Dugay, Shairuz Caesar B. Mpa 2 Deped, Lamo National High School Module 2: Strategy Concept and Process Posttest

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ALDERSGATE COLLEGE Public Personnel Management w/ HRM



Office: DepEd, Lamo National High School



1. Develop your personal five-year plan. identify your goals and your strategies in
achieving these goals.


Mission: To live a fun, purposeful, and extraordinary life, and make a positive
contribution to the world by inspiring others to do the same.

Vision: I will be the “me” that i have always aspired to be:

- Healthy
- Well-traveled
- Adventurous and sophisticated in the art and science of
- A leader in my profession
- A well-rounded person
- Courageous
- Compassionate
- Artistic
- Living my life without regrets

Guiding Principles:
a. HEALTH: I had been living an unhealthy lifestyle for far too long. My weight went
up steadily every year. There were other health issues too. So, before I turned 30
in 2022, I decided to do something about it. In fact, I am determined to get into
the best shape of my life.
- Lose 60 pounds to get to within the medically healthy weight range for my
body frame. Then, I will completely revamp my wardrobe, and look
- I have never been able to do splits in my life. It seems like an impossible
thing for me to do. Therefore, if I could do it, when I am on the other side
of 40, it would indicate that I am in better shape (at least in one aspect)
than I have ever been.

b. TRAVEL: My father instilled the concept of “seeing the world to expand my

horizon” in me at an early age, and I have since lived a life of constant traveling.
It is a big world, and it is filled with amazing things. I want to continue to travel far
and often to experience them.
- I already visited Dumaguete City, Cebu City and General Santos City. I
want to explore more in Visayas and Mindanao area.
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c. FOOD: We eat every day. Food should be an important part of our lives. I love it,
and I want to know more about it. There is a finite number of meals I can eat in
my lifetime. I have decided not to waste any one of them on junk anymore.
- Tuguegarao City, where I grew up, is a food lover’s paradise, and one of
my fondest childhood memories is eating Pancit Batil Patong. I have not
been back to Tuguegarao CIty for almost 10 years, and I cannot help but
fee; very distant from my hometown. I want to reconnect with my youth by
going to the same restaurant and having the same dish one more time.
- I want to gain a deeper understanding of the art of food and eating by:
- Experiencing culinary arts at its highest form
- Perfecting my cooking skills
- Expanding my eating horizon

d. PROFESSIONAL: I like to mix business with pleasure and I am very fortunate

that I am able to develop my day job into something I really enjoy doing.
- I am on a tenure track, and getting tenure would present a significant
- I am in awe of those renaissance women and men who are experts in
multiple fields, and I want to be like them when I grow up
- Publishing and presenting on 5 different disciplines would be a good
- Earning an additional graduate degree would help too.

e. WELL-ROUNDED: I have a lot of gaps in my knowledge, and I am a very curious

person. Therefore, I want to be proactive in filling those gaps that I find
interesting. I will learn:
- Thai massage
- drive a stick shift

f. COURAGEOUS: Fear has been the stumbling block in far too many instances in
my life. I accept that it is natural to be afraid sometimes, but when fear stands in
the way of achieving my goals, then I must find ways to overcome it. The best
way to learn is to practice.
- There are several things where I had an unpleasant experience once, and
that has deterred me from ever trying them again. I will give them a
second chance to conquer my fear: heights and closed places

g. COMPASSIONATE: I accept that I am by nature a selfish person, and this is a

selfish goal because it makes me feel good. But if I could benefit others in the
process, then it’s definitely worth doing.
- Over the years, many people, including many strangers, have told me that
I have a good voice and I should use it. Hence, I will record an audiobook
for the blind. I will mentor someone
- It always makes me happy when people compliment me, and I always feel
that I don’t do that for others enough. It takes courage and humility to pay
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sincere compliments, and I will pay more attention to everyday situations

in order to do that more.

2. Assess your current workplace and make a list of its distinctive capabilities and
reproducible capabilities. Explain how each of these help you meet your
company’s goals and objectives.

Organization Distinctive Capabilities Reproducible Capabilities

Lamo NHS Outstanding Educational Care Interacting well with students

Department of - Our school believes - The school positively
Education that every child is interacts with all students.
special and unique. Our This includes difficult
school aims to discover students, students who
and maximize students’ work below grade-level.
talents and strengths. The school puts aside
their prejudices and
feelings in order to treat all
students with respect,
provide them with equal
opportunities for learning
and make them feel

Broad and Innovative Learning Environment

Curriculum - The school sets high
- In addition to our expectations for student
regular curriculum, our performance and
school is known as one behavior. All rules must be
of the schools in Nueva enforced consistently and
Vizcaya catering fairly. Students should not
Science, Technology have to worry about being
and Engineering bullied in the classroom
Curriculum that offers and should feel
many more comfortable when
opportunities to learn speaking up.
and explore. Using the
best resources, the
school combines the
latest teaching
techniques with our
traditional work ethic.

Highest Quality Teaching Use of Varied Teaching

- The students will be Strategies
taught throughout their - Best practices and other
ALDERSGATE COLLEGE Public Personnel Management w/ HRM

life at our school by appropriate teaching

qualified, experienced strategies allow competent
teachers, resulting in educators to effectively
more effective learning teach the curriculum.
and retention. With the Competent educators may
STE Curriculum, all lecture, but they also
subjects are taught by incorporate a variety of
advanced skills strategies, including non-
specialists with traditional teaching
advanced subjects than strategies, to help
in the regular students with multiple
curriculum. learning styles learn and
stay engaged. Educators
also attend regular
professional development
sessions to learn new
strategies and the latest
best practices.

