Unit 5 Solid State: Structure
Unit 5 Solid State: Structure
Unit 5 Solid State: Structure
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Definition of Terms Used in Crystal Systems
Unit Cell
5.3 Bravais Lattices and Crystal Systems
Cubic System Geometry
Bravais Lattice
5.4 Crystal Planes and Miller Indices
5.5 X-rays and Crystal Structure
Principles of Diffraction
Bragg Law and Bragg Equation
5.6 Experimental Method for the Determination of Crystal Structure
Powder Method
Some Experimental Findings
5.7 Determination of Unit Cell
Number of Net Atoms in a Cubic Unit Cell
Density Calculation
Experimental Method
5.8 Nature of Bonds in Solids
5.9 lonic, Covalent and Molecular Crystals
lonic Crystals
Covalent Crystals
Molecular Crystals
5.10 Commonly Encountered Metallic Structures
5.1 1 Semiconductors
Intrinsic Semiconductors
Extrinsic Semiconductors
5.12 Summary
5.13 Terminal Questions
5.14 Answers
- - -- - ---
In the earlier units,, we had drawn a comparison amongst the three states of matter-solid,
liquid and.gas. These states of matter were described in terms of a few physical'properties
like "solids are denser than liquids and gases" or "it takes enormous pressure to compress a
solid even by a fraction of its volume", etc. However, instead of defining the states of matter
in terms of the physical properties, it is much more useful to think in terms of the binding
forces (ionic, covalent, van der Waals, etc.,) involved in a particular state imparting
different properties to solids, liquids and gases. Thus, solid state could be defined as a state
of a substance in which the neighbouring particles (molecules, atoms or ions) are close
enough for van der Waals forces to operate. As a consequence, the motion of the molecules
is restricted with respect to its neighbours.
The solids can be of two types - crystalline and amorphous. Let us explain what a
crystalline solid is. Those solids which are formed due to regulal repetition of identical
building blocks are called crystals. It is like having a collection of identical bricks which
could be arranged in some regular fashion to construct a wall. On the other hand, theie are
solids which do not appear to have any regular internal arrangemeqt in every part and thus
do not show regular shape; these are called amorphous solids. Amorphous solid means a
solid without regular form. Glass, polyethylene as in plastic bags, etc., are common
examples of amorphous substances. Though the study of amorphous substances is also quite
useful and interesting, we shall confine ourselves to the study of the crystalline solids in this
Different crystalline structures are associated with different physical properties. Hence, we
discuss crystal forms and crystal structure determination method in this unit. Further, the
theories'of metallic bonding and semiconductors are also explained with particular reference
to electrical conduction. The information obtained from crystal structure studies could help us
in understanding the physical and chemical properties of solids.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
define lattice, basis, unit cell, primitive and nonprimitve cells,
describe the seven crystal systems and the fourteen Bravais latt~ces,
identify the face, corner, edge, face-centre and body-centre in a cube,
state the crystal planes in terms of Miller indices,
state Bragg law,
describe the determination of crystal structure by X-ray diffraction method,
determine the type of unit cell based on experimental and calculated values of density,
explain the types of bonds in solids,
discuss the structures of some ionic, covalent and metallic crystals, and,
describe the types of semiconductors.
Atom is In general =;lse tn this We h&e already seen that a crystal is defined in terms of a regular and repetitive
unit; it stands for an atom or an Ion arrangement of particles (atoms/molecules/ions) in space. In order to pndefstaad crystak
or a molecule. and their structures, we encounter a few new terms. These terms form akind of
crystallographic language. Let us now look at the definitions of some of these terms.
5.2.1 Lattice
Lattice is defined as an arrangement of geometrical points in a definite pattern in space
A parallel net-like arrangement of
points in space is known as lattice. (Fig. 5.la). It resembles a scaffold (a framework) erected for the construction of a building
Putting it in a simpler way, one can define.a lattice as a regular periodic arrangement of
. . points in space.
bsis (with two .toms), c) c r p ! stmetare.
