Belajarmoda Daring

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BelajarModa Daring


1. Harapan ( Wishes)

- Materi pembelajaran lebih rinci ada dalam buku When English Rings the Bell.

- Fungsi sosial: untuk mengucapkan selamat atas kesuksesan keluarga, teman, atau
                                orang terdekat.
- Unsur kebahasaan:
1. Mengidentifkasi kata-kata yang diekspresikan dalam congratulating someone.

2. Unsur kebahasaan:

         Congratulating: congratulation... , you are the champion

         Hoping:  i hope.... , I’ll do my best
         Thanking: thank you, it’s my dream

Ungkapan yang umum digunakan

• I hope everything is fine

• Congratulations I’m happy for you
• Have a great holiday
• Have a good day
• Have a great weekend
• You did well
• I wish you the best of luck and every success in….
• I wish you every success in….
• Well done on….
• Well done we knew you could do it

Jawaban ( respon)
• I hope so
• Thanks
• Thanks. You too

• May all your wishes come true. Happy birthday

• Get well soon

• Congratulation on you graduation

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Perhatika gambar dan ungkapannya


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BelajarModa Daring

[email protected] (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun

* Wajib

Latihan Soal
Kerjakan sesuai dengan gambar


Jawaban Anda

Kelas 9*

Look at the picture and choose the best wish.*

2 poin

A. Congratulation on your sickness

B. Get well soon my friend

C. Why are you sick?

D. Don’t be sick
Look at the picture and choose the best wish.*

2 poin

Opsi 1Have a great school day, my friend.

I like the way you speak. Congratulations.

Congratulations on your graduation. I’m happy for you.

Congratulations on being the best singer. You did it very well.

Look at the picture and choose the     best wish. .....*

2 poin
Congratulations on your achievement.

Congratulations on your graduation.

Have a wonderful birthday!

Have a great journey!

Look at the picture and choose the best wish.*

2 poin

Well done! I knew you could do it.

How beautiful. Thank you.

Have a great weekend.

What a wonderful day.

Opsi 5

Look at the picture and choose the best wish.*

2 poin
Have a good time decorating your new house.

May you have a new home soon. Be patient.

I hope you are strong enough to unpack your belongings.

Congratulations on your new home. May it bring happiness for many years to come.



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Kelas         : 9.D
 Kompetensi Dasar 
3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan
tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait maksud, tujuan, persetujuan
melakukan suatu tindakan/kegiatan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur
kebahasaan to, in order to, so that (dis)agreement) 

1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi penggunaan ungkapan persetujuan dan menanggapinya. 
2. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi penggunaan ungkapan ketidaksetujuan dan menanggapinya. 

Agreement and Disagreement

1. Agreement 

Berikut beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk

menyatakan persetujuan: 

What if we hold a story telling competition next year?  That’s a good idea / I agree
with you. 

Kuta Beach is a beautiful place in Bali.  Yes, I agree / You are

absolutely right. 

We have to study hard on our test.  I couldn’t agree more. 

Look at my new ring! Is it cool?  Absolutely. It suits your finger


I think it’s going to rain.  No doubt about it. 


Berikut beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan



We need to buy a new rubbish bin.  I don’t think so. This one is
still okay. 

I think we have to take a holiday in Lombok.  I don’t agree with you

No, I’m not sure about that. 
Do you agree with the result of the meeting?  I’m afraid I disagree. 

A. Choose the correct answers. 

1. Roy : I think it’s going to rain. 

    Ana : . . . Look at the sky. It’s so clear. No clouds    there. 

A.  You lie                                C.   I don’t think so 

B  . I think so                           D.  You don’t know 

2. Sari  : It’s beautiful night, isn’t right? 

    Tika  : . . . 

A. Yes, it is. 
B. The air is here. 
C. The night is always dark. 
D. There are some people there. 

3. Amir : What do you think of Andrea Hirata’s 

 Rio : . . . What a talented write he is! 

A. I think he is really great. 

B. I don’t think I like them. 
C. I have no idea. 
D. I can’t tell. 

The dialogue below is for questions No. 4-6 

Rizki : I still don’t understand this lesson. Let’s study together for the final exam? 
Bagus : (4) . . . Let’s study tomorrow afternoon. 
Rizki : I’m sorry, I (5) . . . a film with my family tomorrow. 
Bagus : What about this weekend? On Saturday morning. 
Rizki : Great! (6) . . . all my exercise books

4. A. That’s a good idea!         C. I don’t think so. 

    B. I disagree with you.        D. No, thanks. 

5. A. was going to watch        C. was watching 

    B. am going to watch          D. watch 

6. A. will not bring                  C. will bring 

    B. will throw                        D. will buy 

B. Arrange the words to make a good sentence. 

1. if – we – to – by – bike – what – school – go? 


