Ipcrf-Development-Plan Meg

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Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
(Content Knowledge and

Positive use of Content knowledge and Apply knowledge of Facilitate the positive Year- round MELCs, Curriculum
Information and its application within content within and use of technology in guide
Communication on and across the across curriculum the teaching and
Technology in the delivery curriculum areas in the teaching areas learning process on
of learning and holistic implementation of the distance learning
development MELCs in the new modality
normal education.
(Diversity of Learners &
Assessment and

Learner’s holistic need, Learners in various Use differentiated, Develop a teaching Year- round Student’s school
gender, strength, learning situations and developmentally strategy that caters profile, data sheet,
weaknesses, interests difficult circumstances appropriate learning all the special needs scholastic records.
and experiences experiences to address of learners.
learner’s gender,
needs, strengths,
interests and
Learners hierarchy of Fair learning Establish safe and Always maintain a Year- round Meetings with
needs as a priority, like environment for learners secure learning conducive learning parents or
protection, safety and with diverse needs environment to environment that will guardians, Self-
security. learning with variety of uplift equality and learning modules,
needs and learning fairness in all worksheets,
capacities through our learning areas where agreement from
consistent respect, love and care between teacher and
implementation of are highly seen and parents, home
guidelines, policies and encouraged. visitation
(Curriculum and

Planning of the New normal planning Plan, manage and Adopt, select or Year- round Seminars, webinars
aims/objectives of the most especially in the implement develop on trend and learners record.
teaching and learning use of ICT in teaching developmentally the teaching methods to
process and learning. system of teaching and address various
learning process to learning goals
meet the required
standards of teaching
(add rows, if necessary)

B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)

Self Management Convert creative ideas Set and prioritize goals Conduct studies, Webinars, funds.
Result focus into something useful for the development of maybe research to
not just for self all the involve clientele. boost some learning Year- round
development, but for the needs of school most
whole academic especially now in the
institution. new normal
Innovation Be abreast with the Update curricular Attend webinars and Webinars, funds.
Teamwork trends and issues in the programs that will do some action
education sector benefit the learners research beneficial to Year- round
and the school, everyone.
especially now for the

(add rows, if necessary)

This new normal educational system has brought everyone with a 360 degree change of work shift because of work from home schedule and
also lesser days at school. Goals and plans for this school year has been twisted so all of the involve needs to adjust, so the objectives and
plan listed in this DP are carefully aligned to the needs of the teaching and learning process.



This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and
Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.

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