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School Of Management Sciences,Lucknow

Academic Year 2023-2 4

Under the supervision

Dr.Anod Kumar Singh
Head of Physics Department

Name of Assignment: Term Paper report of B.Sc(Sem -5th) in Physics

Name: Prashant Singh

Roll No :2110924010029

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following individuals

and organizations who have played a significant role in the completion of this Term Paper


Dr.Anod Kumar Singh, Assistance Prof , School Of Management Sciences, Lucknow,

Thank you for your guidance, support, and invaluable insights throughout this journey. Your

mentorship has been instrumental in shaping this B.Sc Sem-5th Term paper report study.

and related work.I am grateful for the constructive feedback and suggestions provided by

my committee members. Your expertise has greatly enriched the quality of this Term Paper

Report.Your unwavering support and understanding have been my pillar of strength. Thank

you for standing by me through the challenges and triumphs.I am grateful for the love and

encouragement you have showered upon me throughout this endeavor.

To my friends who offered encouragement, shared insightful discussions, and provided

much-needed breaks – thank you for being a source of inspiration.

I extend my gratitude to School of Management Sciences and Physics

Department for providing the necessary resources and a conducive environment for

academic and professional growth.

I am thankful to all who have contributed to this Term Paper Report. Your encouragement,

expertise, and support have been invaluable, and I am truly grateful for the impact you

have had on this endeavor.



Roll No-2110924010029
I,Prashant Singh, a student of B.Sc Sem-5th School Of Management
Sciences, Lucknow hereby declared that term paper report titled ”CRYSTAL
STRUCTURE” has been carried out under the supervision of Dr.Anod Kumar
Singh, Head Department of Physics, School of management sciences, Lucknow
for the degree of Bachelor of Science Sem-5th in Physics.


Roll No-2110924010029



Place- Lucknow
Signature of supervisor:-

1: Crystal Structure
2: Structures of Element and Compound Semiconductors
3: Atom positions, Crystal Directions, Miller Indices
4: Crystal Planes and directions
5: Defects in crystalline Solids.
6: Inter Planar Spacing
7: Symmetry Operations
1.1: Crystal Structure

In any sort of discussion of crystalline materials, it is useful to begin with a discussion of

crystallography: the study of the formation, structure, and properties of crystals. A crystal
structure is defined as the particular repeating arrangement of atoms (molecules or ions)
throughout a crystal. Structure refers to the internal arrangement of particles and not the external
appearance of the crystal. However, these are not entirely independent since the external
appearance of a crystal is often related to the internal arrangement. For example, crystals of cubic
rock salt (NaCl) are physically cubic in appearance. Only a few of the possible crystal structures
are of concern with respect to simple inorganic salts and these will be discussed in detail, however,
it is important to understand the nomenclature of crystallography.

Bravais Lattice
The Bravais lattice is the basic building block from which all crystals can be constructed. The
concept originated as a topological problem of finding the number of different ways to arrange
points in space where each point would have an identical “atmosphere”. That is each point would
be surrounded by an identical set of points as any other point, so that all points would be
indistinguishable from each other. Mathematician Auguste Bravais discovered that there were 14
different collections of the groups of points, which are known as Bravais lattices. These lattices
fall into seven different "crystal systems”, as differentiated by the relationship between the angles
between sides of the “unit cell” and the distance between points in the unit cell. The unit cell is
the smallest group of atoms, ions or molecules that, when repeated at regular intervals in three
dimensions, will produce the lattice of a crystal system. The “lattice parameter” is the length
between two points on the corners of a unit cell. Each of the various lattice parameters are
designated by the letters a, b, and c. If two sides are equal, such as in a tetragonal lattice, then
the lengths of the two lattice parameters are designated a and c, with b omitted. The angles are
designated by the Greek letters α, β, and γsize 12{γ} {}, such that an angle with a specific Greek
letter is not subtended by the axis with its Roman equivalent. For example, α is the included angle
between the b and c axis.

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The cubic lattice is the most symmetrical of the systems. All the angles are equal to 90°, and all
the sides are of the same length (a = b = c). Only the length of one of the sides (a) is required to
describe this system completely. In addition to simple cubic, the cubic lattice also includes
bodycentered cubic and face-centered cubic (Figure 7.1.1. Body-centered cubic results from the
presence of an atom (or ion) in the center of a cube, in addition to the atoms (ions) positioned at
the vertices of the cube. In a similar manner, a face-centered cubic requires, in addition to the

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atoms (ions) positioned at the vertices of the cube, the presence of atoms (ions) in the center of
each of the cubes face.
The tetragonal lattice has all of its angles equal to 90°, and has two out of the three sides of equal
length (a = b). The system also includes body-centered tetragonal (Figure 7.1.1.
In an orthorhombic lattice all of the angles are equal to 90°, while all of its sides are of unequal
length. The system needs only to be described by three lattice parameters. This system also
includes body-centered orthorhombic, base-centered orthorhombic, and face-centered
orthorhombic (Figure 7.1.1.
A base-centered lattice has, in addition to the atoms (ions) positioned at the vertices of the
orthorhombic lattice, atoms (ions) positioned on just two opposing faces.
The rhombohedral lattice is also known as trigonal, and has no angles equal to 90°, but all sides
are of equal length (a = b = c), thus requiring only by one lattice parameter, and all three angles
are equal (α = β = γ).
A hexagonal crystal structure has two angles equal to 90°, with the other angle ( γsize 12{γ} {})
equal to 120°. For this to happen, the two sides surrounding the 120° angle must be equal ( a =
b), while the third side (c) is at 90° to the other sides and can be of any length.
The monoclinic lattice has no sides of equal length, but two of the angles are equal to 90°, with
the other angle (usually defined as β) being something other than 90°. It is a tilted parallelogram
prism with rectangular bases. This system also includes base-centered monoclinic (Figure 7.1.2).
In the triclinic lattice none of the sides of the unit cell are equal, and none of the angles within
the unit cell are equal to 90°. The triclinic lattice is chosen such that all the internal angles are
either acute or obtuse. This crystal system has the lowest symmetry and must be described by 3
lattice parameters (a, b, and c) and the 3 angles (α, β, and γ).

Atom Positions, Crystal Directions and Miller Indices

Atom Positions and Crystal Axes

The structure of a crystal is defined with respect to a unit cell. As the entire crystal consists of
repeating unit cells, this definition is sufficient to represent the entire crystal. Within the unit cell,
the atomic arrangement is expressed using coordinates. There are two systems of coordinates
commonly in use, which can cause some confusion. Both use a corner of the unit cell as their
origin. The first, less-commonly seen system is that of Cartesian or orthogonal coordinates (X, Y,
Z). These usually have the units of Angstroms and relate to the distance in each direction between
the origin of the cell and the atom. These coordinates may be manipulated in the same fashion

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are used with two- or three-dimensional graphs. It is very simple, therefore, to calculate
interatomic distances and angles given the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms. Unfortunately,
the repeating nature of a crystal cannot be expressed easily using such coordinates. For example,
consider a cubic cell of dimension 3.52 Å. Pretend that this cell contains an atom that has the
coordinates (1.5, 2.1, 2.4). That is, the atom is 1.5 Å away from the origin in the x direction (which
coincides with the a cell axis), 2.1 Å in the y (which coincides with the b cell axis) and 2.4 Å in the
z (which coincides with the c cell axis). There will be an equivalent atom in the next unit cell along
the x-direction, which will have the coordinates (1.5 + 3.52, 2.1, 2.4) or (5.02, 2.1, 2.4). This was a
rather simple calculation, as the cell has very high symmetry and so the cell axes, a, b and c,
coincide with the Cartesian axes, X, Y and Z. However, consider lower symmetry cells such as
triclinic or monoclinic in which the cell axes are not mutually orthogonal. In such cases, expressing
the repeating nature of the crystal is much more difficult to accomplish.
Accordingly, atomic coordinates are usually expressed in terms of fractional coordinates, (x, y, z).
This coordinate system is coincident with the cell axes (a, b, c) and relates to the position of the
atom in terms of the fraction along each axis. Consider the atom in the cubic cell discussion
above. The atom was 1.5 Å in the a direction away from the origin. As the a axis is 3.52 Å long,
the atom is (1.5/3.52) or 0.43 of the axis away from the origin. Similarly, it is (2.1/3.52) or 0.60 of
the b axis and (2.4/3.5) or 0.68 of the c axis. The fractional coordinates of this atom are, therefore,
(0.43, 0.60, 0.68). The coordinates of the equivalent atom in the next cell over in the a direction,
however, are easily calculated as this atom is simply 1 unit cell away in a. Thus, all one has to do
is add 1 to the x coordinate: (1.43, 0.60, 0.68). Such transformations can be performed regardless
of the shape of the unit cell. Fractional coordinates, therefore, are used to retain and manipulate
crystal information.