2. bike – I – think – and – going – to – healthier – school – by – is - cheaper – than – by – car 


Ulangan harian 1(rabu agustus 2021)


[email protected] (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun

* Wajib


Jawaban Anda




No absen*

Jawaban Anda

Choose the Best answer

Opsi 1

1. How would you congratulate someone who wins a competition?*

10 poin

A. Happy graduation!

B. Congratulations on your promotion

C. Congratulations for winning the

D.Happy birthday

2. Which of the following is NOT a way to congratulate someone*

10 poin

A. Well done! You did it!

B. Happy graduation!

C. See you later! the competition

D. Congratulations on your wedding

3. Dona: Mom, I finally passed the exam.                                          Mother:   ............*

10 poin

A. Well done, Dona! Congrats

B. Thank you, Dona!

C. Don't worry

D. Do your best!

4. How to congratulate someone on their wedding day*

10 poin

A. Congratulations on your wedding day!

B. Good luck

C. Happy birthday

D. Congratulations on your graduation!

5. Your friend was accepted in a reputable university. How would you congratulate him? *
10 poin

A. Congratulations good luck! for your study

B. Thank you for your achievement

C.happy anneversary

D. Good luck

6.  Roy : i think it is going to rain.         Ana.    :. ..........look at the sky.its so clouds there.*

10 poin

A. You lie

B. I think so

C. I don't think so

D. You don't know

7. Jane : So, where will we go?Rudy : How about beach?     Cane : _______. We have visited a lot of
beach this year.              Jane : Lake? Toba Lake sounds interesting, right?                                       The
suitable expression to complete the dialogue is........*

10 poin

A. That's so true

B. I quite agree

C. I think so too

D. I don't think so

8. Your friend says, ” Let us go out tonight” and you think it’s a good idea. You say: *

10 poin

A. Yes i am ok

B. No i am not

C. I doubt

D. Thank you

9.Someone says, ”It’s hot today” and you disagree. You say:*

10 poin

A. Yes i agree

B. Yes i am not
C. No i don't agree

D. I think so

10. You won’t go to work tomorrow, will you? … ( Disagree )

10 poin

A. I will

B. Yes i won’t

C. No i will not

D. I want


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3.3 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk label, dengan meminta dan memberi informasi terkait obat/makanan/
minuman, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.3 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk label pendekdan sederhana, terkait
obat/makanan/ minuman

Materi Label Produk dalam Bahasa Inggris

Materi label, termasuk materi pembelajaran di sekolah yang membahas mengenai detail
information dari sebuah produk yang biasanya terdapat di kemasan produk tersebut.

a. Definisi label

Label adalah keterangan detail dari sebuah produk yang tertulis di luar
kemasan, Dengan tujuan memberikan informasi baik cara menggunakan ataupun komposisi
dari sebuah produk. Dengan adanya label, konsumen atau kita yang akan menggunakan
produk tersebut lebih jelas mengenai baha ataupun cara menggunakannya.
Label adalah teks singkat yang ditempel di kemasan produk makanan/minuman, obat, atau
produk lain. Label biasanya berisi informasi mengenai nama produk, nama perusahaan yang
memproduksi produk tersebut berserta alamatnya, kandungan nutrisi, tanggal kadaluarsa,
cara penyimpanan produk, dan sebagainya.

Contoh label:
        Ilustrasi kurang lebih seperti gambar diatas, Di label produk biasanya terdapat kalimat
yang menunjukkan keunggulan produk, petunjuk penggunaan, komposisi produk, serta

Tujuan (purpose) dari teks label adalah : To give detailed information about…
(memberi informasi rinci tentang …. (jenis produk barangnya))

Dengan adanya label, konsumen atau kita yang akan menggunakan produk tersebut lebih jelas
mengenai baha ataupun cara menggunakannya.

b. Tujuan Label Produk  

Adapun tujuannya sebagai berikut:
1. Memberi informasi rinci tentang isi produk yang diberi label tanpa harus membuka
2. Sebagai sarana komunikasi produsen kepada konsumen tentang hal-hal yang perlu
diketahui oleh konsumen tentang produk tersebut, terutama hal-hal yang kasat mata atau tak
diketahui secara fisik.
3. Memberi petunjuk yang tepat pada konsumen hingga diperoleh fungsi produk yang
4. Sarana periklanan bagi produsen.
5. Memberi ‘rasa aman’ bagi konsumen




KD        : 3.4 DAN 4.4 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa 
teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait resep makanan/
minuman dan manual, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. 


1. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks prosedur terkait resep
makanan/minuman dan manual. 
2. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi struktur teks prosedure terkait resep makanan/minuman
dan manual. 

3. Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks prosedure terkait resep
makanan/minuman dan manual. 

Procedure Text

1.It is a text that explains how people make or do something step by step. 

2.It uses temporal conjunctions, for example; first, second, after that, then, next and finally. 

3. The structure is: 

- Aim/goal/title 

- Materials/ingredients 

- Steps 

4. The language features are: 

- Imperatives (example : Add two spoons of sugar. Stir well) 

- Noun phrases (example : thick layer, ground peanut) 

- Adverb of manner (example : tightly, well) 

Example of Procedure Text 

How to make Warm tea Ingredients:

 Warm Water 

 Tea Bags 


 Boil a kettle of water 

 Take the glass and pour warm water into it. 

