College
of Nursing. Random assignment of participants to an experimental (n = 13)

Baseline data were collected by using the GDS, HAM-A, Participants had 8-
week Reiki intervention; and post testing with a follow up interview, completed
at the end of Week 8. GDS pre-test=7.8 mean post-test=5.44 and scores for the
experimental group revealed significant decreases in depression, anxiety, and

Kelley (2009) A quantitative experimental design was employed in

which participants rated their level of depression at north central university.
Instrument used is beck depression Inventory. Those receiving Reiki in addition
to counselling reported a greater decrease in depressive symptoms (mean
change = -18.97) as compared to those who received counseling alone (mean
change = -12.61, SD = 13.27) the findings suggest that Reiki could contribute
significantly to the mental health field (p<.05).

Deborah Salach (2007): This quasi experimental study explores Reiki

between58-89) who experience depression and anxiety at Institute on Aging
Adult Day Health Centre in San Francisco. Instrument used is GDS and STAIC
scales. Four participants received Reiki sessions and four participants received
mock Reiki of 30 minutes per session, once a week for eight weeks. Pre-test
depression score is 6.5, post-test score is 4.25, anxiety pre-test score is 34.8 and
post-test is 26.8. This study concludes that Reiki has positive effects on
depression and anxiety in this population diagnosed with dementia and
Adina Goldman Shore (2004) Study was conducted to evaluate the
long-term effects of Reiki, on symptoms of depression Forty five adult
participants aged 19 to78 were randomly assigned one of 3 groups, hands-on
Reiki, non- touch Reiki, - distance Reiki placebo. Reiki was given 1 to1 1/2
hour treatment each week over a period of 6 weeks. Significant differences
were noted between treatment and control groups (p < .05) BDI pre-test value is
M=10.44 and post-test is 3.75, by HS pre-test M=3.63 and post-test
M=1.81and by PSS pre-test value is M=1.81, post-test is M=1.26, all subjects

reported experiences of deep relaxation, calming, increased energy flow, and
greater connection to Spirit as a result of Reiki treatments53.
Linda Dressen (1998): Experimental study examined the effects of
Reiki on pain, mood, personality, and faith in God. Participants (N 120) were
randomly assigned to one of the four groups. The Reiki Group received ten
sessions of Reiki. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Group received ten sessions
of relaxation therapy. Control and Placebo Group data collected by GIQ, SRSS,
BDS-II. Reiki proved significantly superior (p<.0001±.04) to other treatments.
At the three-month check-up these changes were consistent and there were
highly significant reductions in total pain and improve mood54.
2.2. Conceptual framework
Conceptualisation is the abstract of an idea, simplified view of our whole
study. A conceptual frame work is the network of concepts and ideas and in
research helps to identify the ways to look at data and grasping fact in the study.
The conceptual frame work selected for this study is based on Betty NeumaQ¶V
health care system model.
The present study was intended to find out the effectiveness of Reiki
therapy in reduction of depression among depressive clients. The conceptual
IUDPHZRUNLVEDVHGRQ%HWW\1HXPDQQ¶VKHDOth care system model. This model
affords a total person approach (or) holistic client approach by providing the
multidimensional view of a person as an individual. This model includes
holistic client approach, open system, basic structure, environment, and
stressors, line of defence and resistance, degree of reaction, three levels of
prevention as intervention. The holistic client approach mainly focuses dynamic
model focuses on stress and stress reduction is primarily concerned with the
effect of stress on health55.
Basic core structure:
$FFRUGLQJ WR WKH 1HXPDQQ¶V model, any person has core circle
consisting of basic structures, which encompass the factors necessary for client

survival. These factors also include physiological, psychological, sociocultural,
developmental and spiritual variable. Surrounding the basic core structure is a
concentric circle, which includes the line of resistance and line of defence. A
solid line which is outside of the Line of Resistance is called Normal line of
defence. It is an equilibrium state or the adaptation state where a client can
make some adjustment to overcome the stressors. Flexible line of defence is a
broken line which is outside of the Normal line of defence. It acts as a
protective barrier to prevent stressors. It is dynamic and can change rapidly over
a short time. The series of lines surrounding the basic core structure is called
Line of resistance. It represents the internal factors of the person that help
defence against stressors. The degree of reaction is the amount of system
instability that occurs after the exposure to stressors. Neumann describes
stressors as any environmental force including aand it include tension producing
$FFRUGLQJ WR 1HXPDQQ¶V WKHUe are some specific interventions like primary,
secondary and tertiary prevention which is used to retain or maintain system
Internal and external forces that can affect the client at any time are
considered as environment. They include intrapersonal, interpersonal and extra
personal factors. Stressors constitute any environment force that alters system
resistance which is manifested by the strength of the lines of resistance and the
normal and flexible line of defence.
In the present study, depressive clients are viewed as an open system
that is influenced by various stressors like marital status, religion, financial
support, occupation, number of children, duration of stay etc. The changing life
style, family stress and emotional stress are considered as their environment. In
the flexible line of defence, clients take the life changes as normal phenomena.
In the normal line of defence, clients try to use a coping mechanism to adjust
with stressful situation. Clients also possess a line of resistance which attempts

to stabilize the individual according to his ability to cope up with problems. But
when the stressors cut across the line of resistance due to intensity, they may
alter the basic structures and exhibit various stress reactions which may lead to
The goal of nursing is to keep the person healthy and stable. Specific
interventions like primary, secondary and tertiary prevention are used for
retaining or maintain system stability. Primary prevention includes regular
warm up exercise regularly, relaxation, and ventilation of feelings, proper diet,
social support, maintain positive feeling about us. Secondary prevention
includes reduction of depression through relaxation techniques, exercises, rest
and proper diet, family and social support, ventilate the feelings. Tertiary
prevention includes rehabilitation like re-adaptation and re-education, re-
integration to prevent future occurrence and maintenance of stability.
In this study, provision of Reiki therapy is one of the relaxation and
supportive techniques which is used as secondary prevention for reducing level
of depression.
It is the end product of a system as a result of its process; it refers to
decrease in the depression level and measured by post-test.
It is a state of person system to adapt the stressor is called
reconstitution. It includes reduction of depression by Reiki, exercise, improving
physical and mental health, boosting self-esteem and sense of well-being

Pre-assessment(BDS-II) done with Clients as an open system that responds to stressors in the environment. The
client variables are physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual.(optimum system ± Stressors
ability to conserve energy)
Intra; Anger, Hopelessness,
Helplessnes,low self -esteem,weak
Ego,academic failure
Primary prevention
Inter: Separated from the
Warm-up Exercise family, widowed, love failure,
Balanced Diet Extra: No financial support,
Positive feeling about Loss of job, poverty, dis organized
themselves, sharing with society.
feelings, ventilation of
feelings Basic core structure
Genetic core: Family history of
Secondary Prevention depression and suicidal tendencies

¾Relaxation techniques Energizing with Energy resource depletion: Loss of job,

¾Rest & Proper diet Reiki Poverty Widowed, separated from the
¾Family & social support family, failures, strained relationship,
¾Ventilation of feelings weak ego, loss of faith in god, chronic
disease condition.

Reconstitution Reconstitution: Depression reduced

by Reiki energy which covers all
Tertiary Prevention INTERVENTION variables of client- Improve physical
(Secondary prevention and mental health-Boost self-esteem-
Rehabilitation REIKI THERAPY client holds by supportive system-Sense
Re-adaptation Warm up exercise, Deep Breathing Exercise of well-being.
Re-education Points focus meditation, energizing with Reiki by Post-Test
Re-integration placing the hands on the client in order to clear the Level of Depression
chakras. maximum reduced

Level of Depression
minimum reduced

3.1. Research approach
A Quantitative research approach was adopted for this study for
accomplishment of study objectives.
3.2. Study design
The adopted research design for this study is Pre ± Experimental One group
Pre-test and Post-test design. A single test group is selected and the dependent
variables are measured before and after the intervention56.
Table 3.1: Schematic Outline of Research Design

Pre-Test Intervention Post Test

O1 X O2

O1: Pre-test to assess the level of depression among depressive clients
X: Reiki therapy
O2: Post-test to assess the level of depression among depressive clients
3.3. Study setting Mental
Psychiatric inpatient wards at Institute of Mental Health, Chennai.
Institute of Mental Health involved in Health care for the past 207 Years. It was
founded in 1794 as an Asylum to manage only 20 inpatients. Now it has grown
up to an Institute with 1800 beds. It is now well established with all special
services like rehabilitation, industrial, occupational, recreational family therapy,
yoga etc. It has separated areas for male and female clients.
3.4. Data collection period:
The data were collected for the period of four weeks from 16.07.2015 to
3.5. Study population

The study population includes all the depression clients who met the
inclusion criteria in acute male and female wards at IMH.
3.6. Sample size
The study sample comprises 60 depressive clients in acute male and
female wards at IMH who met sampling criterion.
3.7. Sampling criterion
3.7.1. Inclusion criteria
x Inpatient depressive clients of both genders with the age group between
15 to 70.
x Clients who available during the time of data collection
x Clients who are accepting and believing the healing of Reiki
x who speaks and understands Tamil or English
3.7.2. Exclusion criteria
x Clients who are not willing to participate.
x Clients who do all not believe Reiki healing.
x Clients with general debility and comorbid illness
x Clients with other psychiatric disorders.
3.8 Sampling technique
. The samples were selected by simple convenient sampling technique
based on the inclusive criteria.
3.9. Research variables
Dependent variable : level of depression among depressive clients.
Independent variable : Reiki therapy.
3.10: Development and description of the tool
3.10.1 Development of the tool
Tool was selected after extensive literature review from the various text
books, Internet search, guidance and discussion with experts in the field of
nursing and psychiatry and statistics. A structured questionnaire was used to
collect data from the depressive clients who were admitted in acute male and
female wards at IMH.

3.10.2 Description of the tool
The tool consists of two sections A and B
Section-A: Comprises 14 Socio Demographic variables which includes age,
religion, marital status, education, occupation, financial support, number of
children, number of hospitalization, recreational activities, and source of
information regarding Reiki.
Section-B: Comprises 21 items of standardised Beck Depression Inventory
Scale (BDI). BDI created by Dr. Aaron T. Beck, is a 21 question multiple
survey, one of the most widely used instrument for measuring the severity of
depression. There are two versions of the BDI, the original version first
published in 1961 and revised in 1971; BDI-II, a revision of BDI was published
in 1996.
The questionnaire is self-administered and the results are relative and
dependent on how the subject answers each question. It can be administered to
assess normal adults, adolescents, and individuals with psychiatric disorders (13
years of age or older). It has been designed to document a variety of depressive
symptoms the individual experienced over the preceding week. Responses to
the 21 items are made on a 4-point scale; total scores can range from 0 to 63.
Tool consists of sadness, pessimism, loss of interest, loss of failure, past
failure, Guilty Feelings, Punishment Feelings, Self ±Dislike, Self-Criticalness
Suicidal Thoughts or Wishes, crying, Indecisiveness, agitation, Worthlessness,
loss of energy, changes in sleeping pattern, change in appetite, concentration
difficulty, Irritability, Tiredness of Fatigue, loss of interest in sex.

