Philippines Dog Cat

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According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required

to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB OMB Approved
control numbers for these information collections are 0579- 0020, 0036, 0048, 0101, 0156, 0278, and 0432. The times required to complete these information collections is estimated to average .25 to 1.5 hours per response, 0579- 0020, 0036, 0048,
including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. 0101, 0156, 0278, and 0432

Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of

Dogs and/or Cats from the United States of America to Philippines

Veterinary Authority Date Of Issue Certificate Number


1. Consignor: 2. Consignee:

3. Country Of Origin: 4. State Of Origin:


5. Country Of Destination: 6. Zone Of Destination:

Philippines **********************************************************

7. Place Of Origin: 8. Port Of Embarkation / Border Crossing:

9. Estimated Date Of Shipment: 10. Means Of Transport:

11. ******************************************************* 12. CITES Permit Number:

********************************************************* **********************************************************

13. Description Of Commodity: 14. Date Of Inspection:

Dogs and/or Cats

15. Total Quantity: 16. Additional Information:

17. Total Number Of Packages/Containers:

18. Identification / Seal Numbers:


19. Commodities Intended Use: 20. Type Of Admission:

N/A Permanent
21. Identification Of Commodities:

(See next page)


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Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of
Dogs and/or Cats from the United States of America to Philippines

Veterinary Authority Date Of Issue Certificate Number


21. Identification Of Commodities: Continued
Microchip No. Species Breed Age Sex Color or Distinctive Markings
and Animal Name


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Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of
Dogs and/or Cats from the United States of America to Philippines

Veterinary Authority Date Of Issue Certificate Number


Certification Statements:

I, the undersigned USDA Accredited Veterinarian, certify to the following statements:

1. I have examined the animal(s) for export today and have found them to be free from,
and have no known exposure to, dangerous communicable animal diseases.

2. The animals are current on rabies vaccinations, documented on the table below.

3. The animals will be accompanied by a valid rabies vaccination certificate which

includes all of the following information: A.) Name and address of owner, B.) Breed,
sex, date of birth (approximate age if date of birth unknown), color, markings, and
other identifying information for the pet, C.) Date of vaccination and vaccine product
information, D.) Date the vaccination expires, E.) Name, veterinary license number,
and signature of veterinarian who administered the vaccination.

4. The animals were treated for internal and external parasites within 30 days prior
to travel.

This certificate is valid for ten (10) days from the date of issuance to the time of


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Veterinary Health Certificate for Export of
Dogs and/or Cats from the United States of America to Philippines

Veterinary Authority Date Of Issue Certificate Number


Rabies Vaccination (required for both Dogs and Cats)

Vaccinations must be administered at a minimum of 14 days before travel.

The animals should be vaccinated against rabies at minimum age of 12 weeks of age; OR animals vaccinated against rabies earlier
than 12 weeks of age shall be given a booster shot with owners consent, before applying for SPS Import Clearance.
Microchi Date of Most Recent Name of Rabies Rabies Vaccine Rabies Vaccine Date of Rabies
p No. Rabies Vaccination Vaccination Product Manufacturer Batch Number Vaccination Expiration

Canine Vaccinations

Vaccinations must be administered at least 14 days prior to travel.

Microch Date of Canine Date of Canine Date of Date of Canine Date of Canine
ip No. Distemper Hepatitis Leptospirosis Parainfluenza Parvovirus
and Vaccination Vaccination Vaccination Vaccination Vaccination

Feline Vaccinations

Vaccinations must be administered at least 14 days prior to travel.

Microchip No. Date of Feline Panleukopenia Vaccination
and Animal Name

Name of Accredited Veterinarian Name of USDA Veterinarian

Signature of Accredited Veterinarian Signature of USDA Veterinarian


Date Date

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