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To start with, what is veganism?

Veganism is often confused with vegetarianism. Vegetarians exclude anything from their diet
which involves the killing of an animal. That not only means they don’t eat meat but they also
exclude other things for example, gelatin which is the substance used to create the soft and
gummy-like texture in marshmallows and gummy candies and is made of bones of pigs and
cattle. Another thing vegetarians avoid is rennet, an enzyme derived from the stomach of calves
killed for veal and is used to provide the texture of cheese and some diaries. Of course, several
brands use other, vegetarian and vegan friendly substances instead of rennet and gelatin.
Becoming vegetarian doesn’t have to mean not having gummies or marshmallows again.
Vegans, on the other hand exclude any animal derived products for either health,
ethical or environmental reasons. The most common reason is ethics: vegans avoid any
products which involves any kind of exploitation of an animal including diaries and
eggs. Some strict vegans even refuse to eat honey and wear wool. Ethical vegans
usually also wear clothing and use beauty products free from any animal derived
substances. Yes, veganism can be both a lifestyle, not only a diet.

We all know animals are sentimental, conscious beings. They have the same nervous system
and very similar brains than we, humans do thus, they experience pain and suffering the same
way we do. The only reasons people still choose to kill animals for food are

 They are not well informed

 It’s just the norm

 Taste

Now it’s time to uncover what actually happens in

factory farms. Do you love chicken nuggets? If you see
where it comes from and how brutal methods they use
to kill them, will you still crave your chicken fillets?
Animals are fed corn, wheat and soy that are
grown through intensive industrial farming
that use large amounts of pesticides, which
can remain in their bodies and are passed on
to the people who eat them, creating serious
health hazards in humans.

The beaks of chickens, turkeys, and ducks are often removed in factory
farms to reduce the excessive feather pecking and cannibalism seen
among stressed, overcrowded birds
Why is it necessary, why isn’t vegetarianism enough?

Diary cows are forced to get pregnant to

produce milk and are given hormones and other
artificial substances to increase the amount of milk
they produced. They are not treated like living
beings but like milk producing machines. After
giving birth their babies are taken away
immediately and they get killed for their meat. In
factory farms cows typically live in horrible
conditions: they spend their entire life in cages
standing on concrete floors. Some of them never
seen the Sun in their entire life.
Why is it necessary, why isn’t vegetarianism enough?

Cows have a natural lifespan of about 20 years

and can produce milk for eight or nine
years. However, the stress caused by the conditions
on factory farms leads to disease, lameness, and
reproductive problems that render cows worthless to
the dairy industry by the time that they’re 4 or 5
years old, at which time they are sent to be
By buying milk you contribute to the
exploitation of diary cows and to the cruel and
inhumane meat industry.
All animals humans use for food, clothing, beauty
and sometimes household products are exploited and
abused. The poultry industry is even much more
So then, what do we eat?
People tend to imagine a vegan diet by eating only salads and vegetables which couldn’t be further from the truth.
Basically, everything a carnivore eats is available in a vegan version including milk, hamburger, hot dog, ‘chicken’
nuggets and meat made of plant based forms instead of actual meat.
Myth: vegans don’t get protein
Truth: plant based sourced of proteins exist
Important nutrients
Protein, minerals (zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium), vitamins especially, vitamin D and most importantly, vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is especially important as naturally, it only

occurs in animal sources and there are just a very few plant
sources of this essential vitamin. Thus, if you don’t eat
shitake mushrooms, noii which is a kind of seaweed or
fortified diaries and cereals 2-3 times per day, we need to
get supplements of B12 in the form of spray or pills.
Debate Veganism vs Carnivorism
My favourite vegan brands
Diary alternatives Fast food Snacks


Noi seaweed Fortified diaries Shitake mushrooms

Confining so many animals in one place produces much more waste than the surrounding land
can handle. As a result, factory farms are associated with various environmental hazards, such
as water, land and air pollution.

The pollution from animal waste causes respiratory problems, skin infections, nausea,
depression, and even death for people who live near factory farms.
Hog, chicken and cattle waste has polluted 35,000 miles of rivers in 22 states and
contaminated groundwater in 17 states

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