Crystal Directions
The designation of the individual vectors within any given crystal lattice is accomplished by the
use of whole number multipliers of the lattice parameter of the point at which the vector exits
the unit cell. The vector is indicated by the notation [hkl], where h, k, and l are reciprocals of the
point at which the vector exits the unit cell. The origination of all vectors is assumed defined as
[000]. For example, the direction along the a-axis according to this scheme would be [100]
because this has a component only in the adirection and no component along either the b or c
axial direction. A vector diagonally along the face defined by the a and baxis would be [110],
while going from one corner of the unit cell to the opposite corner would be in the [111] direction.
Figure 7.1.2 shows some examples of the various directions in the unit cell. The crystal direction
notation is made up of the lowest combination of integers and represents unit distances rather
than actual distances. A [222] direction is identical to a [111], so [111] is used. Fractions are not

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used. For example, a vector that intercepts the center of the top face of the unit cell has the
coordinates x = 1/2, y = 1/2, z = 1. All have to be inversed to convert to the lowest combination
of integers (whole numbers); i.e., [221] in Figure 7.1.2. Finally, all parallel vectors have the same
crystal direction, e.g., the four vertical edges of the cell shown in Figure 7.1.2 all have the crystal
direction [hkl] = [001].

Figure 7.1.2 Some common directions in a cubic unit cell.

Crystal directions may be grouped in families. To avoid confusion there exists a convention in the
choice of brackets surrounding the three numbers to differentiate a crystal direction from a family
of direction. For a direction, square brackets [hkl] are used to indicate an individual direction.
Angle brackets <hkl> indicate a family of directions. A family of directions includes any directions
that are equivalent in length and types of atoms encountered. For example, in a cubic lattice, the
[100], [010], and [001] directions all belong to the <100> family of planes because they are
equivalent. If the cubic lattice were rotated 90°, the a, b, and cdirections would remain
indistinguishable, and there would be no way of telling on which crystallographic positions the
atoms are situated, so the family of directions is the same. In a hexagonal crystal, however, this is
not the case, so the [100] and [010] would both be <100> directions, but the [001] direction
would be distinct. Finally, negative directions are identified with a bar over the negative number
instead of a minus sign.

Crystal Planes
Planes in a crystal can be specified using a notation called Miller indices. The Miller index is
indicated by the notation [hkl] where h, k, and l are reciprocals of the plane with the x, y, and z
axes. To obtain the Miller indices of a given plane requires the following steps:
1. The plane in question is placed on a unit cell.
2. Its intercepts with each of the crystal axes are then found.
3. The reciprocal of the intercepts are taken.
4. These are multiplied by a scalar to insure that is in the simple ratio of whole numbers.

For example, the face of a lattice that does not intersect the y or z axis would be (100), while a
plane along the body diagonal would be the (111) plane. An illustration of this along with the
(111) and (110) planes is given in Figure 7.1.3.

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Figure 7.1.3 Examples of Miller indices notation for crystal planes.

As with crystal directions, Miller indices directions may be grouped in families. Individual Miller
indices are given in parentheses
(hkl), while braces {hkl} are placed around the indices of a family of planes. For example, (001),
(100), and (010) are all in the {100} family of planes, for a cubic lattice.

Description of Crystal Structures

Crystal structures may be described in a number of ways. The most common manner is to refer
to the size and shape of the unit cell and the positions of the atoms (or ions) within the cell.
However, this information is sometimes insufficient to allow for an understanding of the true
structure in three dimensions. Consideration of several unit cells, the arrangement of the atoms
with respect to each other, the number of other atoms they in contact with, and the distances to
neighboring atoms, often will provide a better understanding. A number of methods are available
to describe extended solid-state structures. The most applicable with regard to elemental and
compound semiconductor, metals and the majority of insulators is the close packing approach.

Close Packed Structures: Hexagonal Close Packing and Cubic Close

Many crystal structures can be described using the concept of close packing. This concept
requires that the atoms (ions) are arranged so as to have the maximum density. In order to
understand close packing in three dimensions, the most efficient way for equal sized spheres to
be packed in two dimensions must be considered.
The most efficient way for equal sized spheres to be packed in two dimensions is shown in Figure
7.1.4, in which it can be seen that each sphere (the dark gray shaded sphere) is surrounded by,
and is in contact with, six other spheres (the light gray spheres in Figure 7.1.4. It should be noted

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that contact with six other spheres the maximum possible is the spheres are the same size,
although lower density packing is possible. Close packed layers are formed by repetition to an
infinite sheet. Within these close packed layers, three close packed rows are present, shown by
the dashed lines in Figure 7.1.4.

Figure 1.4 Schematic representation of a close packed layer of equal sized spheres. The close packed rows (directions) are shown by the
dashed lines.

The most efficient way for equal sized spheres to be packed in three dimensions is to stack close
packed layers on top of each other to give a close packed structure. There are two simple ways
in which this can be done, resulting in either a hexagonal or cubic close packed structures.

Hexagonal Close Packed (HCP)

If two close packed layers A and B are placed in contact with each other so as to maximize the
density, then the spheres of layer B will rest in the hollow (vacancy) between three of the spheres
in layer A. This is demonstrated in Figure 7.1.5. Atoms in the second layer, B (shaded light gray),
may occupy one of two possible positions (Figure 7.1.5 a or b) but not both together or a mixture
of each. If a third layer is placed on top of layer B such that it exactly covers layer A, subsequent
placement of layers will result in the following sequence ...ABABAB.... This is known as hexagonal
close packing or hcp.

Figure 1.5 Schematic representation of two close packed layers arranged in A (dark grey) and B (light grey) positions. The alternative
stacking of the B layer is shown in (a) and (b).

The hexagonal close packed cell is a derivative of the hexagonal Bravais lattice system (Figure
7.1.6 with the addition of an atom inside the unit cell at the coordinates (1/3,2/3,1/2). The basal
plane of the unit cell coincides with the close packed layers (Figure 1.6. In other words the close
packed layer makes-up the {001} family of crystal planes.

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Figure 7.1.6 A schematic projection of the basal plane of the hcp unit cell on the close packed
The “packing fraction” in a hexagonal close packed cell is 74.05%; that is 74.05% of the total
volume is occupied. The packing fraction or density is derived by assuming that each atom is a
hard sphere in contact with its nearest neighbors. Determination of the packing fraction is
accomplished by calculating the number of whole spheres per unit cell (2 in hcp), the volume
occupied by these spheres, and a comparison with the total volume of a unit cell. The number
gives an idea of how “open” or filled a structure is. By comparison, the packing fraction for
bodycentered cubic (Figure 7.1.5) is 68% and for diamond cubic (an important semiconductor
structure to be described later) is it 34%.

Cubic Close Packed: Face-centered Cubic

In a similar manner to the generation of the hexagonal close packed structure, two close packed
layers are stacked (Figure 7.1.7 however, the third layer (C) is placed such that it does not
exactly cover layer A, while sitting in a set of troughs in layer B (Figure
7.1.7), then upon repetition the packing sequence will be ...ABCABCABC.... This is known as cubic
close packing or ccp.