Table 3.2 Scoring and Interpretation Levels of depression Score in %

1 Minimal depression 0-13 0-21

2 Mild Depression 14-19 22-30

3 Moderate Depression 20-28 31-45

4 Severe Depression 29-63 46-100

3.11. Ethical consideration
The study objective, intervention and data collection were approved by the
ethics committee of DR. M.G.R. Medical University, permission for conducting
the study was obtained from the Head of the Department, Department of
Psychiatric Nursing, College of Nursing, Madras Medical College, Chennai,
and the Director, Institute of Mental Health. An informed consent was obtained
from the each study subject before starting the data collection and assurance
was given that confidentiality and privacy would be maintained.
3.12. Content validity
Validity of the tool was assessed by using content validity the instrument
is given to five experts of in different fields, two from the field of psychiatric
nursing, one psychiatrist, one psychologist and one Reiki healer and from
statistical expert. The experts were requested to give their valuable suggestions
regarding adequacy, reliability and appropriateness of the tool. The tool consists
of 14 items of demographic variables and 21 items of standardized beck
depression inventory-II. Experts are given some suggestion to modify the
options of demographic variables, according to the experts opinion
demographic tools has been modified
3.13. Pilot Study

A trail run study conducted to test the reliability, practicability and
feasibility of the study.
The main objective of the pilot study is to help the investigator to
become familiar with the use of tool and to find out the difficulties in the main
study. The investigator underwent Reiki therapy training programme from
Samrat Health Centre at Purasaivakam and obtained a certificate. The pilot
study was conducted after getting ethical clearance and the permission from the
Institute of Mental Health, Chennai. It was conducted for a period of one week
(22.06.15 to 26.06.15). Samples of 10 depressive clients were selected by non-
probability convenient sampling technique. Informed consent was obtained
from the clients before collection of the data.
Data were collected from the depressive clients by structured
questionnaire (BDI-II) before the implementation of Reiki therapy and after
completion of Reiki therapy sessions. Pilot study samples are excluded in the
main study.
3.14 Reliability of the tool
Following the pilot study reliability of the tool was assessed by using
the split half method. Depression score reliability correlation coefficient r-
value was 0.83. This correlation coefficient is very high and is a good tool to
assess the effectiveness of Reiki therapy to reduce the level of depression
among depressive clients at IMH, Chennai.
3.15. Data collection procedure
x Written permission obtained from the Director of Institute of Mental
Health prior to the data collection procedure.
x After getting permission from acute ward in charge Medical Officer
and staff nurse the data was collected from 60 depressive clients
diagnosed with depression in both male and female wards at IMH
from 16.7.2015 to 14.8.2015 (four weeks).
x Clients were selected according to the inclusion criteria.

x After explaining the nature, aims and objectives of the study an
informed consent was obtained and confidentially was assured to
the clients and their relatives.
x Pre Interventional data were collected through a demographic
variables and standardized beck depression inventory questionnaires
after obtaining the consent from the clients as Well as their relatives.
x In 60 participants, weekly 15 clients were selected for four weeks.
o 1st week I have got 17 depressive clients in that two cases dropped
out.2nd week I got 20 depressive clients, 4 cases did not believe
Reiki. 3rd week I have got 15 depressive clients.4th week I got 17
clients, 3 clients got discharged.
x Reiki therapy was given for half an hour for 7 days by the
investigator to each client. The procedure of Reiki therapy was
explained to them with the help of pictures and videos of each step.
During the Reiki treatments, the participants laid, fully clothed, on
bed. The interventions were conducted by the investigator, using
light touch on locations including the eyes, temples, back of head,
throat, upper chest, upper and mid belly, proceeding to the back
with the shoulders, upper, mid and lower back, and feet. Investigator
held her hands on each location for 3 minutes. Following that the
level of depression assessed through post -test after the 7 days of
x All the clients continued their identified medications.
Steps of Reiki therapy:
ƒ warm up exercise
ƒ breathing exercise
ƒ point focus meditation
ƒ energizing with Reiki

Intervention protocol
Place : Acute wards of male and female at IMH
Intervention : Reiki therapy: The investigator provided Reiki therapy by
placing the hands on locations of the clients with gentle
touch in lying or sitting posture according to clients
Tool : Beck depression inventory -II
Duration : 7 consecutive days
Time : 30 minutes daily for each client
Frequency : Once a day
Administered by : Investigator
Recipient : Depressive clients
3.15. Data entry and analysis
The data collected from the selected samples in the period of data
collection has been organized, compiled in separate excel sheets and prepared
for data analysis.
¾ Demographic variables in categories given in frequencies with
their percentages.
¾ Depression score given in mean and standard deviation
¾ Quantitative depression score in pre-test and post-test `
¾ Correlation between stress and attitude will be analysed by
between demographic variables and depression score analysed
by using Chi-square test57.


Quantitative approach Pre-experimental One group pre-test, post-test

Study setting: Institute of Mental Health,


Target population: Acute Male and Female wards at IMH

Accessible population: Male and Female clients who were admitted and diagnosed as

Sample size-60

Post-test: Assessment of
Pre-test: Assessment of Intervention:
Depression by BDI-II
depression by BDI-II Administering
Reiki therapy

Data analysis and interpretation: Descriptive and inferential statistics

Study Findings

Data analysis &


Analysis and interpretation of the data obtained from 60 depressive

clients who were admitted at Institute of Mental Health, Chennai. The collected
data were tabulated and presented according to the objectives under the
following headings.
Section-A: Socio demographic variable of the depressive clients
Section-B: Depression level of the depressive clients before Reiki therapy
Section-C: Depression level of the depressive clients after Reiki therapy
Section-D: Effectiveness of Reiki therapy
Section-E: Associate the effectiveness Reiki therapy with selected
demographic variables
Statistical analysis:
x Demographic variables in categories were given in frequencies with their
x Depression score were given in mean and standard deviation.
x Association between demographic variables and level of Depression
reduction score were analyzed by using chi-square test
x Pre-test and post-test depression score were compared XVLQJVWXGHQW¶V
paired t-test.
x Differences between pretest and post-test score were analyzed using
proportion with 95% CI and mean difference with 95% CI. P <0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
x Simple bar diagram, multiple bar diagram, Doughnut diagram, Pie
diagram and Box plot were used to represent the data.

Section: A. Socio demographic variable of the depressive clients
Table4.1: Distribution of socio demographic variables of depressive clients
S. No Demographic variables Frequency in %
Age 15- 25 years 2 3.3
1 26 -45 years 46 76.7
46 -70 years 12 20.0
Gender Male 18 30.0
2 Female 42 70.0
Education No formal education 4 6.6
3 Primary education 15 25.0
Secondary education 28 46.7
Graduation 13 21.7
Religion Hindu 54 90.0
4 Muslim 3 5.0
Christian 3 5.0
Marital status Unmarried 39 65.0
5 Married 19 31.7
Separated/ Divorced 2 3.3
No of children None 16 26.7
6 1±2 35 58.3
3±4 9 15.0
Type of family Nuclear family 54 90.0
7 Joint family 6 10.0
Occupation Government 2 3.3
8 Private 26 43.3
Self-employed 14 23.4
Agriculture 12 20.0
Unemployment/house wife 6 10.0
Residence Urban 28 46.7
9 Rural 32 53.3
Family monthly Income Less than Rs. 6000 17 28.3
10 Rs.6000-10000 37 61.7
Rs.10000-20000 6 10.0
11 Family history of psychiatric illness Yes 3 5.0
No 57 95.0
12 No. of times hospitalization Once 43 71.7
Twice 14 23.3
Thrice 3 5.0
13 Source of information-Reiki Friends 2 3.3
None 58 96.7
14 Relaxation methods Music 49 81.7
Meditation 1 1.7
Yoga 2 3.3
Exercise 8 13.3

The demographic information of depressive clients who participated in
the study is
x Seventy seven percentages of (76.7 %) of the clients in the age
group of 26- 45 years, followed by 20% who were in between 41
to 70 years and 3.3% were between 15 t0 20 years.
x Majority of the respondents were female (70.0%) and 30% of the
clients were male.
x (46.7%) of the clients had higher secondary education, followed
by 25% of clients got primary education and graduates 21% and
6.6% had no formal education.
x Religions: Ninety percentages of the clients were Hindus,
followed by Christians 5% and 5% of the clients were Muslim.
x Sixty five percent were unmarried (65.0%) 31 % were married
clients and 3.3% of the clients were separated or divorced.
x Concerned with number of children, 58.3% had 2 children, 15%
had 3 to 4 and 26.9% had no children.
x Clients from nuclear were 90%, and 10 % of the clients from
joint families.
x According to their occupational status, (43.3%) in private sector,
23.4% of the clients are self- employed, agriculture 20%,
unemployment 10% and 3.3% of clients were government
x Majority of the client¶V)DPLO\ monthly income was between Rs
6000-10000 (61.7%), 28.3% of the clients had earnings below Rs
6000 and some clients were earning between Rs 10000-20000.
x Ninety five percentage (95%) of depressive clients have no
family history of psychiatric illness and only 5% of had a family
history of psychiatric illness.
x Seventy one percentage of clients got admitted once (71.7%),
twice (23.3%) and thrice (5%).

x According to place of residence, 53.3% from rural area (and
46.7% of the participants from urban.
x Knowledge regarding Reiki: 96.7% of the respondents did not
know regarding Reiki and 3.3% of the clients had information
through their friends.
x Participants were relaxing themselves by music (81%), exercise
13.3%, and yoga 3.3% and meditation 1.7%.