 Put the tea bags in glass with warm water. 

 Dowse and pull the tea bags 

 Add the sugar to the glass 

 Stir the water slowly to make the water, the sugar, and the tea mixed. 

A. The table below is for question number 1-5 

The ways to activate the hand phone 

1. First, open the cover of the hand phone 

2. Secondly, open the battery part of the phone and you can find SIM card slot inside 

3. Third, insert the SIM card to the SIM card slot and put back the battery. 

4. Fourth, close the battery with a cover of the hand phone. 

5. Fifth, connect the cable of charger to the hole in the bottom of the hand phone. Charging the
battery may take four up to six hours. 

6. Sixth, when the battery is fully charged, the bar will stop scrolling. 

7. Seventh, we can activate the hand phone with pushing the button on the side of it. 

8. Finally we are ready to use our hand phone. 

1. What kind of text is the text above? 

A. Narrative text        C. Procedure text 

B. Recount text          D. Descriptive text 

2. The text describes? 

A. How to get a hand phone. 

B. How to activate a hand phone. 

C. The materials of a hand phone. 

D. How to put a SIM card 

3. What should we do after inserting the SIM card? 

A. Open the cover of the hand phone. 

B. Disconnect the charger. 

C. Close the battery with the cover of hand phone. 

D. Insert the battery inside. 

4. “The ways to activate the hand phone” 

The synonym of the underlined word is... 

A. Ingredients            C. Steps 

B. Performances        D. Devices 

5. “Fifth, connect the cable of charger to the hole in the bottom of the hand phone.” 

The antonym of the underlined word is... 

A. The height.           C. The length. 

B. The case.               D. The upper 

Modul 5 dan soal




KD          : 3.5 DAN 4.5 Menerpakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/
terjadi pada saat ini, waktu lampau, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan present continuous, past continuous,


Tujuan( goal ) dari pembelajaran ini adalah :

The students able  To Tell about activities happening in the present

To express the activities im the present

Pengertian present continous tense
Present continous tense is used talk about activities in the present

[email protected] (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun

* Wajib


Jawaban Anda

Lengkaplah kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan present continuous tense

Jawaban Anda


Jawaban Anda


Jawaban Anda

1. Krisna and Andika (decorate).....the room for the party*

20 poin

Jawaban Anda

2. They (sleep) the tent*

20 poin
Jawaban Anda

3. Alim and i (discuss)....our project*

20 poin

Jawaban Anda

4. My little sister (learn) play the guitar*

20 poin

Jawaban Anda

5. I (call) ...him now*

Kelanjutan modul 6

[email protected] (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun

* Wajib

Latihan soal

Jawaban Anda


Jawaban Anda


Jawaban Anda

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat dibawah ini dengan menggunakan
simple past atau past continuous tense!

Jawaban Anda

1. She the sea when I .....her(swim/see)*

A. Swam - was seeing

B. Was swimming - was seeing

C. Was swimming - seen

D. Was swimm - seeing

2. They ........for me when the station.(wait/arrive)*
A. Wait - arriving

B. Were waiting - arrived

C. Were waiting - arrive

D. Waited - was arriving

3. She......when she........the news.(cry/hear)*

A. Was crying - heard

B. Was cried - hearing

C. Cried - hearing

D. Was crying - was hearding

4. It ..... When I .....( Rain/get up)*

A. Rained - got up

B. Raining - got up

C. was raining - getting up

D. Was raining - got up

5. restaurant when I ...first (work/meet)*

A. Were working - met

B. Were work - meeting

C. Working - meeting

D. Was working - met


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[email protected] (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun

* Wajib


Jawaban Anda


Jawaban Anda

Choose the best answer

Opsi 1

1. Look at the picture and choose the best wishes*

2 poin

A. Have a great school day,my friend

B. I like the way you speak .congratulations

C. Congratulations on your graduation .i am happy for you.

D. Congratulations on being the best singer .you did it very well.

2. How would you congratulate someone who wins a competition?*

2 poin

A. Happy graduation!

B. Congratulations on your promotion

C. Congratulations for winning the competition

D.Happy birthday!

3. Dona: Mom, I finally passed the exam.                                          Mother:   ............*

2 poin

A. Well done, Dona! Congrats

B. Thank you, Dona!

C. Don't worry

D. Do your best!

4. How to congratulate someone on their wedding day?*

2 poin

A. Congratulations on your wedding day!

B. Good luck

C. Happy birthday

D. Congratulations on your graduation!

5. Your friend was accepted in a reputable university. How would you congratulate him?*

2 poin

A. Congratulations good luck! for your study

B. Thank you for your achievement

C. Happy anneversary

D. Good luck

6.  Roy : i think it is going to rain.      .         Ana.    :. ..........look at the sky.its

so clouds there.*
2 poin

A. You lie

B. I think so

C. I don't think so

D. You don't know

7. Your friend says, ” Let us go out tonight” and you think it’s a good idea. You say:*

2 poin

A. Yes, I agree

B. No i am not

C.I doubt

D. Thank you

8.Someone says, ”It’s hot today” and you disagree. You say:*

2 poin

A. . Yes, I agree

B. Yes i am not

C. No i don't agree

D. I think so

9. You won’t go to work tomorrow, will you? …( Disagree)*

2 poin

A. I will

B. Yes i won't

C. No,i Will not

D. I want

10. Jane : So, where will we go?Rudy : How about beach?     Cane : _______. We have visited
a lot of beach this year.              Jane : Lake? Toba Lake sounds interesting, right?                
                      The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is........*