Figure 1.7 Schematic representation of the three close packed layers in a cubic close packed arrangement: A (dark grey), B (medium
grey), and C (light grey).

The unit cell of cubic close packed structure is actually that of a face-centered cubic (fcc) Bravais
lattice. In the fcc lattice the close packed layers constitute the {111} planes. As with the hcp lattice
packing fraction in a cubic close packed (fcc) cell is 74.05%. Since face centered cubic or fcc is
more commonly used in preference to cubic close packed (ccp) in describing the structures, the
former will be used throughout this text.

Coordination Number
The coordination number of an atom or ion within an extended structure is defined as the number
of nearest neighbor atoms (ions of opposite charge) that are in contact with it. A slightly different
definition is often used for atoms within individual molecules: the number of donor atoms

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associated with the central atom or ion. However, this distinction is rather artificial, and both can
be employed.
The coordination numbers for metal atoms in a molecule or complex are commonly 4, 5, and 6,
but all values from 2 to 9 are known and a few examples of higher coordination numbers have
been reported. In contrast, common coordination numbers in the solid state are 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12.
For example, the atom in the center of body-centered cubic lattice has a coordination number of
8, because it touches the eight atoms at the corners of the unit cell, while an atom in a simple
cubic structure would have a coordination number of 6. In both fcc and hcp lattices each of the
atoms have a coordination number of 12.

Octahedral and Tetrahedral Vacancies

As was mentioned above, the packing fraction in both fcc and hcp cells is 74.05%, leaving 25.95%
of the volume unfilled. The unfilled lattice sites (interstices) between the atoms in a cell are called
interstitial sites or vacancies. The shape and relative size of these sites is important in controlling
the position of additional atoms. In both fcc and hcp cells most of the space within these atoms
lies within two different sites known as octahedral sites and tetrahedral sites. The difference
between the two lies in their “coordination number”, or the number of atoms surrounding each
site. Tetrahedral sites (vacancies) are surrounded by four atoms arranged at the corners of a
tetrahedron. Similarly, octahedral sites are surrounded by six atoms which make-up the apices of
an octahedron. For a given close packed lattice an octahedral vacancy will be larger than a
tetrahedral vacancy.
Within a face centered cubic lattice, the eight tetrahedral sites are positioned within the cell, at
the general fractional coordinate of (n/4,n/4,n/4) where n = 1 or 3, e.g., (1/4,1/4,1/4), (1/4,1/4,3/4),
etc. The octahedral sites are located at the center of the unit cell (1/2,1/2,1/2), as well as at each
of the edges of the cell, e.g., (1/2,0,0). In the hexagonal close packed system, the tetrahedral sites
are at (0,0,3/8) and (1/3,2/3,7/8), and the octahedral sites are at (1/3,1/3,1/4) and all symmetry
equivalent positions.

Important Structure Types

The majority of crystalline materials do not have a structure that fits into the one atom per site
simple Bravais lattice. A number of other important crystal structures are found, however, only a
few of these crystal structures are those of which occur for the elemental and compound
semiconductors and the majority of these are derived from fcc or hcp lattices. Each structural type
is generally defined by an archetype, a material (often a naturally occurring mineral) which has
the structure in question and to which all the similar materials are related. With regard to
commonly used elemental and compound semiconductors the important structures are diamond,

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zinc blende, Wurtzite, and to a lesser extent chalcopyrite. However, rock salt, β-tin, cinnabar and
cesium chloride are observed as high pressure or high temperature phases and are therefore also
discussed. The following provides a summary of these structures. Details of the full range of solid-
state structures are given elsewhere.

Diamond Cubic
The diamond cubic structure consists of two interpenetrating face-centered cubic lattices, with
one offset 1/4 of a cube along the cube diagonal. It may also be described as face centered cubic
lattice in which half of the tetrahedral sites are filled while all the octahedral sites remain vacant.
The diamond cubic unit cell is shown in Figure.1.8. Each of the atoms (e.g., C) is four coordinate,
and the shortest interatomic distance (C-C) may be determined
from the unit cell parameter (a).
C −C = a a

Figure .1.8 Unit cell structure of a diamond cubic lattice showing the two interpenetrating face-centered cubic

Zinc Blende
This is a binary phase (ME) and is named after its archetype, a common mineral form of zinc
sulphide (ZnS). As with the diamond lattice, zinc blende consists of the two interpenetrating fcc
lattices. However, in zinc blende one lattice consists of one of the types of atoms (Zn in ZnS), and
the other lattice is of the second type of atom (S in ZnS). It may also be described as face centered
cubic lattice of S atoms in which half of the tetrahedral sites are filled with Zn atoms. All the atoms
in a zinc blende structure are 4coordinate. The zinc blende unit cell is shown in Figure 7.1.9. A
number of inter-atomic distances may be calculated for any material with a zinc blende unit cell
using the lattice parameter (a).

Zn−S = aa (1.2)

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Zn−Zn = S−S = ≈ 0.707 a

Figure 7.1.9 Unit cell structure of a zinc blende (ZnS) lattice. Zinc atoms are shown in green
(small), sulfur atoms shown in red (large), and the dashed lines show the unit cell.

Rock Salt
As its name implies the archetypal rock salt structure is NaCl (table salt). In common with the zinc
blende structure, rock salt consists of two interpenetrating face-centered cubic lattices. However,
the second lattice is offset 1/2a along the unit cell axis. It may also be described as face centered
cubic lattice in which all of the octahedral sites are filled, while all the tetrahedral sites remain
vacant, and thus each of the atoms in the rock salt structure are 6-coordinate. The rock salt unit
cell is shown in Figure
7.1.11. A number of inter-atomic distances may be calculated for any material with a rock salt
structure using the lattice parameter (a).
Na−Cl = ≈ 0.5a (1.4)

Na−Na = Cl−Cl = ≈ 0.707 a

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Figure .1.11 Unit cell structure of a rock salt lattice. Sodium ions are shown in purple (small
spheres) and chloride ions are shown in red (large spheres).

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Crystal Structures:

Solid materials may be classified according to the regularity with which atoms
or ions are arranged with respect to one another. A crystalline material is one
in which the atoms are situated in a repeating or periodic array over large
atomic distances; that is, longrange order exists, such that upon solidification,
the atoms will position themselves in a repetitive three-dimensional pattern, in
which each atom is bonded to its nearest-neighbor atoms. All metals, many
ceramic materials, and certain polymers form crystalline structures under
normal solidification conditions. For those that do not crystallize, this long-
range atomic order is absent; these noncrystalline or amorphous materials.

Some of the properties of crystalline solids depend on the crystal structure of

the material, the manner in which atoms, ions, or molecules are spatially
arranged. There is an extremely large number of different crystal structures all
having long range atomic order; these vary from relatively simple structures for
metals to exceedingly complex ones, as displayed by some of the ceramic and
polymeric materials.

Figure(1.1): Shows a simple cubic crystal structure

Fundamental types of lattice index system for crystal planes
Table (1-1): Lattice Parameter Relationships and Figures Showing Unit Cell
Geometries for the Seven Crystal Systems
Simple crystal structure:

The atomic order in crystalline solids indicates that small groups of atoms
form a repetitive pattern. Thus, in describing crystal structures, it is often
convenient to subdivide the structure into small repeat entities called unit cells.
Unit cells for most crystal structures are parallelepipeds or prisms having three
sets of parallel faces; one is drawn within the aggregate of spheres (Figure 1.1),
which in this case happens to be a cube. A unit cell is chosen to represent the
symmetry of the crystal structure, wherein all the atom positions in the crystal
may be generated by translations of the unit cell integral distances along each
of its edges. Thus, the unit cell is the basic structural unit or building block of
the crystal structure and defines the crystal structure by virtue of its geometry
and the atom positions within.
Convenience usually dictates that parallelepiped corners coincide with centers
of the hard sphere atoms. Furthermore, more than a single unit cell may be
chosen for a particular crystal structure; however, we generally use the unit cell
having the highest level of geometrical symmetry.