Depressive clients ( in %)

15-25 26-45 46-70

Age (in years)

Fig4.1: Age wise distribution of depressive clients



Fig4.2: Gender wise distribution of depressive clients









Depressive clients (in %)


NO formal Primary education Secondary graduation
education education


Fig4.3: Education wise distribution of depressive clients









30 5 5

Depressive clients (in %)


Hindu Muslim Christian


Fig4.4: Religion wise distribution of depressive clients




65 Married


Fig 4.5: Marital status of depressive clients

Joint family

Nuclear family

Fig4.6: Family type of depressive clients

60 58.3




10 15


Depressive clients (in %)

1 to 2
3 to 4

Number of children

Fig4.7: Number of children of depressive clients

50 43.3


30 23.4


Depressive clients ( in %)
House wife


Fig 4.8: Occupation wise distribution of depressive clients

Rural 47%

Fig4.9: Distribution of depressive clients by Place of residence




30 10


Depressive clients (in %)


Less than 6000 6000-10000 10000-20000

Family monthly income ( in Rs)

Fig4.10: Family monthly income of depressive clients



Fig4.11: Family history of psychiatric illness among depressive clients

80 71.7



0 5

Depressive clients ( in %)

Number of times of hospitalization

Fig4.12: Family history of psychiatric illness of depressive clients



Fig4.13: Distribution of depressive clients- source of information

40 13.3
30 3.3

Depressive clienta ( in%)

Music Meditation Yoga Exercise

Relaxation method

Fig4.14: Relaxation methods used by depressive clients

Section-B: Depression level of the depressive clients before Reiki therapy
Table 4.2: Pre-test level of depression score of depressive clients
Maximum Standard Mean score
SNO Domains score Mean Deviation (in %)
1 Sadness 3 1.93 .86 64.33
2 Pessimism 3 2.12 .85 70.67
3 Past Failure 3 1.45 .81 48.33
4 Loss of Failure 3 1.58 .72 52.67
5 Guilty feelings 3 1.20 .80 40.00
6 Punishment feelings 3 2.47 1.02 82.33
7 Self- dislike 3 2.20 .97 73.33
8 Self -criticalness 3 1.20 .68 40.00
9 Suicidal thoughts or 3
2.00 .88
wishes 66.67
10 Crying 3 1.72 .69 57.33
11 Agitation 3 1.60 .67 53.33
12 Loss of interest 3 1.95 .77 65.00
13 Indecisiveness 3 1.57 .83 52.33
14 Worthlessness 3 1.43 .81 47.67
15 Loss of energy 3 1.93 1.02 64.33
16 Change in sleeping 3
1.63 .82
pattern 54.33
17 Irritability 3 1.68 .79 56.0
18 Change in appetite 3 1.52 .83 50.67
19 Concentration 3
1.47 .75
difficulty 49.00
20 Tiredness of fatigue 3 1.67 .73 55.67
21 Loss of interest in 3
1.57 1.16
sex 52.33
Total 63 35.88 4.35 56.95

Overall pre- test depression score is 56.95% among depressive clients at

Institute of Mental Health. In those punishment feelings 82%, Pessimism71%,
suicidal thoughts 67 %, loss of interest 67% and loss of energy64%.

Table 4.3: Pre-test level of depression score

Level of Depression frequency in %

Minimal 0 0.0
Mild 0 0.0
Moderate 10 16.7
Severe 50 83.3
Total 60 100

Pre-test level of Depression score of depressive clients at Institute of

Mental Health before administering Reiki therapy. None of them had minimal
depression score, none of them are having mild depression score, 16.7% of
them had a moderate score and 83.3% of them severe depression score.

Score Interpretation: Scoring of standardized beck depression inventory

Minimum score = 0 Maximum score =3 questions= 21 Total score=63

S no. Grade score

1. Minimal Depression 0 -13

2 Mild Depression 14 -19

3 Moderate Depression 20 -28

4 Severe Depression 29 -63

90 83.3


50 Moderate

30 16.7

Depressive clients ( in %)
20 0


Fig: 4.15 Distribution of pre-test level of depression score of clients with depression

Section: C: Depression level of the depressive clients after Reiki therapy
Table 4.4: Post-test level of depression score of clients with depression Maximum Standard Mean score
Domains score Mean Deviation (in %)
1 Sadness 3 1.02 .62 34.0
2 Pessimism 3 .87 .70 29.0
3 Past Failure 3 .97 .66 32.3
4 Loss of Failure 3 .93 .63 31.0
5 Guilty feelings 3 .58 .79 19.3
6 Punishment feelings 3 1.07 .61 35.7
7 Self-dislike 3 .98 .72 32.7
8 Self-criticalness 3 .83 .72 27.7
9 Suicidal thoughts or 3
.53 .77
wishes 17.7
10 Crying 3 .48 .77 16.0
11 Agitation 3 1.10 .60 36.7
12 Loss of interest 3 .87 .75 29.0
13 Indecisiveness 3 1.10 .57 36.7
14 Worthlessness 3 .97 .61 32.3
15 Loss of energy 3 .97 .71 32.3
16 Change in sleeping 3
1.07 .73
pattern 35.7
17 Irritability 3 .95 .65 31.7
18 Change in appetite 3 .70 .87 23.3
19 Concentration difficulty 3 1.07 .58 35.7
20 Tiredness of fatigue 3 .90 .84 30.0
21 Loss of interest in sex 3 .87 .77 29.0
Total 63 18.82 3.64 29.9

Each question wise post-test depression score of among depressive

clients at IMH. On an average 29.9% of them are seen having depression after
receiving Reiki therapy.

. In those punishment feelings 36%, Pessimism29%, suicidal thoughts 17.7 %,
loss of interest 29% and loss of energy 32%.

Table4. 5: Post-test level of depression score of clients with depression

Level of Depression frequency in %

Minimal 10 16.7
Mild 21 35.0
Moderate 29 48.3
Severe 0 0.0
Total 60 100

Post-test level of Depression score of depressive clients at Institute of

Mental Health after administering Reiki therapy. 16.7% of them had minimal
depression score, 35.0% of them mild depression score, 48.3% of them
moderate score and none of them had severe depression score.

35 Minimal
30 Mild
25 16.7
20 Severe

Depressive clients ( in %)
10 0

Fig: 4.16 Distribution of post-test level of depression score

Section: D: Effectiveness of Reiki therapy
Table4.6: Comparison of pre-test and post-test depression score
Pre-test Post-test Difference SDLUHGµW¶test P Value
SNO Domains Mean SD mean SD
1 Sadness 1.93 .86 1.02 .62 0.91 t=7.66 p=0.001***
2 Pessimism 2.12 .85 .87 .70 1.25 t=9.50 p=0.001***
3 Past Failure 1.45 .81 .97 .66 0.48 t=4.11 p=0.001***
4 Loss of Failure 1.58 .72 .93 .63 0.65 t=6.71 p=0.001***
5 Guilty feelings 1.20 .80 .58 .79 0.62 t=4.38 p=0.001***
6 Punishment feelings 2.47 1.02 1.07 .61 1.4 t=8.96 p=0.001***
7 Self- dislike 2.20 .97 .98 .72 1.22 t=9.18 p=0.001***
8 Self- criticalness 1.20 .68 .83 .72 0.37 t=3.21 p=0.001***
9 Suicidal thoughts or t=10.21 p=0.001***
2.00 .88 .53 .77
wishes 1.47
10 Crying 1.72 .69 .48 .77 1.24 t=10.51 p=0.001***
11 Agitation 1.60 .67 1.10 .60 0.5 t=9.06 p=0.001***
12 Loss of interest 1.95 .77 .87 .75 1.08 t=10.74 p=0.001***
13 Indecisiveness 1.57 .83 1.10 .57 0.47 t=3.55 p=0.001***
14 Worthlessness 1.43 .81 .97 .61 0.46 t=3.90 p=0.001***
15 Loss of energy 1.93 1.02 .97 .71 0.96 t=4.27 p=0.001***
16 Change in sleeping t=5.64 p=0.001***
1.63 .82 1.07 .73
pattern 0.56
17 Irritability 1.68 .79 .95 .65 0.73 t=6.75 p=0.001***
18 Change in appetite 1.52 .83 .70 .87 0.82 t=6.22 p=0.001***
19 Concentration t=3.90 p=0.001***
1.47 .75 1.07 .58
difficulty 0.4
20 Tiredness of fatigue 1.67 .73 .90 .84 0.77 t=5.09 p=0.001***
21 Loss of interest in sex 1.57 1.16 .87 .77 0.7 t=4.15 p=0.001***

x *Significant at P ” 0.05
x ** Highly significant at P ” 0.01
x *** Very high significant at P ” 0.001)

Table 4.7: Comparison of overall mean depression score

No. of Mean ± SD Mean 6WXGHQW¶VSDLUHG

clients Difference t-test
Pre-test 60 35.88 ± 4.35 28.47 t=28.74
Post-test 60 18.82 ± 3.64 P=0.001***

x *Significant at P ” 0.05
x ** Highly significant at P ” 0.01,
x *** Very high significant at P ” 0.001)

Comparison of overall depression scores between pre-test and post-test.

In pre-test, clients are seen having 35.88 score where as in post-test they are
having 18.82 score, so the difference is 28.47. This difference between pre-test
and post-test is large and it is statistically significant. Differences between pre-
test and post-test score were analysed using paired t-test.

Table 4.8: Comparison of pre-test and post-test score of depression

Level of Pre-test Post-test Chi-square test

DEPRESSION No. of % No. of %
patients patients
Minimal 0 0.0 10 16.7 F2=90.25
Mild 0 0.0 21 35.0 P=0.001***
Moderate 10 16.7 29 48.3
Severe 50 83.3 0 0.0
Total 60 100 60 100

x Significant at P ” 0.05
x ** Highly significant at P ” 0.01
x *** Very high significant at P ” 0.001
Prior to Reiki therapy, none of them is seen having minimal depression
score, none of them is having mild depression score, 16.7% of them are having
moderate score and 83.3% of them are having severe depression score.
After Reiki therapy 16.7% of them are having seen minimal depression
score after Reiki therapy 35.0% of them mild depression score, 48.3% of them
moderate score Chi-square test was used to test the statistical significance.






pretest posttest

Fig 17: comparison pre-test and post-test Depression score among depressive clients

Table4.9. Depression reduction score of depressive clients after Reiki
SNO Pre-test Depression
(in %) Post-test reduction score (in
Questions (in %) %)
1 Sadness 64.3 34.0 30.3
2 Pessimism 70.7 29.0 41.7
3 Past Failure 48.3 32.3 16.0
4 Loss of Failure 52.7 31.0 21.7
5 Guilty feelings 40.0 19.3 20.7
6 Punishment feelings 82.3 35.7 46.6
7 Self-dislike 73.3 32.7 40.6
8 Self-criticalness 40.0 27.7 12.3
9 Suicidal thoughts or
wishes 66.7 17.7 49.0
10 Crying 57.3 16.0 41.3
11 Agitation 53.3 36.7 16.6
12 Loss of interest 65.0 29.0 36.0
13 Indecisiveness 52.3 36.7 15.6
14 Worthlessness 47.7 32.3 15.4
15 Loss of energy 64.3 32.3 32.0
16 Change in sleeping
pattern 54.3 35.7 18.6
17 Irritability 56.0 31.7 24.3
18 Change in appetite 50.7 23.3 27.4
19 Concentration difficulty 49.0 35.7 13.3
20 Tiredness of fatigue 55.7 30.0 25.7
21 Loss of interest in sex 52.3 29.0 23.3
OVERALL 57.0 29.9 27.1

Each question wise depression reduction score. Overall, 27.1 % showed
reduction in depressive clients after Reiki therapy. Maximum reduction in
suicidal thoughts.

