Bullet 05 29 11

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The Price of Freedom

In “What Did He Die For?” Twila Paris reminds us why we

observe Memorial Day — and why we worship Jesus as our
Savior. The first verse tells of a 21-year-old soldier fighting for
America’s freedom during World War II. The second verse
recalls another young man, many centuries prior, sent by his
Father to win eternal freedom from sin for the entire world.

The chorus offers this challenge:

“What did he die for when he died for you and me,
Made the sacrifice so that we could all be free?
I believe we will answer each to heaven
For the way we spend a priceless liberty.
Look inside and ask the question, What did he die for?”

Memorial Day challenges us to live so as to honor the sacrifices made by members of the
military. We value our freedom because of the heavy price people have paid for it. Likewise,
every day we’re challenged to live so as to honor Jesus’ supreme sacrifice. He calls us to spend
our “priceless liberty” using our blessings to bless others.

West Lynchburg Baptist Church
May 29, 2011

Fun in the Son - Family Carnival 6/4

Music & Missions Night 6/5

Centri-Kid Dessert Auction 6/5

Kentucky Mission Trip Benefit 6/11


Senior Adult Trip(s)

Staff Member on Call
May 27, 28, 29, 2011
Randy Kent 665.6880

Quick Look for the Week - May 29, 2011

Deacon of the Week - Garland Mapp 385.6282
Music Selections for Sunday are listed below.

9:00 AM Instrumental Ensemble

9:15 AM Library Open
9:45 AM Sunday School for All Ages

11:00 AM KIDS In Worship Topic: Obedience in Action

11:00 AM Morning Worship

Dr. Robert Putt
“Give Me This Mountain” Joshua 14:6-14

6:00 PM Instrumental Ensemble

6:15 PM TeamKIDS
6:30 PM Student Worship

6:30 PM Evening Worship

Guest Speaker: Ian Bacon

Monday, May 30
Memorial Day - Church Office Closed

Tuesday, May 31
12:30 PM Senior Adult Day Trip
Barn Dinner Theatre (Leaving from WLBC Parking Lot)
Wednesday, June 1
Please note....Wednesday Night Supper restart on September14
6:00 PM Music Makers (Age 4 - Gr.1)
Young Musicians (Gr.2 - 6)
6:30 PM EDGE (Gr. 7-12)
6:30 PM Bible Study/Prayer Meeting
6:45 PM Children’s Summer Activities
7:30 PM Sanctuary Choir
8:50 PM Praise Team Rehearsal

Thursday, June 2
7:00 PM College Bible Study IMPACT

Saturday, June 4
10:00AM - 2PM

Dear West Lynchburg Baptist Church Family,

Thank you for the out-pouring of prayers, cards, meals, help and a very
gracious gift as Dan battles his cancer. It's the prayers of intercession
that have really gotten us through. Dan still has a long road to remission
but each day is a step closer.
We ask that you continue to pray for God's healing hand to be upon Dan, for His strength and
love to continue to bring us closer to Him and that we be a reflection of His love and unity.
Thank you, Dan and Beth Schmucker

At the Asian Tea on Saturday the 21st we took a Love Offering for World Health -
Japan’s Earthquake victims which totaled $170. Thank you for your generosity and
support. We want to thank Miho Camerata for a fun and enjoyable time together too.
.....The Women’s Ministry
On Saturday, May 21 we had 10 bikes, 13
riders, and our escort. It was THE perfect
day for motorcycling; we raised $300 with
bike fees and donations. This money will
be used to purchase filler items for the fall
youth shoebox packing party for Operation
Christmas Child. Special thanks to
Winston, Ray, and David for providing us
with lunch.

NEXT Bike Rally Ride for OCC - September 17, 2011

9am - 1pm with Lunch. Mark your Calendar!

Worship Music Planned for Sunday, May 29, 2011

Those of you with high speed internet connections, who would like to
listen to the music that has been selected for us to sing on Sunday, can
do so by following the instructions below:

Click on the following link...

Http://www.lifeway.com/article/a67101/ Or copy and paste to your web
browser. Once on the web page, scroll down beyond the images of the
hymnals until you see a large gray box that says, Lifeway Worship song list - Click to start. The box
contains an alphabetical listing of songs. To hear a song simply scroll down and click on the title you wish
to hear. After a few seconds of download time the song should begin.

# 9 Firm Foundation
#456 How Firm a Foundation
#339 Standing on the Promises
#445 Yes, Lord, Yes
#96 Great Is Thy Faithfulness
#68 Forever
#665 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
ur change makes a difference!
Malaria Kills....Malaria is particularly devastating in Africa, where it is a leading killer of
children. In fact, there are 10 new cases of malaria every second. Every 45 seconds, a child in
Africa dies from a malaria infection.
Long-Lasting Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets
Although $10 for a bed net may not sound like much, the cost makes them out of reach for most
people at risk of malaria, many of whom survive on less than $1 a day. Nets are a simple, life-
saving solution, but we need your help to provide them to those in need. Join us now.
Send a net and save a life.
Get your container for COINS after church on Sunday.