Fig. 5.1 :Representation ofa) lattice in two
5.2.2 Basis
Whenever there is a group of atoms When atoms tire attached regularly to each lattice point, it forms a crystal. However. instead
around a lattice pointl then the basis of an atom, we can have a group of atoms attached to each lattice point. The group is called
is defined.
a basis (Fig. 5. l b). The basis consists of the atoms, their spacings and internal bond angles.
62 Every basis is identical in compositbn, arrangement and orientation. Fig. 5.lc shows the
crystal structure where you can recognise the basis and imagine the lattice. For a large Solid State
number of crystals, the basis has only a small number of atoms but in a few instances, the
basis exceeds 1000 atoms. For example, the basis in iodine crystal is I 2 molecule whereas in
the ice crystal, H i 0 molecule is the basis.
Fig. 5.3 :Of aU the reguk polygons, only triangles, squares and hexagons can fill a floor space without gap.
F i - i n space is deaoted by grey 63
triangular, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal or octagonal? Agains the answer 1s no.
You can cover the floor space completely with triangular, square or hexagonal tiles but not
with pentagonal, heptagonal or octagonal tiles (Fig. 5.3). Note the gaps in the interior floor
space when pentagonal, heptagonal or octagonal tiles are used.
Jusc as tiles with specific shapes are useful in covering the floor space completely, unit cells
with specific symmetry properties constitute the crystal lattice. The course on Spectroscopy
deals with symmetry properties in detail.
What is the essential characteristic d a qnit cell?
- -
A parallelepiped is a three The basic shape of a rrnit cell is described by a parallelepiped. (Fig. 5.4a).
dimensiooal model of a
parallelogram. A unit cell has three coordinate axes, a, b and c (note the bold letters). The cell-edge
lengths in the threc axes are a, b and c (note the italicised letters), respectively (Fig. 5.4b).
The cell-edge lengths (a, b and c) are
the repeat distances in a unit cell. The angles between a and b axes, b and c axes and c and a axes are y , a and P,
Any point in a unit cell can be respectively. The quantities a, b and c are called lattice parameters or unit cell parameters.
represented by coordinates wh~chare
fractions of a, b and c.
Fig. 5.4 :a) parallelepiped; b) three coordinate axes, cell-edge lengths and the angles between axes.
Based on the relationships among the axial angles and the edge-lengths, there are seven
crystal systems as given in Table 5.1.
Fig. 5.5 :a) Eight corners in a cube indicated by letters A to H--each comer is marked by red dot; twelvc
edges indicated by number 1 to 12; b) bottom face ABCD of the cube shown; !4C and BD are the face
diagonals and M is face-centre; c) The right-angled AACC.
By joining any two corners which are not in the same face,% body diagonal is obtainzd.
There are. four body diagonals in a cube--AG, BH; FFn and EC in Fig. 5.5a. All the body
diagonals meet at the body-centre. The .definitions of face, corner, edge, face-centre and
body-centre apply to other crystal systems also.
ig.5.6 :Fourteen Bmv& Lattices.
Of these Bravais lattices, we shall consider simple cubic (sc), body-centred cubic (bcc) and
face-centred cubic Ucc) lattices only. In the next section, let us see how to represent the
crystal planes.
Describe the following : simple cubic, body-centred cubic and faa-centred cubic crystals.
. .
Crystal planes are represented .by certain numbers known as Miller indices. These indices
are determined in the following way :
i) Find the intercepts of a crystal plane on the axes, a, b and c in terms of cell-edge
lengths Q, b and c. Suppose that a crystal plane makes intercepts 3a, 2b, 2c as shown in
.Fig. 5.7.
Fig. 5.7 :Miller indices.
~ i )Divide the intercepts by the respective cell-edge lengths (aD and cj. For the crystal
3a 26 2c .
plane in Fig. 5.7, this step g~ves -* --* i.e., 3,2,2 as the answer.
a b c
iii) Take the reciprocal of the above numbers. Corresponding to Fig. 5.7, this step gives
-1 1 1
9- 9 - as the answer.