Crystal system
Since there are many different possible crystal structures, it is sometimes
convenient to divide them into groups according to unit cell configurations
and/or atomic arrangements. One such scheme is based on the unit cell
geometry, that is, the shape of the appropriate unit cell parallelepiped without
regard to the atomic positions in the cell.Within this framework, an x, y, z
coordinate system is established with its origin at one of the unit cell corners;
each of the x, y, and z axes coincides with one of the three parallelepiped edges
that extend from this corner, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. The unit cell geometry
is completely defined in terms of six parameters: the three edge lengths a, b,
and c, and the three interaxial angles α, β, and γ. These are indicated in Figure
3.4, and are sometimes termed the lattice parameters of a crystal structure.

On this basis there are seven different possible combinations of a, b, and

c, and α, β, and γ each of which represents a distinct crystal system. These seven
crystal systems are cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral,
monoclinic, and triclinic. The lattice parameter relationships and unit cell
sketches for each are represented in Table 1.1.The cubic system, for which (a =
b = c) and (c = α = β = 90o) has the greatest degree of symmetry. Least
symmetry is displayed by the triclinic system, since (a ≠ b ≠ c) and (c ≠ α ≠ β).
Figure(1.2): A unit cell with x, y, and z coordinate axes, showing axial lengths (a, b,
and c) and interaxial angles α, β, and γ.


The atomic bonding in this group of materials is metallic and thus non-
directional in nature. Consequently, there are minimal restrictions as to the
number and position of nearest-neighbor atoms; this leads to relatively large
numbers of nearest neighbors and dense atomic packing for most metallic
crystal structures. Also, for metals, using the hard sphere model for the crystal
structure, each sphere represents an ion core. Three relatively simple crystal
structures are found for most of the common metals: face-centered cubic, body-
centered cubic and hexagonal close-packed.

The Face-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure

The crystal structure found for many metals has a unit cell of cubic
geometry, with atoms located at each of the corners and the centers of all the
cube faces. It is aptly called the face-centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure.
Figure 1.3 shows the atom centers are represented by small circles to provide a
better perspective of atom positions. The cube edge length a and the atomic
radius R are related through Eq. below

For the FCC crystal structure, each corner atom is shared among eight unit cells,
whereas a face-centered atom belongs to only two. Therefore, one-eighth of
each of the eight corner atoms and one-half of each of the six face atoms, or a
total of four whole atoms, may be assigned to a given unit cell. The cell
comprises the volume of the cube, which is generated from the centers of the
corner atoms as shown in the figure.

Figure (1.3): Face Center Cubic (FCC) unit cell

Two other important characteristics of a crystal structure are the coordination

number and the atomic packing factor (APF). For metals, each atom has the
same number of nearest-neighbor or touching atoms, which is the coordination
number. For face-centered cubics, the coordination number is 12.

The APF is the sum of the sphere volumes of all atoms within a unit cell
(assuming the atomic hard sphere model) divided by the unit cell volume that

For the FCC structure, the atomic packing factor is 0.74, which is the maximum
packing possible for spheres all having the same diameter. Computation of this
APF is also included as an example problem. Metals typically have relatively
large atomic packing factors to maximize the shielding provided by the free
electron cloud.

The Body-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure

Another common metallic crystal structure also has a cubic unit cell with
atoms located at all eight corners and a single atom at the cube center. This is
called a body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure. figure 1.4 is the diagram of
BCC unit cells with the atoms. Center and corner atoms touch one another along
cube diagonals, and unit cell length a and atomic radius R are related through
Figure(1.4): Body Center Cubic (BCC) unit cell

Two atoms are associated with each BCC unit cell: the equivalent of one atom
from the eight corners, each of which is shared among eight unit cells, and the
single center atom, which is wholly contained within its cell. In addition, corner
and center atom positions are equivalent. The coordination number for the BCC
crystal structure is 8; each center atom has as nearest neighbors its eight corner
atoms. Since the coordination number is less for BCC than FCC, so also is the
atomic packing factor for BCC lower—0.68 versus 0.74.

The Hexagonal Close-Packed Crystal Structure:

Not all metals have unit cells with cubic symmetry; the final common metallic
crystal structure to be discussed has a unit cell that is hexagonal. Figure 1.5
shows a reduced-sphere unit cell for this structure, which is termed hexagonal
close packed (HCP); The top and bottom faces of the unit cell consist of six
atoms that form regular hexagons and surround a single atom in the center.
Another plane that provides three additional atoms to the unit cell is situated
between the top and bottom planes. The atoms in this midplane have as nearest
neighbors atoms in both of the adjacent two planes. The equivalent of six atoms
is contained in each unit cell; one-sixth of each of the 12 top and bottom face
corner atoms, onehalf of each of the 2 center face atoms, and all 3 midplane
interior atoms. If a and c represent, respectively, the short and long unit cell
dimensions of Figure 1.5, the c/a ratio should be 1.633; however, for some HCP
metals this ratio deviates from the ideal value.
The coordination number and the atomic packing factor for the HCP crystal
structure are the same as for FCC: 12 and 0.74, respectively.
Figure (1.5): Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP) unit cell
Zn−S = a√3/8 = 0.612 a = = 0.375 c (1.6)

Zn−Zn = S−S = a = 1.632 c (1.7)

However, it should be noted that these formulae do not necessarily apply when the ratio a/c is
different from the ideal value of

Figure 1.12 Unit cell structure of a wurtzite lattice. Zinc atoms are shown in green (small spheres), sulphur
atoms shown in red (large spheres), and the dashed lines show the unit cell.

Cesium Chloride (CsCl)

The cesium chloride structure is found in materials with large cations and relatively small anions.
It has a simple (primitive) cubic cell (Figure 1.13) with a chloride ion at the corners of the cube
and the cesium ion at the body center. The coordination numbers of both Cs+ and Cl-, with the
inner atomic distances determined from the cell lattice constant (a).

Cs−Cl = ≈ 0.866a (1.8)

Cs−Cs = Cl−Cl = a (1.9)

The room temperature allotrope of tin is β-tin or white tin. It has a tetragonal structure, in which
each tin atom has four nearest neighbors (Sn-Sn = 3.016 Å) arranged in a very flattened
tetrahedron, and two next nearest neighbors (Sn-Sn = 3.175 Å). The overall structure of β-tin
consists of fused hexagons, each being linked to its neighbor via a four-membered Sn ring.4

Defects in Crystalline Solids

Up to this point we have only been concerned with ideal structures for crystalline solids in which
each atom occupies a designated point in the crystal lattice. Unfortunately, defects ordinarily
exist in equilibrium between the crystal lattice and its environment. These defects are of two
general types: point defects and extended defects. As their names imply, point defects are
associated with a single crystal lattice site, while extended defects occur over a greater range.
Point Defects: "Too Many or Too Few" or "Just Plain Wrong"
Point defects have a significant effect on the properties of a semiconductor, so it is important to
understand the classes of point defects and the characteristics of each type. Figure 7.1.13

summarizes various classes of native point defects, however, they may be divided into two
general classes; defects with the wrong number of atoms (deficiency or surplus) and defects
where the identity of the atoms is incorrect.

Figure .1.13 Point defects in a crystal lattice.

Interstitial Impurity
An interstitial impurity occurs when an extra atom is positioned in a lattice site that should be
vacant in an ideal structure (Figure 1.13 b). Since all the adjacent lattice sites are filled the
additional atom will have to squeeze itself into the interstitial site, resulting in distortion of the
lattice and alteration in the local electronic behavior of the structure. Small atoms, such as carbon,

will prefer to occupy these interstitial sites. Interstitial impurities readily diffuse through the lattice
via interstitial diffusion, which can result in a change of the properties of a material as a function
of time. Oxygen impurities in silicon generally are located as interstitials.
The converse of an interstitial impurity is when there are not enough atoms in a particular area of
the lattice. These are called vacancies. Vacancies exist in any material above absolute zero and
increase in concentration with temperature. In the case of compound semiconductors, vacancies can
be either cation vacancies (Figure .1.13 c) or anion vacancies (Figure 7.1.13 d), depending
on what type of atom are “missing”.

