My Field Study Experience: Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences, & Technology
My Field Study Experience: Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences, & Technology
My Field Study Experience: Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences, & Technology
Prepared by:
Thus, this projects that future educators but be geared with knowledge,
attitude, and competence in pursuit to quality education to be rendered towards
the learners.
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 68 kgs
Sex: Male
Citizenship: Filipino
Roden F. Manliguis
The first time I step foot in this field made me understood that teachers are
not the same with each other. I sometimes, criticized other teacher for not doing
the same thing as other teacher did. I compared the way they were teaching the
way they approached and the way they behaved.
I always think that teacher must have the same discipline approach, so as
teaching approach so that I could learned into my own personal benefit without
looking others. Learning for me back then was an alone activity that must be
done without other people. I always have that mindset that I must be accountable
with my learning, and my classmates won’t matter anymore.
But, good thing I am gradually changing. The fact that this journey made
me realized that a school must be a room for positive and a room to see the
potential of the learners and transform them into optimum level. A classroom that
would encourage them to be themselves, no bias, judgments, and prejudices. A
classroom that is inclusive and welcoming to every learner who wanted to
changed there lives and be functional members of this community.
Moreover, I understand that teaching is not an easy task, the future of the
learners lies in the hands of the teachers. I admit that being a teacher is
somewhat scary and challenging, but it motivates me be better that who I am in
yesterday. I am excited to integrate and pour my learnings to my future learners,
and I am looking into the possibility of applying my philosophy into the academe.
Thus, this gives me the platform to realize that this is truly a calling. A call
to provide the best learning practices to my students. A call to see their
respective potentials and help them to carry it out into the optimum level. A call to
have venue, where I can great differences to give an inclusive and friendly
environment to my students and to the community as well.
BSEd English 4A
Learning Task 1
Name: Erano D. Dela Torre, MAEd.
School Affiliated: Kapalong National High School
Years in Service: 7 years
Question No. 1: Are you aware of the action research process?
Yes, I am aware of the process especially in identifying the problem and
identifying the receiver of the action research and testing process, and drawing
the conclusion.
Question No. 2: What prompted you to conduct action research?
Of course, there are problem, there are problems in teaching and learning
process. Question No. 3: What are your action research topics?
About students’ performance on Grade 8. So, in our research topic, we
identified the performance rate, that indicator, in the performance of the students
in Grade 8 specifically in Science subject. During the process, one of the
identified problems is the time constraints in teaching the subject. The test
revealed that the time for teacher’s lesson proper may not be enough and cannot
suffice the knowledge of students especially in the totality of the concept of their
topic. Thus, it is a contributory factor in the learner’s performance in the said
Question No. 4: Do you have enough time to conduct action research?
To be honest, we don’t have enough time since teachers’ time are
jampacked/scheduled. If we have enough time – we may realize or materialize
the results of the action research and it can be given time to polish the efficient
and effective of the said research.
Question No. 5: Are there incentives for teachers who conducted action
Yes, there are incentives but not in monetary value. Of course, it can be
used for promotion purposes – that’s the basic thing the teachers can get… and
of course the certificates.
Question No. 6: How did action research enhance students’ learning?
After the research has been conducted, and it is being identified that there
must be a thorough time management of the teacher in conducting the lesson.
The teaching and learning process are being identified and because of that, their
performance can be improved. So, there’s a proof why Grade 8’s performance is
low as it is being conducted by yours truly.
Question No. 7: How did action research improve your teaching practices?
One of the factors affecting the research are not just the students but also
the teachers. We made an idea wherein in every part of the lesson plan are also
equipped with timeframe so teachers will not be stuck as he/she can finish the
lesson for an hour. Thus, he/she can cover the part of the lessons to be
discussed. Aside from putting the timeframe, the teacher can be efficient and
effective in teaching on that day because they meet the competency, as well as
the learners, where they have grasped the concept being taught in that day.
Question No. 8: How did you disseminate the results of your action
We have inserted the inset in the month of October, and we presented it.
After presenting in the division wide research congress, we have also conducted
the school wide like the action research, we conducted per subject area, we
tapped the science teachers on how to solve the performance of the Grade 8
learners based on the given results of the action research.
Narrative Report on INT-1
A recent study has been conducted by Mr. Erano Dela Torre, MAEd.,
where it focuses on Grade 8 Learners’ Performance on Learning Science, as well
as assessing the efficacy and efficiency rate on both teachers and learners on
the said endeavor. This information has been extracted through the use of
Facebook Messenger application with the informed consent given to the said
teacher on September 10, 2021.
