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Drrección Regional de Alajuela Enrique Riba Morella School

Teacher Cristina Gutiérrez Aguilar From April 18th to May 27th

Term: I Level: Fifth Grade Unit:2 Week:1

Theme: What´s going on in town?

Domain: Socio-interpersonal Scenario: Pura Vida in Many Ways

Enduring Understanding: Our occupations, traditions, music, the way we celebrate, the kind of food we eat, and the way we dress make us
unique between provinces in Costa Rica.

Essential Question: How does the place where we live define us?


1. Ways of thinking ( X )

2. Ways of living in the world ( )

3. Ways of relating with others ( X )

4. Tools for integrating with the world ( )

Learn to Know Learn to Do Learn to Be and Live in Community

Grammar & Sentence Frames Function

Simple Preset Tense Describing my community by traditional: music, Psycho-social

occupations, foods, celebrations, dress code
− Popular celebrations/ activities in my − Respecting other customs and
community are ________. traditions
− In my community we _ (do, eat, wear)…
− In my __ (province) people ___ (celebrate,
dance, eat, dress).
Adverbs of frequency Sociocultural
Discourse Markers
− We usually ______. − Holidays and celebrations
− In our country we sometimes ______: First, second, third…
− In my town we __, but in the ___ (city) they
___. Idioms/phrases

Phonemic Awareness − Cat nap (short sleep) I am going to have

a cat nap while you are cooking dinner.

− Identifying inflectional ending ing and its

functions (i.e., tense, comparison and parts of



(Including but not limited to)

1. What´s going on in town?

Expressions and phrases

− I am new in town.
− I would like to go around. What do you

recommend me?

− What do people to for fun? We go to…

− What time is it?


− Folk, salsa, cumbia,


− Parades, horse shows, pilgrimage, dances


− Housewife, cowboy, farmer,

Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning Goals Time
Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence
(Diagnostic, formative,
Learner… Learner can - .
Teacher greets students and introduces Essential Question and goals for the day

Warm up
– T starts the class by describing personal favorite free time activities and writes
them down on the board as a brainstorm.
– Teacher invites students to watch a video and listen to a song, It is the weekend about what children enjoy
doing in their town on weekends.

Activation of Prior Knowledge

-Teacher asks the students what words related to free time activities they
recognized from the song and write them down on the board. After teacher
asks: What do you like the most about the video? Do the places mentioned at
the song exist in your town? Teacher collects some of the students ‘responses
on the board.

-Teacher asks again: What are your favorite free time activities? What do you
usually do in your town? Which activities or celebrations are popular in your
town or country? What do you recommend a new person in town? What do
people to for fun?

– Teacher uses cards to model sentence frames and pronunciation of places and
activities around town for having fun. Teacher describes the places and
activities using simple present sentences in choral repetition, for example,
– What do you usually do in your community to have fun?
– I like/love to go to concerts and parades.
40 minutes
– Which activities or celebrations are popular in your town or country? In my
town, we have Limón´s carnival. // we always celebrate with parades, music,
theater, and exhibits.
– What do you usually eat? We usually eat traditional food like rice and beans
with chicken or fish.
– What do you usually do in your community to have fun? Sometimes, we
organize soccer championships./ We like to go dancing. We dance merengue,

What's in the bag/box? The teacher fills a bag or a box with cards related with places
or activities celebrated in town (e.g. Pet shop, mall, etc.) (See sample cards in the
annex 1). Teacher makes one student take out one card of the bag/box. Take out 1
card per student. Finally, each student makes gestures (charades) for his/her
classmates to guess the place. The teacher asks: What can you do in that place? I see
my favorite movies.


To review comprehension of the vocabulary and sentence frames, teacher asks
questions about, names of places, activities you can practice, types of celebrations,
what people do and eat. For example: what is the name of the place where you watch
a movie? Student can answer: it is the movie theater. Another question could be:
where do you ride your bike: Answer/ I go to the park. More questions: What is
the name of one celebration in your town? The Virgen of Los Angeles Day. What
do people do? People walk and pray till they arrive to Cartago´s Basilica.


Pre – task
L1. Recognizes short, L1.Understand short,
clear, and simple clear, and simple Activity 1. The teacher introduces some new vocabulary students will find in the
instructions and instructions and video. T gives a copy with pictures and words. Students try to match the words
explanations when explanations when and pictures. Then students ask or look for the definitions of the words
delivered slowly (e.g., how delivered slowly (e.g., (See annex 1).
to dance a particular how to create a mask Sandcastle, fish and ships, ice cream, puppet. Beach, sticks of rock, donkey, pier.
rhythm or elaborate a craft or handcraft). Teacher barinstorm again vocabulary related with places and activities to have fun.
or typical dish). Teacher explians that that they will watch a video about fun activites and celebrations
in a different country and town.

Task rehearsal
Students watch and listen to the video for the first time. They will pay attention to
the activities that people and children do for fun. They have to take notes.
Students are going to guess the name of the place and the country.
Till min. 3:04 (Activity B)
Students in pairs share their responses. Students get clarification and feedback from
the teacher.
Teacher highlights and repeats some of the expressions watch in the video and
explains their meaning. Students repeat and practice. (it can be done in pairs or
Task completion
40 minutes
Students watch the video again and pay attention to details answering the following
1. Name three activities you can do at Southend?
2. Name two things you can eat?
3. What makes Southend famous for?
4. What means of transportation can you use to travel in Southend?
5. What types of shows can you enjoy en Southend?


Students share responses with a partner. Then, they watch and listen to the video a
third time to verify their answers.
The teacher provides feedback. The teacher invites students to write the correct
responses on board.

Task assessment
Based on the video heard, Teacher asks students in small groups to do activity C.
Teacher later provides feedback
Finally, the students answer the teacher´s questions related to the video and their real
life. (e.g. What ´s going on at the video? Do you like to eat at the fairs? What do you
eat? What is your favorite place to go around town? Do you like traditional shows?
What shows /festivals/fairs activities/ can you find at your town? What do you do in
those activities? What kind of music do you listen to at those events? Do you like it?
Students share responses and self-assess their performance.
40 minutes


-Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson. Teacher introduces a game called
Spin the bottle. Students sit in a circle with a bottle in the middle. Teacher
Spins the bottle. When it stops spinning the student it is pointing to has to
answer a question. If the answer is correct then that student can spin the bottle.
Students review and practice responding to questions like: (e.g.. What is your
R1. Recognizes much of R.1. understand much favorite place to go around town? Do you like to eat at the fairs? What do you
what is written in short, of what is written in eat? Do you like traditional shows? What shows /festivals/fairs activities/ can
simple texts on subjects short, simple texts on you find at your town? What do you do in those activities? What kind of music
with which they are subjects with which do you listen to at those events? Do you like it?
familiar and/or in which they are familiar -Teacher introduces any new vocabulary or new sentence frames students will
they are interested. and/or in which they encounter in the reading.
are interested.