Use of Technology Good at Communication

- With interactive screens - Communicating effectively
in all classrooms, our with parents and other
school makes the most stakeholders in a child's
of these powerful tools education is a key
to strengthen and component of an
improve academic educator's job. A quality
skills. educator provides regular
updates on a child's
progress and immediately
addresses any concerns
that may arise. The
educator also knows how
to calmly discuss issues
with difficult parents and
how to come to decisions
that have the best
interests of the child in

Superb Facility
- Our school offers not
only modern, well
equipped classrooms
but science and
technology labs, and a
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sports hall and

extensive playing fields

3. Choose a recent strategy your company has adopted and make an analysis of
this based on the ten steps of strategy formulation.

Strategy: Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Step 1: ● The BE-LCP lays down the direction for basic education in the
coming school year. Implementation specifics will be embodied in
appropriate guidelines, rules or directives, and operationalized
through programs, projects and activities.

Step 2: ● Protect the health, safety and well-being of learners, teachers and
personnel, and prevent the further transmission of COVID-19;
● Ensure learning continuity through K-12 curriculum adjustments,
alignment of learning materials, deployment of multiple learning
delivery modalities, provision of corresponding training for
teachers and school leaders, and proper orientation of parents or
guardians of learners;
● Facilitate the safe return of teaching and non-teaching personnel
and learners to workplaces and schools, taking into consideration
the scenarios projected by the Department of Health (DOH) and
the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging
Infectious Diseases in the Philippines (IATF), complemented by
other credible sources, and balanced with DepEd’s own risk
● Be sensitive to equity considerations and concerns, and endeavor
to address them the best we can; and
● Link and bridge the BE-LCP to DepEd’s pivot to quality and into
the future of education, under the framework of Sulong
EduKalidad and Futures Thinking in Education.

Step 3;
● School personnel have ● COVID-19 case surge. The
internet connectivity rising number of cases of
● internal stakeholders COVID-19 infections on a
signified their willingness in daily basis in the
providing materials to be community is a serious
used by learners during the concern as there are
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conduct of any applicable limited facilities and

alternative learning delivery personnel.
mode ● External stakeholder
● Early implementation of clamor on their education
continuous capability background and capacity
building for teachers to and capability in serving as
address their needs teachers to their child.
through Webinar ● Dependence on internet
● Ongoing development of connectivity, expensive
ADM modules in all subject resources, and stress.
areas for learners to use ● Insufficient number of DCP
covering first to fourth tablets in the districts to
quarter of SY 2020-2021 in lend to learners and the
digitized and printed copies difficulty of meeting 1:1
● Continuous professional tablet-learner ration.
development offered by ● Limited actual face to face
private institutions, state monitoring of schools on
universities, and other areas of curriculum and
DepEd partners for governance due to the
teachers via distance imposed GCQ or ECQ
learning guidelines
● Alternative learning delivery ● Economic status of parents
may result in flexible with no stable source of
scheduling of classes and income brought about by
closer monitoring of ECQ and GCQ may not be
learners by teachers. able to provide the
sufficient materials, ICT
gadgets etc of their child.

● Orientation of parents, ● Primarily, if the signal is
teachers, learners about weak or intermittent in the
data consumption, area, online learning is not
utilization of online a possibility limiting options
materials that require data, for mode of teaching. The
safety precautions, child teacher may have to make
protection policies, data use of printed modules and
privacy and others strengthen partnership with
● Teachers are willing to parents in the distribution
engage in the development and retrieval of modules
and provision of Learning ● Accounting section shall
Resources to learners check the SOBs if the
appropriate to the different schools preferred printed
modalities modules and yet, the
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● Profiling of potential materials to be bought are

teachers and engaging different.
them productively may also ● ICTS provides authentic
be subject to recognition and official data
and rewards. determining the
● Setting of parameters, connectivity of schools as
guidelines, safety nets, to texting, calls,
precautionary measures to messenger, FB, email.
safeguard children against ● Strengthen partnership with
the threat of cyberbullying, telecommunication
cybercrime, mental health. companies. Parent and
teacher conferences on the
conduct of blended and
home study approach is a
must for teacher or the

Step 4: ● Insufficient number of printers issued in the schools. The least

ratio 1:2 and at most 1:3 ratio of printer to teacher uses. This is
very relevant in the printing and reproduction of modules for
distribution and use of learners.
● For alternative learning delivery the school MOOE may not be
enough to cover cost of reproduction of printed modules and data
load or internet connection for teachers

Step 5: ● Outstanding Educational Care

● Broad and Innovative Curriculum
● Highest Quality Teaching
● Use of Technology
● Superb Facility

Step 6: ● Curriculum development for improved delivery and instruction and

● Improving the learning environment to develop learner’s full
● Teachers and school leaders upskilling and reskilling to improve
● Engagement of Stakeholders for support and collaboration

Step 7: ● Ensure efficient implementation of the MELC across grade levels

and learning areas
● Set feasible mechanisms that would provide guidance in bridging
equitable access to education through multiple means of teaching
and learning
● Ensure that SHS graduates are ready for further education,
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entrepreneur-ship or work
● Institutiona-lize an inclusive, safe, motivating learning
environment appropriate to the needs of all types of learners
● Support the physical, mental, and over-all well-being of learners
● Facilitate the availability of appropriate learning materials and
technology support
● Guarantee the delivery of an integrated and needs-based
capability building intervention accessible to all teachers, school
heads, and school stakeholders
● Support the welfare and well-being of teaching and non-teaching
● Develop and implement career progression opportunities
● Institutiona-lize responsive engagement for education
● Develop sustainable strategies and mechanisms for partnership
● Advocate the Learning Continuity Operational Plan for support

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