Appendix F Sample Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Appendix F Sample Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Appendix F Sample Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
August 2005
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Project Description
The purpose of the project is to construct two large commercial buildings with associated paved roads and parking area.
Another building will be added in the future. Approximately 6 acres will be disturbed during this construction period. The
site is 11.1 acres located in Granville County, 2 miles north of Deal, NC, off Terri Road (see Vicinity Map).
Site Description
The site has rolling topography with slopes generally 4 to 6%. Slopes steepen to 10 to 20% in the northwest portion of the
property where a small, healed-over gully serves as the principal drainageway for the site. The site is now covered with
volunteer heavy, woody vegetation, predominately pines, 15 to 20 ft. high. There is no evidence of significant erosion
under present site conditions. The old drainage gully indicates severe erosion potential and receives flow from 5 acres of
woods off-site. There is one large oak tree, located in the western central portion of the property, and a buffer area, fronting
Terri Road, that will be protected during construction.
Adjacent Property
Land use in the vicinity is commercial/industrial. The land immediately to the west and south has been developed for
industrial use. Areas to the north and east are undeveloped and heavily wooded, primarily in volunteer pine. Hocutt Creek,
the off-site outlet for runoff discharge, is presently a well stabilized, gently flowing perennial stream. Sediment control
measures will be taken to prevent damage to Hocutt Creek. Approximately 5 acres of wooded area to the east contribute
runoff into the construction area.
The soil in the project area is mapped as Creedmoor sandy loam in B and C slope classes. Creedmoor soils are considered
moderately well to somewhat poorly drained with permeability rates greater than 6 inches/hour at the surface, but less than
0.1 inches/hour in the subsoil. The subsurface is pale brownstone loam, 6 inches thick. The subsoil consists of a pale
brown and brownish yellow sandy clay loam ranging from light gray clay, 36 inches thick. Below 36 inches is a layer of
fine sandy loam to 77 inches. The soil erodibility factor (K value) ranges from 0.20 at the surface to 0.37 in the subsoil.
Due to the soil permeability of the subsoil that will be exposed during grading, a surface wetness problem with high runoff
is anticipated following significant rainfall events. No groundwater problem is expected. The tight clay in the subsoil will
make vegetation difficult to establish. A small amount of topsoil exists on-site and will be stockpiled for use in
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The fill slope in the north portion of the property is the most vulnerable area to erosion on the site. Temporary diversions
will be maintained at the top of this fill slope at all times, and the filling operation will be graded to prevent overflow to the
north. Filling will be done as a continuous operation until final grade is reached. The paved road located on the fill will be
sloped to the south and will function as a permanent diversion. The area adjacent to the roads and parking area will be
graded to conduct runoff to the road culverts. Runoff water from the buildings will be guttered to the vegetated channels.
The finished slope face to the north will not be back-bladed. The top 2 to 6 inches will be left in a loose and roughened
condition. Plantings will be protected with mulch, as specified in the Vegetation Plan.
A minimum 15-ft undisturbed buffer zone will be maintained around the perimeter of the disturbed area (Note: This will
reduce water and wind erosion, help contain sediment, reduce dust, and reduce final landscaping costs).
8. Temporary Sediment Trap: A small sediment trap will be constructed at the intersection of the existing road ditch and
channel number 3 to protect the road ditch. Approximately 2 acres of disturbed area will drain into this trap. See pages
F.18F.19 for specifications.
9. Sediment Fence: A sediment fence will be constructed around the topsoil stockpile and along the channel berm
adjacent to the deep cut area as necessary to prevent sediment from entering the channels. See pages F.19F.20 for
10. Grass-Lined Channel: Grass-lined channels with temporary straw-net liners will be constructed around Buildings A
and B to collect and convey site water to the projects sediment basin. See pages F.21F.23 for specifications.
11. Riprap-Lined and Paved Channels: A riprap channel will be constructed in the old gully along the north side of the
property starting in the northwest corner after all other construction is complete. This channel will replace the old gully as
the principal outlet from the site. See pages F.24F.25 for specifications.
12. Construction Road Stabilization: As soon as final grade is reached on the entrance road, the subgrade will be sloped
to drain to the south and stabilized with a 6-inch course of NC DOT standard ABC stone. The parking area and its entrance
road will also be stabilized with ABC stone to prevent erosion and dust during the construction of the buildings prior to
paving. See pages F.25F.26 for specifications.
13. Outlet Stabilization Structure: A riprap apron will be located at the outlet of the three culverts to prevent scour. See
pages F.26F.27 for specifications.
14. Surface Roughening: The 3:1 cut slopes will be lightly roughened by disking just prior to vegetating, and the surface
4 to 6 inches of the 2:1 fill slopes will be left in a loose condition and grooved on the contour. See page F.28 for
15. Surface Stabilization: Stabilization of the surface will be accomplished with vegetation and mulch as specified in the
vegetation plan. One large oak tree, southwest of Building A, and a buffer area between the parking lot and Terri Road, will
be preserved. Roadway and parking lot base courses will be installed as soon as finished grade is reached.
16. Dust Control: Dust control is not expected to be a problem due to the small area of exposure, the undisturbed
perimeter of trees around the site, and the relatively short time of exposure (not to exceed 9 months). Should excessive dust
be generated, it will be controlled by sprinkling.
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Construction Schedule
1. Obtain plan approval and other applicable permits.
2. Flag the work limits and mark the oak tree and buffer area for protection.
3. Hold pre-construction conference at least one week prior to starting construction.
4. Install sediment basin as the first construction activity.
5. Install storm drain with block and gravel inlet protection at construction entrance/exit.
6. Install temporary gravel construction entrance/exit.
7. Construct temporary diversions above proposed building sites. Install level spreader and sediment trap and vegetate
disturbed areas.
8. Complete site clearing except for the old gully channel in the northwest portion of the site. This area will be cleared
during the last construction phase for the installation of the riprap liner.
9. Clear waste disposal area in the northeast corner of property, only as needed.
10. Rough grade site, stockpile topsoil, construct channels, install culverts and outlet protection, and install sediment fence
as needed. Maintain diversions along top of fill slope daily. NOTE: A temporary diversion will be constructed across the
middle of the graded area to reduce slope length and the bare areas mulched should grading be discontinued for more than 3
11. Finish the slopes around buildings as soon as rough grading is complete. Leave the surface slightly roughened and
vegetate and mulch immediately.
12. Complete final grading for roads and parking and stabilize with gravel.
13. Complete final grading for buildings.
14. Complete final grading of grounds, topsoil critical areas, and permanently vegetate, landscape, and mulch.
15. Install riprap outlet channel and extend riprap to the pipe outlet under the entrance road.
16. All erosion and sediment control practices will be inspected weekly and after rainfall events. Needed repairs will be
made immediately.
17. After the site is stabilized, remove all temporary measures and install permanent vegetation on the disturbed areas.
18. Estimated time before final stabilization9 months.
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Maintenance Plan
1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff-producing
rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all practices
as designed and installed for their appropriate phase of the project.
2. The sediment basin will be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 2.0 ft below the top of the riser. Gravel will
be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains properly.
3. Sediment will be removed from the sediment trap and block and gravel inlet protection device when storage capacity has
been approximately 50% filled. Gravel will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains properly.
4. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes about 0.5 ft deep at the fence. The sediment
fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier.
5. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan
to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover.
Vicinity Map
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