6.how To Improve Metacognition in Learmers Mental Health
6.how To Improve Metacognition in Learmers Mental Health
6.how To Improve Metacognition in Learmers Mental Health
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Imagine the following situation: You ask your class to find and review a journal article. One of
your learners, Morgan, begins the assignment the night before the assignment due date. She is
unsure where to search for primary literature. Once she finds an article, she underestimates the
review time. She spends several hours reviewing and finishes the assignment in the early
morning. When the instructor graded the assignment, she receives a poor grade because most
questions were not directly and concisely answered. Morgan is surprised by her grade because
she spent several hours working on the assignment, which was more than she thought would be
While many things could explain Morgan’s behavior, at the foundation Morgan may have
trouble with metacognition. She failed to plan. She did not know where to look for information.
She misjudged time. She did not check her work for accuracy. She was overconfident in her
predicted grade. All these elements point to poor metacognitive skills.
What is Metacognition?
We can define metacognition as the “thinking about thinking.” Because it refers to a person’s
“knowledge and cognition about cognitive phenomena.”1,2 This type of cognition regulates
thinking and learning and consists of three self-assessment skills: planning, monitoring, and
evaluating. In the case of Morgan, she failed to lay out a plan for her article review; during the
process, did not monitor whether she was accomplishing the goal; and once done, did not
evaluate her work for correctness.
Researchers have investigated three aspects of metacognition: metacognitive knowledge,
metacognitive monitoring, and metacognitive control.3 Metacognitive knowledge is the
information you consult when thinking about an idea; it includes the basic facts and concepts.
Metacognitive monitoring is the ability to assess cognitive activity whereas metacognitive
control is the ability to regulate cognitive activity. In the example above, Morgan may have
lacked the knowledge of where to look for an article or how to review an article (metacognitive
knowledge). She may have lacked the ability to assess whether she was answering the relevant
questions (metacognitive monitoring). She also may be deficient in the control of metacognition
by allowing insufficient time for this activity (metacognitive control).
Importance of Metacognition
Metacognition is important to every profession. There are many reasons why metacognition is
important in the health sciences, including from being a better learner to becoming a better
clinician. During the learning process, metacognition guides our learning strategies. If learners
know what they know and do not know, they can focus on acquiring the knowledge they are
lacking. Metacognitive skills also have a role in critical thinking and problem solving. If you
know what you know and do not know, your metacognitive skills help drive you to obtain the
missing information, which we refer to as self-directed or self-regulated learning. Finally, being
mindful or metacognitively aware can prevent medication errors in clinical settings because of
increases in awareness of our thought process leading to better critical thinking and monitoring
of actions. As an example, self-assessment errors routinely occur among physicians, nurses,
pharmacists and other health care providers.4
General Planning
Learners plan better and learn when their attention focuses on learning objectives established by
the instructor. The explicit discussion of the learning objectives starts the metacognitive process
by prioritizing the importance of thinking about the learning process over the content. To
activate prior knowledge, prompt the learners to think about what they already know that is
related to the content of that day and what relevant knowledge they lack.42 Next, lead the learners
to analyze the distinctions between contrasting information and focus more on these differences
rather than the similarity between concepts.43,44 Have learners assess the time it will take to
complete this activity and where they will find the resources for successful completion of the
task to help them think about the process of studying. Additional self-questions to promote
learner metacognition about learning can be found in Table 1.45
Table 1.
Sample Self-Questions to Promote Learner Metacognition About Learning45,66-68
General Monitoring
Learners benefit from monitoring their understanding (ie, metacognitive awareness) during
teaching activities.46-48 By checking learning behavior throughout the lecture or teaching activity,
learners are reminded of the importance of the learning process. Learners can accomplish this by
noting important concepts and writing down questions during the lecture or activity.45 Jotting
down questions can be facilitated by dividing content into 10-15 minute segments and offering
activities to refocus attention to the learning objectives and reflecting on their comprehension of
the material. The instructor can help learners learn strategies for retaining information such as
chunking, connecting, and elaborating and assist them in organizing the material in ways to
recognize patterns and associations. They may regulate the difficulty of the material by breaking
down the problem into simpler steps for learners to clearly see the thought process of problem-
solving.43 After some practice with simpler questions, incrementally increase the difficulty of the
problem. Another way to assist learners in monitoring their thought processes is to provide half-
done examples and have learners solve them then discuss possible conclusions. By monitoring
smaller pieces of an assignment, the instructor and learners are better able to identify and correct
errors in thinking. (Table 1).
