Ipcrf-Development Plan
Ipcrf-Development Plan
Ipcrf-Development Plan
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
Apply knowledge of Apply a range of To apply a range of Reading the RPMS Year-round SLAC sessions,
content within and teaching strategies to teaching strategies to - PPST Resource INSET Trainings,
across curriculum develop critical and develop critical and Package in time of seminars/webinars
teaching areas. creative thinking, as creative thinking, as COVID-19 provided by the
well as other higher- well as other higher- Participate actively District, Division
order thinking skills. order thinking skills. in the SLAC and other DepEd
sessions, INSET sponsored activities
Trainings, that are useful to
seminars/webinars present condition
provided by the
District, Division
and other DepEd
activities to apply a
range of teaching
strategies to
develop critical and
creative thinking,
as well as other
thinking skills.
Use strategies for Applied a range of To apply a range of Reading the RPMS Year-round *Learner’s
providing timely, successful strategies successful strategies - PPST Resource Information Sheet,
accurate and that maintain learning that maintain learning Package in time of Varied Materials to
constructive feedback to environments that environments that COVID-19 Suit Learners’
improve learner motivate learners to motivate learners to Participate actively Specific Needs
performance. work productively by work productively by in the SLAC *SLAC sessions,
assuming responsibility assuming sessions, INSET INSET Trainings,
for their own learning. responsibility for their Trainings, seminars/webinars
own learning. seminars/webinars provided by the
provided by the District, Division
District, Division and other DepEd
and other DepEd sponsored activities
sponsored that are useful to
activities to apply a present condition
range of successful
strategies that
maintain learning
environments that
motivate learners
to work
productively by
responsibility for
their own learning.
Adapted and Designed, adapted and To design, adapt and Reading the RPMS Year-round *SLAC sessions,
implemented learning implemented teaching implement teaching - PPST Resource INSET Trainings,
programs that ensure strategies that are strategies that are Package in time of seminars/webinars
relevance and responsive to learners responsive to learners COVID-19 provided by the
responsiveness to the with disabilities, with disabilities, Participate actively District, Division
needs of all learners. giftedness and talents. giftedness and talents. in the SLAC and other DepEd
sessions, INSET sponsored activities
Trainings, that are useful to
seminars/webinars present condition.
provided by the
District, Division
and other DepEd
activities to design,
adapt and
teaching strategies
that are responsive
to learners with
giftedness and
Adopted practices that Complied with and To comply with and Reading the RPMS - Year-round *Parent-Teacher
uphold the dignity of implemented school implement school PPST Resource Agreement Form,
teaching as a profession policies and procedures policies and Package in time of Self-Learning
by exhibiting qualities consistently to foster procedures COVID-19 Modules,etc.
such as caring attitude, harmonious consistently to foster Participate actively in *SLAC sessions,
respect and integrity. relationships with harmonious the SLAC sessions, INSET Trainings,
learners, parents, and relationships with INSET Trainings, seminars/webinars
other stakeholders. learners, parents, and seminars/webinars provided by the
other stakeholders. provided by the District, Division
District, Division and other DepEd
and other DepEd sponsored activities
sponsored activities that are useful to
to comply with and present condition
implement school
policies and
consistently to
foster harmonious
relationships with
learners, parents,
and other
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Maintains a professional Act with a sense of Propose and Year round SBM Manual/ tools
image: being urgency and implement projects PPST Priority
To craft and
trustworthy, regularity of responsibility to meet that are useful in Standards, RPMS,
attendance and the organization’s helping out colleagues DepEd issuances,
SLAC/trainings and
punctuality, good needs, improve system in preparing and school forms and
workshops on Team
grooming and and help others submitting school feedback forms
communication. improve their reports used in monitoring
effectiveness. and evaluation
Makes specific changes Propose and Year round SBM Manual/ tools;
Delivers error-free
in the system or in own implement projects PPST Priority
outputs most of the time
work methods to To collaborate with that are useful in Standards; RPMS;
by conforming to
improve performance. colleagues in helping out colleagues DepEd issuances
standard operating
Examples may include proposing and in improving and procedures;
procedures correctly and
doing something better, implementing projects performance school forms such
consistently. Able to
faster, at a lower cost, that are useful in as feedback forms
produce very satisfactory
more efficiently, or helping out colleagues used in monitoring
quality work in terms of
improving quality, in improving and evaluation
customer satisfaction, performance
and completeness with
morale, without setting
no supervision required.
any specific goal.
Drives consensus and Promotes collaboration To craft and Propose and Year round SBM Manual/ tools;
team ownership of and removes barrier to participate implement projects PPST Priority
decisions. teamwork and goal SLAC/trainings and that are useful in Standards; RPMS;
accomplishment across workshops on Team helping out colleagues DepEd issuances
in improving and procedures;
performance to foster school forms such
the organization. Building new ideas, processes as feedback forms
and suggests better used in monitoring
ways to do things and evaluation
Translates creative Examines the root Propose and Year round SBM Manual/ tools;
To craft and
thinking into tangible cause of problems and implement projects PPST Priority
changes and solutions suggests effective that are useful in Standards; RPMS;
SLAC/inset trainings
that improve the work solutions. Foster new helping out colleagues DepEd issuances
and workshops on
unit and organization. ideas, processes and in improving and procedures;
fostering new ideas,
suggests better ways to performance to foster school forms such
processes and
do things (cost and/or new ideas, processes as feedback forms
suggests better ways
operational efficiency). and suggests better used in monitoring
to do things
ways to do things and evaluation
This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and
Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.