Floating Breakwater: Project Descrip On - "Jadeweserport" (JWP)

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Jade Bay

Project descrip on – “JadeWeserPort” (JWP):
Within the extension of the JWP the construc on of a temporal port
was planned. Due to its exposed loca on to the northeast this port floa ng breakwater
would be affected by significant wave heights of up to 0.8 m, while for
moored tugboats a comfortable wave height of 0.5 m was requested. sheetpile wall

In order to replace a cost intensive protec on by a sheet pile wall

(great water depths) inves ga ons on the wave a-enua on by a Figure 1: WAMIT setup with floating breakwater
and substituted sheetpile wall
floa ng breakwater were undertaken.

Technical Background: (BW, WAMIT):

• Boussinesq wave model to determine significant wave heights and calculate the wave disturbance
coefficient (ra o of significant wave heights inside the port to those outlying).
• Considera ons on wave a-enua on by integra on of a floa ng breakwater (calcula on of the
wave reduc on factor within WAMIT)
• Combina on of the BW and WAMIT results to final wave agita on inside the harbour

floa ng breakwater

Figure 2: a) significant wave height (BW) b) wave reduction factor (WAMIT) c) resulting wave height (BW+WAMIT)

• Waves from eastern direc ons are beyond the cri cal significant wave height of 0.5 m.
• The required wave condi ons can be achieved by installing a floa ng breakwater. Wave heights
were reduced by about 10 –30% for northern waves and about 20% for north-eastern waves.

www.dhigroup.com www.inros-lackner.com

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