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DLP No. 1 Learning Area: English Grade Lavel: Three Quarter: 1st Duration: 50 mins.
Learning 1.Activate prior knowledge based on the stories to be read. Code: EN3LC-Ia-j-2
Competency/ies: 2. Draw and write sentences about one's drawing. EN3WC-Ia-j

Key Concepts/ Activating prior knowledge by listening to a story.

to be Developed
Knowledge Activate prior knowledge based on the stories to be read.
Skills Draw and write a sentence about the drawing.
Attitudes Admire the crow for thinking of a smart way to solve his problem.
Values Be kind to animals
2. Content/Topic Activate Prior Knowledge
Story: The Crow and the Pitcher
3. Learning Word cards, Teaching Chart on the Differences Between a Phrase and a Sentence, LM Activities 3,4,
Resources/Ma LM Activities 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach the lesson and indicate the no.of minutes each step will
A.Drill / Review Flash Card drill on the basic sight words
B.Motivation Show a picture of a crow. Use it to unlock the words crow and beak. .Say: This is a crow.. What can
you say about the crow? Can you point to its wings?Can you point to its beak?What do you do when
you feel thirsty?I will read a story about a thirsty crow.Find out what he did to drink water.
C.Presentation Read the story aloud.Stop at indicated points to ask the children what they think will happen next in
the story.
At the beginning of the story,
What did the thirsty crow do?
Where did he find water?
Could he drink right away?
Why not?
E.Application Refer the pupils to LM-Activity 2 page 3 for the Writing to Learn activity.
A. Generalization ( Guide the pupils in making the generalization. It’s the teacher’s art of questioning that the pupils may
arrive to a certain generalization of the topic.)

5. Assessment

Refer the pupils to LM-Activity 1, A. page2

6. Assignment (indicate whether it is Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the day’s lesson
and/or Preparation for a new lesson) ___________ minutes

Answer LM Activity 1, B page 2

7. Wrap –
up/Concluding Teacher may use a quote, a song or whatever for his/her concluding activity.
_______ minutes

Prepared by:


Position/Designation: Division: CEBU PROVINCE
Contact Number: Email address:


Table of Specification

No. of Item
OBJECTIVES Items Placement %

1. Differentiate sentences from phrases 5 1-5 33.3333%

2. Differentiate between real and make believe 5 6-10 33.3333%

3. Sequence 3-4 events using signal words 5 11-15 33.3333%

Total 15 100%
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________
Section: ______________________________________________ Teacher: ______________________________

Summative Test No. 1

I. Directions: Read each item carefully. Write S if it is a sentence and P if it is a phrase. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

________ 1. Mila has a new bag.

________ 2. out in the rain

------------ 3. I love your pink dress.

------------- 4. water in the pot

------------ 5. Pam has a lot of pots.

II. Directions: Read each sentence. Check the box if what it says can happen in real life and cross if it is a make-believe. Nos.
6 - 10

The mice play bingo.

The fox sings to the crow.

The dog has a collar.

Cat is an animal.

Dog is preparing his coffee.

III. Directions: Sequence the following events by writing number 1-5.

-------- 11. After that, everyone dipped to the water and played games.

_____ 12. Finally, we set a camp and listen to stories before going to sleep.

_____ 13. Then, father drove us to the beach while we sing happy songs.

______ 14. First, we attended the mass to thank God for another year of life.

______ 15. Next, we prepared the food on the table.

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