Material Science Professor S. K. Gupta Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Lecture No 4 Crystal Geometry
Material Science Professor S. K. Gupta Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Lecture No 4 Crystal Geometry
Material Science Professor S. K. Gupta Department of Applied Mechanics Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Lecture No 4 Crystal Geometry
Professor S. K. Gupta
Department of Applied Mechanics
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Lecture No 4
Crystal Geometry
Friends in the last class we talked about the space lattice in the crystal geometry and today we
shall start with the crystal structures and then move on to the crystal directions and planes in
three-dimensional crystals.
Now this basis is the simplest if I have only one atom in it I do not have to define anything
except saying it is a copper atom or it is an iron atom or it is a zinc atom, so I have to just
specify that the kind and the number is only one becomes very easy but once the uhh moment
I have 2, 3 or more number of atoms in the group which is sitting on every lattice point or
associated with every lattice point I need to define number of things, I need to define number
of atoms and their kind, I need to define the spacing between those atoms that is internuclear
spacing how the group is arranged?
Then how this group is oriented in three-dimensional space? Let us say what I mean the
orientation would become clear to you after I show you some pictures. I have this group
which forms lattices joining the centres a figure like this or a triangle. If this triangle arranged
like this or this triangle is arranged like this in space that is what I mean by orientation. That
is what you have to see, so we have to understand the orientation in space that we shall see
with the help of simple examples.
(Refer Slide Time: 4:30)
Here I show you a very simple example of a simple cubic space lattice, lattice points are at
the 8 corners of the cube and I associate one atom on every lattice point and I get crystal unit
cell like this see. If I associate with the same space lattice set of 2 atoms or group of 2 atoms
the motif contains 2, one is this atom the other one this, this is associated with each lattice
point in the same orientation and the spacing between the 2 atoms centre to centre distance is
also the same. Centre to centre distance between them is same everywhere and the line
joining this centre to centre if you see the orientation three-dimensional space is the same.
As a matter of fact it is possible for me to join the centre of smallest spears make another unit
cell which is identical to the already down unit cell. So I need to define when we have 2 this
is atom of one kind this is the atom of the 2nd kind I have to name them it could be a copper
atom this could be a zinc atom, okay. Then I have defined the distance between them well for
that I shall explain to you that these atoms while trying to understand the crystal structure we
are going to assume that they are hard spears.
Though we know from the knowledge of chemistry that there is a nucleus around which their
number of electronic orbits and this electronic orbits are not solids in the sense they are
compressible electron clouds they can be extended too but we shall assume these to be hard
spears for understanding the crystal structure, the periodic arrangement and whenever it
comes we will try to know that just it is not a hard spear. So this is the internuclear spacing is
defined and then orientation in space is got to be defined, alright. I shall show you another
arrangement where the 2 atoms of there associated with every lattice points but the
orientation in space is different, internuclear spacing is different, crystal we get is different.
(Refer Slide Time: 7:33)
See the same thing in here the same unit cell shown here, now the 2 atoms arrange
internuclear spacing is half the body diagonal of the cube and the orientation is along the
body diagonal of the cube, this crystal looks very different from the previous one though
there are only 2 atoms associated with every lattice point. Here you will ask me where is the
2nd atom associated for this it has to go to the next unit cell from there I have to go to another
unit cell, each corner I have to go to another unit cell to find that and this form a different
crystal altogether though I still have the 2 atoms forming the motif but the motif is different it
is oriented in space differently I get a different crystal like this one example could be that of
CCM chloride, this could be the CCM ion sitting here at the body center and these are the
chloride ion sitting, I got a CCM chloride crystal like this, so we see that motif or the basis
the group of atoms as to be associated with every lattice point I get a crystal, right?