Table 4.10: Effectiveness of Reiki therapy

Max Mean Mean Difference in Percentage of

score depression depression score depression reduction
score with 95% score with 95%
Confidence interval Confidence interval
Pre-test 63 35.88 17.07(15.87± 18.27) 27.1 (25.2 ±29.0)
Post-test 63 18.82

A comparison of overall depression scores between pre-test and post-

test. On an average, in post-test, 27.1% of reduction in depression score after
implementing Reiki therapy. Differences between pre-test and post-test score
were analysed using percentage with 95% CI and mean difference with 95% CI.

90 83.3

40 Post-test
16.7 16.7

Depressive clients ( in %)
0 0 0
Minimal Mild Moderate Severe

Level of depression

Fig: 4.18 Effectiveness of Reiki therapy



50 29.9

40 27.1




Depressive clients ( in %)
Pre-test Post-test Reduction


Fig: 4.19 over all pre-test and post-test depression score among depressive clients

Section: E: Associate the effectiveness Reiki therapy with selected
demographic variables
Table 4.11: Association between level of depression reduction score and
demographic variables depressive clients
Level of Depression reduction score
S.No Demographic variables Below average Above average
”  (>17.07)
Frequency % Frequency % Total Chi square test
1 Age 15- 25 years 2 100.0 0 0.0 2 F2=8.11
26 -45 years 26 56.5 20 43.5 46 p=0.02*
46 -70 years 2 16.7 10 83.3 12 DF=2
Gender Male 10 55.6 8 44.4 18 F2=0.31
2 Female 20 47.6 22 52.4 42 P=0.57DF=1
Education No formal education 3 75.0 1 25.0 4
Primary education 11 73.3 4 26.7 15 F2=8.17
3 Secondary education 13 46.4 15 53.6 28
Graduation 3 23.1 10 76.9 13
Religion Hindu 25 46.3 29 53.7 54 F2=3.63
4 Muslim 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 P=0.17
Christian 3 100.0 0 0.0 3 DF=2
Marital status Unmarried 18 46.2 21 53.8 39 F2=0.70
5 Married 11 57.9 8 42.1 19 P=0.70
Separated/ Divorced 1 50.0 1 50.0 2 DF=2
No of children None 9 56.3 7 43.8 16 F2=0.39
6 1±2 17 48.6 18 51.4 35 P=0.82
3±4 4 44.4 5 55. 9 DF=2
Type of family Nuclear family 29 53.7 25 46.3 54 F2=2.96
7 Joint family 1 16.7 5 83.3 6 P=0.09 DF=1
Occupation Government 1 50.0 1 50.0 2
Private 15 57.7 11 42.3 26
8 Self-employed 5 35.7 9 64.3 14
Agriculture 4 33.3 8 66.7 12
5 83.3 1 16.7 6
Residence Urban 10 35.7 18 64.3 28 F2=4.28
9 Rural 20 62.5 12 37.5 32 p=0.04*DF=1
Family Monthy Less than Rs. 6000
13 76.4 4 24.6 17 F2=8.11
10 Rs.6000-10000 16 43.2 21 56.8 37
Rs.10000-20000 1 16.7 5 83.3 6
11 Family history of Yes 3
0 0.0 3 100 F2=3.15
psychiatric illness
11 No 30 52.6 27 47.4 57
No. of times Once
21 48.8 22 51.2 43 F2=0.35
12 Twice 7 50.0 7 50.0 14
Thrice 2 66.7 1 33.3 3
Source of Friends F2=0.00
1 50.0 1 50.0 2
information-reiki p=1.00
13 None 29 50.0 29 50.0 58 DF=1
Relaxation methods Music 22 44.9% 27 55.1 49
14 Meditation 0 0. 1 100. 1 F2=6.01
Yoga 1 50.0 1 50.0 2
Exercise 7 87.5 1 12.5 8


Depression reduction score= pre-test-post-test
The association between the levels of Depression score associated with
diverse socio demographic variables of client groups. It identifies that elders,
urban and high earning and educated clients are significant. Statistical
significance was calculated using chi square test.
There exists a non-significant association with gender, religion, marital
status, number of children, type of family occupational status, family history of
psychiatric illness, number of times hospitalization, source of information and
relaxation methods

90 83.3

Below average
70 56.5 ”

43.5 Above
50 average>
40 17.07)


Depressive clients ( in %)
10 0

15-25 26-45 46-70

Level of depression and age (in years)

Fig.4.20: Association between level of depression reduction score and age of depressive clients

75 73.3 76.9


50 Below
40 26.7 17.07)
25 23.1 Above
30 average


Depressive clients (%)

No formal Primary Secondary Graduation
education education education

Level of depression and education

Fig4. 21: Association between level of depression reduction score and education status of the depressive clients

70 64.3


40 35.7 37.5



Depressive clients ( in %)
%HORZDYHUDJH ” Above average >
17.07) 17.07)

Level of depression score and place of residence

Fig4. 22: Association between level of depression reduction score and place of residence of the depressive clients

90 76.4

70 56.8

43.2 Below
40 17.07)
16.7 Above
30 average ( >
20 17.07)


Depressive clients (in %)

Less than 6000 6000-10000 10000- 20000

Level of depression and monthly income (in Rs)

Fig4. 23: Association between level of depression reduction score and monthly income of the depressive clients

Summary of Results

The investigator conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of Reiki
therapy as a means reduce the level of depression among the depressive clients
at Institute of Mental Health, Chennai. The collected data were analysed by
using the descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, standard deviation) and
inferential statistics (student paired t test and chi square test). This chapter
represents the essence of the study
5.1.1 Findings of socio demographic profile of the depressive clients
x Seventy seven percentage (76.7 %) of the clients in the age group of 21-
40, 70.0% of the clients were females.
x Majority (46.7%) of the clients had higher secondary education.
x Ninety percent (90.0%) of the clients were Hindus.
x Sixty five percentage of clients (65.0%) were unmarried
x Fifty eight percentage of clients (58.3% ) had 2 children
x According to occupational status, (43.3%) were employed in the private
x Majority of subjects (61.7%) had earning Rupees 6000 to Rs10000 per
x Ninety five percentage ( 95% )have no family history of psychiatric
x Most of the clients were admitted for the first time (71.7%).
x Eighty two percentages of the depressive clients (81.7%) were listening
x Majority of the clients (97.3%) did not know regarding Reiki.

5.1.2: Finding the level of depression among the depressive clients before
Reiki therapy.
The overall pre- test depression score was 56.95% and among study
respondents 83.3%had severe depression 16.7 % had moderate depression and
none of them having minimal and mild depression.
In those punishment feelings 82%, Pessimism71%, suicidal thoughts 67
%, loss of interest 67% and loss of energy64%.

5.1.3: Finding the level of depression among the depressive clients after the
Reiki therapy.
The overall level of depressive score after Reiki therapy is found to be 29.9% of
whom 16.7% had minimal depression, 35% had mild depression and 48.3% of
the clients had moderate depression. None of them had severe depression after
intervention. .
In those punishment feelings 36%, Pessimism29%, suicidal thoughts
17.7 %, loss of interest 29% and loss of energy 32%.

5.1.4: Finding the effectiveness of Reiki therapy on reducing depression

among depressive clients
The investigator found the overall pre -test score of depression as
56.95% with a standard deviation of 4.35. The post- test depression score was
29.9% with the standard deviation of 3.64. The post-test depression score had
statistically very highly significance. Hence the overall depression reduction
score was 27.1% which highlights the effectiveness of Reiki therapy among
depressive clients. So the difference is there and statistically significant 3 ”
0.001) in student paired test.
A comparison of overall depression score between pre-test and post-
test, depression level showed reduction to 27.1% after Reiki therapy.
Differences between pre-test and post- test score were analysed using

proportion with 95% CI and mean differences with 95% CI. These results
showed the effectiveness of the Reiki therapy

Maximum reduction for the question ³6XLFLGDOWKRXJKWVRUZLVKHV´DQG


5.1.5. Finding of an association of depression level with selected socio

demographic variables
The level of depression reduced with demographic variables. The
variables like elders, more educated clients, urban people, earning more income
showed statistically significant association.


This chapter reveals a study on the effectiveness of Reiki therapy on
depressive clients and concludes that Reiki therapy is effective on depressive
clients and improves psychological wellbeing.
Reiki therapy is one of the methods of healing contributing countless
benefits. Reiki healing is not intended to replace the allopathic medicine, but
rather to complement it. Reiki is doing cleansing and energizing with life
forcing energy.
The investigator adopted pre-experimental, one group pretest and post-
test design. Based on the sampling criteria, 60 depressive clients were selected
by convenient sampling. Depression level of clients was assessed with BDI-II
after the pre-test Reiki intervention given for 7 consecutive days.
The data were statistically analysed and the finding was discussed under
the objectives formulated by the investigator.
Section-A: Socio demographic variable of the depressive clients
Section-B: Depression level of the depressive clients before Reiki therapy
Section-C: Depression level of the depressive clients after Reiki therapy
Section-D: Effectiveness of Reiki therapy
Section-E Associate the effectiveness Reiki therapy with selected
demographic variables.
Objective-1: To describe the socio demographic profile of the depressive
Among the depressive clients, a high proportion (76.7 %) of the clients
belongs to the age group of 21- 40. Seventy percent of the clients were female.
As far the educational status majority of the clients (46.7%) had higher
secondary education. Ninety percent (90.0%) of the clients were Hindus. Most
of them (65.0%) were unmarried and had 2 children (58.3%) were living in
nuclear families. According to occupational status, most of (43.3%) them were
in private sector, with monthly income 6000-10000(61.7%). 95% did not have
any family history of psychiatric illness. Urban (46.7%) and rural 56.3% it
shows that more rural people get depression. Table shows that most of the
clients were admitted for the first time (71.7%). As per their relaxation
activities, the higher proportions of the clients (81.7%) were listening to music.
RIWKHFOLHQWVGLGQ¶WNQRZanything regarding Reiki.
This study is consistent with the study conducted by Clara Fleiz
Bautista (2011) described the prevalence of depressive symptoms in the
Mexican population, aged 12 to 65. Data are drawn from the National Survey
from 22,962 subjects and measured by CES-D. The total prevalence for
depressive was 5.1%; the prevalence was 7.5% for women and 2.5% for men.
Mark Tomlinson (2009): A nationally representative household survey
was conducted between 2002 and 2004 in adult South Africans (4351). The
prevalence of major depression was 9.7% for lifetime and 4.9% for the 12
months prior to the interview. The prevalence of depression was significantly
higher among females than among males. The prevalence was also higher
among those with a low level of education.
Objective-2: To assess the level of depression among the depressive clients
before the Reiki therapy.
The overall pre- test depression score was 56.95% and among study
respondents 83.3% had severe depression. 16.7 % (10members) had moderate
This study of the investigator is similar to the study conducted by
Mansoureh Charkhandeh (2012). The major purpose of this study is to
examine the effectiveness of Reiki therapy in reducing level of depression in
adolescents (65) in Tehran, Iran. The age of the respondents was 12-17 years.
There was significant difference in pre-test = 30.62% and post-test=29.33% of
Reiki (t=5.99, p<.05) showing the effectiveness of Reiki therapy, which led to a
reduction in the depression score of participants in 6 week. The findings from