General Evaluating
By evaluating metacognitive skills, learners become more aware of this process and its impact on
learning. Creating checklists, rating scales, and rubrics for distribution before the assignment can
help learners monitor and evaluate their thinking as they are working. Additionally,
administering a metacognitive questionnaire during an exam can help learners evaluate their
thinking during the exam and make corrections accordingly (Appendix 2 provides an
example).49 Reviewing this questionnaire after the exam along with individual results can also be
helpful to identify patterns of incorrect thinking or gaps in preparation and study time. Having
learners evaluate their learning is powerful and can lead to change for future learning (Table 1).
Reflection is simply the intentional and dynamic process that allows improvement in one’s
actions, abilities, and knowledge by learning from past experiences.53 To reflect, think back on an
experience and analyze the situation. By getting learners to reflect, they think about their actions,
abilities, and knowledge and assess improvement in these areas moving forward. Reflection
assignments following learning activities (whether in the classroom, simulation, or practice) can
help learners think about their thinking and develop plans to grow in these areas. Reflective
writing assignments can include responses to three questions: What worked well when preparing
for this exam/quiz/assignment? What did not work well when preparing for this
exam/quiz/assignment? What will I change before my next exam/quiz/assignment?45
Reflection using the “Muddiest Point” allows learners to identify confusion during a lecture or
learning activity.45 Have learners write down what part of the material remains confusing to
them. Then have the learners investigate the issue further to encourage exploration of knowledge
and self-directed learning. This quick exercise can have a high yield for metacognitive practice.
Another reflective method is self-explanation. When learners use self-explanation, they are
asking themselves to explain their process and what they can do next time. This technique has
been used to facilitate the transfer of learning and problem solving.54
To effectively ask questions, preceptors should do the following:59 diagnose the learners (ie, what
level are they at) and teach to that level; avoid asking questions for questions’ sake (for eg,
questions about trivia, historical facts, non-meaningful eponyms, and impossible, guess-what-
I’m-thinking questions); tell learners your goal in asking questions; emphasize important
learning points; and do not attempt to embarrass intentionally or humiliate the learners.
Metacognition refers to a person’s ability to regulate their thinking and learning and consists of
the self-assessment skills: planning, monitoring, and evaluating. These important skills reduce
self-assessment errors, such as hindsight bias, among health care providers. The new pharmacy,
medical, and nursing education accreditation standards emphasize metacognitive skills and the
related skills in critical thinking and self-directed learning. Studies reporting formal teaching of
these skills are often lacking which further emphasizes the need to teach health care learners
explicitly metacognitive skills during their training. Suggestions for teaching metacognitive
skills in the didactic setting include cognitive apprenticeships, exam reviews, modeling of
metacognitive skills, thinking out loud protocols, reflection assignments, self-explanation
methods, and judgment of understanding assignments. In the experiential setting, faculty
members can emphasize mastery goal setting, use questioning techniques that promote
metacognitive awareness coupled with feedback about learner efforts in this area, request clinical
documentation with an explanation, and scaffold learners during the rotation. Overall, using
these teaching strategies regardless of setting can raise learners’ self-awareness and help
metacognitive thinking to occur more automatically. Metacognition’s role in clinical decision
making is important as it is a means to address “what to learn,” “when to learn,” and “how to
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The authors thank Cindy Stowe and John Dunlosky for their input during manuscript
preparation, and Kayley Lyons, Shelby Hudson, and Tom Angelo for their help during the
editing process.
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