(Refer Slide Time: 9:14)
Well as I already said the simplest of the arrangement could be in the motif only one atom
and 2, 3, 4 they are going to form a little more difficult motif but there is one element from
group 7 which is manganese, it shows number of allotropic form one of them is alpha
manganese at room temperature this space lattice is body centric cubic and there are 29 atoms
in the motif, 29 not 1, 2 or 3. The 2nd form of the manganese, the body centric cubic uhh sorry
the beta manganese form the space lattices is simple cubic and there are 20 atoms sitting on
the motif but if I go to some of the polymeric crystals or maybe protein crystals there could
be 10,000 20,000 atoms in the motif or more complex structures, we shall restrict ourselves to
common materials which we are using and they have one or 2 atoms in the basis usually and
the motif is simple will be able to understand that.
Now talking about the hard spears we define the diameter as the distance of nearest approach,
so for example I just showed you one unit cell let me show you another one. Here the atoms,
this is let us say a BCC space lattice and I have this motif as 1 iron atom it is sitting 1 iron
atom is sitting at each lattice point which are at the 8 corners and one body center there,
right? So this becomes BCC iron crystal. The distance of nearest approach is not atom from
one corner to another corner but one atom from the corner to the body center that is the
shortest distance between the 2 iron atoms and this distance is half the body diagonal.
The lattice parameter of the unit cell is a under root 3 by 2 of a, this is equal to the diameter
or the twice the radius of iron atom that is what I mean when I consider them to be hard
spears, however like the example I showed for CCM chloride this atom is different from the
other one then the radius of his plus the radius of that channel becomes half the body
diagonal, again that is the meaning of the hard spears, I considered them to be hard spears,
okay so that you understand the crystal structures well.
Alright with this knowledge of the crystal structures and the arrangement of points in three-
dimensional space, now I am interested in looking at the directions after the points in
geometry you are always taught the lines but instead of lines here I am interested in direction.
Direction is a line right but it has an orientation which we always show with the help of an
arrow it will show the sense of direction if I show the arrow, okay. So we give the names of
these directions in crystal and these names are called Miller Indices.
We give names to all a little directions in the same orientation or same sense one name, all
parallel directions which may be there in a crystal pointing in one particular direction they are
given one name. If they are pointing in the opposite direction name would be opposite, what
is that opposite? We shall see that, for this how we go about is the 1 st of all choose the origin
and the choice of the origin is arbitrary, normally we put the origin at the lattice point and if
there is a unit cell which could have one lattice point per unit cell, 2 lattice points or 4 lattice
points depending on where the lattice point is I can choose my original.
This choice is arbitrary and left to the user, okay and you can…same crystal understanding
one problem and the other problem you can shift your origin or trying to know one direction
and the other direction you can shift the origin of the axis and their sense once you choose
you will not change otherwise you will lose the relationship between various directions, okay.
So therefore axis and their sense once you choose again the choice is arbitrary at once you
have chosen you will not change them or looking at the problems of the same crystal, okay.
Well let us say I choose the 3 elections a, b, c here and that is my origin, right this is how I
choose my 3 directions a, b, c the fundamental lattice transition vector would be from the
origin up to the end of the unit cell that distances one unit from here to there that is one unit.
It could be 3.5 Angstrom, it could be 4.2 Angstrom depending on what space lattice it is, what
is a, b what is c? It need not be 1 Angstrom, it need not be 1 centimetre, it need not be 1
millimetre mind it, it is a unit of distance along the direction a in the space lattice and that is
from one lattice point to the next in that direction and that is my unit distance here. Similarly
the unit distance origin to b is here unit distance from this to this is there, these are my unit
distances along a, b and c, right that is important because we will be talking about these unit
distances 1, 2, 3. Then in the unit cell if I had point I can always define the position
coordinates of a point, so for example origin what are the position coordinates of the origin?
0, 0, 0 but my order is always a, b and c.
Let us say for example want to find out what is the position coordinates of this point let us
call this point uhh x, it is going to be 1, 0, 0 that is the position coordinates. Similarly I want
to find the position coordinates of this point let us call this point p, it is going to be 1, 1 and 1
those are the position coordinates of the point anywhere in the unit cell it is possible for me to
find out. Let us say to find out the centre of the front face, what are the position coordinates
of this along a I have to 1 along b it is half long c also it is half those are the position
coordinates, is it clear? Right.