Task rehearsal
– Before reading, teacher asks students: Do you know any of these towns:
Zarcero, Flamingo, Guanacaste, San Isidro del General, Sarchi, Puerto Viejo
de Talamanca? What do you know about this places? What are they famous
for? Do you want to know more about them? We are going to learn about them
in the following text.
– First they read it silently.
– Then, students chose one of the places of the reading and ask some questions
to their classmates. Do you know the place? What activities can you do here?
Do you like the food they prepare? Do you like their music?
– Finally, they read it chorally with the teacher paying a lot of attention to ing

Task completion
Students read the text for a second time to identify specific information about the
text. They answer these questions based on the reading (written and orally).
and the teacher checks their answers.
1. Where is Flamingo located?
2. What can you do at Flamingo?
3. Why is Zarcero so famous?
4. Did you visit the place already?
5. Describe what a fiesta civica is in San Isidro del General.
6. Besides Oxcarts what else can you buy in Sarchí?
7. According to the description of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca try to make a
drawing of the place.
8. Do you know all these places?
9. What is your favorite place? Why?

10.Write a sentence describing the most important place in your town (e.g. In my
town XX the most important place is XX because is very beautiful).
Task assessment

Students choose one of the places, the one they like the most and create a mind
map with the main attraction of the place and the activities you can do there as a
form of self-assessment. Students share their work with a partner and with the
teacher to get feedback and improve their work.

Phonemic awareness


– Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson.

– Students play charades, “guess my favorite activity¨ they act the different
activities that they like (they have to write it down on a paper before). The
group can be divided into two. The group who guesses more activities in less
time wins.
R.PA.1. Distinguishes -Students watch the following videos to understand the use of the -ing ending in 40 min
R.P.A.1. distinguish
phonemes for inflectional words and sentences.
phoneme for
endings (focus on -ing,). inflectional endings (-
Teacher highlights the main ideas in the video and clarifies the use of –ing.
– Teacher gives the students practice. S/He makes emphasis in pronunciation
of ing endings. Students have to read and underline all the words that have
the – ing ending.
– Example:

Hello! Esteban. What do you like doing on weekends? On weekends, I like to go

running with my dog. I like listening to music while running. Sometimes, I stop in the
park. There I meet my friends. I like talking with them and playing soccer.


Task- completion

Students play a game where they have to transform the verb in the left column
into an action adding -ing. Then they have to say both words in oral form:

Verb -ing






Students match words with pictures

Task Assessment

Students continue practicing forming action verbs words with the –ing ending in pair
or groups. Then they create a sentence with each action verb following the model

Add –ing to the verb then create a short sentence

1. Play……………-ing……. Playing

I like playing with my friends.

2. Dance…………-ing……….._______________


3. Sing………….-ing……….._______________

4. Run…………..-ing ……….________________


Students particiapte in self and peer -assessment activites.

Oral Production

SP.1. express short
SP.1. expresses short – Teacher introduces the goal for the lesson. Ss watch and compare this video
advices and
and what they do in their town to have fun.
advices and recommendations.
-Teacher along with students write the activities they listened to in the video.
Then in pairs, students make a list of the activities they do on weekends similar to
the people they watched in the video. Then, they are given the prompt:
What do usually do on weekends? Teacher provides some examples:

I usually go out running with my friends.

I sometimes go to the beach.

Where do you recommend me to go this weekend?

✓ You can go to a concert.

✓ You can go to the stadium.
✓ You can go to the movies.


-Students in pairs or in the house with a family member practice describing

what they do during the weekend and recommending places to visit in town.

What do you like to do on weekends? On weekends, I like to …

Where do you recommend me to go this weekend? I recommend you to …

You can….


Task completion
-Students have to solve the following situation. A group of friends from
Jamaica are going to visit them. They want to know about places to visit and
activities to do in town. They also want to know about the things you and your
family like to do in their free time. They need the following information:

➢ Three best places to visit in your town.

➢ The best three places in my town are:….
➢ The best three activities you can do.
➢ The best three activities you can practice here are….
➢ The three things you love to do on weekends.
➢ In weekends, I love to…
Student will prepare a short presentation with pictures or a video to respond
to his/her friends´ request.

➢ In your presentation:
➢ Greet your friends
➢ Make a short description of your town
➢ Include the best places you recommend…
➢ Include the best activities that you recommend
➢ Describe what you like to do the most on weekends
➢ Say good bye to them hoping to meet them soon

Task assessment

– S/he explains what they have to do as a mini project. Students can create a
chart, a power point presentation, an e-mail or other creative demonstration
talking about what they do on weekends in their town and promoting those
places to a foreign friend. They must use simple present tense and questions
that they already know from previous lessons.

Level of achievement
Assessment Not achieved In progress Achieved
Indicators yet
I can ..
L1. Recognizes
short, clear, and
simple instructions
and explanations
when delivered
slowly (e.g., how to
dance a particular
rhythm or elaborate
a craft or typical

R1. Recognizes
much of what is
written in short,
simple texts on
subjects with which
they are familiar
and/or in which they
are interested.

phonemes for
inflectional endings
(focus on -ing,).
SP.1. expresses
short advices and

Integrated Mini-Project Time

– Students can create a chart, a power point presentation, an e-mail or other creative demonstration talking about what they do on
weekends in their town and promoting those places to a foreign friend. They must use simple present tense and questions that
they already know from previous lessons.

Reflective Teaching

What worked well What didn’t work well How to improve

Enduring Understanding Reflection

Annexes Week 1

Cards for introducing vocabulary and sentence frames

Activity 1 A before listening Match the words and pictures. Then ask or look for the definitions.

Sandcastle, fish and chips, ice cream, puppet. Beach, sticks of rock, donkey, pier.

Activity B

Listening activity till min. 3:04

Activity C

Put the words into the correct groups. Fill this table with the information from the video and your own information. Do it alone or with a

Donkey/horse rides, eating ice cream, going to the beach, video games, sandcastle building, watching a show, stick of rock,
play arcades.