2 poin

A. That's so true

B. I quite agree
C. I think so too

D. I don’t think so

Text untuk soal no 11,12,13

Opsi 1

11. How much coffee do you need?*

2 poin

A. A cup

B. A kettle

C. A spoonful

D. A teaspoon

12. What should you do to make the coffee sweet ?*

2 poin

A. Boil it

B. Add some sugar

C. Add some water

D. Add some honey

13. What are the ingredients to make a cup of coffee ?*

2 poin

A. Sugar and milk

B. Sugar,coffee,and some water

C. Sugar ,coffee and salt

D. Sugar,water and milk

14. Look ! The boy.......soundly.*

2 poin

A. Are sleeping

B. Is sleeping

C. Sleeping

D. Sleep

15. The teacher interesting project work.*

2 poin

A. Give

B. Giving
C. Gives

D. Is giving

16. They ......(leave,not)the school*

2 poin

A. They are not leave the school

B. They are not leaving the school

C. They are leaving the school

D. They leaving the school

17. Raining outside ? Yes it is

2 poin

A. Is


D. Are

18. He ........(talk,not) to a stranger .*

2 poin

A. Is not talking

B. Are not talking

C. Am not talking

D. Talking

19. (watch) TV right now.*

2 poin

A. Do- watched

B. Are - watch

C. Are - watching

D. Is - watching

20. .......she (look) at us*

2 poin

A. Is - look
B. Are - looking

C. Is - looking

D. Am - looking

21. What are the ingredients of the product ?*

2 poin
A. Coffee,milk,and sugar

B. Coffee and milk

C. Coffee n sugar

D. Coffee ,milk,and salt

22. Which activity should not be undertaken when taking the drug with the label below?*

2 poin

A. Driving a vehicle

B. Sitting

C. Sleeping

D. Eating

23. The notice means...*

2 poin
A. We have to shake the medicine well after using it

B. We have to shake the medicine well before using it

C. We have to prepare a shaker to use the medicine

D. The medicine is very liquid

24. The product is made for people who suffer from*

2 poin
A. Allergy

B. Glaucoma

C. Bronchitis

D. Emphysema

Text untuk soal no 25 dan 26

Opsi 1

25. How many tablets are there available in the package?*

2 poin


B. 200

C. 100

D. 50

26. What should a person do to know further information about the medicine?*

2 poin

A. Take the medicine

B. Use the tablets right away

C. Read information on the cartoon

D. Read information on the tablets

27.  Krisna (read).......a book*

2 poin

A. Are reading

B. Reading

C. Read

D. Is reading

28. They .....for me when I the station(wait/arrive)*

2 poin

A. Were waiting - arrived

B. Were wait - arriving

C. Waited-arriving

D. Were waited - arriving

29. Although  Mrs.Ana.....the topic,I still don't understand it.*

2 poin

A. Explained

B. Have explained
C. Explain

D. Has explained

30. Thank you for a lot.*

2 poin

A. Have helped

B. Helped

C. Has helped

D. Have helping

Dialogue untuk 31-33

Opsi 1

31.  *

2 poin

A. Will live

B. Am living

C. Have lived
D. Have living


2 poin

A. Moved

B. was moving

C. Have moved

D. Am going to move

34. The children have (broke) the window.*

2 poin

A. Break

B. Broken

C. Beeaked

D. Broked


2 poin

A. Have living

B. Have lived

C. Has lived

D. Lived

35. We .....for two hours. I think she will never come.*

2 poin

A. Wait

B. Waited

C. Have waited

D. Has waited

36. ........... You (finish)all your ?homework*

2 poin

À. Has - finished

B. Have - finished
C. Has - finish

D. Finished

Text untuk soal no 37 dan 38

Opsi 1

37. How is the condition of the bag ?*

2 poin

A. Bad

B. Good

C. Perfect

D. Excellent

38. Who is Aldo Sofyan ?*

2 poin

A. The director of the crossword puzzle company

B. The manager of the crossword puzzle contest

C. The winner of the crossword puzzles contest

D. The crossword puzzle maker

Text untuk soal no 39,40,41

Opsi 1

39. What does Adiba think about Bandung ?*

2 poin

A. Quiet

B. Beautiful

C. Crowded

D. Large

40. Which of the following parks has Adiba not visited yet ?*

2 poin

A. Taman skateboard

B. Taman super hero

C. Taman pasupati

D. Taman foto

41. When will Adiba visit other park ?*

2 poin

A. This afternoon

B. The next day

C. Yesterday

D. Today

42. The room was dark, .......Michelle turned on the lamps.*

2 poin

A. And

B. But

C. So

D. Beacause

43. I am going to study harder , so .............*

