Schools Division of Zambales
Schools Division of Zambales
Schools Division of Zambales
Department of Education
Region III
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Name: ___________________________________ School: ___________________
Grade/Section:___________________________ Date: _______________
Week 4
I. Introduction
Research in any field of interest is expected to be complexed in procedure
and methodologies. It must be well planned by the researcher to come up with
reliable results but be clear in mind that any plan may be revise and refine
later if there is a need. Designing a well-defined study includes the identifying
of subject matter, scope, frameworks, and methodologies. Providing these
things will make the research easier to study.
III. Objectives:
At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
IV. Discussion
Research Design
Home Utilities
Energy Consumption Savings
Example: Management
Example of general topic/problem (Choosing a Floor Tile for my
of the Family Foods/Groceries
Bedroom) which is narrowed into sub-topics. Health Care
Subject Matter
Locale Period
A significant research must be helpful to everyone. It must be timely and
relevant to current issues of the society. All researchers identify the benefactors
of the study and the how these entities are to be benefited. Be reminded that
any research is significant always to future researchers since they are the one
who modify, amplify, negate, and affirm the result of the research work. Doing
this in your research paper makes the whole study important and significant.
Example 3. Analyze the provided abstract below. Try to determine the outline
of the research design.
Research Title: Perception on the Implementation of the Philippine National
Identification in Subic, Zambales during November 2019
Researchers: Tyrah Lou Cabigas, Clarissa Mallari, and Chabelita Apagalang
Research Abstract
For the better, the National ID system hopes to streamline government service but
when the very controversial issue about the violation of a person’s right to privacy leaked,
people became alarmed about its implementation. This study focused on the perception of
Subic citizens in the implementation of the Philippine national identification. The purpose of
this study is to know whether Subic citizens agreed or disagree with the national ID’s
implementation. The method applied in this study was descriptive-quantitative-causal
comparative. Four hundred respondents were computed and identified using simple random
technique in different barangays of Subic. Data were gathered using researcher made
questionnaire through survey. It has been found out that most respondents are female aging
from 25 to 64 years old who are self-employed, married, and college graduate citizens. Result
also shows that Subic moderately agree that having a national ID card is a big help in making
transactions easier to process. The study also revealed that there is no significant difference on
the perception in the implementation of the Philippine national identification when grouped
according to sex, occupation, and highest educational attainment, while significant to age and
civil status.
Conducting the research is gathering the needed data. Before this, the
researcher must first provide the necessary instrument. The instrument must be
based on the statement of the problem raised at the beginning of the research
work. It must be reliable and exact because the data it will gather will answer
the specific questions of the study. Take note, a clear instrument also identifies
the statistical treatment to be used. There are two classifications of research
instrument according to Calderon and Gonzales (1993): 1) Clerical Tools and 2)
Mechanical Tools. Clerical tools are data gathering instruments like interview
sheets, questionnaire, observation sheets, registration form, and the like. While
mechanical tools are tangible instruments used to determine the measurements
of something. These tools will be further discussed in the succeeding Learning
Activity Sheets.
Designing the research is also identifying the statistical treatments of the study.
Statistical treatments are tools used to analyze the gathered data. It must be
identified first for the researcher to clearly see how the data will work. Most of
the common quantitative statistical treatments are mean, standard deviation, t-
test, f-test, Pearson r, and more others. The researcher may use software to
easily analyze the gathered data like MS Excels Data Analysis and SPSS.
Example 4. From the given research title and abstract of the study, fill out the
diagram below to see the outline of the research design. If the abstract does not
contain the needed information, then write NOT AVAILABLE inside the box.
Subject Matter:
Students misconceptions about the solution methods of exponential equation.
Research Title
In conducting any research, it is necessary first to create the title of your
study. Research title is the first thing that a student is read, therefore it must
be attractive enough to give interest to the reader. The primary function of a
research title is to provide a precise summary of the paper’s content (Kulkarni,
2013). Just like any other titles, a research title must convey the content of the
study. It must describe what is inside and expected in the academic paper.
According to Calderon and Gonzales (1993 ), the following are the
guidelines of creating a research title:
1. Generally, the title is formulated before the start of the research work. It
may be revised and refined later if there is a need.
2. The title must contain the subject matter of the study, the locale of the
study, the population involved, and the period when the data were
gathered or will be gathered.
3. It must be broad enough to include all aspects of the subject matter
studied or to be studied. Hence, the title indicates what is expected to be
found inside the thesis report.
4. It must be as brief as concise as possible.
5. Avoid using the terms “An Analysis of,” “A Study of”, “An Investigation of’
and the like. All these things are understood to been done or to be done
when a research is conducted.
6. If the title contains more than one line, it must be written in an inverted
pyramid, all words in capital letters.
8. Use correct grammar and capitalization with all first word s and last
words capitalized. All the nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs that appear between the first and last words of the title are also
Here are some examples of research titles with their respective
corresponding authors.
Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies of Students
during COVID-19 Pandemic
Researcher: Erick T. Baloran
Example: From the provided research title, identify the scope of the study.
Research Title A:
Research Title B:
Research Title C:
Comprehension Check:
Direction: Answer the following questions, write the answers in your activity
notebook. The rubrics below will be used to score your work.
Research Title
Criteria Outstanding (4) Very Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory (2)
Number of Provided all 4 Provided only 3 Provided 0-2
Identified necessary necessary elements. necessary elements.
Elements elements.
Content and Contents is very Content is informative Content is not relevant
Details informative and and mostly accurate. or accurate. No
accurate details.
Writing Writing has few or Writing has several Writing has many
Mechanics no errors in errors in spelling, errors in spelling,
and spelling, punctuation, and/or punctuation, and/or
Readability punctuation, grammar. grammar.
and/or grammar. Explanation
is difficult to read.