Onto the incentives, it does not involve monetary value but of promotional
purposes only. The conduct of the action research is said to allow the school
community to be involved in solving the problems in the part of teachers,
students, and staffs and allowing the quality of education to flourish within their
environment. Money may be used but for the greater good, but teachers received
honorarium in certificates provided that he/she contributed to the effectivity of
school’s action researches.
Teachers also are made aware of the constraints/gap of the study which
allowed them to resolve these through specific actions like attaching timeframe in
their lesson plans. Aside from that, they were able to consider their strategy in
their teaching techniques which can be crucial for their efficacy and efficiency in
the actual learning environment.
Platforms such as research congress, be it division-wide or school-wide
activity, were made mentioned in disseminating the information for further
awareness in this problem. Other modes of interactive solution were also given to
specific subject teachers so that they can be part in eradicating the problems in
the given action research.
With these in hand, the informal interview has been finished. The time
spent by the teacher in answering all the questions was 7 minutes and 8
Question No. 5: Are there incentives for teachers who conducted action
Yes. And one of these is through Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
Question No. 7: How did action research improve your teaching practices?
Action research serves as gauge for my plans to have a meaningful and
engaging teaching-learning process.
Question No. 8: How did you disseminate the results of your action
Through DepEd Action Research forum and conventions.
Narrative Report on INT-2
On October 10, 2021, the response of Mr. Jerry Ben V. Sasam on the said
interview has been sent via Facebook Messenger in the format of text only.
Herewith, the same questions were answered: (1) awareness of the action
research process, (2) prompt to conduct the said research, (3) research
topics, (4) sufficiency of time to conduct, (5) incentives, (6) enhancement
on the part of their learners, (7) improvement on the teaching practices; and
(8) platforms to disseminate the action research.
All of the answers were short and concise especially that Mr. Sasam, like
any other teachers, is busy as well with his working endeavors. Like the first
interviewee, his answer in the question number one is favored by his years in
service. Prompting for the next question, he answered that there are
problems/needs to be addressed, losses to fulfil, and issues and concerns to be
Meanwhile, the incentive that has been used was from the Basic
Education Sector Reform Agenda (BERSA). This program, with the aid of
Department of Education, aims to pursue a package of policy reforms that as a
whole seeks to systematically improve critical regulatory, institutional, structural,
financial, cultural, physical, and informational conditions affecting basic education
provision, access and delivery on ground.
Question No. 5: Are there incentives for teachers who conducted action
I cannot speak in general because I believe in some schools, they do have
incentives, but on my case, nothing… but I was recognized though.
Question No. 7: How did action research improve your teaching practices?
I was able to touch topics that I never discussed before, it made me more
open and knowledgeable and more effective as a teacher.
Question No. 8: How did you disseminate the results of your action
By implementing the program in school and by displaying the hardbound
copy of the research in the library so that students and teachers can read it.
Narrative Report on INT-3
With regards to incentives, his time and effort has been recognized by the
school itself. He did not elaborate further the specific actions done by their school
community. Meanwhile, his action research made the students more aware and
responsible to the role of genders in the society. They are also seen to be
respect gender orientation and preference of other people.
Taking the part as a teacher, he was able to touch topics that has never
been discussed before, it made him more open and knowledgeable and more
effective as a teacher. On the other hand, he disseminated this information
through implementing the program in their school and by displaying the
hardbound copy of the research in the library.
Although the discussion failed to provide in-depth information but it is safe
to say that Mr. Buagas has been an asset of research studies on the said school.
Question No. 5: Are there incentives for teachers who conducted action
Yes. DepEd can help a teacher with his/her research financially if he/she
pass the screening process. Also, conducting research will help teachers to get a
Question No. 6: How did action research enhance students’ learning?
Action research allows students to use their skills to find solutions for
existing problems themselves.
Question No. 8: How did you disseminate the results of your action
By presenting it to the stakeholders or during seminars conducted by the
Narrative Report INT-4
For the enhancement on the part of their learners, action research allows
students to use their skills to find solutions for existing problems themselves. As
to their part as a teacher, it helps him to have a better viewpoint to certain
The dissemination of the results of action research, as he stated, that it
can be presented to the stakeholders or during seminars conducted by the
Question No. 5: Are there incentives for teachers who conducted action
Yes. I think it falls under BERSA. Although we don’t receive allowance but
it is crucial to the addition of our credentials.
Question No. 8: How did you disseminate the results of your action
Through Division Wide Research endeavors. We also have a drive
through the awareness and promotion of SPA during enrolment, so I shared this
once in front of aspiring SPA students.
Narrative Report on INT-5
Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BERSA) was also the pre-need
plans offered by DepEd Tagum especially to those who proceeded to indulge in
Action Researches in their school. Some may not able to get the quota but with
or without monetary compensation, this work guaranteed to safekeep the
credentials at the time of their promotion.
