Karachi School of Business and Leadership Midterm Examination - Fall Semester - 2021

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Attempt all questions.

Q1. State the major contribution of the following: (4 marks)

1. Max Wertheimer

2. Wilhelm Wundt

3. B.F. Skinner

4. Carl Rogers

Q2. Give examples of the following: (4 marks)

Positive Correlation Negative Punishment

Positive Reinforcement Fixed Interval Schedule

Q3. Fill in the blanks (3 marks)

a) According to psychoanalysis _____________________ is the impulsive and child-like

part of the personality.

b) ___________________________ is the branch of psychology concerned with the study

of animal behavior.

c) ____________________________ is a branch of psychology focused on the assessment,

diagnosis, and treatment of mental disorders.

d) In research __________________________ group receives either no treatment, a

standard treatment whose effect is already known, or a placebo.

e) _________________________ is a constructive process by which we go beyond the

stimuli that are presented to us and attempt to construct a meaningful situation.

f) __________________________ is a school of psychology based upon the idea that we

experience things as unified wholes.

Q4. Complete the following (2 marks)

Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Experiment

• CR =
• UCS =
• NS =
• CS =

Q5. Name the operant conditioning principles used in the following examples. (2 marks)
1. During a meeting or while in class, your cell phone starts ringing, you are lectured on

why it is not okay to have your phone on ________________________

2. Johnny comes running into his mother after being outside in the hot sun playing with his

friends. He exclaims “I’m really thirsty! Can I have some coke please?” His mother says

“Of course you can Johnny!” and promptly gets a bottle of coke from the refrigerator and

pours him a glass. ________________________

3. Dolphin trainer walks away with fish bucket when the dolphin gets aggressive. -


4. A mother stopped buying candy for her child when he screamed. After a while, the child

stopped the behavior and no longer screamed. ______________________

Q6. Differentiate between the following: (6 marks)

a) Sensation and Perception

b) Experimental and Correlational Research

c) Reinforcement and Punishment

d) Structuralism and Gestalt

Q7. Briefly explain the ethical rights of human research participants highlighted by

APA. (4 marks)

Q8. Briefly explain the structure of personality according to psychoanalysis. (3 marks)

Q9. How were the principles of behaviorism used during your upbringing? Share with

the help of an example. (2marks)

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