Chirayu College of Nursing Bhopal SESSION: 2018-2019: Subject - Nursing Education Topic On - Sociometry
Chirayu College of Nursing Bhopal SESSION: 2018-2019: Subject - Nursing Education Topic On - Sociometry
Chirayu College of Nursing Bhopal SESSION: 2018-2019: Subject - Nursing Education Topic On - Sociometry
SESSION: 2018-2019
Submitted on : 03.09.2019
It is a means for studying the choice, communication and interaction patterns of individuals
in a group. It is concerned with attraction and repulsions between individuals in a group. In
this method, a person is asked to choose one or more persons according to specified criteria
in order to find out the persons or persons with whom he will like to associate.
Sociometry is a method of discovering, describing, and evaluating social statues, structure
and development through measuring extent of acceptance or rejection between individuals in
Franz defined “Sociometry as a method used for the discovery & manipulation of social
configuration by measuring the attraction and repulsions between individuals in a group”.
The basic technique in sociometry is the sociometric test. This is a test under which each
member of a group is asked to choose from all other members those whom he prefers to
associate in a specific situation. The situation must be re al one to the group under study. E.g.
group study, class room seating.
E.g. Suppose we desire to find out the likings and disliking of persons in a work group
consisting of 10 members, each person is asked to select 5 persons in order or preference with
whom he like to work on a group assignment. The level of choices are designated as the first
choice by the number 1, the second by 2, and the third by 3
J.L Moreno developed the sociometric technique to study the interaction of students.
It enables the teacher to get a comprehensive picture of the structure of social relationship
in the class by means of certain instrument and methods of interpreting and applying the
result obtained.
It is a special method of obtaining information through oral questions written responses
and applying It is a special method of obtaining information
It is a technique where by each member is asked to state the kind of relationships, which
he holds towards other members.
It is a method of obtaining information through oral questions written responses and
analyzing the records in studying the group.
It is technique where by each member is asked to state the kind of relationships, which he
holds towards other members
It is method to determine the degree to which individuals are accepted or rejected in a
group and group structure, subdivisions of the group/based on sex, age, caste, family
This technique is used and speedy in administration.
The sociometric status, his relationship with other members in a group, perception of
other members etc. Will be revealed in sociometry.
1. Sociometric matrix:
A matrix is a rectangular array (arrangement) of number of other symbols; sociometric matrix
is a square or n xn matrix.
Eg. A group of 6 members respond to Sociometric questions with whom would you like to
work on such & such projects during the next 3 months? Choose any 3 individuals. The
responses made are choices of a member choose another member, choice is denoted by 1. If a
member doesn’t choose another, non-choice is denoted by 0.
A 0 1 0 1 0 1
B 1 0 0 0 1 1
C 0 0 0 1 1 1
D 0 1 0 0 1 1
E 1 O 0 1 0 1
F 0 1 0 1 1 0
TOTAL 02 03 00 04 04 05
INTERPRETATION – From the above table it is clear that candidate F is highly accepted
by maximum number of people in the group and candidate C is rejected by all the members
in the group.
2. Sociogram:
It is a graphic representation of the sociometric/choices relations of a group.
The symbols of those chosen most often are placed nearest to the centre of the diagram and
those chosen less often are placed progressively outward.
1. Sociogram is a superior to the matrix as a graphic device
2. It give a birds eye view of all aspects of group structure.
3. Socimetric index:
Socimetric choices or other relations are also measured by indices. Large members of medics
are possible.
Choice state index: CSA = ∑CA (n-1) is used because one cannot chose oneself
Where CSA = choice state of person A, ∑CA= sum of choices in common A, n=
member of individual in the group.
Thus sociometric techniques are highly useful in identifying leadership small group
behaviour, prejudices, attitudes and values. They are useful in classifying individuals and
1. Basavanthappa BT, nursing education; Jaypee Brother publishers, P508-9.
3. Elakkuvana Bhaskar Raj. D, Nima Bhaskar, “Text Book oh Nursing Education,” 1st
edition, published by EMMESS medial publisher, p 266-269.
4. Neeraja KP, Text book of Nursing Education Jaypee Brothers Publishers; New Delhi, p-