Alright let us having done that let us try to find out the Miller indices of a direction. I will
show you the 2 ways in which we can work with it, I have the direction in this unit cell which
is given here or let us say I am interested in finding out the name for the direction let us call it
PQ I am interested in finding out with action PQ, so the one-way of doing this is let the tail
coincide with the origin this can be done in 2 ways either I shift the direction parallel to itself
and let it pass through the origin like the one I have shown here let us call this direction O
and this is what we call it R. OR is the same direction PQ have simply has shifted parallel and
passes through the origin, okay or another way is you push your origin at P to coincide with
the tail of the direction arrow. Arrow has a tail and the head, so and then we can try to work
out the name of this but however as I said you have to choose the uhh sense of the axis which
are there let us call them a, b and c alright.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:26)
Let us go to the this is what after shifting it is, the position and I have called this as a I have
called this direction a this direction b and this direction c and that is my origin. I have to
determining the position coordinates of the head of the arrow, what a great position
coordinates of the head of the arrow? On a you are going distance half, on b you are going
distance 1 and on distance c you are going again half distance. Since the tail is at the origin
reduced them to the smallest integers in the same proportion becomes 1, 2 and 1 enclose
these in the square brackets where the Miller indices of this direction OR (())(22:39) that is
the name of the direction OR and the crystal is 1 2 1 and unknown indices are always written
as hkl you do not write xyz.
Axis we are not using xyz, indices are called hkl unknown indices and the 3 directions which
choose as a, b and c other than xyz. Generally xyz you get the connotation of Cartesian
system, in crystals we do not have always the Cartesian system, Cartesian system of axis will
be working if I have a cube, it will not work even if I have a tetragon because a is equal to b
but not equal to c, so Cartesian system is not working there. In Cartesian system ijk all 3 unit
vectors are equally in magnitude, in my case they are not in crystals therefore we are using
abc rather than xyz.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:56)
Well for the same direction again actually the direction I said was P to Q which I shifted from
O to R I want to find out this direction actually. Now I do not want you to pass it to the origin
or shift the origin rather I ask you to find out the position coordinates of the head, position
coordinates of the tail and subtract they position coordinates of the tail from those of the
head, let us see what we get?
In this case this is my origin again a, b and c, now the position coordinates of the head uhh
which is Q is 1, 1, and 1 and position coordinates of the point P are half 0 and half if I
subtract the position coordinate tail from those of the head I get 1 minus half is half, 1 minus
0 is 1 and 1 minus half is half and I have to convert them into integers in the same proportion
and close their main square brackets I get 1, 2, 1 and here another thing which I am to say
that between 1 to 1 I did not put any separator no comma no colon this is required only when
I have some irrational directions which may have 2 digits say for example 2 11 3.
So if I have to ride 2 11 and 3 unless I separate them like this or I simply write it like this
somebody can read it as 21 1 3 somebody can read it as 2 1 13, so to be clear we use this
separator otherwise we do not use the separators when they are usually single digit, right and
most of the times we have this kind of directions where we do not have to use the separators.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:47)
Let us look at direction 2 bar 2 1, now I have to well what is this bar business here? So far I
have showed you the direction where a, b, c components were positive, now if any of the
components become negative then we do not show this negative by putting minus in front of
the in this index rather putting that minus on top of the index and call it bar like minus is at
before the integer, here also the bar is read before the integer, so I read it as 2 bar 2 1, 2 bar 2
1 alright, so let us again use the same origin here a, b I am not changing the sense of the axis
for this but now I want to know where is this direction 2 bar 2 1, firstly the unit cell cannot
have any distance in terms of the position coordinates 2, it can be maximum 1, so I must
reduce this indices to maximum being 1 but in the same proportion that becomes 1, minus 1
and half but these are not indices.