Activity Video information Information of your town


Virtual entertainment

Traditional food

Activity D

Places to visit around towns in Costa Rica

There are so many places worth visiting in Costa Rica. Most visitors go to places
like Tamarindo, Manuel Antonio, Santa Teresa, Arenal, Monteverde, and San José.
However, there are other cities to incorporate into future Costa Rican adventures.

Playa Flamingo

Playa Flamingo is located north of Tamarindo in Guanacaste. It is a white sand beach that
is ideal for picnicking, swimming, and watching sunsets. The beach town has a great selection of lovely hotels and luxury vacation
rentals. There are a few great restaurants and some cafés and shops, but the town itself is pretty quiet. Playa Flamingo is an accessible
spot for fishing expeditions, sunset sailing tours, yoga and paddle boarding classes, and visiting the Las Baulas National Marine Park.


Zacero is a picturesque town on the scenic path towards Arenal from San José. This is a small town in Costa Rica with coffee farms,
sugar cane plantations, and lush forests. It is also much cooler up here than in other parts of Costa Rica, which makes for a nice change
after traveling around the coastal zones. One of the most popular attractions is a topiary garden, which has over 120 hedge sculptures
and archways. There are plant sculptures shaped like elephants, giraffes, dinosaurs, humans, and even cars.

San Isidro de El General

San Isidro de El General is a truly unique place to visit in Costa Rica. The town is home to several traditional festivals, including Fiesta
Civica (known for its bullfighting, live music and ceremony honoring the patron saint San Isidro). Attending one of these festivals is a
wonderfully authentic cultural experience. San Isidro is also a bird lover’s Paradise like the quetzal. It is a very important agricultural
zone in Costa Rica, producing fruit (especially pineapple), sugar cane, and coffee.


The small town of Sarchí is famous for its crafts and painted oxcart wheels. If looking for quality, handmade Costa Rican art and crafts.
Arriving to Sarchí takes an easy day trip from San José. Anyone who enjoys taking photographs will have a field day here.

Puerto Viejo de Talamanca

Overall, the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica is still underrated and under-visited in comparison to the Pacific coast. Puerto Viejo is a
vibrant, laid-back yet lively beach town that should definitely not be overlooked. The town has a great selection of restaurants, some of
the best nightlife, and easy access to multiple beaches, great snorkeling, and lush tropical rainforest. There are tons of exciting tours
and activities to choose from, including rainforest hiking, surfing, snorkeling, zip lining, horseback riding, and sea turtle tours.

Term: I Level: Fifth Grade Unit: 2 Week:2

Theme: 2. What Makes your Province Unique?

Domain: Socio-interpersonal Scenario: Pura Vida in many ways.

Enduring Understanding: Our occupations, traditions, music, the way we celebrate, the kind of food we eat, and the way we dress make us
unique between provinces in Costa Rica.

Essential Question: How does the place where we live define us?


1. Ways of thinking ( X )

2. Ways of living in the world ( X )

3. Ways of relating with others ( X )

4. Tools for integrating with the world ( )

Learn to Know Learn to Do Learn to Be and Live in Community

Grammar & Sentence Frames Function Psycho-social

Interrogatives Function
− Respecting other customs and traditions
− What are the most popular - Describing my province traditions, music,
activities/celebrations in your occupations, foods, celebrations, dress Sociocultural
community/country? code and people among other aspects
In Costa Rica we _____. − Holidays and celebrations
− What do people do to celebrate ___? Discourse Markers
We cook/ dress… Idioms/phrases
First, second, third…

Adjectives − Cat nap (short sleep) I am going to have a
cat nap while you are cooking dinner.
− size: long celebration, small parade
− shape: round, square
− colors: white hat, red skirt

Phonemic Awareness

− Identifying inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, -

ing, etc.) and their functions (i.e., tense,
plurality, comparison and parts of speech).
Writing the letters heard in a word in proper


2. What makes your province unique?

Expressions and phrases

− What the most important celebrations in

− How do you celebrate it?

Holidays & Celebrations

− Saint Patron´s Day, community fair, civic

parties, holidays

Typical cuisine
− Rice with chicken, picadillos, soups, grilled

Typical dressing

− School uniform, t-shirt and jeans, a hat,
Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning Goals Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence Time

(Diagnostic, formative,
Learner… Learner can Pre-teaching 40
Share the Essential question on the board, “How does the place where we live define
us?” Write ideas on the board. Then, review them with students.


Warm up

Students watch the video about Costa Rica culture, traditions, food, plants and
animals. Teacher asks Students if they liked the video and what was something they
liked about the video.

Activation of Prior Knowledge

Teacher writes on the board the words: Food, Animals, Songs, activities.

Teacher asks: What are the most popular activities, in Costa Rica?
What is some traditional food in Costa Rica or in the place you live?
What food is popular in CR or in the place you live?
What are some typical songs in our country?


Students watch the video about community fairs and “cimarronas” in Costa Rica.

Teacher introduces some traditions people do in Costa Rican with pictures. Saint
Patron´s day, community fair, civic parties, and holidays. What activities do you do in
the place you live? Do you have community fairs? Do you like community fairs? What
do you enjoy the most in community fairs? What holidays do you celebrate in your

When there is a community fair people eat / do / wear…..

In my community people celebrate with a big / small parade. It is a long celebration…..



Teacher clarifies vocabulary and sentence frames using questions. In groups, students
create a conceptual map with information of the tradition they like the most. They write
the name, draw the tradition and write why they like it. Students present it orally and in
written form.


What is the Food

I like... to I like the People
most? eat..


You can share the information, for example:

This is San Pablo’s community fair.
People eat corn and tamales.
There is a “cimarrona” the day of the Saint.
I like to go to the fair and to dance with the “mascarada”.
People enjoy sharing with friends, eating food, and listening to music.
People go to the festival with the family.

Teacher asks questions like: When is the tradition celebrated? What do people wear
this day? Tell me about the things you can find here.

L2. Recognizes the main L2. understand the minutes
points in short, simple main points in short, Pre-task
stories and reports when simple stories and
there is some previous reports when there is Teacher shares the goal of the lesson. Teacher reviews last lesson by making a spider
web of the traditions the students chose in the brochures. Teacher makes an organizer
understanding of the topic some previous
or spider web to present the ideas brainstormed.
and if they are read slowly, understanding of the
clearly and possibly topic and if they are
repeated. read slowly, clearly Pre-listening task: Teacher asks students:
and possibly
repeated. What are some Costa Rica´s cultural expressions?
What type of food is found in “turnos” or “puestos” in the country?
What are some traditions communities have when celebrating a party?
What do people do when there is a community fair?



