Personal Hygiene and Handwashing

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Department of Education

Schools Division of Cavite Province

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite Province


At the end of the lecture, the participants will be able to:

1. Understand the benefits of practicing personal hygiene

2. Identify the different types of hygiene practices

3. Encourage the learners to make good personal hygiene

a daily habit
What is Personal Hygiene?
▪ Hygiene is a set of practices performed to preserve
health. According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices
that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of

▪ It involves those practices performed by an individual

to care for one's bodily health and well being, through
cleanliness. It is very essential in promoting better
health and preventing from illnesses.
What is Personal Hygiene?

▪ Personal hygiene is a preventive health measure

that serves emotional, social and physical well-being.

▪ Personal hygiene habits and techniques should be

inculcated to the children at a very young age.
What is Personal Hygiene?

▪ It includes a number of different activities related to the

following general areas of self-care: washing or bathing,
including cleansing oneself after using the toilet, taking
proper care of the mouth, grooming and dressing, and
keeping clothing clean. These are also considered as
activities of daily living (ADLs)
The Benefits of Personal Hygiene

1. Cleanliness protects against the spread of disease

external parasites (such as body or head lice) or from
contact with contaminated feces or other body fluids.

2. Proper washing and bathing protects the skin against

rashes and sores from contact with urine or fecal matter.

3. Oral hygiene lowers the risk of malnutrition, swallowing

difficulties, or infections caused by bacteria in the mouth,
getting into the bloodstream and other body tissues.
The Benefits of Personal Hygiene

4. Maintaining personal hygiene lowers the risk of social

embarassment and eventual isolation from others.

5. With regard to emotional health, keeping oneself clean

and neat improves morale and lowers the risk of
Actions That can Spread Viruses and

A. Scratching the scalp

B. Running fingers through hair
C. Wiping or touching the nose

D. Touching a pimple
Rubbing an ear or
infected wound
F. Wearing a dirty uniform
G. Coughing or sneezing
into the hand
H. Spitting in the operation
Different Types of Personal Hygiene

1. Hair Care

2. Face Care
Different Types of Personal Hygiene

3. Bathing/

2. Dental/Oral
Different Types of Personal Hygiene

5. Proper Hand

6. Trim Finger
and Toe Nails
Different Types of Personal Hygiene

7. Wearing of
Clean Clothes

8. Feminine
Video Presentation on Proper
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite Province
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cavite Province


At the end of the lecture, the participants will be able to:

1. Understand the importance of proper hand washing

2. Define and demonstrate proper hand washing

What is Hand washing?
• Hand washing or hand hygiene is the act of
cleaning ones hand with or without the use of
water, or another liquid or with use of soap for
the purpose of removing soil, dirt and/or micro
The Importance of Hand Washing

Many diseases and conditions are spread by not

washing hands with soap and clean running water. So,

keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we

can take and practice to avoid getting sick and spreading

germs to others.

After using the restroom

Before and after handling raw foods

Before and after eating
After touching the hair, face or any part of the body
After sneezing, coughing or using a tissue
After smoking
After using any cleaning, polishing or sanitizing chemicals
After taking out the garbage or trash
After cleaning tables or busing dirty dishes
After touching anything else that may contaminate hands
such as: unsanitized equipments and cleaning of work

• Specially made liquids used to lower the number of

germs on the skin surface
• They may be used after washing the hands
• It should never be used to replace proper hand washing
• It should be allowed to dry before touching food or
Video Presentation on Proper
Hand Washing
Department of Education
Personal Hygiene
Schools Division of Cavite Province

IEC Materials
IEC Material
IEC Material
IEC Material
IEC Material
IEC Material
IEC Material
Salamat sa inyong pakikinig!

1. From Internet:


2. Power Point Presentation of Ms. Pia Rhoda P. Lucero

3. You Tube Channel

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