Bullet 06 05 11

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The View

“Christian faith is a grand cathedral, with divinely

pictured windows. Standing without, you see no glory,
nor can imagine any. But standing within, every ray of
light reveals a harmony of unspeakable splendors.”
—Nathaniel Hawthorne

West Lynchburg Baptist Church
June 5, 2011

Fun in the Son - Family Carnival 6/4

Music & Missions Night 6/5
Centri-Kid Dessert Auction 6/5

Kentucky Mission Trip Benefit 6/11


New Women’s Bible Study 6/16

Ladies Movie Night 6/24

Church-wide Ice Cream Social 6/26

Senior Adult Trip(s)

Staff Member on Call
June 3, 4, 5, 2011
Randy Kent 665.6880

Quick Look for the Week - June 5, 2011

Deacon of the Week - Joe Mayberry 237.2664
Music Selections for Sunday are listed below.

9:00 AM Instrumental Ensemble

9:15 AM Library Open
9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 AM KIDS In Worship

11:00 AM Morning Worship

Dr. Robert Putt
“It’s Summer and the Living is Easy....Living with Hope”
1 Peter 1:3-12

6:00 PM Instrumental Ensemble

6:15 PM TeamKIDS
6:30 PM Student Worship

6:30 PM Music & Missions Night

(Reception following service)

7:30 PM Centri-Kid Dessert Auction Fund-raiser

Monday, June 6
7:00 PM Deacons’ Meeting

Tuesday, June 7
10:00 AM Prayer Group Meets
10:30 AM Suzanne Barden Circle
11:30 AM S.W.A.T. Informational Meeting about
6:30 PM Informational Meeting the Bermuda Cruise
Here at WLBC.
Re: WLBC’s Bermuda Cruise

Wednesday, June 8
6:30 PM EDGE (Gr. 7-12)
6:30 PM Bible Study/Prayer Meeting
6:45 PM Children’s Summer Activities
7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir
8:50 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

Thursday, June 9
7:00 PM College Bible Study IMPACT

Saturday, June 11

6:30 PM Kentucky Mission Trip Fund-raiser

BBQ Dinner (JJ’s Playground)
with “Bonnie & the Boys” Southern Gospel

We have 10 West Lynchburg Baptist Church folks going to

Manchester this July. Come and help support their efforts.
Worship Music Planned for Sunday, June 5, 2011
Those of you with high speed internet connections, who would like to
listen to the music that has been selected for us to sing on Sunday, can
do so by following the instructions below:
Click on the following link...
Http://www.lifeway.com/article/a67101/ Or copy and paste to your web
browser. Once on the web page, scroll down beyond the images of the hymnals until you see a large gray
box that says, Lifeway Worship song list - Click to start. The box contains an alphabetical listing of songs.
To hear a song simply scroll down and click on the title you wish to hear. After a few seconds of download
time the song should begin.
#4 Almighty
#6 How Great Thou Art
#629 Through it All
#241 Once Again
#449 Because He Lives
#535 I Am Thine, O Lord

Dear Church Family,

Thank you for giving me the Bible and the
lunch at Depot Grill.
It was very enjoyable.
Sincerely, Jonathan Yarber
(High School Graduate)
NEW Women’s Bible Study
Duty or Delight?
Knowing Where You Stand with God

A women’s Bible study with six weeks of study.

Author Tammie Head leads you on a journey of
taking your relationship with God
from a duty to a delight.

‘God is not looking for us to perform for Him, He’s

looking for us to delight in Him. Many of us hit
invisible barriers when we seek the Lord’

JOIN US as we discover that there’s way more to Christ than

keeping all the spiritual boxes checked.

JUNE 16, 2011


Educational Wing - Childcare Provided

Sign up on the bulletin board. (6 week study)
Contact person: Leigh Anne Smith 426.5492
Learning to Ring Handbells

Are you an experienced music reading musician who enjoys hearing handbells? Do you wish
that you knew how to ring so you could be a part of a handbell choir? If so then I have a
great opportunity for you. This summer, beginning June 12, we will be offering a class
called The Art of Handbell Ringing. The class will meet Sunday afternoons from 5:15 -
6:00pm in the handbell room and is open to youth and adults with at least two years
experience playing an instrument. We will take a hands on approach as we learn ringing
techniques and notation specific to handbells.
Please contact Randy if you are interested in participating. rkent@wlbc.org

Vacation Bible School

June 25 -29, 2011
“Big Apple”
9am - Noon
Big Apple Adventure:
Where Faith and Life Connect
Big City, Bigger Fun! Grab a cab and get ready for fun around every corner in the Big
Apple Adventure, Where Faith and Life Connect. As kids explore the big city, they’ll
learn how to step out in faith and connect with Jesus--sharing the message of Christ
with their world.
Theme Verse: So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the
message about Jesus Christ. — Romans 10:17 (HCSB)
Motto: Hear it! Believe It! Connect It!
We are looking fr workers. We need a variety of help: teaching assistants, craft helpers,
recreation leaders and registration clerks.
Contact persons: Melissa Woodford 434.587.0967 or Aleta Robertson, 434.528.1624 for
complete details. VBS hours are 9am - Noon.
Our change makes a difference!
Malaria Kills....Malaria is particularly devastating in Africa, where it is a leading killer of
children. In fact, there are 10 new cases of malaria every second. Every 45 seconds, a child
in Africa dies from a malaria infection.
Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets
Although $10 for a bed net may not sound like much, the cost makes them out of reach for
most people at risk of malaria, many of whom survive on less than $1 a day. Nets are a
simple, life-saving solution, but we need your help to provide them to those in need. Join us
Send a net and save a life.
Get your container for COINS after church on Sunday.


