WHLP Grade 5 q2 w1 All Subjects
WHLP Grade 5 q2 w1 All Subjects
WHLP Grade 5 q2 w1 All Subjects
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!
1:00 - 3:00 English * Learning Task 1: (What I Need to Know) Have the parent
1. compose clear and Read What I Need To Know hand-in the
coherent sentences using * Learning Task 2: (What I Know) accomplished module
appropriate aspects of verbs Circle the words in the box that are verbs. Then, use those verbs to to the teacher in
(EN5 G-Ia-3.1); complete the sentences below.
a. identify aspects of verbs; * Learning Task 3: (What’s In)
and Rewrite the verbs in the correct column.
b. write sentences using * Learning Task 4: (What’s New)
appropriate aspects of Read and study.
verbs. * Learning Task 5: (What is It)
Read the there are four main aspects of the verb.
* Learning Task 6: (What’s More) school.
A. Rewrite the verbs in the correct column (Past/ Present/ Future)
B. Write if the verb tense is past perfect, present perfect or future perfect. The teacher can make
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned)
phone calls to her
Identify the verbs in each sentence below. Write whether it is present or
pupils to assist their
past tense. On the lines provided, re-write the sentence in future tense.
needs and monitor
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do)
Write a three to four-sentence paragraph using present perfect aspect their progress in
explaining why you want to help the children. answering the
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment) modules.
A. Complete the sentence with the correct tense of the verb.
B. Read the following sentences. Identify the aspect of the verb used in
the sentence. Write SPR for simple present, SPS for simple past, PRP
for present progressive, PSP for past perfect, PPF for present perfect,
and PPP for past perfect progressive.
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity)
Try and answer the following. Write the correct aspect of the verb for the
following sets of sentences.
9:30 - 11:30 MATH * Learning Task 1: (What I Need to Know) Have the parent
1) give the place value and Read What I Need To Know hand-in the
the value of a digit of a * Learning Task 2: (What I Know) accomplished module
given decimal number Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write down your answer on your to the teacher in
through ten thousandths
answer sheet. school.
(M5NS -IIa -101.2);
* Learning Task 3: (What’s In)
2) read and write decimal A. Write the fraction being presented by the blocks and grids. The teacher can make
B. Change the following fractions to decimal form.
numbers through ten C. Give the decimal places of the underlined digits phone calls to her
thousandths (M5NS -IIa - * Learning Task 4: (What’s New) pupils to assist their
102.2); and Read and study. needs and monitor
* Learning Task 5: (What is It) their progress in
3) round off decimal Study the Place Value Chart
numbers to the nearest answering the
hundredth and thousandth * Learning Task 6: (What’s More) modules.
place values (M5NS -IIa - A. Name the place value of the underlined digit.
103.2). B. Choose the number that represents the least value of 5.
C. Read and write each in words and standard form.
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned)
Read the important notes.
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do)
Form the number using the given data. Fill in with zero the remaining
place values that are left in between.
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment)
Choose the letter of the correct answer.
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity)
Write each of the digits under the column of their value position. By: GURO AKO
1:00 - 3:00 SCIENCE Identify and describe the * Learning Task 1: (What I Need to Know) Have the parent
parts of the Male Read What I Need To Know hand-in the
Reproductive System and * Learning Task 2: (What I Know) accomplished module
their functions (S5LTIIa-1)
A. Write the letter of the correct answer. to the teacher in
B. Write the letter of the correct answer to the following items. school.
C. Rearrange the jumbled letters, and write what reproductive organ
described in each item. The teacher can make
* Learning Task 3: (What’s In) phone calls to her
Rearrange the jumbled letters, and complete each of the following pupils to assist their
sentences. needs and monitor
* Learning Task 4: (What’s New) their progress in
Read and study. answering the
* Learning Task 5: (What is It) modules.
A. Put a check before the number of every correct Male Reproductive
B. As fast as you can, identify the Male Reproductive Organs by writing
them in the appropriate boxes.
C. On the line before the given, write E if it is an EXTERNAL ORGAN; I
D. Match the ORGAN with its FUNCTION by connecting them with a
line. Then write the letter of your answer before each number.
* Learning Task 6: (What’s More)
Study the illustration, write the Organ of the Male Reproductive System
in the appropriate box. Use an orange crayon to color the parts that can
get infected.
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned)
Complete the Science Ideas by writing the missing words.
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do)
Draw a happy face before the number that shows proper care of the
reproductive system; draw sad face before the item that does not. (
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment)
I. Identify the parts of the Male Reproductive System. Write the name of
each organ in the appropriate box.
II. Write the letter of the correct answer in your Science notebook.
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity)
A. Have fun while learning with this Crossword Puzzle.
B. Draw and write the parts of the Male Reproductive System.
C. Copy and complete the table below by writing the parts of the Male
Reproductive System that perform the given function/s.
9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s
parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.
Prepared by: (Teacher)
Principal -I