Students listen to and watch the video: Cultures & Traditions Costa Rica.

Students comment on some things they observed and listened to in the video.

What is the video about?

What places do you recognize?
Have you visited a local fair?
What food do you eat in local fairs?


Task completion

Watch the video again and answer to the following questions and listen to the video

Questions Answers
What is the Costa Rica´s symbol of
What are local fairs called?

What are Costa Rica´s most

important landmarks?
What can you see in local fairs?

What type of music do you hear in

local fairs?

Task assessment

Students are divided in several groups. Teacher is going to ask the groups
some questions related to traditions, music, occupations, foods, celebrations,
dress code and people among other aspects. The students take turns between
them and answer by raising their hands.


- Mention 2 holidays or celebrations in Costa Rica.

- What is a typical food from your community?
- What type of music do you hear in a local fair?
- What do people dress in Annexation of Guanacaste day?
- Mention a popular drink in your community.

Connection 40
SI.2. exchange
SI.2. Exchanges minutes
information about Pre-task
information about everyday matters
everyday matters using using simple Teacher shares the goal of the lesson.
simple vocabulary (e.g., vocabulary (e.g., Students with the help of the teacher brainstorm forms studied before for
favorite sports, asking for clarification of vocabulary like the following:
favorite sports, holidays,
names of pets,
music, food). holiday plans). - What type of music do people play in civic parties?
- What are the most popular activities/celebrations in your community/country?
In Costa Rica we _____.
What do people do to celebrate ___?
- What are you going to listen in the community fair? I am going to listen
- What are you going to do in new year? I am going to have a cat nap while
dinner is ready.

Teacher provides feedback and more information.


Students are going to watch the following video about Costa Rica culture and
traditions. Stop at 2:30.

Teacher brainstorm ideas on the board about Costa Rica´s culture and
traditions. Teacher clarifies vocabulary and sentence frames


Students get in pairs and the name of some typical food in Costa Rica. (Annex
Students in pairs are going to ask and answer the following questions given by
the teacher as a way to exchange information.
What is some traditional food in Costa Rica or in your community?
What is a very popular dish in your community or province?
What do Costa Rican people cook when there is a party?
What is your favorite celebration?
What do you eat? Is there any special type of food?


Task completion

After students watch the video for the second time, students get in groups of 3
students. One part of the classroom pretends to be from another country and
want to visit Costa Rica, they will prepare at least five questions they want to
asks to know more about Costa Rica´s culture and traditions., The other part of
the class will get ready to explain the traditions, music, occupations, foods,
celebrations, dress code and people among other aspects in their community
or province.

Students take into consideration the following questions.

What is a popular community fair in the place you live?
What do people do in holydays? (New Year, Christmas, Holyweek, your
birthday, Independence Day.)
What is the most popular celebration in your community?
What type of food can you find in community fairs?
What do people dress in local fairs?
What do people eat in local fairs?
What type of music do people like to hear and dance in community fairs?

Task assessment

Students work in groups and one member of the group goes to the board and
tries to draw traditions, types of music, occupations, foods, celebrations in
Costa Rica. The rest of the group will guess the drawing and will provide a
complete sentence.

Example: Tamales. I eat tamales in Zapote.


R2. Recognizes and R.2. comprehend Teacher shares the goal of the lesson.
enjoys texts. reading, analyze and
enjoy texts.
Teacher shows typical dress or typical clothes that represent people from Costa Rica
and tells the students about the clothes.

Teacher asks students the questions:

What is the traditional dress in Limón?

What do children wear if they are students?
What is Costa Rica´s national dress?
What colors can you see when people dance typical songs?

Teacher writes on the board the following descriptions of what people wear in Costa
Rica. Teacher shows some pictures.

In Costa Rica, boys wear a hat, jeans and boots when they work on a farm.
Children wear a uniform when they go to school.
For Annexation of Guanacaste Day, people wear a typical dress.
In Limon, people wear colorful dress and long skirts.



Students read the description of Costa Ricans typical clothing. After that, students in
pairs or groups of three are going to create an organizer or spider web to brainstorm
their ideas about Costa Rica clothes and celebrations.

CR Clothes

Students take a look at the pictures from Costa Rica, they complete a graphic
organizer with their ideas.


Task completion
Reading: http://adventure-

Students read the text

. Then complete the exercise by writing (F) if the statement is False, or (T) if it is True.

1. Costa Rica´s festivals show a mix or cultures:_________

2. These events are inside and outside Costa Rica:_________
3. Many festivals in CR are in memory of civil and religious events. ________
4. Processions and parades are not part of the festivals:_________
5. Oxcarts are decorated with animals:________
6. Children wear typical traditional costumes in festivals:_________


Task assessment
Students in pair or groups choose two of the celebrations that are in the blog and read
them. (Annex 2)

After they read the celebrations, students choose their community or province and
complete the chart.


Activity people do Music played Food people eat Clothes people


Students share their chart. Teacher provides feedback.

R.PA.1. Distinguishes R.P.A.1. distinguish 40

phonemes for inflectional phoneme for Connection
endings (-ing, -ed and –s). inflectional endings Pre-task
(-ing, -ed and –s). Teacher shares the goal of the lesson.
Teacher shows a list of verbs and ask students to identify what they have in common.

Played- gained – enjoyed – showed – talked – watched.

Students watch the video:

Teacher explains that the video shows the way of using suffix -ed for talking about
actions in the past and their pronunciation
Students will watch the video that explains the three sounds in prefix -ed, provides
examples and asks students to repeat several times.

Teacher explains the use of suffix -ed in verbs, the rules and some examples to

What did I learn about -ed pronunciation? Let´s practice! (Annex 4)

Students cut the words, listen to the teacher saying the word two times and classify the
word in the correct final sound column. -ed. /d/ /t/ /ed/

Taken from:

Students check answers in pairs. Then, teacher checks the answers with whole group
to give feedback. Students repeat.

Task completion

Students add the suffix -ed to each word. Annex 3.

Then, students practice the pronunciation of the words they formed orally.

Teacher checks the pronunciation by asking students to repeat.

Task assessment
Students complete the Annex 4. In groups, teacher gives students some boots with
words with the suffix -ed, and 3 clouds with the correct pronunciation. Students put
under the correct pronunciation cloud the word they hear.

