Experiment 10 Lab Activity

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Experiment 10

Lab Activity

Pre-Lab Activity
Read the Pre-reading materials, the laboratory activity and the post-lab
before coming to the Laboratory. Solve the following problems and submit
your solution to your instructor.
1. Determine the oscillation (radian) frequency, o, for an ideal LC circuit
with L = 1mH and C = 0.1F.
2. Consider an LC circuit with L =1mH. What should the capacitance be
so that fo = o/2 = 500Hz.
3. Determine the damping factor () and the damped frequency (d) for
a series RLC circuit with R = 100, L = 1mH and C = 0.1F.
4. Plot the capacitor discharge voltage [Equation (8)] for the circuit of
Problem 3. Assume Vo = 5V.
5. Plot the capacitor charging voltage [Equation (11)] for the circuit in
Problem 3. Assume Vo = 5V.
6. Show that vC(0) = Vo for the voltage signal in Equation (8). Hint:
costan 1 x  
1  x2
7. Show that the expression for the under-damped inductor current for
the circuit in Figure 4, starting with Equation (8), is given by:
e sin d t 
Vo t
iL (t ) 

8. Consider a series RLC circuit with RT = 400, L = 1mH, C = 0.1F and Vo

= 8V. Show that the circuit response is over-damped. Plot the circuit
current i(t).
9. Determine the value of RT that leads to critical damping in a series RLC
circuit with L = 1mH and C = 0.1F. Write the expression for the circuit
current i(t). Plot i(t). Assume that Vo = 8V.
10.Write down (in simplified form) the expressions for the capacitor
voltage and inductor voltage for the circuit in Problem 8. Plot these
expressions using a common system of axis.
11.Repeat Problem 10 using Multisim. Use the virtual scope to display the
voltage signals.
12.Consider the following response for an under-damped RLC circuit with
RT = 62. Use the graph to estimate the values of L and C.

Laboratory Activity
Required components:
One 470 resistor (±5%, ½ W)
One 500 potentiometer (±10%, ½ W)
One 1mH ferrite-cored inductor (±10%, 70mA)
One 0.1F multilayer ceramic capacitor (±10%)

1. Use the multimeter to measure and record the actual capacitance

of the 0.1F capacitor, the actual resistance of the 470 resistor
and the resistance Ro of the 1mH inductor.
2. Build the circuit in Figure 6a using the 1mH inductor and the 0.1F
capacitor. Set the function generator so that it outputs the signal in
Figure 6b with VS = 8V and f = R/20L. Here, R = Ro + 50.
3. Use the scope to display a complete charge/discharge capacitor
voltage waveform. The display should look similar to that in Figure
7. Save the display in an image file.
4. Adjust the horizontal and vertical gain of the scope so that it
displays the largest possible discharge waveform (employ signal
averaging). Use the cursor system to measure T and vC(T). Refer to
Figure 8 for details.
5. Adjust the knob of the 500 potentiometer (operating as a variable
resistor) so that one of its ports is set to few ’s. Add this variable
resistor to your circuit as shown in Figure 13. As you monitor the
capacitor voltage on the scope, slowly increase the resistor value.
Record your observations and draw sketches of the displayed
waveforms. You should be able to see the transition from under-
damped operation to over-damped operation.
6. Adjust the resistor value so that the scope displays the critically-
damped response. Save the display into an image file. Remove the
potentiometer from the circuit (do not touch the knob) and
measure the resistance, Rpot, of the port you have used as a variable
7. Build the series RLC circuit in Figure 12 using the 470 resistor.
Adjust the function generator output so it generates the negative
square signal shown in Figure 10. Let Vo = 8V and set the frequency
 
to f = 1 / 10     2  o2 / 10 (note:  = RT/2L, o  1 / LC and RT
 470 + Ro + 50 ).
8. Connect the scope to measure the resistor voltage, vR(t). Adjust the
scope so as to display a complete charge/discharge voltage cycle.
Save the display. Make sure you record the horizontal and vertical
gain settings of the scope, and make a note of the zero reference
of the displayed signal.
9. Repeat Step 8 for the function generator output signal (i.e., vab in
Figure 9).
10. Swap the capacitor and the resistor. The capacitor should now have
one if its terminals connected to the ground node. Repeat Step 8
for the capacitor voltage, vC(t).
11. Swap the capacitor and the inductor. The inductor should now have
one if its terminals connected to the ground node. Repeat Step 8
for the inductor voltage, vL(t).
12. Sort all components and give them back to your instructor.

Post-Lab Activity
Write a technical report that discusses your observations and includes
analysis and justifications of all steps in this activity. Tabulate and/or plot
experimental data whenever possible. More specifically, your report should
address the following points:

 Compute the value of the damping factor  and the damping

frequency d using the measurements you made in Step 4.
Employ Equation (9) with R = 50 + Ro to find the experimental
value of L and compare it to its 1mH nominal value.
 Compute o using Equation (3) and using the measured values
of C and L. This is the frequency at which the circuit will oscillate
if R = 0. How does o compare to the measured damped
frequency d?
 What is the effect of increasing the resistance value on the
capacitor voltage in Step 5? Give a qualitative explanation
justifying the transition from damped oscillatory response
(under-damped response) to pure exponential decay (over-
damped response) in a series RLC circuit.
 The total resistance that led to critical damping is given by RT =
50 + Ro + Rpot, where Rpot is the variable resistor value that you
obtained in Step 6. Compare RT to its theoretical value (i.e., 2
L / C ).
 Compare the capacitor voltage and the inductor voltage
waveforms you obtained in Steps 10 and 11 to those obtained
via simulation using Multisim (i.e., simulate the circuit).

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