2 poin

A. I can pass the exam

B. I will not pass the exam

C. I will fail the exam

D. I remember

44. They.......(watch) television now*

2 poin

A. Are watching

B. Is watching

C. Watching

D. Watched

45. Arrange the words to make a good sentence*

2 poin

A. 2-3-5-1-4

B. 2-4-3-1-5

C. 2-4-1-5-3

D. 2-4-5-1-3

46. Arrange the words*

2 poin
A. 2-3-4-7-6-5-1

B. 2-3-4-6-7-5-1

C. 2-3-4-1-6-7-5

D. 2-3-6-7-5-4-1

47. Arrange the words bellow*

2 poin

A. 7-1-3-4-8-5-2-6

B. 7-1-2-4-3-5-6-8

C. 7-1-2-6-8-5-3-4

D. 7-1-2-4-8-5-6-3

48." ...........buses will replace trains". The closest meaning of  replace is...*
2 poin

A. Substitute

B. Produce

C. Make

D. Give

49. The past participle  of "saw"*

2 poin

A. See

B. Seen

C. Seed

D. Sawed

50. The past participle of " send"*

2 poin

A. Sender

B. Sended

C. Sent

D. Sell


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A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Peserta didik mampu:
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif terkait fairy
tales dengan benar.
2. Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari dua teks naratif terkait
fairy tales dengan benar.
3. Menemukan informasi rinci tersurat dari teks naratif terkait fairy tales dengan benar.
4. Menemukan informasi rinci tersirat dari teks naratif terkait fairy tales dengan benar.
5. Menemukan padanan kata/frase sesuai konteks dengan tepat.
6. Menyusun cerita lengkap berdasarkan kalimat acak yang diberikan dengan urutan yang benar.

B. Pendahuluan
Dalam bab ini, kita akan membahas teks naratif lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait fairy tales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. Fairy
tales dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti cerita rakyat. Bagi kehidupan peserta didik SMP, cerita rakyat
biasanya berfungsi untuk menghibur dan sekaligus menumbuhkan penghargaan terhadap nilai nilai luhur
yang dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat di lingkungannya, seperti kepahlawanan, kesetiaan, kepatuhan dan
hormat kepada orang tua, keterbukaan, kebenaran, dan sebagainya.

C.Uraian Materi Ajar

Materi Utama
Teks naratif, berbentuk cerita rakyat pendek dan sederhana yang berjudul Sangkuriang dan Golden Star-
Fruit Tree.

Pengertian teks naratif

Teks naratif menceritakan kejadian atau peristiwa dalam runtutan waktu yang kompleks atau secara
kronologis. Kisah yang diceritakan merupakan kisah tidak nyata atau hanya hayalan saja.

Fungsi sosial
Bagi kehidupan peserta didik SMP, cerita rakyat biasanya berfungsi untuk menghibur dan sekaligus
menumbuhkan penghargaan terhadap nilai nilai luhur yang dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat di
lingkungannya, seperti kepahlawanan, kesetiaan, kepatuhan dan hormat kepada orang tua, keterbukaan,
kebenaran, dan sebagainya.

Struktur teks
Struktur teks cerita rakyat mengikuti yang lazim digunakan dalam teks naratif lainnya, yaitu:
1. memperkenalkan tokoh, tempat, waktu terjadinya cerita (orientasi),
2. memberikan penilaian (evaluasi) tentang situasi dan kondisi terjadinya cerita,
3. memaparkan krisis yang terjadi terhadap tokoh utama (komplikasi),
4. krisis berakhir, dengan baik atau dengan tidak baik bagi tokoh, yang juga merupakan akhir cerita
5. memberikan alasan atau komentar umum (reorientasi), opsional.

Unsur kebahasaan
(1) Tata bahasa: simple past tense.
Dayang Sumbi was beautiful and kind- hearted.
Sangkuriang agreed.
(2) Kalimat langsung.
“Can anybody help me get my tool?”
He replied, “I need the fruits too.”
(3) Kosakata: benda dan tindakan yang terkait dengan kehidupan tokoh cerita.
Word Meaning Pronunciation
Raven Gagak   /ˈravən/
Begged Mengemis, memohon /Beg/

(4) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last, finally, dan sebagainya.
(5) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penunjuk waktu: a long time ago, one day, in the morning, the next
day, immediately dan sebagainya.
(6) Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their
dan sebagainya secara tepat dalam frasa nominal.
(7) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi.
(8) Ejaan dan tanda baca.
(9) Tulisan tangan.