3 2 2
iv) Finally reduce the above fractions to the smallest integers having the same ratio. Write
these numbers enclosed in parantheses without comma signs; these are the Miller
indices of the given crystal plane. For the illustration in Fig. 5.7, the Miller indices are
(233); this is to be pronounced as two three three plane.
Miller indices are generally represented as (hkf). You will notice that the Miller indices are
defined in such a way that all equivalent and parallel pland are represented by the same set
26 2c
3 3
of Miller indices. Thus, planes whose intercepts are 3a, 2b,2c ora, 9 - 'br 9 ~ ~ 6fit, 6 ,.
etc. are all represented by a set of Miller indices (233).
If a face is parallel to en axis, theoretically the corresponding intercept is equal to m. To
illustrate this, Ict us draw a crystal plane of a cubic cell which makes intercepts a, m, w.
That is, the plane is parallel to b and e axes. Applying the above steps in order, we get the
Miller indices for this plane as (100). Remember b equal to zero. Th6 origin (0)and
, ,h-*
the axes directions are shown in Fig. 5.8a. The (100) plane is indicated in Fig. 5.8b.
Similarly, corresponding to the planes with intercepts Q, Q, 00 and Q, Q, u, the Miller indices
are (1 10) and (1 1I), respectively; these are shown in Figs. 5.8 c and d, respectively.
Fig. 5.8 :a) The prigin, 0,the axes and the cell-edq length a in r cubk ceU; b) (100) plsne; c) (110) p h ;
d) (111) we.
We can calculate the distance between the adjacent planes labelled by the same Miller
indices (hkl), but no generalised formula can be written. The actual formula in a particular
case would depend upon the crptal structure. For example, the distance d h k ~between the
(hko planes of a cubic lattice is given by,
dhk~ = ... (5.1)
d h 2 + k2 l2 +
where a is the cell-edge length of the cell.and (hkl) are the Miller indices. Thus, in
sodium chloride crystal, the ceil-edge length is 5.63 X 10-"m. The distance between (1 11)
planes is given by Eq. 5.1,
d l 2 l 2-b l 2 d3
Eq. 5.1 could be used only for cubic crystals. For an orthorhombic cell, the equation for d m
turns out to be,
- - -- - - -
Crystal structur.es are wually.determined with the help of X-rays. In addition to X-rays,
other forms of radiations having similar properties-like a beam of neutrons or electrons-
could also be used. However, our discussion will be limited to the use of X-rays only. We
know that X-rays are electromagnetic radiations of wavelengths much shorter' than either
visible or ultraviolet light. In 1911, Ewall showed that whenever the wavelength of
radiation is of the same order of magnitude as the size of the particle in a material, the
radiation would be diffracted by the particle. In 1912, Laue suggested that since the order of
the magnitude of the wavelength of X-rays and the crystal lattice distances are the same, we
should expect diffraction of X-rays by crystals. This was soon confirmed experimentallyby
Friedrich and Knipping.,Let us explain the principle of diffraction, in general, and the
diffraction of X-rays by crystals, in p'articular.
Fig. 5.9 :Two waves (shown by dotted and solid l i w s ) ghring rioe to a resu#nnt (shown by red d o u r ) :a)
cmdrudve ioterference (in-phase b a v e - m amptihade); b) dedmctive intcrtemce (out-of-phase
w8vc--smrOerpaptiade). .