Starting from origin I must locate a point which have the coordinates 1, minus 1 and half. If I
do that I will go or of the unit cell now minus half on be I shall have to go onto the left I will
have to go out of the unit cell in this direction, so what I do is I shifted my origin without
changing the sense of the axis, I keep my origin somewhere here, if I take my origin there this
is the b axis, this is the a axis and this is the c axis, now let us find out the position coordinate
of a point 1 minus 1 and half, 1on a is here minus half minus 1 on b will be there and plus
half on c will be here that is the middle point of this axis and therefore I joint it from this to
the origin and show the arrow like this that is the direction 2 bar 2 1, is it clear? Now tell me
what is this direction? Now I am asking the problem the other way round have showed you
an earlier example… Pardon.
Student: (())(30:07)
Look starting this if I put my origin here on a I am travelling plus 1 on b I am travelling
minus 1 on c I do not travel at all, so this direction is 1 bar 1 0, good (())(30:27) so you can
work out more example like that.
Right, then in the crystals we have family of directions, family by family what I mean is a
direction which looks physically identical to another direction and not parallel to it if it is
parallel is the same direction. Look physically identical but not parallel say for example I talk
of a face centred cubic crystal alright, in face centred cubic crystal item look at the face
diagonal, the distance between 2 atoms you will find as a minimum distances between 2
lattice points, it has the minimum distance between atoms is the diameter, it looks something
like this, it looks something like this and one of the face diagonal I just showed you is of the
kind 1 1 0 and the one which we have named was 1 bar 1 0, you can also find out something
0 1 1.
All this face diagonals will be looking like this, are they parallel? They are not. I will just
show you again a simple… This is a cube I just show you the front face of the FCC, this is
one diagonal that is another diagonal and as per the definition this is the smallest distance
between the 2 neighbours, so the spears must be touching actually they must be bigger than
that, okay that is how it looks like, so this direction which I am talking about the diagonal or
it is this diagonal or it is that diagonal they will all look like this they all form a family then it
is a family, we represent it not like this we represent it by caret and within the caret we put
indices of anyone of them.
Anyone of the members I can put the indices inside the caret it represents all the family, now
how many members do you think in a cube would be there which are the face diagonals. On
this face I have 2 but this is an opposite one, this is an opposite one, so this will become 4 if I
look all of them so there will be 12 members 4 of these, 4 on this face like this and 4 on the
top face they will all look alike out of these 6 are nonparallel remaining 6 are opposite of
these, why? And this if you try to expand is in a cube abc or equal abc can be permuted.
So 0 1 1 if you permute can become 1 0 1 it can become 1 1 0 that is how you have permuted
0, you can make one of them negative let us put it here can make one of them negative it is
like this or like that or similarly you can make the other one or you can make in the 2nd uhh in
the last one. Now you can make 2 of them negative, right is there only 2 once both of them
can be made negative like this how many I have made. This one is opposite to this, this one is
opposite to that, this one is opposite to this and if these are talking about the individual
directions I must put the spear (())(35:55) so on and so forth, right.
This I talked about one direction there could be another direction in the same crystal let us
talk about the edges of the FCC where atoms are not touching, this distances more than the
diameter and since I am considering them hard spears there is space between them, this space
can be small this space can be large landing on which direction am looking at, unless the
direction is like this or the direction could be some space or it could be something like this.