Pertanyaan Tanpa Judul

Jawaban Anda


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Narrative Texts
Fairy Tales

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Nama. :*

Jawaban Anda

Nomor absen. :*

Jawaban Anda

Kelas  9*


Malin Kundang

        Once upon a time , there was a family live near the river Batang Arau in west Sumatra. They are poor
family. They earned their living by fishing. They had a son, named Malin Kundang.
       Malin Kundang loved their parent. His parent also loved him very much. One day, Malin Kundang
decided to sail abroad. Her mother was so sad, but she gave him permission. Because She wanted Malin
Kundang to be success.
       Malin Kundang has become a rich man. He married with a beautiful princess. It was nof like her
mother hoped, Malin Kundang didnt admit that she was her mother. He said that he didn't have a
poor mother like her. Malin Kundang too shy to admit her mother in front of his wife. Her mother was very
annoyed. She cursed him to become a statue.
       Malin Kundang ship's went back to sail. But, the there was a big storm. The ship hit the coral.
The ship broke. Malin Kundang was under the curse of her mother and he become a : statue. Now, We can
look at the statue of Malin Kundang at the beach in Padang, west Sumatra.

What were Malin Kundang's parents ?*

20 poin





How were Malin Kundang's parents ?*

20 poin

Successful fishermen


Successful farmers


Yang lain:

What did Malin Kundang go abroad for?*

20 poin


Having married



Why did Malin Kundang's mother curse him?*

20 poin

Because Malin Kundang didn't admit his mother

Because Malin Kundang had marrief

Bescause Malin Kundang went abroad

Because Malin Kundang didn't give her money

Where can we find the statue of Malin Kundang now?*

20 poin

In north Sumatera

In west Sumatera

In west Kalimantan

In west java


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Tujuan pembelajaran
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi social function of report text

2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi structure of report text

3. Siswa dapat mengetahui karakteristik dari report teks

A. Pengertian report text

-----Report Text adalah teks yang mendeskripsikan sesuatu atau benda-benda secara umum,
contohnya berbagai benda atau fenomena alam, buatan dan sosial yang ada atau terjadi di
lingkungan kita.
Teks report mengupas suatu hasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau study
tentang benda atau binatang, orang atau tempat.

B. Generic Structure Report Text adalah :

1. General classification (Klasifikasi umum) : pengantar tentang sesuatu atau fenomena yang
akan dibahas.

2. Description (Deskripsi) : menerangkan sesuatu atau fenomena yang dibahas, meliputi

bagian-bagian, kualitas dan perilaku.

C. Ciri-ciri Report Text adalah :

1. Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Present Tense

2. Menggunakan kata benda umum (general nouns)
3. Menggunakan kata kerja yang saling berhubungan (relating verbs)
4. Terdiri dari sebuah objek ditambah objek tentang alam lainnya.

Contoh report text


Elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it has
thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks
and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk. An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it is
hard to find in its natural habitat.

The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant
draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath. The
elephant's trunk also lifts leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the
elephant as long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant
can move very quickly.

The elephant is very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes
an elephant a very useful servant to man. Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways
such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal



[email protected] (tidak dibagikan) Ganti akun

* Wajib

Jawaban Anda


Jawaban Anda

Choose the best answer!

Opsi 1

MALIN KUNDANG.                           Once upon a time , there was a family live near the river
Batang Arau in west Sumatra. They are poor family. They earned their living by fishing.
They had a son, named Malin Kundang.         Malin Kundang loved their parent. His parent
also loved him very much. One day, Malin Kundang decided to sail abroad. Her mother was
so sad, but she gave him permission. Because She wanted Malin Kundang to be success.  
                            Malin Kundang has become a rich man. He married with a beautiful
princess. It was nof like her mother hoped, Malin Kundang didnt admit that she was her
mother. He said that he didn't have a poor mother like her. Malin Kundang too shy to
admit her mother in front of his wife. Her mother was very annoyed. She cursed him to
become a statue.                     Malin Kundang ship's went back to sail. But, the there
was a big storm. The ship hit the coral. The ship broke. Malin Kundang was under the
curse of her mother and he become a : statue. Now, We can look at the statue of Malin
Kundang at the beach in Padang, west Sumatra

Opsi 1

1. What did Malin Kundang go abroad for?*

A. Fishing

B. Having married

C. Shooping

S. Sailing

2. Why did Malin Kundang's mother curse him?*

A. Because Malin Kundang didn't admit his mother

B. Because Malin Kundang went abroad

C. Because Malin Kundang didn't give her money

D. Because Malin Kundang had married

3. Where can we find the statue of Malin Kundang now?*

A. In north Sumatera
B. In west Sumatera

C. In west Kalimantan

D. In west java

SNOW WHITE                             Once  upon a time, there was a prince called Snow White.
Her hair was black and long.  Her skin was white like snow. Her cheek was red like blood.
She wasbeautiful. Unfortunately, when she was a child her mother was death. Then, she
lived with her step mother, the princes Elfira. But she didn't like Snow White. She had
a' mirror. It could talk. The princes Elfira loved it, because it always answered her
guestion that she was the most beautiful woman in the world.One day, the princes Elfira
asked the mirror, but the mirror answered that Snow White was the most beautiful woman
in the world. She was very angry and she hated Snow White. She wanted to kill
her.Because of her step mother, Snow White lived in a forest. With seven small dwarfs.
They loved Snow White and she loved them. The princes Elfira did not 't Stop to
catch her. She wanted to kill her. She came to the forest as a comb seller, then as a match
seller and the last as an apple seller. Snow White ate the apple, and she was death
because it was poisonous. Fortunately, handsome prince came. He wanted to bring Snow
White to his castie. Snow White could vomit up the apple from her mouth, and she was
alive. At last, Snow White and the handsome prince were happily married. The princes
Elfira was death because she had an accident when she wanted to kill Snow White.