Coin Collection for March/April we collected $410.87 in change!!!
Well Done.

Senior Adult Trip

FALL in Myrtle Beach - October 6 - 8, 2011
We invited you to join us on a fun-filled trip to the Grand Strand!!!
Package Includes: R/T Motorcoach, Escorted by Randy
2 nights at Dayton House, Breakfast Buffet each day;
Alabama Theatre Show Dinner at Chesapeake House
Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show Shopping ‘Tanger
Baggage Handling - Snacks & Bottle Water on the Coach
Pricing: Single $393 Double $317 Triple $299 Quad $291

Deposit of $100 Due June 14 Final Payment August 14

Sign up on the bulletin board or contact the church office.
Join Randy Kent & WLBC
for a fun filled
6 Night Cruise
to Bermuda!!!
April 27 - May 3, 2012
We will be sailing out of Baltimore. Reserve your cabin NOW, space is limited!
Cabin Costs: Inside - $772 Outside - $902 Balcony - $1,186
Per Person - Two in a Cabin. (Does not include insurance, gratuities, transportation to
the port, or parking at the Baltimore port.)
First Deposit of $125 per person due when booking
Second Deposit of $125 per person due September 2, 2011
Final Payment due January 31, 2012

BOOK by calling 434.385.5192 Travel Lovers

Bea Mohr bea@travellovers.com
Tell agent you are with the WLBC group.

JUNE 12, 2011 6:30PM

Three Bridges music is rooted in traditional "southern gospel" and "black gospel
music.” This blended style has made Three Bridges one of the prominent
internationally-acclaimed Gospel groups in Christian music today — a group known
for tight harmony, a unique vocal style, an exciting energy packed stage
presentation, and, most importantly, for spreading the joy of being a Christian.
Join Us for a FUN evening and invite your friends and neighbors.
MFUGE Mission Trip, Greenville, SC
June 27 - July 2
For complete details contact Vance or any member of the
youth council. Bro. Vance vmatthews@wlbc.org

To show our support for the mission trip we are putting together
GOODIE BAGS for the mission team (21 members strong)
going to Greenville, SC. Please drop off your donations marked for MFUGE.
Thank you for your continuing support and prayers.

Friday Night at the

Ladies Event
June 24
Movie to be determined.
Plan to join us!

Ice Cream Social
June 26, 2011
6:30pm - Pavilion
Devotional & Music

Mark your calendar and bring a SPOON!

If you can donate some homemade ice cream please let us know. YUMMY!
Religious Educational Material
New or Used

Bibles Bible Story Books Hymn Books

Study Books Sunday School Literature

Collecting books for Nigeria. Drop off at the WLBC.

West Lynchburg Baptist Church

3031 Memorial Avenue, Lynchburg, 845.4600

Monte Vista Baptist Church in Hurt ,Virginia, in conjunction with Edwin L Hodges
Ministry is trying to fill a 40 ft. shipping container to ship to Nigeria. They are
collecting Sunday School literature (it never runs out of date in a 3rd world
country!) hymn books, Bibles, Bible story books, and Study books.

Monte Vista Baptist has filled 2 containers in the past years. The deadline for this
container is August 1. What a joy to be able to say I helped put God’s Word into
the hands of eager readers! Collection boxes will be in the hall.

Call Linda Blair 528.4649 or Edna Krebs 845.1644 if you have questions
“The Church with Heart in the Heart of the City.”

Centri-Kid Dessert Auction

Sunday, June 5, 7:30pm

Please don’t forget our food pantry donations.

Recycle your unwanted crayons here at WLBC.

Coin Collection Containers....pick one up at church for

Nothing But Nets.

NEXT Bike Rally Ride for OCC -

September 17, 2011
9am - 1pm with Lunch.
Mark your Calendar!


Praying for Missionaries: LADIES’ RETREAT
The Knight Family (Japan) website... SEPTEMBER 9-10,
www.theknights.multiply.com 2011
The Women’s Ministry
Deacon of the Week Joe Mayberry 237.2664

Many times we are asked, “Who is

my deacon?”

To help you we will list the Deacon of the

Week and his list of families in the E-
BULLET. There will be a complete list
posted on the bulletin board near the
church office. This complete list is
alphabetical by your last name. We hope
this will help you know who your deacon
is for the year. If you have any questions,
Pictured Joe & Edith Mayberry please feel free to contact the church
Joe’s Deacon Families office.

Brenda Arthur
Kathy Brooks
Thomas & Barbara Brown
Robert & Elaine Floyd
James & Lila Howard
Michael & Natalie Howard Church TOON
Lauren Millard
Megan Millard
Ray & Tina Millard
James & Patricia Newman
Jim & Wendy Shearer
William & Julie Thornton
“On mission to reach people for
the family of God.”


Dr. Robert Putt, Pastor rputt@wlbc.org

Cell Phone: 841.6886 845.4600 EXT 15

Rev. Randy Kent, Minister of Music & Senior Adults

Cell Phone: 665.6880 845.4600 EXT 13

Vance Matthews, Minister of Students

Cell Phone: 910.814.7200 845.4600 EXT 14

Pam Anderson (Financial) panderson@wlbc.org

Sue Thomas (Administrative) sthomas@wlbc.org

Phyllis Lane (Organist) lanesk@aol.com

Jeanne Kent (Pianist) kentsnforest@msn.com

Contact Us Anytime...Website: www.wlbc.org Email: office@wlbc.org

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