Teacher checks and provides feedback.

Student self-assessment grid

Level of achievement
Assessment Not achieved In progress Achieved
Indicators yet
I can ..

L2. understand
the main points in
short, simple

stories and
reports when
there is some
understanding of
the topic and if
they are read
slowly, clearly
and possibly

R.2. comprehend
reading, analyze
and enjoy texts.

phoneme for
endings (-ing, -ed
and –s).
SI.2. exchange
information about
everyday matters
using simple
vocabulary (e.g.,
favorite sports,
names of pets,
holiday plans).

Integrated Mini-Project Time

– Phase: _______ Students can create a chart, a power point presentation, an e-mail or other creative demonstration talking about
what they do on weekends in their town and promoting those places to a foreign friend. They must use simple present tense and
questions that they already know from previous lessons.

Reflective Teaching

What worked well What didn’t work well How to improve

Enduring Understanding Reflection

Match the following Costa Rican typical food pictures with the appropriate explanation of each
one. (Leo y pongo a la par del número, cual es la letra que describe el platillo)

1.__ 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Annex 1. Taken from

Annex 2.

Fiestas Palmares

Every year in January, Costa Ricans descend on the town of Palmares in the south of the province of Alajuela. The festival is famous
for its "tope," which is a parade of horses and all things country western, its concerts and its beer drinking. They get some pretty big
names to come for the concerts; I saw Calle 13 a few years ago! There are also carnival rides and stands to buy food. You can take
a public bus from San Jose to get there, but people tend to get a group of friends and family together to rent a van and a driver
(Safety first, people!), and tour companies even put packages together. Don't miss this one!


Also in January is the festival in Carrizal, which is a small town in the mountains between Barva and Poas Volcano. Similar to the
festival in Palmares, they have carnival rides and food stands in addition to concerts, dances and bull riding. My favorite day to go is
to see the "carnaval" with the Caribbean flare of Costa Rica, so check the calendar. To get to Carrizal, you can take a bus from
Heredia or even hop on in front of the church in Barva.


Every February, thousands of locals and international travelers take over the Pacific coastal town of Uvita to take part in the Envision
Festival. Envision is a celebration dedicated to providing a platform for different cultures to co-exist in a sustainable community and
to inspire through art, spirituality, yoga, music, education, and a connection with nature. You have to purchase tickets and hostels
and hotels fill up quickly, so start planning now!

Carnavales de Puntarenas

Like the famous Carnival in Brazil, Puntarenas hosts the biggest carnival in Costa Rica before the Christian season of Lent starts
every year. Enjoy the music, dancers, bands, costumes and masks during the parade, and don't miss the beauty contest and sports

Dia Nacional del Boyero

The Costa Rican tradition of using oxcarts to transport goods is celebrated with a parade of colorfully and elaborately painted carts
pulled by oxen on the second Sunday in March in San Antonio de Escazu. Many craft and food vendors are also present in the
festival, so enjoy the summer sun and check out this unique Costa Rican festival.

Festival de las Artes (FIA)

The Festival de las Artes is a government-sponsored program designed to promote and develop local art and the diversity of the arts
and the artists. Each year in July, the program packs 11 days with art, music, theatre, literature and cinema to fill San Jose with
culture, happiness and color. Lots of the displays and events are in public venues and are free!

Barva Festival

Every August, we get front row seats to the festival here in Barva-Heredia. The town celebrates two weeks of festivities revolving
around the patron saint, Bartholomew. The festival is known for its mask festival. The town's teenagers and young adults wear
masks, carry water-filled pig or cow bladders and follow a small, traditional band around the streets of downtown Barva. If you would
rather not be hit by a foul bladder, we recommend standing behind the fence on the church's property. Barva is a ten-minute bus ride
from downtown Heredia.

Carnavales de Limon

Every October, Costa Rica celebrates the Dia del Encuentro de Culturas and its Afro-Caribbean culture with parades, calypso music,
colorful and elaborate costumes, dancing, concerts, and delicious food like coconut-flavored rice and beans (known locally as "rice
and beans"), fried green plantains (patacones), and jerk chicken. Puerto Limon is the main port of the Costa Rica's Caribbean coast
and can easily be reached by public bus from San Jose.

Festival de la Luz

Normally the second Saturday in December, the best marching bands of Costa Rica and some fun floats take over the streets of San
Jose in the evening for the Festival de la Luz. It's a fun way to start the Christmas season, but get there early because people start
making camp on the sidewalks in the morning!

Tope Nacional/National Horse Parade

Yes, there are a number of "topes" in Costa Rica throughout the year, but you can't miss the Tope Nacional in San Jose on
December 26. "Topar" is the Spanish verb to round up the cattle, and the events are full of great pride for Costa Rica's cowboy and
rancher culture. Many of the horses and riders display great style and elegance, and the spectators line the streets in their best
cowboy garb.

Fiestas de Zapote

Depending on the year's calendar, the Fiestas de Zapote start on or near December 25th and end around January 1st. Costa Ricans
love to indulge in this celebratory time of year by spending at least one day in Zapote and by watching the festivities on TV. Zapote
also features the normal fairgrounds and concerts, but it is famous for the daily bull fights. Have no fear, these are not the bull fights
from Spain or Mexico that come to mind; although the bulls are taunted, they are not physically harmed. From downtown San Jose,
you can take a public bus or a taxi to Zapote, which is southeast of the city.

Yes, we know you came to Costa Rica for the wildlife and beaches, but don't forget to experience the culture by taking in some of
these festivals during your time here! And if you haven't yet registered for one of our 4-week, onsite TEFL courses, contact us

Annex 3. Taken from:





Annex 4.

Annex 5.

Annex 6. Taken from

Term: I Level: Fifth Grade Unit: 2 Week:3

Domain: Socio- Theme:

Scenario: Pura Vida in Many Ways
interpersonal Costa Rica: “No Artificial Ingredients”

Enduring Understanding: Our occupations, traditions, music, the way we celebrate, the kind of food we eat, and the way we
dress make us unique between provinces in Costa Rica.

Essential Question: How does the place where we live define us?


1. Ways of thinking ( X)

2. Ways of living in the world ( X )

3. Ways of relating with others ( X)

4. Tools for integrating with the world ( )

Learn to Know Learn to Do Learn to Be and Live in Community

Grammar & Sentence Function Psycho-social

Describing Costa Rica − Celebrating the differences between
Superlative forms culture

The most beautiful beach Discourse Markers

of my province is_____. Socio-cultural
First, second, third… − Loving diversity in Costa Rica and
countries around the world

The best food to eat is
________. idioms/ phrases
− Don´t count your chicken before they
The highest mountain is hatch (don´t make plans ahead of time)

Phonemic Awareness


Costa Rica: “No artificial


Expressions and phrases

− Where are you from?