Opsi 1

4. Whom did Snow White stay in the castle with?*

A. Her mother

B. Her step mother

C. Her father only

D. Small dwarts

5. How was Snow White skin ? It was*

A. white like snow

B. Black

C. Black and long

D. Red like blood

6. Whom did Snow White stay in the jungle with ?*

A. Small dwarfs

B. Her Step mother

C. Father

D. Her mother

7. The  music .....Almost  every night*

A. Is played

B. Played

C. Are played

D. Play

8.  The paintings the museums*

A. Kept

B. Are kept

C. Is kept

D. Keep

9. Manggoes .......from central Java every week*

A. Are sent

B. Is sent

C. Sent

D. Send

10. My mother the hospital last night*

A. Taken

B. Was taken

C. Is taken

D. Were taken

11. Many books him*

A. Were written

B. Is written

C. Written

D. Write

12. The plant .....everyday*

A. Is watered

B. Watered
C. Are watered

D. Was watered

13. The classroom....everyday*

A. Cleaned

B. Was cleaned

C. Is cleaned

D. Are cleaned

14........the room . ....last week ?*

A. Was, cleaned

B. Are,cleaned

C. Is,cleaned

D. Were, cleaned

15.The Notebook ......yesterday*

A. Fix

B. Fixed

C. Was fixed

D. Were fixed

Read the following text to answer questions number 16  to 20The fastest baseball game
on record took place on August 30, 1916. The two teams were from Winston-Salem and
Asheville, North Carolina. The game was played in Asheville. The Winston-Salem team had
to travel by train to and from Asheville. The last train that could get them back home on
the same day was to leave at three o’clock. But the game was set for two o’ clock. How
could they play the whole game and catch a train in just one hour? They asked the home
team if they could start the game early. The Asheville team agreed.The game started at
1:28. Both team played faster than they had ever had. All the batter swung at the first pitch.
The team ran on and off the field between innings. Once, the Asheville pitcher even pitched
before his teammates were on the field. The game was over at 1:59 . winston-Salem won
by two-one. The players had no problem catching the train.
Opsi 1

16.What is the text about?*

A. The fastest baseball game on record

B. Winston-Salem and Asheville

C. Playing a game and catching a train

D. Winston-Salem victory

17. The fastest baseball game on record took place on August 30, 1916″What does the
word took place means?*
A. Happened

B. Hastened

C. Found

D. Matchedp

18. What time did the game between Winston-Salem and Ashevile finish?*
A. 1:28

B. 1:59

C. 2:00

D. 3:00

19. The main idea of the last paragraph is that the fastest baseball game on record was
played ….*
A. At 1:59

B. More than one hour

C. From 2:00 to 3:00 on August 1916

D. In only 31 minutes so that the visiting team could catch the train

20. What can we conclude from the text?*

A. The Winston-Salem team cancelled their game

B. The first baseball game was played by Winston-Salem and Asheville

C. The Ashville team was thoughtful of their opponents’situation

D. Winston-Salem was a good host team


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DEGREE OF COMPARISON (Modul V dan Latihan , Rabu 17

Maret 2021)
Tujuan pembelajaran :
A. Siswa dapat mengetahui pengertian dari
     degree of comparison
B. Siswa dapat menyebutkan jenis-jenis degree
     of comparison
C. Siswa dapat membuat kalimat degree of
     comparison sesuai dengan jenis-jenisnya

1. Pengertian Degrees of Comparison

Degrees of comparison adalah kata sifat yang mengubah bentuk dan digunakan untuk
membandingkan suatu hal atau beberapa orang dengan yang lain.

2 .Jenis-jenis Degrees of Comparison

Dalam kata sifat, ada 3 (tiga) jenis degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan), yaitu:

      A. Positive Degree (tingkat biasa)

      B. Comparative Degree (tingkat lebih)
      C.  Superlative Degree (tingkat paling/ter

A.  Positive Degree (tingkat biasa)

Pengertian Positive Degree (tingkat biasa) adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan tingkatan yang bersifat biasa atau sederhana.

Rumus Positive Degree

1. As + adjective +as
    Example : - David is as tall as my brother
                      - Shaka is as smart as Raffa
2. Not as + adjective + as
    Example : - this pen is not as black as that .
                      - his rulers is not as long as yours

B. . Comparative Degree (tingkat lebih)

Comparative Degree (tingkat lebih) adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
benda atau orang memiliki tingkatan yang bersifat lebih dari pembandingnya.

Rumus Comparative Degree:

1. Adjective + er + than
    Example : -  my bag is bigger than yours
                      -  his ruler is longer than that

2. More adjective + than ( adjective terdiri dari 2

    suku kata /lebih )
    Example : - Rina is more beautiful than Rini
                      - Elang is more handsome than

C. Superlative Degree (tingkat paling/ter)

Superlative Degree (tingkat paling/ter) adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
tingkatan yang bersifat paling/ter dari semua pembandingnya.