Yes. All of them are aware and knowledgeable about the research culture. Most
of them approach the questions differently yet all have expertise with the said
culture. Meanwhile, the subject areas they taught builds up the foundation of their
action research topics allowing them to be more self-sufficient in handling the
endeavor given to them. Meanwhile, their schools are doing their best to
encourage these and other teachers to conduct said researches in the future.
Yes. All of them are aware. They also have already conducted their own action
research which allowed them all to answer the questions at ease. Moreover, their
ability to conduct are in their grasp since the topics they focused are crucial and
relevant in today’s educational endeavors. These does not only contribute to their
school community following that they also presented their topics in different
platforms including division wide research congress/seminars.
3. How did action research improve the teaching and learning practices in
the school?
4. What are the things that could be done to encourage the teachers to
conduct action research?
First, by letting their schools to embrace the research culture and its embedded
information as to how their community be improved based on the needs given by
people in it. It will allow them to open up with different ideas crucial to the
improvement of the school, the teachers, students, and the parents. Second,
through immersing to research seminars and other action research activities by
the teachers involved in the schools. This basic stepping stone can prompt their
abilities to know the edge of their learnings and test their skills whether they have
learned something in the process. Lastly, by participating and aiding those
teachers who have done the action researches, be it in their schools or others.
This can be done through interviews in light to the process or even after
identifying the problems in their community. Thus, allowing them to have the
conceptual background of the research itself. These three in hand are the basics
in letting the teachers be involved in the conduct. It is always their choice, in their
passion, their time, and their abilities, to push further whether they are to be
involved or not.
Learning Task 2
John Carl C. Collado
BSED English 4A
Learning Task 3
School Programs
The programs and policies that resulted from it is that all identified
nonreaders will utilize this tool first before proceeding to formal
modular classes.
School Policies
It is also the school policy that once the learner is non-reader, they
will not proceed to the next grade level or no read no pass policy.
Through this action research also parents who are illiterate were able
to read because they also utilize the tool so they can also read.
Name of Principal: Mrs. Charisse P. Paragoso, EdD.
School Programs
School Policies
BSED English 4A
Learning Task 4
Direction: Analyze previous action research, just search sample action research
in the internet. Then, look at the alignment between the following parts of the
The researcher
asked permission to Research
the school head to Instrument The
conduct study on instrument used
increasing the in the study were
awareness in the 15 – item
global warming of pretest and the
the pupils posttest. The
through the instrument was
use of infographic self-maid by the
materials. teacher. The
In this study, the items of the test
researchers were taken from
gathered the data the content of the
through the pretest infographic
and posttest. The materials which
pretest was are aligned in
administered by the Grade 5
researcher to the Science K-12
Grade 5 pupils. It curriculum issued
was followed by by the
utilization of the Department of
“Present Engage- Education.
Build Utilization Validation of the
Technique”. The instrument was
infographic done by the
materials were master teacher in
gradually introduced Calauag West
by the research District.
during the Science
class. The utilization
of the materials ran
for 3 days.
After the “Present
Technique” have
fully administered
and used the
research conducted
the posttest. The
compared the mean
of the pretest and
posttest to
determine if there
was a significant
difference of the
means of the pupils.
Pretest- Posttest
design is the
prepared method to
compare participant
group and measure
the degree of
change occurring as
a result of treatment
or intervention
Treatment of
The statistical
treatment of data
used in the study
M= ∑M
M = mean of
the pupils’ score
∑M =sum of
pupils’ score
N =total
number of pupils
x1¯x1¯ = Mean of
first set of values
x2¯x2¯ = Mean of
second set of values
S1 = Standard
deviation of first set
of values S2 =
Standard deviation
of second set
of values
n1 = Total number of
values in first
set n2 = Total
number of values in
second set.
be formulated
to improve
Learning Task 5
With schools across the United States, concerns are being raised
about the quality of instruction that English learners-students whose
English proficiency affects their ability to meaningfully participate in
schools face significant barriers to academic success. English learners
and teachers are definitely struggling a lot (Parker, 2020).
In the Philippines, emerging difficulties in English speaking has
alarmed many ESL teachers. These problems ranged from lack of
linguistic competence, as well as psycho-social fears of speaking across
different communication tasks. Educators are also facing difficulties on
how to solve this problems amid new normal learning. (Separa,
Generales, & Medina, 2020).
Bruce, A. (2019). Oral communication and its importance to students. New York:
Stanford University. Retrieved from
Lee, H., & Norris, L. (2017). Mobile learning revolution: implications for language
pedagogy. Oxford: Wiley & Sons.