Substitution of various atoms into the normal lattice structure is common, and used to change
the electronic properties of both compound and elemental semiconductors. Any impurity
element that is incorporated during crystal growth can occupy a lattice site. Depending on the
impurity, substitution defects can greatly distort the lattice and/or alter the electronic structure.
In general, cations will try to occupy cation lattice sites (Figure .1.13 e), and anion will occupy the
anion site (Figure .1.13 f). For example, a zinc impurity in GaAs will occupy a gallium site, if
possible, while a sulfur, selenium and tellurium atoms would all try to substitute for an arsenic.
Some impurities will occupy either site indiscriminately, e.g., Si and Sn occupy both Ga and As
sites in GaAs.

Antisite Defects
Antisite defects are a particular form of substitution defect, and are unique to compound
semiconductors. An antisite defect occurs when a cation is misplaced on an anion lattice site or
vice versa ( Figure 7.1.13 g and h).Dependant on the arrangement these are designated as either
AB antisite defects or BA antisite defects. For example, if an arsenic atom is on a gallium lattice
site the defect would be an AsGa defect. Antisite defects involve fitting into a lattice site atoms
of a different size than the rest of the lattice, and therefore this often results in a localized
distortion of the lattice. In addition, cations and anions will have a different number of electrons
in their valence shells, so this substitution will alter the local electron concentration and the
electronic properties of this area of the semiconductor.

Extended Defects: Dislocations in a Crystal Lattice

Extended defects may be created either during crystal growth or as a consequence of stress in
the crystal lattice. The plastic deformation of crystalline solids does not occur such that all bonds
along a plane are broken and reformed simultaneously. Instead, the deformation occurs through
a dislocation in the crystal lattice. Figure shows a schematic representation of a dislocation in a
crystal lattice. Two features of this type of dislocation are the presence of an extra crystal plane,

and a large void at the dislocation core. Impurities tend to segregate to the dislocation core in
order to relieve strain from their presence.

Figure 7.1.14 Dislocation in a crystal lattice.

Epitaxy, is a transliteration of two Greek words epi, meaning "upon", and taxis, meaning
"ordered". With respect to crystal growth it applies to the process of growing thin crystalline
layers on a crystal substrate. In epitaxial growth, there is a precise crystal orientation of the film
in relation to the substrate. The growth of epitaxial films can be done by a number of methods
including molecular beam epitaxy, atomic layer epitaxy, and chemical vapor deposition, all of
which will be described later.
Epitaxy of the same material, such as a gallium arsenide film on a gallium arsenide substrate, is
called homoepitaxy, while epitaxy where the film and substrate material are different is called
heteroepitaxy. Clearly, in homoepitaxy, the substrate and film will have the identical structure,
however, in heteroepitaxy, it is important to employ where possible a substrate with the same
structure and similar lattice parameters. For example, zinc selenide (zinc blende, a = 5.668 Å) is
readily grown on gallium arsenide (zinc blende, a = 5.653 Å). Alternatively, epitaxial crystal growth
can occur where there exists a simple relationship between the structures of the substrate and
crystal layer, such as is observed between Al2O3 (100) on Si (100). Whichever route is chosen a
close match in the lattice parameters is required, otherwise, the strains induced by the lattice
mismatch results in distortion of the film and formation of dislocations. If the mismatch is
significant epitaxial growth is not energetically favorable, causing a textured film or
polycrystalline untextured film to be grown. As a general rule of thumb, epitaxy can be achieved
if the lattice parameters of the two materials are within about 5% of each other. For good quality
epitaxy, this should be less than 1%. The larger the mismatch, the larger the strain in the film. As
the film gets thicker and thicker, it will try to relieve the strain in the film, which could include the
loss of epitaxy of the growth of dislocations. It is important to note that the <100> directions of
a film must be parallel to the <100> direction of the substrate. In some cases, such as Fe on MgO,
the [111] direction is parallel to the substrate. The epitaxial relationship is specified by giving first
the plane in the film that is parallel to the substrate.

1.2: Structures of Element and Compound Semiconductors

A single crystal of either an elemental (e.g., silicon) or compound (e.g., gallium arsenide)
semiconductor forms the basis of almost all semiconductor devices. The ability to control the
electronic and opto-electronic properties of these materials is based on an understanding of
their structure. In addition, the metals and many of the insulators employed within a
microelectronic device are also crystalline.

Group IV (14) Elements

Each of the semiconducting phases of the group IV (14) elements, C (diamond), Si, Ge, and α-Sn,
adopt the diamond cubic structure (Figure 7.2.1). Their lattice constants (a, Å) and densities (ρ,
g/cm3) are given in Table.2.1.

As would be expected the lattice parameter increase in the order C < Si < Ge < α-Sn. Silicon and
germanium form a continuous series of solid solutions with gradually varying parameters. It is
worth noting the high degree of accuracy that the lattice parameters are known for high purity
crystals of these elements. In addition, it is important to note the temperature at which structural
measurements are made, since the lattice parameters are temperature dependent (Figure .2.1).
The lattice constant (a), in Å, for high purity silicon may be calculated for any temperature (T)
over the temperature range 293 - 1073 K by the formula shown below.

aT = 5.4304 + 1.8138 ×10−5 (T −298.15 K) + 1.542 ×10−9 (T −298.15 K) (2.1)

2. 1
Figure .2.2 Temperature dependence of the lattice parameter for (a) Si and (b) Ge.

Even though the diamond cubic forms of Si and Ge are the only forms of direct interest to
semiconductor devices, each exists in numerous crystalline high pressure and meta-stable forms.
These are described along with their interconversions, in Table .2.2.
Table 7.2.2: High pressure and metastable phases of silicon and germanium.

Group III-V (13-15) Compounds

The stable phases for the arsenides, phosphides and antimonides of aluminum, gallium and
indium all exhibit zinc blende structures (Figure .2.3). In contrast, the nitrides are found as
wurtzite structures (e.g., Figure 2.4). The structure, lattice parameters, and densities of the III-V
compounds are given in Table 2.3. It is worth noting that contrary to expectation the lattice
parameter of the gallium compounds is smaller than their aluminum homolog; for GaAs a =
5.653 Å; AlAs a = 5.660 Å. As with the group IV elements the lattice parameters are highly

temperature dependent; however, additional variation arises from any deviation from absolute
stoichiometry. These effects are shown in Figure 2.4.

Figure .2.3 Unit cell structure of a zinc blende (ZnS) lattice. Zinc atoms are shown in green (small), sulfur atoms shown in red (large),
and the dashed lines show the unit cell.

Figure .2.4 Unit cell structure of a wurtzite lattice. Zinc atoms are shown in green (small), sulfur atoms shown in red (large), and the
dashed lines show the unit cell.
Table .2.4 Lattice parameters and densities (measured at 298 K) for the III-V (13-15) compound semiconductors. Estimated standard deviations
given in parentheses.

Figure .2.5 Temperature dependence of the lattice parameter for stoichiometric GaAs and crystals with either Ga or As excess.

2. 3
The homogeneity of structures of alloys for a wide range of solid solutions to be formed between
III-V compounds in almost any combination. Two classes of ternary alloys are formed: III -IIIx 1-xV
(e.g., Al -Gax 1-x-As) and III-V1-x-V (e.g., Ga-Asx 1-x-P ) . While quaternary alloys of the type III IIIx 1-
x-V -Vy 1-y allow for the growth of materials with similar lattice parameters, but a broad range of

band gaps. A very important ternary alloy, especially in optoelectronic applications, is Al -Gax 1-
x-As and its lattice parameter (a) is directly related to the composition (x).
a = 5.6533 + 0.0078 x
Not all of the III-V compounds have well characterized high-pressure phases. however, in each
case where a high-pressure phase is observed the coordination number of both the group III
and group V element increases from four to six. Thus, AlP undergoes a zinc blende to rock salt
transformation at high pressure above 170 kbar, while AlSb and GaAs form orthorhombic
distorted rock salt structures above 77 and 172 kbar, respectively. An orthorhombic structure is
proposed for the high-pressure form of InP (>133 kbar). Indium arsenide (InAs) undergoes
twophase transformations. The zinc blende structure is converted to a rock salt structure above
77 kbar, which in turn forms a β-tin structure above 170 kbar.

