PR 2
PR 2
PR 2
Steps in Developing
Research Topic
1. Choose a broad topic
a. Choose an interesting topic
b. Select a significant topic
c. Choose a topic relevant to your field
2. Do a preliminary research
3. Define the problem
4. Refine the question
Basic Guidelines in
Making a Research Title
1. Use an accurate description of the subject and scope
of the study instead of using general terms.
2. Do not use abbreviations except for commonly known
ones like DNA and ICT.
3. Do not include words like “The study of,” “analysis of,”
“an investigation of” or similar construction as these
would only lengthen the title.
Basic Guidelines in
Making a Research Title
4. Include the main dependent and independent
5. Be mindful of the proper use of grammar and
6. Capitalize all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives,
adverbs as well as the first letter of the first and last
Basic Guidelines in
Making a Research Title
7. State in a declarative form, although you may also see
titles in question form from time to time.
8. The year the study has been conducted should not be
indicated unless it is a historical study.
9. Use current terminology.
10. Depending on the institutional requirements, 5 to15
words are sufficient to describe the research study
Basic Guidelines in
Making a Research Title
11. Use the common name instead of chemical formula
(e.g., NH4)
12. Write and italicize the full scientific names.
13. Must reflect the tone of the paper. An academic
research paper has title that is not casual, or informal, or
does not contain humor.
Background of
the Study
•The background of the study is the part of your
paper where you inform the reader of the context
of the study.
• It is also in this part of the paper where you
justify the need to conduct a research study
about the topic selected by establishing the
research gap.
Research Gap
• A research gap is an under or unexplored area of a
topic that requires further exploration. The gap can be in
a form of other variables, conditions, population,
methodology, or test subject.
• Reading through the Discussion, Conclusion, or the
Recommendations sections of the articles will help
you know potential areas of study that need further
Guide Questions in
Making Background
of the Study
b etw ee n th e t yp es of lear nin g
Relation ship
e a nd stu d en ts ’ le arn ing sty les
delivery m o d
This study aims to determine the relationship between the types
learning delivery mode and students' learning styles.
Furthermore, it seeks to answer the following research questions:
(1) What are the different learning delivery modes of the school?
(2) What the various learning styles of the students?
(3) Is there a significant relationship between the different
learning delivery modes of the school and the learning styles of
its students?
Research Questions for Descriptive Research
focus on observing, describing, and reporting factors
Research or aspects of the research problem. Phrases such as
how often/frequently, how many/much, what is/are,