English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Q2/Q4-Module 5
English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Q2/Q4-Module 5
English For Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) Q2/Q4-Module 5
What I Know
To check what you already know about our new topic/lesson, answer the pre-test below.
Directions: Consider yourself as a client to answer the questions below. Put a check () if you think the
question is clear and understandable and it does not create any difficulty and confusion and (X) if it is
confusing or difficult. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
_____ 1. What medium of communication you will use to become updated with the events?
Magazine or Newspaper
_____ 2. What is your most usual means you use to become updated with the events?
Magazine or Newspaper
_____ 3. Enter in the boxes opposite the three options you selected below
Option A Option B Option C
Option D Option E Option F
_____ 4. Below are the features of camping holiday. Indicate their importance to you by
placing numbers 1-4 where 1 is the most important.
People ______
Cost ______
Open Air ______
Mobility ______
Atmosphere ______
_____ 5. “Have you been to an out of town trip recently?”
_____ 6. “Have you been to an out of town trip in the last two weeks?”
_____ 7. “Do you think women should eat less and exercise more?”
What’s In
Let us recall your knowledge on the previous lesson and try to link it to our new topic through a 4
pics 1 word game.
Directions: Answer the 4-pics-1 word game. The answers of these are some of the most important words or
terminologies in this lesson. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. (5 points each)
1. 2.
i t n y R
n x T i e m e p i o
s c u e D
b w R y a t l s y i
Answer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Answer: __ __ __ __ __
3. 4.
s w o i e s w q w r i q r v k e o
h n y o t n u g e o a i m s t i n
Answer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Answer: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
What Is It
Designing a Questionnaire
3 Determine the general question content needed to obtain the desired information.
Ask the right questions
Questions may be “close-ended” or “open-ended.” You can use either depending on the data
that you want to get from your respondents.
“Close-ended” questions provide options to the respondents and require them to choose one or
more items from the list. This is used if the range of answers are well known and the options are limited.
For example: Do you have a computer at home? ___Yes ___No
“Open-ended” questions allow the respondent to express their opinions freely and they are not
restricted by the options. This is used if the answer options are multiple and unknown. The answers to
the open-ended questions require re-grouping before analysis.
For example: What are the reasons why students do not have computers at home? (You can list
one or two reasons.)
The options available should be comprehensive so that the respondent can find an option which
best suits his/ her answer. You can include an “Other: please specify ________” category as one of the
options. You can also let them check as many items as applicable but be sure to mention it in your
For example: Why do you want to have a computer? (You can choose more than one)
In questions that involve assessing attitudes or giving opinions, a scale with a range of responses
is preferred to a yes/no answer. Likert scale (usually 5-point or 7-point) is a commonly used method.
For example:
In a questionnaire which has many parts, some of which need not be answered by the
respondent, filtering is used to guide the respondent to answer only the relevant questions. However,
you should avoid using too much filtering as this may confuse the respondents and make the
questionnaire complicated.
For example:
Avoid double-barreled questions. It is a common mistake that refers to asking two things in one
The title should be highlighted and should reflect the main objective of the research. If possible,
divide the questionnaire into sections according to the content (e.g. boxes with bold headings) and it
should flow smoothly from one section to another with appropriate filtering.
If your respondents involve older persons, a bigger font size should be used. Finally, include a
cover letter stating the objective of your study, and your affiliations. Most importantly, it should include a
confidentiality clause. This is to inform your respondents on how you are going to use the collected
Directions: Please rate each item as to the extent/desire that your mathematics teachers displayed the
following traits and behavior using the following scale:
A pilot test is a crucial step in the design of questionnaire before data collection begins. It will
help detect flaws in the questionnaire in terms of content, grammar, and format.
You can ask your colleagues, family, or friends to comment on the questionnaire. By doing so,
mistakes in terms of content, grammar, and or format will be lessened. This should be followed by
asking the potential respondents to answer the questionnaire and provide their feedback. For those
questions which you feel may be confusing or sensitive, it is important to ask the respondents to
comment specifically during the pilot test.
You will evaluate for general content, organization, and tone, by adding, deleting, and organizing
information if necessary. When revising, it can be helpful to answer these questions:
Who is your audience?
Are your objectives enough?
Have you included enough information?
Do you have more information than you need?
Have you chosen the proper words to express your ideas?
Are you wordy, repetitive, or inconsistent?
When you have done all of these, you have crafted a good survey questionnaire. It does not
seem easy at first but when you start doing it, you will find it very helpful.
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of
6. If you want to know how the students feel about the new rules and regulations set by your
organization, what type of questions will you most likely use?
a. multiple choice b. ranking c. Likert-Scale d. fill in the blanks
9. In testing questionnaire, why is it necessary to observe where the respondents changed their mind in
a. It will help the researcher understand why the items might be confusing.
b. It will reveal some items that might be confusing so they hesitated or changed their minds.
c. It will show which items need revision.
d. All of the above
10. Now that you have all the questionnaires ready, reviewed, and sequenced, which of the following do
you still need to consider?
a. the format of the question items
b. writing an introduction and instructions
c. the type of paper where it will be printed
d. All of the above
SENIOR DEPARTMENT EAPP Module 5 – Quarter II/IV, Page 7 of 8
Don Antonio Village, Rosales, Pangasinan
INSTRUCTION: Detach and submit this Worksheet together with the activity sheets.
Directions: Construct a 10-item questionnaire on the given study. Each item will be scored from 1 to 5.
This means you have a chance to get a maximum score of 50 points if all the questions you made get 5
points. Use the rubrics below as your guide.
4 The question sometimes is clear and precise, collectively allowing for meaningful
answers. Questions are interpreted in the same way by respondents.
3 The question is somewhat clear and precise but contains minor grammatical errors and
some characteristics of question wording is not present. The question is interpreted in
the same way by respondents.
2 The question is quite difficult to understand, biased and/or leading words are present,
contains minor grammatical errors. Question is interpreted in different way by
1 The question is difficult to understand not precise and ambiguous. It contains major
grammatical error. Question is interpreted in different way by respondents.