− What is Costa Rica
− What are the best
places to visit?
− Which are the most

Places to go

− Beaches, volcanos,
rainforests, wildlife

People to meet

− Indigenous
communities (bribris,
cabecares, malekus,
− Afro-descenden
− Costa Rica is
Multicultural and
Evidences Goals Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence Tim

, formative,
Learner… Learner can Annexes and files necessary for developing this week can be downloaded from 40
XUBiansU4H-b2EHLepKajr8NA?e=OfHxGh There is also a link to each file in its utes
corresponding activity

Routine: Checking attendance, checking in with Ls, T posts the Essential Question on the
board, Can Do´s, and class agenda, etc.
Essential Question: How does the place where we live define us?
T explains the goal of the lesson.


Warm up
The teacher shows the YouTube video: “Costa Rica: No Artificial ingredients”. and asks learners to take notes on the
different natural beauties they recognize. Learners share their answers in pairs.

Activation of Prior Knowledge

T displays a poster available at: https://adminmepcr-
gCwBa0UTH7fYJF3QS900MrWvfw?e=sg202H for learners to identify the different natural
beauties they see in the images. T asks Ls:
What´s this? What do you see there? What are they doing?

T asks Ls the following questions: Where are you from? What is Costa Rica like? What are the
best places to visit in Costa Rica? Which are the most important celebrations? Are there any
indigenous communities in Costa Rica that national and international visitors can visit?
Teacher introduces the sentence frames for the superlative form of the adjectives in English
using a power point or images with the sentences, for example:

➢ Which is the most beautiful beach to visit in your community? The most beautiful beach
is Pochote beach.

➢ Which is the longest river in Costa Rica? The longest river in Costa Rica is Terraba river.

➢ Which is the most delicious food in your community? The most delicious food is “casado”
with chicken.

➢ Which is the highest mountain in Costa Rica? The highest mountain is Chirripó


T clarifies by asking Ls: Why is Costa Rica called a country with “no artificial ingredients”? By
using the images from the previous poster, T asks Ls Yes/No Questions: Is this a volcano? Is
this a river? Is this a beach? Are they surfing? Is Chirripó mountain or Irazú volcano the highest
mountain in Costa Rica?


Teacher reviews sentence frames related with the superlative sentences and reviews
vocabulary useful to describe Costa Rica´s natural beauty. 40
L3. understand min
Recognize the most Collaboration
Task rehearsal utes
s the most important
important points in a
Teacher prepares students to listen to a video that describes the most beautiful places of Costa
points in a straightforw
Rica. Students listen for the first time and will identify the following general information:
ard talk or
straightfor presentatio
ward talk n, 1. What are three words that describe Costa Rica based on the information heard?
or accompanie 2. What different ethnic groups can be identified in the video that make us be all Ticos?
d with 3. What city of Costa Rica is mentioned in the video?
drawings 4. Can you name three national parks mentioned in the video?
accompani and/or
Video link: Students listen up to 2:15 minute
ed with
drawings there was After listening, students share responses first with classmates then with teacher for feedback.
and/or some Construction/Application
diagrams, Task completion
provided familiarity
Students in pairs listen to the video a second time. They will verify their first responses and they
there was with the
topic. will take notes to respond to these specific questions:

previous 1. Which places can tourist visit in the capital city of Costa Rica?
familiarity 2. What can you see at the Gold Museum?
3. Which magazine describes Corvocado national park as “the richest place biologically
with the
speaking of the planet”.
topic. 4. What can you find at Corvocado National Park in the South Pacific of Costa Rica?
5. What makes Guanacaste on of the most visited places of Costa Rica?

Students check their responses in pairs.

Task assessment

Students listen for third time to verify their answers and get feedback from teacher. Students in
pairs participate in peer and self-assessment of task.

R.3. follow
R3. a set of
Follows a Pre-task
set of instructions,
clear-cut especially if T shows an infographic which contains information related to Costa Rica and its natural
instruction there are beauties. The infographic can be downloaded from https://adminmepcr-
pictures or
diagrams to
especially illustrate the
if there are most a6FV4ui8B2wtv3GfTcTmxctfmsGpNqg?e=5dQzgC 40
pictures or important min
diagrams steps. Teacher highlights the use of the superlative form of adjectives to emphasis the value of utes
to illustrate
something or someone to the greatest or the lowest degree: for example: Costa Rica has the
the most
most beautiful beaches in the world.

important Ls read the information provided with more examples. Teacher clarifies any questions.


T provides Ls an incomplete infographic for Ls to label the information provided with its
corresponding category related to food, places to visit, activities to do, and location. Teachers
provides clear instructions about what learners have to do.

Infographic: https://adminmepcr-


Task completion

Read the following text and do the following:

1. Underline all the sentences that use a superlative form of adjectives.
2. Create an infographic with pictures, cutouts or drawings.
3. The infographic has to include a title, pictures, drawings or cutouts and sentences using
superlative forms that describe each of the pictures.
4. Include at least five key ideas from the reading in your infographic. 40
Arenal volcano is the most spectacular and beautiful volcano in Costa Rica. It is located in La min
Fortuna, San Carlos. It has a perfect cone shape and you can regularly observe clouds on top of utes
its peak. Arenal volcano is surrounded by evergreen forest where you can see many types of
animals like raccoons and monkeys. It is also a good point for birds sightseeing. Many people
visit the park to enjoy the hot springs, to go hiking and to see the beautiful view of the volcano. In
the surrounding area of the volcano you can find restaurants, hotels and spas. There is a good

bus service to travel from San José to la Fortuna. At La Fortuna you can find very good restaurants
and enjoy traditional Costa Rican food as well as international cuisine.

Task assessment

T provides a chart available at (click here) and have each learner interviewing three classmates.
They will have to ask and answer the following questions; What is the most beautiful beach in
C.R? What is the best Costa Rican dish? What is the highest mountain in C.R? What is the
most important celebration? What is the most exciting activity to do?

Phonemic awareness

T plays a video available at and have Ls
watching it. It is ok if Ls want to pronounce some words.


