Group Task-Topic Sentence

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CLASS : 02 FARE 001


1. Ajeng dwi prasanti

2. Syifa rizky pujianti

Please make your own group. Read and do the below instructions!

1. Make your own short paragraph related to health!

Hand washing movements

One of the health protocols set in this new normal period is the movement of washing
hands under running water as often as possible. After the covid 19 virus attacked
Indonesia and made the order of Indonesian people's lives in disarray, now it is starting to
implement health protocols that must be obeyed by the community wherever they are.
One of them is the movement of washing hands under running water. The
implementation of the health protocol is also accompanied by an obligation on every
public place organizer from schools, public service offices, private offices to every house
to have their own handwashing place at the front of the building. We all know that the
habit of washing hands has existed long before the pandemic came. The habit of washing
your hands every time you eat, finish doing something and every time you go out of the
house is an important habit that is done to maintain health together. Washing hands,
especially under running water and with antiseptic soap, will make germs or bacteria
disappear so that they are not exposed to the clothes or food that we will consume. All of
that has a clear impact on our health and that of our families at home.
2. Identify and show me about:

a. Topic Sentences

One of the health protocols set in this new normal period is the movement of washing hands
under running water as often as possible

b. Supporting Sentences

1) After the covid 19 virus attacked Indonesia and made the order of Indonesian
people's lives in disarray, now it is starting to implement health protocols that must
be obeyed by the community wherever they are.
2) One of them is the movement of washing hands under running water. The
implementation of the health protocol is also accompanied by an obligation on every
public place organizer from schools, public service offices, private offices to every
house to have their own handwashing place at the front of the building.
3) We all know that the habit of washing hands has existed long before the pandemic
came. The habit of washing your hands every time you eat, finish doing something
and every time you go out of the house is an important habit that is done to maintain
health together.

c. Concluding Sentences

Washing hands, especially under running water and with antiseptic soap, will make germs or
bacteria disappear so that they are not exposed to the clothes or food that we will consume.
All of that has a clear impact on our health and that of our families at home.

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