Group II-VI (12-16) Compounds

The structures of the II-VI compound semiconductors are less predictable than those of the III-V
compounds (above), and while zinc blende structure exists for almost all of the compounds there
is a stronger tendency towards the hexagonal wurtzite form. In several cases the zinc blende
structure is observed under ambient conditions, but may be converted to the wurtzite form upon
heating. In general the wurtzite form predominates with the smaller anions (e.g., oxides), while
the zinc blende becomes the more stable phase for the larger anions (e.g., tellurides). One
exception is mercury sulfide (HgS) that is the archetype for the trigonal cinnabar phase.Table .2.5
lists the stable phase of the chalcogenides of zinc, cadmium and mercury, along with their high
temperature phases where applicable. Solid solutions of the II-VI compounds are not as easily
formed as for the III-V compounds; however, two important examples are ZnS Sex 1-x and Cd Hgx

Table .2.5 Lattice parameters and densities (measured at 298 K) for the II-VI (12-16) compound

The zinc chalcogenides all transform to a cesium chloride structure under high pressures, while
the cadmium compounds all form rock salt high-pressure phases (Figure .2.6). Mercury selenide
(HgSe) and mercury telluride (HgTe) convert to the mercury sulfide archetype structure, cinnabar,
at high pressure.

Figure .2.6 Unit cell structure of a rock salt lattice. Sodium ions are shown in purple and
chloride ions are shown in red.
I-III-VI (11-13-16) Compounds
Nearly all I-III-VI2 compounds at room temperature adopt the chalcopyrite structure (Figure
7.2.7). The cell constants and densities are given in Table 7.2.6. Although there are few reports
of high temperature or high-pressure phases, AgInS2 has been shown to exist as a high
temperature orthorhombic polymorph (a = 6.954, b = 8.264, and c = 6.683 Å), and AgInTe2 forms
a cubic phase at high pressures.

2. 5
Figure .2.7 Unit cell structure of a chalcopyrite lattice. Copper atoms are shown in blue, iron atoms are shown in
green and sulfur atoms are shown in yellow. The dashed lines show the unit cell.
Table .2.6 Chalcopyrite lattice parameters and densities (measured at 298 K) for the I-III-VI compound semiconductors.
Lattice parameters for tetragonal cell.

Of the I-III-VI2 compounds, the copper indium chalcogenides (CuInE2) are certainly the most
studied for their application in solar cells. One of the advantages of the copper indium
chalcogenide compounds is the formation of solid solutions (alloys) of the formula CuInE2-xE'x,
where the composition variable (x) varies from 0 to 2. The CuInS2-xSex and CuInSe2-xTex
systems have also been examined, as has the CuGayIn1-yS2-xSex quaternary system. As would
be expected from a consideration of the relative ionic radii of the chalcogenides the lattice
parameters of the CuInS2-xSex alloy should increase with increased selenium content.

observed for AlxGa1-xAs), however, the variation of the tetragonal lattice constants (a and c) with
composition for CuInS2-xSx are best described by the parabolic relationships.

a = 5.532 + 0.0801x +
0.026x2 c = 11.156 + 0.1204x
+ 0.0611x2
A similar relationship is observed for the CuInSe2-xTex alloys.

a = 5.783 + 0.1560x +
0.0212x2 c = 11.628 +
0.3340x + 0.0277x2
The large difference in ionic radii between S and Te (0.37 Å) prevents formation of solid solutions
in the CuInS2-xTex system, however, the single alloy CuInS1.5Te0.5 has been reported.

Orientation Effects
Once single crystals of high purity silicon or gallium arsenide are produced they are cut into
wafers such that the exposed face of these wafers is either the crystallographic {100} or {111}
planes. The relative structure of these surfaces are important with respect to oxidation, and thin
film growth. These processes are orientation-sensitive; that is, they depend on the direction in
which the crystal slice is cut.

Atom Density
The principle planes in a crystal may be differentiated in a number of ways, however, the atom
and/or bond density are useful in predicting much of the chemistry of semiconductor surfaces.
Since both silicon and gallium arsenide are fcc structures and the {100} and {111} are the only
technologically relevant surfaces, discussions will be limited to fcc {100} and {111}.
The atom density of a surface may be defined as the number of atoms per unit area. Figure shows
a schematic view of the {111} and {100} planes in a fcc lattice. The {111} plane consists of a
hexagonal close packed array in which the crystal directions within the plane are oriented at 60°
to each other. The hexagonal packing and the orientation of the crystal directions are indicated
in Figure 7.2.8 b as an overlaid hexagon. Given the intra-planar inter-atomic distance may be
defined as a function of the lattice parameter, the area of this hexagon may be readily calculated.
For example in the case of silicon, the hexagon has an area of 38.30 Å2. The number of atoms
within the hexagon is three: the atom in the center plus 1/3 of each of the six atoms at the vertices
of the hexagon (each of the atoms at the hexagons vertices is shared by three other adjacent
hexagons). Thus, the atom density of the {111} plane is calculated to be 0.0783 Å-2. Similarly, the
atom density of the {100} plane may be calculated. The {100} plane consists of a square array in

2. 8
which the crystal directions within the plane are oriented at 90° to each other. Since the square
is coincident with one of the faces of the unit cell the area of the square may be readily calculated.
For example in the case of silicon, the square has an area of 29.49 Å2. The number of atoms
within the square is 2: the atom in the center plus 1/4 of each of the four atoms at the vertices of
the square (each of the atoms at the corners of the square are shared by four other adjacent
squares). Thus, the atom density of the {100} plane is calculated to be 0.0678 Å-2. While these
values for the atom density are specific for silicon, their ratio is constant for all diamond cubic
and zinc blende structures: {100}:{111} = 1:1.155. In general, the fewer dangling bonds the more
stable a surface structure.

Figure .2.8 Schematic representation of the (111) and (100) faces of a face centered cubic
(fcc) lattice showing the relationship between the close packed rows.
An atom inside a crystal of any material will have a coordination number (n) determined by the
structure of the material. For example, all atoms within the bulk of a silicon crystal will be in a
tetrahedral four-coordinate environment (n = 4). However, at the surface of a crystal the atoms
will not make their full compliment of bonds. Each atom will therefore have less nearest neighbors
than an atom within the bulk of the material. The missing bonds are commonly called dangling
bonds. While this description is not particularly accurate it is, however, widely employed and as
such will be used herein. The number of dangling bonds may be defined as the difference
between the ideal coordination number (determined by the bulk crystal structure) and the actual
coordination number as observed at the surface.
Figure 7.2.9 shows a section of the {111} surfaces of a diamond cubic lattice viewed perpendicular
to the {111} plane. The atoms within the bulk have a coordination number of four. In contrast,
the atoms at the surface (e.g., the atom shown in blue in Figure 7.2.10 are each bonded to just
three other atoms (the atoms shown in red in Figure), thus each surface atom has one dangling
bond. As can be seen from Figure 7.2.10, which shows the atoms at the {100} surface viewed
perpendicular to the {100} plane, each atom at the surface (e.g., the atom shown in blue in Figure
7.2.9 is only coordinated to two other atoms (the atoms shown in red in Figure 7.2.10, leaving
two dangling bonds per atom. It should be noted that the same number of dangling bonds are
found for the {111} and {100} planes of a zinc blende lattice. The ratio of dangling bonds for the
{100} and {111} planes of all diamond cubic and zinc blende structures is {100}:{111} = 2:1.
Furthermore, since the atom densities of each plane are known then the ratio of the dangling
bond densities is determined to be: {100}:{111} = 1:0.577.

2. 9
Figure .2.9 A section of the {111} surfaces of a diamond cubic lattice viewed perpendicular to
the {111} plane.