T divides the class into two teams (or three if it is necessary). T writes on the board the two
inflections heading endings es- s. T calls from the following suggested list a word. Taking turns, 40
a participant of each group places himself/herself under each heading to discriminate correctly
R.P.A.1. each sound. min
distinguish utes
R.PA.1. phoneme Beaches, trails, volcanos, dishes, rainforests, watches, waterfalls, visitors, places, rivers.
Distinguish for
es inflectional Teacher provides feedback to learners.
phonemes endings (-
ing, -ed and

endings (- Construction/Application
ing, -ed
and –s). Task completion

T provides the following worksheet crossword puzzle. Ls find the hidden words related with
inflection -s ending sound, once they have found the word Ls write the correct inflection way
under the correct given heading sound. T checks their answers orally.
Download the images from here or copy them from below

W1. engage
in the Collaboration
writing Task assessment
process: T provides Ls the following text to be completed using inflection -s correctly to show plurals.
W1. pre-drafting, Learners work in pairs to provide feedback to one another.
Engages in drafting. Costa Rica may have some of the most stunning ____________ (rainforest) and
the writing wildlife on the planet, but it also has truly awesome ______________ (beach) on
process: the Pacific and Southern Caribbean _____________. (coast)
In just seven __________ (day) and six _________ (night) you can explore two of
the most iconic _____________ (place) in Costa Rica: Arenal and Tortuguero
drafting, National ____________ (Park).
drafting. Explore hot ____________ (spring), rainforest, lava __________ (flow), and
wetlands while searching for sloths, _____________ (turtle), myriad birdlife,
_____________ (monkey) and more!


T displays a presentation (https://adminmepcr-
ABAec102lhj9dIZ9Kcusl9rg?e=CIhGWu ) with visual material such as an advertisement, a poster,
an infographic, and a video to review the vocabulary related to Costa Rican natural beauties.



T asks Ls to get in pairs to brainstorm ideas in order to create their own written advertisement to
invite a tourist to come visit Costa Rica. (see brainstorming template).

Brainstorm ideas related to: location, food, activities, attractions, and possible cost using a mind
SP1. map. Teacher shows examples about how to do it and clarifies questions.
advices and
SP1. Construction/Application
ations Task completion
and In pairs, Ls design an advertisement about the most beautiful attractions, the best food to eat,
recommen location and the most exciting activities to do in Costa Rica. (see template).

Task assessment

Ls in groups publish and share their written advertisements to create a wall gallery in the


T talks about his/her own vacation plan following the structure given:
First, I will go to... because it is the most beautiful place in Costa Rica.
Second, I will visit...
Third, I will travel to...


T divides the group into two teams.

Each member of Team A (presenters) will have a station in the wall gallery created in the last
lesson. They will stand near their own poster; Team B (local tourist), walk around to observe the
whole gallery and take notes about the places they would like to visit, food that they would like to
eat, and activities that they would like to do. Then Ls will exchange roles.


Task completion

Ls from each team will visit the wall gallery again. This time starting with team B.

T provides them a chart (click here to download) with questions and information to check out
during their tour.
Ls switch roles, now Team A is the presenter and Team A is the local visitor.


Task assessment

After having visited the stations, Ls will share with their peers in a mingling activity three places
that they decided to visit, food that they would like to eat and activities they would like to do. T
might give them the following script: (click here to download)
First, I will go to... because it is the most beautiful place in Costa Rica.
Second, I will visit...because ….
Third, I will travel to...because....

Student self-assessment grid

Level of achievement
Assessment Not achieved In progress Achieved
Indicators yet
I can ..

L3. Recognizes
the most
important points
in a
talk or
accompanied with
drawings and/or
provided there
was some
familiarity with the

R3. Follows a set
of clear-cut
especially if there
are pictures or
diagrams to
illustrate the most
important steps.

phonemes for
endings (-ing, -ed
and –s).

W1. Engages in
the writing
process: pre-
drafting, drafting.

SP1. Expresses
short advices and

Integrated Mini-Project Tim
– Phase: _______ Students can create a chart, a power point presentation, an e-mail or other creative demonstration
talking about what they do on weekends in their town and promoting those places to a foreign friend. They must use
simple present tense and questions that they already know from previous lessons.

Reflective Teaching

What worked well What didn’t work well How to improve

Enduring Understanding Reflection

Term: Level: Fifth Grade Unit: 4 Week:4

Theme: In & Out Costa Rica

Domain: Socio-interpersonal Scenario: Pura Vida in many ways

Enduring Understanding: Our occupations, traditions, music, the way we celebrate, the kind of food we eat, and the way we dress make us
unique between provinces in Costa Rica.

Essential Question: How does the place where we live define us?


1. Ways of thinking ( X )

2. Ways of living in the world ( X )

3. Ways of relating with others ( X )

4. Tools for integrating with the world ( )

Learn to Know Learn to Do Learn to Be and Live in Community

Grammar & Sentence Frames Function

Present Perfect Describing travel experiences in or out Costa
Rica − Celebrating the differences between
− I have been to the United States three times. cultures
− I have lived abroad.
− Have you been abroad? Discourse Markers Sociocultural

First, Second, Third …

− Appreciating the customs from other
Phonemic Awareness cultures
− Identifying inflectional endings (e.g., -s, -ed, - Idioms/phrases
ing, etc.) and their functions (i.e., tense,
plurality, comparison and parts of speech). Don´t count your chicken before they hatch
(don´t make plans ahead of time)
-Writing the letters heard in a word in proper


In & Out Costa Rica

Expressions and phrases

− Where are you from?

− I ´m from Costa Rica.
− Have you been abroad? Yes, I have been to
− Have your father been abroad? Yes, he has
been to the United States.

− How long are you staying in Mexico? For
three weeks.
− Which places have you visited?
− I have been to ...

Countries and Nationalities

− Mexico Mexican
− Canada Canadian
− Nicaragua Nicaraguan
− Panama Panamanian
England English

Assessment Strategies
& Evidences of learning Goals Pedagogical Mediation/ Didactic Sequence Time

(Diagnostic, formative,
Learner… Learner can Pre-teaching 40
Teacher checks attendance, checking in with Ls, T posts the Essential Question on the
board, Can Do’s, and class agenda. As well, T asks Ls for the weather, feelings, day,
date, and year.
Warm up
Have children sit in a circle. Start by saying "my name is.." and then answer a question
about yourself. For example "My name is Max and I like the color purple." The next
person says "This is Max and he likes the color purple and my name is Rose and I am
8 years old." The next person says "That is Jo he likes purple, this is Rose and she is 8
and I am Jeremy and I like the color blue." It's a chain and the kids have to repeat what
the last people have said about themselves. It's really hard to be the last person in the

Activation of Prior Knowledge

Learners observe as the teacher plays a video.