The bending of light round the edges of an obstacle is called diffraction. Consider a beam of
light pasiing througn two slits (SI and SZ),cut near to each other on a screen and falling on
a second screen p l a d beyond the slits (Fig. 5.10). A series of dark and bright bands are
observed on the screen, which are due to the cqnstructive and destructive interference of the
two beams passing through the two slits. When their amplitudes are in-phase, the intensity
is enhanced and when their amplitudes are out-of-phase, the intensity is decreased. Whether
the beams are in-phase or out-of-phase will depend on the path differencebetween the two
Light beam
Fig. 5.11 :The taddent and tht reReded beams and the two -1 lattice
Path difference = (QC CS) - (PA AR) +
+ +
= (QB BC) (CD + DS) - (PA AR) +
=BC+CD ... (5.4)
[ ': QB = PA and DS = AR, being opposite sides of the rectangles shown
by the shaded portiotls in Fig. 5.1 1 1.
If the separation between the lattice layers in:a crystal is 404 pin and the wavelength of
X-rays used'is 154 pm, what would be the angle of incidence at which reflection would
occur? Assume n 7 1.
Cone of
diffracted rays
powder pattern for sodium chloride is shown in Fig. 5,13. Using powder method, the
interplanar spacing can be found out since both h and 0 are known.
=- 3 WI=;M 8
N'mm dm"
- d d
8 2
The x-ray diffraction method leads us to the value of cell-edge length which can be used to
detfrmine the density of the crystal.
The comparison between the experimental and the theoretical values of density could help
us in determining the cubic cell type. First let us calculate the number of atoms belonging to
a unll cell in each type of cubic cell.
Number of Net Atoms in a Cubic Unit Cell
An atom at the hody-centre of a unit cell belongs to that cell only (Fig. 5.14a). An atom on
the face-centre of a unit cell is shared by unit cells (Fig. 5.14b) and thus, only half of
such an atom belongs to one unit cell. An atom at the edge-centre of a unit cell is shared by
four unit cells (Fig. 5.14~);one-fourth of an atom in the edge-centre belongs to one unll
cell. But an atom at the corner of a unit cell will be shared by eight unit cells as shown in
Fig. 5.14d. Hence, we can say that one eighth of an atom in a corner belongs to a particular
unit-cell. Using this background, let us calculate the number of net atoms present per u n ~ t -
lor a ~ l r i 1 ~ l e ~ uface-centered
c ~ b l l 6b, cubic or body-centred cubic structure.
Fig. 5.14 :a) An atom at the body-ceotre of a mit ceU; b) An atom at the face-centre shared by two unit
cells; c) An atom at the edge-centre shored by four unit cells! d) An atom in the comer shared by eigM
unit cells.
The number of net atoms per unit 0 In a simple cubic cell, there are atoms only at the eight corners; and hence, a simple
cell are one, two and four in simple 1
cubic, bcc and fcc structures. cubic structure has only one net atom (8 X -8
= I) per unit cell.
. On the other hand, in a bcc structure, there are atoms in the eight corners and'the
centre of the cell; hence, there are two net atoms [(8 X - ) 1 = 21 per unit cell of a
bcc structure.
Finally, for a fcc structure, there are atoms in the eight corners and six face centres.
1 I
That is, a fcc structure has four net atoms [(8 X - ) (6 X -) = 1 3 = 41 per
8 2
unit cell.
The density of a crystal depends on the number of atoms, their mass and the volume of the
unit cell. Let us no& see the calculation of the densities of these three types of unit cells.
Since, simple cubic, bcc and fcc unit cells have one, two and four atoms per unit cell, the
densities of bcc and fcc are given by :
Density of a bcc cell, = 7 2w kg m-3
Density of a fcc cell = 7 kg m-j
In general, the density of a cubic unit cell (p) = 7
kg m-j ... (5.16)
where n is the number of net atoms per unit cell.
Rearranging Eq. 5.16, we get,
There are basically two theories or models to explain the nature of bonds in solids. One is
known as bond model and the other as band model. These two names may sound new;
however, they are the same two approaches that we have already studied (in Units 4 and 5
of Atoms and Molecules course) in connection with the formation of a molecule by the
combination of two or more atoms. Thus the bond model is the same as the valence bond
apprpach. Here we consider a crystal as a three dimensional arrangment of atoms and each
of these atoms has valence electrons which can form normal chemical bonds with
neighbouring atoms. These bonds may be ionic, covalent or van der Waals in character. In
the other approach, which is called the band model, we follow the molecular orbital
treatment. All the nuclei with their core electrons are considered as a fixed periodic array
States n l Matter
over which the valence electrons are spread out. It is like pouring of electron cement over a
fixed arrangement of nuclear bricks. We have already read about ibnic bond, covalent
bond, hydrogen bond, etc., in Unit 3 of Atoms and Molecules course. We shall now study
metallic bonding in terms of the above two models.
