I. Objectives
I. Objectives
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
A. Reference
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages • Science and Technology II: Biology Textbook.
NISMED. 2012. Pp. 330-333.
• Science and Technology II: Biology Textbook.
NISMED. 2004. Pp. 330-333.
2. Learner’s Materials Pages • Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia, et
al. 2013. P. 224.
Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia C., et
al. 2013. Pp. 226-227.
• Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia C., et
al. 2013. p. 266.
3. Textbook Pages
Science and Technology I:Integrated Science
Textbook for First Year. Villamil, Aurora M.,
4. Additional Materials from Ed.D. 1998. P. 231. *
Learning Resource (LR)
Portal •https://www.greenfacts.org/en/biodiversity/l-
B. Other Learning Resources Android cellphone, images/pictures , videos
b. Checking of attendance
By the way class, is there anyone absent None ma’am.
That’s great! Give yourselves a virtual very good (students will do the virtual very good
clap. clap)
c. Reminders
Before we proceed to our lesson for today, I
have to remind you of our classroom rules.
First, if you want to participate or add
something related to our lesson you may turn
on your microphone. Next, If someone is
talking keep your microphone off, otherwise
respect and listen. If ever you don’t want to
listen, you are free to leave in our google meet.
So please take control of yourselves.
Am I understood? Yes Ma’am.
I hope so.
d. Motivation
Okay class I have here a picture. What can
you say about this picture?
Very good.
Anyone? Genetic diversity ma'am
Yes Lhee.
Okay very good Lhee.
Ecosystem diversity ma'am
6. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
Class give me last one example. Phylum(chordata)- fishes ma’am.
Yes Marina,
Very good Marina
Very good class
I’m So glad that you are listening to our
discussion. Now for better understanding
about biodiversity and the species here is a
guide video for you to watch.
2. Give me some species that you have
seen in the video. Anyone who wants to Deer, fishes, bird, bee, bacteria, plants,
answer. trees and chicken ma’am.
Yes Marina
Okay class for another recorded activity, Student 1: Plant more trees ma’am
please think a concrete solution on how to Student 2: Don’t waste excess resources
protect biodiversity. You may give your Student 3: Don’t hunt endangered
answer in chat box or you may turn on species ma’am
your mic if you wish. Student 4: Use renewable energy, so it
can lessen the emission of greenhouse
gases that can lead to climate change.
Student 5: Join in an organization that
focuses on environment.
10. Making Generalizations and Abstraction
about the Lesson
Yes Regie
Biodiversity is important to humans,
plants and animals. Biodiversity gives us
humans an Ecological life support—
which is provides functioning ecosystems
that supply oxygen, clean air and water,
pollination of plants, pest control,
wastewater and many ecosystem
Very good Regie services.
Okay class for our last recitation for today, Student 1: Ma’am giant panda in
give me examples of endangered, extinct endangered species, in extinct species
and endemic species. ma’am passenger pigeon, and Sangai
Deer for endemic species found in Loktak
A. No. Of Learners who earned 80% in the Out of 60 students, 48 students earned 80%
evaluation in evaluation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. Of Yes, 12 students caught up with the lesson.
Learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to 0
require remediation