Rumus Superlative Degree

1. The Adjective + est + of/in
    Example : - Dona is the cleverest student in
                        the  class
                      - she is the tallest of the girls

2. The most adjective + of / in (adjective  lebih

     dari 2 suku kata)
     Example : - Azza is the most beautiful girl in
                         her class.

Irregular Degree of Comparison

Dalam degree of comparison, ada beberapa pengecualian dimana kata sifat atau keterangan
berubah sepenuhnya alih-alih menggunakan -er/est dan more/most. Artinya, perubahannya
tidak berdasarkan pada jumlah suku kata pada kata tersebut. Berikut beberapa bentuk
irregular yang paling umum:

Positive       Comparative               Superlative

-Good          -   Better                       -   Best

-Bad            -  Worse                        -  Worst

-Far             -Fartherr/Further   Farthestt/Furthest

-Little           - Less                           - east

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Jawaban Anda


Opsi 1

1. My brother always ranks first in his class.And so do i. I am brother. *

20 poin

A. As smart as

B. Smarter than

C. Smarter

D. Smartest

2. My ruler is ......than yours*

20 poin

A. Long

B. Longer

C. Longest

D. As long as

3. Mathematics is the .......subject for me*

20 poin

A .difficultier

B. Difficultiest

C. Most difficult

D. More difficult

4. Tara is 150 cm. And Tata is 150 cm.Tara is ..........Tata*

20 poin
A. Tall

B. As tall as


D. Tallest

5. Dian's jacket is.... Than Andzar's jacket.*

20 poin

A. Expensiverest

B. Expensive

C. The most expensive

D. More expensive


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Tujuan pembelajaran :
1. Siswa dapat memahami makna dari

2. Siswa dapat memahami secara detail tentang

    product yang ditawarkan.

A. Pengertian Advertisement
-  Advertisement is a notice ,picture,and /or set of words used to inform people about job
vacancies or to persuade people to buy a product or use a service.

- Advertisement is a commercial notification that has aim to encourage or persuade general

society to buy or use the item or service offered in the advertisement. Advertisement usually
put in mass media, such as printed and electronic mass media (magazine, newspaper,
internet, television and radio.)

- Iklan adalah pemberitahuan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong atau menbujuk orang untuk
membeli atau menggunakan barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Iklan yang dipasang di media
massa berbentuk media cetak dan media elektronik (majalah, koran, internet, TV dan radio.)

An advertisement usually consist of these elements:

1. The promise of a benefit (the headline)
2. Amplification
3. Proof of the claim
4. Action to take

B .Generic Structure dari Advertisement

A. Title (Judul) = Bagian title ini menjelaskan rangkuman atau merupakan topik utama dari
Advertisement. Contohnya: Buy one get one free!

B. Explanation (Penjelasan) = Pada bagian explanation ini berisi semua informasi mengenai
Advertisement itu sendiri, Yaitu bisa berupa, apa produknya, siapa yang harus memakainya,
bagaimana cara menggunakannya, dan lain sebagainya

Language features:
1. Connotation
2. Compound words
3. Positive words
4. Persuasive
5. Grammatical features are sometime ignore

 C. Jenis-jenis iklan:

1. Iklan produk (Product Advertisement)

Jenis iklan ini adalah jenis yang paling sering dijumpai. Tujuan dari iklan produk adalah untuk
membuat masyarakat mengetahui produk dan akhirnya mereka akan membelinya. Contoh:
iklan provider telekomunikasi di televisi.

2. Iklan jasa (Service Advertisement)

Jenis iklan ini dibuat agar masyarakat sadar dan mengetahui tentang isu tertentu yang dapat
menarik perhatian mereka. Contoh: iklan penanganan pasien HIV/AIDS, iklan pencegahan
demam berdarah, dan iklan kampanye "save our earth" dan "save our energy".

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Example of adverrisement
Opsi 1

Opsi 1


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Latihan soal terkait materi Advertisement (Modul VI)

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Choose the correct answer

Opsi 1

Text untuk soal no 1-3

Opsi 1

1.What items are sold with 20% off?.*

20 poin

A. Household appliances.

B. Stationery.

C. All items.

D. Fashion.

2.     The price of a skirt is Rp. 50,OOO. How much should a customer pay during the
discount period?*

20 poin

A. Rp 25,000.

B. Rp 35,OOO.

C. Rp 40,OOO.

D. Rp 50,OOO.

3.     How long does the offer last?*

20 poin

A. Two weeks.

B. Thirty days.

C. Fifteen days.

D. Thirty six days

Text untuk soal nomor 4 dan 5

Opsi 1

4.What does FROGGO provide?*

20 poin

A. CDs, cassettes, clothing, and toys.

B. CD players, clothing, and toys.

C. Clothing, CD, and cassettes.

D. Clothing, toys, and TVs.

5.The clothing at FROGGO is intended for . . .*

20 poin

A. teenagers

B. children

C. infants

D. adults


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