Manguiat, Ncma 111 Romeo
Manguiat, Ncma 111 Romeo
Manguiat, Ncma 111 Romeo
NCMA 111
BSN 1-Y2-5
Romeo Garcia
Dependent: Dependent:
Reposition patient and use Patient needs to reduce
pillows to splint or support muscle spasm and to
painful areas, as redistribute pressure on
appropriate specific body parts.
Set up a behavior-oriented Behavioral–cognitive
plan; for instance, set up a measures can help patient
plan to follow the activity modify learned pain
schedule. behaviors
Collaborative Collaborative
Refer the patient pain to Collaboration promotes
his physician. the best long-range plan
for management of pain.
Subjective Data: Short term: Independent: Independent: Short term:
"Masakit at Risk for After 16 hours of nursing Measure and total intake Allows monitoring of After 16 hours of nursing
nahihirapan akong Constipation as interventions the patient will be and output every shift. adequate fluid intake to interventions the patient;
dumumi parang may manifested by the able to: increase water content of o Returned his usual
nakalawit na balat accumulation of o Return his usual bowel feces. bowel elimination.
dito sa pwet ko" (I've hard defecation as elimination o Reported easy and
been having trouble / evidenced by o Report easy and Emphasize importance of A timely response to the complete
pain pooping, it guarding behavior, complete evacuation of responding to urge to urge to defecate is necessary evacuation of
seems that there's a restlessness and stools. defecate. to maintain normal stools.
skin protruding at my facial mask of pain. o Report an increase of physiological functioning. o Reported an
anus) as verbalized fluid and fiber intake. increase of fluid
by the patient. and fiber intake.
Long term: Teach patient to massage Massage may help stimulate
After 2 days of nursing abdomen once per day and peristalsis and the urge to Long term:
Objective Data: interventions the patient will be how to locate and gently defecate. After 2 days of nursing
- Guarding able to: massage along the interventions the patient:
behavior o Elimination pattern transverse and descending o Eliminated pattern
- Restlessness within normal limits colon. within normal
- Facial mask o Adopt personal habits limits
of pain that maintain normal o Adopted personal
elimination. Teach patient sensible use To avoid laxative habits that maintain
V/S taken as follows: o Participate in of laxatives and enemas. dependency. Overuse of normal
- Temp - development of bowel laxatives and enemas may elimination.
37.2°C program. cause fluid and electrolyte o Participated in
- PR - 95 loss and damage to development of
- RR – 20 intestinal mucosa. bowel program.
- BP - 130/80
Goal was met.
Encourage patient to use a To encourage normal
bedside commode or walk position for evacuation.
to toilet facilities.
To establish a regular
Plan and implement an elimination schedule; and
individualized bowel exercise routine to promote
regimen. abdominal and pelvic
muscle tone.
Collaborative: Collaborative:
Collaborate with the To provide basic resources
dietician, regarding a high and information needed and
fiber, high-roughage diet. promote holistic approach
to treatment.