hatcheries, where male chicks (none of which can lay eggs) are killed immediately after hatching. Each year, hundreds of millions of these vulnerable beings are suffocated or ground up alive to produce fertilizer or feed. Chickens used to produce eggs, including eggs labeled “cage-free,” have their beaks forcibly mutilated to minimize the damage they cause each other when crowded together. Happy Cows: Behind the Myth At all farms, large-scale and small-scale, laying hens are killed when their production In order to maintain uninterrupted milk production, declines, typically within two years, as feeding cows are forced year after year to go through an these worn-out individuals cuts directly into endless cycle of pregancy and birth, only to have their profits. Often the bodies of “spent” hens are calves immediately taken from them. Cows and calves so ravaged that no one will buy them, and cry out for each other as they are separated. they are ground into fertilizer or just sent to All forms of dairy farming involve forcibly impregnating a landfill. cows. This involves a person inserting his arm far into the cow’s rectum in order to position the uterus, If allowed to live free of exploitation and and then forcing an instrument into her vagina. The slaughter, chickens can live ten years or more. restraining apparatus used is commonly called a “rape They protect, feed, and nurture their young, rack.” With growing awareness of the injustices just like other animals. commonly occurring at large-scale, Half of all calves born are male. Of no use in milk production, they are sent to veal-producing industrial animal farming operations, operations or directly to auctions where they are compassionate citizens are increasingly sold and slaughtered when they are just a few seeking alternatives. Labels such as days old. Male calves used for veal production suffer “Cage Free,” “Free Range,” “Humane What about organic? a crude castration process and are killed after 4 Certified,” “Grass Fed,” “Organic,” and months spent in small crates or pens. “Local” make it seem like those who are Organic standards pertain to the content of willing to pay a higher price can enjoy animal feed and the use of medicines put After just 4 to 6 years, dairy cows are “spent” from into animals’ bodies, not how the animals are eggs, dairy, and meat from small-scale being forced to continuously produce milk. Often treated. At many organic farms, antibiotics weak and ill, they endure transport to auction and “humane” farms that treat animals with are withheld from sick animals in order to slaughter, both of which are traumatic for these compassion and respect. maintain the saleability of dairy, eggs, or gentle animals. If allowed to exist free of exploitation meat that will be labeled “organic,” creating and slaughter, cows can live 25 years or more. But is the public being misled? tremendous suffering as the animals are left to either die or recover without the benefit of medicine. Investigations of numerous organic farms have revealed suffering animals living in deplorable conditions, none of which violate “organic standards.” Learn more at www. I care about animals, but still eat animal products. Isn‘t it better to buy “humane” animal products? The animal-using industry has a decades- long track record of misleading the public, on everything from the health benefits of consuming Aren’t “humane” animal products their products to the living conditions and mode more sustainable? of death of the animals who are killed to create According to a recent United Nations report, those products. Positive-sounding labels are animal agriculture is the number one source guaranteed to increase sales of more expensive of greenhouse gas impact, greater than all "humane" products, but the evidence suggests cars, trucks, buses, planes, trains, and ships that this is where the guarantees end. combined. As our population grows, and as more of us adopt a diet based on meat, dairy, and eggs, this disastrous impact on GRASSFED the environment will expand regardless of the method being used to produce animal Currently, both the animal-using industry and BEEF products. As it is, worldwide consumption of meat has gone up 500% in the past half some animal advocacy organizations are century. If present trends continue, it will go up propagating the idea that it is possible to use another 200% in the next half century. and kill animals in a manner that can be fairly What the animal-using industry does not want the described as respectful or compassionate or public to know is that the creation of all animal The production of a diet based on meat, humane. This "Humane Myth" misrepresents products unavoidably involves injustice and dairy, and eggs uses several times more the realities of animal use, and cultivates a cruelty. No matter the label, animals exploited energy and water, and creates more toxic positive image of activities that are neither for profit are forced to endure confinement, pollution than a vegan diet based on grains, just nor kind nor sustainable. social deprivation, mutilation, reproductive nuts, vegetables and fruits. “Humane” farming manipulation, indignity and premature death. methods also require several times more land HumaneMyth.org aims to correct this than the more common industrial-style farming. misinformation and inspire a form of working for Therefore, the only way you can truly be sure that As more unspoiled lands are cleared, more and the peaceful transformation of our society that your dietary choices are not harming animals is more wild animals will be displaced or killed, fully respects the inherent dignity and worth of to stop eating animal products. Each time you and more species will be driven to extinction. animals and people alike. make the decision to use or consume a non- Therefore, each time we take a step toward animal alternative, you can be confident you adopting a diet free of animal products The public deserves to be told the full truth are making a real difference, that you are no we’re acting as responsible global citizens, of who animals are and what is being done longer contributing to a grievous injustice done dramatically reducing our contribution to global to them behind closed doors, as well as the to animals on farms. You will also be helping warming, resource depletion, deforestation, catastrophic impact our society’s consumption wildlife, as animal agribusiness is the number pollution, species loss, poverty, hunger, and of meat, eggs, and dairy products is having on one cause of habitat destruction worldwide. And animal suffering. While they may provide human health and the environment. since healthy, tasty, environmentally-friendly vegan pleasure to our palate and a salve for our Please visit www.HumaneMyth.org to learn the alternatives exist, why not do what is good for conscience, “humane” animal products truth behind the “humane” myth and to find out your health, good for the animals and good for our simply do not solve the problems that need how you can make more informed choices. planet? to be addressed by our species if we are to live on this planet in a just and sustainable manner.
The Poisoning of Americans: A Tale of Congress, the Fda, the Agricultural Department, and Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies and How They Work Together to Reduce the Health and Life Span of Americans