Floating Breakwater: Project Descrip On - "Jadeweserport" (JWP)
Floating Breakwater: Project Descrip On - "Jadeweserport" (JWP)
Floating Breakwater: Project Descrip On - "Jadeweserport" (JWP)
Jade Bay
Project descrip
on – “JadeWeserPort” (JWP):
Within the extension of the JWP the construc
on of a temporal port
was planned. Due to its exposed loca
on to the northeast this port floa
ng breakwater
would be affected by significant wave heights of up to 0.8 m, while for
moored tugboats a comfortable wave height of 0.5 m was requested. sheetpile wall
floa ng breakwater
Figure 2: a) significant wave height (BW) b) wave reduction factor (WAMIT) c) resulting wave height (BW+WAMIT)
• Waves from eastern direc
ons are beyond the cri
cal significant wave height of 0.5 m.
• The required wave condi
ons can be achieved by installing a floa
ng breakwater. Wave heights
were reduced by about 10 –30% for northern waves and about 20% for north-eastern waves.
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