Parker, C. (2020). How is the pandemic affecting english learners. United States
of America: Educational Development Center. Retrieved from
Separa, L., Generales, L., & Medina, R. (2020). Situational speaking difficulties
of english as second language learners in the philippines. Philippines:
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. Retrieved from
Learning Task 6
Despite the pandemic, the problems in the internet connection, and the
limited transactions of messages in the virtual room, the day has been productive
as it was officially adjourned at exactly 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon. As part of
the virtual program’s tradition, students gave their impression on Mr. Royo in the
way he used his expertise to teach the students of KCAST even at the expense
of his time. Respectively, the fourth year students, as well as Mrs. Muegna, and
the resource speaker left the room.
Narrative Report on Lesson Planning Webinar-Workshop
The webinar predisposes the crucial role of lesson planning the classroom
setting. Accordingly, it is the guide for a more meaningful and successful
interaction in teaching-learning process. This means that lesson plan is an
organization of what the teachers do in order to maintain their students’ attention
while being effective in their field. Without preparing one, the class will surely fail
its lesson proper.
Mrs. Flores further gave the information about the said topic throughout
the session. As for the webinar’s outline, to give awareness on what the students
should expect, the speaker differentiated three namely: acquainting with the
lesson plan; creating of lesson plan; and of appreciating the lesson plan in the
October 18, 2021 – 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Monday, the teacher education
department specifically the Generalist, major in Mathematics, Filipino, and
English held its first webinar series on Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching-
Learning to Actual Schools on the Deped Forms together with the course
instructor Deveyvon L. Espinosa, MAEd., and Zenellien B. Hermano, MAEM. as
the resource speaker via Zoom Conferencing Technology.
The objective of the first webinar was to identify the different forms
namely: School Form 1 – School Register, SF 2 – Learner’s Daily Class
Attendance, SF 3 – Books Issued and Returned, SF 4 – Monthly Learner’s
Movement and Attendance, SF 5 – Report on Promotion, SF 6 – Summary
Report on Promotion, SF 7- Inventory of School Personnel, SF 8 – Learner Basic
Health Profile, SF 9 – Learner Progress Report Card, and SF 10 – Learner
Progress Report Card. All of these school forms are crucial to the duty of
teachers both in public and private sectors of education.
Although the session was limited to virtual system, the speaker was
hopeful to see the faces of the participants in a face-to-face transaction. Another
constraint being managed to solved was the active participation of the students.
Since it was expected that there will be a fluctuation in the internet connection, it
was a challenge for all to participate without having to experience the said
The resource speaker pointed out the vital information for the Classroom
Management such that the techniques and strategies for a teacher to regulate
the class. These were done to improve classroom behaviour, build relationships,
and foster classroom environment. Specifically, Mr. Gubac divided the details
from modelling of ideal behaviour; establishing guidelines; documenting of rules;
avoiding negative reinforcements; and encouraging the positive ones.
Unlike the first strategy where it generally focused on the wholeness of the
class, he also pointed on the individuality of learners. Accordingly, it can be done
through interviewing of students, addressing inappropriate or off-task behaviour
quickly, and consideration of peer teaching. These were important to create and
sustain orderly learning environment in the class, improve meaningful academic
learning and fosters social-emotional growth, and increase students’ academic
engagement and lowering of negative classroom behaviour.
Instructional strategies were also given like making of exit tickets as well
as journals and logs. Possible questions were also posed as guidelines in
equipping specific strategies for its effectiveness in actual teaching-learning
Right before the end, Mr. Gubac posed that learning is fun if the teacher
has the ability to entertain and inform his/her students as well. It is indeed true to
most experience due to the decline on students’ interest and motivation in
learning. Teachers have to create their own strategies to foster positive and
interactive environment of learning for the students.
Impressions were also given by students like Jade Roi Largo (Generalist),
Aimae Socorin (English), Janine Asuncion (Mathematics), and Dave Floyd Largo
(Filipino) to the efforts and time poured by the speaker. With the photo
opportunity and ending statement coming from the host, Joanna Mariz Abuda, all
participants left the virtual room at exactly 12 o’clock in the afternoon.
The role of the teacher in this set-up must provoke students’ curiosity and
intrinsic motivation to learn; establish a safe, supportive, and positive learning
environment for them; encourage cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity;
encourage cooperation among all of them; act as a classroom facilitator; make
students feel appreciated; communicate; and have a long and short term plans.
Meanwhile, the learners must adhere to the four C’s of 21 st century skills
of education. First, as the critical think that solves problem be it external and
internal problems existing between themselves in the class. Second, as a
communicator that understand and communicates ideas with their classmates.
Third, as a collaborator that works effectively with other students. Lastly, as a
creator that produces high quality of work at all times.
These 21st century skills are more important to learners-teachers since it
provide a framework for successful learning-teaching in the classroom. Also,
these ensure them that they can thrive in a world where learning never stops.