Video link:

Then, Ls are given a graphic organizer to be completed based on the content

observed during the video:

• In the middle of the graphic the teachers writes “Costa Rica Provinces”. Then,
Ls complete the others areas with info based on the video.
• T has Ls share their ideas once watched the video.
• As well, teachers asks Ls, Have you been to Arenal Lake? Or Have you been
to Limón?


T models language by means of the “ I See, I Use” activity. For this, learners have to
engage in the production of vocabulary and the use of different sentence frames with
the guidance of the teacher.

Example: I see an iguana.

I see _________________________________.
I see _________________________________.


Have been to Guanacaste? Yes, I have. / No, haven´t.

What have you done in Guanacaste?

I have rode a horse
I have walked on the beach

Teacher clarifies vocabulary seen and studied from the very beginning in terms of Form,
Meaning, and Use. He/she emphasizes vocab-words related to occupations, traditions,
music, celebrations, food, activities Costa Ricans do in different places of the country.
For this, the teacher uses flashcards. Teacher will emphasize sentence frames using
the present perfect tense:

Have been to Guanacaste? Yes, I have. / No, haven´t.

What have you done in Guanacaste?

I have rode a horse
I have walked on the beach

As well, the teacher clarifies the accurate use of sentence frames. For this, he plays the
hot potato. Every time a student gets the potato, the teacher asks a question in the
present prefect or solicits the student to ask someone a question.

SI.1.Asks straightforward SI.1.Ask Connection 40

questions in familiar straightforward minutes
situations and questions in familiar Pre task
understands the situations and
Teacher reviews sentences frames and vocabulary to ask and answer questions using
responses. understands the present perfect. Students can watch the following sentences with examples

Teacher clarifies with more examples.


-Students in pairs or in the house with a family member practice asking and
answering questions using the present perfect to describe activities that have
been done.

Have been to Guanacaste/ Puntarenas/ The United States, Mexico, Panamá,

Nicaragua? Yes, I have. / No, haven´t.

What have you done in Guanacaste?
I have rode a horse.
I have walked on the beach.

What have you done during your visit to Manuel Antonio national park/ San José city/
I have sunbathed.
I have hiked.
I have run in the beach.

Task completion
-Students have to solve the following situation. You and your friend are playing
a game in order to know who knows better Costa Rica and has visited more
places in the country.

You will be using this question form:

Have you been to ( Quepos/ Liberia/ Limon/ Guapiles/ Puriscal/ Puerto

Jiménez/ Paso Canoas) ? Yes I have/ No, I haven’t.

-The students with the largest amount of places visited is the winner.

Task assessment

Students can begin a second round this time with countries visited, or activities done.

For example:

Have you been to Nicaragua/Panamá/ The United States? Yes I have/ No, I

Have you rode a bike/ Have you played soccer? Yes I have/ No, I haven’t.

Teacher provides feedback about students ‘performances. Students participate in self

and peer assessment.

R.PA.1. Distinguishes R.P.A.1. distinguish Pre-task 40

phonemes for inflectional phoneme for Teacher shares the goal of the lesson.
endings (-ing, -ed and –s). inflectional endings Teacher shows a list of words within a context for the students to pronounce.
(-ing, -ed and –s). Teacher asks Ls, Can you identify which ones finish in ing, ed, -s?

• Last weekend I visited the most beautiful beach.

• The other day my dad and me, danced at a party.
• When I go to the river I like swimming.
• Every time I go to Puntarenas my mom likes to eat ceviche.
• My friend, María, works selling pottery at the beach.

T has Ls to practice ing, ed, -s

Application / building up

Task completion
T has Ls to complete the following gaped sentences in order to practice the use of ing,
ed, -s.


Task assessment

• T has Ls to work in pairs to check their answers. They discuss and correct, if

• T checks with the whole class.

W2. Uses simple W2. Use simple 40

sentences and sentences and
expressions to describe expressions to Pre-task (Connection)
describe such things Teacher shows Ls a written paragraph where a place is described, and where activities
such things as their
as their were experienced.
surroundings, their surroundings, their An unforgettable trip
holidays, important event daily activities, and
and the people around the people around In my life, I have had many memorable trips. I look forward to my families’ annual trip to
them. them. Guanacaste every year, and I will never forget our trip to the beach. But the one trip that
has stayed in my mind and had the greatest impact on me wasn’t a family trip. It was my
graduation’s group trip to Monteverde.

When we arrived to Monteverde we visited the hanging bridges. There we walked a lot
and observed many types of birds, animals and plants. Also, we went to the zip line. It
was an amazing experience since we hanged on very long lines in the air. And finally,
we went swimming at a river.

Teacher analyses with students the structure of the paragraph: introduction, body and



Teacher gives learners a list of words that will be used to write sentences. This will
help Ls in the scalffolding process for the construction of their descriptive paragraphs.

Observe, visit, ride, swim, walk, jump, watch, touch, eat, drink, travel, flight, cook,
climb, buy, look, play, etc.

After clarifying meaning and use by teacher. Students will select five verbs and will
write five descriptive sentences about a trip they did in the past.
Example: Two years ago, I visited my grandmother in Puntarenas. I….

In pairs learners revise their sentences and get feedback from teacher.


Task completion

Ls write their own descriptive paragraph. For this Ls can use the “model” paragraph
presented at the very beginning during the pre-task and the sentence they already
wrote. The short paragraph has to include: introductory sentence, body and concluding
sentence. It must have at least five complete sentences and a title.


Task assessment
Have Ls check their paragraphs in pairs. They look for grammar mistakes, vocabulary
use, coherence, and style.

Ls also check with their teacher.

Student self-assessment grid

Level of achievement
Assessment Indicators Not achieved yet In progress Achieved
I can ..

SI.1.Asks straightforward
questions in familiar
situations and understands
the responses.

R.PA.1. Distinguishes
phonemes for inflectional
endings (-ing, -ed and –s).

Integrated Mini-Project Time

– Phase: _______ Students can create a chart, a power point presentation, an e-mail or other creative demonstration talking about
what they do on weekends in their town and promoting those places to a foreign friend. They must use simple present tense and
questions that they already know from previous lessons.

Reflective Teaching

What worked well What didn’t work well How to improve

Enduring Understanding Reflection


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