Figure .2.10 A section of the {100} surface of a diamond cubic lattice viewed perpendicular to
the {100} plane.

Silicon (Si)
For silicon, the {111} planes are closer packed than the {100} planes. As a result, growth of a silicon
crystal is therefore slowest in the <111> direction, since it requires laying down a close packed
atomic layer upon another layer in its closest packed form. As a consequence <111> Si is the
easiest to grow, and therefore the least expensive.
The dissolution or etching of a crystal is related to the number of broken bonds already present
at the surface: the fewer bonds to be broken in order to remove an individual atom from a crystal,
the easier it will be to dissolve the crystal. As a consequence of having only one dangling bond
(requiring three bonds to be broken) etching silicon is slowest in the <111> direction. The
electronic properties of a silicon wafer are also related to the number of dangling bonds.
Silicon microcircuits are generally formed on a single crystal wafer that is diced after fabrication
by either sawing part way through the wafer thickness or scoring (scribing) the surface, and
then physically breaking. The physical breakage of the wafer occurs along the natural cleavage
planes, which in the case of silicon are the {111} planes.

Gallium Arsenide (GaAs)

The zinc blende lattice observed for gallium arsenide results in additional considerations over
that of silicon. Although the {100} plane of GaAs is structurally similar to that of silicon, two
possibilities exist: a face consisting of either all gallium atoms or all arsenic atoms. In either case
the surface atoms have two dangling bonds, and the properties of the face are independent of
whether the face is gallium or arsenic.

2. 10
The {111} plane also has the possibility of consisting of all gallium or all arsenic. However, unlike
the {100} planes there is a significant difference between the two possibilities. Figure 7.2.11 shows
the gallium arsenide structure represented by two interpenetrating fcc lattices. The [111] axis is
vertical within the plane of the page. Although the structure consists of alternate layers of gallium
and arsenic stacked along the [111] axis, the distance between the successive layers alternates
between large and small. Assigning arsenic as the parent lattice the order of the layers in the
[111] direction is As Ga-As Ga-As Ga, while in the [111] direction the layers are ordered, Ga-AsGa
As-Ga As (Figure 7.2.11).In silicon these two directions are of course identical. The surface of a
crystal would be either arsenic, with three dangling bonds, or gallium, with one dangling bond.
Clearly, the latter is energetically more favorable. Thus, the (111) plane shown in Figure 7.2.11 is
called the (111) Ga face. Conversely, the [111] plane would be either gallium, with three dangling
bonds, or arsenic, with one dangling bond. Again, the latter is energetically more favorable and
the [111] plane is therefore called the (111) As face.

Figure 2.11 The (111) Ga face of GaAs showing a surface layer containing gallium atoms
(green) with one dangling bond per gallium and three bonds to the arsenic atoms (red)
in the lower layer.
The (111) As is distinct from that of (111) Ga due to the difference in the number of electrons at
the surface. As a consequence, the
(111) As face etches more rapidly than the (111) Ga face. In addition, surface evaporation below
770 °C occurs more rapidly at the (111) As face.

Inter Planar Spacing

Interplanar spacing (d-spacing) is the distance between parallel crystal planes in a crystalline
material. It is denoted by the symbol "d" and is expressed in units of length, such as angstroms
(Å) or picometers (pm).

The interplanar spacing is calculated using Bragg's Law, which relates the wavelength of X-rays
(λ) to the angle of diffraction (θ) and the interplanar spacing (d):


• d: Interplanar spacing
• θ: Angle of diffraction
2. 11
• n: An integer (1, 2, 3, ...) representing the order of the diffraction peak
• λ: Wavelength of X-rays

Rearranging the equation gives the formula for interplanar spacing:



Crystal Structure Determination: Interplanar spacing is fundamental for determining crystal

structures through X-ray diffraction. The diffraction pattern provides information about the
arrangement of atoms or ions in a crystal lattice.
Identifying Crystal Phases: Different crystal phases exhibit unique interplanar spacings. Analyzing
these spacings allows scientists to identify the crystalline phases present in a material.

4. Factors Influencing Interplanar Spacing:

Crystal Structure: Different crystal structures result in different interplanar spacings.
Wavelength of X-rays: The choice of X-ray wavelength affects the accuracy of the measurement.
Shorter wavelengths provide higher resolution.

5. Experimental Techniques:
X-ray Diffraction: The most common technique for measuring interplanar spacing is X-ray
diffraction. X-rays are directed at a crystal, and the resulting diffraction pattern is used to
determine interplanar spacings.
Powder Diffraction: In cases where obtaining single crystals is challenging, powder diffraction can
be used to analyze the average interplanar spacings in a polycrystalline sample.

6. Applications:
Material Characterization: Interplanar spacing is critical for characterizing materials in fields such
as metallurgy, geology, and nanotechnology.
Drug Discovery: In pharmaceuticals, interplanar spacing analysis is used to understand the
crystalline structure of drugs, influencing their properties and behavior.
Understanding interplanar spacing is essential for unraveling the structure of crystalline materials
and is foundational to various scientific and technological applications.

2. 12
Symmetry operations

Crystals, and therefore minerals, have an ordered internal arrangement of atoms. This
ordered arrangement shows symmetry, i.e. the atoms are arranged in a symmetrical
fashion on a three dimensional network referred to as a lattice. When a crystal forms
in an environment where there are no impediments to its growth, crystal faces form as
smooth planar boundaries that make up the surface of the crystal. These crystal faces
reflect the ordered internal arrangement of atoms and thus reflect the symmetry of the
crystal lattice. To see this, let's first imagine a small 2 dimensional crystal composed of
atoms in an ordered internal arrangement as shown below. Although all of the atoms
in this lattice are the same, I have colored one of them gray so we can keep track of its

If we rotate the simple crystals by 90o notice that the lattice and crystal look exactly the
same as what we started with. Rotate it another 90o and again its the same. Another
90o rotation again results in an identical crystal, and another 90o rotation returns the
crystal to its original orientation. Thus, in 1 360o rotation, the crystal has repeated
itself, or looks identical 4 times. We thus say that this object has 4-fold rotational

Symmetry Operations and Elements

A Symmetry operation is an operation that can be performed either physically or

imaginatively that results in no change in the appearance of an object. Again it is
emphasized that in crystals, the symmetry is internal, that is it is an ordered
geometrical arrangement of atoms and molecules on the crystal lattice. But, since the
internal symmetry is reflected in the external form of perfect crystals, we are going to
concentrate on external symmetry, because this is what we can observe.

There are 3 types of symmetry operations: rotation, reflection, and inversion. We will
look at each of these in turn.

2. 13
Rotational Symmetry

As illustrated above, if an object can be rotated about an axis and repeats itself every
90o of rotation then it is said to have an axis of 4-fold rotational symmetry. The axis
along which the rotation is performed is an element of symmetry referred to as a
rotation axis. The following types of rotational symmetry axes are possible in crystals.
• 1-Fold Rotation Axis - An object that requires
rotation of a full 360o in order to restore it to its
original appearance has no rotational
symmetry. Since it repeats itself 1 time every
360o it is said to have a 1-fold axis of rotational

• 2-fold Rotation Axis - If an object

appears identical after a rotation of
180o, that is twice in a 360o rotation,
then it is said to have a 2-fold rotation
axis (360/180 = 2). Note that in these
examples the axes we are referring to
are imaginary lines that extend toward
you perpendicular to the page or
blackboard. A filled oval shape
represents the point where the 2-fold
rotation axis intersects the page.

This symbolism will be used for a 2-fold rotation axis throughout the lectures
and in your text.
• 3-Fold Rotation Axis- Objects that repeat
themselves upon rotation of 120o are said to
have a 3-fold axis of rotational symmetry
(360/120 =3), and they will repeat 3 times in a
360o rotation. A filled triangle is used to
symbolize the location of 3-fold rotation axis.