They are all different directions they will have different name characteristics of the crystals
in these different directions will be different that is why there is a need for us to give them
different names.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:19)
Alright, now let us have some examples of the family, I will take a simple one I have taken
already one the face diagonals another example we take of a family 1 0 0 and the permutation
the members are going to be 1 0 0, 0 1 0 and 0 0 1 and the opposite of these bar 1 0 0, 0 bar 1
0 and 0 0 bar 1, right. So if I again choose these as the origin that is my a axis, this is my b
axis this is my c axis whereas the 1st direction 1 0 0, this is the direction 1 0 0, right where is
the direction 0 1 0, this is the direction 0 1 0 and that is the direction 0 0 1. Now what is this
direction we will call it bar 1 0 0 as I said bar is to be ready before the digit, if I read it 1 bar
that means I am talking about the bar of the 2nd digit, so bar 1 0 0, okay. Like that you can
find out the rest of them, now after having uhh look at the directions, the families of direction
we shall look at the plains geometrical plains and the crystal.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:43)
In case of planes like in case of direction a set of equidistant planes uhh a set of equidistant
parallel planes, so equidistant the whole set is a set of parallel planes and they are at the same
time equidistant like say for example I talk of this set in a given crystal, this set and the
distance between the consecutive planes is let us say is d that distance is same into the next
but here the same set parallel in the same crystal but the distance is different, let us say it is d
by 2, so this said and this set will have slightly different name though they will be maybe
related names but they will be different. Set of parallel to distant planes is represented by set
of Miller indices, these are also called Miller indices, okay and of course on changing the
distance is assured here the name can change but if they are parallel to the name would be
related, okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:11)
Now for doing this what we do is again we choose the origin in the refer to unit cell again
choose the axis and their sense and the choice is arbitrary and then what we work out are the
intercepts made by the adjacent planes house origin is taken on one planes.
Say for example here there are 3 planes 1, 2 and 3 I choose the origin on the middle plane
then I find out the uhh after making the axis in the crystal what are the intercepts made by
this plane on those three axis or if I have chosen the origin here I find out the intercepts made
by this plane, right there will be slight difference in the name and we find out for this one and
that one because once the origin is here and the axis have been chosen if the intercepts made
by this is plus 1, intercepts made by that one will be minus 1, so if there is a plane hkl this
one is named as hkl this one would be named bar h bar k bar l but in our mind we know it is
we are talking about the same set of planes one is on one side of the origin other one is on the
other side of the origin and origin is taken on one plane, okay but I cannot find out the indices
of the plane on which I have chosen the origin because the plane is passing through the origin
it is not possible for me to find out the intercepts made by it on a axis, b axis and c axis is not
possible, is that clear?
So that is what uhh we are going to do, so intercept made by the adjacent lane are determined,
right. Alright let me choose a plane here and then we shall try to find out its intercepts okay
the plane let me choose is… In the crystal this is a plane alright and I choose my origin here
let us call this as the a axis now let me change my sense of the axis b here and let us call this
one c. I want to find out the intercepts made by this plane on a b and c, right. Alright so how
do you go about doing that, that is my origin, intercept made by this plane on the a axis is
how much 1 by 2, okay unit is again from 0 to 1 here. What is the intercept made by it on the
b axis, b axis lie on the plane it goes up to infinity, so it meets at plane at the infinity, okay. So
the intercept made on the b axis is infinity and what is the intercept made on the c axis? 1 so
this is half this is one and there it goes parallel, alright so let us go and see how we name this
(Refer Slide Time: 45:09)
Now once I found out the intercepts made again we write the order is same the axis 1 st, b axis
and then c axis, so all are (())(45:15). Alright so the 3 axis let us write down a b and c in that
order on a we found out the intercept to be half and on b the intercept we found it to be
infinity on the c the intercept we found it to be 1. 2 nd step is we have to take the reciprocals,
reciprocal of half is 2 reciprocal of infinity is 0 and reciprocal of 1 is 1. If these are integers
we do not do anything about it, if these are not integers we multiply by an integer to make
them integers and you multiply by this small possible integer which you can find out by
taking the (())(46:55), okay and then this are closed in parenthesis that is the name of this
plane which I have chosen 2 0 1, is that right? Name this plane as 2 0 1 alright but this is may
be an example for us to see the Miller indices of this plane let us do that.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:30)
I choose my origin again here let us call this as the what we call this uhh a axis we call here,
we call this as b axis we call this as the c axis alright now this is the plane which is chosen
assess through the origin, so I am a ship the origin to another plane parallel to it, okay. So
therefore let us take the origin uhh here, shift the origin sense of the axis is not changed, so
what intercepts does it make on a b and c now let us see from starting from the origin this
plane intercepts the a axis on plus 1, starting from this origin on the b it intercept here which
is minus 1. Starting from this origin on c it intercepts here which is plus 1 reciprocals one
minus 1 and 1 are the reciprocals these are already integers and minus will be capped on top
and read as it is 1 bar 1 1 and closing parenthesis, right.