Metallic Bonding
According to the bond theory, the metallic solids can be considered as having simple
covalent bonds between adjacent atoms. However,in these cases, the number of electron
pairs available for bond formation is less than the number of orbitals available. Hence,
when such substances are placed under an applied electric field, the electrons from the filled
orbitals can easily flow into the vacant orbitals, thus making them highly conducting.
In the band theory of metals, a crystalline metallic solid is considered as a single giant
molecule: Linear combination of atomic orbitals on ali the atoms is taken to give molecular
orbitals of the solid just as in the case of simple diatomic molecule. It is also assumed that
there is negligible overlap of inner shell atomic orbitals and the energies of these remain
practically the same as atomic orbitals on isolated atoms. However, the outer orhitals do
combine to give molecular orbitals of bonding and antibondixg character. Suppose that a
crystal of sodium contains N atoms, where PI is of the order of 10". Neglecting the innei
orbitals, there are N number of 3s orbitals on all the atoms in the crystal which can
combine to give N molecular orbitals or delocalised crystal orbitals. Since each molecular
orbital can hold 2 electrons, the total number of electrons which these orbitals can hold is
2N. The actual number of electrons is however only N, since each atom is contributing only
one 3s electron. Hence, only half of the molecular orbitals will be occupied by the electrons
and half will remain vacant. Further, since there are N molecular orbitals and the total
energy difference between the highest and the lowest orbital is very small, the energy
separation between the adjacent molecular orbitals would be very small. For all practical
purposes we can consider these molecular orbitals as forming a continuous band of energy
rather than separate energy levels. Thus we have a situation where a band of vacant energy
levels lie very near to a band of occupied energy levels. Therefore, the electrons present in
the occupied lower energy levels can easily move out to vacant band. This is the reason
given for metals being good conductors of electricity. In the next section, we shall study the
structures of ionic, covalent and molecular crystals.
In this section.we shall consider the structures of some crystals, which have either ionic or
covalent bonds; examples are also given for crystals having~ovalentbonding with van der
Waals attraction or hydrogen bonding.
bcc Structure
The structure of a bcc crystal can be defined in terms of unit cell-edge length and two
unique positions in the cell. Consider a crystal like CsCl which has bcc structure and has
Unit cell-edge length must connect two different ions in lattice positions. Suppose the centre of a cube is occupied by Cs' ion;
equivalent points If there is an atom then, this is one of the unique positibns of the crystal. It is unique because there is no other
at the corner of a unit-cell, similar point within the cell which is one cell-edge length away and which can be occupied by
atoms must be present at all the
cornen. If there is an atom at a face- another Cs' ion. Now if one of the corners of the cube is occupied by a chloride ion, then
centre, the opposite facecentre also all the eight corners of the cube must be occupied by chloride ions. This is so because each
must have the similar atom. of the corners is one unit cell-edge length away from its nearest neighbours and if one
corner is occupied by Cl- ion, its immediate neighbours which are unit cell-edge length
away must also be occupied by chloride ions. We can say that any one corner position is
unique in the sense that once you associate an atom with this position, then all the other
corners automatically get associated with the similar atoms. Thus, once these two positions
are defined, the whole crystal gets &fined'(~i~. 5.15).
