Assignment 2-: LINA02H3S
Assignment 2-: LINA02H3S
Assignment 2-: LINA02H3S
Instructions: Print out this assignment. STAPLE the pages together before you come to tutorial
to hand in your assignment. You can hand in a collective assignment; nevertheless the students
collaborating on an assignment have to be registered in the same tutorial and their number
cannot exceed 5 (five). Write your name(s) and the other required information at the end of the
assignment in the space provided. WE CANNOT GRADE ANONYMOUS ASSIGNMENTS.
Answer all of the questions in the space provided on these sheets. Do not attach additional pages.
If necessary, you may continue an answer on the back of the page. If you use pencil or liquid
paper on any portion of the assignment you will NOT be able to submit any portion of the
assignment for any type of re-grading. Late assignments are NOT accepted.
Question 1 (5 points)
A child’s first words show many errors in pronunciation some of which are in fact typical
phonological processes observed in adult language. Describe which phonological processes have
applied in the following words. Examine only processes affecting consonants, following the
example provided for you.
1 LINA02H3S – Assignment 2
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Due at the beginning of the Week 5 tutorial
Question 2 (5 points)
Each of the following sentences is from the speech of a child in the two-word stage. Identify the
semantic relation expressed by each of these utterances (as on p. 346 in the textbook).
2 LINA02H3S – Assignment 2
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