G10 Science DLP COT

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School MAYOR SIMPLICIO MANALO Grade Level Grade 10


Teacher Mr. Emherjoy M. Tagao Learning Area Science

Teaching February 24, 2022 Semester Third Semester

Grade 10 Week / Session 10:30 – 11:30 (Pearl)
Detailed Lesson Plan Zoom Class
Meeting ID: 802 857 1685
Passcode: KXpg8L
I. Objectives
A. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1) state and explain the different phases of menstrual cycle;

2) illustrate the feedback mechanism involved in regulating processes in the
female reproductive system using diagram; and
3) appreciate the importance of knowing menstrual cycle in the reproduction in
human, and the use of sanitary napkins as a menstrual hygiene.

Coordinated Functions of the Reproductive, Endocrine, and Nervous Systems
A. Reference K to 12 Senior High School Core Curriculum – Science 10
B. Other Learning
Science 10 – Quarter 3 Module Week 2
Teaching Strategy: Integrating Technology (PowerPoint Presentation)

Period Calendar Period Tracker (Application)

Pre- & Post- Assessment - https://forms.gle/dSwtAC5UScogQQG56

A. Reviewing the Let’s Recall. (3 mins) The teacher will ask the learners if the given hormone or
previous lesson or developmental changes is for Male, Female, or for Both. After the first learner, he/she
presenting the new will call another learner and do the same. The recitation will repeat until all items
lesson were answered.

____1. Puberty
____2. Ovulation
____3. Progesterone
____4. Spermatogenesis
____5. Voice deepening

B. Establishing purpose What do you feel? (5 mins) The teacher will ask one female learner to share her
for the lesson experience during her first menstrual cycle. The learner will have to discuss it to the
class what she’s experiencing during menstrual cycle for awareness of others.
C. Presenting examples / Discussion. (5 mins) At the start, the teacher will give a pre-assessment test to test the
instances of the new background knowledge of the learners. The test is composed of multiple-choice
lesson questions that the learners need to answer through google form. The link for the
google form is: https://forms.gle/dSwtAC5UScogQQG56.
Multiple-Choice Questions:
1. Approximately how often is an egg released from the ovaries in a female?
A. Every 15 days B. Every 27 days C. Every 28 days D. Every 30 days
2. These are hormones involved in the maintenance of the uterus lining.
A. Insulin and Glucagon
B. Thyroxin and Calcitonin
C. Estrogen and Progesterone
D. Androgen and Testosterone
3. Which of the following will happen if pregnancy among women does not
A. digestion occurs
B. menopause occurs
C. fertilization occurs
D. menstruation occurs
4. Which of the following are experienced by most women during their
menstrual period?
A. headache B. abdominal cramps C. backache and nausea D. all of these
5. At what stage is a woman most fertile?
A. Luteal Phase B. Follicular Phase C. Ovulation Phase D. Menstrual Phase
D. Discussing new Sanitary Napkins. (7 mins) The teacher will show the learners a diagram showing
concept and the development of sanitary napkins and the importance of it. The teacher will show
practicing new skills pictures to support its importance in a woman’s health, and its possible effect in the
#1 environment.
Reporting. (20 mins) The teacher will let the learners report their assignment about
E. Developing Mastery the four (4) phases of menstrual cycle. The learners have been grouped into five (5)
groups with each group having a specific phase in the menstrual cycle. The groups
will be graded based on the accuracy of their information regarding their topic.
F. Finding Practical Calendar Method. (5 mins) The teacher will introduce a smartphone application to
Applications or the learners. This application is a menstrual cycle tracker named “Period Calendar
concepts and skills in Period Tracker” which has the capability to predict, calculate, remind, record, and
daily living track your menstrual cycle (Integrating Technology).
G. Making Recitation. (7 mins) The teacher will ask the learners to answer briefly the general
generalizations and questions. After the first learner, he/she will call another learner to do the same. The
abstractions process will repeat until all items have been answered.

General Questions:
1. What are the four (4) phases of menstrual cycle?
2. Why is it important to study the Menstrual Cycle?
3. How long does a menstrual cycle last if fertilization does not occur?
H. Evaluate Learning Post-Assessment. (5 mins) The learners will have to answer the same test (pre-
assessment) that they took before the lesson started. The learners will have to choose
the best answer in each item through google form. Their scores will be evaluated with
their pre-assessment scores to check if they gain knowledge. The link of the google
form is: https://forms.gle/XUqoY8J6sNi7116S9.
I. Additional Activities Asynchronous Activity. (3 mins) The teacher will let the learners answer the
for application/ asynchronous activity via google form. The said activity will be about an article of
remediation sanitary napkins. The learners will have to read the article and then, answer the guide
questions. The link for the google form is: https://forms.gle/FJ2Rvp9aKAk1BPem7.


a. No. of learners
who earned 70%
on the formative
b. No. of learners
who require
activities for
c. Did the remedial
lesson work? No.
of learners who
caught up with
the lesson.
d. No. of learners
who require

e. Which of the
strategies work
well? Why did
this work?
f.What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me to solve?
g. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Inspected by: Checked by:


Teacher Science Coordinator – OIC Master Teacher/Mentor

Recommending Approval: Approved by:


TIC for Academics Principal

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