So join these 2 intercepts and run parallel to c from there. I am sorry this is turn out to be just
a line this whole plane while you see that this plane is possible for me to show you much
better than this if I change the change the sense of the axis or the axis themselves, say for
example uhh I name let us call this one as c and this one as a let us make this change. Now if
I do this my origin will be here minus 1 intercept on a I shall go there plus 1 intercept on b I
shall go here and parallel to c I have to run to join these intercepts sorry run parallel to c from
here I am sorry I have to rub few lines here I can rub okay that is the plane I have, right so
this is the plane now you can see that plane or earlier it was just becoming a line you were not
able to see that because of the cube the way it has been drawn.
So this is depends upon how we are viewing it that is what we go about catching the plane
and that is bar 1 1 0 plane in the unit cell like we had the family of directions in the crystal we
also have family of planes there could be sets of parallel planes which are equidistant but not
parallel to each other but differently oriented in space in the crystal and then looking like or I
proceed there let me just talk about this in itself bar 1 1 0 and in this bar 1 1 0 let us talk about
an FCC one atom is here another atom is here in FCC and this is the face centres if I make
them little bigger one they can be made to touch like this.
So these are the arrangement of atoms in the bar 1 1 0 plane in FCC. Similarly let us look at a
plane in the same unit cell this 1 1 0 which is 1 1 0 here intercepts by 1 on a 1 on b infinity on
c again intercepts starting from this origin 1 is a here 1 is b there so it will be a plain like this.
In here the atoms are arranged beside this face center they are arranged here, so if I look at
the 2 planes both the planes look like this, this distances is equal to lattice parameter a this
distance is a face diagonal equal to under root 2 of a is a rectangle and atoms are arranged
these locations sorry, for the reason for clarity I am not making them uhh touch otherwise
they will become very clumsy, so this is the arrangement whether is a bar 1 1 0 plane or it is a
1 1 0 plane you will see the same story if the plane is 0 1 1 or the plane is 1 0 bar 1 or any
other member of the family. This is what we call a family they are not parallel but the
arrangement of atom is same the physically identical plane, so characteristics of the crystal on
these planes will be similar.
So family of planes is what we call them and this family of planes by uhh the curly bracket or
braces right let a over this family 1 0 0 again this is my direction a, direction c, direction c. 1
0 0 is the front face is the another member would be 0 1 0, 0 1 0 is this right hand side face.
Another member would be 0 0 1 (())(56:23) similarly would have other member bar 1 0 0 the
backspace you will have the members 0 bar 1 0 in the left-hand side face you would have 0 0
bar 1 bottom face, okay. All the 6 faces form a member in all form a (())(56:47) and not
parallel you can see that. Only 1 (())(56:53) 0 0 is parallel to bar 1 0 0 and that I told you.
One is taken the one side of the origin other is taken on the other side of the origin, so we are
talking about the same set of (())(57:04).
(Refer Slide Time: 57:18)
Right now quickly we will revise what we have talked about unknown Miller indices are (())
(57:24) as hkl for single direction (())(57:31) brackets for family of direction we use caret for
planes we use parenthesis and for a family of planes we use basis. Well we only when one of
the index happens to be of 2 digits we use a separator may be a comma otherwise separator is
not used. Negative indices we put the bar on top and read it as bar 2. Members of the family
of direction are not necessarily parallel and similarly members of a family of planes to are not
necessarily parallel, okay.
By changing the sign of indices we can change the direction opposite to each other say for
example I have just given the example of a direction let us say 2 1 3 and I have bar 2 bar 1
bar 3 is opposite to this, right similarly planes by changing the signs it is the same set is not
different but only thing is one is on one side of the origin other is on the other side of the
origin that is let us talk about 1 1 1 and the other one is bar 1 bar 1 bar 1 they are parallel,
right, alright so will stop here.