the present study reveal that Reiki enables change in cognitive and behaviour
and helps to avoid the problems of depression in adolescents.
Objective-3: To assess the level of depression among the depressive clients
after the Reiki therapy.
The overall level of depressive score after Reiki therapy is 29.9% in
that 16.7% (10 clients) had minimal depression, 35.0% ( 21 clients ) had mild
depression and 48.3% of the clients had moderate depression.
The investigator study is consistent with one conducted by Adina
Goldman Shore (2004) for evaluation of long-term effects of Reiki, on
depression and stress. Forty five adult participants aged 19 to78 were randomly
assigned one of 3 groups, hands-on Reiki, non- touch Reiki, distance Reiki
placebo. Reiki was given 1 to1 1/2 hour treatment each week over a period of 6
weeks. Significant differences were noted between treatment and control groups
(p < .05) BDI pre-test value is M=10.44 and post-test is 3.75, by HS pre-test
M=3.63 and post-test M=1.81and by PSS pre-test value is M=1.81, post-test is
M=1.26, all subjects in experimental group reported experiences of deep
relaxation, calming, increased energy flow, and greater connection to Spirit as a
result of Reiki treatments.
Objective-4: To determine the effectiveness of Reiki therapy on reducing
depression among depressive clients
The investigator found the overall pre -test score of depression as
56.95% with a standard deviation of 4.35. The post- test depression score was
29.9% with the standard deviation of 3.64. Hence the depression score was
27.1% which highlights the effectiveness of Reiki therapy among depressive
clients. (In pre-test none of them had minimal and mild depression in post-test
none of them had severe depression.) So the difference is there and statistically
significant 3” in paired µW¶test.
This study is consistent with study conducted by Silpa dharan (2012) an
experimental study conducted to examine the effectiveness of Reiki therapy on

depressive clients at SIMHANS and spandana rehabilitation and research
centre, Bangalore. Samples (50) were selected by simple random sampling for
experiment and control group. BDS-II was used for data collection. Reiki
therapy was administered for 30 minutes once a day for 7 days continuously.
Over all pre-test score is 50.6%, post-test score is 21.5% and the depression
reduction score is 29.1% P value is <00.05. This study reveals that significant
decrease in depression level after Reiki therapy.
Objective-5: To associate the level of depression with selected socio
demographic variables
Table 13 shows the level of depression reduction in the population
demographic variables. The variables like elders, more educated clients, urban
people, earning more income showed statistically significant association.
This study is consistent one conducted by Jamie C Barner (2010) a
cross-sectional study design was employed using the 2002 National Health
Interview Survey. A nationwide representative sample of adult approximately
one in five (20.2%) CAM past 12 month users. Ten of the 15 CAM modalities
(such as prayer, biofeedback, and Reiki) were used primarily for treatment by
African-Americans. CAM for treatment was significantly (p<0.05) associated
with the graduate education, smaller family size, higher income, and region.
Hypothesis (HI): There is a significant difference between pre and post-test
level of depression among depressive clients.
statistically significant at 0.001level.Hence the research hypothesis H1 is
Hypothesis (H2): There is a significant association between post- test levels of
depression with selected demographic variables of depressive clients.
The demographic variables such as age, education, family monthly
income and place of residence were found to be significantly associated at
<0.05 levels. Hence research hypothesis H2 is accepted

Conclusion &


The world is moving very fast, so hectic which has trendy people,
pointing to depression getting more chances to snatch precious lives. It has a
great impact on people`s emotional, mental, physical, social and occupational
functions. Thoughts of death and suicide are the symptoms of depression; if left
untreated, may get worse. People may feel go in for suicide as the only way to
escape from the painful situations. Effects and consequences of the depression
are unbearable to many persons.
Reiki is the alternative and complementary treatment which is becoming
familiar in recent days due to SHRSOH¶V confidence in natural and divine healing.
Reiki therapy is one of the methods of healing which contributes countless
benefits. Reiki healing is not intended to replace the allopathic medicine, but
rather to compliment it. Reiki is doing cleansing and energizing with life
forcing energy.
7.1. Implications of the study
The results of the study have implications for nursing education, nursing
practice, nursing administration and nursing research
7.1.1 Nursing Practice
¾ A psychiatric nurse must have the skills in teaching about stress and
depression reduction measures.
¾ Leaflets can be distributed to the people regarding Reiki
¾ The nurse should have the skills to avoid stress and depression in
clinical as well as community setting.
¾ Nurses can arrange awareness programs regarding the effective use of
Reiki therapy for the different aspects of health.

¾ Reiki therapy for the different aspects of health. Community health
nurse can be given Reiki for rehabilitation
¾ In Clinical setting, the nurse must use Reiki therapy as a tool for
preparation of so many procedures and as an intervention for
depressive clients. .
7.1.2. Nursing Administration:
¾ Nursing administrators must act as a back bone to provide facilities to
reduce the depression among the clients and other persons at Institution.
¾ The administration can encourage the nurses to conduct research for
prevention depression.
¾ The administration can organize conferences, workshops, in-service
education and seminars for nurses working in the hospitals and other
health care centers regarding Reiki therapy for prevention and
management of depression.
7.1.3. Nursing Education
¾ Nursing curriculum focuses on development of skills in identifying the
stress and depression level to reduce the depressive clients and its
¾ Conferences, workshops, a symposiums and seminars can be held for
nurses for exchange of ideas on depression and prepare them to have
positive attitude towards challenges.
¾ Get their knowledge updated through in-service education regarding
reduction measures of depression, stress management and how to face
the challenges, loss and threats.
¾ Make available literature related to Reiki therapy
¾ Reiki therapy can be used as one of the best alternative therapies and
nursing curriculum should include Reiki.
¾ Nurse educator can learn Reiki and teach Reiki to the nursing students
in order to promote their healthy life style and healthy learning..

7.1.4. Nursing Research
¾ With scarcity of literature and research on Reiki therapy being the
feature, the Investigator suggests more researches for treatment of
depression by providing Reiki therapy.
¾ Nurses should be encouraged to conduct research on Reiki therapy.
¾ Liberal allocation of funds, manpower, time and adequate training
should be provided to nurses for conducting research.
7.2. Limitations of the study.
¾ The study can be done at the old age homes and orphanages
¾ The study can be done for studying long time effects of Reiki
¾ Maintenance of privacy found difficult.
¾ Since the sample size is small cannot take it as representative
sample of general population.
¾ A study can be conducted at disaster affected areas by group
7.3. Recommendations for the further study
¾ A similar study can be repeated with a large sample in a different
¾ A similar study can be conducted as a comparative study with other
complementary therapies and Reiki therapy.
¾ A longitudinal study can be undertaken to find out the long term effect
of Reiki therapy on depression.
¾ A similar study can be conducted for treatment of other psychiatric
disorders like schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and
personality disorder.
¾ The study can be conducted in community set up in order to identify the
effect of Reiki therapy without medication.

Education in evidence based care gives the opportunity to nurses to
improve their ability to apply theoretical knowledge to practice.
Depression is the condition which causes many psychological and
physical problems in our life resulting even in termination. It occurs when a
person has difficulty dealing with challenging situations, continuous failures,
over and negative expectations. Each person facing the problems reacts
differently according to their inner abilities.
mandatory. Through Reiki therapy, the level of depression had got reduced to
27.1%. This reduction in depression level reflects the effectiveness of Reiki
therapy. So the nurses can educate the clients regarding Reiki self-healing
which is cost effective and covers all aspects of the client.
Reiki therapy was effective in reducing level of depression among
depressive clients. Since it is cost effective and a self- healing procedure it can
be applied in all settings, by all the people who underwent Reiki training and it
can be used to all people irrespective of age, gender, religion and societal status.



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Certificate of approval by Ethics Committee

Certificates of content validity

Letter seeking permission for conducting the study

1) Age in years
a) 15- 25 ( )
b) 26- 45 ( )
c) 46-70 ( )
2) Gender
a) Male ( )
b) Female ( )
3) Educational status
a) No formal education ( )
b) Primary education ( )
c) Secondary education ( )
d) Graduation ( )
4) Religion
a) Hindu ( )
b) Muslim ( )
c) Christian ( )
d) Others ( )
5) Marital status
a) Unmarried ( )
b) Married ( )
c) Separated/ Divorced ( )
6) Number of children
a) None ( )
b) 1-2 ( )
c) 3-4 ( )
d) More than 4 ( )

7) Type of family
a) Nuclear family ( )
b) Joint family ( )
8) Occupational status
a) Government ( )
b) Private ( )
c) Self-employed ( )
d) Agriculture ( )
e) Unemployment/house wife ( )
9) Place of residence
a) Urban ( )
b) Rural ( )
10) Family monthly income in rupees
a) Less than 6000 ( )
b) 6000-10000 ( )
c) 10000-20000 ( )
d) More than 20000 ( )
11) Family history of psychiatric illness
a) Yes (If yes specify the relationship) ( )
b) No ( )
12) Number of times of hospitalization
a) Once ( )
b) Twice ( )
c) Thrice ( )
d)>Thrice ( )
13) Source of information regarding Reiki therapy by (to primary care
a) Electronic media ( )
b) Printed media ( )

c) Family members/relations ( )
d) Friends ( )
e) Health personnel ( )
d) None ( )
14) How do you relax yourself normally?
a) Music ( )
b) Meditation ( )
c) Yoga ( )
d) Exercise ( )
e) Specify if any other

Name ______________________Marital Status _________ Age _____
Instructions: This questionnaire consists of 21 groups of statements. Please
read each group of statements carefully, and then pick out the one statement in
each group that best describes the way you have been feeling during the past
two weeks, including today. Circle the number beside the statements you have
picked. If several statements in the group seem to apply equally well, circle the
highest number for that group. Be sure that you do not choose more than one
statement for any group, including item 16 (Changes in sleeping pattern) or
Item 18 (Changes in Appetite).
1. Sadness
0. I do not feel sad.
1. I feel sad much of the time.
2. I am sad all the time.
3. I am so sad or unKDSS\WKDW,FDQ¶WVWDQGLW
2. Pessimism
0. I am not discouraged about my future.
1. I feel more discouraged about my future than used to be.
2. I do not expect things to work out for me
3. I feel my future is hopeless and will only get worse
3. Past Failure
0. I do not feel like a failure.
1. I have failed more than I should have
2. As I look back, I see a lot of failures.
3. I feel I am a total failure as a person.