Solid Slatr
0 CI-
@ cs'
Since CsCl crystal has one Cs' ion at the centre and eight CI- ions at the corners, it has one
Cs' ion and one CI- ion (8 X - = I) belonging to one'unit cell as per discussion in
Subsec. 5.7.1. That is, each CsCl unit cell has one formula unit.
fcc Structure
In a fcc structure, there are four unique positions; once these positions are defined, the rest
of the crystal gets completely described. These are the centres of jhree adjacent faces and
one corner. Once one corner, is occupied by an atom, all other corners will have similar
atoms. Further, if one atom occupies the centre of one face, the centre of the opposite face
would also be occupied by sii:.;lar atom. Thus, by describing the atoms which odcupy the
centres of adjacent three faces, we know the atoms occupying the centres of all the six faces
Similarly, all the eight corners are described, once we know the atom occupying one of the
corner positions. Thus, the whole crystal is described. Sodium chloride is one such example.
It can be Considered to be composed of two interpenetratingfcc lattices, one made up of
sodium ions and the other made up of chloride ions (Fig. 5.16).
The sodium ion lattice is shifted in all the three dimensions by half cell-edge length from the
chloride ion lattice. A unit cell of NaCl contains four formula units.
Let us now see another type of covalent crystals known as molecular crystals.
There is a class of crystals which have hydrogen bonding between the molecules. An
example of this type is ice. In ice. each oxygen atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four
hydrogen atoms, two being linked through covalent bonds in the same molecule and the other
two through hydrogen bonds to different water molecules. In the next section, we shall
illustrate the four main types of crystal structures in metals.
SAQ 6 *
The deoslty of potasium bromide is ,2326 x 10' kglm-'. Its cell edge-length 15
6.54 X 10 "' m. It has a cuhlc structure. ~in&ut$@ether it hap
structure. "c $3 *
Most of the metals crystallise in one of the four basic structures-- simple cuh~c,body-
centred cublc (bcc), hexagonal closest packed (hcp) and tace-centred cubic (or cubic
hcp and structures,each layer closest packed-ccp). Simple cubic structure is not yery common except perhaps for
of atoms is closely packed as the polonium metal which packs in this structure. Alkali metals, Ba, V, Cr, Mo, etc., crystallise
name suggests. in bcc structure. The number of nearest neighbours (coordination number) is 8 in bcc
The unit cell with ccp arrangement is
called fcc unit cell,
Each atom in hcp and ccp arrangements touches three atoms in the plane above, three in the
plane below and six in the same plane. Thus, in both the cases, the coordination number is
12. Further, in ccp and hcp structures,74%of the total space is filled with atoms. The difference Solid State
between the hcp and ccp structures (Figs. 5.19 a and b) is in the arrangementof the third
layer of atoms with respect to the first layer. Metals like Be, Mg, Co, Zn pack in the hcp
structure, whereas those like Ag, Au, Cu, Ni crystallise in ccp arrangement. .
Fig.5.19 :a) kp---thc a t o a in the tbW hycr are stmignt above those in the first k y e r d c d
ABAB .,. b) c&p -tbc .toma h thc thbd hyw srmngcd ha^ those in
tbc tlrst-alkd MCABC ..- amagemmt.
Semiconductorsare solids which are insulators under normal conditions but become The addition of impurities to a
conductors when heated or doped with impurities. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor is called doping.
semiconductor increases with temperature. The semiconductors can be broadly classified
into two types. Let us consider them one by one.
' -
5.1 1.1 Intrinsic Semiconductors
Intrinsic semiconductors are pure substances which conduct elixtricity when heated. In an
intrinsic semiconductor, the energy gap between the highest filled band and the next empty
one is very small. Pdre germanium, pure grey tin, etc., are intrinsic semiconductors. At
absolute zero, they are insulators. But increase ln temperature promotes some electrons
from filled to next higher band across the gap; so they become conductors. The number of
excited electrons increases as the temperature increases; so their conductivity increases with
increase in temperature.
The combination of p-type and n-type semiconductor is called p-n junction. The p-n
junctions are used as rectifiers, solar cells, light emitting diodes and other electronic devices.