The local Baptist Association is ready to assist each church with resources that
help fulfill their commitment to the Great Commission.
The local LBA goal for this year's offering will be $12,000 and will go to the
following mission projects: Kingdom Builders, Klothes 4 Kids, Partnership
Missions, Jericho's Debt Reduction, & Back Packs 4 Kids Sale.
LBA Benefit BBQ - Kentucky Mission Trip
June 11, 2011
Saturday, JJ’s Playground or Fellowship Hall

6:30pm Dinner
BBQ, Homemade Potato Salad, Green Beans, & Dessert

Sign up on the bulletin board by June 3.

Cost $6. per plate

Entertainment by “Bonnie and the Boys”

Country Gospel Group
Promises to be a wonderful evening with good food and music.

A Love Offering will be taken for construction supplies for Manchester,

Kentucky. The trip is scheduled for July 10 -16, 2011.

Note: LBA is in need of diapers, any size, for Kentucky Mission Trip.
Please drop off at the church. Thank you
JUNE 4, 2011

A full morning of fun is planned for the children, with bouncers,

games, food, rides. This is one of our biggest events in the
neighborhood. Plan to join us on the front lawn of WLBC.

NOTE: Lynchburg Police will be available to do a “car seat” check.

We are in need of volunteers to man the games and activities that

have been planned. Please contact A.J. Richards, 434. 444.0994 or
Michelle Power, 434.386.8158.

Senior Adult Trip

FALL in Myrtle Beach - October 6 - 8, 2011
We invited you to join us on a fun-filled trip to the Grand Strand!!!

Package Includes:
R/T Motorcoach, Escorted by Randy
2 nights at Dayton House, Breakfast Buffet each day;
Alabama Theatre Show Dinner at Chesapeake House
Pirates Voyage Dinner & Show Shopping ‘Tanger Outlets’
Baggage Handling - Snacks & Bottle Water on the Coach

Pricing: Single $393 Double $317 Triple $299 Quad $291

Deposit of $100 Due June 14 Final Payment August 14

Sign up on the bulletin board or contact the church office.
Enchantment of the Seas

Join Randy Kent & WLBC

for a fun filled
6 Night Cruise
to Bermuda!!!
April 27 - May 3, 2012

We will be sailing out of Baltimore.

Reserve your cabin NOW, space is limited!
Cabin Costs:
Inside - $772 Outside - $902 Balcony - $1,186
Per Person - Two in a Cabin.
(Does not include insurance, gratuities, transportation to
the port, or parking at the Baltimore port.)

First Deposit of $125 per person due when booking

Second Deposit of
$125 per person due
September 2, 2011

Final Payment due

January 31, 2012

BOOK by calling 434.385.5192 Travel Lovers

Bea Mohr [email protected]
Tell agent you are with the WLBC group.

Informational Meeting about the Cruise

on Tuesday. June 7, 6:30pm.
Here at WLBC.
Music & Mission Night
June 5, 2011
A special evening with the Children’s Choir and Mission
Groups with a reception following in fellowship hall.

Centri-Kid Dessert Auction

with a Mystery Auctioneer!
Sunday, June 5, 7:30pm

You can help two ways:

1. Donate a dessert. 2. Come and bid on a dessert.
Sign up sheet in the Sunday Bulletin.
The proceeds will help send our KIDS to camp at Eagle Eyrie,
June 20 - 24, 2011. Contact Persons: Melissa Woodford & Michelle Power

JUNE 12, 2011 6:30PM

Three Bridges music is rooted in traditional "southern gospel" and "black gospel
music.” This blended style has made Three Bridges one of the prominent
internationally-acclaimed Gospel groups in Christian music today — a group
known for tight harmony, a unique vocal style, an exciting energy packed stage
presentation, and, most importantly, for spreading the joy of being a Christian.
Join Us for a FUN evening and invite your friends and neighbors.
“The Church with Heart in the Heart of the City.”

Please don’t forget our food

pantry donations.
Recycle your unwanted crayons here at WLBC.

Coin Collection Containers....pick one up at

church for Nothing But Nets. SAVE THE DATE
Register for Centri-Kid Camp 2011
The Women’s Ministry
Praying for Missionaries:
The Knight Family (Japan) website...

Deacon of the Week Garland Mapp 385-6282

Many times we are asked, “Who is my deacon?”

To help you we will list the Deacon of the Week and

his list of families in the E-BULLET. There will be a
complete list posted on the bulletin board near the
church office. This complete list is alphabetical by your
last name. We hope this will help you know who your
deacon is for the year. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact the church office.

Pictured Garland & Rose Mapp

Garland’s Deacon Families:
Lynn Carmichael Louise Liming Chelsey Putt
Jean Davis Paul & Joyce Linkswiler Jami Putt
Richard & Naomi Gartner Lillian McFaden Shirley Sites
Barbara George Mark Milton Ruth Wilkes
Robin Harper Russ & Carol Minerich Matthew Williams
Effie Hubbard Robert & Vicky Putt
“On mission to reach people for
the family of God.”


Dr. Robert Putt, Pastor [email protected]

Cell Phone: 841.6886 845.4600 EXT 15

Rev. Randy Kent, Minister of Music & Senior Adults

[email protected]
Cell Phone: 665.6880 845.4600 EXT 13

Vance Matthews, Minister of Students

[email protected]
Cell Phone: 910.814.7200 845.4600 EXT 14

Pam Anderson (Financial) [email protected]

Sue Thomas (Administrative) [email protected]

Phyllis Lane (Organist) [email protected]

Jeanne Kent (Pianist) [email protected]

Contact Us Anytime...Website: www.wlbc.org Email: [email protected]

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