4. Loss of pleasure
0. I get as much pleasure as I ever did from the things I enjoy
2. I get very little pleasure from the things I used to enjoy.
5) Guilty Feelings
1. I feel guilty over many things I have done or should have done
2. I feel quite guilty most of the time.
3. I feel guilty all of the time.
6) Punishment Feelings
1. I feel I may be punished.
2. I expect to be punished.
3. I feel I am being punished.
7) Self ±Dislike
0. I feel the same about myself as ever.
1. I have lost confidence in my life.
2. I am disappointed in my life.
3. I dislike myself.
8) Self-Criticalness
1. I am more critical of myself than I used to be.
2. I criticize myself for all of my faults.
3. I blame myself for everything bad that happens
9) Suicidal Thoughts or Wishes
2. I have thoughts of killing myself, but I would not carry them out
3. I would like to kill myself.

4. I would kill myself if I had the chance.

10) Crying
1. I cry more than I used to.
2. I cry over every little thing.
11) Agitation
0. I am no more restless or wound up than usual.
1. I feel more restless or wound up than usual.
3. I am so restless or agitated that I have to keep moving or doing
12) Loss of Interest
0. I have not lost interest in other people or activities.
1. I am less interested in other people or things than before.
2. I have lost most of my interest in other people or things.
13) Indecisiveness
0. I make decisions about as well as ever.
1. I find it more difficult to make decisions than usual.
2. I have much greater difficulty in making decisions than I used to.
3. I have trouble making any decisions.
14) Worthlessness
0. I do not feel I am worthless.
2. I feel more worthless as compared to other people.
3. I feel utterly worthless.

15) Loss of Energy
0. I have as much energy as ever.
1. I have less energy than I used to have.
16) Change in Sleeping Pattern
0. I have not experienced any change in my sleeping pattern.
1. I sleep somewhat more than usual.
1. I sleep somewhat less than usual.
2. I sleep a lot more than usual.
2. I sleep a lot less than usual. 3. I
sleep most of the day.
17) Irritability
0. I am no more irritable than usual.
1. I am more irritable than usual.
2. I am much more irritable than usual.
3. I am irritable all the time.
18) Change in Appetite
0. I have not experienced any change in my appetite.
1. My appetite is somewhat less than usual.
1. My appetite is somewhat greater than usual
2. My appetite is much less than before.
2. My appetite is much greater than usual.
3. I have no appetite at all.
3. I crave food all the time.
19) Concentration Difficulty
0. I can concentrate as well as ever.

20) Tiredness of Fatigue
0. I am no more tired or fatigued than usual.
1. I get more tired or fatigued more easily than usual.
2. I am too tired or fatigued to do a lot of thing I used to do.
3. I am too tired or fatigued to do most of the things I used to
21) Loss of interest in sex
0. I have not noticed any recent change in my interest in sex.
1. I am less interested in sex than I used to be.
2. I am much less interested in sex now.
3. I have lost interest in sex completely.

Scoring of standardized beck depression inventory (BDI-11)

0-13: Minimal Depression

14-19: Mild Depression

2028: Moderate Depression

29-63: Severe Depression



DR HAYASHI 1880-1940

HAWAYO TAKATA (1900-1980)



Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and meant
for self-improvement. It has been effective in healing virtually every known
illness and malady and always creating a beneficial effect. It also works in
conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side
effects and promote recovery. Reiki is a one of the supportive therapy. It has
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual features and gives relaxation and
feeling of peace and wellbeing.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also
promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the
idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to
be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick
or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
(The International Centre for Reiki Training)

Meaning of Reiki:

Reiki is a Japanese word composed of two words. REI and KI. Rei
which mean spirit and Ki mean energy. The combined meaning of the two
words, is Spiritual Energy or a higher form of energy. But in practice Reiki is
translated as Universal Energy, Universal Life Force or Universal Energy Field

Reiki treats the whole body, the entire gamut of emotions, mind and
spirit. It involves physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually and gives
relaxation and feelings of peace and wellbeing.

Origin of Reiki:

Reiki is an ancient healing art that is thousands of years old and was
rediscovered in the mid- WR HDUO\ ¶V E\ 'U 0LNDR 8VXL +H ZDV D
Japanese monk and educator who sought the origins of the healing art from the
Tibetan sutras, ancient records of cosmology, and philosophy. The laying on of
hands method of Reiki is akin to healing used by Buddha and Jesus (Barnett &
Chambers, 1996; Hebner, 2000; Rand, 1991; Stein, 1995).

Reiki was developed by Mikao Usui in 1922 while performing Isyu

Guo, a twenty-one day Buddhist training course held on Mount Kurama,
involveing meditation, fasting, chanting, and prayer. Usui had gained the
knowledge and spiritual power to apply and attune others to what he called
Reiki, which entered his body through his crown Chakra. In April 1922, Usui
moved to Tokyo and founded the 8VXL 5HLNL5\ǀKǀ*DNNDL " Dr. Usui passed
the Reiki Master initiation to Dr. Chijuro Hayashi and Dr. Hayashi taught Mrs.
Hawayo Takata who brought Reiki to the United States in 1938. From there
Reiki has spread rapidly. Reiki is taught in separate Level I-Level II.

Five Reiki Principles Taught By Dr Usui

Introduced by Usui and taught to his students as spiritual teachings and

were to be followed and be a guide in his/her life. Practice of these principles
we would put the user path of self-healing.

The secret of inviting happiness. The spiritual medicine for all illness

¾ Just for today, do not get angry

¾ Just for today, do not worry
¾ Just for today, be grateful
¾ Just for today, take delight in your work
¾ Just for today, be kind to others.
Do repeat these at the beginning of each day

Reiki sessions:
Once you have been attuned to Reiki energy you can treat others or
yourself with Reiki. It is useful after an attunement to practice daily on yourself,
helps for energy flowing. Reiki is not a substitute for traditional medical
practise, but it can be an exceptionally useful complimentary therapy.
Chakras constitute a key factor in all aspects of Reiki and you should
have a basic understanding of what they are. There are 7 major Chakras. They
are energy portals where energy flows. When a Chakra becomes blocked, an
imbalance occurs. If it is not cleared, illness and Disease can manifest
1. The First Chakra ± Root Chakra located at the base of the spine. It is linked
to survival and our ability to ground ourselves in the physical world.
2. The Second Chakra ± Sacral Chakra located just beneath the navel. It is
related to our sexual and reproductive capacity.

3. The Third Chakra ± Solar Plexus located behind the solar plexus which
gives us our personal power in the world.
4. The Fourth Chakra ± Heart Chakra located at the Heart and gives us the
ability to express love.
5. The Fifth Chakra ± Throat Chakra is linked to creativity and
6. The Sixth Chakra ± Third Eye Chakra located between the eyebrows. This
is the centre of intuition and awareness.
7. The Seventh Chakra ± Crown Chakra located at the top of the head. This is


The Aura is the energy field which surrounds our body and interacts with
forces within our environment. This energy field has several different functions.
Aura regulates the volume of energy within our system; it serves as an
advanced contact system with other energy fields and can be used in the
diagnosis and treatment of illness. It can be strengthened to provide a means of

The auric body is made up of several layers, one layer for each chakra.
Each one of the auric layers is governed by a specific chakra but all the chakras
exist on all layers. There are seven auric layers and a total of 56 chakras
manifest on all seven layers and the physical body.

The first auric layer is the Etheric layer. The etheric layer is closest to
the body and fits nearly like a second skin. It has a definite size and shape.
Generally, it extends from 1/4 of an inch to two inches from the body. Lines of
energy are readily seen in this section of the aura since it is most closely linked

The second auric layer is the Emotional body. This layer deals with
emotions, including emotions with us and emotions we have for other people.
The emotional layer is often seen as a mass of energy swirling about the body.
The form pretty much approximates the human shape but is not well defined as
the etheric layer. In fact, each layer out becomes less and less structured as a
physical person.

The third auric layer is the mental layer. This is the layer of thought
and ideas the layer where concepts are fashioned into reality. It usually is most
visible around the head and shoulders as a yellowish light. It is in this layer that
thoughts and ideas actually become pronounced.

The fourth auric layer is the astral layer. The astral layer marks the
division between the physical layers and the higher layers. This layer is
responsible for interaction between individuals. It is the layer of love and of
relationship. Emotional bonds are formed on this layer.

The fifth auric layer is the Etheric Template. This is a copy of the
model itself after.
The sixth auric layer is the Celestial body. It is the body of emotional
level on the spiritual plane. Through this layer we are able to commune with
Spirit. It is the level of unconditional love and trust.

The seventh auric layer is the Ketheric Template, also known as the
Causal Body. This is the mental layer of the spiritual level. This layer helps one
to become with the Spirit and access to the akashic records and delve into our
past lives. It is the layer of true.

The Body Scan

Scanning is a technique that is useful to know. It is now clear that Usui

taught a Scanning technique. Scanning is placing your hands into the energy
field of another to get a feeling for differences in their energy field.

Levels of Reiki: Level 1: The student is attuned to 3 Reiki symbols which are
positions within their body.

is to allow the student to share and experience unconditional Universal love and

Level 3: Advanced Practitioner Level, or Advanced Reiki 3 Level, or Reiki

Master Level.


Purpose of Attunement:

The main purpose of an attunement or reiju (pronounced Ray-joo) is to

UDLVHWKHVWXGHQW¶VHQHrgy level to re-connect to the true inner self (soul), plus
strengthen the connection to universal spiritual energy.

In Reiki Level 1, the student is attuned through four initiations, to three symbols

x The power symbol -Cho-Ku-Rei,

x The mental/emotional symbol , Sei-He-Ki and

x The distant/absentee symbol , Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen.