V. Activities
A. Outline My Design!
has undergone acclimation process. Data were gathered using laboratory sheet and laboratory
equipment and apparatus and were analyzed using t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The
experimentations and observations done were based from the guidelines mandated by WHO and
related studies. The potency of each treatment groups was observed through numbers or trials
along with the comparison with the positive control, metaldehyde. The researchers desired to
identify the significant different between each group and the control, supported by the outcome
of the study. the results concluded that among the three samples, the black pepper showed no
significant difference against the metaldehyde with the manifestation of the p-value which
accepts the null hypothesis.
B. Get My Scope!
Direction: Identify the scope (subject matter, locale,
period, respondents/universe) of the provided research
title. Write NOT AVAILABLE if the scope cannot be
identified. Do this on your activity notebook.
Respondents/Universe: Parents
Research Title
Criteria Outstanding (4) Very Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory (2)
Number of Provided all 4 Provided only 3 Provided 0-2 necessary
Identified Elements necessary elements. necessary elements. elements.
Content and Contents is very Content is informative Content is not relevant
Details informative and and mostly accurate. or accurate. No details.
Writing Mechanics Writing has few or Writing has several Writing has many
and Readability no errors in spelling, errors in spelling, errors in spelling,
punctuation, and/or punctuation, and/or punctuation, and/or
grammar. grammar. grammar. Explanation
is difficult to read.
Criteria Outstanding (4) Very Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory (2)
Comprehensiveness The explanation is Some parts of the The explanation is now
comprehensive. explanations are not comprehensive.
Content and Details Contents is very Content is informative Content is not relevant
informative and and mostly accurate. or accurate. No details.
Writing Mechanics Writing has few or Writing has several Writing has many
and Readability no errors in errors in spelling, errors in spelling,
spelling, punctuation, and/or punctuation, and/or
punctuation, grammar. grammar. Explanation
and/or grammar. is difficult to read.
VI. Assessment
Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number item.
1. What must be considered first in designing the research?
a. Benefactors b. Problem c. Scope d. Method
2. In designing a research, what must not be considered?
a. Scope b. Results c. Benefactors d. Methods
3. It is the general description of where the respondents will be coming from.
a. Period b. Universe c. Subject Matter d. Locale
4. It is the time when the researcher must conduct his study.
a. Locale b. Subject Matter c. Universe d. Period
5. What is the role of the future researchers?
a. Check the analyzed data of a research.
b. Reconduct the research in the same scope.
c. Modify, amplify, negate, or affirm the result of a study.
d. Revise the research design of a complete research.
6. A research method that answers the question “what is”.
a. Prognostic b. Experimental c. Historical d. Descriptive
7. A research instrument that can be described using registration form,
survey questionnaire, and interview sheets.
a. Mechanical Tools c. Chemical Tools
b. Kinesthetic Tools d. Clerical Tools
8. A research approach that deals with numerical figures and can be
analyzed using statistical treatments.
a. Qualitative b. Correlational c. Historical d. Quantitative
9. Which of the following statistical treatments cannot be used to analyzed
quantitative data.
a. Pearson R c. Thematic Analysis
b. F-test d. Point-Biserial
10. A research design used to determine the association of the
independent and dependent variables.
a. Qualitative b. Correlational c. Historical d. Quantitative
VII. Reflection
Direction: From what you have learned in this learning activity sheet,
construct a research design of your chosen topic/problem and research title.
The rubrics below will be used to score your work.
Research Design
Criteria Outstanding (4) Very Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory (2)
Completeness All needed information 1-3 needed More than 3
was provided. information was not needed data was
provided. not provided.
Appropriateness All needed information 1-3 needed 4-6 needed data
was appropriate. information was not was not
appropriate. appropriate.
Writing Mechanics Writing has few or no Writing has several Writing has
and Readability errors in spelling, errors in spelling, many errors in
punctuation, and/or punctuation, and/or spelling,
grammar. grammar. punctuation,
Explanation is
difficult to read.
Subject Matter:
Data Collection Procedure: Statistical Treatment:
Research Method/Approach/Design:
Research Title
Criteria Outstanding (4) Very Satisfactory (2)
Satisfactory (3)
Number of Provided all 4 Provided only 3 Provided 0-2
Identified necessary necessary necessary elements.
Elements elements. elements.
Content and Contents is very Content is Content is not
Details informative and informative and relevant or accurate.
accurate mostly accurate. No details.
Writing Writing has few or Writing has Writing has many
Mechanics no errors in several errors in errors in spelling,
and spelling, spelling, punctuation, and/or
Readability punctuation, punctuation, grammar.
and/or grammar. and/or grammar. Explanation is
difficult to read.
VIII. References
Aromin, E.J. et al., (2020); The Molluscicidal Potential of Selected
Plants against Pomacea Canaliculata. IAR J Agri Res Life Sci , 1(1)26-34.
Balch (2020). Organizing Academic Research Papers: Choosing a Title. Sacred
Heart University. Date Retrieved 7 August 2020 from
Baloran, E.T. (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies of
Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Loss and Trauma.
Date retrieved 7 August 2020 from
Bhat, A. (2020). Quantitative Research: Definition, Methods, Types and
Examples. QuestionPro. Date Retrieved 6 August 2020 from
Cabigas, Mallari, Apagalang (2019). Perception on the Implementation of the
Philippine National Identification in Subic, Zambales during November
2019. Subic National High School
Calderon & Gonzales (1993). Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Nature
of Research. National Bookstore
Crossman, A. (2020). An Overview of Qualitative Research Methods, Direct
Observation, Interviews, Participation, Immersion, Focus Groups.