Differentlate betweer~intrinsic and extrinsic scn~rconductr>rs.
In this unit, we have briefly described those solid substances which can be classified as
crystals. We have also given a hint at the potential usefulness of crystal studies. We
summarise below what we have studied so far :
The terms-lattice, basis and unit cell-were explained.
Seven crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices were discussed.
Diffraction method and its utility in crystal structure determination were emphasised;
an experimental technique was then discussed.
The nature of bonding in crystals with special reference to metallic bonding was
discussed briefly.
Types of semiconductors.were stated and defined.
1) Show that for a simple cubic cell, the ratio of the volume occupied to the volume of the
unit cell is 0.52.
(Hint : Assume (i) atoms are spherical and (ii) they touch along the cell-edge, i.e.,
radius = - ).
2) In the following cases. mark 'L/' for correct statement and 'X' for wrong statement :
i) The Miller indices of a crystal plane which makes intercepts 2a, 3b, 2c are (232).
ii) The basis in ice crystal is H:O molecule.
iii) A cube has twelve edges.
iv) The unit cell of caesium chloride crystal contains two formula units of CsCI.
3) What are the separaiions of the planes with Miller indices ( I1 1 ), (21 1) and ( 100) in a
cubic crystal having cell-edge length of 432 pm?
4) How many net atoms are there In a fir and bcc unit cell? Arrive at the conclusior~by
geometrical arguments.
5) Identify the type of attractive forces (or bonding) mainly responsible for crystal
bonding in the following cases:
i) diamond ii) potassium bromide
iii) aluminium iv) helium
6) Sodium crystallises in a bcc lattice with a'cell-edge length of 4.23 X lo-'" m. Calculatr Solid Slate
'the density of sodium metal.
7) The density and cell-edge length of sodium chloride are 2.163 X 10' kg m-' and
5.63 X lo-"' m, respectively. Using these data, arrive at the number of form~launits
per unit cell of sodium chloride crystal.
Self Assessment Questions
1) A unit cell is the smallest unit chosen which repeats itself ii three dimensions.
2) Simple ciubic - lattice points at the eight corners only;
bcc - lattice points at the eight corners and the body-centre;
fee -- lattice points at the eight corners and the six face-centres.
6) - Let .us find out the number of formula units of KBr present in a unit cell using Eq. 5. I?.
w Molar mass of KBr = 0.1 19 kg mol - I .
2.826 X
-- 10' kg m-j% (6.54
. X lo-'Ofi)' X 6.022 X l ~ ~ ~ m o l - '
* 119 kg mol-'
Since it has four formula units per unit cell, it has NaCl structure and not CsCl
II Terminal Questions
I ) Since the spheres touch along the edge, the cell-edge length (a) is twice the radius df a
sphere (r), i.e., r = - .
47rr3 - Ira 3
The volume of a sphere = ------ - -
3 6
1 A simple cubic lattice has one net sphere only per unit cell (Subsec. 5.7.1). Hence,
volume occupied in a unit cell = -
7) Substitut~ngthc dens~ty( p ) , cell-edge length (a) and molar mass ( w ) of sodium chloride
in Eq. 5.17, we get,
Further Reading
1 ) Principles of Physical Chemirtry, Samuel H. Maron and Carl F. Prutton, Oxford and
IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 4th ed., 1985.
2) f'hysica? Chemistry, Gilbert W . Castellan, Narosa Publishing House, Addison-
Wesley/Narosa (Indian Student Edition), Delhi, 3rd ed., 1983.
3 ) Phy.sira1 Chemisfry, P.C. Rakshit. Sarat Book House, Calcutta, 5th ed., 1988.
4 ) Phj~sica1,Chrrnistrythrough Problems, S . K . Dogra and S. Dogra, Wiley Eastern Ltd.,
New Delhi. 1984.
5) Physical Chemistry-Principles and Problems, D.V.S. Jain and P. Jauhar, Tata
McGraw-Hill Pub. Company Ltd., New Delhi. 1990.