1st initiation:

vibrational level and to increase healing capacity. Attunement opens crown
chakra to access and channel more universal energy light, plus initiate universal
wisdom and purpose to flow.

2nd initiation

slightly above the physical body). Attunement opens cervical and spinal column
to improve the functioning of entire nervous system, plus open throat chakra to
enhance communication

3rd initiation:


4th initiation:


consciousness and intuition. The pineal gland located at the 7th chakra (crown)
increases perception of light, plus connects student to the universal source of
energy. The pituitary gland located at the 6th chakra (third eye) is also
influenced to balance the endocrine system (see diagram page 19), as well as
aura, before the energies between student and Master, are disconnected. This
initiation completes the process allowing the energy channels to remain open

Preparing Students for Attunement Process (to relax student)

x Play soft Reiki music if you like

x Sit with feet flat on the floor, place hands on laps (avoid crossing limbs ±
this indicates non-acceptance for receiving)
x Close your eyes, take 3-deep breaths and relax

x Take a moment to scan yourself

x Starting at your feet and working upward toward your crown, observe
any tenseness and relax each muscle



1. Choku Rei 2. Sei He Ki 3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

How Reiki works

We are alive due to life force is flowing through us. Life force energy
flows within the physical body through pathways called chakras, meridians and
nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force
nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them to do vital role.
While this life force energy depleted, it causes diminished function in one or
more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.

The life force energy is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings. It
becomes disturbed when we meet, either consciously or unconsciously,
negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These things attach themselves to
the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force, reducing the
vital functions of our body. Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of
the energy field and charging them with positive energy.

When treating others, there are a number of hand positions to use. Each
position is held for 3 to 5 minutes, more or less, before moving to the next
position. Trust your intuition. At times you might feel led to place your hands
on a certain area, and in this case trust your intuition and do that. Reiki sessions
are conducted with the client fully clothed. When working around private areas
you hold your hands about 3 to 5 inches above the area, instead of directly on
the person. Ask the person to remove his shoes and to close his eyes and relax.
will focus your intentions on the start of the Reiki flow.

Hand positions and locations of Self-healing and healing others:

1. Face: This position covers your fore head (third eye chakra) and eyes,
nose, ears, etc. A few minutes of Reiki in this position will relax all the
muscles in this region and bring a glow on your face. With practice you
will literally feel the stress dissolving. Your body will not have any
proneness to cause head-aches when you do this regularly.

2. Temples and your brain: Your brain controls many parts of your body.
This position helps you in maintaining healthy teeth and jaws.

3. Brain(head)

4. Throat: This energises many vital parts of the body. Constant practice
will give you a voice and helps you to communicate.

5. Heart chakra: This will transform your relations and fill your heart with
love, forgiveness and compassion. This helps to energise the thymus
gland and thus has the potential to improve your mood instantly.

6. Solar plexus and organs like stomach, liver, etc. This position gets you
heal past emotional pain and thereby heals

7. Abdominal area: With continuous practice, not have any proneness,

you will find your breathing getting normal and natural

8. Pelvic area. This is the Reiki hand position for fertility and abundance.
Practice makes you to feel as a peaceful person.

9. Shoulders and neck area: This gives you more strength to fulfil your
responsibilities. It gives you unlimited strength and power.

10. Upper back and shoulder blades: This position heals vital organs like
the lungs, etc.

11. Lower back along with your kidneys and other organs: It gives you
strength and vitality. A few minutes of healing at this position makes you
full of energy. These positions also energise your joints, tissues, muscles
and bones.

12. Spine area and your root chakra: It makes you feel grounded and
settled in just a few minutes. As with other hand positions, this one also
heals other organs in this area.

Hand positions to heal self

1. Face 2. Crown and Top of the Head

3. Back of the Head 4. Chin and Jawline

5. Neck Collarbone and Heart 6. Ribs and Rib Cage

7. Abdomen 8. Pelvic Bones

9. Shoulder Blades 10.Midback

11. Lower Back 12. Sacrum

Reiki hand positions to heal others

Hands on shoulders This is comforting for 1 - Crown chakra

the client while Isay prayers for us both and Place both hands on the crown of
feel the Reikienergy start to flow. the head .

2 - Third eye chakra 3- Ears and jaw

With one hand behind the head and With respect to the client's boundaries,
the other on the forehead or both the hands may need to be held just
hands could be under the head. away from the face

4 - Throat chakra 5-Heart chakra
Touching the throat is uncomfortable but 3Obviously when treating a woman hands
resting one hand on the collar bone may Should be held away from the chest.
Be comfortable enough.

6 - Solar plexus chakra 7 - Sacral chakra

One hand each side of the solar plexus With the hands each side of the chakra.
chakra works well The sacral chakra is about a hand's
width below the navel.

8 - Base chakra 9 - Arms
Both hands can be held away from the Hold the client's hand with thumbs
base chakra or the hands can be placed Inter-locking and one hand on the
to each side, on the hips. shoulder. Then do the other arm.

10 ± Legs 11 - Feet
Place one hand on the hip and other It is grounding and comforting for the
on the middle of the foot. Then do the clients to Reiki both feet at once at the
other foot. end.

12 - Sweeping strokes over the body Hands on shoulders
To finish, move the hands in sweeping At the end I take time to feel gratitude
strokes, as if brushing through the aura and give thanks for the Reiki healing
just above the body, from head to toe. and the blessings we have received.

Kirlian photography

Kirlian photography is a technique of photographing the etheric energy

patterns around living things. Pioneered by Semyon Kirlian, a Russian
researcher in the 1940's, it is based on a phenomenon known as corona
discharge. This discharge pattern seems to follow the pattern of the etheric aura.
As you can see from the images above, the energy after Reiki is stronger, more
organized, and more balanced.

Indications for Reiki therapy:
ƒ Cancer

ƒ Heart disease

ƒ Anxiety

ƒ Depression

ƒ Chronic pain

ƒ Infertility

ƒ Neurodegenerative disorders


ƒ Autism/developmental delays



ƒ Irritable Bowel Syndrome

ƒ Traumatic brain injury

ƒ Emotional illness, including mild psychosis

ƒ Fatigue syndromes

ƒ End-of-life care and bereavement ( By Andrea Stillman)

Contra indications

No contra indications for Reiki therapy.

Reiki is for everyone: it heals adults, babies, toddlers, children, elderly and pets
and plants

Reiki and Depression:

Regular Reiki self-healing can make anyone totally free from feelings of
helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness and make life positive again. It
may affect sleep, concentration, level of thinking, appetite and psychological
condition. . Reiki reduces the mental stress, anxiety, depression and the pains.
The negative thoughts, emotions and feelings disturb the flow of life force
energy in our body. Reiki produces a good effect by dissolving the barrier in the
flow of life force energy. Reiki symbols, positions, self Reiki symbols,
positions, self-healing methods, distance healing techniques all are highly
useful in treating depression.

Symbols to treat Depression

Choku Rei:

The general meaning of Choku Rei is: "Place the power of the universe
here". This is power symbol which can be used for increasing the power of
Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See it as a light switch that has the
intention to instantly boost your ability. Draw or visualize the symbol in front
of you and you will have instant access to more healing energies.

Sei He Ki:

This symbol is used for the treatment of depression and heals mental
and emotional illness, protection, clearing, balancing and purification of mind.
It also reduces the fear, anger and sadness.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen:

This symbol can be used as distance Reiki across the room, across the
country or any part of the world. This symbol is also called 'The awakened
Heart'. This symbol can heal the Karmic and problems associated with it. It is
helpful in relieving the mental and emotional pain as well as stress.

Depression and Chakras

Root Chakra represents the physical power of a person and has

association with parts of the body, such as spine, teeth, anus, colon, rectum, cell
building parts and blood. Root Chakras influence the suprarenal glands, which
are responsible for production of emergency hormone (adrenalin). Root Chakra
imbalances can cause physical problems to a person and makes them low from
body and mind. The creative energy of such a person becomes low and they
lose their self-control and get indulged into sensual pleasures. They become
selfish, overweight, constipated, irritable, upset, violent and aggressive; even
for minor things. In a few cases, this chakra is fully blocked and will induce
feelings of uncertainty in a person.

Naval Chakra is the reproductive centre of a human being. It is

associated with all liquids in the body (lymph, blood, gastric juices, and
regulators of menstrual cycle in females), kidneys, bladder and pelvic region.
Prostate gland, ovaries, testicles and gonads are associated with this chakra. The
activeness in this chakra will make a person free and ease the self-expression in
them. It will also make interpersonal experiences good and create high esteem

of human being. Any disharmony in this chakra will turn off sensual feelings
and make a person low and create lowness in sexual charm in individuals. This
can induce suicidal thoughts in nature.

Solar Plexus Chakra is the power centre of human beings. Solar Plexus
Chakra is located between high and low chakras of body and purifies the basic
instincts to direct the creative energy to higher values of life. It helps in the
integration of wit, is associated with nervous system, digestion, lower back
region, abdomen, liver, spleen and stomach areas. Solar Energy is absorbed by
the body through this chakra. It energizes and maintains the parts of the body
and govern the emotional being of a person. A person having blockage in this
chakra would feel unbalanced body and mind. They will get negative, restless
and gloomy in nature. They might feel rejected and discouraged, and will forget
their true goals in life.

The symptoms of a person having acute depression can affect him

physically, mentally or emotionally. The blockage in any of the above
mentioned chakras will have a negative impact on mind, body and attitude of a
person. The energy levels of a person will become lower and driving him to
avoid situations requiring expression of feelings. He becomes unsound
physically and emotionally. There will be decrement in physical stamina and
even the moody nature will become a big hassle for a person. The interest in life
will become less and the person will refuse for socialization. In extreme cases,
the person might think about ending his/her life.

Positions to treat depression:

Reiki hand positions are there for treating self & others. These Reiki
positions are very helpful to relieve mental depression. Hands are placed on
energy centres of the body which is called Chakras. The endocrine system is
influenced by these energy centres, when Reiki is given to the energy centres

there is a balancing effect on the glands. Place hands on the back of the head
and give Reiki, which will promote relaxation and relieves headaches
associated with depression.

‡ Place your hands on the either sides of the umbilicus and give reiki , that
will helps to relieves the symptoms like nausea, vomiting, stomach ache and
indigestion and ultimately will reduce the depression.

‡ For muscle ache and headache, place hands across the shoulder
(scapulae) at mid to upper point. This position will helps us to relieve the head
ach, muscle pain and stomach pain.

‡ Place the hands across the lower ribs which impact the kidneys and
improve the function of the adrenalin glands and definitely change the mood to
obtain positive health.