• 4-Fold Rotation Axis - If an object repeats

itself after 90o of rotation, it will repeat 4 times
in a 360o rotation, as illustrated previously. A
2. 14
filled square is used to symbolize the location
of 4-fold axis of rotational symmetry.

• 6-Fold Rotation Axis - If rotation of

60o about an axis causes the object to
repeat itself, then it has 6-fold axis of
rotational symmetry (360/60=6). A filled
hexagon is used as the symbol for a 6-
fold rotation axis.

Although objects themselves may appear to have 5-fold, 7-fold, 8-fold, or higher-fold
rotation axes, these are not possible in crystals. The reason is that the external shape
of a crystal is based on a geometric arrangement of atoms. Note that if we try to
combine objects with 5-fold and 8-fold apparent symmetry, that we cannot combine
them in such a way that they completely fill space, as illustrated below.

Mirror Symmetry
A mirror symmetry operation is an imaginary operation that can be performed to
reproduce an object. The operation is done by imagining that you cut the object in
half, then place a mirror next to one of the halves of the object along the cut. If the
reflection in the mirror reproduces the other half of the object, then the object is said
to have mirror symmetry. The plane of the mirror is an element of symmetry referred
to as a mirror plane, and is symbolized with the letter m. As an example, the human
body is an object that approximates mirror symmetry, with the mirror plane cutting
through the center of the head, the center of nose and down to the groin.

The rectangles shown below have two planes of mirror symmetry.

2. 15
The rectangle on the left
has a mirror plane that
runs vertically on the
page and is
perpendicular to the
page. The rectangle on
the right has a mirror
plane that runs
horizontally and is
perpendicular to the
page. The dashed parts
of the rectangles below
show the part the
rectangles that would be
seen as a reflection in
the mirror
The rectangles shown above have two planes of mirror symmetry. Three dimensional
and more complex objects could have more. For example, the

hexagon shown above, not only has a 6-fold rotation axis, but has 6 mirror planes.
Note that a rectangle does not have mirror symmetry
along the diagonal lines. If we cut the rectangle along a
diagonal such as that labeled "m ???", as shown in the
upper diagram, reflected the lower half in the mirror,
then we would see what is shown by the dashed lines in
lower diagram. Since this does not reproduce the
original rectangle, the line "m???" does not represent a
mirror plane.

2. 16
Center of Symmetry

Another operation that can be performed is

inversion through a point. In this operation
lines are drawn from all points on the object
through a point in the center of the object,
called a symmetry center (symbolized with
the letter "i"). The lines each have lengths
that are equidistant from the original
points. When the ends of the lines are
connected, the original object is reproduced
inverted from its original appearance. In the
diagram shown here, only a few such lines
are drawn for the small triangular face. The
right hand diagram shows the object without
the imaginary lines that reproduced the
If an object has only a center of symmetry, we say that it has a 1 fold rotoinversion
axis. Such an axis has the symbol , as shown in the right hand diagram above. Note
that crystals that have a center of symmetry will exhibit the property that if you place it
on a table there will be a face on the top of the crystal that will be parallel to the
surface of the table and identical to the face resting on the table.


Combinations of rotation with a center of symmetry perform the symmetry operation of

rotoinversion. Objects that have rotoinversion symmetry have an element of symmetry
called a rotoinversion axis. A 1-fold rotoinversion axis is the same as a center of
symmetry, as discussed above. Other possible rotoinversion are as follows:

• 2-fold Rotoinversion - The operation of 2-fold

rotoinversion involves first rotating the object by
180o then inverting it through an inversion center. This
operation is equivalent to having a mirror plane
perpendicular to the 2-fold rotoinversion axis. A 2-fold
rotoinversion axis is symbolized as a 2 with a bar over
the top, and would be pronounced as "bar 2". But, since
this the equivalent of a mirror plane, m, the bar 2 is
rarely used.

2. 17
• 3-fold Rotoinversion - This involves rotating the object
by 120o (360/3 = 120), and inverting through a center. A
cube is good example of an object that possesses 3-fold
rotoinversion axes. A 3-fold rotoinversion axis is denoted
as (pronounced "bar 3"). Note that there are actually
four axes in a cube, one running through each of the
corners of the cube. If one holds one of the axes
vertical, then note that there are 3 faces on top, and 3
identical faces upside down on the bottom that are offset
from the top faces by 120o.

• 4-fold Rotoinversion - This involves rotation of the object by

90o then inverting through a center. A four fold rotoinversion axis
is symbolized as . Note that an object possessing a 4- fold
rotoinversion axis will have two faces on top and two identical faces
upside down on the bottom, if the axis is held in the vertical

• 6-fold Rotoinversion - A 6-fold rotoinversion axis (

) involves rotating the object by 60o and inverting
through a center. Note that this operation is
identical to having the combination of a 3-fold
rotation axis perpendicular to a mirror plane.

Combinations of Symmetry Operations

2. 18
As should be evident by now, in three dimensional objects, such as crystals, symmetry
elements may be present in several different combinations. In fact, in crystals there are
32 possible combinations of symmetry elements. These 32 combinations define the 32
Crystal Classes. Every crystal must belong to one of these 32 crystal classes. In the
next lecture we will start to go over each of these crystal classes in detail, but the best
way to be able to identify each crystal class is not by listening to me lecture, not
necessarily by reading about each class, but actually looking at models of perfect
crystals in the lab. In fact, it is my opinion that it is next to impossible to identify
symmetry elements and crystal classes without spending a lot of time examining and
studying the 3-dimensional models in lab.

Here, I will just give one example of how the various symmetry elements are combined
in a somewhat completed crystal. One point that I want to emphasize in this
discussion is that if 2 kinds of symmetry elements are present in the same crystal, then
they will operate on each other to produce other symmetrical symmetry
elements. This should become clear as we go over the example below.

In this example we will start out with the crystal shown here. Note that
this crystal has rectangular-shaped sides with a square- shaped top
and bottom. The square-shaped top indicates that there must be a 4-
fold rotation axis perpendicular to the square shaped face. This is
shown in the diagram.

Also note that the rectangular

shaped face on the left side of the
crystal must have a 2-fold rotation
axis that intersects it. Note that
the two fold axis runs through the
crystal and exits on the left-hand
side (not seen in this view), so that
both the left and right - hand sides
of the crystal are perpendicular to
a 2-fold rotation axis.

2. 19
Since the top face of the crystal has a 4-fold rotation axis, operation of this 4-fold
rotation must reproduce the face with the perpendicular 2-fold axis on a
90o rotation. Thus, the front and back faces of the crystal will also have perpendicular
2-fold rotation axes, since these are required by the 4-fold axis.

The square-shaped top of

the crystal also suggests that
there must be a 2-fold axis
that cuts diagonally through
the crystal. This 2-fold axis is
shown here in the left-hand
diagram. But, again
operation of the 4-fold axis
requires that the other
diagonals also have 2-fold
axis, as shown in the right-
hand diagram.
Furthermore, the
square-shaped top and
front of the crystal
suggest that a plane of
symmetry is present as
shown by the left-hand
diagram here. But,
again, operation of the
4-fold axis requires that
a mirror plane is also
present that cuts
through the side faces,
as shown by the
diagram on the right.

2. 20
The square top further
suggests that there must
be a mirror plane cutting
the diagonal through
the crystal. This mirror
plane will be reflected by
the other mirror planes
cutting the sides of the
crystal, or will be
reproduced by the 4-
fold rotation axis, and
thus the crystal will have
another mirror plane
cutting through the
other diagonal, as shown
by the diagram on the

Finally, there is another mirror plane that cuts through the center of the crystal parallel
to the top and bottom faces.

Thus, this crystal has the following symmetry


• 1 - 4-fold rotation axis (A4)

• 4 - 2-fold rotation axes (A2), 2 cutting the
faces & 2 cutting the edges.
• 5 mirror planes (m), 2 cutting across the
faces, 2 cutting through the edges, and
one cutting horizontally through the
• Note also that there is a center of
symmetry (i).

The symmetry content of this crystal is thus: i,

1A4, 4A2, 5m

2. 21

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