How Reiki works on depression:

The person suffering from acute depression requires healing from the
Reiki grand master. He requires visiting the clinic for 21 sessions where his
aura is cleaned and set free of the dark spots on the chakras. The Reiki
grandmaster heals all the affected chakras. The patient needs to have a positive
attitude and accept the healing energy passed on to him. After these 21 sessions
the patient feels totally positive and out of depression. Reiki healing shuns all
the negative energy and helps human being to combat depression.

Reiki - a powerful and gentle healer (Benefits)





‡7UHDWVV\PStoms and causes of illness








‡$LGVPHGLWDWLRQDnd positive thinking

‡+HDOVKROLVWLFDOO\DQGReiki is easy to learn

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Investigator : L.Jayalakshmi.

Name of Participant :

Age/sex :

Date :

Name of the institution: Institute of Mental Health, Chennai -10.

Title : A study to assess the effectiveness of Reiki therapy
to reduce the level of depression among depressive clients at Institute of
mental health, Chennai-10.

Documentation of the informed consent: (legal representative can sign if the

participant is minor or competent).

x I have read/it has been read for me,

the information in this form. I was free to ask any questions and they
have been answered. I am over 18 years of age and exercising my free
power of choice, hereby give my consent to be included as a participant
in the study.
x I have read and understood this consent form and the information
provided to me.
x I have had the consent document explained in detail to me.
x I have been explained about the nature of my study.
x My rights and responsibilities have been explained to me by the
x I agree to cooperate with the investigator
x I have not participated in any research study at any time.
x I am aware of the fact that I can out of the study at any time without
having to give any reason

x I hereby give permission to the investigators to release the information
obtained from me as a result of participation in this study to the
regulatory authorities, government agencies and Institutional ethics
committee. I understand that they are publicly presented.
x My identity will be kept confidential if my data are publicly presented.
x I am aware that I have any question during this study; I should contact
the concerned investigator.

Signature of Investigator Signature of Participant

Date Date


Title : A study to assess the effectiveness of Reiki

therapy to reduce the level of depression among depressive clients at
Institute of mental health, Chennai-10.

Name of the Participant :

Date :

Age/sex :

Investigator : L.Jayalakshmi

Name of the institution : Institute of Mental Health

Enrolment No :

You are invited to take part in this study. The information in this
document is meant to help you decide whether or not to take part. Please feel
free to ask if you have any queries or concerns.

You are being asked to Cooperative in this study being conducted in Institute of
Mental Health

What is the Purpose of the Research (explain briefly)

This research is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Reiky therapy

among the depressive clients at Institute of Mental Health. We have obtained
permission from the Institutional Ethics Committee.

Study Procedures.

x The depression level of each participant will be assessed before the

procedure by using beck depression scale.

x Reiki therapy will be taught daily for half an hour for 7 days by the
investigator .The level of depression will be assessed after 7 days.

Possible benefits to other people

The result of the research may provide benefits to the all depressive
clients and also empathetic care to them by investigator.

Confidentiality of the information obtained from you

You have the right to confidentiality regarding the privacy of your

personal details. The information from this study, if published in scientific
journals or presented at scientific meetings, will not reveal your identity.

How will your decision not to participate in the study affect you?

Your decisions not to participate in this research study will not affect your
activity of daily living, medical care or your relationship with investigator or
the institution.

Can you decide to stop participating in the study once you start?

The participation in this research is purely voluntary and you have the
right to withdraw from this study at any time during course of the study without
giving any reasons.

Your Privacy in the research will be maintained throughout study. In the

event of any publications or presentation resulting from the research, no
personally identifiable information will be shared.

Signature of Investigator Signature of Participants

Date Date


Demographic variables

section A

Q NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Sample no Age Gender Education religion marital status no of children type of family Occupation Residence Income psy illness hospitalization information-reiki Relaxation

S1 C B A A A C A D A A B A F A

S2 C B A A A C A D A B B B F A

S3 C B B A D B A B B A B A F A

S4 B A D A B A A B A A B A F A

S5 B B A A A C A D A A B A F F

S6 B B C A A B A B B B B B F F

S7 B B C A A B A C A A B A F A

S8 B B D B B A A B B B B A F A

S9 B B C A A B A C A B B A F A

S10 C A D A A B A B B C B A D C

S11 B B B A A B A B B B B B F A

S12 B B C A B A A C B A B A F D

S13 B A C A A B A D A B B C F A

S14 B A C A A B A D A B B A F A

S15 A B C A B A A E B B B A F D

S16 B B C A B A A B B B B A F A

S17 B B B A A B A C B B B A F A

S18 C A C A A C A A B C B A F A

S19 B A B C A B A B B C B A F D

S20 B A B A B A A D A A B B F A

S21 B A C A B A A B A B B A F A

S22 B B D B B A A B C B B B F D

S23 B B C A A B A C B B B A F A

S24 B B B A A B A D A A B B F A

S25 C A C A A C A C A C B A F A

S26 B B D A A B B D A A B A F A

S27 B B B A A B A B B A B A F A

S28 B B D A B A A B B B B A F A

S29 B B D A B A A C B B B A F A

S30 B B C A A B A B B A B B F A

S31 B A C A B A A B A A B A F A

S32 B A B A A B A D A B B A F A

S33 B A C A A B A B B B B A F D

S34 B B B A D B A B B B B B F A

S35 B B B A A A A C A A A B F A

S36 B B C A D B A E B B B A F A

S37 B B C A D A A B A B B A F A

S38 B B C A A B A B B B B A F A

S39 C B C A A B B C B B B B F A

S40 B B B A D B A C A A A A F A

S41 B B D A A B A B B B B A F A

S42 B B B A A B A C A B B A F A

S43 B B C A B A A B B B B A F A

S44 B B B B B A A B B B A A F A

S45 C B B A A C A B B B B A F A

S46 B B C A A C A C A B B A F A

S47 B A D A A B A C B B B A F C

S48 C A A A A C A D A A B A F A

S49 A A C A C B A C C C B B F D

S50 B A E A A B A D A B B A F A

S51 B A D C B A A B B A B A F D

S52 C A C A A C A D A B B A F A

S53 C B C A A B A E A B B A F A

S54 B B C A B B A B B B B C F A

S55 B B D A A B A E B B B C F D

S56 B B C A A B A E A B B B F A

S57 C B D A A B A A A C B B F A

S58 B B B A A B A E A A B B D A

S59 B B C A A B A B B B B A F A

S60 B B D A A B A B B B B A F A

BDI-II pre-


Q No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Samp Sadne Pessimis Past Loss Guilty Punishme Self Self Suicida crying Agitati Loss Indecisiven Worthlessn Loss Chang Irritabili Chang Concentrati Tiredne Loss Tot level of
le no ss m Failur of feelin nt dislik criticalne l on of ess ess of e in ty e in on ss of ofintere al depressi
e Failur gs feelings e ss though intere ener sleepi appeti difficulty fatigue st in sex scor on
e ts or st gy ng te e
wishes patter

S1 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 0 39 severe

S2 2 2 2 2 0 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 3 43 severe

S3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 48 severe

S4 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 43 severe

S5 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 46 severe

S6 1 2 0 1 0 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 28 moderat

S7 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 34 severe

S8 2 2 1 1 0 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 2 0 35 severe

S9 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 56 severe

S10 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 45 severe

S11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 28 moderat

S12 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 28 moderat

S13 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 42 severe

S14 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 42 severe

S15 1 3 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 27 moderat

S16 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 38 severe

S17 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 28 moderat

S18 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 40 severe

S19 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 35 severe

S20 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 27 moderat

S21 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 39 severe

S22 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 38 severe

S23 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 39 severe

S24 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 36 severe

S25 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 38 severe

S26 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 44 severe

S27 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 36 severe

S28 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 0 37 severe

S29 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 31 severe

S30 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 26 moderat


S31 1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 0 32 severe

S32 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 33 severe

S33 2 2 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 31 severe

S34 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 49 severe

S35 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 56 severe

S36 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 2 2 2 36 severe

S37 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 28 moderat

S38 2 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 37 severe

S39 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 45 severe

S40 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 51 severe

S41 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 50 severe

S42 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 40 severe

S43 1 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 45 severe

S44 2 2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 28 moderat

S45 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 50 severe

S46 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 45 severe

S47 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 47 severe

S48 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 47 severe

S49 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 36 severe

S50 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 40 severe

S51 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 28 moderat

S52 2 2 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 40 severe

S53 2 1 1 1 0 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 38 severe

S54 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 0 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 0 39 severe

S55 3 2 0 2 1 1 3 0 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 33 severe

S56 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 1 37 severe

S57 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 35 severe

S58 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 41 severe

S59 3 2 0 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 28 moderat

S60 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 47 severe


Sectio post
n- B test

Q No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

e in Loss
Loss Loss Loss sleepi Chang of Tot
Past of Guilty Punishm Self- Self SuicidalThou of of ng e in Concentrat Tiredne intere al level of
Samp Sadne Pessimi Failu Failu Feelin ent Disli Criticaln ghts or Agitati intere Indecisiven Worthlessn ener patter Irritabili appeti ion ss of st in scor depressi
le No ss sm re re gs Feelings ke ess wishes Crying on st ess ess gy n ty te difficulty fatigue sex e on

S1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 minimal

S2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 11 minimal

S3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 16 mild

S4 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 15 mild

S5 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 13 minimal

S6 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 12 minimal

S7 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 10 minimal

S8 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 13 minimal

S9 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 20 moderat

S10 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 14 mild

S11 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 14 mild

S12 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 16 mild

S13 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 14 mild

S14 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 14 mild

S15 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 15 mild

S16 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 13 mild

S17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 15 mild

S18 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 15 mild

S19 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 13 mild

S20 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 14 mild

S21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 17 mild

S22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 18 mild

S23 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 2 17 mild

S24 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 14 mild

S25 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 16 mild

S26 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 18 mild

S27 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 15 mild

S28 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 15 mild

S29 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 12 mild

S30 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 16 mild

S31 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 13 minimal

S32 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 12 minimal

S33 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 12 minimal

S34 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 mild

S35 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 20 moderat

S36 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 17 minimal

S37 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 15 minimal

S38 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 12 mild

S39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 2 20 moderat

S40 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 18 mild

S41 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 13 mild

S42 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 14 mild

S43 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 15 mild

S44 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 13 minimal

S45 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 17 mild

S46 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 mild

S47 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 17 mild

S48 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 15 mild

S49 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 15 mild

S50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 14 mild

S51 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 15 mild

S52 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 16 mild

S53 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 0 13 minimal

S54 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 15 mild

S55 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 11 minimal

S56 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 13 mild

S57 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 15 mild

S58 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 16 mild

S59 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 15 mild

S60 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 12 mild


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